» The principle of advanced learning. Advanced training in the development of new educational technologies by teachers of higher education. The link between the years of study is a great perspective; ends and begins each academic year

The principle of advanced learning. Advanced training in the development of new educational technologies by teachers of higher education. The link between the years of study is a great perspective; ends and begins each academic year
The role of continuous and advanced education in the training of specialists

Goncharova Nadezhda Ivanovna (nmk[email protected] mail. en)

state budgetary professional educational institution of the Rostov region "Novocherkassk Engineering College" (GBPOU RO "NMK")

Let's formulate the first important question for us:what should education be, "quick" or "long"?On the one hand, it is really possible to quickly master many mass professions at the level of stable fulfillment of "what the authorities require." But, on the other hand, many labor psychologists note that professional development continues until retirement. As noted by V.S. Oleinikov, the main task of professional educational institutions is "... not only to give young people general education and profession, but also to form in young people the prerequisites for permanent, lifelong education, obtaining new and new specialties and qualifications ... "The essence of "continuing education"- continuous development of a professional, corresponding to the developing modern production.
On the present stage social development, education is turning into one of the most extensive and important areas of human activity, which is closely intertwined with all other areas public life. In connection with the need for the country's transition to an innovative path of development and the use scientific achievements in the real sector of the economy, the training of highly qualified, responsible, fluent in their profession and oriented in related fields of knowledge, and, consequently, competitive specialists in the labor market, is of paramount importance. They must be not only competent, but capable of effective work at the level of requirements accepted in the world practice, ready for constant professional growth and social mobility.

One of the main goals of continuing education is the expansion and diversification of educational services that complement basic school or university education. This recognizes the insufficiency or inability of the basic system to teach a person everything that he will have to do during his working life. Continuing education is equated with adult education, as it refers to various forms of retraining, advanced training and cultural level of people who have passed the usual age of basic education.

The goals of continuous education of personnel in production.

From the perspective of an employer:

Organization and formation of management personnel

Mastering the ability to identify, understand and solve emerging problems

Reproduction and integration of personnel

Adapt and innovate Maintain and improve professional qualifications

From an employee's point of view:

Acquisition of professional knowledge outside the scope of the main activity

Acquisition of knowledge about "external" organizations that affect the operation of the firm

Development of abilities in the field of planning and organization of production

Planning for continuous learning is one of the main components of human resource planning, which includes two stages: the first is a forecast of the quantitative and qualitative composition of employees in the organization for the period under review; the second is drawing up plans for the recruitment, training, retraining and advanced training of personnel.

Lifelong education involves the diversity and flexibility of the types of training used, its humanization, democratization and individualization. An important feature of lifelong education is its aspiration to the future, to solving the problems of the development of society based on the use of acquired professional knowledge to obtain higher qualifications; retraining and transition to a more complex and prestigious profession.

To carry out this work, you need to know the principles of continuous education. This is a system of basic ideas that must be implemented in the process of designing a system. educational institutions accompanying a person in various periods of his life. These include:

Progress in the formation and enrichment of the creative potential of the individual,

Vertical and horizontal lifelong integrity educational process;

Integration of educational and practical activities;

Accounting for the features of the structure and content of the educational needs of a person at various stages of his life cycle;

Meaningful continuity of the ascending steps of the educational ladder;

Unity of professional, general and liberal education;

Self-education in the periods between the stages of organized learning activities;

Integration of formal, informal and informal components of the lifelong educational process.

The principles of continuous education are based on the following theoretical principles:

Coverage of education throughout a person's life;

Understanding the educational system as a holistic one, including preschool education, basic, sequential, repeated, parallel education, uniting and integrating all its levels and forms;

Inclusion in the education system, in addition to educational institutions and centers of additional training, formal, non-formal and non-institutional forms of education;

Horizontal integration: home - neighbors - local social sphere - society - world of work - means mass media- recreational, cultural, religious organizations, etc.; between the studied subjects; between various aspects of human development (physical, moral, intellectual, etc.) at certain stages of life;

Vertical integration: between separate stages of education (pre-school, school, post-school); between different levels and subjects within separate stages; between different social roles implemented by a person at certain stages of the life path; between various qualities of human development (qualities of a temporary nature, such as physical, moral, intellectual development, etc.);

Emphasis on self-management; emphasis on self-education, self-education, self-esteem;

Individualization of teaching; teaching in the conditions of different generations (in the family, in society); expanding horizons; interdisciplinarity of knowledge, their qualities; flexibility and variety of content, means and methods, time and place of training;

dynamic approach to knowledge - the ability to assimilate new achievements of science; improving learning skills; stimulation of motivation to study; creation of appropriate conditions and atmosphere for learning; implementation of creative and innovative approaches;

Facilitate the change of social roles in different periods of life; knowledge and development of one's own system of values; maintaining and improving the quality of individual and collective life through personal, social and professional development; development of an educating and teaching society; learning to "be" and "become" someone; consistency of principles for the entire educational process.

Continuous education is carried out at the level of individuality, pedagogical system, educational system and society as a whole. At the level of individuality, continuous education is carried out within the framework of socialization, adaptation and intellectual self-awareness of a person, that is:

1) there is a consistent assimilation of a certain system of values, norms, knowledge under the targeted influence of educational and training influences and spontaneous, spontaneous processes affecting the formation of personality;

2) there is a gradual formation of the optimal algorithm of the cognitive activity of the individual, the adaptation of internal potential abilities and motives to the external needs of the individual, the closure of theoretical knowledge with his experience practical application;

3) the formation of the individual's mentality takes place, that is, a way of thinking, a set of mental skills, ways of operating information, spiritual attitudes of the individual, as well as the conscious use of one's own abilities to generate a new portion of knowledge are formed based on the closure of the individual's internal information field with the information field of the community.

At the level of the pedagogical system, continuous education is carried out through the reproduction, change and development of patterns, theory and methodology of education and training of a person. The pedagogical system is the system within which pedagogical activity, that is, the purposeful activity of teachers (teachers, teachers, mentors, parents, educational institutions), which consists in managing the process of educating and educating the younger generation, becoming its full member of society. The structure of the continuing education of the pedagogical system consists of the following components:

1) reproduction, change and transformation of needs, trends in social development, cultural values, worldview features, requirements, necessary qualities presented to a modern member of society;

2) reproduction, change and development of ideas about the essence of knowledge, a socially approved ideal model of an educated person and a successful specialist, diverse scientific knowledge, skills, experience, mental habits accumulated by mankind and relevant for the formation of a future member of society;

3) reproduction, change and development of pedagogical knowledge proper, pedagogical skills and experience, that is, the laws by which the process of mastering knowledge, skills and abilities, methods, principles and ways of teaching and educational influence on the student, methods and methodology of pedagogical activity.

At the level of the educational system, continuous education is carried out through reproduction, change and development educational institutions and the nature of the relationship between them, as well as the unification (synergy) of the efforts of communities and the individual efforts of individual subjects educational activities in solving the problems of pedagogical manageability, self-organization, self-development, self-improvement in conditions of instability, instability, speed of information circulation and society's requirements for the nature of educational services. In this context, the structure of continuing education will include the following components:

1) reproduction, change and development of education as a state-public institution, taking into account specific historical requirements, concentrated in the totality of socio-economic, political, moral, legal and cultural needs of society in educated and developed people;

2) reproduction, change and development of an appropriate infrastructure that is able to meet the needs of society in a culturally developed spiritually developed person, a high-quality specialist and an educational process that meets the requirements of functionality, manageability and adaptability;

3) reproduction, change and development of the educational system that contributes to the student's individual-personal self-promotion, the disclosure of abilities, talents, talents, interests, the formation of special psychological qualities that help to eliminate ossified clichés and stereotypes of habitual thinking in individual consciousness and skills and form an individual cognitive algorithm .

