» Management activities in an educational institution, management functions. The main functions of management within an educational organization Organization as a function of management in the education system

Management activities in an educational institution, management functions. The main functions of management within an educational organization Organization as a function of management in the education system

Larisa Yakovleva
Organization as a function of educational system management

1.1 An organization is a group of people whose activities are consciously coordinated to achieve a common goal or goals.

The main task organizations- prevent deviations from goals management by transmitting information and ensuring its adequate perception.

Control is a planning process organizations, motivation and control necessary in order to formulate and achieve goals organizations.

Management is an element of the function of organized systems of various nature that ensures the preservation of their specific structure, maintenance of the mode of activity, implementation of programs and goals.

In the process management distinguish 4 types activities:

Planning (a type of activity of the head for the development and adoption of a detailed managerial solutions based on environmental analysis);

Organization(the type of activity of the head to determine the scope of work, splitting it into sections, coordinating the efforts of employees);

Motivation (the type of activity of the head to encourage employees to achieve the goal);

Control (the type of activity of the manager in setting standards, measuring and comparing what has been achieved with them, taking corrective action).

system, where present control, can be divided into two subsystems: managing and managed. Two systems interact with each other - exchange information. Government receiving information about the activity managed subsystem, gives out then other information processed. So manner of management as a process in form is the collection, processing and issuance of information. Moreover, this process is cyclical. managerial the cycle involves the repetition of actions, but not information. As part of the information approach under management function is understood as the links of managerial cycle or action subject management corresponding to the changing stages information processing:

To (control information collection)- BUT (analysis of the allocation of cause-and-effect relationships)

C (goal acceptance management decisions, strategic planning) -

P (planning the development of a specific program)- O ( organization prevention of course deviations by transmitting information.

In this cycle, not a single component can be removed, everything is interconnected.

Organization as a function of management can be represented as a flow of information from control subsystem to managed, and therefore the main mechanisms for implementing this functions is informing employees, instructing them, regulating activities, ensuring a clear understanding by teachers of general and directly their tasks.

At organizations transfer of information, the leader must take account of:

Features of the perception of information by the subject - the receiver;

Features of the communication object (information);

Features of the subject - source.

In other words, in the process organizations it is important to ensure the perception of information.

1.2. Ratio regulation and others management functions

The quality of construction and implementation of all management functions - goal setting,

planning, organization, control, analysis - the most essential way influence the need for corrective action managed subsystem, i.e. the better organized the work of the teaching staff, the less effort has to be spent on regulation and correction.

This function reflects the dynamics of processes in system and represents smaller nested in the main loop management cycles: receiving information about deviations from goals management and analyzing it, the leader does not wait for the beginning of a new management cycle to adjust, if necessary, goals, re-plan and organize work - most often he intervenes in activities to eliminate deviations. The need for intervention is often caused by shortcomings in the management activities, however, even in the case of error-free implementation of the previous management functions, life still requires making certain adjustments to the activity.

Function control is closely related to the regulation of a holistic pedagogical process. This is due to the fact that a holistic pedagogical process, like any system, characterized by a desire to organizations, directed by the activities of teachers, on the other hand to disorganization, due to the impact on it of various external and internal factors. In order to resolve the conflict between organization and disorganization and countering random factors and there is a need to regulate the pedagogical systems. Causes disorganization the pedagogical process can be the introduction of new content, forms, methods into its structure, which causes a violation of the established order, requires a change in conditions, the type of thinking of the subject and object management. The need for regulation also arises because constant change, component development systems. The changing level of the professional and pedagogical culture of teachers, the change in value orientations and much more, requires control system sound regulation. Such regulation is possible on the basis of objective data of control and pedagogical analysis.

1.3. Ratio organizations and regulation as management functions.

Regulation and organization interdependent from each other, since the main task functions of the organization- prevent possible deviations from goals management, and regulation - to correct the deviations that have already occurred. It is no coincidence that the instruments of regulation and correction are, as in the case organizations regulation of the activities of performers. Another thing is that bringing the necessary expedient building the activities of information executors and ensuring its perception by employees at the stage organizations can significantly reduce the number of deviations and, accordingly, the new transmission of almost the same information (now already having the character of corrective).

So way, the need for correction inverse to the quality of the organization(subject to high-quality goal-setting and planning).

II. The organizational role of the leader

The head is an official who is officially entrusted with functions of team management and organization of its activities. The work of a leader with people is control individuals and small groups within the labor process through formal and informal relationships.

A role is "a set of defined behavioral rules appropriate for a particular institution or job."

necessary action, as an assessment of the course and results of a particular case.

