» Personal qualities according to fgos. "Basic requirements of the Federal State Educational Standards to the personality of a modern teacher". Generations and differences fgos

Personal qualities according to fgos. "Basic requirements of the Federal State Educational Standards to the personality of a modern teacher". Generations and differences fgos

Since the 2011-2012 academic year, all educational institutions in Russia have switched to the new Federal State Educational Standard for Primary General Education (FSES IEO).

GEF is a combination of three systems of requirements:

  • requirements for the result of education;
  • requirements for the structure of the main educational programs (how the school builds its educational activities);
  • requirements for the conditions for the implementation of the standard (finance, personnel, information support, material and technical base, etc.)

The fundamental difference between the new standards is that here the goal is not an objective, but a personal result. Those. the personality of the child and its development in the learning process is important, and not the sum of knowledge, skills and abilities accumulated over the years of schooling.

Having crossed the threshold of the school, a first-grader finds himself in a world that is completely unusual for him, acquires a new status - becomes a student. Under the influence of this, the attitude and requirements towards him on the part of adults change, his own attitude towards the world around him, people, himself, the way and rhythm of life, and most importantly, to replace the game - the leading activity preschool age- learning activity comes.

And a distinctive feature of the new GEF IEOs is their active nature, which puts main goal student personality development, i.e. the wording of the standard indicates the actual activities that the student must master by the end primary education, the main thing becomes - the ability to independently update and improve their education in accordance with the conditions of a rapidly changing world.

A first-grader must organically enter a new social situation, naturally and at low “costs” acquire a new status - the status of a student, gradually master the skills and abilities of a new activity - teaching, while maintaining and increasing the achievements of the preschool period of development.

In the studies of Davydov V.V. and Elkonin D.B. shown to be one of the most important components learning activities is a learning task. The learning task is based on learning problem, which is a theoretical resolution of contradictions. The educational task is solved with the help of educational actions - the next component of educational activity. Learning activities are aimed at finding and highlighting common ways to solve any class of problems.

The third component of learning activity is the actions of self-control and self-assessment. Its content is the state of practical skills and moral qualities of the child, expressed in obedience to the norms of behavior established in the team. In these actions, the child is directed, as it were, at himself. Their result is changes in the cognizing subject itself. When a child enters school, learning activity is not given to him in a ready-made form. The task of elementary school lies in the construction of educational activity. The difficulty lies in the fact that the motive with which the child comes to school is not related to the content of educational activities. Since the motive and the content of the learning activity do not correspond to each other, the motive gradually begins to lose strength, it sometimes does not work even by the beginning of the second grade.

The learning process should be built in such a way that its motive is connected with its own, internal content of the subject of assimilation. It can also be noted here that an integral part of the new GEF IEO are universal learning activities (ULA). UDD is understood as “general educational skills”, “above-subject actions”, “general methods of activity”, etc.

An important element in the formation of UUD of primary school students is the orientation of younger students in information and communication technologies (ICT) and the formation of the ability to correctly apply them (ICT - competence). Use of ICT in educational process elementary school is indicated as the most natural way to form UUD.

Studies show that by the age of six or seven, a child reaches a certain level of maturity, he develops ideas about himself as a member of society ("I am in the eyes of an outside adult"), an awareness of the social significance of his individual qualities and social position. In the studies of Bozhovich L.I. a neoplasm that occurs at the turn of preschool and primary school age, namely in first graders, is a fusion of two needs - cognitive and the need to communicate with adults at a new level. It is the combination of these two needs that allows the child to be included in the educational process as a subject of activity, which is expressed in the conscious formation and implementation of intentions and goals.

The appearance of such a desire is prepared by the entire course of the child's mental development and occurs at the level when it becomes available to him to realize himself not only as the subject of action (which was characteristic of the previous stage of development), but also as a subject in the system. human relations. This becomes possible towards the end of the preschool age on the basis of a number of new mental formations that arise in the process of the child's socialization. He objectively represents a fairly stable integrative system and is able, in a form specific to his age, to realize himself in this capacity and to give an account of his attitude to the environment. In other words, the child manifests awareness of his social self.

A change in the external position entails a change in the self-awareness of the personality of a first grader, a reassessment of values ​​occurs. What was significant before becomes unimportant, secondary, and what is associated with learning becomes a priority, more valuable.

What are the requirements for the results of students, establish the new GEF IEO?

Within the framework of the new GEF, the requirements for learning outcomes are formulated in 3 components:

  • personal, which include the ability and readiness of students for self-development, their value-semantic attitudes, the formation of motivation for learning and cognition, the individual-personal positions of students, social competencies, personal qualities, the formation of the foundations of civic identity;
  • meta-subject, which include the development of ECM (cognitive, regulatory and communicative) and provide mastery of key competencies that form the basis of the ability to learn, and meta-subject concepts;
  • subject, which include the experience of the activity specific to this subject area for obtaining new knowledge, its transformation and application, mastered by students in the course of studying the subject, as well as the system of fundamental elements of scientific knowledge that underlie modern scientific picture peace.

Educational standards of the second generation impose new requirements on the system as well. From new approaches to the organization of the educational process, one can single out design, solving design problems, which are a kind of start for project activities in further education. Project tasks play a special role in the formation of educational cooperation in small groups.

In early childhood, the child's activities are carried out mainly in cooperation with adults; At preschool age, the child becomes able to independently satisfy many of his needs and desires. As a result, his joint activity with adults, as it were, disintegrates, along with which the direct fusion of his existence with the life and activities of adults also weakens. However, adults continue to be a constant, attractive center around which a child's life is built. This creates in children the need to participate in the lives of adults, to act according to their model. At the same time, they want not only to reproduce individual actions of an adult, but also to imitate all the complex forms of his activity, his actions, his relationships with other people - in a word, the whole way of life of adults.

In the conditions of everyday behavior and communication with adults, as well as in the practice of role-playing, a preschool child develops a generalized knowledge of many social norms. First graders, interacting in groups, already understand that in order to achieve a common goal, all participants need to agree among themselves, distribute responsibilities, develop a common strategy for solving a problem, and provide mutual assistance.

A first-grader comes to school with the first ethical standards of behavior, moral experiences, with an initial idea of ​​a sense of duty and responsibility. This knowledge is still completely unconscious by the child and is directly soldered to his positive and negative emotional experiences. The first ethical instances are still relatively simple systemic formations, which are the embryos of moral feelings, on the basis of which already quite mature moral feelings and beliefs are formed in the future.

The moral formation of a child is closely connected with a change in the nature of his relationship with adults and the birth of moral ideas and feelings on this basis, which were named by Vygotsky L.S. internal ethical authorities. Elkonin D.B. connects the emergence of ethical instances with a change in the relationship between adults and children. The emergence of a sense of duty in relationships with other people (adults, peers) and the formation of a sense of duty as a motive for activity is of paramount importance for activity with rules, which is schooling.

What do the new FSES IEO offer for the spiritual and moral development of the personality of students?

New standards propose implementation in an educational institution extracurricular activities. Extracurricular activities are organized in the areas of personality development (spiritual and moral, social, general intellectual, sports and recreational, general cultural, etc.), and are formed taking into account the wishes of students and their parents.

All the new formations described in the development of the personality of a first grader - the emergence of mediated motivation, internal ethical instances, the emergence of self-esteem - create a prerequisite for the transition to schooling and the new way of life associated with it. It is these neoplasms that indicate that the child has stepped over to the next stage of development. These changes in the child's consciousness lead to the fact that the first grader becomes ready to accept a new social role for him as a schoolchild, to master new (educational) activities and a system of specific and generalized knowledge.

In addition to the attitude to oneself, to peers, to teaching in general, for a first-grader entering school, relations with the teacher become a priority, and here it is his “assessment”, “his attitude” and support that are important.

How is the work of schoolchildren assessed in the context of the new GEF IEO?

In the context of the implementation of new standards, a portfolio is created for each student - a comprehensive portrait consisting of an assessment of knowledge, taking into account all achievements, diplomas, documentary evidence of the student's participation in creative, intellectual, sports extracurricular activities. The results of observations, psychological testing, etc. are also recorded here.

The main results of the IEO standard include:

  • the formation of universal and subject methods of action, as well as a basic knowledge system that provides the possibility of continuing education in the main school;
  • education of the basics of the ability to learn - the ability to self-organize in order to set and solve educational, cognitive and educational and practical tasks;
  • individual progress in the main areas of personality development - cognitive, volitional, motivational-semantic, emotional, self-regulation.

Based on the above aspects, the main task of implementing the main educational program IEO is to create a comfortable developing environment -

  • ensuring the high quality of education, its accessibility, openness and attractiveness for students, their parents and the whole society, spiritual and moral development and education of students;
  • guaranteeing the protection and strengthening of the physical, psychological and social health of students;
  • comfortable in relation to students and teaching staff.

All these conditions are important both for the child's educational activity to be successful and for his speedy adaptation to new conditions, painless entry into a new system of relations. In order for a child to study successfully, he, first of all, himself, must strive for a new school life, “serious” studies, “responsible” assignments. The appearance of such a desire is influenced by the attitude of close people to teaching as an important meaningful activity. The attitude of other children also influences, the very opportunity to rise to a new age level in the eyes of the younger ones and catch up with the older ones. As a result, the child develops the internal position of the student.

The class-lesson system of education presupposes not only a special relationship between the child and the teacher, but also specific relationships with other children. Students must learn business communication with each other, the ability to successfully interact, performing joint learning activities. Productive learning activity implies an adequate attitude of the child to his abilities, work results, behavior, i.e. a certain level of development of self-consciousness. Establishing one's place in the system of relations with adults, self-esteem, i.e. awareness of one's skills and certain qualities, the discovery of one's experiences - all this constitutes the initial form of a child's awareness of himself, which manifests itself by the end of preschool age and is the main neoplasm for first graders.

All these conditions lead to the fact that the school becomes the center of children's lives, filled with their own interests, relationships and experiences. Therefore, how the little schoolboy will cope with his school duties, the presence of success or failure in his educational affairs, has a sharp affective coloring for him. Consequently, the questions of schooling are not only questions of the education and intellectual development of the child, but also questions of the formation of his personality, questions of upbringing.

Key moments of the manifestation of GEF new generation at school

So, how do the new educational standards manifest themselves in school? What innovations have become part of the school life of the new generation? Is there a noticeable difference from the previous standards? To get an idea of ​​the standards of the new generation and compare them with the previous ones, some key points will help - the differences between the old and new GEF:

Previously, it was possible to assess the success of a child only by focusing on school grades. The new standards require the student to have a portfolio with certificates, diplomas, test results and other works. Thanks to this innovation, the achievements of the child become more visible.

The role of the teacher has changed. Previously, it was limited to explaining educational material and testing students' knowledge. Now the teacher is an active actor in the life of the class. The teacher strives to develop the individual abilities of the child, motivates schoolchildren to independence, tries to include everyone in the work.

The former Federal State Educational Standards determined a unified curriculum for schools. New generation standards are revealed to teachers and parents variety of school programs.

You can choose the right one, focusing on the preferences of each.

The educational standards of the past did not affect the extracurricular activities of the child. The new Federal State Educational Standards define 10 hours per week to visit circles, sports sections, excursions, participation in seminars.

