» Job responsibilities of the Deputy Director for ur cit. Deputy director for teaching and educational work. Responsibilities during holidays

Job responsibilities of the Deputy Director for ur cit. Deputy director for teaching and educational work. Responsibilities during holidays

(click on any of the listed categories and you will find out the rights and obligations of each of them). But who have we forgotten about and still haven't told? Do you want to know what the head teacher and director of the school should do? Now let's do this.

If anyone did not know, then the school has head teacher (Deputy Director) for academic work (there may be more than one) and head teacher for educational work (although in this case the head teacher is the wrong word, since it contains the “Head of the Educational Department”, but in the old fashioned way we also call the deputy director for educational work that way). With them, we will begin our story about the administration of the school.

What does the head teacher do at school

The Deputy Director for Academic Affairs is a person no less important than the director. Sometimes even he becomes more important if the latter in his own way personal qualities inferior to his deputy.

“Buying toilets is not my calling”

As the head teacher at my school said: “I was always predicted to be the director, but I remain in the position of head teacher, because buying toilets is not my calling” .
What are the duties of a principal? And a lot. And this much also depends on his personal qualities. Let's start with responsibility, then - duties and rights.

1. Responsibility of the head teacher

As a rule, the head teacher is the first person to whom all the bumps from the parents fly. If you don’t like something at school, an emergency has occurred, etc. - everyone goes to him (yes, it's his job to answer all claims).
Let's answer the most common question: “Does the head teacher have the right to collect money from parents?” (I already wrote about this in when they demand money from you for parent meetings). Doesn't have. Therefore, he dumps this concern on the shoulders of teachers.
The teacher is not a financially responsible person, so he should not be punished for collecting money. But the representative of the school administration will be punished, so he demands that teachers humiliate themselves in front of their parents, begging for money for the next window.

Overheard at another school

I heard from a teacher who works at the gymnasium that their administration is very strict so that no money is ripped off from the parents. I don’t know for sure, the budget of the gymnasium is much higher than the budget of the regular one. secondary school or not, but the director or the head teacher is well done there. The teachers of this gymnasium and parents were lucky too.

manager educational part is responsible for all incidents that occur within the walls and near the school. I will not describe in detail about responsibility for safety, violations of labor regulations, etc. This is no longer so important for parents.

You need to know that any conflicts, claims, school problems must be dealt with by this person. This is his responsibility and in most cases he is interested in their favorable outcome for you and the school.

2. What duties and powers does the head teacher have

1. He chooses programs, textbooks, educational models, according to which the school studies (what subjects your children will additionally study, he also chooses).
2. Supervises the pedagogical activities of teachers, class teachers, psychologists, librarians and others teaching staff, helps them, etc.
3. Makes a schedule of classes.
4. Controls the educational process: checks journals, reports on control works ah, conducts cuts, attends lessons.
5. Accepts parents for any school issues holding conversations.
6. Tracks when it is necessary to send teachers for advanced training.
7. His concern is to equip the school classrooms with modern equipment, teaching aids.
8. Ensures that teachers complete the curriculum on time.
9. Ensures that students fulfill their duties as a learner.

3. Rights of the head teacher

There are few of them, but he:
1. Has the right to attend any teacher classes at his school.
2. Give obligatory orders to your subordinates.

As I have already said, there may be more than one head teacher for academic work in a school. In our school, one was engaged in " social activities(received parents, communicated with children who were lagging behind or with children with bad behavior, engaged in personnel selection, etc.), and the second one monitored correct design documents, filling out magazines, prepared meetings of the teachers' council, etc.

There is also the position of head teacher for educational work at school, which I call this:

Head teacher for entertainment work

He can also attend teachers' classes, but his activities are more focused on extracurricular activities for children: holidays, competitions, entertainment events (but they are all educational in nature).
This head teacher is not subordinate to teachers, but to class teachers. It is to him that they can turn for help in developing class hours, tea parties and other events.
At the end of each quarter, the class teacher submits a report to the head teacher on educational work, in which he writes: how many class hours were spent and on what topics, how many parents attended and what was his topic, what events the class participated in, whether he won prizes and so on.

Summing up the above, I will say that I very rarely found the head teacher for educational work at my school in my office. She was constantly at the teachers-organizers, at some event, at a meeting with some organizations, or somewhere else. In fact, this is the main school toastmaster, who does not have a minute of free time.

What does a school principal do?

We will devote the last part of our article to the main person in each school - the director.

What does he do:
1. Appoints and dismisses his deputies (for academic work, for educational work, for labor protection, etc.)
2. Employs teaching staff (although the head teacher can do this), monitors their activities.
3. May attend any lessons taught by school teachers.
4. Assigns bonuses and salary increases to school employees.
5. Approves curricula, schedules, schedules, teachers' teaching load and vacation schedules.
6. Organizes meals and medical care at the school.
7. Is engaged in the correct distribution of budgetary funds (for example, for the purchase of the same toilet bowls).
8. Manages the property of the school (may, for example, rent out a gym).
9. Must report accidents to higher authorities, parents of students.
10. Prohibits classes if there is a threat to the health of students (for example, introduces influenza at school).
11. Issues orders and obligatory orders to school employees.
12. Holds school employees or students accountable.

All complaints that parents submit to the school will go through the director, and he will be responsible for this.

For all the shortcomings and omissions that the audit may reveal, the director will also be held responsible. Any controversial and problematic issues that arise in parents, children, teachers also pass through the director. And this despite the fact that we have not yet mentioned life, the health of children, the implementation of programs, etc. The director is the face of the school and is responsible for everything.

Of course, the duties of the school administration described above cannot give you an idea of ​​what a huge responsibility lies on the shoulders of these people. After all, a lot depends on them - who will teach your children, in what conditions they will study, according to what programs and much more. In most cases, these people are very interested in making their school the best educational institution and they need your help. Somewhere material (yes, again your unloved), and somewhere just understanding and assistance.
The school is obliged to teach your children, but without you it will not be able to educate them. Take part in the education of children not the last part, then there will be nothing to complain about.

Thank you for your attention. I look forward to your feedback, comments and questions. If it's not difficult - tell your friends about this site - click on the social network buttons. Find out about the release of new articles in our VK and ODNOKLASSNIKA groups. Stay healthy, see you soon.

In MBOU "Secondary School No. 172" Deputy Director for Educational Work - Siryapova Albina Gennadievna. She has worked at the school since 2004. During her work, she has established herself as an experienced, competent, erudite administrator and teacher. The main functions and activities of the Deputy Director for Water Management are:

Creation of conditions for providing affordable quality education.

Organization of the development and implementation of the educational program of the school, control of conditions, processes and results educational activities.

Ensuring the educational work of the school.

Ensuring interaction with the district education department of the administration and other institutions and organizations within its competence.

Forecasting, planning and organizing the advanced training of school teachers, as well as providing them with assistance in the system of continuous education, and coordinating this work.

Job description Deputy Director for OIA is presented in Annex 5.

The technology and organization of the educational space of the school is characterized by a strictly defined sequence of methods, operations that allow obtaining a stable planned result with the least expenditure of effort, money, and time.

The work cycle of the deputy director for water resources management includes:

1. Systematic study of the professional needs of teachers: questioning of teachers; examination of questionnaires; analysis of results.

2. Planning and implementation of plans for the methodological service of the school:

Drawing up a diagnostic map of the school (identifying a group of difficulties that are typical for many teachers);

Determining the actual topics of teachers' councils and other school-wide events (M / O, etc.);

Planning certain forms of methodological work at school (consultations, workshops, solving situational pedagogical problems, summarizing advanced pedagogical experience, master class laboratories, competitions).

3. Summing up, repeating the diagnosis:

1) Determination of the final and intermediate results achieved in the work of each teacher, and on the basis of this, an assessment of the feasibility of planning methodological work.

2) Analysis of the effectiveness of the methodological service.

3) Analysis of the effectiveness of the educational process.

4) Comparative analysis diagnosing the professional needs of teachers for the past and current year.

5) Organizing and conducting an interview with a teacher. The result is the development of the teacher's work plan at a high content-methodological level (adjustments, recommendations during its joint discussion):

a) understand the forms, methods, teaching aids that can lead to predictable results based on introspection;

b) adjust the teacher's work plan in the course of cooperation between the deputy principal and the teacher.

6. Planning the work of the deputy director to identify the achieved results of training and education based on the practical implementation of the teacher's work plan. The goal is to determine the forms, methods of monitoring attendance at classes, the organization of a survey of students, self-analysis involving written works, cool magazine.

7. Research results pedagogical activity. The result is the adoption of managerial decisions.

8. Generalization of the results of the educational process (registration of certificates, reports, articles, materials of pedagogical experience).

