» Methodical development of an open lesson on the discipline of the basics of life safety "from the subject of obzh to a safe life." Teaching materials and developments on obzh Download an open lesson on obzh

Methodical development of an open lesson on the discipline of the basics of life safety "from the subject of obzh to a safe life." Teaching materials and developments on obzh Download an open lesson on obzh


Goals: to acquaint students with the features of studying the course of life safety in grade 11; define the concept of "healthy lifestyle"; discuss the problem of strengthening the health of people and prolonging their active life; lead to an independent conclusion that only the person himself forms his healthy (or unhealthy) lifestyle; encourage students to think about their own health.

Equipment: posters "Types of people with different risk of diseases", "Determination of normal weight".

During the classes

I. Organizing time.

The teacher draws the attention of students to the wise thoughts written on the board under the motto: “Man is the adornment of the world” (about the beauty of the physical and spiritual), which serve as an epigraph to the lesson.

Students read:

    At the great thought that I am a man, I always rise in soul. (V. A. Zhukovsky.)

    There are many people with a beautiful appearance, who, however, have nothing to boast of inside. (F. Cooper.)

    Dissatisfaction with oneself is a necessary condition for rational life. Only this dissatisfaction induces to work on oneself. (L. N. Tolstoy.)

    Life is endless improvement. To consider yourself perfect is to kill yourself. (F. Gobbel.)

Teacher. How do you think these statements relate to the topic of our lesson? How are the concepts: "Man - health - beauty" related?

Today's topic of the lesson is devoted to the actual problem of maintaining, preserving and increasing health at all stages of a person's life path, but to a greater extent in the period of youth.

II. Introduction to the study of the course of life safety in grade 11.

The teacher introduces students to the peculiarities of teaching the life safety course in grade 11: the amount of study time is 68 hours per academic year, as in the previous grade; in the lessons more attention is paid to the study of topics on the basics of medical knowledge, the basics military service therefore, students have the opportunity to deepen their knowledge on these issues, improve the skills of providing first aid for various injuries, treating common diseases; the changes relate to the ways and types of teaching. So, in the final part of the training, the teaching of the course will be separate: for boys - the study of the section "Fundamentals of military service", and for girls - the study of sections on the basics of medical knowledge, preparation for family life, first aid. Moreover, willing girls have the right to attend a course intended for boys with the consent of their parents, issued in a written application.

The end of the life safety course in the 11th grade is the opportunity to pass the state exam for the life safety course of a complete general education school of the student's choice. Consequently, the attitude towards the subject of the eleventh graders should be responsible.

III. Exploring a new topic.

1. Introductory conversation.

The teacher asks you to answer the following questions:

    What is the first thing you want for yourself?

    What is the first thing you wish for your loved ones?

    What would you never wish on your enemies? Teacher. That's right, the answer to these questions will be one-


2. Explanation of the concept of "health".

Teacher. Health is the result of the impact of various factors on the unique system of nature "man". Each person should be able to manage their health, taking into account the risk of diseases and the characteristics of psychological and physiological factors.

For self-management of health, everyone needs to be able to create comfort for the soul and body, which is achieved by a certain way of life, attitude to the means of healing and healing from ailments.

How would you define "health"?

Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.

Consider the main components of health.

/ health \


How closely interrelated are the components of health? (The components of health are closely related: if a person is physically healthy, but experiencing psychological discomfort, he cannot feel great.)

What does human health depend on? (Human health depends on lifestyle, behavior, way of thinking.)

Do you agree with this opinion: what is the activity of a person, such is he himself, his nature and his illnesses? Prove your answer with examples.

Health is the main gift the us by our ancestors and wasted by us - their followers. How to dispose of this priceless (really priceless - after all, we get it for free) gift? It is very important to come to the conclusion and understanding of the need to preserve and increase your health as early as possible, and for this you need very little. Scientists define such a desire as a movement in two steps.

The 1st step consists in choosing life attitudes, determining your goals in life.

The 2nd step is the choice of ways for the realization of those vital attitudes and goals that you defined for yourself in the first case.

Is it difficult? - Yes, it is very difficult.

Is it possible to accomplish this? - Yes, it is possible.

It is only necessary to remember that the main condition for a healthy lifestyle is the personal interest of a person. You need to understand that nothing in life comes for free. That the result will be better and higher, the sooner you start working on yourself.

A person is not just a highly organized biological system, but an organism living in certain social conditions that affect the physical and psychological well-being and determine its moral principles.

Lifestyle is an indicator of how a person realizes the conditions of life for his health. Human health in 60% depends on lifestyle, 20% - on the environment, 8% - on heredity.

From birth, a person has certain reserves of health, and the duration of their use depends on the person himself (conditions of behavior, style, lifestyle).

When assessing health, 4 main criteria are used:

    Presence or absence of chronic diseases;

    The level of achieved physical and neuropsychic development;

    The state of the main body systems - respiratory, cardiovascular, excretory, nervous, etc.;

    The degree of resistance of the body to external influences.

There is a complex of factors that determine both the health of an individual and society as a whole.

What are these factors in your opinion? (Socio-economic, determined by the level of development of society: production, education, medicine, diet, population, leisure, etc.)

Why do countries with different levels of socioeconomic development have different health outcomes?

How do environmental factors (climate, flora and fauna, space, solar activity level) affect health? (The influence of these factors is the spread of certain diseases in certain geographical areas- skin cancer in areas with high solar radiation, goiter (thyroid gland)- in areas with insufficient iodine content in water, etc.)

What is the influence of biological and psychological factors? (With heredity, temperament and behavior of a person, his physique, psychological make-up of the personality, that is, with what characterizes the innate properties and individuality of a person.)

Quite right. These factors determine the living conditions of a person that affect his health.

3. Components of a healthy lifestyle and their characteristics.

Teacher. The main components of a healthy lifestyle are:

Sufficient physical activity, providing the body's daily need for movement;

    hardening, which helps to increase the body's resistance adverse effects environment and diseases;

    rational nutrition, balanced in terms of a set of vital substances (proteins, fats, carbohydrates), vitamins and microelements;

    observance of the daily routine, taking into account the dynamics of individual biological rhythms, hygiene of mental work;

    personal hygiene;

    competent environmental behavior;

    psychohygiene, aimed at developing the ability to manage one's emotions and prevent neurasthenic conditions;

    sexual education, prevention of sexually transmitted diseases;

    giving up bad habits - smoking, drinking alcohol and drugs;

    safe behavior at home, on the street and at school, ensuring the prevention of injury and poisoning.

    Know yourself.

    Keep your body clean.

    Eat well.

    Play with care.

    Choose your friends right.

    Keep your world clean.

    Learn to say no.

    Medicine is not a toy.

    Get immunized.

    If you feel sick, consult a doctor, parents.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), youth are considered to be people aged 16 to 29 years, and there are now about 30% of such people on Earth. So, the incidence of this category over the past 5 years has increased by 26.3%. Mortality from non-communicable diseases is constantly increasing and now reaches 83%.

The reason for all such diseases is the lack of personal interest among young people in a healthy lifestyle, caring for the continuation of their kind.

The main objectives of the life safety course in the 11th grade are the following: inculcation of healthy lifestyle skills, formation of a conscious attitude to one's health, the health of future children, preparation for further activities for the benefit of the Fatherland.

IV. Fixing the material.

1. Frontal survey.

Questions and tasks:

    What can affect human health?

    Give examples of the influence of various socio-economic factors on health.

Analyze how socioeconomic factors affect the health of your family members.

Give examples of how natural, biological, psychological factors affect health.

How do you explain the expression: “If you want to have health in yourself,
say hello to everyone"? (77. K. Ivanov.)

2.Express - assessment of the state of health.

1) Completion of task 1.

Teacher. For effective self-management of the state of one's health, it is necessary to systematically (maybe once a month) conduct an express assessment of the state of health according to the following indicators:

    measurement of heart rate (HR);

    determination of the individual constitution combined with real weight. Although health is the opposite of disease, it does not have clear boundaries, as there are various transitional states. Health does not exclude the presence in the body of a disease-causing principle that has not yet manifested itself or subjective fluctuations in a person's well-being.

Recently, information has appeared that allowed physicians to distinguish three types of people who have their own special structure of internal organs and systems, which determine the nature, behavior and structure of the disease.

Types of people with different disease risk

Type "A" (there are about 16%) - full, solid people, with a short neck, a wide chest, increased body weight. They are usually calm, slow, prone to analysis and slow-witted. This is a “type of storage” (and they love to save in life). They accumulate toxins in the body, which is why most often these people have stone formation in the organs, obesity, and sclerosis. And all due to the fact that they love to eat, sleep, do everything in detail, without rushing. Vascular spasms in these people, which occur under the influence of strong neuro-emotional stimuli, are very persistent. In medicine, this type of people received the status of "heart attack".

The complete opposite of the first - people of the second group "B" - type "emitters" (27% of them). These are often gifted people, slender, thin, impulsive, with a predominance of excitation processes in the nervous supply of the body. These are people of impulse, emotional, often uncommunicative, prone to conflict with social environment. They are arrogant, quickly "grasping", with a good memory. Main feature theirs is the predominance of the spiritual principle. They feel in psychological comfort only in the presence of a complex of external and internal stimuli of high intensity and strength.

However, people of the "B" type are often helpless in ordinary life situations, compassionate, easily vulnerable. As a consequence of this, rapid nervous exhaustion can occur, a breakdown nervous activity; health is usually taken away by such diseases as neurasthenia, insomnia and other psychosomatic diseases.

The third, largest group (about 46-48%) are people of the "AB" type. Their typical portrait: average height, regular facial features, good adaptability to various life situations. They like to live in a "contrasting" mode, they are confident in everything, and their processes of excitation and inhibition are balanced.

Only taking into account the age and individual constitution, choose food, means of improvement, exercise and much more, on which your health depends.

The teacher suggests using the poster to conduct an express assessment of their health.

2) Completion of task 2.

Express information in determining the normal weight can serve as a nomogram developed by V. Grishko and S. Borisov.

Nomogram for determining normal weight

in men in women

If you match your height with your age on the age scale, you will get a normal weight for your age and height. And finally, by combining the value of height and real weight, you can get an answer to the question of whether your weight is appropriate for your age.

Individual constitution combined with real weight is YOUR guide to life. Regularly work on your weaknesses, do not get carried away by strengths, and success will always be with you.

3) Completion of task 3.

The main criterion is the pulse. For any exercise to be beneficial, you need to choose the right load. This can only be done if you know your individual training pulse. It is easy to define it.

To begin, count the pulse at rest (on the wrist or neck, or temple in the morning, after waking up, lying in bed). Now determine your individual training pulse, for this: a) subtract your age in years from the number 220; b) subtract the number of beats of your pulse at rest from the received figure; c) multiply the resulting figure by 0.6 and add to it the value of the pulse at rest.

V. Summary of the lesson.

Teacher. What is the importance of a healthy lifestyle for human health? (A healthy lifestyle is a universal means of preventing diseases, promoting and maintaining health.)