The system of continuous education cannot exist by discarding the practice of the traditional education system. While the traditional education system, in the form in which it exists now, does not meet the needs of modernity and hinders the development of human potential. Therefore, we can talk about the need to reform education, which consists in the transition to a system of continuous education, which includes a traditional education system that uses its experience, while maintaining the priority of the value of new education compared to the values ​​of simple accumulation and reproduction of knowledge. Thus, the traditional education system will perform the function of a kind of soliton - a structurally stable, indestructible unit of the continuous education system, which absorbs new knowledge without changing either the relationship or the nature of previously accumulated information. The system of continuous education at the level of creating a new portion of knowledge will perform the function of a phantom, that is, modeling, constructing images of future knowledge (variants of knowledge interpretation). Interaction, communication, cooperation between the system of continuous education and the traditional system of education is carried out through the properties of individual and social memory, that is, the ability to store information for a long time and repeatedly enter it into the sphere of consciousness and behavior, thus carrying out neoformation. Neoformation is scientifically formalized knowledge, ready for implementation in practice and reproduction in social experience (project, program, strategic plan). The result of such interaction between the traditional education system and the system of continuous education is:

1) at the human level - the formation of individual research mentality;

2) at the level of the pedagogical system - the formation of methods and ways of modeling and motivating the research skills and abilities of the student and teacher;

3) at the level of the educational system - the formation of a friendly infrastructure for the development and self-development of research skills and developments;

4) at the level of society as a whole - the formation of a system of continuous education as the main social value and means of actualizing social and individual needs and opportunities through research activities.

Lifelong education is not a process of development, in view of the fact that its goal is not perfection as such, but the desire of a person (system) to be relevant in the existing social reality and adapt social reality to the internal potential needs of a person (system), that is, it is the implementation of the integration of an individual and universal. The process of continuous education is not unconscious and not aimless, but is aimed at a certain goal achievement, which means we are goal-setting, therefore it is aimed at an ideal result, which, in turn, indicates its infinity, reproducibility, a constant qualitative change in its discontinuity (end of the cycle and setting a new goal). ).

Now they are talking not only about "continuous vocational education", but also about"Advanced Education". Comparing lifelong and advanced education, it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that advanced education in its practiced understanding is not and should not be an alternative (education "throughout life"). Advanced education determines the need, first of all, for the formation and constant growth of knowledge of a fundamental nature - in the form of its stable core (knowledge "for life") at each of the levels of basic education.

Advanced education purposefully prepares students for life and work in an information-rich environment that requires people to be more responsible, wider and at the same time more flexible general educational base, subject to continuous enrichment and development. It is designed to combine the preparation of a new generation for the future with meaningful and full-blooded today's life of students. As it prepares the individual for the fulfillment of his functions in the society of the future, it must teach children to cope effectively with the tasks of the present day.

Advanced education includes, first of all, general education as the basis for any subsequent specialization, inclusion in various types of activities. It focuses primarily on the development general abilities, inclinations, interests, beliefs, ideals, worldview, personality orientation, while creating opportunities for identifying and forming a vocation, helping young people in their life and professional self-determination.

The goal is to promote general cultural development, especially the formation of a moral and intellectual inner world, the formation of a systematic scientific worldview and a constructive worldview. Its tasks include preventing deviant behavior, arming with the means of effective self-development, preparing for continuing education.

A system of social, educational and personal values ​​has developed, which advanced education seeks to bring to life: 1) responsibility to the present and future; love for truth, goodness, beauty, homeland, people, life, world, nature, labor, science, knowledge, art, creativity, technology, construction and design; 2) practically effective, constructive outlook; modernized scientific and technical knowledge, the ability to navigate the latest technologies; information literacy; 3) a persistent inclination and ability for intensive productive work and changes in the types of labor; skills of collective labor and cognitive activity; high work culture; 4) the inclination and ability for continuous education, for cooperation with peers, older and younger generations; to a conscious choice of profession; to full-fledged creative leisure; 5) the ability to adjust their activities, readiness for difficulties and trials, the ability to cope with the contradictions of reality; 6) deep and strong sense of justice; the ability to value, rationally organize and use time; possession of methods of technical, industrial and public management; experience in making responsible decisions and their implementation; 7) discipline and emotional saturation of mental activity, mental abilities.

The achievement of these goals is facilitated by such means of advanced education as providing a systematic moral, aesthetic and scientific worldview, attitude, worldview; introduction of evolving learning; appeal to reflection, self-knowledge and self-development of trainees; organization of their practical activities, communication, mutual assistance and cooperation; development and compensation of abilities; application in the educational process of new information technologies.

The formation of a new type of personality is served by the updated content of education created in educational institutions psychological, pedagogical and vocational guidance service, pedagogical general education for parents and educators of students, a permanent system of advanced training for teachers, active methods learning and teaching, various forms of organization of school life, diverse amateur activities of students, etc.

The full course of general advanced education is designed to ensure the assimilation of systemic knowledge from the following areas: 1) history, economics, sociology, state and law, ergonomics, science of science, geography, ethnography, linguistics, logic, psychology, pedagogy, ethics, aesthetics, literature, art, design, drawing and drafting, music; 2) technique and technology, production and agriculture; 3) mathematics, informatics, astronomy, physics, chemistry, geology, biology, physiology, hygiene; four) Physical Culture and sports.

General advanced education is divided into four age stages: I–III grades (6–8 years old), IV–VI grades (9–11 years old), VII–IX grades (12–14 years old), X–XI grades (15– 16 years). At the first stage, simple computer games are introduced into the curriculum, at the second - the initial course of informatics, the widespread use of computers in the educational process begins, compulsory subjects (about 60% of the study time) are combined with electives. New academic disciplines: modern world, production, technology, labor culture, laws of thinking, history of world culture, ethics and psychology, development of nature and society, the foundations of self-education and self-education, artistic pursuits and etc.

At the third stage, along with the course of computer science and computer technology, compulsory subjects are taught (50% of the study time), including philosophy, political economy, engineering and technology, production and agriculture, ethnography, as well as concentrically extended courses of the previous stages. Elective disciplines cover, in particular, the development of various types of practical activities, design and modeling, teaching translation and methods of scientific information services, typing and shorthand, making visual aids, programming and maintenance of computers; work is provided for in various production associations.


The state of education is worrisome, as it no longer meets the needs of modern society.

Today's education is built on the model of man as a "natural" being. Such a person is considered only in the system of causal interactions. The "natural" man is always either the effect or the cause.

Education built on causal interactions is inherently limited in nature. Because the limit of a "natural" person is the possibilities of his activity, given either genetically or socially. A limit in the sense that a "natural" person is not capable of reflecting on his own capabilities. A "natural" person realizes himself in activity, but the activity of a "natural" person is not a way for a person to create himself.

For a “natural” person, the reason that determines him never becomes an object of reflection. The “natural” person himself cannot be considered as the cause of himself, and even more so, as the cause of society.

Therefore, education based on the model of a “natural” person is not capable of acquiring a leading character. But it is the leading nature of education that becomes the leading requirement of modern society for modern education.

Education based on causal determination is of a “retarded” nature. The problem of creating a "leading" education based on the model of a "natural" person cannot be solved. The psychological nature of this problem lies in the fact that a person, in fact, is not a "natural", but an "artificial" being. Those. a being not so much participating in causal interactions as capable of constructing (creation) its own determinants and possibilities. This may be because an "artificial" person is able to build and complete the ideal spaces of his capabilities (sign-symbolic spaces).

An “artificial” person is a creature that simultaneously exists in both real and ideal spaces. But it is only in an ideal space that the creation of new possibilities begins, the advancement of the actual one. Education as the development and creation of one's own capabilities by a human individual is "anticipatory" education.

The anticipatory nature of education is possible because the “artificial” person is determined not by an external cause, but by his own ideal form, which he himself produces. This way of human existence as an "artificial" being allows him to overcome any limits, both external and internal, because he is able to build an ideal space of possibilities for his own activity of any level of complexity.

In this regard, the formation of a person as an “artificial” being (i.e., the formation of an advanced type), in contrast to the formation of a person as a “natural” being (i.e., the formation of a “retarded” type), is not built as a process accumulation of individual experience (acquisition of new opportunities as a consequence of external natural and social causes affecting a person), but as a process of creating one's own opportunities (an ideal space of activity) and mastering the very method of creation.

The creation of new opportunities in the process of education leads to the complication of the structure of the ideal space of human activity. Therefore, the efficiency and effectiveness of advanced education can be assessed by the complexity of the structure of the ideal space of individual activity.

On the other hand, the levels of complexity of the ideal space of activity can be considered as stages of the educational process. They seem to separate one educational era from another.