(One of the innovations of the second generation standards, which will be noticed by all participants in the educational process, should be considered the appearance of extracurricular activities in the curriculum. Ten hours a week in the afternoon are allotted for it, i.e. an average of two hours every day. These hours do not belong to the mandatory study load.Extracurricular activities are not a continuation, but a deepening of the basic content of education.These are the hours of the curriculum of choice.Now, with the approval of the parents, each child will have possibilitychoose an interesting job according to your talent or desire: sports and recreation activities, drawing, music, etc.)

The purpose of this innovation is to save children from aimless pastime.

Life does not stand still. Computer techologies became an integral part of it. In order for the student to be able to easily maneuver in the modern computerized world, already in the 1st grade he gets acquainted with keyboard typing.

New educational activity involves the development of theoretical knowledge in practice with the help of individual projects where every student can express themselves. They replaced the laboratory work of the former curriculum.

Formation personal qualities in elementary school students

One of the most important transformations in the system of general education is the introduction of federal state educational standards for general education of a new generation (hereinafter - GEF), dictated by the need to prepare graduates for life in a high-tech competitive world. At present, the school still continues to focus on learning, bringing into life a trained person - a qualified performer, while today's information society requires a trained person,capable of self-studyand relearn many times over the course of an ever-elongating life,ready for independent action and decision-making.

A feature of the content of modern primary education is not only the answer to the question that the student should know, but also the formation of universal learning activities. Primary education today is the foundation for the formation of the educational activities of the child. It is the initial stage of schooling that should provide cognitive motivation and interests of students, the student's readiness and ability to cooperate with the teacher and classmates, form the foundations of moral behavior that determines the relationship of the individual with society and people around him.

Relevance the formation of UUD for primary general education is due, first of all, to the achievement of success by all students.

Universal learning activities can be grouped into four main blocks:

1) personal;

2) regulatory;

3) cognitive;

4) communicative.

Personal actionsallow to make the doctrine meaningful, linking them with real life goals and situations. Personal actions are aimed at understanding, researching and accepting life values, allow you to orient yourself in moral norms and rules, develop your life position in relation to the world.
Regulatory actionsprovide the ability to manage cognitive and educational activities by setting goals, planning, monitoring, correcting their actions, assessing the success of mastering.
cognitive actionsinclude the actions of research, search, selection and structuring of the necessary information, modeling of the studied content.
Communicative actionsprovide opportunities for cooperation: the ability to hear, listen and understand a partner, plan and coordinate joint activities, distribute roles, mutually control each other's actions, be able to negotiate, lead a discussion, correctly express one's thoughts, support each other and cooperate effectively as a teacher, as well as with peers.
The teacher must take into account
relationship between the level of formation of universal educational activities(UUD) with the following indicators:
- health status of children;
- progress in the main subjects;
-level of speech development;
-degree of proficiency in Russian;
- the ability to listen and hear the teacher, ask questions;
- the desire to accept and solve a learning problem;
- communication skills with peers;
- the ability to control their actions in the classroom.

In connection with the introduction of the GEF IEO, the main task of the teacher is to educate an active, inquisitive, positive student. My task today is to show the experience of my work on the formation of personal UUD.

Every person plays social roles in life: in relations at work we are colleagues, in relations with children we are mothers, in relations with friends we are friends, in the family we are wives, mothers, grandmothers. Starting from elementary school age, we must teach children to play social roles in order to grow them up to be worthy citizens.

and our country. Let us analyze the types of UUD in elementary school in more detail.

Regulatory actions provide students with the organization of their educational activities.

These include:

goal setting as setting a learning task based on the correlation of what is already known and learned by the students, and what is still unknown;

Planning - determination of the sequence of intermediate goals, taking into account the final result; drawing up a plan and sequence of actions;

- forecasting- anticipation of the result and the level of assimilation of knowledge, its temporal characteristics;

The control in the form of a comparison of the method of action and its result with a given standard in order to detect deviations and differences from the standard;

Correction - making the necessary additions and adjustments to the plan and method of action in the event of a discrepancy between the standard, the actual action and its result;

Grade - selection and awareness by students of what has already been learned and what still needs to be learned, awareness of the quality and level of assimilation;

Self-regulation as the ability to mobilize forces and energy, to volitional effort (to make a choice in a situation of motivational conflict) and to overcome obstacles.

Cognitive universal actions include: general educational, logical, as well as the formulation and solution of the problem.

General educational universal actions:

Independent selection and formulation of a cognitive goal;

Search and selection of necessary information; application of information retrieval methods, including using computer tools;

Structuring knowledge;

Conscious and arbitrary construction of a speech statement in oral and written form;

Choosing the most effective ways to solve problems depending on specific conditions;

Reflection of methods and conditions of action, control and evaluation of the process and results of activities;

semantic reading as understanding the purpose of reading and choosing the type of reading depending on the purpose; extracting the necessary information from the listened texts of various genres; definition of primary and secondary information; free orientation and perception of texts of artistic, scientific, journalistic and official business styles; understanding and adequate assessment of the language of the media;

Statement and formulation of the problem, independent creation of activity algorithms in solving problems of a creative and exploratory nature.

Sign-symbolic actions constitute a special group of general educational universal actions:

Modeling - the transformation of an object from a sensual form into a model, where the essential characteristics of the object (spatial-graphic or sign-symbolic) are highlighted;

Transformation of the model in order to identify the general laws that define this subject area.

Boolean Generic Actions :

Analysis of objects in order to highlight features (essential, non-essential);

Synthesis - the compilation of a whole from parts, including independent completion with the completion of the missing components;

Selection of grounds and criteria for comparison, seriation, classification of objects;

Summing up under the concept, derivation of consequences;

Establishment of causal relationships;

Building a logical chain of reasoning;


Hypotheses and their justification.

Statement and solution of the problem:

Formulation of the problem;

Independent creation of ways to solve problems of a creative and exploratory nature.

Communicative actionsprovide social competence and consideration of the position of other people, partners in communication or activity; ability to listen and engage in dialogue; participate in a group discussion of problems; integrate into a peer group and build productive interactions and collaborations with peers and adults.

Communication activities include:

Planning educational cooperation with the teacher and peers - determining the purpose, functions of participants, ways of interaction;

Questioning - proactive cooperation in the search and collection of information;

Conflict resolution - identification, identification of the problem, search and evaluation of alternative ways to resolve the conflict, decision-making and its implementation;

Managing the partner's behavior - control, correction, evaluation of his actions;

The ability to express one's thoughts with sufficient completeness and accuracy in accordance with the tasks and conditions of communication; possession of monologue and dialogic forms of speech in accordance with the grammatical and syntactic norms of the native language.

The development of a system of universal educational activities as part of personal, regulatory, cognitive and communicative activities that determine the development of the psychological abilities of an individual is carried out within the framework of the normative-age development of the child's personal and cognitive spheres. The learning process sets the content and characteristics of the child's educational activity and thereby determines the zone of proximal development.the indicated universal educational actions (their level of development corresponding to the “high standard”) and their properties.

Essential for the formation of communicative universal actions, as well as for the formation of the personality of the child as a whole, is the organization of joint work of students in a group. The following are the benefits of working together:

The volume and depth of understanding of the assimilated material increases;

Less time is spent on the formation of knowledge, skills and abilities than with frontal learning;

Some disciplinary difficulties are reduced (the number of students who do not work in the classroom, who do not do their homework is reduced);

Reduced school anxiety

Increases cognitive activity and creative independence of students;

The cohesion of the class is growing;

The nature of the relationship between children is changing, they begin to better understand each other and themselves;

Self-criticism grows; a child who has experience of working together with peers more accurately assesses his abilities, controls himself better;

Children who help their comrades have great respect for the work of the teacher;

Children acquire the skills necessary for life in society: responsibility, tact, the ability to build their behavior, taking into account the position of other people.

In the context of the tasks of education, the value of mastering communicative actions and skills of cooperation by students is dictated by the need to prepare them for the real process of interaction with the world outside of school life. Modern education cannot ignore the fact that education is always immersed in a certain social context and must meet its requirements and needs, as well as contribute in every possible way to the formation of a harmonious personality.

These tasks include tolerance and the ability to live with others in a multinational society, which in turn implies:

. awareness of the priority of many common to all members of society

problems over private;

. adherence to moral and ethical principles that meet the tasks


. understanding that civic qualities are based on respect for each other

friend and exchange of information, i.e. the ability to listen and hear each other;

. the ability to compare different points of view before making decisions and making choices.

The developing potential of communicative UUD is not limited to the sphere of its direct application - communication and cooperation, but also directly affects cognitive processes, as well as the personal sphere of schoolchildren.

Without the introduction of appropriate pedagogical technologies, communicative actions and competencies based on them will, as today, belong to the sphere of individual abilities of the student (mostly not meeting modern requirements).

Personal actions provide a value-semantic orientation of students (knowledge of moral norms, the ability to correlate actions and events with accepted ethical principles, the ability to highlight the moral aspect of behavior) and orientation in social roles and interpersonal relationships. With regard to educational activities, three types of personal actions should be distinguished:

Personal, professional, lifeself-determination.

Personal UUD provide a value-semantic orientation of students (the ability to correlate actions and events with ethical principles, knowledge of moral norms and the ability to highlight the moral aspect of behavior) and orientation in social roles and interpersonal relationships. In relation to educational activities, two types of actions should be distinguished:

meaning action,those. the establishment by students of a connection between the purpose of educational activity and its motive, in other words, between the result of learning, and what motivates the activity, for the sake of which it is carried out. The student must ask himself the question of “what is the meaning, the meaning of the teaching for me”, and be able to find an answer to it;

action of moral and ethical assessmentdigestible content, based on social and personal values, providing a personal moral choice.

Ways of forming personal UUD

Personal universal learning activities reflect the system value orientations elementary school student, his attitude to various aspects of the surrounding world.

Personal UUDs include:

positive attitude towards learning cognitive activity,

the desire to acquire new knowledge, skills, improve existing ones,

recognize their difficulties and strive to overcome them,

learn new activities

participate in the creative, creative process;

awareness of oneself as an individual and at the same time as a member of society, recognition for oneself of generally accepted moral and ethical standards, the ability to self-evaluate one's actions and deeds;

awareness of oneself as a citizen, as a representative of a certain people, a certain culture, interest in and respect for other peoples;

striving for beauty, willingness to maintain wealth environment and your health.

For the formation personal For universal learning activities, I use the following types of tasks:

Participation in projects;

Creative tasks;

Visual, motor, verbal perception of music;

Mental reproduction of a picture, situation, video film;

Self-assessment of the event, incident;

Achievement diary.

Formation of personal UUD in the process of using modern educational technologies:

For the development of LUUD, it is necessary to use different educational technologies.

Modernthe teacher needs to apply and variably use a variety of learning technologies to build the learning process of schoolchildren in such a way as to develop each child's interest and desire to learn, as well as form a set ofuniversal learning activities,which will allow him to independently carry out the process of cognition and provide the ability to organize independent learning activities.

Problem dialogue technology

Assessment Technologyeducational achievements (learning success) is aimed at developing the control and evaluation independence of students by changing the traditional assessment system. Students develop the ability to independently evaluate the result of their actions, control themselves, find and correct their own mistakes; motivation for success. Relieving students of the fear of school control and assessment by creating a comfortable environment helps to preserve their mental health.