What determines the state of human health? (Health statushealth depends on the psychological climate in the family, at school; compliance with the regime of the day, study and rest; rational nutrition, attitudes towards tobacco, alcohol, drugs; compliance with the rules of personal hygiene, etc.)

What conclusions can you draw from today's lesson? (Practice shows that many people, especially young people, have blurred, lost their value and integrity of the idea of ​​health. In the minds of many people, it is firmly connected precisely with treatment.)

But after all, you can treat indefinitely, it will not add health!

Meanwhile, human health, first of all, depends, first of all, on the conditions and lifestyle. It is necessary to develop the habit of showing elementary concern for maintaining health, for strengthening and creating its reserves.

To preserve and increase the reserves of physical and mental health of people means, without any exaggeration, to increase the potential of the country's power.

Homework: define the meaning of the concept of "hygiene".


Target: explain the importance of personal hygiene for general health.

During the classes

I. Organizing time.

I. Repetition of the material covered.

Verification rapid test.

1. Choose the correct answer.

The influence of biological factors on health is associated with:

o with the psychological make-up of the personality;

And with heredity;

D with the climatic conditions of the area.

2. The basis of a healthy lifestyle is:

o strict observance of a properly organized school day regimen; And heredity;

person's personal interest.

3. Properly organized daily routine provides:
o optimization of the microclimate of educational premises;

A rational alternation and regularity of various activities and recreation;

correct working posture during classes;
About regular and rational nutrition.

4. Match the concepts with their meanings.

o A unified system of knowledge and practice, accumulating the successes of ecology, biology, genetics, physical culture, immunology, psychology and many other sciences, the purpose of which is the physical, mental and social well-being of the health of young citizens

A Disease

Conscious attitude towards one's own and public health

□ Valeology

Violation of the normal functioning of the body

o Healthy lifestyle

Key to the answer:

1. A; 2. D, o; 3. A, 0; 4. oa; Before; pA.

III. Exploring a new topic.

1. Terminological work.

Students read out the definitions of the concepts of "hygiene", "personal hygiene", explain their meaning, during the discussion establish the most complete interpretation of the term, write it down in a notebook.

HYGIENE (from the Greek. hygieinos - healthy) - a field of medicine that studies the influence of living and working conditions on human health and develops measures to prevent diseases, ensure optimal living conditions, maintain health and prolong life. It belongs to the most ancient branches of medical knowledge. Scientific hygiene develops from the 2nd half of XIX in. M. Pettenkofer is considered its founder; In Russia, A. P. Dobroslavin and F. F. Erisman. Hygiene uses physical, chemical, physiological, toxicological and other methods to study the sanitary state of the external environment and its influence on the human body. Hygiene includes a number of independent sections (communal hygiene, occupational hygiene, hygiene of children and adolescents, food hygiene, military hygiene, radiation hygiene, etc.). (Big Encyclopedic Dictionary.- M.: Soviet Encyclopedia, 1981, p. 303.)

HYGIENE is a science that studies the influence of various environmental factors on the human body and develops measures to maintain health. (Dictionary of the Russian language. T.I . - M: Russian language, 1981, p. 308.)

Teacher. What definition can you give to the concept of "rules of hygiene"?

Hygiene rules- a set of practical measures that ensure the preservation of health.

Students write down the components of personal hygiene:

    body cleanliness;

    maintaining the cleanliness of linen;

    maintaining the cleanliness of clothing;

    maintaining the cleanliness of the home;

    proper preparation and regular meals;

    alternation of work and outdoor activities;

    alternation of mental and physical labor;

    physical culture and sports;

    complete sleep.

2. Work in small groups (in pairs).

Further, the lesson takes place in the form of a discussion in small groups (2 people each) of one of the listed components of personal hygiene. The result of the discussion should be justifications in defense of a particular personal hygiene rule, proposals for its implementation and examples of negative attitudes towards its use on the part of adolescents.

After the discussion, the students present their reports. The teacher, commenting on the performances, evaluates them.

Questions for discussion are written on the board:

    On the relationship of what parameters is this rule of personal hygiene based?

    Under what conditions should one resort to following this rule?

    What are the conditions for compliance with this component of personal hygiene?

    How will the state of health change if this hygiene rule is neglected?

    Give convincing arguments, arguments in defense of this rule of personal hygiene.

IV . Fixing the material. 1. And r a "Say a word."

The teacher (as well as the students) propose to listen to some meaning (definition) of the concept. Players must correctly name this concept by completing the sentence.

    Its duration corresponds to age standards with a constant and precisely set start and wake-up time ... (complete soy).

    Proteins, fats, carbohydrates should contain daily ... (diet).

    The energy costs that go into maintaining the life of an organism at the greatest rest are called ... (basic metabolism).

    In older schoolchildren, the highest and longest rise in working capacity is observed ... (from 8 am to 12 pm and from 4 pm to 6 pm).

    The state of human health and the effectiveness of his educational and labor activity depends on ... (rhythmic activity of organs and systems of the body).

    Energy costs during the life of an organism (movement in space, doing work, etc.) are called ... (general metabolism).

    During classes, it reduces the load on the musculoskeletal system, prevents postural disorders and helps to maintain working capacity... (correct polo / body position fortable).

2. Briefing on the study of the daily routine of students.

Teacher. I suggest you conduct a study of your daily regimen by the method of questioning. You receive special questionnaires (table on p. 22). Listen to how they need to be filled. You can start filling out the questionnaire from any day, for example, from Wednesday. Every day, the questionnaire for the previous day is filled out. The duration of the elements of the daily routine (from the 5th to the 16th point) must be noted in hours and minutes. For example, 5th: did you do socially useful work (what did you do, from what hour to what time, what time)? On Monday I cleaned the classroom from 13.00 to 13.35 (0 h 35 min). On Tuesday, he worked at the dacha from 14.00 to 15.10 (1 hour 10 minutes), etc.

If any element was not performed during the week, then “no” is written in the columns. If any element of the regime was performed only 1-2 times a week, then the time is indicated on these days, and “no” is written on the remaining days.

A week is allotted for the survey, then you must analyze your questionnaires in writing, taking into account the order of alternation of individual moments of the daily routine, that is, the degree of order and the duration of the regime elements, that is, the time budget.

The results obtained must be compared with the recommended hygienic standards, then a conclusion should be drawn about deviations in their daily routine, and proposals for its correction should be substantiated.

Schoolboy mode by day of the week

the date

Last name, first name

Age (years)

School Class

Home address

Mode elements








What time did you go to bed?

What time did you get up?

How many lessons were there?

What time did you leave school?

Did you do social work? (What did you do, from what time to what time. What time is it?)

Was he engaged in social work (a meeting, a council meeting, issuing a wall newspaper? From what time to what time? What time)?

Did you participate in the school rehearsal of amateur performances (what did you do, from what time to what time. How long)?

The end of the table.

Did you study in a circle (in which, from what hour to what time. How long)?

Did you go in for sports (in the section, participation in the competition, what sports, from what time to what time. What time)?

What time did you do your homework? What time is it?

Did you walk in the air, from what time to what time? What time is it?

Did you study music, from what time to what time? What time is it?

Did you read fiction from what time to what time? What time is it?

How much time did you spend on housework, helping the family, from what time to what time?

What else did you do in your free time (board games, embroidery, modeling, etc. From what time to what time? What time)?

Did you watch TV, from what time to what time? What time is it?

V. Summary of the lesson.

Conversation on:

    What is the basis of personal hygiene?

    What is the essence of the requirements for the hygiene of linen, clothes, bedding, rooms?

    What is the relationship between the concepts of "nutrition and health", "age and health", "movement and health", "consciousness and health"?

Homework: prepare a message about ways to cleanse the body, fasting, diets.

Lesson 3



Goals: give an idea about some ways of cleansing the body; consider the components of moral health.

During the classes

I. Organizing time.

P. Actualization of knowledge.

1. Poll with students on personal hygiene:

    Name the components of personal hygiene.

    Why should you brush your teeth at least 2 times a day?

    What are the causes of seborrhea?

    How does physical culture help you in overcoming daytime fatigue?

2. Messages from students on the topic “Methods for cleaning the organ

The teacher offers to make presentations about cleansing the body. Commenting on them, the teacher offers some suggestions to write down for possible use in their personal hygiene.

III. Exploring a new topic.

1. Terminological work.

The teacher defines the concept of "morality":

MORAL (from lat. moralis - moral);

1) morality - a special form of social consciousness and a type of social relations (moral relations); one of the main ways to regulate human actions in society with the help of norms. Unlike simple custom or tradition, moral norms receive an ideological justification in the form of ideals of good and evil, due, justice, etc. Unlike law, the fulfillment of moral requirements is sanctioned only by forms of spiritual influence (public assessment, approval or condemnation). Along with universal human elements, morality includes historically transient norms, principles, and ideals. Morality is studied by a special philosophical discipline - ethics.

2) A separate practical moral instruction, moralizing (the moral of the fable, etc.). (Big Encyclopedic Dictionary. - M .: Soviet Encyclopedia, 1981, p. 840.)

2. A conversation about the relationship between the concepts of "morality and health".

Teacher. Think about where the foundations of morality are laid. (Student answers.) That's right - in the family. It is the life of family members, their behavior and daily activities that is the basis of morality or, conversely, immoral behavior. What other factor is of great importance for the formation of a teenager's personality? (Student answers.) Yes, this is a society that surrounds a person. And it happens to us to see examples of an ideal family in which a moral monster grows, whose behavior is based on permissiveness, rudeness, the right to force and rudeness. An outwardly attractive, physically healthy young man cannot and does not want to live according to the moral standards of society and turns into a moral monster, an outcast. They bypass him, try not to have anything to do with him, tolerate his presence as much as possible, and, having parted, try to forget as soon as possible. It is hard to live in the world for such an individual. Is there a way out of this situation? Of course have. Read Russian classics - Chekhov, Tolstoy, Dostoevsky, live the way your parents teach you, follow their example, and you will earn the respect of others, and evaluate yourself differently.

This is most clearly manifested in relationships with members of the opposite sex. This is a relationship where both legal and moral standards are respected by all people. What forces a person to follow the rules of etiquette? By fulfilling certain norms of etiquette in a certain circle, a person feels that he belongs to this circle, and if you voluntarily comply with all these norms, then you can fully count on the benevolent attitude of others towards you.

IV. Valeological assessment of well-being, activity and mood by the "SAN" test.

The SAN test (well-being, activity, mood) is psychological test study of changes in the functional state of students under the influence of training load.

The purpose of the work: to get acquainted with the methodology for assessing well-being by the SAN test.

For work it is necessary: ​​a test card.


The subject is given a test card and given instructions.

The map is used for self-assessment of your condition at the time of the study.

It consists of 30 pairs of words, each with its own number and characterizing various aspects of well-being, activity and mood. Between them are the numbers: 3 2 10 12 3.

These figures reflect the severity of this feature in points.

It is necessary to cross out the number that best suits your condition. For example, between the first pairs of words (No. 1 feeling good 3 2 10 12 3 feeling bad) “0” corresponds to the average feeling, which cannot be attributed to either good or bad. A "1" to the left of "0" is slightly better than average, a "2" is feeling well, and a "3" is feeling well. The numbers in this line, which are closer to the words “feeling bad”, similarly characterize the state of health, if it below average.