Based on the goals of advanced education, it is necessary to build the process of advanced education in a special way. It should be based on a system of problem situations, the psychological content of which is the construction and reconstruction of the ideal space of their own capabilities by each student. Resolution method psychological problem is reflection as a way of creating ideal (and then real) spaces of activity.

It is reflection as a way of constructing an ideal space (creation of ideal space) that is the goal and result of anticipatory education.

Advanced education requires special technologies, the essence of which is that the solution of any subject problem inevitably turns into a solution to the psychological problem of changing one's own capabilities. At the same time, the psychological solution of the objective problem consists in building up one's capabilities (one's own ideal space) to the level specified by the conditions of the objective problem.

In this way,the essence of advanced education- not only in focusing on developing production, and not even in promoting the development of production (bringing it up to the level of specialists), but most importantly (in psychological sense) - focus on the intended perspective. At the same time, skillful forecasting of the development of production and society itself becomes the most important task, which means constant thinking about it. This is precisely what constitutes the essence of a full-fledged professional - to be able to see oneself (and one's activity) in the context of more global social processes.It is this willingness of a professional to correlate himself with cultural and historical processes that brings him to a completely different level of development of his dignity in work.. The opposite of such readiness is the orientation towards the "benefits" and "philistine joys" received by the worker in return for his labor. As a result, any person is given the right to choose one or another option for implementing his idea of ​​dignity in work.

B.M. Bim-Bad

Advanced education purposefully prepares students for life and work in an information-rich environment that requires people to be more responsible, wider and at the same time more flexible general educational base, subject to continuous enrichment and development. It is designed to combine the preparation of a new generation for the future with meaningful and full-blooded today's life of students. As it prepares the individual for the fulfillment of his functions in the society of the future, it must teach children to cope effectively with the tasks of the present day.

Advanced education includes, first of all, general education as the basis for any subsequent specialization, inclusion in various types of activities. It is aimed primarily at developing general abilities, inclinations, interests, beliefs, ideals, worldview, personality orientation, while creating opportunities for identifying and forming a vocation, helping young people in their life and professional self-determination.

To be ahead means to be capable of constant, purposeful and systematic assimilation of a system of knowledge, skills, values, attitudes, orientation, norms of behavior, ways and forms of communication. Advanced education organically includes new information technologies. Computers here serve the student and the teacher both as a means of cognition and as an instrument of practical activity.

Implementation of the developed model of advanced education becomes the most important source of its improvement and the criterion of its compliance with the proclaimed goals. For the operational improvement of the theory and practice of the system being created, it is important to constantly study each pilot (experimental) school and the degree of progress towards goals and systematically evaluate the progress and results of activities. Interchange of experience in the work of experimental schools is envisaged, in particular, with the help of a well-established information service. The nature of improvement and its results should be assessed by the level of development of students. The general public, parents, teachers, scientists, university professors, etc. take part in this kind of state acceptance.

The model of the integral development of the personality is checked, taking into account the difficulties of its growth, age-related difficulties and contradictions. The goal is to promote general cultural development, especially the formation of a moral and intellectual inner world, the formation of a systematic scientific worldview and a constructive worldview. Its tasks include the prevention of deviant behavior, the arming with the means of effective self-development, and preparation for continuous education.

A system of social, educational and personal values ​​has developed, which advanced education seeks to bring to life: 1) responsibility to the present and future; love for truth, goodness, beauty, homeland, people, life, world, nature, labor, science, knowledge, art, creativity, technology, construction and design; 2) practically effective, constructive outlook; modernized scientific and technical knowledge, the ability to navigate the latest technologies; information literacy; 3) a persistent inclination and ability for intensive productive work and changes in the types of labor; skills of collective labor and cognitive activity; high work culture; 4) the inclination and ability for continuous education, for cooperation with peers, older and younger generations; to a conscious choice of profession; to full-fledged creative leisure; 5) the ability to adjust their activities, readiness for difficulties and trials, the ability to cope with the contradictions of reality; 6) deep and strong sense of justice; the ability to value, rationally organize and use time; possession of methods of technical, industrial and public management; experience in making responsible decisions and their implementation; 7) discipline and emotional saturation of mental activity, mental abilities.

The achievement of these goals is facilitated by such means of advanced education as providing a systematic moral, aesthetic and scientific worldview, attitude, worldview; introduction of evolving learning; appeal to reflection, self-knowledge and self-development of trainees; organization of their practical activities, communication, mutual assistance and cooperation; development and compensation of abilities; application in the educational process of new information technologies.

The formation of a new type of personality is served by the updated content of education, the psychological-pedagogical and vocational guidance service being created in schools, pedagogical general education of parents and educators of students, a permanent system of advanced training for teachers, active teaching and learning methods, various forms of organizing school life, diverse amateur activities of students, etc. .d. The full course of general advanced education is designed to ensure the assimilation of systemic knowledge from the following areas: 1) history, economics, sociology, state and law, ergonomics, science of science, geography, ethnography, linguistics, logic, psychology, pedagogy, ethics, aesthetics, literature, fine arts , design, drawing and drafting, music; 2) technique and technology, production and agriculture; 3) mathematics, informatics, astronomy, physics, chemistry, geology, biology, physiology, hygiene; 4) physical culture and sports.

General advanced education is divided into four age stages: I–III grades (6–8 years old), IV–VI grades (9–11 years old), VII–IX grades (12–14 years old), X–XI grades (1 5– 16 years). At the first stage, simple computer games are introduced into the curriculum, at the second - the initial course of informatics, the widespread use of computers in the educational process begins, compulsory subjects (about 60% of the study time) are combined with electives. New academic disciplines are being introduced: the modern world, production, technology, labor culture, the laws of thought, the history of world culture, ethics and psychology, the development of nature and society, the foundations of self-education and self-education, art classes, etc.

At the third stage, along with the course of computer science and computer technology, compulsory subjects are taught (50% of the study time), including philosophy, political economy, engineering and technology, production and agriculture, ethnography, as well as concentrically extended courses of the previous stages. Elective disciplines cover, in particular, the development of various types of practical activities, design and modeling, teaching translation and methods of scientific information services, typing and shorthand, making visual aids, programming and maintenance of computers; work is provided for in various production associations.

In the last two grades of the school, a furcation of the curriculum is introduced on the basis of subjects that are mandatory for all biases, occupying approximately 40% of the study time. The mandatory ones include: a scientific outlook, scientific communism, sociology, ecology, professiography, public utilities, military affairs, etc. The technological bias provides for an in-depth study of polytechnic subjects, including ergonomics; natural science - mathematical logic, mathematics, operations research, mechanics, astronomy, physics, chemistry, biology; social science - in history and sociology, state and law, politics, art, literature, philology, aesthetics, psychology, ethics, pedagogy.

The direction of in-depth study of subjects is chosen by students purely voluntarily, with the help of a psychologist and a career counselor working in close contact with him. In this case, it is also easier to determine the type of work experience for different groups of students. The tasks of the advisory service also include taking care of mental hygiene, psychoprophylaxis, prevention and resolution of various conflicts, and the overall development of students.

A special role in the formation of general (and partly special) abilities of schoolchildren belongs to developmental education. It provides for a consistent consideration of the dependence of perception, ideas and concepts that are formed in schoolchildren on their previous experience, the prevailing motives and conditions of activity, and the orientation of the personality. In developing education based on the jointly divided activity of the teacher and students, the importance of the cognitive and productive independence of students increases. First, with the help of a teacher, and then more and more independently, schoolchildren learn the material being studied, taking into account the conditions for the correct implementation of specific actions (“an indicative basis of actions” according to P.Ya. Galperin). Ideas are also widely used here. problem learning(I.Ya. Lerner, M.N. Skatkin, M.I. Makhmutov and others).

The training sessions are based on active, creative and practical teaching methods. Among them are various variants of the Socratic (heuristic, search) method: modeling, design, design, experimental laboratory, research, design. Game methods are widely used, in high school - business games(adapted). Space is being created for artistic, scientific and technical creativity.

Classroom lessons are supplemented by group and individual lessons, in particular, after school hours, in teams of different ages. The guys deepen their knowledge by participating in design bureaus, a small academy of sciences, etc. Lectures are widely practiced, including school-wide, seminary forms of classes, colloquia, discussions, excursions and local history trips, self-educational activities of students are developing. A flexible, flexible class schedule is introduced, diversity is allowed educational material, benefits, individual and group types, forms and methods of educational and extracurricular work.