Cultivating a tolerant attitude towards other decisions leads topersonalstudent development.

The assessment technology is implemented in the subject teaching materials (notebooks for verification and control work), in the "Diaries of a schoolchild", in notebooks for diagnosing metasubject results.

"Personal Diary of a First Grader" combines elements of a traditional diary and an "adult" diary, and also provides an opportunity to develop organizational skills, self-control and self-esteem skills in first graders.

In September, children themselves formulate the rules of our life at school, learn to write down the schedule from the first day of school with letters or conventional signs, learn to evaluate their own successes, their attitude to the lessons. At the end of the school year, the child can evaluate their progress for the year.

The systematic involvement of children in evaluative activities makes it possible to form an adequate self-esteem, since, evaluating the response of others, he evaluates relative to himself.

Information and Communication Technology

The use of ICT in various lessons in elementary school allows developing the ability of students to navigate the information flows of the world around them; master practical ways of working with information; develop skills that allow the exchange of information using modern technical means.

Study of subjects involves not only the study of textbook materials, but also observations and experiments carried out using digital measuring instruments, a digital microscope, a digital camera and a video camera. Observations and experiments are recorded, their results are summarized and presented in digital form.

ICT technologies make it possible to form an adequate self-assessment, awareness of learning and learning motivation, an adequate response to difficulties, a critical attitude to information and selectivity of its perception, respect for information about the private life and information results of other people, the basis of a legal culture in the field of information use is being formed.

The work on the formation of personal universal educational actions will be built throughout the entire education at school. The work I'm doing is part of the road to implementing second generation standards.


Personal UUDprovide a value-semantic orientation of students (knowledge of moral norms, the ability to correlate actions and events with accepted ethical principles, the ability to highlight the moral aspect of behavior) and orientation in social roles and interpersonal relationships.

For the formation of personal UUD, it is necessary to use various technologies in a complex

Sections: General pedagogical technologies

One of the most difficult and key issues pedagogical theory and practice is the problem of personality and its development in specially organized conditions.

The activity of the individual is the leading factor in its formation through purposeful activity, self-development of the individual, i.e. continuous work on oneself, on one's own spiritual growth. Self-development provides the possibility of a consistent complication of the tasks and content of education, the implementation of age-related and individual approaches, the formation of a student's creative individuality.

The formative influence of the environment, education and upbringing, natural inclinations becomes a factor in the development of the individual only through its vigorous activity. It is necessary to determine the conditions for the inclusion of a person in activity, to cause his own activity, and only through the mechanism of his own activity, joint with other people, he is formed into a personality.

The art of education in connection with the problem of self-education consists in awakening in the child the desire for self-improvement as early as possible and helping him with advice in achieving his goals.

GEF is focused on becoming personal characteristics of the student:

  • love for one's land and one's Fatherland, knowledge of the Russian and native languages, respect for one's people, their culture and spiritual traditions;
  • awareness and understanding of the value of life, family, civil society, humanity;
  • active and interested knowledge of the world, awareness of the value of labor, science and creativity; knowledge in practice;
  • social activity, respect for law and order, commensuration of one's actions with moral values, awareness of one's obligations to the family, society, Fatherland;
  • respect for other people, the ability to conduct a constructive dialogue, reach mutual understanding, cooperate to achieve common results;
  • orientation in the world of professions, understanding the importance of professional activity for a person in the interests of sustainable development of society and nature.

During the period introduction of GEF, applying a system-activity approach for the development of personality in a complex of educational tasks, it is necessary to focus on creation of conditions for the implementation of personal requirements to the results of mastering educational programs: self-determination(internal position of the student); self-identification; meaning formation: motivation (educational, social), the boundaries of one's own knowledge and "ignorance"; value and moral and ethical orientation: orientation to the implementation of moral standards; the ability to solve moral problems on the basis of decentration; evaluation of your actions.

The implementation of the educational goals of the lesson (lesson) is one of the most important elements of modern education. This is one of the aspects of student-centered education.

The novelty of modern Russian education requires the personal beginning of the teacher, which allows him, filling students with knowledge, skills and abilities, to create conditions for the development of personal resources and the socialization of the younger generation.

This requires certain conditions: a target setting to ensure positive socialization in the form of integration; definition of general and particular tasks of socialization, taking into account the psychological characteristics of age development; the potential of subject areas, extracurricular and extracurricular activities to achieve subject, meta-subject and personal results of education; humanization of the position of a teacher who is able to respectfully accept a child, show empathy, create a favorable moral and psychological climate in the team.

The school creates conditions for the development of personal resources of each, contributing to the positive socialization of the younger generation. Participation in social events, in the work on projects, in the preparation class hours and when carrying out events, it helps the student to develop his personal potential, form personal qualities and get a positive social experience. We should remember the words of the great Goethe: "In every person there is a sprout of boldness, without which no talent is conceivable."

Potential for the development of the student's personality in the study of philological disciplines , is undoubtedly significant. Philological disciplines give an idea of ​​the linguistic and cultural diversity of Russia; awareness of the importance of reading for personal development; experience of communication with native speakers of another language, another culture; culture of oral and written speech; experience of dialogue relations; the formation of ethno-cultural identity as the basis of citizenship in the process of studying folklore, folk tales, the origins of folk wisdom ...

So the school annually holds various competitions, conferences, tournaments, presentations, etc., where children can show their creative abilities, developing their personal potential.

An illustration is provided by the annual Rhetorical Tournament , the epigraph to which are the words of Cicero: " The best speaker is the one who instructs, delights, and touches the hearts of his listeners with his speech. The tournament is designed to develop the key competencies of schoolchildren (speech and communication) within the framework of the national-regional component (Sverdlovsk region) of the state educational standard in the Russian language. The topics of speeches are varied:

  • The mind is not only in knowledge, but also in the ability to apply knowledge in practice. (Aristotle)
  • Only he who creates lives (proverb).
  • People also differ in that some people think first, then they say and do, while others say and do first, and then they think. (L.N. Tolstoy)
  • People stop thinking when they stop reading. (D. Didro)
  • Vigilant work overcomes obstacles. (M.V. Lomonosov)
  • My tongue is my enemy, it speaks before the mind (proverb).
  • Behavior is a mirror in which everyone shows his face. (W. Goethe)

Regulations on the tournament, criteria for evaluating a speaker on a proposed (or selected) topic have been developed, which include requirements for the composition of a speech, the formulation of a thesis, the selection of arguments, illustrating one's speech, contact with the audience, requirements for the quality and technique of speech, etc.

Library meetings "Circle of reading" - traditional meetings with new books, famous and forgotten names of writers, poets - an important vector for the development of the student's personality. Participation in the competitions of the Central City Library dedicated to anniversaries: the 80th anniversary of the Ural writer N.G. Nikonov, the 75th anniversary of the Russian poet N. Rubtsov, etc., gives the student the opportunity to show their creative abilities. Within the walls of the school, library lessons are held with the participation of employees of the Central Library for Children and Youth with a presentation of interesting topics: “The Beginning of Russian Literature”, “His Star Is Burning” (based on the poetry of N. Rubtsov), “Ural Writers about their native land”, “Modern literary awards". Every academic quarter are organized "Reader's Pleasure Holidays" (presentations of new books, meetings with interesting pages of classical works staged by schoolchildren).

Schoolchildren systematically get acquainted with the musical and poetic culture not only at the lessons of literature, music, but also at concerts of artists of the Ural State Philharmonic Society (attending concerts on a one-year subscription): cycle " Russian word in Russian music"

(“Album of romances” to poems by A.S. Pushkin, M.Yu. Lermontov, A. Fet, V. Krestovsky and others).

The performance of Russian songs by a school choir is another factor in creating an educational environment for personal development / fostering love for the Russian word, one’s land and one’s Fatherland, respect for one’s people, their culture and spiritual traditions. Schoolchildren doing in the folklore group "Shaitan", represent the Ural folklore through an energetic dance, fervent ditties, a brief story about the team and its repertoire, which arouses interest in folklore, in folk ritual poetry.

Poetry competition dedicated to the memory of V.I. Shvetsova (teacher of Russian language and literature of school No. 10, to whose memory the traditional school poetry competition is dedicated) develops the creative abilities of children to express themselves through the poetic word. Every year, dozens of schoolchildren take part in the competition, revealing their creative potential for the free expression of thoughts and feelings, the desire for speech self-improvement. From student entries:

Lykasova Alena Grade 10

Evening dawn
replaces the starry canopy.
My Star meets the Moon ....
And this moment is beautiful
so dear to me
What do you want in your heart
always keep it.
My star -
wonderful world of desires,
Fire of love, hope
and disappointments.
Let everything be stored in my memory;
Let the Star not go out, but only become brighter.
She, like me, will suddenly freeze, then flare up,
That will sparkle with tenderness, and then, you see, it will subside,
She will shed her light with sadness,
A transparent tear will fall on the heart.

Ovsyannikova Julia 5th grade

Autumn. Leaves swirl over the yard...
Today is September
and with mom
Let's go open new world
A tall building stands in a grove,
To beautiful classes
the sun is looking.
Good teachers are waiting for us here,
Faithful, sweet childhood friends.
We learned to read and write
Be polite and respect everyone.
This school will teach us everything -
The tenth school is our own.

From the school competition of young poets - to All-Russian competition creative works "Baikonur - Earth - Universe", dedicated to the 50th anniversary of Yu.A. Gagarin's flight into space / nomination: literary creativity / - such a creative step for students in grades 5-6 in the realization of their literary abilities. The conditions created for successful participation in this competition allowed the children not only to participate, but also to be among the winners of the competition, taking an honorable second place for the collection of student poems “I love to look at the starry sky”. Students submitted their poems to the Competition, showing great interest in the topic of outer space exploration. Correspondence tour of Baikonur (Internet), classes in the creative laboratory "Test of the pen", school poetry competition, victory in the city competition "Silver Feather" - all this inspired the children to participate in the All-Russian competition "Baikonur - Earth - Universe"

Falaleev Vladislav Grade 5

Pictured in a magazine
Dog in a rocket...
funny face
Like children.

And this is Arrow!
She didn't know
What is BEFORE a person
She flew into space!

And people THANK YOU
Don't forget to say
Scout dogs.
They were loved.
They are known and remembered
They are loved and honored
All Proteins and Strelok
And all their puppies!

Gabtulzyanova Albina Grade 5

Among the holidays in Russia
Lots of bright and beautiful
New Year and Victory Day
And the day of Knowledge, and the day of Mom,
And we praise the defenders ....
Well, this year
Happy Science Day along
We are space flight
(but not touristic,
not for fun, but for learning),
We will often remember
Honor astronauts:
After all, Gagarin's flight
Lives in everyone's heart!

Kizenko Evgeniya Grade 6

A man is sent to the stars...
We look at it with delight.
It seems that there is no on the whole planet
And bolder, and higher than anyone.

Through the years, our Gagarin rushes -
It's been fifty years since...
That flight made me wonder
All people living on Earth.

Spring drops are ringing,
Like a hymn to the glory of MAN!
Earthlings remember that April.
May everyone remember him forever!