Thus, out of seven numbers, cross out the one that best suits your condition in this moment. In other words, only one number must be crossed out in each line.

Do not think about every pair of words, cross out the numbers on the first impression.

Time of work with the card - 3 minutes.

When processing the map, recode all the scores in a row from 1 to 7. In this case, the score "3", corresponding to a poor value of well-being, activity, mood, is evaluated by the number 1, the score "0" - by the number 4, and the score "3", reflecting good health , activity and mood, is estimated by the number 7.

In a map of a pair of words

1 2 7 8 13 14 19 20 25 26 - characterize the state of health;

3 4 9 10 15 16 21 22 27 28 - activity;

5 6 11 12 17 18 23 24 29 30 - mood.

One of the features of the "SUN" test is a slight influence of motivation on the results of the study, and the studies themselves are carried out with almost any number of subjects and at any time intervals, starting from 45 minutes.

For each category (well-being, activity, mood), individual average scores are calculated by adding all the scores of this category, and dividing the sum by 10 (the number of pairs of words in this category). Individual average scores from 3 to 5 are evaluated as average categories (well-being, activity, mood). The number of points from 5 to 6 - as above average, from 6 to 7 - as high, from 2 to 3 - as below average, from 1 to 2 - as low.

Test card "SAN"

Last name First name Age

1 feeling good


Feeling bad

2 feel strong


I feel weak

No. 3 Passive



°4 Sedentary

3210123 Mobile

No. 5 Cheerful



6 Good mood


Bad mood

7 Workable



No. 8 Full of strength



No. 9 Slow



No. 10 Inactive



No. 11 Happy



12 Cheerful





No. 14 Healthy



No. 15 Indifferent


Hooked on

No. 16 Indifferent



No. 17 Enthusiastic



No. 18 Joyful



No. 19 Rested



No. 20 Fresh



No. 21 Sleepy



22 Desire to rest


A desire to work

No. 23 Calm



No. 24 Optimistic



No. 25 Hardy



No. 26 Cheerful



27 It's hard to think


It's easy to think

No. 28 Scattered



No. 29 Full of Hope



#30 Satisfied



V. Summary of the lesson.

Teacher. What systems of self-healing and self-improvement do you consider the most acceptable for yourself? Why were they preferred? What meaning do you put into the concepts "ecology and health", "culture and health", "work and health", "information and health", "morality and health"?

Read the wise thoughts written on the board about the beauty of the physical and spiritual. If you wish, you can write down those of them that most correspond to your worldview.

On the desk:

No outer beauty can be complete unless it is enlivened by inner beauty.

V. Hugo

The beauty of the body can attract true admirers, but it takes the beauty of the soul to keep them.

C. Colton

The beauty of the soul gives charm even to the plain body, just as the ugliness of the soul leaves a special imprint on the most magnificent constitution and on the most beautiful members of the body, which arouses in us an inexplicable disgust.

G. Lessing

Homework: give examples and name the rules of behavior of a man in relation to a woman: when entering the door, when going up the stairs, when going down the stairs, when leaving public transport, etc.

Lesson 4





Target: to give the concept of the correct relationship of the sexes; cultivate respect for women.

During the classes

I. Organizing time.

II. Repetition of material.

1. Competition of proverbs about health.

The competition can be held in a group (team) form or in an individual championship. Competing pairs or teams of students take turns calling proverbs on the topic "Health". The winner is the team (or student) that is the last to name the proverb.

Examples of proverbs for the competition:

    Eating in moderation is always healthy (Hindi).

    There is not enough - illness and trouble (Ossetian).

    Hearty feed - only harm (Arabic).

    Moderation is the mother of health (Russian).

    If you want health, eat less (Russian).

2. Frontal poll.

    What principles should be followed when carrying out hardening procedures, dieting, cleansing the body?

    What is the dynamics of mental performance?

    What is fatigue?

What components should be taken into account when organizing a daily routine?

How do you comment on the statement of K. Helvetius “To people
necessary based on human nature, on experience, on reason
human morality?

III. Exploring a new topic.

1. Introduction to the topic of the lesson.

Teacher. I would like to start today's conversation about the relationship of the sexes with wise thoughts. Read them from the board and share your thoughts about the meaning invested in them by their authors, about your attitude to statements, about their validity in relation to modern standards in relations between a man and a woman.

Students read the statements from the board and comment on them:

Morality is the science of relations that exist
between people, and about the obligations arising from these relations
ny. (L. Holbach.)

    When men disrespect a woman, it almost always shows that she was the first to forget her treatment of them. (Denis Diderot.)

    We are given joy not by what surrounds us, but by our attitude towards the environment. (F. La Rochefoucauld.)

    It is just as disgusting for a reasonable and well-bred woman to encroach on the rights of a man, as it is disgusting for a reasonable man to abuse the weakness of a woman. (Daniel Defoe.)

2. Messages from students on the topic "Rules of conduct for a man in relation to a woman."

Speaking students talk about the rules of behavior of a man in relation to a woman, show some rules for addressing a woman (greeting, farewell, concession, signs of attention, protection, etc.), explain their expediency, correctness. The rest of the students comment on the messages, rate them.

3. Explanation of the teacher.

Teacher. Girls, for a number of reasons, become the first victims of rapists, street robbers and hooligans. Therefore, the proposed recommendations concern them rather, but young men should know what dangers await their girlfriends in order to prevent or prevent a possible crime in time. So, take into account some of the following recommendations for the safe behavior of girls in the dark.

    Clothing should not be defiant, bright, too frank.

    Clothing should be comfortable for movement, including fast.

    Shoes should be comfortable not only for dancing, but also for walking and running.

    Behavior should not be defiant, cheeky.

    Jewelry should be removed while walking down the street.

    Too bright, rough makeup betrays a desire to attract attention.

    Rough with anguish laughter, cheeky conversation attracts people of certain inclinations.

    You can not get into the car with strangers or unfamiliar people.

    Walking home follows crowded, illuminated streets.

    Try to have your loved ones meet you or accompany you home.

    Have on hand the simplest protective equipment (gas canister, hairspray, hairpins, whistle, a bag of ground pepper or tobacco, etc.).

Loose hair is easily wound around the hand.
The teacher invites the students to continue this list of recommendations.

Teacher. To avoid violence against girls, it is very important to regularly play out various situations in your mind, finding a way out of them with the least loss for yourself. At the same time, it should also always be remembered that the necessary defense is not exceeded.

I suggest you analyze several plot situations, find the right way out.

4. Case Analysis (ACS) "What will I do if...".

AKS 1.

Description of the situation.

Underage Kremova was returning late at night from the cinema. On a deserted street, drunken men stuck to her, tried to take her away in a car, covered her mouth with their hands.

Question-task: what can be done in this situation?

Continuation of the description of the situation.

Fleeing from her pursuers, unable to call for help, she smashed a shop window with her foot. An alarm went off, and the arrived employees of private security detained the criminals. In this case, property damage was caused not by the attackers, as in the case of a necessary defense, but by the owner of the store, who was not involved in the situation. In fact, Kremova intentionally damaged someone else's property (Article 149 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).

Questions and tasks:

    How to evaluate the actions of the girl?

    Is there a crime in her actions? Is this kind of harm a crime?

    What is meant by the term "emergency"?

Answer: due to the extreme necessity in the actions of the girl there is no corpus delicti.

The term "emergency" means that causing harm is the only way to prevent more serious harm. In Art. 14 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation states that such infliction of harm is not a crime if the impending danger cannot be eliminated in another way.


Description of the situation.

Drunk Gorshunov came to his friend's girlfriend Sirazet-dinova. He called her into the yard, where he began to beat her. She called for help. Neighbor Grigorovich came out to shout and demanded to stop the beating. Then Gorshunov rushed with his fists at Grigorovich. During the ensuing fight, both fell to the ground. At the same time, a knife fell out of Gorshunov's pocket, and Grigorovich, grabbing it, inflicted two blows on Gorshunov, causing one a non-penetrating wound of the abdominal cavity and a penetrating wound of the abdomen, which led to the death of Gorshunov.

Questions and tasks:

How did Grigorovich act in this situation?
Were his actions legal? Explain why you

think so.

    What factors allow the victim to choose the most stringent protection measures?

    Does the fact that the weapon passes from the attacker to the defender always indicate a change in the nature of the attack?

Answer: the explicit nature of the danger, unambiguous threats allow the victim to choose the most stringent measures of protection up to the deprivation of life of the attacker. At the same time, such difficult situations can be created when the weapon passes from the attacker to the defender. As noted above, this fact in itself does not yet indicate the termination of the state of necessary defense. However, taking into account the specific circumstances, the loss of weapons by the attacker may indicate a change in the nature of the attack.

In this case, Grigorovich, defending Sirazetdinova, acted in a state of necessary defense, but exceeded its limits: after the knife passed into the hands of the defender, Gorshunoye did not try to continue the attack and no longer posed a great danger.

TV . Summary of the lesson.

Teacher. Life is so arranged that very often the result of the relationship between young people, girls and boys is the creation of a family. Before you get married, you should be aware of all the features and difficulties of living together and prepare yourself for it. It is necessary to cultivate moral and physical qualities in oneself in order to create a strong and happy family. There are no such difficulties in life that cannot be overcome for the sake of a loved one, and so that these difficulties do not obscure the great feeling of love, one must be prepared for them. Healthy and happy can only be in the family.

Every young person entering an independent life should have an idea about a healthy lifestyle, proper sexual behavior, health risk factors for disordered sexual life with frequent changes of partners, sexually transmitted diseases. This will be discussed in the next lesson.

Homework: come up with a situation when a girl got into an unpleasant situation, and offer rules of conduct in a particular situation, thanks to which this can be avoided.

Lesson 5



Target: to give an idea about the main sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), measures to prevent these diseases; to determine the causes and methods of infection with skin and venereal diseases.

During the classes

I. Organizing time.

P. Checking homework.

Pupils offer a description of the situations in which the girl was attacked or threatened with attack, the rules

Also, when designing a game lesson, the teacher must take into account the following factors: the age of children, the development of their mental and physical abilities, the features of the course of cognitive processes, the cohesion of the children's team, the material and technical capabilities of the educational institution.

The following are examples of lessons taught in the form of a game.

Lesson-game for students of grade 5 "Fire - no!"

Goals: strengthening students' knowledge of fire safety; developing the ability to analyze.

Equipment: a first-aid kit, a fire extinguisher, fire-fighting posters, album sheets, colored pencils or felt-tip pens, a VCR, a TV.

All participants in the game are divided into 3-4 groups, for each correct answer the group receives 2 points.

During the classes

1. Organizational moment, setting the goal of the lesson.

Students are shown a fragment of a video about fires, after which the purpose of the lesson is indicated.

2. Game.

2.1. "There is no riddle without a riddle."