Based on the functional duties and issues subject to control by the deputy. director for water resources management, a cyclogram of work is built - a set of activities that make up a complete circle of action.

Cycle diagram of the work of the Deputy Director for educational work in the main and high school shown in Annex 6.

A significant part of the work of the Deputy Director for OWRM is studying proccess and its organization, as well as interaction with the heads of the functional substructures of the school, with advanced training institutions, educational authorities, parents, teachers and students.

The main areas of activity of the deputy director for water resources management in the organization of the educational space of the school:

1. Work on the implementation of the law "On Education", the Concept of continuing education and implementation of regulations.

2. Work with teaching staff.

3. Methodical work.

4. The work of support services.

5. Organization of additional education.

6. Working with parents.

7. Extracurricular and educational work.

8. System intraschool control.

Planning the activities of the school's deputy director for water resources management includes:

1. All meetings, conferences, planning meetings are held with the same frequency at the same time.

2. Daily:

Work with the schedule (its adjustment);

Attendance and analysis of lessons, extra-curricular activities;

Participation in methodological work (individual and group consultations with teachers; participation in M ​​/ O, creative groups, meetings, etc.);

Maintaining a journal for replacing missed lessons;

Self-analysis of their activities and adjustment of the plan for the next day.


Analysis of the state of the educational process (visiting and analyzing lessons, conducting control sections, studying the personality of the teacher together with the psychologist and sociologist of the school);

Study of the activities of the teaching staff of the school (organization methodical teaching teachers on a diagnostic basis);

Organization of individual, group, collective forms of methodical work. Control and methodological assistance;

Formation of a bank of pedagogical data (identification of the system of work of a particular teacher);

Providing practical assistance to young professionals, teachers who need to organize self-education (indicate the goal, objectives, forms, list of recommendations);

Information and analytical activities (study of scientific, pedagogical and methodological literature, preparation of analytical materials based on the results of monitoring the state of education);

Reflection on the implementation of the plan for the week. Making a plan for the next week.

During the academic year, the Deputy Director for OWRM organizes and conducts his work in accordance with the work plan. Plan of organizational work of the deputy director for water resources management for 2013-2014 academic year shown in Appendix 7.

Thus, during the 2012-2013 academic year, 9 meetings were held with the Deputy Director for OWRM on the following topics: tasks for the new academic year, FGOSN, lesson planning, opinions and needs of students, changes in the field of education and modern educational technologies, improvement of pedagogical skills, good school, modern requirements to the lesson, organized intermediate and final certification students.

She made a presentation at 4 pedagogical councils. Attended teachers' lessons during the school year at the rate of one lesson per day. Conducted interviews with teachers primary school about the Federal State Educational Standards, special attention was paid to teachers of the first grades.

Contests were organized: “The best teacher mother tongue- 2012", "Teacher of the year of the city - 2012".

Organized and conducted school-wide inspections physical culture, life safety, fine arts, music (according to the long-term plan of the school-wide inspection). Conducted classes and conversations with students of 9th and 11th grades on preparation for the State Academic Examination and the Unified State Examination. Conducted a test of knowledge and skills in the 4th grade in order to prepare students for the transition to the 5th grade. Organized the work of teachers with successful and gifted children.

In addition, the deputy director for water resources management participated in the school, city and regional stages of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren.

Within two weeks, she took refresher courses at the DIPKKK

During the year, the control of the educational process at the school was carried out. During the academic year, monitoring of the level of students' learning, analysis and summing up the results of monitoring was carried out 3 times.




By order of the director of the BEI RA "RKL"

From "____" __________2012 No. ____



General provisions

1.1. This job description is developed on the basis of the Law Russian Federation dated July 10, 1992 No. 3266-1 "On Education", Model Regulations on educational institution approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 19, 2001 No. 196.

1.2. For the position deputy director for teaching and educational work, a person with a higher professional education in the areas of training "State and municipal administration", "Management", "Personnel management", work experience of at least 5 years in teaching or leadership positions, as well as having passed the appropriate certification.

1.3. The deputy director for teaching and educational work is appointed and dismissed by the director of the lyceum.For the period of vacation or temporary disability of the deputy director for educational work, his duties may be assigned to the deputy director for social and pedagogical activities or a teacher from among the most experienced teachers. Temporary performance of duties in these cases is carried out on the basis of the order of the director of the lyceum, issued in compliance with the requirements of labor legislation.

1.4 . The deputy director for teaching and educational work reports directly to the director of the lyceum.

1.5 . The deputy director for educational work is subordinate to: heads of departments, teachers, class teachers, dispatcher educational institution teacher-organizer of life safety, teacher-librarian, methodologist, laboratory assistant, tutor, teacher-psychologist.

1.6. In his activities, the Deputy Director for Educational Work is guided by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the laws of the Russian Federation, decrees of the President of the Russian Federation, resolutions and orders of the Government of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, the Constitution of the Republic of Altai, the Laws of the Republic of Altai, resolutions and orders of the Government of the Republic of Altai, regulations of the Ministry of Education, Science and Youth Policy of the Republic of Armenia, as well as the Charter and local acts of the Lyceum (including this job description), complies with the Convention on the Rights of the Child.

2. Functions

The main activities of the Deputy Director for Educational Work are:

2.1. Organization of the educational process in the lyceum, its management and control over the development of this process in accordance with the Charter of the lyceum, the legislation of the Russian Federation and the Altai Republic.

2.2. Methodological guidance of the teaching staff.

2.3. Ensuring compliance with safety standards and regulations in the educational process.

3. Job Responsibilities

The Deputy Director for Educational Work performs the following job responsibilities:

3.1. Coordinates the work of teachers and other pedagogical workers in the implementation of curricula, programs and calendar and thematic planning.

3.2. Organizes and coordinates the development of the necessary educational, methodological and other documentation.

3.3. Carries out control over the quality of the educational process and the objectivity of assessing the results of the educational activities of students;

3.4. Attends classes and other activities training sessions conducted by the teaching staff of the lyceum, analyzes their form and content, brings the results of the analysis to the attention of teachers.

3.5. Organizes the work on the preparation and conduct of examinations.

3.6. Organizes educational work for parents, receives parents (persons replacing them) on the organization of the educational process.

3.7. Controls the workload of students.

3.8. Ensures the timely preparation and submission of the established reporting documentation, controls the correct and timely maintenance of class journals and other documentation by teachers and class teachers.

3.9. Participates in the acquisition of classes (groups) and takes measures to preserve the contingent of students.

3. 10. Participates in the selection and placement of teaching staff, organizes the improvement of their qualifications and professional skills.

3. 11. Makes proposals for improving the educational process.

3.12. Takes part in the preparation and certification of teaching staff of the lyceum.

3.13. Takes measures to equip classrooms with modern equipment, visual aids and technical teaching aids, replenish the library of educational and methodological and fiction, magazines and newspapers.

3.14. Organizes work on compliance with the norms and rules of labor protection in the educational process.

3.15. Permits the educational process with students, pupils in the presence of classrooms equipped for these purposes that meet the rules and standards of life safety and are accepted for operation according to the act.

3.16. Monitors the state of medical care of students.

3.17. Organizes, with the participation of the Deputy Director for the administrative and economic part, timely and high-quality certification of classrooms.

3.18. Controls the timely conduct of safety briefings for students and pupils and its registration in the journal.

3.19. Coordinates the work of subordinate departments and departments.

3.20. Follows the rules on labor protection and fire safety.

4. Rights

The Deputy Director for educational work has the right, within his competence:

4.1. Be present at any classes held with students of the lyceum (without the right to enter the class after the start of classes without urgent need and make comments to the teacher during the lesson).

4.2. Give binding ordersheads of departments, teachers, class teachers, dispatcher of an educational institution, teacher-organizer of life safety, teacher-librarian, methodologist, laboratory assistant, tutor, teacher-psychologist.

4.3. Bring students to disciplinary responsibility for misconduct that disrupts the educational process, in the manner prescribed by the Charter of the Lyceum, internal labor regulations.

4.4. Make, if necessary, temporary changes to the class schedule, cancel classes, unite groups and classes for joint classes.

4.5. Suspend the educational process in rooms and classrooms if conditions are created that are dangerous to the health of students and employees.

4.6. Improve your skills.

5. Responsibility

5.1. For non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment without good reason of the Charter and the Rules of the internal labor regulations of the lyceum, legal orders and instructions of the director of the lyceum, local regulations, official duties established by this instruction, as well as the adoption of managerial decisions that entailed the disorganization of the educational process, the deputy director for educational work is responsible in the manner determined by the legislation of the Russian Federation. For gross violation of labor duties, dismissal may be applied as a disciplinary punishment.