One of the most interesting school events is the traditional scientific and practical conference of students in philological disciplines (defense of research projects), the purpose of which is to create conditions for the development of intellectual creativity of students, to involve them in research and practical activities. The conference / defense of projects is held within the framework of the regional festival "Young Intellectuals of the Middle Urals". The conference presents a wide range of abstract, research papers, presentations of projects on the Russian language, literature, rhetoric:

  • Observation of sound figurative means of the Russian language.
  • Text editing.
  • N.G. Nikonov - a singer of the Ural nature (on the 80th anniversary of the writer).
  • The history of the school literary competition dedicated to the memory of V.I. Shvetsova.
  • Features of speech etiquette in communication between teacher and student.
  • Ural linguo-regional studies is a way of studying the history of the region through the facts of the language.
  • Bardic poetry.
  • Book culture of the Urals.
  • The era of expectations and accomplishments in the work of Scriabin and Pasternak.
  • The origin of the language. Question about artificial languages.
  • Language energy.
  • From the history of Slavic writing.
  • The architectural image of the city in literature.
  • Philosophical categories "Order and Chaos" in language, literature, culture.
  • M.V. Lomonosov as a philologist, poet.
  • The problem of the purity of the modern Russian language.
  • Connotation of words in Russian.
  • Figurative possibilities of means of writing.
  • Computer slang in modern Russian.
  • Russian language in the near and far abroad.

The works selected as a result of the criteria-based evaluation and their authors take part in the NPC at various levels (from city to all-Russian and international).

Having developed a plan for the project at school, having prepared a project defense, the teacher and his students demonstrate the results of their work. During the defense, students learn to present the information received, face other views on the problem, learn to prove their point of view, answer questions, thereby developing the skills of conducting business discussions, competencies associated with the culture of information activity.

Potential creativity schoolchildren are noticeably revealed when studying a special course of the school component "Introduction to research activities". The special course helps to achieve a new quality of the result of education, to expand the socio-cultural educational space, development of gifted children. The development of independence, initiative, the formation of skills to work intensively, to be included in the creative process - all this is possible through the involvement of students in research work, the development of projects, the implementation of creative work, the organization of which, subject to a number of didactic conditions, allows you to include children in productive activities, where there are no ready-made answers, refined knowledge. Schoolchildren must independently acquire knowledge, working with various sources of information, analyze them, compare, generalize, and confirm theoretical positions. Informational and communicative competencies formed by high school students in the special course classes allow them to use their knowledge, skills and abilities in various educational fields, to take part in the work of the Small Humanitarian Academy at the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, in all-Russian and international projects.

Pupils of the school annually take part not only in the Festival "Young Intellectuals of the Middle Urals" of city and regional tours; they take part in

  • International project "PlayEnergy"
  • International Olympiad in the Russian language "Intellect of the XXI century"
  • International Scientific and Practical Conference "Kurchatov Readings" (Pedagogical Center for Gifted Children "School of Cosmonautics" at the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences) - Laureate diplomas, the right to participate out of competition in the All-Russian International Scientific and Practical Conference in Moscow
  • All-Russian game-competition in the Russian language "Russian Bear"
  • International Children's Literary Competition "Tale on New Year's Eve"
  • Youth Forum of High School Students (Academic Readings) (Small Humanitarian Academy at the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences), winning prizes in the sections of linguistics, culturologists, receiving certificates for preferential admission to universities in Yekaterinburg
  • All-Russian festival of research and creative works of students "Portfolio" / "Portfolio of the student"
  • All-Russian competition of creative works "Baikonur-Earth-Universe" (winning place)
  • All-Russian competition "The power of the word" (nomination "Philological study")
  • All-Russian competition of young readers "Live Classics"

In the classroom, extracurricular activities, systematic work is underway to involve students in various Internet competitions in the Russian language and literature, the goals and objectives of which are: identifying talented children and creating conditions for their self-realization; getting children involved literary creativity; support of the Russian language in Russia, as well as in countries near and far abroad (International Children's Literary Competition "A Tale on New Year's Eve", International Olympiad in Russian Language "Intelligence of the 21st Century" in on-lain mode, etc.).

As part of the annual Decade of Russian Literature, selection of the best research and creative works students in the Russian language, literature, world art culture to participate in the All-Russian festival of research and creative work of students "Portfolio" / "Portfolio of the student", in scientific and practical conferences of higher educational institutions Yekaterinburg (Ural State Mining University, Russian State Vocational Pedagogical University, etc.).

The professional approach of the teacher to the development of students universal training activities (UUD) contributes to the disclosure of the student's personality, his enthusiasm for creative work, successful steps towards future professional activity. The professionalism of the teacher is considered as one of the most important factors in improving the quality of education

Mastering the Russian language as a means of communication, developing readiness and ability for speech interaction; mastering the most important UUD (the ability to formulate the goals of the activity, plan it, conduct a bibliographic search, extract and transform the necessary information from dictionaries, encyclopedias and other sources, including the media and the Internet, the ability to carry out information processing of the text, etc.) - all this helps schoolchildren to succeed in the process of communication, while showing social activity. Seminars, colloquia, role-playing games, conferences, "creative laboratories" reveal the student's personal potential. A kind of assessment of the work of a teacher in the development of the personality of schoolchildren is information about his activities and his students in the All-Russian Encyclopedia " The best people Russia" / application "Gifted children - the future of Russia".



1. Characteristics of the Federal State Educational Standard of Primary Basic Education…………………………………….5

2. The essence and content of the concept of “personal development”……………..13

3. Overview of primary basic education programs………………..25





Since September 2011, all educational institutions in our country have switched in the 1st grade to the Federal State Educational Standards of the second generation, the introduction of which was provided for by the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education", the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Presidential Educational Initiative "Our new school».

The National Educational Initiative “Our New School” defines the main directions for the development of general education, one of which is the renewal of educational standards. Already at school, children should be able to reveal their abilities, navigate in a high-tech competitive world. The educational standard of the second generation should correspond to this task.

New Standard- this is an update of the content of education, teaching aids and values ​​of education, including the personal development of a younger preschooler.

To achieve the designated task, systemic changes in the content are required. educational activities schools.

The current educational standards do not give the desired results, as they do not correspond to the goals of advanced development. This means that it is necessary to study at school not only the achievements of the past, but also those methods and technologies that will be useful to children in the future.

This provision determined the relevance and choice of the topic. course research"Rpersonal development in the process of implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard IEO».

Purpose of the study: based on the analysis of psychological, pedagogical and special literature, consider the problem of ppersonal development in the process of implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard IEO.

Research objectives:

To characterize the Federal State Educational Standard of Primary Basic Education;

To reveal the essence and content of the concept of "personal development";

To review the programs of primary basic education in the light of the GEF IEO.

Research methods:

- theoretical: analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature on the research problem;

Empirical: studying the experience of practicing teachers indevelopment of the personality of a junior schoolchild in the conditions of the Federal State Educational Standard of the IEO.

Coursework consists from the introduction, three paragraphs, conclusion, bibliography and appendix.

1. Characteristics of the Federal State Educational Standard of Primary Basic Education

Federal state standards are set in Russian Federation in accordance with the requirement of Article 7 of the "Law on Education" and represent "a set of requirements that are mandatory for the implementation of basic educational programs of primary general education (BEP IEO) by educational institutions with state accreditation"[ 28 ] .

elementary School plays an extremely important role in the general education system. This is the link that should ensure the holistic development of the child's personality, his socialization, the formation of an elementary culture of activity and behavior, the formation of intelligence and general culture. To determine the modern requirements for primary school, to ensure the quality of primary education is the main task of the federal state educational standards of the second generation. In accordance with the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated October 6, 2009 No. 373 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia dated December 22, 2009 No. 15785) "On the approval and implementation of the federal state educational standard for primary general education," the new Federal State Educational Standard for primary general education is put into effect from 1 January 2010 for pilot schools, from September 1, 2011 for all schools in the Russian Federation.

In accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education", the Federal State Educational Standard of Primary General Education is a set of requirements that are mandatory for the implementation of basic educational programs of primary general education by educational institutions with state accreditation[ 28 ] .

The federal state educational standard for primary general education must provide:

Unity of the educational space of the Russian Federation;

Continuity of the main educational programs of primary general and basic general education.

The structure of the standards includes three groups of requirements:

To the results of mastering the main educational program of primary general education;

To the structure of the main educational program of primary general education, including the requirements for the ratio of parts of the main educational program of primary general education and their volume, as well as the ratio of the mandatory part of the main educational program of primary general education and the part formed by the participants in the educational process;

To the conditions for the implementation of the main educational program of primary general education, including personnel, financial, logistical and other conditions.

The requirements for the results, structure and conditions for mastering the main educational program of primary general education take into account the age and individual characteristics of students at the stage of primary general education, the inherent value of the stage of primary general education as the foundation of all subsequent education.

The requirements for the results of mastering the main educational program of primary general education contain a description of the goals, competencies of a primary school graduate, determined by the personal, family, social, state needs and capabilities of a child of primary school age, individual characteristics of his development and health status.
Requirements set guidelines for assessing personal, meta-subject and subject learning outcomes.

Personal results - the readiness and ability of students for self-development, the formation of motivation for learning and cognition, the value-semantic attitudes of primary school graduates, reflecting their individually personal positions, social competencies, personal qualities; the formation of the foundations of Russian, civic identity.

Meta-subject results are universal educational actions mastered by students (cognitive, regulatory and communicative).

Subject results - mastered by students in the course of studying academic subjects, the experience of specific activity for each subject area in obtaining new knowledge, its transformation and application, as well as the system of fundamental elements of scientific knowledge that underlies the modern scientific picture of the world.
The requirements define the planned results of primary general education, the possibility of achieving which must be guaranteed by all institutions implementing the main educational programs of primary general education, regardless of their type, location and organizational and legal form. Planned results are an obligatory component of the main educational program of primary general education.

Since the entry into force of the new federal state educational standard for primary general education, new requirements have been imposed on the structure of the main educational program, which determines the content and organization of the educational process at the level of primary general education and is aimed at forming a common culture of students, their spiritual, moral, social , personal and intellectual development, to create the basis for the independent implementation of educational activities that ensure social success, development of creative abilities, self-development and self-improvement, preservation and strengthening of the health of younger students.

The main educational program of primary general education includes the following sections:

Explanatory note;

Planned results of mastering the basic educational program of primary general education by students;

Basic Curriculum educational institution;

The program for the formation of universal educational activities for students at the stage of primary general education;

Work programs of individual subjects, courses;

The program of spiritual and moral development, education of students at the stage of primary general education;

The program for the formation of a culture of a healthy and safe lifestyle;

Corrective work program;

A system for assessing the achievement of the planned results of mastering the basic educational program of primary general education.

Requirements for the conditions for the implementation of the main educational program of primary general education are a system of requirements for personnel, financial, logistical and other conditions for the implementation of the main educational program of primary general education and the achievement of the planned results of primary general education.

The integrative result of the implementation of these requirements should be the creation of a comfortable developing educational environment:

Providing high quality education, its accessibility, openness and attractiveness for students, their parents (legal representatives) and the whole society, spiritual and moral development and education of students;

Guaranteeing the protection and strengthening of the physical, psychological and social health of students;

Comfortable in relation to students and teaching staff.

The implementation of modern requirements will require special professionalism from an elementary school teacher: in addition to the function of a coordinator, organizer, assistant, consultant, he must master the team, joint, collective form of work; be an ally of a psychologist, social pedagogue, etc.