Participants guess riddles, the content of which is related to the theme of the game:

1) The red cow ate all the straw. (Fire.)
2) I come from fire, and I die from fire. (Coal.)
3) Small, remote, but brought big trouble. (Spark.)
4) There is a fire on fire in a small barn. (Matchbox and matches.)
5) The red bull is standing, trembling, the black one is running to the sky. (Fire and smoke.)
6) Black smoke pours out the window - it is very terrible, this disaster happens from the wrong action. (Fire.)
7) To avoid fire, do not play me. I am a fire sister, little ... (Match.)
8) On the floor, he lit the carpet, falling on the floor ... (Charcoal.)

2.2. "What is the reason?"

Each team names the main causes of fires in residential buildings, public buildings, on the street, in nature (for each reason named, the team receives one point). Main reasons:

Malfunction of gas and furnace equipment;
violation of the rules for the operation of gas and furnace equipment, electrical appliances;
malfunction of electrical equipment;
careless handling of pyrotechnic products;
violation of the rules for the storage of flammable substances;
pranks with fire, combustible and explosive substances;
violations of the rules of safe behavior in the building (a thrown cigarette butt, an unextinguished match);
violation of the rules of behavior in nature (a fire left unattended, a thrown cigarette butt);
power line break;
breakthrough of the pipeline (oil, gas pipeline);
natural disasters (volcanic eruption, peat and forest fire).

2.3. "A little creativity."

Teams need to complete a drawing illustrating one of the causes of the fire (time 5 minutes).

At this time, you can play with the audience. Spectators need to name the main fire extinguishing equipment, as well as the services involved in the elimination of fires and their consequences.

2.4. "There is a problem".

Game participants are offered situations in which fire safety rules are violated. After a preliminary discussion, students evaluate the actions of the characters, predict possible developments.

1) Left alone at home, eleven-year-old Kolya decided to check the health of electrical appliances. In the sockets of one extension cord, he turned on a heater, an electric hair dryer, a tape recorder, a TV and a VCR.
2) While watching a TV show, seven-year-old Pavel, who was alone at home, smelled scorched wiring. He decided to go for friends who live in a neighboring house.
3) After cleaning the school grounds, the guys decided to burn garbage on a fire (leaves, branches, slate fragments, etc.). Kolya and Tolya began to light matches, and Seryozha began to fan the flame.
4) Olya was sitting at home and watching TV. Her friend Sveta came after her and invited her to walk in the yard. While Olya was getting ready, Sveta told last news. Forgetting about the TV, the girls ran for a walk.

2.5. "Situation".

Each team will have to beat the emergency in which anyone can find themselves. Participants demonstrate the actions necessary to eliminate it.


1) the TV caught fire;
2) linen caught fire under the iron on the ironing board;
3) the victim is under rubble in a smoky room;
4) there was a fire in public transport.

2.6. "Little Aibolites".

Participants demonstrate first aid skills to victims of a fire. The "victim" may have: a burn of the arm, an open fracture of the arm, carbon monoxide poisoning, severe bleeding.

In conclusion, pre-prepared students sing a song (based on the song from the cartoon "Summer of the Cat Leopold"), showing the importance of observing fire safety rules.

You're on fire, my friend, be careful. Don't mess with him, baby! You will do so - it will be good, And if it is the other way around - it will be bad.

Throw the fire in the forest with earth, Do not let the fire free. The wind will fly, and then the fire May, crumb, lead to pain.

There is only one wisdom: matches are not a game - Everyone should remember this. If suddenly trouble, "01" call, And the desired help will come.

Lesson game for students of grade 5 "The basics of security - 5"

Goals: systematization of knowledge on life safety, development of cognitive processes, increased interest in the subject.

Equipment: numbered question cards and their corresponding picture cards.

To the lesson at the end school year, it is necessary to prepare cards depicting dangerous items, situations that threaten life and health, symbols, emergency phone numbers, as well as items used to prevent and eliminate dangerous situations and promote health. Question cards are prepared separately. The numbers of cards with questions and their corresponding figures must be the same.

During the classes

1. Organizational moment.

The class is divided into 3-4 teams, each receives the same number of cards with pictures. The leader can be either a teacher or one of the students.

2. Game.

The facilitator reads the question from the card without naming its number. Players must determine which drawing it belongs to, describe its plot, formulate the basic rules of behavior (use), determine priority actions (draw up a plan), and possible consequences of the development of the event.

Table 1. Approximate content of the cards

card number Question Picture
1 Situation arising from careless handling of the gas stove
2 Danger on the beach
3 The main danger of the roads
4 Phone of the fire service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia
5 Failure to do so may result in flooding
6 Means of individual respiratory protection
7 This is the number to call in case of a crime.
8 One of the water rescue
9 Violation of the rules of conduct on the train, which can lead to serious consequences
10 An electrical appliance used to heat a home
11 This staircase can be used to leave the building in the event of a fire.
12 Drawer (locker) in which medicines are collected
13 Explosive cylinder that cannot be stored at home
14 A fire extinguisher that should be in every building and in every vehicle
15 Medicines and medical supplies that should be in every car
16 Leisure Park Hazards
17 The situation of a criminal nature in the home
18 If you don't know the bottom, don't jump into the water!
19 An electrical appliance in front of which people are ready to sit until late at night
20 Crossing a highway with a railroad track
21 They are used when lighting a stove burner or firewood in a stove.
22 Feeling the smell in the apartment, call ...
23 Tool used to do chores
24 A kitchen utensil in which water is boiled
25 The danger of winter ponds
26 Emergency phone number
27 A natural phenomenon in which the destruction of buildings is possible
28 Careless handling of stove heating
29 Automatic traffic controller
30 Violation of the rules for keeping pets
31 Violation of the rules of conduct in the subway
32 Ministry in charge of liquidation of the consequences of emergencies
33 Vehicle to be bypassed in front
34 Do not swim near this pipe, dear
35 An electrical appliance that can cause burns when handled
36 Medicines used to stop bleeding

3. Summing up.

The new social demands reflected in the Federal State Educational Standard define the main goal of education as the general cultural, personal and cognitive development of students, which provides such a key competence of education as “to teach to learn”.

How to build lessons of the Russian language and literature in order to implement the requirements of the Second Generation Standards? To do this, it is necessary to know the criteria for the effectiveness of the lesson, the requirements for its preparation and conduct, analysis and self-analysis of the activities of the teacher and students.

It is known that along with general approaches to planning lessons in all subjects (thought out goals and objectives; optimal methods, techniques and forms of working with the class; competent use of new pedagogical technologies, including ICT; cooperation between a teacher and a student based on problem-search forms of work, etc.) the teaching of each subject has its own specifics, its own characteristics. In the context of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard general education the problem of the activity model of the lesson, which contains certain structural and content stages, is becoming increasingly relevant in school education.

Concerningliterature lessons , then the requirements for their construction, in principle, have not become outdated: the trinity of goals (teaching, developing and educating) is an obligatory component of any lesson, including a lesson in literature. However, modern reality makes its own adjustments to the methodology of teaching literature. To make the lesson interesting for children, the teacher has to master new methods of presenting material, use non-standard techniques and innovative technologies in his practice.

When analyzing M. Bulgakov's story "Heart of a Dog", I used materials from T.V. Ryzhkova's book "The Way to Bulgakov".

Abstracts of literature lessons based on the story of M.A. Bulgakov "Heart of a Dog"

Lesson Objectives:

1. Educational: conducting a compositional and stylistic analysis of the text of the story; comparison of the images of Sharik and Sharikov; comprehension of the author's concept.

2.Developing: developing the skill of working with a literary text; development of skills to characterize the characters of the story; improving the skill of group and independent work; improvement of logical and creative thinking.

3. Educational: understanding what education and self-education means, culture, traditions in the life and destiny of a person and society; formation of a system of values.

Forms of work: collective, group, individual

Type of lesson: discovery of new knowledge

Lesson number 1 The argument about the dog's heart.

Purpose of the stage : the inclusion of students in activities at a personally significant level.

Creation of installation for the analysis of the work.

slide 1 (portrait of the writer, title of the story)

teacher's word .

For today's lesson, you have read M. Bulgakov's story "Heart of a Dog".

March 1925. Mikhail Bulgakov is finishing work on the satirical novel Heart of a Dog. He wrote it by order of the Nedra magazine. But the story came to the reader in our country only in 1987 ...

slide 2

What do you think,why was the story written in 1925 published in Russia only in 1987? What was it about this story that the government of the Soviet Union did not like?

Students make assumptions (forbidden to print because the story is a satire on modernity)

Teacher: Indeed, the Soviet era was persecuted by dissent, and even from the high stands it was ironically said:“We are for laughter, but we need kinder Shchedrins and such Gogols so that they don’t touch us.” Bulgakov's view of modernity was very sharp, satirical attacks were considered seditious. M.A. Bulgakov wrote:

Slide 3: “In the wide field of Russian literature in the USSR, I was alone - the only literary wolf. I was advised to dye the skin. Ridiculous advice. Whether a dyed wolf or a shorn wolf, he still does not look like a poodle. The well-known critic, researcher of the writer's work Vsevolod Ivanovich Sakharov (born in 1946, member of the Writers' Union of Russia, Doctor of Philology) gave the following assessment of the story:

Slide 4:

"Heart of a Dog" is a masterpiece of Bulgakov's satire.

Bulgakov's satire is smart and sighted." V. Sakharov

These words will be the epigraph for today's lesson.

Choose a contextual synonym for the wordsighted.

Students: (honest )

UUD: personal, meaning formation

Stage 2 Updating knowledge

Purpose of the stage

Consolidation of the concept of satire, overcoming the unambiguity in the perception of characters and events.

Teacher: Indeed, satire is always honest, but rarely permitted. Let's remember what satire is.What is satire directed at? What is the source of satire?

Student responses

Teacher opens the slide, students check their answers with the correct one

Slide number 5.

(Satire - kind of comic. The subject of satire are human vices.

Source of satire - the contradiction between universal human values ​​and the reality of life.)

Let's try to figure out what human vices and contradictions between universal values ​​and real life have become the subject of M. Bulgakov's satire.

UUD: cognitive

Stage 3 Statement of the learning task

Purpose of the stage: goal setting learning activities, the choice of means of their implementation.

Teacher : The story was considered seditious in 1925 and banned.

However, in 1988, the film directed by V. Bortko "Heart of a Dog" was released, which the audience still watches with pleasure, and theaters do not stop staging performances based on Bulgakov's story.

Why does the story attract film and theater directors?

Students: Suggested answers:

    The story is very modern. Our time and Bulgakov's time are similar.

Teacher: So, the story is relevant in our time, because it is read, films are made and performances are staged in theaters. Let's assume that the problems that worried the writer are not indifferent to us. What are these problems?

Students: Suggested answers:

    The Sharikovs live among us, and the writer warned how dangerous they are.

    Animals are being cloned now and people are talking about cloning.

Teacher: Maybe you're right. Let's try to figure it out.

Modeling a problem situation and approaching the problem of the lesson.

Enable movie clip from the film directed by V. Bortko "Heart of a Dog", where Bormental argues with Professor Preobrazhensky.

What do you think the topic of today's lesson will be?


Suggested answers: Dog heart dispute.

Teacher: Write down the topic of the lesson: "Dispute about a dog's heart."