5.2. For the use, including a single one, of methods of education related to physical and (or) mental violence against the personality of a student, the deputy director for educational work may be dismissed from his position in accordance with the labor legislation of the Russian Federation and the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education" .

5.3. For violation of the rules of fire safety, labor protection, sanitary and hygienic rules for organizing the educational process, the deputy director for educational work is involved in administrative responsibility in the manner and in the cases provided for by the administrative legislation of the Russian Federation.

5.4. For the culpable infliction of damage to a lyceum or participants in the educational process in connection with the performance (non-performance) of their official duties, the deputy director for educational work shall be liable in the manner and within the limits established by the labor and (or) civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

6. Relationships. Relations by position

Deputy director for teaching and educational work:

6.1. Works in irregular working hours, based on a 40-hour working week, unless otherwise provided by the employment contract.

6.2. Independently plans his work for each academic year and each academic quarter. Submits reports to the director of the lyceum in a timely manner.

6.3. Receives information of a regulatory, legal, organizational and methodological nature from the director of the lyceum, gets acquainted with the relevant documents against receipt.

6.4. Endorses the orders of the director on the organization of the educational process.

6.5. Systematically exchanges information on issues within its competence with deputy directors, teachers and other employees of the lyceum.

Municipal state educational institution Annex No.

"- order dated 29.08.2016

» U T V E R F D A Y

rayon oblast Principal of the school

JOB DESCRIPTION ______________ ()

29.08.2016 AGREED

With. Chairman of the trade union committee



for educational work (UVR)


1.1. The position of the Deputy Director of the school for water resources management belongs to the category of leaders.

This job description has been developed on the basis of the qualifications for the positions of "Deputy Head of an Educational Institution" and "Methodist", approved by order of the Ministry of Health and social development RF dated 26.08.10 No. 761n.

When compiling the instruction, the Approximate recommendations on the organization of the labor protection service in an educational institution of the system of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, as well as the Recommendations on formalizing labor relations with an employee of a state (municipal) institution when introducing an effective contract, approved by the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated April 26, 2013 No. 167 n, and professional standards.

1.2. The deputy director for water resources management is appointed and dismissed by order of the director of the educational institution.

1.3. For the period of temporary absence of the deputy director for educational work (courses, illness, vacation, etc.), his duties may be assigned to other deputy directors or teachers.

Temporary performance of duties in these cases is carried out on the basis of the order of the head of the educational institution.

1.4. The Deputy Director for OIA may be temporarily entrusted with the duties of the Director or other Deputy Directors for the period of their temporary absence (courses, illness, vacation, etc.).

Temporary performance of duties in these cases is carried out on the basis of the order of the head of the educational institution

1.5. The deputy director for water resources management reports ex officio directly to the director of the educational institution.

1.6. All teaching staff of an educational institution who take part in educational, educational and methodological work are subordinate to the Deputy Director for UWR.

1.7. The Deputy Director for OIA works in irregular working hours, taking into account the 36-hour working week (working at one rate).


2.1. Analyzes the state of educational and methodological work in an educational institution. Identifies positive and negative trends in their development based on diagnostics, internal control, statistical and reporting information and documentation.

2.2. Forms goals, objectives and priorities in educational and methodological work, participates in determining the goals, objectives, trends and priorities for the development of an educational institution, its structures and individual employees.

2.3. Organizes the current and long-term planning of the activities of the educational institution.

2.4. Predicts and plans educational and methodological work and advanced training of employees of an educational institution.

2.5. Develops educational and methodical and other documentation necessary for the activities of the educational institution.

2.6. Organizes the implementation of plans and programs of educational and methodological work. Forms the structure of educational and methodological work for each academic year. Creates the necessary conditions for the implementation of plans and programs. Keeps records of the implementation of programs, plans, applications, contracts in the part related to it.

2.7. Controls the workload of students. Draws up a schedule of training sessions and other types of educational and educational activities.

2.8 Monitors the quality of the educational process, the objectivity of assessing the results of the educational activities of students, the work of circles and electives, ensuring the level of training of students that meets the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard

2.9. Controls the organization of educational and methodological work in the educational institution, the activities of methodological structures (MO) and innovative sites, as well as the activities of the heads of structures and sites.

2.10. Organizes the work on the preparation and conduct of examinations.

2.11. Coordinates the interaction of the methodological service of the educational institution with authorities and administration, with the municipal methodological service, with the SAEI DPO IROST, etc. It studies and evaluates the effectiveness of educational and methodological work and advanced training.

2.12. Expertizes practical activities certified for the qualification categories of teachers of an educational institution. Controls the course of certification of teaching staff of educational institutions.

2.13. Takes measures to stimulate the participation of employees of educational institutions in educational and methodological work, in advanced training.

2.14 Constantly analyzes the qualitative composition of the employees of the educational institution, conducts a reconciliation of personnel, diagnoses the professional needs, difficulties and interests of the teaching and administrative staff of the educational institution. Predicts, plans, organizes and controls the timeliness of advanced training courses, retraining and distance learning of the OS staff.

2.15. Provides assistance to teachers of educational institutions in determining the content, forms, methods, technologies, techniques and means of training and education; in the choice of lines and educational and methodological complexes, in the development of working educational programs; in the development and design of educational and pedagogical documentation.

2.16. Ensures the use and improvement of methods for organizing the educational process and modern educational technologies.

2.17 Together with other heads of educational institutions and methodological associations, it identifies, analyzes, summarizes and disseminates the most effective experience of employees of educational institutions, methodological structures, and innovative platforms. Maintains a bank of valuable experience of the OU.

2.18 Ensures the development and strengthening of the material base of the methodological office of the educational institution, its equipment with legislative and regulatory legal acts and documents, standards and programs, methodical literature, periodicals, reference and encyclopedic literature, samples of educational and pedagogical documentation, plans and local acts of the educational institution.

2.19. Prepares and conducts mass methodological events in educational institutions: conferences, pedagogical readings, professional competitions, creative reports. Organizes the participation of employees of the educational institution in various innovative and methodological events at the municipal and regional levels.

2.20. Forms and organizes the work of the Innovation Bank of an educational institution. Organizes and oversees the activities of innovative sites of the educational institution, monitors innovative sites of the municipal, regional and federal levels, operating on the basis of the educational institution. Provides educational and methodological assistance in the activities of innovative sites in educational institutions. Keeps records of all innovative activities in the educational institution.

2.21. Provides individual and group counseling to the employees of the educational institution. Supervises work with young, inexperienced and novice teachers and heads of educational institutions. Uses various forms of individual methodological work: mentoring, audit, mutual visits, internships, personal creative report, controls self-education.

2.23. Develops and publishes teaching aids, booklets, recommendations, diagnostic and sociological materials, etc., stimulates teachers and heads of educational institutions for this activity.

2.24. Participates in the activities of pedagogical, methodological, innovative and other councils of an educational institution, attends, analyzes and evaluates meetings of the methodological structures of the educational institution.

2.25. Supervises the activities of the following methodological structures of the educational institution: (methodical associations, creative groups, innovative platforms)

2.26 Participates in the billing of teaching staff of the educational institution, in establishing additional payments and allowances for them, for participation in educational and educational and methodological activity, in their bonuses, including for high performance in educational, methodological and innovative activities.

2.27. Complies with the Charter of the educational institution, the Internal Labor Regulations, the job description, the employment contract, orders and orders of the management, regulations and instructions, labor discipline, labor protection requirements.

2.28 Regularly improves his skills, engages in self-education.

2.29 Carefully treats the property of the OS, the property of the employees of the OS.



3.1. A vacation period that does not coincide with a vacation is working time.

3.2. During this period, the deputy director for water resources management carries out educational, educational and innovative methodological work within the normalized part of the working time.

3.3. During this period, it is possible to increase the number of ongoing organizational and methodological activities with the teaching staff of the educational institution.

3.4. The remuneration of the work of the deputy director for water resources management during these periods is based on the salary established during the billing.


4.1. Deputy Director for OIA has right:

To provide him with a job stipulated by an employment contract;

To a workplace that meets all labor safety conditions;

Within its competence and in the manner determined by the Charter of the educational institution, give orders and instructions to the employees of the educational institution, including written ones, and demand their execution;

Submit proposals for improving the activities of the educational institution for consideration by the director;

Receive from the employees of the educational institution the information necessary for the conduct of its activities;

Sign documents within their competence;

Require the director of the educational institution to assist in the performance of their duties;

Represent and defend the interests of their MA in relations with other organizations on issues within the competence of the Deputy Director for OIA;

Protect your professional honor and dignity;

Raise your professional qualification;

Submit to the director of the OS their proposals for the appointment, transfer, dismissal, promotion and punishment of employees of the OS;

To carry out cooperation, interaction of employees of an educational institution.