The performance of these functions also determines the teacher's choice of priority educational technologies - project, research, reflective learning, information and communication technologies. These technologies not only solve the problems of mastering the content of the subject, but also contribute to the formation of students' competencies: informational, social, personal, communicative, which fully corresponds to the development tasks modern education in the new social and educational situation.

The standard puts forward three groups of requirements:

Requirements for the results of mastering the main educational program of primary general education;

Requirements for the structure of the basic educational program of primary general education;

Requirements for the conditions for the implementation of the main educational program of primary general education.

Distinctive feature of the new standard is its active nature, which sets the main goal of the development of the student's personality. The education system abandons the traditional presentation of learning outcomes in the form of knowledge, skills and abilities, the wording of the standard indicates the real types of activities that the student must master by the end of primary education. Requirements for learning outcomes are formulated in the form of personal, meta-subject and subject results.

An integral part of the core of the new standard are universal learning activities (UUD). UUD is understood as “general educational skills”, “general methods of activity”, “above-subject actions”, etc. For UUD, a separate program is provided - the program for the formation of universal educational activities (UUD). All types of UUD are considered in the context of the content of specific academic subjects. The presence of this program in the complex of the Basic Educational Program of Primary General Education sets the activity approach in the educational process of primary school.

An important element in the formation of universal educational activities of students at the stage of primary general education, which ensures its effectiveness, is the orientation of younger students in information and communication technologies (ICT) and the formation of the ability to correctly apply them (ICT competence). The use of modern digital tools and communication environments is indicated as the most natural way to form UUD, the subprogram "Formation of students' ICT competence" is included. The implementation of the program for the formation of UUD in elementary school is the key task of introducing a new educational standard.

The standard establishes requirements for the results of students who have mastered the basic educational program of primary general education:

Personal, including the readiness and ability of students for self-development, the formation of motivation for learning and cognition, the value-semantic attitudes of students, reflecting their individual-personal positions, social competencies, personal qualities; the formation of the foundations of civic identity;

Meta-subject, including the development by students of universal learning activities (cognitive, regulatory and communicative), ensuring the mastery of key competencies that form the basis of the ability to learn;

Subject-based, including the experience, mastered by students in the course of studying the subject area, of activity specific to this subject area in obtaining new knowledge, its transformation and application, as well as the system of fundamental elements of scientific knowledge that underlies the modern scientific picture of the world.

Subject results are grouped by subject areas within which subjects are indicated. They are formulated in terms of “the graduate will learn…”, which is a group of mandatory requirements, and “the graduate will have the opportunity to learn…”, failure to achieve these requirements by the graduate cannot serve as an obstacle to transferring him to the next level of education.

The standard assumes the implementation in an educational institution of both classroom and extracurricular activities. Extracurricular activities are organized in the areas of personal development (sports and recreation, spiritual and moral, social, general intellectual, general cultural).

Extracurricular activities may include: doing homework (starting from the second half of the year), individual lessons of a teacher with children who require psychological, pedagogical and correctional support (including individual lessons in the formulation of oral speech, handwriting and writing, etc. ), individual and group consultations (including remote ones) for children of various categories, excursions, circles, sections, round tables, conferences, debates, school scientific societies, olympiads, competitions, search and scientific research, etc.

The time allotted for extracurricular activities is not included in the maximum allowable workload of students. The alternation of classroom and extracurricular activities is determined by the educational institution and agreed with the parents of students.

Thus - normative document,

2. The essence and content of the concept of "personal development"

In European languages, the concept of "personality" comes from the Latin "persona" - the mask of an actor in the theater, the social role of a person. In Russian, "face" is the image of a face on an icon. In Eastern cultures, the concept of “personality” refers not only to the face, but to the entire body of a person. This concept has many meanings: an individual, an individualist; a set of properties inherent in a given person, constituting his personality; the socio-psychological essence of a person, which is formed as a result of the assimilation of social norms, consciousness and behavior, socio-historical experience (one becomes a person under the influence of the community, education, training, communication, interaction).

In humanistic philosophy, a person is a person as a value for which the development of society is carried out. Personality is a single whole, it is “complex like a microcosm” (E.I. Rogov), in it all properties and components, subjective and objective are connected “in an extremely difficult to dismember, indecomposable integrity. According to R. Linton, a personality is "an organized set of psychological processes and states experienced by an individual, from which his behavior follows." Personality is an exclusive "repetition" of the world in itself, a manifestation of oneself as a subject, in which external phenomena-meanings take on the form of meanings; it does not exist outside the system of its choices, it is constructed and created by them. This is a unique complex of energy and information processes and transformations with a complex structure of relationships between them that has no analogues in animate and inanimate nature.

Personality is social and expresses everything that is supranatural, historical in a person; arises as a result of cultural and social development, this is a kind of law of man's arrangement of his own being and relations with the world. The level of its development is characterized by the ability to maintain and protect the space of this individuality; an authority exercising control over a person's living space through the development of rules of behavior in this space. The concept of "personality" - social characteristic an individual, indicating his qualities, which are formed under the influence of social relations, communication with other people. As a personality, a person is formed in the social system through purposeful and thoughtful upbringing. Personality is determined by the measure of appropriation of social experience, on the one hand, and by the measure of return to society of a feasible contribution to the treasury of material and spiritual values, on the other. Subject and personality early stages ontogeny coincide, and later education - personality - is a conscious subject of activity. A person becomes a personality in the process of reaching a certain level of development, which allows him to be considered capable of independent transformative activity. He must show, reveal his properties, laid down by nature and formed in him by life and upbringing.

According to A.A. Bodalyov, no matter how stringent requirements are imposed on a person, no matter what they may be in their content and form, she still accepts them and transforms them for herself in accordance with the nature and degree of her subjectivity - the level of development of consciousness, the formation of needs,ability developmenteducation of character. And no one else, but the person herself sets goals for herself, chooses ways to achieve them and comes to certain results. “From a certain age, becoming a sovereign personality, a unique individuality, a person begins to build himself, improve himself, develops the abilities and inclinations of soul and body inherent in him by nature, God and previous upbringing.”

The personality is able not only to appropriate the world of objects and ideas, but also to produce, transform, create, reflect. It has "integrative activity", which implies an active position of the individual in various manifestations, ranging from conscious goal-setting, dialectical operation and constructive adjustment of methods of activity in all (from traditional to fundamentally new) situations, ending with the desire and ability to intuitively, critically and innovatively reflect and predict results of activities and relationships . The main essential feature is a consciously and freely set goal, the desire to achieve it through the implementation of adequate activities, high activity and consistency in this.

Freedom of the individual - when in the process of goal-setting activity the determination of actions occurs in the person himself, when there is a person's ability to independently make adjustments to his activity and the circumstances accompanying it, taking into account the goal set, when there is the right and opportunity not only to independently choose tasks, methods and conditions for their solution, but also to creatively create and integrate them, to create fundamentally new ones. Personality as a subject characterizes the internal independence of the "outside world", external influences, independence not in the sense of ignoring them, but in the sense of the stability of views, beliefs, meanings, motives, their correction, change (and with them behavior, style, way of life, specific deeds) only for serious reasons, self-conviction in this. In unity with the most important procedural characteristics (completeness and versatility of skills, independence, creativity, etc.), these meanings, views, motives, beliefs form the very uniqueness, originality, originality of the individual, which are the basis for fruitful intersubjective relations, stimulate the desire for interaction, cooperation, communication.

First of all, a person is a person as a subject of vigorous activity, transforming the world, and, consequently, a carrier of consciousness and self-consciousness in conjunction with the system of its relations. This is a kind of authority exercising control over a person's living space through the development of their own principles and rules of behavior in this space.

According to V.A. Petrovsky , personality is a kind of law of the structure of one's own being, behavior and relations with the world. In personality - a special quality of a person, a product of the sociocultural context - the social and cultural beginning, they form it. The social nature of a person is manifested in the process of assimilation of social culture by him, as a result of which he develops a specific system of interests, a stable chain of motivations. At the same time, as rightly pointed out E.I. Ignatiev , in any historical era, people have a certain image of the world, a specific worldview, and behave not only and not so much in accordance with external circumstances, but depending on the picture of the world that has become established in their minds. By consciousness here one has to understand not only reflexed and thought-out systems of thought, but also the whole magma of obscure and automated reactions of human consciousness, the world of imagination. Guidelines for behavior and the values ​​of life are given to a person to a large extent by his language, religion, upbringing, and the example of those around him.

Many major studies in the field of psychology are devoted to the identification of the mechanism of personal development (K.A. Abulkhanova-Slavskaya, L.I. Bozhovich, G.A. Kovalev, A.N. Leontiev, S.L. Rubinshtein, V.I. Slobodchikov, B.D. Elkonin). Conceptual provisions about the personal beginning of a person are the result of fundamental research in the field of personality psychology. 3. Freud developed a psychodynamic theory of personality that emphasizes unconscious mental or emotional motives as the basis of human behavior. The formation of personality is presented as a sequence of stages of psychosexual development and occurs in early childhood, when the social environment suppresses, first of all, sexual desires as undesirable, unacceptable in society. Thus, injuries are inflicted on the human psyche, which then in various forms (in the form of changes in character traits, mental illness, obsessive dreams, features of artistic creativity, etc.) make themselves felt throughout human life. With this in mind, ethnologists conclude that differences in educational systems different peoples lead to the formation of their peculiar character traits.

A. Adler developed an individual theory of personality, emphasizing the uniqueness of each individual and the processes by which people overcome their shortcomings and strive to achieve life goals. K.G. Jung is the author of the analytical theory of personality, giving great importance the confrontation of forces within the personality and the desire to gain selfhood (individuality) through the process of individualization. E. Erickson formulated the concept of eight stages of ego development, originating in Freud's theory. Ego is a theory of personality based on psychoanalytic theory, but developing new directions and ways of understanding human behavior. E. Fromm developed the concept of "social personality", which was defined as a more or less conscious system of ideas - beliefs, attitudes, values, feelings, which emphasizes the role of sociological, political, economic, religious and anthropological factors in the development and formation of the individual's character. However, attitudes and values ​​are not identical to the individual as such; they reflect some superficial layer of personality.

K. Horney created a sociocultural theory of personality or a theory of optimization of interpersonal relationships, aimed at coping with basic anxiety through excessive dependence or emotional isolation from other people. G. Allport developed a dispositional theory of personality, highlighting the stable qualities (personality traits) inherent in a person and ensuring the constancy of his behavior over time and with a change in the situation. R. Cattell created a structural theory of personality traits, postulating the existence of fundamental inclinations or characteristics that initiate and guide behavior; B.F. Skinner's theory of operant learning: a form of learning in which the correct response or change in behavior is reinforced and made more likely; A. Bandura - a socio-cognitive theory of personality, emphasizing that behavior is the result of a complex interaction between cognitive (cognitive) processes and the influence of the environment; D. Rotter - the theory of social learning; J. Kelly - the cognitive theory of personality, which pays special attention to cognitive processes (thinking, consciousness, judgment) in understanding human behavior; A. Maslow's humanistic theory of personality, emphasizing the uniqueness of the human personality, the search for values ​​and the meaning of existence, as well as freedom, expressed in self-government and self-improvement.