Let's think about what is the main problem we should solve in the lesson?

Students. Who is right: Dr. Bormental, who believes that Sharikov has a dog's heart, or Professor Preobrazhensky, who claims that Sharikov has "precisely a human heart"?

Teacher: Can we answer this question right away?


What goals of our future actions do we need to identify in order to answer this problematic issue?


Analyze the text and compare the images of Sharik and Sharikov.

Understand what answer the author of the story would give to this question, what the author thought, what disturbed him.

UUD: regulatory (goal setting, planning); communicative

(ability to listen, engage in dialogue)

Stage 4 Building a project for getting out of difficulties

Purpose of the stage

Analytical conversation.

a) Reception of "immersion in the text".

Teacher: The story opens with pictures of Moscow in the mid-20s. Imagine and describe Moscow. Through whose eyes do we see life?

Students: a city where wind, blizzard and snow reign, embittered people live. It will help to concretize the general picture by referring to the details of the text, which could confirm the impressions formed by the students (the canteen of normal food and the bar, the fate of the “typist” and her lover, the cook and the porter, the history of the Kalabukhov house).

Teacher: Is there anything in the story that resists this chaos and hatred?Students : storyhabout the apartment of Philip Philipovich, where comfort, order, human relations reign.Butthis life is under threat, because the house committee, headed by Shvonder, seeks to destroy it, to remake it according to its own laws.

Teacher: what connects these two worlds?

Students: This is Sharik, who was picked up by Professor Preobrazhensky. Thanks to Philip Philipovich, the dog was transferred from the world of hunger and suffering, the world that doomed him to death, to the world of warmth and light.

Teacher: M. Bulgakov continued the traditions of Russian satirists M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin and N.V. Gogol. From Saltykov-Shchedrin, Bulgakov took the topical sound, from N. Gogol - his teacher, the fantastic plot, images, and even the compositional structure of the work.Doing your homework, you should have observed the composition of the story.What is the composition of the story?

b) Pupils present a presentation prepared at home , in which the division of the story into two parts is obvious

1 part

part 2

1 ch. The world through the eyes of a dog, meeting with a professor, choosing a name.

2 ch. A ball in the house on Prechistenka: "dressing", receiving patients, visiting the house committee

3 ch. A ball in the house on Prechistenka: lunch, "clarification" of the owl, "collar", kitchen, preparation for the operation.

4 ch. Operation.

Chapter 5 Diary of Dr. Bormenthal: transformation.

Chapter 6 Sharikov in the house on Prechistenka: the professor's conversation with Sharikov, the choice of a name, Shvonder's visit, the "explanation" of the cat.

7 ch. Sharikov in the house on Prechistenka: lunch, reflections of the professor.

8 ch. Sharikov in the house on Prechistenka: registration, theft, drunkenness, the professor's conversation with Bormental (search for a way out), "the attempt on Zina."

Chapter 9 Disappearance of Sharikov, Sharikov and the "typist", denunciation of the professor, operation

Epilogue: "presentation" of Sharikov, Sharik after the operation, the professor at work.

(The composition is symmetrical. Ring composition: Sharik became a dog again.)

Teacher: what arethe reasons for such a construction of the work?

Students conclude: the mirror composition of the story emphasizes the changes taking place in the professor's house and in the people who inhabit it. The conclusion is written in a notebook.

c) Reception "verbal drawing"

Teacher : so, Bulgakov gives many events of the first part through the eyes of a dog, perhaps in order tocompare Sharik and Sharikov. Imagine that you are making illustrations for a story. How would you portray the meeting of the dog and the professor? What should be done to more accurately draw an oral illustration?

Students : necessaryreread chapter 1 . Re-reading, clarifying the details. Possible description:

    In the foreground is a dark doorway, a blizzard snakes. In the distance we see a street from the gateway, a brightly lit store and a piece of a poster blown by the wind. A man in a dark coat has just left the store, he is moving towards the doorway in a “blizzard column”. A dog crawls into the street in the gateway. This is a skinned mongrel, she has dirty matted hair, a terrible scalded side. It can be seen that the movement is given to the dog with great difficulty. His head is raised, he is watching a person walking towards him.

Teacher: Which qualities of Sharik do you like, which ones do you not?

Students : intelligence, wit, observation, his irony, hatred of the proletarians, janitors and porters; the ability to both sympathize and hate, lackey obsequiousness.

UUD: cognitive - general educational (semantic reading, information search), logical (analysis, classification, choice of bases for comparison); personal (moral - aesthetic evaluation); communicative.

Stage 5 Independent work

Purpose of the stage: improving the skill of independent work and the ability to build cooperation in a group.

The work of students in groups (independent analysis of the text). Run time - 5-8 minutes. Each group prepares a speaker, the response time is 2 minutes.

I group , analyzing chapters 1-3, should answer the question:

What does Sharik notice in the reality around him and how does he react to it?

2 group , analyzing chapters 2-3, answers the question:

- What does Sharik like in the house of Professor Preobrazhensky and what - not?

3 group , working with the same chapters, prepares an answer to the question:

- How does the dog perceive the inhabitants of the apartment?

4 group (same chapters):

How do the inhabitants of the apartment treat Sharik?

5 group (same chapters):

Students (desired responses):

I group:

- The dog is very observant, he knows life well, especially that in it that is connected with nutrition. He knows that the world is divided into hungry and well-fed. The one who is “eternally full”, “is not afraid of anyone”, therefore “will not kick with his foot”. Dangerous are the hungry, those who "themselves are afraid of everything." Sharik hates toadies. He says that "human purifications are the lowest category." But he also sympathizes with people who are deceived, who are mocked by those who have recently gained power.

II group:

- Sharik likes the professor's house, although after receiving patients he calls the apartment "obscene." But it's warm and calm. After a conversation between Philip Philipovich and Shvonder, Sharik becomes convinced that the professor has great power. Sharik decides that he will be completely safe here: “Well, now you can beat me as you like, but I won’t leave here.” The dog likes the fact that in the house he is fed well and tasty, they do not beat him. The only thing that annoys him is the owl. The dog is afraid of hunger and evil people, but in the house the opposite is true. Sharik's favorite place is the kitchen: food is cooked there, and a fire burns there.

III group:

- After Sharik realized that in the professor's house he had nothing and no one to be afraid of, since his owner was not afraid of anyone, he decided that the professor was "a wizard, magician and magician from a dog's fairy tale." During dinner, Philip Philipovich finally received the title of a deity. As already mentioned, food, warmth and security are the main thing for Sharik, and he is ready to serve faithfully to the one who gives it to him. Sharik studied the professor's call, met him with a bark.

He quickly conquered Darya Petrovna, the cook. The kitchen is "the main branch of paradise" for Sharik. And so he sucks up to the cook. He treats Zina dismissively, calling her "Zinka"; he does not love her, as she scolds him all the time and says that "he ate the whole house." The dog calls Dr. Bormenthal "bitten" and does not communicate with him at all.

IV group:

- Professor Preobrazhensky generally pities Sharik: he orders him to be fed properly, saying that "the poor fellow is hungry"; he treats him affectionately because he believes that affection is "the only way to treat a living being"; he never hits Sharik, even when he "clarified" the owl. For Zina, Sharik is the cause of the eternal mess in the house. She believes that the professor is spoiling Sharik too much and offers to tear off the dog. She does not understand why Sharik receives such courtesies. For her, he is an ordinary mongrel. And Darya Petrovna at first called Sharik "a homeless pickpocket" and did not let him into the kitchen, but the dog "won her heart."

Teacher: What is the value system of an unusual dog?

Students : The main thing for Sharik is food, warmth and safety. This is what determines his attitude towards people. In general, he "sells his soul" for a piece of Krakow sausage. Sharik’s attitude towards people is determined by the same: the professor is the owner, and Sharik is ready to please him, Daria Petrovna is the “queen of the kitchen”, the dog caresses her, Zina is the servant in the house, and Sharik believes that she should serve him too. Dr. Bormental is in no way connected in the mind of the dog with food and warmth, and since the bite of his leg went unpunished, the doctor simply turns into a "bite".

Teacher : Do you like this philosophy of life? Why? What word would you call her?

Students : Slave

Group V identified the stages of Sharik's change:

- Firstly, Sharik has changed outwardly. The professor picked up a dying dog, with a scalded side, with dirty matted hair, emaciated from hunger. In a week, he turned into a shaggy and "surprisingly fat" "handsome dog." Secondly, he also changed internally: at first he was worried: “Why did the professor need me?” (his experience told him that no one does anything for nothing). Having just got into the house, he thought that he found himself in a "dog clinic", and defended his life - he has a very developed self-preservation instinct. But when he sees that nothing threatens him, but, on the contrary, he is being fed and caressed, Sharik begins to be afraid of losing all this and thinks: “Beat, just don’t kick him out of the apartment.” He decides that Philip Philipovich chose him for his beauty. He glares at his eyes. Quickly evaluating the collar, because all the dogs he meets are madly jealous of him, he comes to the conclusion that the collar is a kind of pass to a better world and gives him certain rights, for example, to lie in the kitchen. He forgets that recently he was an ordinary homeless mongrel, and no longer doubts that nothing will deprive him of warmth and food, and he is finally convinced that he is an “incognito dog prince”. Hungry and full of dangers, he exchanged freedom for a well-fed, calm life, and pride - for lackey obsequiousness.

Teacher : What associations does the dog's story evoke in you?

Students : Suggested answers:

After the revolution, many people who lived in poverty and hunger were drawn to a warm and well-fed life, believed many promises, decided that they would instantly "become everything." The revolution is an experiment that the Bolsheviks put on the whole people.

UUD: cognitive (search for information, the ability to build a speech statement); communicative (the ability to cooperate in a group, enter into a dialogue), personal (knowledge moral standards and the ability to highlight the moral aspect of behavior)

Stage 6 Reflection

Purpose of the stage: self-assessment by students of the results of their educational activities

Let's summarize the lesson:

Teacher : Has your attitude to the ball changed? How? Why? (This is a written question.)

Students conclude:

Sharik's inner speech, his assessment of events, reflections, together with the author's description of his behavior, create for the reader a complete picture of the dog's inner world.

Teacher :

- Have we answered the problematic question of the lesson: who is right: Dr. Bormental, who believes that Sharikov has a dog’s heart, or Professor Preobrazhensky, who claims that Sharikov has “precisely a human heart”?

Students: - Not.

Teacher: What questions did we get answered?

Students: - We compared the images of Sharik and Sharikov, saw what changes had taken place, understood through what methods the author expressed his attitude to the character and what worried him.

Teacher: the next lesson will be the next step in resolving the problem situation identified by us in this lesson, and for this you must work on the homework questions. What questions would you like to ask me or classmates?

UUD: regulatory (assessment), personal (self-determination), cognitive (problem solving), communicative (ability to participate in a collective discussion)


1. Highlight the stages of Sharik's transformation into Sharikov and the stages of Sharikov's formation by preparing an electronic presentation (task for the whole class).

2. Compare the behavior of Sharik and Sharikov in episodes I and II of parts: choosing a name (individual task), lunch (individual), house committee visiting the apartment (individual).