4.2. The Deputy Director for OIA is responsible a responsibility:

For failure to perform or improper performance of their official duties - in accordance with applicable law;

For offenses committed during the period of its activities - in accordance with the current civil, administrative and criminal legislation;

For causing material damage - in accordance with applicable law;

For gross violation of labor duties, dismissal may be applied as a disciplinary punishment.


Priority directions for the development of the educational system of the Russian Federation;

Laws and other regulatory legal acts regulating educational, managerial, methodological and innovative activities;

Achievements of modern psychological and pedagogical science and practice;

Methods for the formation of components of competence (professional, communicative, informational, legal);

Modern pedagogical technologies productive and differentiated learning, the implementation of a competency-based approach, developmental learning;

Theory and practice of organizing educational, educational, methodological and innovative activities;

Theory and practice of educational, educational, methodological and innovative diagnostics of professional interests and difficulties of pedagogical and executive workers;

Principles and procedure for the development of educational and program documentation, including curricula and educational programs, as well as methodological documentation;

Methods and techniques for identifying, summarizing and disseminating effective forms and methods of pedagogical and managerial work;

Principles of organization and content of the activities of methodological associations and innovative platforms;

Principles and techniques for systematizing innovative methodological information materials;

Basics of working with text editors, spreadsheets, email and browsers, multimedia equipment;

Fundamentals of management, theory and methods of management educational systems, personnel management, motivation and stimulation of personnel, basics of project management;

Labor, administrative, civil, family, procedural and educational law;

Local acts regulating OS life activity;

Rules of labor protection and safety, fire safety, sanitary norms and rules;

Fundamentals of sociology and economics of education.


6.1. Professional Competence - the quality of the manager's actions, providing timely and optimal solutions to managerial problems and typical professional tasks; vision of problems and their overcoming; finding non-standard solutions to problems; flexibility and willingness to accept ongoing changes, the ability to initiate and manage them; possession modern technologies management of the quality of education, the team; possession design technologies; the ability to see, develop the capabilities and resources of employees.

6.2. Communicative competence - the quality of the manager's actions that ensure effective interaction with various organizations, authorities and management, their representatives; possession of business correspondence; ability to negotiate, perform representative functions, communicate with colleagues at work; ability to resolve stress and conflict situations, stimulating the partner to clarify his positions, proposals; mastery of skills oratory, active listening (the ability to hear and understand a partner), argumentation and persuasion, motivation of subordinates.

6.3. Information Competence - the quality of the manager's actions that ensure the effective perception and evaluation of information, the selection and synthesis of information in accordance with the system of priorities; usage information technologies in management activities, work with various information sources and resources that allow designing a solution to managerial, pedagogical problems and practical tasks, maintaining school documentation on electronic media.

6.4. Legal Competence - the quality of the actions of the leader, providing effective use in the management activities of legislative and other regulatory legal documents of the authorities; development of local regulatory legal acts; making managerial decisions within the framework of the existing legal framework.


Higher professional education in the areas of training: “State and municipal administration”, “Management”, “Personnel management” and at least 5 years of experience in teaching or leadership positions; or higher professional education and additional professional education in the field of state and municipal government, management and economics and at least 5 years of experience in teaching or leadership positions.


The remuneration of the deputy director for water resources management is made on the basis of the Regulations on remuneration and bonuses for employees.


BLOCK #1. General legislative and regulatory framework

01-01 Nomenclature of cases for the position of Deputy Director for OIA

01-02 Constitution of the Russian Federation

01-03 RF Law "On Education"

01-04 International legal acts.

01-05 Labor Code of the Russian Federation

01-06 Family Code of the Russian Federation

01-07 Administrative Code of the Russian Federation

01-08 Civil Code of the Russian Federation

01-09 Decrees of the President and Decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of education

01-10 Normative documents of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

01-11 Legislative and regulatory documents of the regional Duma and the Government of the region

01-12 Normative documents of the Department of Education and Science of the Kurgan Region.

01-13 Instructional and methodological documents of the State Autonomous Educational Institution DPOIROST of the Kurgan region.

01-14 Regulatory documents of the municipal education authority

01-15 Organizational and methodological materials of the municipal methodological service

01-16 Qualification characteristics of the positions of education workers

01-17 Labor protection rules, Fire safety rules, Sanitary rules and norms

01-18 The procedure for attestation of teaching staff of educational institutions

01-19 Typical (exemplary) states of educational institutions

01-20 State educational professional standards, etc.

BLOCK No. 2. Local acts of an educational institution

02-01 Charter of the educational institution

02-02 Collective agreement

02-03 Agreement with the Founder

02-04 Rules of the internal labor schedule of employees of the educational institution

02-05 Regulations on the remuneration of employees of the educational institution

02-06 Job descriptions of OS employees

02-07 Occupational health and safety briefing logs

02-08 Perspective program for the development of the educational institution for 5 years

02-09 Targeted programs for the development of educational institutions

02-10 Annual work plan of the educational institution

02-11 Operating plans of the OS (quarter, month, week)

02-12 Preparation plans and scenarios for conducting mass methodological events

02-13 Staffing table of OS

02-14 Estimated costs of OS for fiscal year. Calculations for the estimate

02-15 Regulations on the internal system for assessing the quality of education and control in educational institutions

02-16 Regulations on the Council of the educational institution.

02-17 Regulations on the parent Council of the educational institution

02-18 Documents of the educational institution for certification of personnel

02-19 Working educational programs of educational institutions

02-20 License

02-21 Certificate of accreditation of educational institution

02-22 Instructions for office work in OS.

BLOCK No. 3. Documentation on the organization of innovative and methodological work in the educational institution

03-01 Regulations on the pedagogical council of the educational institution

03-02 Regulations on the innovation and methodological council of the educational institution

03-03 Regulations on the methodological association of educational institutions

03-04 Regulations on the innovation site of the educational institution

03-05 Regulations on methodological diagnostics of OS workers

03-06 Regulations on the methodological office of the educational institution

03-07 Regulations on the OS library

03-08 Order on the structure of methodological work for the academic year

03-09 Order on the results of methodological work for the academic year

03-10 Documents on mentorship and internship (plans, orders, schedules, reports, etc.)

03-11 Good practice documentation

03-12 Documentation of methodological associations (plans, protocols, etc.)

03-13 Materials on the work of the pedagogical council of the educational institution

03-14 Materials on the work of the innovation and methodological council of the educational institution

03-15 Documents and materials on mass methodological events

03-16 Documents on innovative work (plans, programs, orders, reports, etc.)

03-17 Documents on advanced training, retraining and distance learning

03-18 Folder with plans for self-education of OS employees

03-19 Annual work plan of SAEI DPO IROST of the Kurgan region

03-20 Annual work plan of the municipal methodological service

03-21 Notebook of mutual attendance of lessons by teachers of educational institutions

03-22 Notebook of mutual attendance of educational events and classes

03-23 ​​Album with samples of educational and pedagogical documentation for teachers of educational institutions

03-24 Table of accounting for filling the Bank with innovations OU, etc.

BLOCK No. 4. Documentation on the organization of educational work.

1.Organizational documents .
04-01 Job description of the deputy director for educational work.
04-02 Planning of educational work and intra-school control for the entire academic year.
04-03 Cyclogram of methodical work for a year.
04-04 Analysis of academic work for the previous academic year
04-05 The curriculum of the school for the year.
04-06 Lesson schedule
04-07 Schedule of extracurricular activities and planning.
04-08 Schedule of individual lessons and planning.
04-09 Office schedule, media office schedule
04-10 Schedule of administrative conferences.
04-11 Schedule of current conferences.
04-12 Schedule open lessons and events by subject, indicating the class, teacher, topic and composition of the visit and mutual visit.
04-13 Extracurricular work by subject.
04-14 Plan of methodological weeks.
04-15 Week schedule for the year.
04-16 Teacher workload for the academic year
04-17 Materials on the organization of individual education of sick children at home
04-18 Materials on the organization of inclusive education for children.

04-19 Educational program.

2. Regulatory documents, reporting documents:
04-20 Orders, instructions, directives of the director regulating the activities of the methodological service.
04-21 Reporting materials.
04-22 Incoming documentation (Orders, letters, orders, recommendations from higher authorities, regulations on competitions)

04-23 Outgoing documentation (Orders, letters, orders, reports)

04-24 Journal of missed and replaced lessons
04-25 Time sheet

04-26 Journals of elective and special courses, counseling classes, individual education of sick children at home
04-27 Notebooks deputies directors:
o Meetings with Deputy director;
o Individual work with teachers;
o Working with parents;
o Working with students;
04-28 Diagnostic materials.
04-29 Quality control work system (by grade, by subject, by teacher, etc.)
04-30 Work of administration with young specialists, planning and implementation in all forms and variants.
04-31 Analytical activity in certain areas and aspects of activity.