Personal development occurs throughout life. Accordingly, various stage models were proposed for understanding the phases of growth and development in human life: G. Eysenck. In addition, many scholars have emphasized the role of the relationship between the child and the parent as a significant factor in understanding developmental problems. Proceeding from the fact that in each situation a person must, as it were, balance between the requirements “to be like everyone else” and “to be like no one else”, i.e. to be identical and unique at the same time, they (Kolberg) set the task of forming a conscious and even critical attitude to existing social orders, developing in an individual the desire for “contacts with the material and social environment” (W. Heinz), for self-affirmation in society. K. Rogers attached particular importance to how the “I-concept” of an individual is formed (both in terms of cognition and emotionally) under the influence of parental attitudes and behavior at the stage of personality formation. This is a phenomenological theory of personality, emphasizing the importance of a person's subjective experiences, his feelings and personal concepts, a personal point of view on the world and himself.

The category of development, constantly undergoing rethinking and transformation depending on the economic, political and cultural life, becomes the basic one in the humanistic paradigm of education. Personal development occurs under the influence of external and internal, social and natural, controlled and uncontrolled factors, in the process of assimilation by a person of the values, norms, attitudes, patterns of behavior inherent in this society at this stage of development. While behavioral or psychologicalneoplasmsdo not become the subject of the subject's own activity, are not reflected in his mind as a special goal, the development of the individual does not become, in the proper sense of the word, personal development. Another aspect of the mechanism of personal development is the "intervention" of consciousness in the spontaneous flow of experiences of the individual, which is associated with a kind of verbalization of sensory experience, its expression in the word. The development of personality involves the development of the need to be a person, to receive recognition of this fact from one's environment. This is a kind of becoming and "exercising" the ability to be it. The basis and driving force for the development of the individual is joint activity and communication, through which the movement of the individual in the world of people, familiarization with culture is carried out. Belonging to a certain culture leads to normative patterns of thinking, emotions and behavior, forms an attitude towards the world around.

The mechanism of personality development V.A. Krutetskiy defines as entrenched in its psychological organization the methods and tools of self-transformation. The verbal report acts as the means of "work" of an individual with his sensual sphere; inner statement; the formulation of one's own opinion, which, as a rule, is inseparable from the desire to oppose it to a different opinion; conscious performance of a "personal action" - a choice, a responsible decision, a statement about one's position, etc. This most important aspect of personality neoplasms is an internal dialogue, not least dependent on the mastery of real dialogical relations.

Speaking about the mechanism of personal development, R.S. Nemov emphasizes in it the aspect of secrecy, "intimacy". He believes that it is necessary to distinguish between the actual content inner work of a person on how he presents this “work” to another. The intimacy of the process of personal neoplasms leads to the fact that the personal experience of an individual is a product of his self-development, and not of outside influence. The development of the functions of selectivity, reflection, meaning definition, building the image of the Self, taking responsibility, creative self-realization in the chosen activity area, ensuring the autonomy and individuality of the subject's being is possible only on condition that they are in demand by the situation of the individual's life activity, find application in it. “Without the knowledge” of the individual, it is impossible to decide what kind of person to be (this should not be confused with the cognitive sphere, where education standards are determined to a large extent from other considerations). One of the functions of a person is a continuous search, justification and revision of the meaning of her actions and life in general. Failure to fulfill this function, its insufficient representation in the life of an individual is a sign of his insufficient personal development. "The meaning of human life lies in the realization of his essential forces." The absence of a sense-seeking policy leads to an existential vacuum, depersonalization of the individual and, ultimately, to the loss of life meaning, meaninglessness.

The personal development of a person acts as a kind of balancing of two principles - the imperative and freedom. The imperative for the personality is, first of all, universal norms of morality, while freedom is expressed in the personality's own claims for achievements that affirm the image of the Self. The personality seeks the harmony of these instances.

Personal development is a complex relationship between the evolutionary accumulation of personal experience (meanings) and such life events that depreciate or, on the contrary, strengthen some of these meanings, require reflection or even revision of the accumulated experience under the influence of non-any influences, and mainly those of them which express the needs of the person himself, are addressed to his personality, are based on his own attitude to reality. We are talking about the formation of individual harmony of the individual, about providing the basic level of culture necessary for the self-development of the individual.

"Pedagogy of personality" (N.A. Alekseev, E.V. Bondarevskaya, V.C. Ilyin, I.F. Isaev, M.V. Klarin, SV. Kulnevich, V.A. Slastyonin, E.N. Shiyanov) considers the development personality as an activity performed by teachers on the basis of purposeful transfer to pupils of a certain experience of personal self-organization.

A special function of education is that its content lays the basic, fundamental foundations of the culture of the individual - mental, moral, environmental, aesthetic, economic, legal, etc. The mechanisms of personal development are changing significantly: theoretical training in the field of the humanities comes to the fore, dialogue with culture, integration of knowledge into a holistic picture of the world, cultural reflection, self-regulation, decision-making in situations of choice, life-creation, self-development. The personal paradigm requires universality, moral integrity. It cannot be formed partially, standardized. Personality in this system is not something that needs to be "activated" in order to fulfill a given curriculum, i.e. acts not as a means, but as an end in itself of the educational process.

If we talk about the sphere of personal development of school students, then it should provide:

Willingness and ability for spiritual development, moral self-improvement, self-esteem, understanding the meaning of one's life, individually responsible behavior;

Willingness and ability to realize creative potential in spiritual and subject-productive activities, social and professional mobility based on moral standards, continuing education and the universal spiritual and moral attitude to “become better”;

Strengthening morality based on freedom, will and spiritual domestic traditions, the internal attitude of the individual to act according to his conscience;

The formation of morality as a conscious person of the need for a certain behavior based on the ideas accepted in society about good and evil, proper and unacceptable;

The development of conscience as a moral self-awareness of the individual, the ability to formulate one's own moral obligations, to exercise moral self-control, to demand from oneself the fulfillment of moral norms, to give moral self-assessment to one's own and other people's actions;

Acceptance by the individual of basic national values, national spiritual traditions;

Willingness and ability to express and defend one's public position, to critically evaluate one's own intentions, thoughts and actions;

The ability for independent actions and actions performed on the basis of a moral choice, taking responsibility for their results, purposefulness and perseverance in achieving results;

Diligence, thrift, life optimism, ability to overcome difficulties;

Awareness of the value of other people, the value of human life, intolerance to actions and influences that pose a threat to life, physical and moral health, spiritual security of the individual, the ability to counteract them;

Love of freedom as the ability for conscious personal, professional, civil and other self-determination and development, combined with the moral responsibility of the individual to the family, society, Russia, future generations;

Strengthening faith in Russia, a sense of personal responsibility for the Fatherland to past, present and future generations.

Identification of the main areas of evaluation activity - evaluation of the results of the activities of education systems at various levels, teachers, students.

Thus, the standard is focused on the formation of the personal characteristics of the graduate (“portrait of an elementary school graduate”):

Loving his people, his land and his homeland;

Respecting and accepting the values ​​of family and society;

Inquisitive, actively and interested in knowing the world;

Possessing the basics of the ability to learn, capable of organizing their own activities;

Ready to act independently and be responsible for their actions to the family and society;

Friendly, able to listen and hear the interlocutor, justify his position, express his opinion;

Fulfilling the rules of a healthy and safe lifestyle for yourself and others.

3. Overview of primary basic education programs

The analysis of information on the topic of the course study allowed us to establish that at the moment there is a fairly extensive set of educational methodological sets for solving the problems of teaching and educating a younger student, including his personal development. This is:

Program "Primary School XXI century";

Program "School 2100";

Program "School of Russia";

Program "Perspective";

Program "Harmony";

Program "School 2000...";

System "Development. Individuality. Creation. Thinking" ("Rhythm").

Let us give a description of the most common programs of primary education.

Program "Primary school of the XXI century"

"Primary School of the 21st Century" is a system of textbooks (teaching and methodological kit) for grades 1-4 of general educational institutions, which ensures the achievement of the requirements for the results of mastering the main educational program of primary general education. The system was developed by a team of scientists from the Institute of Content and Teaching Methods of the Russian Academy of Education, Moscow State Pedagogical University, Russian Academy for Advanced Studies and Retraining of Educational Workers, Moscow state university. The project leader is Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Education, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor Natalia Vinogradova.

The prerequisites for its creation were: the main provisions of the theory of L.S. Vygotsky, scientific ideas of developmental education by D.B. Elkonina, V.V. Davydova, A.V. Zaporozhets, the concept of a promising elementary school (A.M. Pyshkalo, L.E. Zhurova, N.F. Vinogradova).

The leading idea of ​​the TMC "Primary School of the 21st Century" is the implementation of one of the possible ways to modernize primary education, the disclosure of new approaches to the goals, content and methods of teaching younger students in a mass primary school. Based on this, the team of authors created teaching aids for students (textbooks, workbooks) and teachers (books, guidelines, lesson planning, etc.).

TMC "Primary School of the 21st Century" includes textbooks on academic subjects, the names of which are presented in Appendix 1.

All textbooks are included in the Federal lists of textbooks recommended (approved) by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation for the 2010-2011 academic year.

TMC "Primary School of the 21st Century" is built on the same fundamental principles for all academic subjects.

1. Student-centered learning involves: the preservation and support of the child's individuality; providing opportunities for each child to work at their own pace; creation of conditions for mandatory successful activity; training in the zone of "proximal development", providing timely assistance to each child in case of learning difficulties; creation of conditions for the realization of the creative possibilities of the student.

2. The natural conformity of education is considered as the correspondence of the content, forms of organization and means of education to the psychological capabilities and characteristics of children of primary school age, providing assistance to students who experience learning difficulties; creation of conditions for the growth of creative potential, the successful development of gifted children. A measure of the difficulty of the content of education for each student, taking into account the pace of his progress in mastering knowledge-skills and universal actions, the level of actual mental development and the stage of learning.

3. The principle of pedocentrism involves the selection of the content of education that is most adequate to the needs of children of this age stage of development, knowledge, skills, universal actions that are most relevant for younger students. This takes into account the need for the child's socialization, his awareness of his place not only in the "children's" world, but also in the school community; mastering new social roles (“I am a student”, “I am a student”) with the gradual expansion of his participation in the “adult” world. It also takes into account the knowledge and experience of the younger student in interacting with peers, with other people, with the environment, the level of awareness of one's belonging to a society of people (rights, duties, social roles).

4. The principle of cultural conformity makes it possible to provide the student with the best objects of culture from different spheres of the surrounding life (science, art, architecture, folk art, etc.) for learning, which makes it possible to provide integration links between the student's educational and extracurricular activities.

5. The organization of the learning process in the form of an educational dialogue (the dialogical nature of the educational process) includes the teacher's orientation towards the democratic style of the relationship between teachers and students; giving the child the right to make a mistake, their own opinion, the choice of an educational task and a partner in activities. In elementary school, different forms of organization of education are used, during which children learn to cooperate, to carry out joint educational activities (pair, group, general collective).

6. Continuity and prospects of education. Establish successive links between the methodological system of education and preschool, as well as the main link in education.

From this point of view, the adaptation period in the first grade is especially important, the organization of which should help each first grader, taking into account his readiness for schooling, to move painlessly from preschool childhood to the school stage of life. Therefore, the authors paid special attention to the creation of new integrated courses studied in the first half of the 1st grade ("Diploma", "World around"), which, along with educational functions, would ensure the implementation of the function of "soft" adaptation of children to new activities.