3. What, in your opinion, in Sharikovo from the dog, what from Chugunkin? Justify your opinion with examples from the text (general task).

4. What is the role of Shvonder in the upbringing of Sharikov? Why does Professor Preobrazhensky say that "Shvonder is the most important fool"? (Individual task, it is performed by 3-4 people.)

Lesson #2

Subject: Dog Heart Argument (continued)

Stage 1 Motivation for learning activities

Purpose of the stage : the inclusion of students in activities at a personally significant level. Create an installation for the analysis of the work.

Viewing a fragment of the film "The transformation of Sharik into Sharikov" , an excerpt from the film adaptation of the story directed by Bortko.

Teacher : before we answer the key question, think about why M. Bulgakov needed to introduce into the story, to make the transformation of a dog into a man a spring of intrigue. If only the qualities of Klim Chugunkin appear in Sharikov, then why shouldn't the author "resurrect" Klim himself? However, before our eyes, the "gray-haired Faust", busy looking for means to restore youth, does not create a man in a test tube, does not resurrect him from the dead, but turns a dog into a man.

Stage 2 Updating knowledge

Purpose of the stage : preparation of students' thinking, their awareness of the internal need to build learning activities and fixing in each of them an individual difficulty.

Teacher : Difficult to answer?

I remind you of Dr. Bormental's diary (I exacerbate the problem situation with an additional question):

Why is it Dr. Bormenthal who keeps the diary, and not Professor Preobrazhensky?

Search activity students looking for real explanations:

“We can see from the notes how excited the doctor is. At first, he rejoices at the success of the operation and the new discovery. Then he is horrified by what the apartment has become. He admits that he does not understand much.

- Philipp Philippovich has no time to keep a diary, he is much more busy than the doctor .. After all, it is not by chance that the professor needs an assistant, that is, an assistant. Then Philip Philipovich, much less than Bormental, realized that the new creature was related to Klim. Bulgakov does not want to solve the riddle ahead of time - we also do not know anything about Klim. And if a professor kept a diary, it would not be so interesting.

- Dr. Bormental puts forward his hypothesis in his diary: "Sharik's brain in the canine period of his life accumulated an abyss of concepts," and, of course, writes down not only his assumptions on this matter, but also the opinion of the professor. And the professor would not write down Bormenthal's hypothesis, since he is absolutely sure that he is right. And there would be no problem. We would also believe the professor, but there are some doubts

The students, together with the teacher, come to the conclusion:

- The "elimination" of the author and the transfer of the narration to a young scientist who does not have the experience and insight of his teacher, who has bright hopes for the result of the experiment, create a new and at the same time central opposition to the story (what is Sharikov - a dog that has changed its external form or "resurrected" Klim? ), enhance the reader's interest, keep him in suspense, giving him the opportunity to build his own guesses about the events and results of the operation.

Checking homework.

    Demonstration of an electronic presentation with the results of the assignment: Highlight the stages of Sharik's transformation into Sharikov and the stages of Sharikov's formation.

(swearing (“all the swear words that exist in the Russian lexicon”);


seeds (uncleanliness);

balalaika at any time of the day or night (disregard for others);

vulgarity in dress and behavior;






The list is corrected, together with the teacher the conclusion is made:The formation of the “new man” is the loss of humanity, the growth of immorality, that is, not evolution, but degradation.

    Checking individual assignments.

Compare the behavior of Sharik and Sharikov in similar situations. (One student shares his observations with classmates, others supplement him if necessary. No more than 2 minutes are allotted for the message, about which the guys are warned in advance). Suggested answer:

A typist first called a dog a ball. The dog himself does not agree with this name: “Sharik means round, well-fed, stupid, eats oatmeal, the son of noble parents,” and he is “shaggy, lanky and torn, a fried hat, a homeless dog.” For the second time SharikPhilip Philipovich calls the dog, probably because it is an ordinary dog ​​name: Sharik, Tuzik ... And the dog accepts this name: “Yes, call it whatever you want. For such an exceptional act of yours (for sausage). He really doesn't care what they call him, as long as they feed him.

- "Laboratory Creature" demands a document from Flipp Philippovich for himself. Then the question of his name arises. Now the name is chosen not by the "creators" of the new creature, but by itself, but on the advice of the house committee. The new power brings new names to the world. For Philipp Filippovich, the name Polygraph Poligrafovich sounds wild, "but the laboratory creature" defends its rights. Most likely, the students will not notice the parodic roll call - let's draw their attention to some similarity between the names of Sharikov and his creator, which consists in duplicating the name itself with a patronymic. Sharikov creates his name on the advice of the house committee, but by analogy with the name "dad".

- Sharik, after the first dinner in the professor's house, promoted him to the rank of "highest deity." The dog has a dope in his head from a variety of smells. Of course, he hears what the professor and the doctor are talking about, but the main thing for him is food. When he had eaten, he fell asleep. He is now well and calm. "Hounded respect" for the professor is growing all the time and is not subject to doubt. The only thing that worries Sharik is if this is all a dream.

For Sharikov, lunch, on the one hand, is an opportunity not only to eat tasty and a lot, but also to drink. but on the other hand, it is torture: he is taught and educated all the time. And if Sharik respects Philipp Filippovich, then Sharikov, it seems, laughs. He says that the professor and the doctor are "tormenting themselves" with some stupid rules. He does not want to become civilized and behave decently, but he is forced to do this, because otherwise he will not be allowed to eat (this is how animals are trained in the circus!). Sharik sat at the professor's feet and did not disturb anyone, only Zina was angry, and Sharikov was a stranger at this table. Bulgakov writes that "Sharikov's black head sat in a napkin like a fly in sour cream" - both funny and disgusting. Sharikov and the professor exchange all the time sidelong glances.

UUD: cognitive (process, systematize information and present it in different ways, the ability to build a speech statement, the ability to analyze and draw conclusions); personal (sense formation); communicative (ability to listen, engage in dialogue).

Stage 3 Building a project for getting out of difficulties

Purpose of the stage : students' choice of a way to solve a problem situation.

Improving the ability to conduct a compositional analysis of the text, activating the imagination and attention of students to the details of the text through verbal drawing, developing the ability to characterize the hero and give a moral assessment of his actions.

Characteristics of Sharikov.

    Watching a movie clip directed by V. Bortko "Heart of a Dog" - an episode of the conversation between Sharikov and Philip Filippovich. (In Bulgakov, the corresponding fragment begins with the words: "Philip Filippovich was sitting at the table in an armchair.")

    Analytical conversation.

Teacher : compare the image of Sharikov, created by the actor and director in the film, with Bulgakov's description.

- Was this how Sharikov seemed to you when you read the story?

What did the filmmakers keep and what did they “forget” about?

Suggested answers :

- outwardly, Sharikov in the film is exactly the same as Bulgakov's, that the actor plays his role very talentedly, but the film is not in color. Maybe the authors decided to do this because the dog does not have color vision. But Bulgakov's Sharik could distinguish colors. The story says: "The ball began to learn from flowers." The lack of color in the film did not allow the authors to convey the absurdity of Sharikov's costume.

- In the film, Sharikov constantly makes excuses, he is even sorry. Indeed, the professor attacks and attacks him. And in the book, Sharikov is confident, and sometimes harsh: he does not justify himself, but attacks himself: "A cheeky expression caught fire in the little man."

Bulgakov's Sharikov is often ironic, but in the film he is stupid. And yet, when you read the story, it's funny, but in the film everything is somehow serious. It's hard to explain why.

(if the students do not see this important detail, the teacher will be able to lead them to it with additional questions. The “claims” of the students are weighty and solid: they caught the stylistic and semantic discrepancy between V. Bortko’s interpretation and Bulgakov’s text. The film really lacks colors, and that’s the point not only because it is black and white, but because the whole film is decided in a serious and very boring way: it lacks Bulgakov's irony, humor, sarcasm - shades of meaning!

And what did Sharikov inherit from Klim Chugunkin? What do we know about Klim from the text of the story?

3) Work with the block diagram.

The great operation was accomplished, and who became the donor for the creation of a new person?

(Klim Chugunkin)

What can you say about this person? Read out.(end of ch.5, p.199)

(“Klim Grigoryevich Chugunkin, 25 years old, single. Non-party, single, sued three times and acquitted: the first time due to lack of evidence, the second time his origin saved him, the third time - suspended hard labor for 15 years. Theft. Profession - playing the balalaika by taverns.

Small in stature, poorly built. The liver is enlarged (alcohol) The cause of death is a stab in the heart in a pub ("Stop-Signal" at the Preobrazhenskaya outpost).

From Dr. Bormental's diary, we learn that the new creature has adopted all the worst qualities of its donors (Sharik and Klim Chugunkin). Find and read the description of the new creature.

( Bad taste in clothes: a poisonous sky-colored tie, a jacket and trousers are torn and soiled; lacquered boots with white spats. ch.6, p.203)

In addition, it constantly speaks after its mother, smokes, littering with cigarette butts, catches fleas, steals, loves alcohol, is greedy for women ...(p.194, 195)

Teacher: but this is only an outward manifestation. Is there anything left of Sharik's moral position? What determined Sharik's behavior and what was most important for Sharikov?

Suggested answers : - The instinct of self-preservation. And balls defends the right to its own existence. If anyone tried to deprive Sharik of his "well-fed life", he would have known the power of dog teeth. Sharikov also "bites", only his bites are much more dangerous.

Conclusion: the ball did not die in Sharikovo: we discovered all its unpleasant qualities in a person.


Teacher : Let's try to figure out why the professor was a model and force for Sharik, and Shvonder for Sharikov? Why does the professor say that "Shvonder is the most important fool"? Does he understand who he's dealing with?

Students: Sharikov's brain is very poorly developed: what was almost ingenious for a dog is primitive for a person: Sharik turned into a man, but did not receive human experience.Shvonder takes him for a normal adult and tries to inspire the ideas of Bolshevism.

Teacher: Why is it so dangerous?

Students: Usually, when a person develops in a natural way, he gradually gets acquainted with the world, they explain to him what is good and what is bad, teach him, pass on the accumulated experience and knowledge. The more a person learns, the more he can understand on his own. But Sharikov knows practically nothing: he only wants to eat, drink and have fun. Shvonder indulges him, talking about rights, about the need to share everything. Shvonder himself ardently believes in what he preaches, he himself is ready to give up blessings and comforts in the name of a bright communist future.

Filipp Filippovich and Dr. Bormenthal are trying to educate, instill normal human manners in Sharikov, therefore they are constantly forbidden and pointed out. Sharikov is extremely annoying. Shvonder does not forbid anything, but, on the contrary, tells Sharikov that he is oppressed by the bourgeoisie.

Teacher: Are Shvonder himself and the representatives of the House Committee highly developed personalities?

Students: Obviously not.

Teacher: Does Shvonder really understand complex political and ideological issues?

Students: Already from the first conversation of the members of the house committee with the professor, it is clear that these people in their development did not go much further than Sharikov. And they strive to share everything, although they cannot really manage the work of the house committee: there is no order in the house. You can sing in chorus (no matter what Philip Philipovich says, he himself often sings in a false, rattling voice), but you can’t sing in chorus instead of your main work.