04-32 Tracking system and analysis of the reasons for missing lessons by students, organization of activities to prevent missing lessons.
04-33 Thematic folders ("Modern lesson", "Modern educational programs").

3. Diagnostic and analytical documents
04-34 List of teaching staff.
04-35 Results learning activities schools by years, quarters, test results.
04-36 Protocols for attending lessons and extracurricular activities
04-37 Analytical reports on the results of intra-school control

04-38 Materials of diagnostic studies

4. Study work
04-39 Materials for the final assessment of students
04-40 Regulations on the final assessment of students.
04-41 Materials on the implementation of the program for the preparation and conduct of the Unified State Examination of the Ministry, Department, Regional Public Organization, schedules, orders
04-42 The program for preparing and conducting the exam at school.
04-43Orders of the director of the school for the final assessment for students in grades 9 and 11.
04-44 Database of 11th grade students for the USE
04-45 List of students in grade 9 with a list of selected exams
04-46 The results of trial exams in the form of the Unified State Examination of 11th grade students.
04-47 Schedule of the final assessment in the 11th and 9th grades.
04-48 List of issuance of certificates based on the results of the exam
04-49Analytical materials USE results


Z A M. D I R E C T O R A P O U V R

10.1. Weekly activity schedule

MONDAY - meetings with the director, with the head teacher.

Meetings of the pedagogical council of the educational institution

Meetings of the Council of the OU

TUESDAY - attending lessons with teachers in order of observation

- meetings deputy directors for water resources management, VR in MOUA.

WEDNESDAY - visiting classes of circles, sections, clubs, associations

Work with the heads of the methodological structures of the educational institution

THURSDAY - holding meetings of the Methodological Council of the OS

Holding meetings of MO, creative groups.

FRIDAY - visiting educational activities in the classrooms

Working with leaders of innovation sites

SATURDAY - work with documentation on educational, innovative and methodological activities.

10.2. Annual cyclogram of the activities of the Deputy Director for Water Management



Participation in the August district pedagogical conference

Refine lists of students by class.

Refinement and compilation of lists of subject teachers who underwent advanced training

Review of the readiness of classrooms by the beginning of the year.

Preparation for the pedagogical council.

Discussion of the plan for the Day of Knowledge.

Analysis of the work of the school the past academic year, planning for the upcoming academic year on the pedagogical council.

Diagnosis of professional difficulties and interests of teachers of educational institutions.

Clarification of the weekly workload of subject teachers and part-time teachers.

Scheduling lessons for the 1st semester.

Order on the structure of methodological and innovative work in the new academic year.

Interviews with teachers on work programs and thematic planning.


Drawing up an internal control schedule for the first quarter

Orders and schedules for personnel certification

Consultations for young professionals on the design and maintenance of class journals.

Acquaintance with changes in the curriculum, advice on design and journaling.

Checking for availability of textbooks.

Drawing up a mode of GPA robots. Working hours of GPA educators.

Checking the work plans of the m / o.

Refinement of class schedules.

Preparation of school documentation.

Analysis and approval of work programs at the innovation and methodological council.

Drawing up a schedule of dictations, tests (thematic) for the 1st half of the year.

Preparing and posting class schedules for students. (second half of the school day)

Issuance and registration of journals of optional classes and circle work.

Drawing up a schedule for checking journals, diaries, notebooks.

Control of the correctness of the design of class magazines.

Checking the registration of personal files of students.

Making replacement lessons for temporarily absent teachers and maintaining a register of missed and replaced lessons.

Attendance control.

Visiting lessons.

Carrying out control cuts (input control)

Monitoring the implementation of the mode of operation in the GPA

Monitoring the implementation of curricula (attending classes, checking journals, diaries, notebooks, conversations with subject teachers).

Checking the correctness of the design of GPA journals, circle work.

Head teacher meetings.

Working with a file of pedagogical workers

Checking the availability of self-education programs for teachers, educators of the GPA, GKP of children.


Meeting of the pedagogical council.

District incoming control of students in grades 2-4

Preliminary results of progress for the 1st quarter.

Analysis of control sections, comparative analysis.

Order on the end of the 1st quarter.

Visiting lessons.

Registration of monitoring studies

Consultations for qualified teachers.

Control over attendance of advanced training courses by teachers.

Control over the work of m / o.

Approval of tests for the 1st quarter.

Program control.

Checking journals (objectivity of grading for a quarter, correctness of journals).

Meetings m / o.

Preparation of reports at the request of the MA.

Meetings with the director.

Attendance control.

Control over the preparation and conduct of school Olympiads.


Acceptance of reports from teachers and class teachers for the 1st quarter.

MS meeting.

1st quarter report.

All-school parent conference.

Individual work with students (viewing notebooks, conversations with students, teachers).

Attending lessons (classically - generalizing control).

Control over the work of m / o.

Head teacher meetings.

Control over the conduct of subject weeks.

Organization of a subscription to periodicals for the 1st half of the year.

Drawing up a plan - a schedule of internal control for the second quarter.


Supervision of work with underachieving and motivated students.

Order on the completion of the 2nd quarter, 1st half of the year.

Attending lessons, cool - generalizing control.

Individual work with students (viewing notebooks, diaries, conversations with teachers and students).

Reception of parents on educational and educational activities.

Preparation and conduct of the methodological decade

Control over the filling of the Bank of innovations of the educational institution

Acceptance of reports from teachers and class teachers for the 2nd quarter.

Control of the passage of the program material.

Checking magazines (objectivity of grading for a quarter, correct design of magazines), diaries, notebooks.

Control (intermediate) sections for the 1st half of the year.

Preparation of information and analytical documents.

Meeting at the head teacher.

Attendance control.

Preparation of award material for OU teachers.

Control over the preparation for regional Olympiads


Listening to social reports teachers, a teacher-psychologist about the work done for the 1st half of the year.

Report for the 2nd quarter on the passage of the program.

Interview on thematic planning for the 2nd half of the year.

Drawing up a schedule of dictations, tests (thematic) for the 3rd quarter.

Visiting lessons.

Checking logs.

Drawing up a plan - a schedule of internal control for the third quarter.


Control over work with underachieving, repeaters, gifted and motivated students, medalists.

Meeting with the director.

Conducting competitions of professional skills of teachers in educational institutions

Registration of applications by students for the choice of subjects of the GIA


Preparation for exams: familiarization with the Regulations on the final certification of graduates of grades 9, 11 of students and their parents (meetings), compiling lists of students for elective exams.

End of 3rd quarter notice.

Drawing up a schedule of internal control for the fourth quarter.

Reception of reports of teachers and class teachers for the 3rd quarter.

Report for the 3rd quarter.

Pedagogical Council.

Drawing up a schedule of dictations, control, laboratory work etc. (thematic) for the 4th quarter.

Administrative control sections for the 3rd quarter.

Preparation of information and analytical documents.

Preparation of reports at the request of the MA.

Completing the list of future first graders


Preparation for intermediate certification: familiarization with the Regulations on the final certification in the transfer classes of students and their parents (meetings), compiling lists of students for exams.

Visiting lessons.

Reception of parents on educational and educational activities.

Stands "Prepare for exams" (by class and general).

Start planning methodological work for the new academic year

Innovative - methodological advice.

Attendance at HSC.

Acceptance of reports from teachers and class teachers (5th - 8th, 10th grades) for the 4th quarter and year.

Final parent meetings.

Control over the final certification in the transfer classes of students in grades 2-8, 10.

Acceptance of reports on the results of the final certification in transfer classes from teachers and class teachers.

Interviews with teachers and class teachers to check the readiness for the final certification of students in grades 9, 11.

Meeting m / o "Implementation curriculum, educational and methodological support of the standard of education. Analysis of work for the year. Tasks and work planning for the new account. year".

Checking logs.

Planning for the next academic year.

Preparation of information and analytical documents.

Preparation of reports at the request of the MA.

Meeting at the head teacher.

Analysis of the work done on self-education over the past year


Summing up the results of filling the Bank with innovations of the OU.

Conducting exams.

Control over the execution of documents (certificates, certificates, etc.).

Acceptance of reports on the results of the final certification.

Preparation of reports at the request of the MA.

Summing up the results of personnel certification for the academic year

Order on the results of educational and innovative methodical work for the academic year.