For all years schooling designed a special training course on the study of the laws of thinking (reflection). Students should be aware of the ways and mechanisms of their own actions, be able to evaluate their rationality, and look for the best ways of productive activity. It is important to show the logic of development from genetically initial premises in the study of objects to more and more analytical, more and more concrete and enriched content, their conscious comprehension (according to V.V. Davydov). Formed representations, concepts, hypotheses, theories, facts and other elements of knowledge, as well as knowledge about the methods of obtaining them, must be permeated with historicism and perceived by students as a process open to the future. The objective of this course is to teach to see the opposites in the content of knowledge, to promote a deep awareness of the productive nature of the elements and units of knowledge being assimilated, to provide ample opportunities for their transfer to new situations.

The role of self-education and self-education of schoolchildren is being strengthened. They are taught the skills of self-observation and self-assessment, self-control and self-improvement, volitional efforts in self-development are stimulated. Priority is given to working capacity, this most important human ability, and the diligence associated with it.

A special role is given to compensatory pedagogical work. In each individual case, with the weakness of some abilities (for example, theoretical), others develop (for example, practical). Their maturation, strengthening, growth are served by a flexible combination of compulsory subjects with optional ones, the choice of classes by students, a variety of activities in workshops, in the field, in laboratories, in the library, in circles and interest groups.

Purposeful work is also envisaged to overcome the difficulties that students experience in communication, work, knowledge, as well as non-pathological delays in physical, moral, aesthetic, and mental development. Much attention is paid to eliminating the shortcomings of oral and writing. Prevention and correction of undesirable deviations are carried out more successfully when taking into account existing positive qualities and personality traits by restructuring negative ones (turning curiosity into curiosity, etc.), repressing bad habits useful, with the help of psychotherapeutic techniques. This approach is combined with work on the further development of capable and gifted children, in particular with the help of a special organization of their individual and joint activities.

In the system of advanced education, the share of practical activities of schoolchildren is increasing. This is an important source of connection of study with life, improvement of personality, active participation in changing the surrounding circumstances. All practice and Internship are organized in parallel with studies, in strict accordance with the content of theoretical education. In the specific cases of students, polytechnical knowledge is combined with logical, ethical and aesthetic, and economic and ergonomic - with psychological and pedagogical. Particular attention is paid to the culture of work, its scientific organization.

The communication of students with each other, with older and younger is enriched, relations of mutual assistance and cooperation are strengthened. The activation of interpersonal relationships and group interaction is achieved in. joint practical and theoretical, productive and reproductive work, in particular in groups of different ages. The same purpose is served by special training in law, ethics, psychology; the introduction of a self-governing school-wide “court” (according to J. Korchak), the prevention and correction of prejudices, prejudices, aggressiveness and other asocial attitudes, the creation of a healthy psychological climate in school teams.

Accounting and evaluation of the results of the pedagogical process will be carried out objectively by the councils at the school. They are planned to include production workers, teachers from vocational schools, technical schools, universities, as well as members of the public from the immediate surroundings of the school. Students will be given creative tasks - both theoretical and practical, based on the results of which their progress can be assessed. Recommendation types of such tasks are being developed. The councils will also judge the degree of advancement of schoolchildren with the help of independent characteristics compiled by a fairly wide circle of people.

Attestation councils are given the right to recommend to the administration the replacement of teachers in the event that an objective assessment of the results school work testifies to their low qualifications. Of course, councils must be armed with criteria for the minimum level of achievement for schoolchildren and reliable ways to apply these criteria. Transfer exams are canceled. Final exams are also held by public councils at the school.

An important source of improving educational work is the use of new information technologies, in particular, computer-based learning. Pedagogical software products being prepared for this purpose will help educators and consultant psychologists to diagnose the individual characteristics of students, prevent and overcome developmental delays, and accelerate the achievements of especially gifted students. They are designed to create for students a new, additional sign environment for learning, to condense the currently existing sign environments, to coordinate their impact with the characteristics of individual perception.

The task of computer training is to develop the ability of schoolchildren to model the world, to master complex skills under experimental conditions, provided that they are combined with theoretical, reflective and practical work, to synthesize their knowledge, increase justified self-confidence, improve formal-logical operations and form innovative thinking, design and design abilities. Its possibilities are great in the development and adjustment of activity plans, its implementation, in the use of large arrays of reference and documentary information, in increasing interest in cognition in general, to computer science, computer technology and related professions.

The teaching staff of laboratory schools in the system of advanced education is involved in a continuous retraining course, the main content of which is the methodology, technique and organization of purposeful systematic work on self-control, self-development, self-education of teachers, contributing to the growth of their professional skills. The most important tasks of the continuous course include the modernization of the training of teachers in the field of human knowledge. After all, the famous formula of K.D. Ushinsky: "If pedagogy wants to educate a person in all respects, then she must first recognize him in all respects too." Along with the materials of the social and natural sciences of a person, the continuous retraining course for participants in advanced education also includes a practically oriented system of pedagogical sciences, including defectology, correctional pedagogy, etc. All participants in the experiment must study the tools and techniques for conducting scientific research.

An integral part of the continuous course is collective discussions, listening and evaluation of videotape recordings with fragments of educational and extracurricular activities, analysis of difficulties and obstacles on the way to goals, ways to improve pedagogical work. Practicing teachers become full participants in advanced education, they, along with scientists, develop the strategy and tactics of the experiment, correct its course, amend the content of education, and look for new forms and methods of work.

AT new school the work of teachers and educators cooperates and specializes. In particular, they can be combined into groups that cover everyone who works with this class. Their task is to coordinate the content of the work and methods of education and training, to develop interdisciplinary connections, to implement uniform requirements for teachers and students. All this contributes to the purposefulness of learning, prevents fragmentation, patchwork of knowledge when children study individual subjects.

The training of new personnel should be carried out in parallel with the retraining of existing ones. In a number of pedagogical schools and higher education institutions, it is planned to open experimental groups that train specialists for the advanced education system. Students will practice in laboratory schools of a temporary scientific and technical team according to a specially developed curriculum. In the same schools, parents undergo psychological and pedagogical general education. It is planned to cover also those members of the public who will take an active part in the activities of the school, chefs and other interested parties. Parent general education is complemented by computer training for adults.

Currently experimental studies conducted in accordance with the concept of advanced education, are aimed primarily at the use of new information technologies in the context of current curricula. This is an important stage in the gradual transition from today's school to the school of the future. The first options are being tested in the laboratory schools of our temporary scientific and technical team teaching materials in Informatics (under the editorship of A.P. Ershov) for grades IX–X, as well as for grades VII–VIII, the methodology for teaching the basics of informatics and computer technology is being tested, and appropriate manuals for teachers are being prepared.

Practical work is underway to simulate situations when using software products in the lessons of literature, history, physics, mathematics, biology, labor, music in secondary schools in Moscow, Leningrad, Pereslavl Zalessky, Pushchino and other cities. Much attention is paid to the pedagogical support for the development of students in the conditions of computerization of the school. The study of cognitive and communicative factors of learning using new information technologies in the lessons of native and foreign languages ​​is being carried out.

Experimental work has begun to create a new content of education. In this direction, the efforts of the team are concentrated mainly on the first two classes. elementary school, where a new methodology for teaching literacy is tested in combination with elements of mathematical logic, the theory of algorithms. junior schoolchildren study an elementary course in ethics, as well as a course of English language. A "talking primer" is being created - a computer version of teaching children 6-7 years old to read and write. For poorly performing students in the first two grades, corrective courses in mathematics (in extracurricular work) and general development (in the context of normal academic work). Checked computer program"Magic Tales" for the development of the imagination of younger students.

The article outlines approaches to the development of the school model, launched in 1986 by the temporary scientific and technical team "School-1", led by E.P. Velikhov.

LECTURE No. 34. Principles of learning

The principles of the learning process are the basic requirements for the organization of education, which guide the teacher.

There are several fundamental principles of education:

1) the principle of developing and nurturing education;

2) the principle of consciousness and activity;

3) the principle of visibility;

4) the principle of systematicity and consistency;

5) the principle of scientific character;

6) the principle of accessibility;

7) the principle of strength;

8) the principle of the relationship between theory and practice;

9) the principle of completeness of the learning process.