Integration, which allows taking into account the integrity of the child's perception of the world around this age, is gradually being replaced by differentiated courses (they begin in the second half of the first year of study). The function of a holistic perception of the surrounding reality remains a priority direction of construction in subsequent classes of the "World Around".

The next feature of the project "Primary school of the XXI century" is that, according to the teaching materials, it allows to successfully solve one of the priority tasks of primary education - to form the main components of educational activity.

The idea of ​​building the education of younger schoolchildren on the basis of learning activity belongs to the theorists of developmental education. At the same time, the authors of "Primary School of the 21st Century" set themselves the task of developing a methodology for this type of education for mass schools in Russia, regardless of location, working conditions, teacher preparedness, etc. Based on this, in the teaching methodology, special attention is paid, firstly, to the purposeful use of modeling activities, and secondly, the authors have created a system of games with rules that develop the qualities necessary for teaching. And, thirdly, the content and structure of teaching aids reflect new approaches to the development of students' monitoring and evaluation activities (the "Check Yourself" section, the tasks "Compare your answer with the text", "Find mistakes", etc.).

Renovation of the primary school means a transition from the priority of reproductive and instructive activities to the priority of search and research. In teaching materials this is achieved by a method in which the student masters a fundamentally different role - not just a "spectator", "listener", "loudspeaker" ("I watch, listen, remember, repeat"), but a "researcher". The role of the researcher lies, first of all, in the fact that the student is an equal participant in the learning process, its subject. He is very interested in finding the truth, discovering new knowledge for himself: the student can put forward his own hypothesis (heading of the textbook "Express an assumption"), choose and justify his own way of solving the educational problem, enter into a discussion (tasks "Express your opinion"). In this case, the place and role of the sample (rules, method, conclusion, etc.) changes. It is not presented by the teacher at the beginning of cognitive activity as not subject to discussion, change, and even more so evaluation, but is born in the process of collective work and often completes it, which makes it possible for each student to “discover” and consciously accept scientific knowledge.

The authors of the teaching materials set themselves another task: to increase attention to the creative activity of students, which includes the initiative and independence of each student. This is achieved by the use of "hidden" samples in the teaching methodology, the predominance of tasks of a problematic nature (compared to reproductive ones), the presence of a system of special creative tasks that become more complicated from class to class. The authors closely associate the development of creativity with the improvement of such mental process as imagination, therefore, for the first time for primary school, a system for using role-playing in teaching has been developed in the TMC, which makes it possible to develop various facets of role-playing behavior, and hence the imagination and creativity of the student. Thus, the role-playing game was introduced as an obligatory structural element of the lesson on "The World Around" especially in the 1st and 2nd grades. The development of creativity is also facilitated by the heading introduced in all textbooks - "Journey into the Past".

TMC "Primary school of the XXI century" implements in the educational process the right of the child to their individuality. All teaching aids contain material that allows the teacher to take into account the individual pace and success of each child's learning, as well as the level of his overall development. All textbooks provide additional educational content, which allows you to create a fairly high erudite, cultural background for learning, ensuring, on the one hand, the removal of the obligation to master all the knowledge presented (the child can, but should not learn it), and on the other hand, giving everyone the opportunity work in accordance with their abilities (headings of textbooks "For those who read well", "Journey into the past", "This wonderful world", etc.).

The correctional and developmental workbooks developed for the main subjects of the curriculum allow the teacher to move away from the traditionally accepted orientation towards the "average" student and carry out purposeful work depending on the success of each student's education. The TMC presents a system of work of an elementary school teacher to eliminate the causes of difficulties that arise in a younger student in the process of studying various subjects. For this, both control work and a diagnostic system for students of each class are presented, which allows the teacher to track not only the success of learning, but also the dynamics of the child's development.

The authors of the teaching materials pay special attention to the creation of an emotionally positive atmosphere for teaching younger students, the development of educational initiative and independence. The teaching methodology is structured in such a way that it gives each child the right to make a mistake, to self-assess their work, to independently analyze both the process and the results of learning (the "Check Yourself" section, recommendations to the teacher on the formation of the controlling activity of schoolchildren).
Each subject of the EMC contributes to the implementation of the above provisions.

EMC "Primary school of the XXI century" became the winner of the "Competition for the creation of textbooks of a new generation for high school", conducted by the National Training Foundation and the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation. Industry and government awards of the kit became an expression of public recognition of the WMK. In 2001, the kit became the winner in the nomination "Textbook of the XXI century" and the owner of the book "Oscar" at the XIV Moscow International Book Fair. In 2002, the kit was awarded the Prize of the President of the Russian Federation in the field of education.

Program "School 2100"

The educational system "School 2100" is one of the programs for the development of general secondary education, aimed primarily at developing and improving the content of education and providing it with program, methodological and educational materials.

The "School 2100" program is built on the basis of the concept of "common sense pedagogy" and the concepts of individual subjects. It combines the main modern approaches to the education process (developing, variable, humanistic, student-oriented, etc.). This concept is opposed to the outdated "manipulative" paradigm, where the student acts as an object of education and upbringing, and not as an equal participant or subject of the educational process. It formulates the goals, principles and prospects for the development of the content and technology of Russian education (including upbringing) for the next ten years, corresponding to the developmental and variative approach and based on the idea of ​​lifelong education.

Scientific director of the program from 1990 to August 2004 - Academician of the Russian Academy of Education A. A. Leontiev, since September 2004 - Academician of the Russian Academy of Education D.I. Feldstein.

Firstly, it would be a system of developing education that prepares a new type of student - internally free, loving and able to relate creatively to reality, to other people, able not only to solve the old, but also to pose a new problem, able to make an informed choice and make independent decisions. ;

Secondly, it would be accessible to a mass school, would not require teachers to retrain anew;

Thirdly, it would be developed precisely as an integral system - from theoretical foundations, textbooks, programs, methodological developments to the system of advanced training of teachers, the system of control and monitoring of the results of teaching, the system of implementation in specific schools;

Fourth, it would be a system of holistic and continuous education.

a) personality-oriented principles: the principle of adaptability, the principle of development, the principle of psychological comfort;

b) culturally oriented principles: the principle of a picture of the world, the principle of the integrity of the content of education, the principle of systematicity, the principle of a semantic attitude to the world, the principle of the indicative function of knowledge, the principle of relying on culture as a worldview and as a cultural stereotype;

c) activity-oriented principles: the principle of learning activity, the principle of a controlled transition from activity in a learning situation to activity in a life situation, the principle of transition from joint educational and cognitive activity to independent activity of a student, the principle of relying on previous development, the principle of shaping the need for creativity and skills creativity.

The technology of problem-dialogical learning has been developed, which allows replacing the lesson of "explanation" of new material with the lesson of "discovery" of knowledge. The problematic dialogue technology is a detailed description of teaching methods and their relationship with the content, forms and means of teaching. This technology is effective because it provides a high quality of knowledge acquisition, effective development of intellect and creative abilities, education of an active personality while maintaining the health of students. The problematic dialogue technology is of a general pedagogical nature, i.e. implemented on any subject content and any educational level.

An optimal interpretation of the educational standard for the conditions of developing education is proposed, which is based on the minimax principle - a mismatch between the level of requirements for the content of the material presented and the level of requirements for mastering it by students. Based on this principle, textbooks have been created that differ significantly in the amount of material that students can and should (standard and program requirements) learn. This allows you to form information competence, i.e. the ability to identify missing information, search, analyze and synthesize new information.

Educational principles of the program: - social activity; — social creativity; - interaction between the individual and the team; - developing education; - motivation; - individualization; - the integrity of the educational process; - unity of the educational environment; - support for leading activities.

At present, the textbooks of the Educational program "School 2100" are actively included in the practice of the mass school, the authors of the textbooks regularly conduct methodological courses, consultations and seminars for teachers, scientific and practical conferences.

"School 2100" for primary school is a system of textbooks (teaching and methodological kit) for grades 1-4 of general educational institutions, which ensures the achievement of the requirements for the results of mastering the main educational program of primary general education.

The system of textbooks "School 2100" for primary school includes completed subject lines of textbooks in the main subjects of primary general education, the names of which are presented in Appendix 2.

All textbooks of the "School 2100" system are included in the Federal lists of textbooks recommended (approved) by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation for use in the educational process in educational institutions for the 2012/2013 academic year (Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation No. 2885 of December 27, 2011 No. ).

OS "School 2100" also includes the course "Rhetoric" (authors: Ladyzhenskaya T.A., Ladyzhenskaya N.V.). The program was developed in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Primary General Education and is provided with teaching materials (textbooks, guidelines for teachers).

The team of authors of the School 2100 educational system became the Laureate of the 2008 RF Government Prize in the field of education “For theoretical development foundations of the new generation educational system and its practical implementation in textbooks”. The content of education is determined by state standards and is embodied in the content and forms of educational literature for students. Experts from the Russian Academy of Education note that the School 2100 team of authors managed to create a modern, student-centered educational system for a mass school that is fully consistent with state policy and the directions for modernizing Russian education and effectively implements the ideas of developmental education, continuously and successively from preschool to graduation. secondary school.

The main advantage of the School 2100 educational and methodological package lies in the deep continuity and continuity of education. Under this program, children can study from preschool age to the end of a general education school (mainly in the direction of Russian language and literature).

All textbooks of the program are built taking into account the psychological specifics of age. A characteristic feature of this educational program is the principle of "minimax": educational material is offered to students to the maximum, and the student must learn the material according to the minimum standard. Thus, each child has the opportunity to take as much as he can.

Program "School of Russia"

"School of Russia" is a teaching kit for grades 1-4 of educational institutions. The scientific adviser of the set is Andrey Anatolyevich Pleshakov, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences. As a single holistic set, this kit has been operating since 2001. This is one of the most famous and popular educational and methodological kits for teaching in primary grades.

The main idea of ​​the program: “School of Russia” is created in Russia and for Russia. The School of Russia program should become a school of spiritual and moral development. Such a school would be worthy of Russia.

Learning objectives:

Creation of conditions for the development of the personality of a younger student, the realization of his abilities, support for individuality;

Mastering by the junior schoolchild of the system of knowledge, general educational and subject skills and abilities;

Formation in the child of interest in learning and the ability to learn;

Formation of health-saving skills, teaching the basics of safe life.


The priority of education in the educational process;

Person-oriented and activity-based nature of education;

Combination of innovative approaches with the traditions of domestic education.

The main feature of the methods and forms is that preference is given to the problem-search and creative activities of younger students. This approach involves the creation of problem situations, making assumptions, searching for evidence, drawing conclusions, comparing results with a standard. With this approach, a natural motivation for learning arises, the child's ability to understand the meaning of the task, plan educational work, control and evaluate its result successfully develops. The problem-search approach allows you to build a flexible teaching methodology that is well adapted to the specifics of the educational content and the specific pedagogical situation, taking into account the individual characteristics of children, their interests and inclinations. It makes it possible to apply an extensive arsenal of heuristic methods and techniques, purposefully developing cognitive activity and student independence. At the same time, the possibility of the existence of different points of view on the same issue is demonstrated, tolerance and respect for the opinion of another, a culture of dialogue is brought up, which is in good agreement with the task of forming tolerance.