11. C R I T E R I I, P O A Z A T E L I


11.1 Norms of internal control deputy. director for water resources management (for 1 position for 1 week)

one/. Conducting control lessons 2

2/. Attendance at classes (lessons) in the order of observation 2

3/. Attendance at educational and regime events and classes 0.5

four/. Visiting pedagogical events 1

5/. Attendance at community and parenting events 1

6/. Educational and pedagogical documentation 2

7/. Examination of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard, curricula and work 0.5

educational programs.

8/ Examination of the conditions necessary for teaching and educational

and methodological activities 0.5

9/ Control over the performance discipline of teaching staff of the educational institution 0.5

Municipal state educational institution Annex No.

"- order dated 29.08.2016

» U T V E R F D A Y

rayon oblast Principal of the school

JOB DESCRIPTION ______________ ()

29.08.2016 AGREED

With. Chairman of the trade union committee



for educational work (UVR)


1.1. The position of the Deputy Director of the school for water resources management belongs to the category of leaders.

This job description has been developed on the basis of the qualification characteristics for the positions of "Deputy Head of an Educational Institution" and "Methodist", approved by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated August 26, 2010 No. 761n.

When compiling the instruction, the Approximate recommendations on the organization of the labor protection service in an educational institution of the system of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, as well as the Recommendations on formalizing labor relations with an employee of a state (municipal) institution when introducing an effective contract, approved by the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated April 26, 2013 No. 167 n, and professional standards.

1.2. The deputy director for water resources management is appointed and dismissed by order of the director of the educational institution.

1.3. For the period of temporary absence of the deputy director for educational work (courses, illness, vacation, etc.), his duties may be assigned to other deputy directors or teachers.

Temporary performance of duties in these cases is carried out on the basis of the order of the head of the educational institution.

1.4. The Deputy Director for OIA may be temporarily entrusted with the duties of the Director or other Deputy Directors for the period of their temporary absence (courses, illness, vacation, etc.).

Temporary performance of duties in these cases is carried out on the basis of the order of the head of the educational institution

1.5. The deputy director for water resources management reports ex officio directly to the director of the educational institution.

1.6. All teaching staff of an educational institution who take part in educational, educational and methodological work are subordinate to the Deputy Director for UWR.

1.7. The Deputy Director for OIA works in irregular working hours, taking into account the 36-hour working week (working at one rate).


2.1. Analyzes the state of educational and methodological work in an educational institution. Identifies positive and negative trends in their development based on diagnostics, internal control, statistical and reporting information and documentation.

2.2. Forms goals, objectives and priorities in educational and methodological work, participates in determining the goals, objectives, trends and priorities for the development of an educational institution, its structures and individual employees.

2.3. Organizes the current and long-term planning of the activities of the educational institution.

2.4. Predicts and plans educational and methodological work and advanced training of employees of an educational institution.

2.5. Develops educational, methodological and other documentation necessary for the activities of an educational institution.

2.6. Organizes the implementation of plans and programs of educational and methodological work. Forms the structure of educational and methodological work for each academic year. Creates the necessary conditions for the implementation of plans and programs. Keeps records of the implementation of programs, plans, applications, contracts in the part related to it.

2.7. Controls the workload of students. Draws up a schedule of training sessions and other types of educational and educational activities.

2.8 Monitors the quality of the educational process, the objectivity of assessing the results of the educational activities of students, the work of circles and electives, ensuring the level of training of students that meets the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard

2.9. Controls the organization of educational and methodological work in the educational institution, the activities of methodological structures (MO) and innovative sites, as well as the activities of the heads of structures and sites.

2.10. Organizes the work on the preparation and conduct of examinations.

2.11. Coordinates the interaction of the methodological service of the educational institution with authorities and administration, with the municipal methodological service, with the SAEI DPO IROST, etc. It studies and evaluates the effectiveness of educational and methodological work and advanced training.

2.12. Expertizes the practical activities of teachers of an educational institution certified for qualification categories. Controls the course of certification of teaching staff of educational institutions.

2.13. Takes measures to stimulate the participation of employees of educational institutions in educational and methodological work, in advanced training.

2.14 Constantly analyzes the qualitative composition of the employees of the educational institution, conducts a reconciliation of personnel, diagnoses the professional needs, difficulties and interests of the teaching and administrative staff of the educational institution. Predicts, plans, organizes and controls the timeliness of advanced training courses, retraining and distance learning of the OS staff.

2.15. Provides assistance to teachers of educational institutions in determining the content, forms, methods, technologies, techniques and means of training and education; in the choice of lines and educational and methodological complexes, in the development of working educational programs; in the development and design of educational and pedagogical documentation.

2.16. Ensures the use and improvement of methods for organizing the educational process and modern educational technologies.

2.17 Together with other heads of educational institutions and methodological associations, it identifies, analyzes, summarizes and disseminates the most effective experience of employees of educational institutions, methodological structures, and innovative platforms. Maintains a bank of valuable experience of the OU.

2.18 Ensures the development and strengthening of the material base of the methodological office of the educational institution, its equipment with legislative and regulatory legal acts and documents, standards and programs, methodological literature, periodicals, reference and encyclopedic literature, samples of educational and pedagogical documentation, plans and local acts of the educational institution.

2.19. Prepares and conducts mass methodological events in educational institutions: conferences, pedagogical readings, professional competitions, creative reports. Organizes the participation of employees of the educational institution in various innovative and methodological events at the municipal and regional levels.

2.20. Forms and organizes the work of the Innovation Bank of an educational institution. Organizes and oversees the activities of innovative sites of the educational institution, monitors innovative sites of the municipal, regional and federal levels, operating on the basis of the educational institution. Provides educational and methodological assistance in the activities of innovative sites in educational institutions. Keeps records of all innovative activities in the educational institution.

2.21. Provides individual and group counseling to the employees of the educational institution. Supervises work with young, inexperienced and novice teachers and heads of educational institutions. Uses various forms of individual methodological work: mentoring, audit, mutual visits, internships, personal creative report, controls self-education.

2.23. Develops and publishes methodological manuals, booklets, recommendations, diagnostic and sociological materials, etc., stimulates teachers and heads of educational institutions for this activity.

2.24. Participates in the activities of pedagogical, methodological, innovative and other councils of an educational institution, attends, analyzes and evaluates meetings of the methodological structures of the educational institution.

2.25. Supervises the activities of the following methodological structures of the educational institution: (methodical associations, creative groups, innovative platforms)

2.26 Participates in the billing of teaching staff of the educational institution, in establishing additional payments and allowances for them, for participation in educational and educational and methodological activities, in their bonuses, including for high performance in educational, educational, methodological and innovative activities.

2.27. Complies with the Charter of the educational institution, internal labor regulations, job description, employment contract, orders and orders of management, regulations and instructions, labor discipline, labor protection requirements.

2.28 Regularly improves his skills, engages in self-education.

2.29 Carefully treats the property of the OS, the property of the employees of the OS.



3.1. A vacation period that does not coincide with a vacation is working time.

3.2. During this period, the deputy director for water resources management carries out educational, educational and innovative methodological work within the normalized part of the working time.

3.3. During this period, it is possible to increase the number of ongoing organizational and methodological activities with the teaching staff of the educational institution.

3.4. The remuneration of the work of the deputy director for water resources management during these periods is based on the salary established during the billing.


4.1. Deputy Director for OIA has right:

To provide him with a job stipulated by an employment contract;

To a workplace that meets all labor safety conditions;

Within its competence and in the manner determined by the Charter of the educational institution, give orders and instructions to the employees of the educational institution, including written ones, and demand their execution;

Submit proposals for improving the activities of the educational institution for consideration by the director;

Receive from the employees of the educational institution the information necessary for the conduct of its activities;

Sign documents within their competence;

Require the director of the educational institution to assist in the performance of their duties;

Represent and defend the interests of their MA in relations with other organizations on issues within the competence of the Deputy Director for OIA;

Protect your professional honor and dignity;

Improve your professional qualifications;

Submit to the director of the OS their proposals for the appointment, transfer, dismissal, promotion and punishment of employees of the OS;

To carry out cooperation, interaction of employees of an educational institution.

4.2. The Deputy Director for OIA is responsible a responsibility:

For failure to perform or improper performance of their official duties - in accordance with applicable law;

For offenses committed during the period of its activities - in accordance with the current civil, administrative and criminal legislation;

For causing material damage - in accordance with applicable law;

For gross violation of labor duties, dismissal may be applied as a disciplinary punishment.