The principle of developing and nurturing education aims to achieve the goal of all-round development of the individual. For this you need:

1) pay attention to the personality of the student;

2) to teach the student to think causally.

The principle of conscious activity carried out subject to the following rules:

1) understanding the goals and objectives of the forthcoming work;

2) reliance on the interests of students;

3) fostering activity among students;

4) the use of problem-based learning;

5) development of independence in students.

The principle of visibility- training is carried out on specific samples perceived by students with the help of visual, motor and tactical sensations. In this case, you need:

1) use visual objects;

2) jointly produce teaching aids;

3) use technical teaching aids.

The principle of systematic and consistent. It meets the following requirements:

1) educational material should be divided into parts, blocks;

2) it is necessary to use structural and logical plans, schemes, tables;

3) there must be a logical lesson system;

4) it is necessary to apply generalizing lessons to systematize knowledge.

Scientific principle passes using the following rules:

1) training should take place on the basis of advanced pedagogical experience;

2) teaching should be aimed at forming students' dialectical approach to the subjects being studied;

3) it is necessary to use scientific terms;

4) it is necessary to inform students about the latest scientific achievements;

5) it is necessary to encourage research work.

The principle of accessibility based on age and individual features students in the learning process. For its implementation, the following rules must be observed:

1) organization of training with a gradual increase in the difficulty of the educational material;

2) taking into account the age characteristics of students;

3) accessibility, use of analogies.

Strength principle based on the following rules:

1) systematic repetition of educational material;

2) freeing the memory of students from secondary material;

3) the use of logic in teaching;

4) application of various norms and methods of knowledge control.

The principle of the relationship between theory and practice. To implement this principle, you should:

1) practice to prove the need for scientific knowledge;

2) inform students about scientific discoveries;

3) introduce the scientific organization of labor into the educational process;

4) teach students to apply knowledge in practice.

The principle of completeness of the learning process based on achieving maximum assimilation of the material. For a successful result you need:

1) after studying a major topic or section, check the assimilation of educational material by students;

2) use such training methods that allow you to achieve the desired results in a short period of time.

This text is an introductory piece. the author Sharokhina E V

LECTURE No. 29. The learning process The learning process is a pedagogically sound, consistent, continuous change of learning acts, during which the tasks of developing and educating the individual are solved. In the learning process, its subjects participate in interconnected activities

From the book Pedagogy: lecture notes the author Sharokhina E V

LECTURE No. 30. Functions of the learning process Learning is a purposeful, organized process of interaction between a teacher and a student, during which knowledge, skills and abilities are acquired. In learning, all the

From the book Pedagogy: lecture notes the author Sharokhina E V

LECTURE No. 31. Structural elements of the learning process Structural elements of the learning process are often called the stages of mastering knowledge, skills and abilities. Let's list the main structural elements. Students' perception of the studied material. Mastery of the studied

From the book Pedagogy: lecture notes the author Sharokhina E V

LECTURE No. 32. Laws and patterns of the learning process Laws in pedagogy are the results of learning the learning process, expressed in certain theoretical postulates. Let us highlight the laws that are most clearly and clearly formulated and noted by I. Ya. Lerner, V. I.

From the book Pedagogy: lecture notes the author Sharokhina E V

LECTURE No. 33. Improving the learning process Improving the learning process occurs throughout the history of the development of pedagogy. At present, the most relevant aspects of this problem can be identified. Person-oriented approach to students.

From the book Pedagogy: lecture notes the author Sharokhina E V

LECTURE No. 35. Teaching methods The method of teaching is a way of organizing the cognitive activity of students; a method of activity of the teacher and students, aimed at mastering the knowledge, skills and abilities of students, at the development of students and their upbringing. Teaching method

From the book Pedagogy: lecture notes the author Sharokhina E V

LECTURE No. 36. Classification of teaching methods There are several classifications of teaching methods. The most famous of them is the classification of I. Ya. Lerner and M. N. Skatnin. According to this classification, according to the nature of cognitive activity, teaching methods

From the book Pedagogy: lecture notes the author Sharokhina E V


From the book Pedagogy: lecture notes the author Sharokhina E V

LECTURE No. 49. Forms of education The form of organization of education is a specially organized activity of the teacher and students, proceeding according to the established procedure and in a certain mode. There are two main forms of organization of education.1. Individual-group system

From the book Pedagogy: lecture notes the author Sharokhina E V

LECTURE No. 54. Lecture as a form of learning Lecture is one of the methods of oral presentation of the material. When working with older students, teachers have to verbally present a significant amount of new knowledge on certain topics, spending 20–30 minutes of a lesson on this, and sometimes

From the book Pedagogy: lecture notes the author Sharokhina E V

LECTURE No. 58. The concept of teaching aids Teaching aids are an obligatory element of equipping classrooms and their information and subject environment, as well as an essential component of the educational and material base of schools of various types and levels. The teaching aids are

From the book Pedagogy: lecture notes the author Sharokhina E V

LECTURE No. 60. Technical teaching aids In the modern educational system, technical teaching aids are widely used. educational information. To them

From the book Pedagogy: lecture notes the author Sharokhina E V

LECTURE No. 63 educational goals. Learning technology

From the book Educational Psychology: Lecture Notes the author Esina E V

LECTURE No. 1. Basic principles and patterns of the relationship between the processes of learning and the development of the psyche

From the book Psychology of Knowledge: Methodology and Teaching Methods author Sokolkov Evgeny Alekseevich

1.3. Mental cognitive processes and principles of teaching in the educational

From the book Early Development Methodology by Glen Doman. 0 to 4 years author Straube E. A.

The existing and currently widely used principles of learning, modified in accordance with the strategic goals and objectives of the development of modern learning theory, implemented taking into account the future state of their main provisions and the objects included in the orbit of these principles, as well as providing for the corresponding activities of learning subjects, can be attributed to the principles advanced learning.

The principles of learning express certain objective patterns of learning and are understood as the starting points that determine the corresponding activity of the subjects. The principles of learning, which determine the strategy and tactics of advanced learning, are necessary tools in the construction and operation of the corresponding system. educational process and its components.

In general, the principles include the initial provisions that are purposefully and consistently implemented in the development and improvement of the components of the educational process, including technologies and teaching methods. In the educational process, the principles of scientific character, consistency, intensity, connection of theory with practice, accessibility, visibility, consciousness, independence, activity, professional orientation, and others are often used.

The intensification of the educational process and advanced learning can significantly affect the dynamics of each individual principle of learning and their entire system. Being, according to V.I. Zagvyazinsky, an expression of didactic theory, the system of principles, functioning and developing simultaneously with the educational process, ultimately determines its effectiveness and the quality of training.

The essence of the principles of learning and their role in solving the tasks of advanced learning is manifested through what they have in common, but in the context of a specific system designed for this, as a reflection of the systemic qualities, connections, and relationships that appear in the learning process. The introduction of a systematic approach to the study of didactic principles allows us to consider them as a system, the structure of which contains interconnected and interacting with each other (with other elements of the system and environment) various principles that determine the holistic educational process.

Purposeful practical implementation of the system of teaching principles in the educational process contributes to obtaining integral results, the scientific generalization of which allows us to highlight the general integrative property of the system, as well as create the necessary prerequisites for successful, ahead of schedule achievement of the set goals.

The projection of this property on each individual principle reveals in them the general and the special, which can constitute their essence and is a condition for improvement and development. The more clearly these qualities of principles are manifested, the more stable the learning process becomes, guaranteeing the achievement of the planned results.

The principle of advancing in this regard is relatively new, but it requires a certain change in all the above principles, which are considered from the point of view of their future state, which meets the strategic goals of the development of domestic education.

Associating advanced learning with ensuring (or increasing) the planned effectiveness and efficiency of the educational process as an integral system while minimizing costs, it is convenient to consider the principles used also from the standpoint of: achieving the goals of advanced learning; improvement and development of learning theory.

An analysis of the links between the components of the educational process between themselves and the environment (social, economic, natural, etc.) makes it possible to identify the principle of advanced development, which affects all the principles considered in the work.