Teacher: Why Sharikov and Shvonder so quickly find a common language?

Students : Shvonder hates the professor, because, feeling the hostility of the scientist, he is unable to prove this and “explain” his true anti-revolutionary essence (and here Shvonder cannot be denied intuition!) For Shvonder, Sharikov is an instrument of struggle with the professor: after all, it was Shvonder who taught Sharikov to demand housing , together they write a denunciation. But for Shvonder, this is the right thing to do, and denunciation is a signal, because the enemy must be brought to light and destroyed in the name of a future happy life. In the poor head of Shvonder, it does not fit in any way, why a person who, by all signs, is an enemy Soviet power is under her protection!

So, the “godfather” of Polygraph Poligrafovich inspires his pupil with the ideas of universal equality, fraternity and freedom. Once in the mind, which is dominated by bestial instincts, they only increase the aggressiveness of the "new man". Sharikov considers himself a full-fledged member of society, not because he did something for the good of this society, but because he is "not a NEP man." In the struggle for existence, Sharikov will stop at nothing. If it seems to him that Shvonder takes his place under the sun, then his aggressiveness will be directed at Shvonder. “Shvonder is a fool,” because he does not understand that soon he himself will be able to become a victim of the monster that he “develops” so intensely.

Teacher: Who is right in the dispute - Professor Preobrazhensky or Dr. Bormental?

Students: it is obvious that both scientists are only partly right: it cannot be said that Sharik's brain is only "Sharik's unfolded brain", but it cannot be said that we have before us only a revived Klim.In Sharikovo, the qualities of a dog and Chugunkin were combined, and Sharik's slavish philosophy, his conformism and self-preservation instinct, combined with Klim's aggressiveness, rudeness, drunkenness, gave rise to a monster.

Teacher: Why did scientists make a mistake in their assumptions?

Students: by the will of the writer, his characters did not know about Sharik what the author himself and his readers know.

Expected results:

These final conclusions resolve the problematic situation of the 2nd lesson, in comprehending which the students had to understand the role of composition, master Bulgakov's language, learn to realize the importance of details in the story, compare the characters' images; comprehend the author's concept. In addition, the technique of comparing a work with its interpretation in another art form allows students to concretize their impressions.

UUD: cognitive (logical - analysis, synthesis, building cause-and-effect relationships; general educational - creating models, semantic reading, the ability to build a statement); communicative; personal (moral and aesthetic orientation); regulatory (correction).

Stage 4 Reflection

Exercise "Interesting".

Fill in the table:

In the “plus” column, students write down what they liked in the lesson, information and forms of work that caused positive emotions or may become useful to them. In the column "minus" they write down what they did not like, remained incomprehensible. In the column "interesting" write down all the interesting facts. If there is not enough time, this work can be done orally.

UUD: regulatory (assessment)

Homework for the next 2 lessons will be like this:

1. Come up with a title for the 4th chapter of Heart of a Dog.

3. Draw up the "code of honor" of Professor Preobrazhensky.

4. State the theory of education according to Professor Preobrazhensky and Dr. Bormental.

5. Describe the professor in the scenes of receiving patients, visiting the house committee, at dinner. Prepare expressive reading these scenes.

Development of a lesson on life safety on the topic:

Forest fires"

The relevance of studying the topic

Natural emergencies include forest fires. The Russian Federation is famous for its forests and is one of the world's largest timber exporters. But in recent times the total area of ​​forests is disproportionately reduced. And one of the reasons for this reduction is forest fires.

Lesson effectiveness

Ways to organize activities in the classroom ensure the cooperation of the teacher and students studying with each other; everyone can show interest and get involved in activities to achieve the objectives of the lesson;

Group form of work contributes to the development of communication skills in students: the ability to negotiate, patiently listen to the opinion of another member of the group, and correctly defend their point of view.

Use of educational opportunities verbal assessment of the teacher, as well as self-assessment of students contribute to the development cognitive interest students, the education of personality traits, such as activity, independence, responsibility and the ability to reflect on their own activities.

Subject : Fundamentals of life safety.

Lesson topic: " Mutual influence of the environment and human activity. Forest fires ".Class : 7

Lesson type: lesson learning new material.

Forms of work: group, frontal, individual.

Methods: verbal, visual, practical, partially search, activity.

Methodological goal of the lesson: present the experience of using effective methods of organizing independent work when studying a new topic.

Lesson Objectives:

educational - study of material on the topic "Interaction between the environment and human life. Forest fires"; familiarizing students with the destructive effect of fires.

Educational - awareness of the problem of the danger of natural fires for human life; promoting the formation of understanding and assessment of the dangers in nature, expanding the horizons of students.

Educational - the ability to assess the degree of risk of natural fires to ensure the safety of human life; instilling the skills of careful handling of fire.



Create conditions for the development of knowledge about forest fires and measures to ensure personal safety;

Create conditions for the formation of the ability to highlight the main thing, select the necessary material, draw conclusions, justify one's point of view;


To promote the development of learning motivation, cognitive interest, attention, logical thinking;

Create conditions for the development of communication skills;


Create conditions for the development of such personality traits as responsibility, activity, discipline, independence;

Create conditions for the formation of safe behavior of students.

Technical equipment:

computer, projector, screen

Materials for the lesson:

assignments for students, handouts, electronic presentation, individual work sheets (in attachments).

Summary of the lesson on life safety on the topic

“Interaction between the environment and human life.

Forest fires"

(7th grade)

Knowledge update.

The topic of natural emergencies is becoming more and more relevant. The number of floods, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, natural fires increases every year, and more and more people die in them.

Natural emergencies include forest fires. The Russian Federation is famous for its forests and is one of the world's largest timber exporters. But recently, the total area of ​​forests has been disproportionately reduced. And one of the reasons for this reduction is forest fires. Currently, many forest fires occur annually, and forests bring great benefits:

· take in carbon dioxide, release oxygen, soften the climate, return moisture to the atmospheric circulation;

    protect agricultural lands, settlements, water bodies;

    serve as a home for most species of living organisms;

    serve as one of the main places of recreation for people.

Our region is rich in forest plantations, so we are concerned about the preservation of the forest, improving the environmental situation.

Therefore, the main the purpose of the lesson is to understand the problem of the danger of natural fires for human life.

Type of lesson: Consolidation of previously studied material using modern technologies.

Technology: information.

Time: 30 minutes.

Equipment: computer, multimedia projector.

Lesson Objectives:

Educational - consolidation of material on the topic “The concept of forest and peat fires. Classification of fires”; familiarizing students with the destructive effect of fires.

Developing - awareness of the problem of the danger of natural fires for human life; promoting the formation of understanding and assessment of the dangers in nature, expanding the horizons of students.

Educational - the ability to assess the degree of risk of natural fires to ensure the safety of human life; instilling the skills of careful handling of fire.

Preparing for the lesson:

    Selection of material and typing.

    Selection of images from the Internet and other sources for slides.

    Preparing and designing a presentation.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment (5 min.).

II. Learning new material (12 min).

Lesson plan:

    Opening speech.

2. Work in groups (independent study of the material)

1. Introduction by the teacher.

I want to start the lesson with a fragment of a poem by F.I. Tyutchev:

Unperturbed order in everything, complete harmony in nature,

Only in our ghostly freedom, we create discord with it ... (slides 1.2 of the presentation are used)

Front poll: Give examples of positive and negative human impact on the environment? (Student answers)

As you can see, unfortunately, there are far more negative impacts than positive ones. This summer environment Russian Federation has been severely tested.

QUESTION: How? (Forest fires)

Lesson topic message (slide number 3):

"The mutual influence of the environment and human life on the example

forest fires."

    Independent study of the material (work in groups 12 min.).

The class is divided into three groups: Researchers, Ecologists, Ministry of Emergency Situations. Each group receives a task, handouts,sheets of individual work.

Task for group number 1 "Researchers":


Task for group No. 2 "Environmentalists":

Identify the impact of forest fires on the environment (ecosystem)

Prepare a presentation (project defense)

Task for group No. 3 "Ministry of Emergency Situations":

Prepare a presentation (project defense)

In the process of work, the teacher suggests using a computer presentation during the performance of the groups (prepared in advance)

    Exchange of information (team performance)

Group #1"Researchers"

The main causes of forest fires

Match, cigarette, wad

Bonfire, glass

Spontaneous combustion


Lightning strike


Burning object


fire speed

combustion temperature

Underground (soil)


1 km. Per day

About 600 gr. FROM


Grass, moss, fallen branches

Up to 5 km. in hour

Up to 700 gr. FROM


Leaves, needles, branches

Up to 30 km. in hour

900-1200 gr. FROM

The performance is accompanied by slides No. 4-7 of the presentation, the rest of the students enter the information received into the sheets of individual work.

Group #2"Ecologists" presents the chart:


A fire can destroy a home

It's impossible to breathe

You can die or get burned


Rare species are being destroyed

Oxygen in

the atmosphere gets smaller


Rare species are being destroyed

The food chain is broken



Carbon monoxide

Greenhouse effect

The performance is accompanied by slides No. 8-10 of the presentation, the rest of the students enter the information received into the sheets of individual work.

Group #3"Ministry of Emergency Situations" presents the chart:

Determine the direction of the wind, the movement of fire

Cover your head with wet clothes

Breathe through a wet handkerchief

Exit at a right angle, crouching to the ground

Dive into the nearest body of water

The presentation is accompanied by slide No. 11 of the presentation, the rest of the students enter the information received into the sheets of individual work.

  1. Watching the video fragment "Fire in the forest"

To consolidate the material, I suggest you watch the video clip.


Let's summarize. The purpose of our work at the lesson was to establish the mutual influence of the environment and human life on the example of forest fires.

Do you think the goal has been achieved? (Yes)

Before I conclude, I would like to read you one more poem.

Vadim Shefner:

And reluctantly smoked until the morning.

What conclusion can we draw today? (Forest fires are easier to prevent by following fire safety rules)


1) Paste a sheet of individual work into workbook

2) come up with and draw a sign urging people to protect the forest from fire;

3) pick up material about forest fires in the Sverdlovsk region.

Sheet of individual work

The main causes of forest fires

Anthropogenic (human) factor:

Spontaneous combustion

"Characteristics of the types of forest fires"

Burning object


fire speed

combustion temperature


Underground (soil)





The impact of forest fires on the ecological system





"Actions in the forest fire zone"

Technological map of the lesson

I stage. Organizational

Target: create conditions for the rapid inclusion of students in work and educational activities.

Teacher activity

Student activities

Greets students. Checks the readiness of students for the lesson, finds out who is absent.

Gives each student a sheet of individual work (Appendix 1).

Guys, we sit down in groups, according to the list. Inspect the workplace, whether everything is ready for the lesson.

Determine their workplace, assess their readiness for the lesson.

Result: students are ready to work.

II stage. Frontal survey

Target: create conditions for students to comprehend the need to study the topic, stimulate mental activity, motivate for success, results.

Teacher activity

Student activities

The teacher reads lines from a poem by F.I. Tyutchev (slide 1):

An imperturbable system in everything,

Consonance is complete in nature, -

Only in our ghostly freedom

Discord we create with her.