Priority directions for the development of the educational system of the Russian Federation;

Laws and other regulatory legal acts regulating educational, managerial, methodological and innovative activities;

Achievements of modern psychological and pedagogical science and practice;

Methods for the formation of components of competence (professional, communicative, informational, legal);

Modern pedagogical technologies for productive and differentiated learning, the implementation of a competency-based approach, developmental learning;

Theory and practice of organizing educational, educational, methodological and innovative activities;

Theory and practice of educational, educational, methodological and innovative diagnostics of professional interests and difficulties of pedagogical and executive workers;

Principles and procedure for the development of educational and program documentation, including curricula and educational programs, as well as methodological documentation;

Methods and techniques for identifying, summarizing and disseminating effective forms and methods of pedagogical and managerial work;

Principles of organization and content of the activities of methodological associations and innovative platforms;

Principles and technique of systematization of innovative methodological information materials;

Basics of working with text editors, spreadsheets, e-mail and browsers, multimedia equipment;

Fundamentals of management, theory and methods of managing educational systems, personnel management, motivation and stimulation of personnel, basics of project management;

Labor, administrative, civil, family, procedural and educational law;

Local acts regulating the life of OS;

Rules of labor protection and safety, fire safety, sanitary norms and rules;

Fundamentals of sociology and economics of education.


6.1. Professional Competence - the quality of the manager's actions, providing timely and optimal solutions to managerial problems and typical professional tasks; vision of problems and their overcoming; finding non-standard solutions to problems; flexibility and willingness to accept ongoing changes, the ability to initiate and manage them; possession of modern technologies for managing the quality of education, the team; possession of design technologies; the ability to see, develop the capabilities and resources of employees.

6.2. Communicative competence - the quality of the manager's actions that ensure effective interaction with various organizations, authorities and management, their representatives; possession of business correspondence; ability to negotiate, perform representative functions, communicate with colleagues at work; the ability to resolve tense and conflict situations, stimulate the partner to clarify his positions, proposals; possession of the skills of oratory, active listening (the ability to hear and understand a partner), argumentation and persuasion, motivation of subordinates.

6.3. Information Competence - the quality of the manager's actions that ensure the effective perception and evaluation of information, the selection and synthesis of information in accordance with the system of priorities; the use of information technologies in management activities, work with various information sources and resources that allow designing solutions to managerial, pedagogical problems and practical tasks, maintaining school documentation on electronic media.

6.4. Legal Competence - the quality of the manager's actions that ensure the effective use of legislative and other regulatory legal documents of the authorities in managerial activities; development of local regulatory legal acts; making managerial decisions within the framework of the existing legal framework.


Higher professional education in the areas of training: “State and municipal administration”, “Management”, “Personnel management” and at least 5 years of experience in teaching or leadership positions; or higher professional education and additional professional education in the field of state and municipal administration, management and economics and at least 5 years of experience in teaching or leadership positions.


The remuneration of the deputy director for water resources management is made on the basis of the Regulations on remuneration and bonuses for employees.


BLOCK #1. General legislative and regulatory framework

01-01 Nomenclature of cases for the position of Deputy Director for OIA

01-02 Constitution of the Russian Federation

01-03 RF Law "On Education"

01-04 International legal acts.

01-05 Labor Code of the Russian Federation

01-06 Family Code of the Russian Federation

01-07 Administrative Code of the Russian Federation

01-08 Civil Code of the Russian Federation

01-09 Decrees of the President and Decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of education

01-10 Normative documents of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

01-11 Legislative and regulatory documents of the regional Duma and the Government of the region

01-12 Normative documents of the Department of Education and Science of the Kurgan Region.

01-13 Instructional and methodological documents of the State Autonomous Educational Institution DPOIROST of the Kurgan region.

01-14 Regulatory documents of the municipal education authority

01-15 Organizational and methodological materials of the municipal methodological service

01-16 Qualification characteristics of the positions of education workers

01-17 Labor protection rules, Fire safety rules, Sanitary rules and norms

01-18 The procedure for attestation of teaching staff of educational institutions

01-19 Typical (exemplary) states of educational institutions

01-20 State educational professional standards, etc.

BLOCK No. 2. Local acts of an educational institution

02-01 Charter of the educational institution

02-02 Collective agreement

02-03 Agreement with the Founder

02-04 Rules of the internal labor schedule of employees of the educational institution

02-05 Regulations on the remuneration of employees of the educational institution

02-06 Job descriptions of OS employees

02-07 Occupational health and safety briefing logs

02-08 Perspective program for the development of the educational institution for 5 years

02-09 Targeted programs for the development of educational institutions

02-10 Annual work plan of the educational institution

02-11 Operating plans of the OS (quarter, month, week)

02-12 Preparation plans and scenarios for conducting mass methodological events

02-13 Staffing table of OS

02-14 Estimated expenses of the MA for the financial year. Calculations for the estimate

02-15 Regulations on the internal system for assessing the quality of education and control in educational institutions

02-16 Regulations on the Council of the educational institution.

02-17 Regulations on the parent Council of the educational institution

02-18 Documents of the educational institution for certification of personnel

02-19 Working educational programs of educational institutions

02-20 License

02-21 Certificate of accreditation of educational institution

02-22 Instructions for office work in OS.

BLOCK No. 3. Documentation on the organization of innovative and methodological work in the educational institution

03-01 Regulations on the pedagogical council of the educational institution

03-02 Regulations on the innovation and methodological council of the educational institution

03-03 Regulations on the methodological association of educational institutions

03-04 Regulations on the innovation site of the educational institution

03-05 Regulations on methodological diagnostics of OS workers

03-06 Regulations on the methodological office of the educational institution

03-07 Regulations on the OS library

03-08 Order on the structure of methodological work for the academic year

03-09 Order on the results of methodological work for the academic year

03-10 Documents on mentorship and internship (plans, orders, schedules, reports, etc.)

03-11 Good practice documentation

03-12 Documentation of methodological associations (plans, protocols, etc.)

03-13 Materials on the work of the pedagogical council of the educational institution

03-14 Materials on the work of the innovation and methodological council of the educational institution

03-15 Documents and materials on mass methodological events

03-16 Documents on innovative work (plans, programs, orders, reports, etc.)

03-17 Documents on advanced training, retraining and distance learning

03-18 Folder with plans for self-education of OS employees

03-19 Annual work plan of SAEI DPO IROST of the Kurgan region

03-20 Annual work plan of the municipal methodological service

03-21 Notebook of mutual attendance of lessons by teachers of educational institutions

03-22 Notebook of mutual attendance of educational events and classes

03-23 ​​Album with samples of educational and pedagogical documentation for teachers of educational institutions

03-24 Table of accounting for filling the Bank with innovations OU, etc.

BLOCK No. 4. Documentation on the organization of educational work.

1.Organizational documents .
04-01 Job description of the deputy director for educational work.
04-02 Planning of educational work and intra-school control for the entire academic year.
04-03 Cyclogram of methodical work for a year.
04-04 Analysis of academic work for the previous academic year
04-05 The curriculum of the school for the year.
04-06 Lesson schedule
04-07 Schedule of extracurricular activities and planning.
04-08 Schedule of individual lessons and planning.
04-09 Office schedule, media office schedule
04-10 Schedule of administrative conferences.
04-11 Schedule of current conferences.
04-12 Schedule of open lessons and events in subjects, indicating the class, teacher, topic and composition of the participants of the visit and mutual visit.
04-13 Extracurricular work on the subject.
04-14 Plan of methodological weeks.
04-15 Week schedule for the year.
04-16 Teacher workload for the academic year
04-17 Materials on the organization of individual education of sick children at home
04-18 Materials on the organization of inclusive education for children.

04-19 Educational program.

2. Regulatory documents, reporting documents:
04-20 Orders, instructions, directives of the director regulating the activities of the methodological service.
04-21 Reporting materials.
04-22 Incoming documentation (Orders, letters, orders, recommendations from higher authorities, regulations on competitions)

04-23 Outgoing documentation (Orders, letters, orders, reports)

04-24 Journal of missed and replaced lessons
04-25 Time sheet

04-26 Journals of elective and special courses, counseling classes, individual education of sick children at home
04-27 Notebooks deputies directors:
o Meetings with Deputy director;
o Individual work with teachers;
o Working with parents;
o Working with students;
04-28 Diagnostic materials.
04-29 Quality control work system (by grade, by subject, by teacher, etc.)
04-30 Work of administration with young specialists, planning and implementation in all forms and variants.
04-31 Analytical activity in certain areas and aspects of activity.

04-32 Tracking system and analysis of the reasons for missing lessons by students, organization of activities to prevent missing lessons.
04-33 Thematic folders ("Modern lesson", "Modern educational programs").