Classification of roles within the three major categories:

1. Interpersonal role - follows from the powers and status of the leader in organizations and covers the scope of his interactions with people. The manager is able to play a role related to the adoption decisions: distribution of resources, conflict resolution, search for opportunities for organizations negotiating on behalf of organizations.

2. Information role - collection various information(mostly current) of a specialized nature about external and internal environment organizations, which he uses in the interests of his business; acts as a center of internal and external information entering the organization. Distributes the information received in the form of facts and normative attitudes among subordinates, explains the policy and main goals organizations. Passes information to external contacts organizations regarding plans, policies, actions, performance organizations, acts as an expert on the subject matter of the industry.

3. Decision-making role - determines the direction of growth organizations. At the same time, he seeks opportunities for this both inside organizations, and beyond; develops and launches improvement projects that bring change; controls the development of certain projects. When organization encounters unexpected violations, the manager is responsible for corrective action. He is responsible for the distribution of all kinds of resources organizations, represents organization in all significant and important negotiations.

The roles are interconnected and interact to create a cohesive whole.

Head - leader (leading, first, going forward)- a person in a group organizations, enjoying great, recognized authority,

having influence, which manifests itself as control actions.

The main task of the leader is to improve the quality of life organizations, systematic observation, analysis of personnel behavior, direction for further development organizations in a changing environment.

The social and psychological competence of the leader is important, a component of his emotional intelligence, sanogenic (positive) social thinking.

Successful Leader Formula = Strategy (35%) +team (40%) + control (25%)

Setting the task, focusing on the result, obtaining feedback(understanding, acceptance of information, requirements for personnel.

Graphically, the functional composition of the control, built on the traditional approach, is shown in fig. 3.

This classification system includes such functions of pedagogical management as pedagogical analysis, goal-setting, planning, organization, regulation and control. They represent a cyclically repeating "chain" of the implemented process of managing educational systems. Each of the selected functions is substantively presented below.

Rice. 3. Functional composition of management educational systems(traditional function cycle)

Pedagogical analysis. In the scientific literature, the pedagogical analysis of information is a management function aimed at studying the actual state and validity of using a set of methods, means and actions to achieve goals, at an objective assessment of the results of the pedagogical process and the development of regulatory mechanisms for transferring the system to a new qualitative state.

The purpose of pedagogical analysis as a function of management is to draw up a general picture of the process from various kinds of data, sometimes scattered, reflecting various phenomena and facts, to identify its inherent patterns and trends.

Analysis is the processing of information, but at a higher level, when a problem is formulated even before a decision is made, a task is posed. Analysis serves the purpose of substantiating decisions.

The task of pedagogical analysis in the general management system of a general education institution is to form answers to three main questions: “Why did this happen?”, “How to eliminate the cause of this negative phenomenon?”, “How to develop this positive phenomenon?”.

In the process of pedagogical analysis, such specific methods are used as:

analysis - mental or real division of an object into elements;

synthesis- connection (mental or real) of elements into a single whole;

analogy - correspondence, similarity of objects, phenomena. Inference by analogy suggests that the knowledge obtained from the consideration of an object is transferred to a less studied object similar in essential properties and qualities;

decomposition- dismemberment of the problem for analysis into parts;

establishing a causal relationship determination of factors of mutual influence and interdependence of phenomena;

grouping - a method of processing statistical data, when the totality of phenomena being studied is divided into groups and subgroups that are homogeneous according to individual characteristics, and each of them is characterized by a system of statistical indicators (for example, grouping teachers according to the stability of indicators of schoolchildren's learning; grouping students according to their educational needs, grouping educators according to the results of certification etc.);

comparison- comparison of phenomena, objects, establishment of adequacy. Also, the methods of pedagogical analysis include the study of the documentation of an educational institution, the analysis of the products of the educational activities of students, etc.

According to a number of researchers, the function of pedagogical analysis includes three types of analysis: operational, thematic and final.

Under operational analysis one should understand this type of pedagogical analysis, through which the main indicators of the educational process are studied and evaluated daily, the reasons for the violation of its course and rational organization are revealed, recommendations are made to eliminate these causes (for example, analysis of the state of discipline of students for a day, week, month; analysis the sanitary condition of the school for the same period, daily analysis of attendance at school by students, etc.).

Thematic analysis allows you to more deeply study certain positive or negative phenomena of the pedagogical process and reveal the reasons for their occurrence (for example, studying the system of work of the educator to preserve the health of children, the system of work of the teacher to form the cognitive interests of students, the quality of schoolchildren's knowledge in certain subjects, the state of legal / patriotic / labor / aesthetic, etc. education of students, etc.).

Final analysis is carried out at the end of any reporting period of the life of an educational institution (quarter, half year, year) and is aimed at studying the whole range of factors affecting the results of the functioning of an educational institution, and the reasons that caused them.

in modern scientific literature)