The principle of advancing has a direct and indirect connection with the laws of the learning process. This takes into account:

the strategic essence of learning goals, the achievement of which is carried out sequentially in each unit of time;

reflection in the content of education of scientific, technical and technological progress, strategic goals for the development of the economy, society, and the state;

the determining role of the advanced content of education and each of its components;

the relationship between the components of advanced learning content and their assimilation;

the connection between the advanced content and the forms, methods, technologies, teaching aids, necessary for its assimilation, etc.

The principle of advancing changes the dynamics of the development of the educational process and significantly expands the scope of the studied objects, reflecting on the principles of learning.

Anticipatory learning is directly related to adequate

change in the system of didactic principles that meet current trends accelerated development of a market economy and market relations, promising and innovative development of education and, directly, the educational process. In this regard, it is advisable to consider and take into account the specifics of the implementation of didactic principles in the conditions of advanced learning, as well as the issues of advanced learning related to the effective implementation of the current and projected principles. In general, these areas are focused on solving urgent problems of improving the efficiency and quality of training.

To implement the principle of advancing, the following theoretical provisions can be used:

1. The principle of advancing refers to all the principles of learning, each of which is advisable, firstly, to “adapt” in a timely manner from the point of view of the implementation of advanced learning, and secondly, to consider taking into account its predicted future state.

2. The principle of intensity, which corresponds to sustainable trends in the growth of learning rates and productivity (efficiency) of labor of all participants in the educational process while reducing costs:

is implemented in the existing laws and principles of training, causing in them the tendencies of accelerated and effective obtaining of the results of their implementation;

manifests itself in the majority of interacting and used in practice elements of the learning process and affects their accelerated improvement and development;

has a constantly growing, developing experience in applying ideas and projects of advanced learning in practice;

manifests itself in the characteristics of the integral results of the implementation of any systems of the educational process, etc.

V.P. Bespalko believes that the principle of intensity of the construction of the didactic process allows you to solve didactic problems faster or at a higher level at the same time. An indicator of the degree of compliance of this didactic process with the principle of intensity of training and education is the rate of assimilation by subjects of a certain activity with given indicators. In training, not only the effectiveness of the didactic process is important, but also its intensity, determined by the time spent on training.

In the conditions of advanced learning, the principle of intensity, being realized through the intensification of the educational process, contributes to the intensive formation of the skills and abilities of a systematic approach, systemic creative thinking and self-management, which are immediately included in the activity of the subject, ensuring high-quality and effective development of the content of training and the achievement of learning goals.

Considering the difference between the principles of intensity and activity, one can say, for example, about the assessment of the intensity of activity change depending on some parameter (costs, etc.). The development of the educational process, therefore, can have a different intensity. Activity in the didactic sense characterizes the behavior or (indirectly) change of an object that can be assessed, although the speed of these changes is already related to intensity.

The experience of active learning, highlighted in the work of A.A. Verbitsky, shows that with the help of its forms, methods and means it is possible to effectively solve a number of problems, including the formation of systemic thinking of a specialist.

In pedagogical theory and practice, as well as educational psychology there are certain foundations and means and experience accumulated that are directly aimed at anticipatory learning. Nevertheless, many researchers, studying and using existing or designing new principles, limit themselves to traditional justifications for their use or implementation in the results obtained. It is difficult to find characteristics of didactic principles in modern research in conditions of advanced learning and with the changing dynamics of the educational process.

3. The principle of consistency, according to the definition of V.P. Kuzmin, means that the phenomenon of objective reality, considered from the standpoint of the laws of the systemic whole and the interaction of its constituent parts, form a special epistemological prism or a special dimension of reality. Expressing the epistemological essence of modern scientific knowledge, systemicity causes the growth of its information content while minimizing the constituent elements and reflects the variety of connections and relationships of the elements of the structure with each other and with the environment.

To justify the need for a system in training, S.P. Baranov identifies two factors, according to which:

educational material is a certain system, as it reflects the system of connections in the real world around;

the process of learning the educational material for the subject should take place in the system.

It is impossible to reflect the system of interconnection of objects, phenomena of the surrounding world, the system of educational material, if there is no system in the cognitive activity of the subject.

In accordance with the principle of consistency, the educational process is always associated with the design and implementation of the necessary training system for this, which serves to solve the tasks of education, upbringing and development of the subject. Only a systematic, holistic application of external and internal connections of the educational process provides the maximum possible learning outcomes in a given situation in the allotted time. The reasons for the insufficient development of the use of the principle of consistency in the educational process can be


limited and inaccessible system technologies and teaching methods, system solution tasks set (system design, development of action programs, etc.);

insufficiency and low efficiency of existing systemic methods of formation and development of systemic representations, skills and abilities of a systemic approach and systemic thinking in subjects;

limited use in the educational process of methods and methods of cognition based on a systematic approach.

Advanced learning is a means of identifying and implementing new qualities and features of the principles of learning and specifically the principle of consistency, focused on the future state of the education system. In traditional training, the evaluation of the results of the implementation of the principle of consistency according to the final results seems to be very difficult, since it covers a long period of time. Under conditions of intensive advanced learning, this situation changes significantly.

on the system, as important quality objective reality, a systematic approach is based, which finds its application in the theory and practice of teaching, acting as one of the forms of specifying the principles of dialectics and the principles of teaching.

The study of the set of principles of education as a specific system (implemented in the process of advanced learning) reveals in each of its elements new properties of an intensive nature, the general influence of which determines the intensification of the educational process.

The effectiveness of anticipatory learning largely depends on the level of development of the subjects of systemic thinking. The higher it is, the more actively the principle of consistency is used, and vice versa, the more effectively the principle of consistency is implemented, the easier it is for the subjects to form and develop these skills and abilities. All this together creates the basis and prerequisites for the development and implementation of qualitatively new approaches in the theory and practice of teaching, new principles of teaching.

The principle of consistency is one of the fundamental principles of advanced learning. In this regard, we have developed a technology for systemic structuring, presentation and study of the content of education, the long-term testing of which in various educational institutions and branches of knowledge has shown its effectiveness and a certain universality.

4. The principle of scientific character is associated with the reflection in the educational process of the results of scientific and technological progress, innovative development

various sectors of the economy, science, etc.

The implementation of this principle by familiarizing the subjects with

scientific facts, developing their skills and abilities of scientific research and scientific organization of labor, mastering them scientific methods knowledge, etc., is aimed at improving not only the quality and effectiveness of education, but, above all, the creative and innovative activity of the participants in the educational process.

According to the authors of the work, the principle of scientificity in advanced learning cannot be limited only to the requirements for the content of acquired knowledge; the very foundations of learning should be scientific - the process of assimilation, cognitive activity(goals, content, methods and methods of organization, methods of its implementation).

The implementation of the principle of scientific character in the conditions of advanced learning creates the necessary scientific basis, contributes to an intensive, scientifically based systemic transformation and improvement of the nature of the mental activity of subjects, the introduction of new progressive methods of scientific research.

The more fully and correctly the system of scientific knowledge is formed in the subjects, the more successfully and faster they advance in learning and mastering academic disciplines.

A certain role is assigned to the principle of scientific character in the development of programs and textbooks, in the design and implementation of the required advanced learning systems. Distinctive feature A new approach to this principle is to use it as a supporting subsystem (a targeted program of scientific support) in the study, design and implementation of the required system of the educational process and the system of advanced learning.

With regard to advanced learning, there are several scientific problems its implementation: increasing labor productivity and effectiveness of educational, scientific and other activities of participants in the educational process, saving resources, improving the quality and effectiveness of training, etc. At the same time, the results planned and received by the participants in the educational process can be theoretical, scientific, innovative and practical, related to various sectors of the economy, social sphere, ecology, etc.

In each discipline, the future state of the relevant science, as well as promising scientific areas, including those directly related to the activity of the subject, should be considered.

Activities aimed at using scientific knowledge, scientific and technical products and the results of improving and developing the education system, its components and services, improving products, methods of obtaining them and social services can be classified as innovative activities. Innovations and innovative activity are related not only to the creation and dissemination of innovations, but also to transformations, changes in the way of activity, the style of thinking that are associated with these innovations.

Science is one of the social phenomena that are systemic in nature. She, according to V.V. Kraevsky, is one of those complex objects that in our time cannot be considered otherwise than from the standpoint of a systematic approach, which has not yet received a fairly wide distribution in the theory and practice of teaching, especially for subjects as means of their cognitive and practical activity .