3. Diagnostic and analytical documents
04-34 List of teaching staff.
04-35 The results of the educational activities of the school by years, quarters, the results of tests.
04-36 Protocols for visiting classes and extracurricular activities
04-37 Analytical reports on the results of intra-school control

04-38 Materials of diagnostic studies

4. Study work
04-39 Materials for the final assessment of students
04-40 Regulations on the final assessment of students.
04-41 Materials on the implementation of the program for the preparation and conduct of the Unified State Examination of the Ministry, Department, Regional Public Organization, schedules, orders
04-42 The program for preparing and conducting the exam at school.
04-43Orders of the director of the school for the final assessment for students in grades 9 and 11.
04-44 Database of 11th grade students for the USE
04-45 List of students in grade 9 with a list of selected exams
04-46 The results of trial exams in the form of the Unified State Examination of 11th grade students.
04-47 Schedule of the final assessment in the 11th and 9th grades.
04-48 List of issuance of certificates based on the results of the exam
04-49Analytical materials of the USE results


Z A M. D I R E C T O R A P O U V R

10.1. Weekly activity schedule

MONDAY - meetings with the director, with the head teacher.

Meetings of the pedagogical council of the educational institution

Meetings of the Council of the OU

TUESDAY - attending lessons with teachers in order of observation

- meetings deputy directors for water resources management, VR in MOUA.

WEDNESDAY - visiting classes of circles, sections, clubs, associations

Work with the heads of the methodological structures of the educational institution

THURSDAY - holding meetings of the Methodological Council of the OS

Holding meetings of MO, creative groups.

FRIDAY - visiting educational activities in the classrooms

Working with leaders of innovation sites

SATURDAY - work with documentation on educational, innovative and methodological activities.

10.2. Annual cyclogram of the activities of the Deputy Director for Water Management



Participation in the August district pedagogical conference

Refine lists of students by class.

Refinement and compilation of lists of subject teachers who underwent advanced training

Review of the readiness of classrooms by the beginning of the year.

Preparation for the pedagogical council.

Discussion of the plan for the Day of Knowledge.

Analysis of the work of the school the past academic year, planning for the upcoming academic year on the pedagogical council.

Diagnosis of professional difficulties and interests of teachers of educational institutions.

Clarification of the weekly workload of subject teachers and part-time teachers.

Scheduling lessons for the 1st semester.

Order on the structure of methodological and innovative work in the new academic year.

Interviews with teachers on work programs and thematic planning.


Drawing up an internal control schedule for the first quarter

Orders and schedules for personnel certification

Consultations for young professionals on the design and maintenance of class journals.

Acquaintance with changes in the curriculum, advice on design and journaling.

Checking for availability of textbooks.

Drawing up a mode of GPA robots. Working hours of GPA educators.

Checking the work plans of the m / o.

Refinement of class schedules.

Preparation of school documentation.

Analysis and approval of work programs at the innovation and methodological council.

Drawing up a schedule of dictations, tests (thematic) for the 1st half of the year.

Preparing and posting class schedules for students. (second half of the school day)

Issuance and registration of journals of optional classes and circle work.

Drawing up a schedule for checking journals, diaries, notebooks.

Control of the correctness of the design of class magazines.

Checking the registration of personal files of students.

Making replacement lessons for temporarily absent teachers and maintaining a register of missed and replaced lessons.

Attendance control.

Visiting lessons.

Carrying out control cuts (input control)

Monitoring the implementation of the mode of operation in the GPA

Monitoring the implementation of curricula (attending classes, checking journals, diaries, notebooks, conversations with subject teachers).

Checking the correctness of the design of GPA journals, circle work.

Head teacher meetings.

Working with a file of pedagogical workers

Checking the availability of self-education programs for teachers, educators of the GPA, GKP of children.


Meeting of the pedagogical council.

District incoming control of students in grades 2-4

Preliminary results of progress for the 1st quarter.

Analysis of control sections, comparative analysis.

Order on the end of the 1st quarter.

Visiting lessons.

Registration of monitoring studies

Consultations for qualified teachers.

Control over attendance of advanced training courses by teachers.

Control over the work of m / o.

Approval of tests for the 1st quarter.

Program control.

Checking journals (objectivity of grading for a quarter, correctness of journals).

Meetings m / o.

Preparation of reports at the request of the MA.

Meetings with the director.

Attendance control.

Control over the preparation and conduct of school Olympiads.


Acceptance of reports from teachers and class teachers for the 1st quarter.

MS meeting.

1st quarter report.

All-school parent conference.

Individual work with students (viewing notebooks, conversations with students, teachers).

Attending lessons (classically - generalizing control).

Control over the work of m / o.

Head teacher meetings.

Control over the conduct of subject weeks.

Organization of a subscription to periodicals for the 1st half of the year.

Drawing up a plan - a schedule of internal control for the second quarter.


Supervision of work with underachieving and motivated students.

Order on the completion of the 2nd quarter, 1st half of the year.

Attending lessons, cool - generalizing control.

Individual work with students (viewing notebooks, diaries, conversations with teachers and students).

Reception of parents on educational and educational activities.

Preparation and conduct of the methodological decade

Control over the filling of the Bank of innovations of the educational institution

Acceptance of reports from teachers and class teachers for the 2nd quarter.

Control of the passage of the program material.

Checking magazines (objectivity of grading for a quarter, correct design of magazines), diaries, notebooks.

Control (intermediate) sections for the 1st half of the year.

Preparation of information and analytical documents.

Meeting at the head teacher.

Attendance control.

Preparation of award material for OU teachers.

Control over the preparation for regional Olympiads


Listening to social reports teachers, a teacher-psychologist about the work done for the 1st half of the year.

Report for the 2nd quarter on the passage of the program.

Interview on thematic planning for the 2nd half of the year.

Drawing up a schedule of dictations, tests (thematic) for the 3rd quarter.

Visiting lessons.

Checking logs.

Drawing up a plan - a schedule of internal control for the third quarter.


Control over work with underachieving, repeaters, gifted and motivated students, medalists.

Meeting with the director.

Conducting competitions of professional skills of teachers in educational institutions

Registration of applications by students for the choice of subjects of the GIA


Preparation for exams: familiarization with the Regulations on the final certification of graduates of grades 9, 11 of students and their parents (meetings), compiling lists of students for elective exams.

End of 3rd quarter notice.

Drawing up a schedule of internal control for the fourth quarter.

Reception of reports of teachers and class teachers for the 3rd quarter.

Report for the 3rd quarter.

Pedagogical Council.

Drawing up a schedule of dictations, control, laboratory work, etc. (thematic) for the 4th quarter.

Administrative control sections for the 3rd quarter.

Preparation of information and analytical documents.

Preparation of reports at the request of the MA.

Completing the list of future first graders


Preparation for intermediate certification: familiarization with the Regulations on the final certification in the transfer classes of students and their parents (meetings), compiling lists of students for exams.

Visiting lessons.

Reception of parents on educational and educational activities.

Stands "Prepare for exams" (by class and general).

Start planning methodological work for the new academic year

Innovative - methodological advice.

Attendance at HSC.

Acceptance of reports from teachers and class teachers (5th - 8th, 10th grades) for the 4th quarter and year.

Final parent meetings.

Control over the final certification in the transfer classes of students in grades 2-8, 10.

Acceptance of reports on the results of the final certification in transfer classes from teachers and class teachers.

Interviews with teachers and class teachers to check the readiness for the final certification of students in grades 9, 11.

Meeting of the m / o "Implementation of the curriculum, educational and methodological support of the standard of education. Analysis of the work for the year. Tasks and planning of work for the new academic year."

Checking logs.

Planning for the next academic year.

Preparation of information and analytical documents.

Preparation of reports at the request of the MA.

Meeting at the head teacher.

Analysis of the work done on self-education over the past year


Summing up the results of filling the Bank with innovations of the OU.

Conducting exams.

Control over the execution of documents (certificates, certificates, etc.).

Acceptance of reports on the results of the final certification.

Preparation of reports at the request of the MA.

Summing up the results of personnel certification for the academic year

Order on the results of educational and innovative methodological work for the academic year.

11. C R I T E R I I, P O A Z A T E L I


11.1 Norms of internal control deputy. director for water resources management (for 1 position for 1 week)

one/. Conducting control lessons 2

2/. Attendance at classes (lessons) in the order of observation 2

3/. Attendance at educational and regime events and classes 0.5

four/. Visiting pedagogical events 1

5/. Attendance at community and parenting events 1

6/. Educational and pedagogical documentation 2

7/. Examination of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard, curricula and work 0.5

educational programs.

8/ Examination of the conditions necessary for teaching and educational

and methodological activities 0.5

9/ Control over the performance discipline of teaching staff of the educational institution 0.5