All textbooks are included in the Federal List of Textbooks Recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation for the 2010-2011 academic year; meet the requirements of the current State Standard of Primary General Education; provide continuity with preschool and basic general education.

The teaching materials include textbooks and teaching aids of a new generation that meet the requirements for a modern textbook. At the same time, it carefully preserves the best traditions of the Russian school, taking into account the well-known principles of didactics, in particular, taking into account the age characteristics of children, the gradual increase in difficulty in presenting educational material, etc. The authors of textbooks and teaching aids have adopted all the best that has been accumulated and tested in practice of domestic education, has proved its availability for students of primary school age, guarantees the achievement of positive results in learning and real opportunities for the personal development of the child.

The set of textbooks "School of Russia" is an integral model built on a single conceptual basis and having complete software and methodological support. At the same time, the educational and methodological set was given such qualities as fundamentality, reliability, stability, openness to the new, which should be integral characteristics of an elementary school so that it can successfully fulfill its high mission.

The general characteristics of the contents of the kit are as follows:

The personality-developing nature of education with the priority of the spiritual and moral development of the child.

The civic-oriented nature of education, which provides for the upbringing of a child by a citizen of his country, developing feelings of citizenship and patriotism.

The globally oriented nature of education, meeting the new challenges of education in the era of globalization.

Eco-adequate nature of education with priority attention to the problems of environmental ethics, education of love and respect for nature.

The list of EMC "School of Russia" is presented in Appendix 3.

Educational and methodological complex (EMC) for elementary grades "School of Russia" is one of the most famous projects in the country of the publishing house "Enlightenment". Practice shows that more than half of the primary school students in Russia are trained according to this EMC. As a whole, the School of Russia set has been operating since 2001. However, the teaching materials textbooks were revised in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard and sent back for examination. In November 2010, the Prosveshchenie publishing house received positive expert opinions from the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Russian Academy of Education that the School of Russia textbook system ensures the achievement of the results of mastering the basic educational program of primary general education and fully complies with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard (FSES) . All textbooks that make up the completed subject lines of the UMK "School of Russia" received positive ratings from the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Russian Academy of Education.

Thus, there are quite a lot of teaching materials for elementary school, and, following the Law on Education, the educational institution and the teacher have the right to choose those textbooks that, in their professional opinion, are the most effective and understandable.


During the course of the study, we came to the following conclusions.

Federal State Educational Standard (FSES)– normative document,which is a set of requirements that are mandatory for the implementation of the main educational program of general education, having state accreditation.

The standard aims to provide:

Equal opportunities to receive quality primary general education;

Spiritual and moral development and education of students at the stage of primary general education, the formation of their civic identity as the basis for the development of civil society;

Preservation and development of cultural diversity and linguistic heritage of the multinational people of the Russian Federation, the right to learn their native language, opportunities to receive education in mother tongue, mastering the spiritual values ​​and culture of the multinational people of Russia;

Unity of the educational space of the Russian Federation in the context of the diversity of educational systems and types of educational institutions;

Democratization of education and educational activities, including through the development of forms of state and public administration, expansion of opportunities for exercising the right to choose teaching staff teaching and upbringing methods, methods for assessing the knowledge of students, developing the culture of the educational environment of an educational institution;

Conditions for the individual development of all students, especially those who are most in need of special learning conditions - gifted children and children with disabilities.

In accordance with the Standard, at the level of primary general education, the following is carried out:

Formation of the foundations of civic identity and worldview of students;

Formation of the foundations of the ability to learn and the ability to organize their activities - the ability to accept, maintain goals and follow them in educational activities, plan their activities, monitor and evaluate them, interact with the teacher and peers in the educational process;

Spiritual and moral development and education of students, providing for their adoption of moral standards, moral attitudes, national values;

Strengthening the physical and spiritual health of students.

In accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, the personal development of elementary school students is aimed at:

Determination of the dynamics of the picture of the development of students on the basis of highlighting the achieved level of development and the immediate prospects - the zone of proximal development of the child;

Determining the opportunities for students to master educational activities at a level corresponding to the zone of proximal development in relation to knowledge that expands and deepens the system of supporting knowledge, as well as knowledge and skills that are preparatory for this subject;

Identification of the main directions of evaluation activities - evaluation of the results of the activities of education systems at various levels, teachers, students.

The implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for Primary General Education is a complex innovative process. Introduction federal standard in all educational institutions of the Russian Federation that implement educational programs of primary general education and have state accreditation, led to the introduction of new programs into school practice, such as:

Program "Primary School XXI century";

Program "School 2100";

Program "School of Russia";

Program "Perspective";

Program "Harmony";

Promising Elementary School Program;

Program "Planet of Knowledge";

Program "School 2000...";

Program "Primary innovative school" (FSES);

The system of developing education L.V. Zankov;

The system of developing education D.B. Elkonina - V.V. Davydov;

System "Development. Individuality. Creation. Thinking" ("Rhythm").

Following the Law on Education in the Russian Federation, both the educational institution and the teacher have the right to choose those textbooks that, in their professional opinion, are the most effective and understandable.

The introduction of federal state educational standards will make it possible to obtain the optimal quality for a particular educational institution educational outcome and build an individual process of educational activities for each student. No matter how new the second generation standards are for the school, they also guarantee accessibility, continuity and free education. It is the standards of the second generation that will become an objective assessment of the level of education and qualifications of graduates, regardless of the forms of education.


1. Baranova O.I. Theory of teaching children of primary school age. Pedagogical technologies. - M. SPHERE. - 242s.

2. Bespalko V.P. Is it time to change the education strategy? - M.: Pedagogy. - 2001. - No. 9.

3. Bodalev A. A. Personality and communication. - M. Academy. - 2013. - 216p.

4. Bozhovich L.I. Personality and its formation in childhood. - M. education. - 2001. - 236s.

5. Bondarevskaya E.V., Kulnevich S.V. Pedagogy. – Rostov n/a. - 2009. - 264p.

6. Gakame Yu.D. Problems of implementation of multicultural education in modern elementary school. - St. Petersburg. - 2010. - 210s.

7. Darnik B.V. Personality Theory in Western Psychology. - M.: Thought. - 2012. - 198s.

8. Demchuk G.G. Organization of work in elementary school in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard of the IEO // Management of elementary school. - 2011. - No. 10. - P.34-35.

9. Kapustin N.P. Pedagogical technologies of the adaptive school: Proc. allowance for students. higher uch. manager – M.: Academy. - 2001. - 216p.

10. Competence-based approach in teacher education: Collective monograph / Ed. V.A. Kozyrev and N.F. Radionova. - St. Petersburg: Publishing House of the Russian State Pedagogical University im. A.I. Herzen. - 2011. - 254p.

11. Kon I.S. Opening "I". - M. VLADOS. - 2008. - 166p.

12. The concept of modernization of Russian education for the period up to 2010.

13. Kraevsky V.V. General foundations of pedagogy. - M. VLADOS. - 2010. - 211p.

14. Krutetsky V.A. Fundamentals of educational psychology. - M. Enlightenment. - 2002. - 225p.

12. Likhachev B. Pedagogy - M. "Yurait". - 2008. - 244p.

13. Mikerova G.G. Implementation of the principles of enlarged didactic units in elementary school. Tutorial. - Krasnodar, KubGU. - 2003. - 179p.

14. Mikerova G.G. Problems of primary language education in the light of the new Federal State Educational Standards. - Krasnodar, KubGU. - 2010. - 114p.

15. Mikerova G.G. Organizational and methodological support for the development of the main educational program of higher professional education. - Krasnodar, KubGU. - 2011. - 104p.

16. National educational initiative "Our new school".

17. Nemov R.S. Psychology: Proc. for stud. higher ped. studies, institutions: In 3 books. - 4th ed. - M .: Tumanit, ed. center VLADOS. - 2002. - Prince. 3: Psychodiagnostics. Introduction to scientific psychological research with elements of mathematical statistics. - 640s.

18. Osipova A.A. General psychocorrection. - M. VLADOS. - 2010. - 365p.

19. Petrovsky V.A. Personality in psychology: the paradigm of subjectivity. - Rostov-on-Don. - 2006. - 222p.

20. Podlasy I.P. Pedagogy. - M. VLADOS. - 2010. - 346s.

21. Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated October 06, 2009 No. 373 “On approval and implementation of the federal state educational standard for elementarygeneral education".

22. The program of primary general education of the UMC "Primary school of the 21st century" / Under. ed. Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Education, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor Vinogradova N.F. - M. VLADOS. - 2001. - 119p.

23. The program of primary general education of the UMK "School 2100" / Ed. Academician of the Russian Academy of Education D.I. Feldshein. - M. VLADOS. - 2004. -145p.

24. The program of primary general education of the UMK "School of Russia" / Ed. candidate of pedagogical sciences A.A. Pleshakov. - M. VLADOS. - 188s.

25. Psychology of junior schoolchild / Ed. E.I. Ignatieva - M. Enlightenment. - 2000 -S. 128-146.

26. Rogov E. I. Handbook of a practical psychologist: Proc. allowance: In 2 books. - M .: VLADOS-PRESS Publishing House. - 2002.- Book 2: The work of a psychologist with adults. Corrective techniques and exercises.— 480 p.

27. Sergeeva B.V. How to prepare a future teacher of primary education for the implementation of the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard. - Krasnodar, KubGU. - 2011. - 142p.

28. Federal state educational standard of primary general education. - M.: Enlightenment. - 2010. - 244p.

29. Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation" dated 10.07.1992 N 3266-1 (as amended on 03.12.2011, as amended and supplemented, effective from 01.02.2012).

30. Kharlamov I.F. Pedagogy. - " graduate School"- M. - 2010. - 366s.

31. Kharlamov I.F. Pedagogy. - "Garoariki". - M. - 2011. - 212s.

32. Kheyal L, Zigyaer D. Theories of personality. - St. Petersburg. - 2007. - 202p.

33. Shamova T.I., Tretyakov P.I., Kapustin N.P. Management of educational systems. – M.: VLADOS. - 2001. - 218s.

34. Elkonin D.B. Psychological development in childhood / Ed. DI. Feldstein. - M .: "Institute Practical psychology; Voronezh: NPO "MODEK" - 2006. - 436p.


Appendix 1

List of teaching materials "Primary school of the 21st century"

7. Fundamentals of the spiritual and moral culture of the peoples of Russia (Grade 4). Authors: Vinogradova N.F., Vlasenko V.I., Polyakov A.V.

8. English "FORWARD" (grades 2-4). Authors: Verbitskaya M.V., Oralova O.V., Ebbs B., Warell E., Ward E.

Appendix 2

List of textbooks "School 2100"

1. Teaching literacy and reading. Primer. Authors: Buneev R.N., Buneeva E.V., Pronina O.V.

10. Physical culture.

11. English "English with pleasure" ("Enjoy English") (grades 2-4). Authors: Biboletova M.Z., Denisenko O.A., Trubaneva N.N. (Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated December 24, 2010 No. 2080).

Annex 3

List of textbooks "School of Russia"

5. The world around.

9. Physical culture.

11. English (extended content of teaching a foreign language). Authors: Vereshchagina I.N., Bondarenko K.A., Pritykina T.A., Afanasyeva O.V.