5. The methodological basis of the principle of connection between theory and practice is the dialectical unity of theory and practice. The modern socio-economic development of our society significantly affects the traditional ideas about the relationship between theory and practice. At the same time, problems related to the relationship and interaction of participants in the educational process with the "external" environment, with the sphere of socio-political practice and labor activity are updated in order to: improve the process and improve the quality of education; training of qualified specialists; advanced development and effective implementation of the potential of the educational institution and subjects of advanced learning.

Among the urgent tasks and directions for implementing the principle of connection between theory and practice are:

establishing sustainable direct and feedback flexible relationships with graduates and specialists to monitor the results and effectiveness of their activities, changing market requirements;

accelerated adaptation of subjects to advanced training, to upcoming activities to implement strategic goals and objectives

development of the economy, society and the state;

the formation and development of the subjects of systemic ideas, skills and abilities of a systematic approach, etc., increasing their adaptive qualities and bringing them to the level of new thinking, the level of understanding by them of the deep processes taking place in life, the economy, nature, society and active participation in their transformation.

Modern development The market economy and society requires the acceleration of innovative and technological renewal of practice, the transition to more effective forms of integration of science, education and the sphere of practical activity. Advanced learning in this situation can be considered as the basis and an important condition for the effective implementation of the principle of connection between theory and practice.

The absence or weak development of the marketing of an educational institution leads to limited information about the real satisfaction of consumers of its products (primarily its graduates). If we also take into account the high rate of change in the situation in the economy and in the consumer market, then all this will ultimately affect the quality of training of specialists and the effectiveness of advanced training.

Establishing a connection between theory and practice is not a local problem, but a complex process of developing a set of elements of the educational process, which is possible only within a certain system implemented to achieve specific goals. In this regard:

the practical implementation of the principle of connection between theory and practice is being carried out;

takes into account the best practices in the implementation of direct and feedback links between theory and practice;

a hierarchy of problems is compiled, studied and purposefully solved along with problem situations, due to which their systemic implementation takes place.

From these positions, the problems of the connection between theory and practice are specific and relate simultaneously to the system of advanced learning under consideration and to its main subsystems. The practical implementation of the advanced development of a particular theory to achieve its future state begins today. This is one of the most important features of the principle of connection between theory and practice.

6. The meaning of the principle of accessibility is to make learning accessible and feasible for the subject with his abilities, level of training and development. This can be achieved through accelerated assimilation and independent use by almost all students of available, effective methods for structuring and studying the content of education, the necessary forms, methods and means of education. An equally important role in the conditions of advanced learning is also played by the individualization of learning, the effective interaction of participants in the educational process, the professionalism of teachers, and the creative learning environment.

The availability of assimilation and use in cognitive, scientific, practical and other activities (proposed in this paper) of teaching methods and techniques based on a systematic approach has been proven by many years of practice in their implementation in various educational institutions. The main condition in this regard is the assimilation by students of the proposed types of activities and actions, as well as the ways of thinking determined by them.

Much in these processes depends on the availability of teachers' skills and abilities of a systematic approach to the organization and implementation of advanced learning.

7. Anticipatory learning contributes to accelerated implementation

the principle of consciousness, independence and activity in learning. The existence and sustainable reproduction of this phenomenon in the conditions of advanced learning is facilitated by the obligatory planned design by each subject of his future state and personal program to achieve the set goals. For the subject in this regard, the future state of the ongoing or planned activity is also of significant importance.

An effective means and mechanism for implementing the principle of consciousness, independence and activity in learning is the technologization of the educational process and the use by subjects of an individual technological card of independent work with elements of self-government (forecasting, planning, self-organization, execution, self-control, self-assessment and a certain independent regulation of their educational activities).

According to S.I. Arkhangelsky, the principle of conscientiousness in learning is inextricably linked with the activity and independence of the subjects, with the manifestation of their interest, enthusiasm, initiative creative searches, exactingness to oneself. Consciousness of subjects requires its expression through self-discipline and organization, which characterize such a degree of internal intellectual composure, in which learning activity is carried out with interest and freely.

The relationship between consciousness, independence and activity is also indicated by V. Okon, who believes that the principle of independence contains the postulates of activity and


The implementation of the principle of consciousness, independence and activity of learning, carried out on the basis of a systematic approach, effectively contributes to each subject in its independent formation and development of its knowledge system, adequate to the science being studied.

Insufficiently high professional and value orientation, as well as the activity and independence of subjects in solving professionally and socially significant creative tasks, affects the effectiveness and quality of education. The main motivation for learning is cognitive interest, formed simultaneously as a means of ensuring the successful assimilation of the program material and as the goal of training. At the same time, according to K. Volkov, it is very important that the cognitive interest be sufficiently intense.

The implementation of a systematic approach (as a certain combination of research, program-targeted, psychological-pedagogical, problematic and other approaches in the educational process) contributes to the growth of the motivational level of subjects, and hence their consciousness, primarily due to the "transformation" of the goals of educational, research , industrial and other activities.

Simultaneously with the development and practical implementation of a systematic approach to advanced learning, there is a noticeable increase in the productivity of subjects, an increase in their value-motivational level, and the effectiveness of self-government.

According to the authors of the work, the principle of consciousness in learning means not only the understanding by the student of what he is studying (subject of research, analysis), why he is studying (motives), what is the end product of studying (goal), by what means the subject is being studied (method and its cognitive procedures), but also an understanding of what conceptual means should be used to describe an object as a system of knowledge about it, and the activity itself that produces them.

Advanced learning conditions and stimulates the growth of consciousness, independence and activity of subjects. This is also facilitated by the integrated management system implemented by all participants in the educational process (the educational process and various programs) with the actualization and development of certain functions of self-government of subjects in it.

8. The principle of the strength of knowledge, skills and abilities means long-term storage in the memory of the knowledge being studied, the skills and abilities being formed. The implementation of this principle by the subject is determined by: highlighting the main thing in the studied material; inclusion of the acquired knowledge into the system of his views and beliefs; effective use of the acquired knowledge, skills and abilities in solving the tasks; transfer of acquired knowledge and skills to another area of ​​knowledge.

Advanced learning, carried out on the basis of a systematic approach, helps to ensure the high strength of knowledge, skills and abilities. An equally important role in this matter is played by the skills and abilities acquired in the process of using a systematic approach to systemic structuring, presentation, study and assimilation of the content of training, thanks to which the subject has the opportunity to effectively and reliably form his system of knowledge, skills and abilities adequate to the science being studied.

Among the important principles of anticipatory learning is the principle of simultaneity, when each subject has the opportunity to form his own orienting basis (simultaneously) for cognitive and (ongoing or forthcoming) practical activity. The principle of simultaneity has its effective embodiment in a comprehensive and systematic approach to the organization and implementation of independent cognitive, theoretical and practical activities.

Thanks to the principle of simultaneity in the process of advanced learning based on a systematic approach and, in particular, systemic structuring, presentation and study of information about the object being studied, the subject acquires and develops a body of knowledge, skills and abilities related to various types of activities, including: cognitive, analytical , organizational, research, practical, innovative, etc.

From a philosophical point of view, simultaneity is the coincidence in time of events separated from each other in space, but occurring in the same frame of reference, which may be the educational process. The simultaneity that takes place in the cognitive, theoretical, practical and other activities of the subject can be considered as a pattern inherent in the holistic cognition of the objects of the surrounding reality.

It should also be pointed out that many issues of the educational process actually relate to the principle of simultaneity, but most often not from the standpoint of advanced learning.

The important aspects of implementing the principle of simultaneity in advanced learning include:

simultaneous implementation of the goals of training, education and development of the younger generation and specialists;

maximum possible use of known

patterns and laws of learning;

a holistic view, study and assimilation of the content of education based on a systematic approach;

a reasonable combination of collective and individual forms of education;

regulation of approaches and rates in solving the tasks of advanced learning;

advanced development of the educational process and its components;

rationalization of technologies and learning processes, their resource (temporary, material and technical, financial, personnel) and other support.

The simultaneous use, for example, of personal computers in solving information, research, educational (training, monitoring, evaluating) and other tasks significantly increases the efficiency and pace of learning, providing possible resource savings. Another example concerns the principles of technology, namely the principle of simultaneous development of all its subsystems (external, internal and related to the natural, political, ecological, economic, etc. environment). This ensures effective optimization of all studied and used technologies, processes and methods.