Man is a part of nature, he interacts with the environment, while influencing it both positively and negatively.

Front poll:

1. Give examples of the positive impact of man on the environment? 2. Give examples of the negative human impact on the environment? As you can see, unfortunately, there are far more examples of negative environmental impact than positive ones. Every summer, the environment of the Russian Federation is severely tested.


Correctly. As a result, people suffered, many lost their homes. Fires raged on the territory of the Sverdlovsk region. We felt their influence on ourselves, so I propose to devote our lesson to this problem.

Lesson topic: “Interaction between the environment and human life. Forest fires"

Children analyze lines from a poem.

Suggested answers:

1. In nature, everything is interconnected. A man plants trees, clears the territory.

2. Man harms nature. Deforestation. Rivers' pollution. Trash.

3. forest fires

Result: students are emotionally uplifted and motivated to succeed.

III stage. Knowledge update

Target: check the level of assimilation of previously acquired knowledge, create conditions for the secondary comprehension of knowledge, the formulation by students of the goals and objectives of the lesson.

Teacher activity

Student activities

- What would you like to know about this topic and issue?

Would you like to learn more about the impact of forest fires on the environment, actions in the forest fire zone?

Based on the topic of the lesson and the problem, try to formulate the purpose of the lesson

Summarizes the answers, voices the purpose of the lesson (slide 3)."Track the mutual influence of the environment and human life on the example of forest fires."

What do you think we will do to achieve the goal?

We will work in groups

How to act in the event of a fire?

They answer questions.

Consequences of forest fires

Forest fires

Their impact on the environment

Suggested answers:

To study the components of biogeocenosis.

Complete the mind map.

To study the composition and structure of biogeocenosis.

Working in groups doing the task

Result: students show readiness for active, conscious mastering of new material, formulating the purpose and objectives of the lesson.

IV stage. Assimilation of new knowledge (work in groups)Target: create conditions for the successful work of each group, the search for the necessary information, the understanding of new material, the formation of methods of activity.

Teacher activity

Student activities

Gives students the material necessary to complete the task (Appendices 2,3,4). Explains the task.

Creates conditions for the assimilation of new material.

The result of the work of the groups will be completed diagrams and answers to questions.

They remember the rules of working in a group, distribute responsibilities in a group, receive a task and materials to complete the task.

Work in groups, discuss the problem, fill in the charts, write the answers on the board (if necessary).

Result: students demonstrateskillwork with sources of information, highlight the main thing, prepare speeches, cooperate.

V stage. Consolidation of new educational material

Target: create conditions for the conscious perception of new information, its comprehension and memorization, the manifestation of communication skills.

Teacher activity

Student activities

Creates conditions for a comfortable psychological state of the respondents, organizes the order of reports.

Offers to fill out an individual work sheet

Evaluates each group's responses.

Video clip

Pupils present the results of group cognitive activity. (Annex 4)

1 group: "Researchers":

Describe the types of forest fires

2 group: "Ecologists":

Reveal the impact of forest fires on the environment

3rd group: "Ministry of Emergency Situations":

Establish the procedure for a person to act in a forest fire zone

Each student completes an individual worksheet.

Ask clarifying questions.

Result: students demonstrate primary awareness, comprehension and application of new material, draw conclusions, show organizational skills, the ability to interact when performing practical tasks

VI stage. Summing up and reflection of activities

Target: create conditions for generalizing and consolidating the content of new material, evaluating the effectiveness of one's own activities.

Teacher activity

Student activities

The teacher creates conditions for students to understand the significance of the acquired knowledge and methods of activity, to clarify the emotional state of the students (asks questions, returning to the goal of the lesson):

Let's summarize. What was the purpose of the lesson?

Do you think the goal of the lesson has been achieved?

Before drawing a conclusion, I would like to read you a poem by Vadim Shefner:

Forgetful hunter at rest

Did not sweep, did not trample the fire.

He went into the forest, and the branches were burning down

And reluctantly smoked until the morning.

The fire overtook the hunter - and, tormented,

He was suffocating in fiery captivity;

He prepared this fate for himself,

But how did he redeem himself!

What conclusion can be drawn?

How do you rate your performance in the classroom?

The teacher analyzes the answers, evaluates the activity and work of the students.

I hope that you are satisfied with your own activities in the lesson, and the knowledge gained will really be useful in life and you will be able to convey it to others.


- study of material on the topic "Interaction between the environment and human life. Forest fires"


Forest fires are easier to prevent by following fire safety rules

Result: students receiveand fixnew material, conduct a self-assessment of their own activities.

VII stage. Informing students about homework instructions for its implementation.

Target: create conditions for the generalization and consolidation of new knowledge, the ability to apply them in practice.

Teacher activity

Student activities

    - Homework:

1) Paste a sheet of individual work into a workbook 2) come up with and draw a sign calling on people to protect the forest from fire; 3) pick up material about forest fires in the Sverdlovsk region.-Thank you for your work. The lesson is over.

Write down the task.

Result: students are emotionally tuned to the successful completion of homework.


    Fundamentals of life safety. 7th grade. Frolov M.P. and others. M.: 2012.

    Fire safety rules for secondary schools PPB 101-89, M, 2006

    Cheurin G.S. Self-rescue without equipment: M. - Russian magazine, 2000.

    Petrov N.N. Man in emergency situations: Chelyabinsk. - South Ural book publishing house, 1995.

    Repin Yu.V., Shabunin R.A., Sereda V.A. Fundamentals of human security in extreme situations: Yekaterinburg, 1995.

    Sadikova N.B. 1000 + 1 advice to a tourist, school of survival: Minsk.-Modern writer, 2000.

    Minkov N.N., Kostenko N.D. Fundamentals of life safety (materials for teaching the subject of life safety).: Samara, 2014.

    Fundamentals of life safety. Journals: M., 2016.

Studied in educational institutions. It contributes to the formation of children's skills of correct behavior in emergency situations, the ability to provide first aid.

Why is it necessary to study OBZ?

Some parents, looking into the diaries of their children, are surprised, because they do not know what OBZh is at school. This is a subject designed to teach children to act correctly in any life situations, to be able to act correctly in any danger. A person who has taken a course of life safety is able to avoid consequences or natural ones. Within the framework of this subject, children receive elementary knowledge about the defense of the state, the military duty of men.

In addition, the subject of life safety at school is necessary in order to teach children to lead a healthy lifestyle. Schoolchildren should understand what threat to the state of their body such bad habits like drug use, alcohol, smoking. As a result of studying this subject, children know how important it is to play sports. Schoolchildren receive information about the most common diseases. In the case of successful study of the subject, they will know about the measures for the prevention and treatment of diseases. Children will be able to help themselves and their loved ones on their own.

Lifestyle program at school

When did this useful knowledge begin to be taught to children? In 1991, the subject of life safety was introduced at school. It is designed to teach schoolchildren the basic safety rules, the ability to recognize and evaluate them.

In accordance with the requirements of the Ministry of Education, the life safety program at school includes several large thematic sections. First of all, schoolchildren get acquainted with the concept of "safety" and learn the rules of behavior in emergency situations.

The next thematic block includes obtaining medical knowledge. Schoolchildren have the opportunity to get information about problems with the main systems of internal organs, about the features of the prevention of widespread diseases. Knowing what OBZh is, at school or at home, children can help themselves in the event of the first painful symptoms.

Next, students learn the basics of a healthy lifestyle. As part of this block, children can learn how to organize their day in order to live as long as possible. The teacher should explain to the students the features of the organization of sports activities, proper nutrition.

After that, the modern complex of global security problems is studied. We are talking about environmental catastrophes, the demographic crisis, the nuclear security of the world. Consideration of all these issues affects the future life of all mankind. In accordance with the requirements of the state, the life safety program at school ends with an introduction to the basics of military service. This topic is relevant, since every boy is a future man, a defender of the fatherland.

Lifestyle teaching in elementary school

According to educational programs, the study of life safety at school begins at primary school. At the moment in lower grades there is no separate subject of human security. Kids receive initial knowledge from this area while studying the subject "The World Around" and conducting extra-curricular activities. Younger students should learn about the basic rules of the road, fire safety. They must learn how to use household appliances, household chemicals. Kids should know what life safety is at school.

The assimilation of the material should be carried out with the help of visual receptors. Children remember well the information presented in the form of tables, pictures, multimedia presentations. It is useful to show films to children. CDs and audio cassettes can be used in elementary school.

Speech methods for studying life safety in middle and high school

The teaching of life safety at school is carried out using primarily speech methods. When studying new material, a lecture can be given. This method helps to convey a large amount of information to students as quickly as possible. The lecture must be meaningful, logically constructed. Good use of conversation elements. However, such material can only be submitted in high school.

As part of the conversation, the teacher can update the knowledge of children obtained earlier. This form of work involves a lot of activity of students. She provides a high degree assimilation of the material. It is often used at school. Then, under the guidance of a teacher, students can independently come to the disclosure of the properties of a particular phenomenon or process.

The report refers to effective methods independent work. This form of work is provided by the methodology of teaching life safety at school. Schoolchildren can familiarize themselves with the educational material if they prepare a series of reports.

Practical methods for studying life safety

For those who do not know what life safety at school is, it is necessary to understand that the main objective This subject is to teach children to act correctly in a given situation. Therefore, it is necessary to use practical methods. Students must practice the skills they have learned. To do this, you need to solve situational problems. In life safety textbooks, there are necessarily tasks for the solution of which it is necessary to describe an algorithm for the correct behavior of a person in a given situation. For example, during an earthquake, flood.

Practical methods can be used in the classroom during the study of the thematic section related to medicine. Pupils can try to make dressings, put a splint right in the classroom.

The equipment of the OBZh cabinet at school

For students to successfully master the basics of life safety, the classroom for classes must be of high quality. In particular, the equipment of the life safety room at the school should include a computer with a projection board. This will help to actively use visualization: diagrams, tables, photographs, films. For lessons that cover the basics of civil defense, it is necessary to use a gas mask, a machine for assembly and disassembly.

Ideally, the OBZH office should contain special equipment, which is a model of a person. It can clearly demonstrate the rules of first aid. The use of such modern equipment will help not only to clearly explain to students how to help a person, but also to hone practical skills.

Design of information stands

In the OBZH office there should be information stands that make it clear what OBZh is at school. Information can be presented in a bright and interesting way. A person crossing the threshold of the office should immediately pay attention to the stands. They can provide basic information about the rules of the road, the features of behavior in a given situation. It is necessary to submit the most important information, without which it is impossible to study the basics of life safety. The information provided must fully comply with current legislation.

The study of life safety is a guarantee of the safety of schoolchildren

It is important for teachers to approach the teaching of life safety with all responsibility, since the life of students depends on this subject. The basics can save children from many problems in the future. Therefore, the lessons should be as interesting as possible so that children are happy to approach the study of this subject. This will help them to qualitatively assimilate knowledge within the framework of the educational process, to be interested in the global problems that humanity has to face. Therefore, the study of life safety should help ensure the safety of not only a single person, but also the Universe. This should be remembered.