According to P. Erdniev, for a deeper and more conscious

assimilation of the material, as the practice of teaching has shown, simultaneous consideration of several (2-3), including opposite in nature, phenomena and dependencies in comparison and comparison with each other can be used. It is advisable to use it, according to P. Erdniev, when repeating, consolidating and generalizing educational material.

The principle of simultaneity can be implemented through: a systematic approach to solving theoretical and practical problems of learning; implementation of the main theoretical (including regularities, laws and principles) learning models; conscious use of this principle by all participants in the educational process and specialists in scientific, creative, educational, cognitive, managerial and other activities; design and implementation of the required systems and targeted programs that serve to achieve the goals and solve the tasks; evaluation of the effectiveness and quality of the results obtained; organizing and coordinating the activities of all participants in the educational process, in terms of obtaining the planned results with high labor productivity and minimizing costs.

Conditioned by the requirements of the strategic development of society

and states, the theory and practice of advanced learning remains practically unexplored. Of particular importance in this situation are the parameters, processes and activities of an intensive nature, which simultaneously affect: the principles of learning; methodological foundations theory and practice of teaching in modern conditions; advanced implementation of the educational process; the introduction of progressive achievements in the theory of learning and best practices in the practice of the educational process, contributing to its intensification.

9. As for the principle of continuity, from a philosophical point of view, it defines the connection between the various stages or stages of development, the purpose of which is to preserve the elements of the whole or its individual characteristics during the transition to a new state. As a principle of education, continuity is reflected in the integral system of education, in curricula in programs, in the content and methods of teaching, etc.

The need for continuity in advanced training at different levels of education is primarily due to the fact of updating and adopting the strategic goals of training, education and development of the younger generation and specialists. The relevance and necessity of such continuity is also due to the growing contradictions between the increased amount of information and the terms of training, between the principles of traditional didactics and the actual reflection of the time factor in them, etc.

If we talk about the principle of continuity in the conditions

advanced learning, then its features are manifested in the performance of didactic functions (educational, educational and developmental), changes in the pace of learning, sustainable reproduction of a qualitatively new thinking and behavior among all participants in the educational process, etc.

The formation of skills and abilities of systemic thinking and a systematic approach in cognitive, theoretical and practical activities should be successive. This will make the processes of implementing a systematic approach in education and the resulting results more sustainable.

Brief conclusions

1. The principles of learning express certain objective laws of learning and are understood as the starting points that determine the corresponding activity of the subjects.

2. The principle of advancing changes the dynamics of the development of the educational process and significantly expands the scope of the studied objects,

reflecting the principles of education.

3. The principles of learning, modified in accordance with the strategic goals and objectives of the development of modern learning theory, implemented taking into account the future state of their main provisions and the objects included in the orbit of these principles, as well as providing for the corresponding activities of learning subjects, can be attributed to the principles of advanced learning.

4. The principles of learning, which determine the strategy and tactics of advanced learning, are the necessary means in the construction and functioning of the corresponding integral system of the educational process and its components.

5. The intensification of the educational process and advanced learning can significantly affect the dynamics of each individual principle of learning and their entire system.

6. The essence of the principles of learning and their role in solving the tasks of advanced learning is manifested through what they have in common, but in the context of a specific system designed for this, as a reflection of the systemic qualities, connections, and relationships that appear in the learning process.

7. In the context of advanced learning, the principle of intensity, being realized through the intensification of the educational process, contributes to the intensive formation of the skills and abilities of a systematic approach, systemic creative thinking and self-management, which are immediately included in the activity of the subject, ensuring quick and effective mastering of the content of training and the achievement of learning goals .

8. Advanced learning is a means of identifying and implementing new qualities and features of the principles of education and specifically the principle of consistency, focused on the future state of the education system. The principle of consistency is one of the fundamental principles of advanced learning.

9. The implementation of the principle of scientificity in the conditions of advanced learning creates the necessary scientific basis for it, contributes to an intensive, scientifically based systemic transformation of the nature of the mental activity of subjects, the introduction of new progressive methods of scientific research.

10. Practical implementation of the strategic goals of the development of the economy, society and the state, the advanced development of modern theories of learning, activity, etc. to reach their future state starts today. This is one of the most important features of the principle of connection between theory and practice.

11. Modern development of market economy and society

requires the acceleration of innovative and technological renewal of practice, the transition to more effective forms of integration of science, education and the sphere of practical activity. In this case, anticipatory learning can be considered as the basis and an important condition for the effective implementation of the principle of linking theory with practice.

12. The accessibility of learning can be achieved through the accelerated assimilation and independent use by almost all students of available, effective methods for structuring, presenting, studying and mastering the content of training, the necessary forms, methods and means of teaching.

13. The implementation of the principle of consciousness, independence and activity of learning, carried out on the basis of a systematic approach, effectively contributes to each subject in its independent formation and development of its knowledge system, adequate to the science being studied.

14. Anticipatory learning, carried out on the basis of a systematic approach, contributes to ensuring the high strength of knowledge, skills and abilities.

The principle of pedagogical optimism (advance)

Law social pedagogy: the more trust and respect for the child, the more demanding and trust in him, gives rise to the principle of pedagogical optimism, which is one of the most important principles of socialization, which is associated with finding and developing the strengths and positive aspects of the child, and sometimes their reorientation (strong-willed, aspirations for risk, etc.) on personally and socially oriented development. The principle of pedagogical optimism implies, at its core, reliance on the positive in the child. Experts note that a person is immanently motivated to improve: even the most difficult children have a desire for moral self-improvement. However, it is easy to extinguish it if you address them with the help of shouts, reproaches and lectures. And vice versa, this desire can be strengthened if the adolescent's initiative and impulses to destroy his usual forms of behavior are noticed and encouraged in time.

The history of the development and formation of this principle dates back to ancient times. It is associated with the names of Confucius, Plato, Vittorino da Feltre and others. Pedagogical development was given to it by J. Comenius in the "Great Didactics", proclaiming: "To teach everyone and everything." Pedagogical optimism is expressed in the fact that all children are capable of learning and upbringing, except for those from whom "God took away the mind." A. Makarenko significantly developed this principle, raised it to a qualitatively different height, formalized its structure, introducing new content. His great merit is that he perfectly demonstrated its beneficial effect on a fundamentally different contingent - orphans, juvenile and juvenile delinquents.

S. Shatsky categorically did not accept "Lombroz's ideology". He was sure that all children, both rich and poor parents, do not have a criminal predisposition. They are all capable of learning and education. “And I think,” he wrote, “that everything valuable in a person - this reservoir of values ​​​​in a child - will always remain in him; only from one external cause or another has it become overgrown with bark, and we feel disgusted because the overgrowth is itself.” What they grow into largely depends on the environment and upbringing: “The same dregs of society that we look at with such disgust, fear or regret were the same children as everyone else.” And the teacher “squeezes” us: “Every day we pass by all sorts of people, and many of them could be a hundred times better, more talented and more useful than us if they were in our place, and we are worse if we were in place them..." .

Thus, our innovative teachers asserted in theory and practice the principle accepting the child as he is, long before its theoretical formulation by foreign teachers and psychologists. And this is another example of how, from ignorance of our own history of pedagogy, we find ourselves in some kind of flawed and even dependent position, instead of being proud of the achievements of our outstanding domestic innovative teachers.

A. Makarenko introduced a new term - "personality design". The good in a person “always has to be designed,” he wrote, and the teacher is obliged to do this. He must approach the person with optimistic hypothesis, albeit with some risk of error. The problem of upbringing and "projecting the personality" is the problem of a harmonious combination of the general and the individual in pedagogical work. He reduced this question to an algorithm: there must be a common "standard" program and an individual correction to it. "General standard" - the pupil must be brave, courageous, honest, hardworking, patriot. At the same time, A. Makarenko warned that the program should not be the same for everyone: you can’t “drive every individual into a single program, into a standard and achieve this standard.”

By this, he formulated an innovative methodological position in the development of the goals of education. "Designing the personality" of the pupil, we should consider it as an ideal implementation of the principle of openness, cooperation and advance for the socio-pedagogical system. The teacher constantly paid special attention to the obligatory dissimilarity of the final result: we “must always remember, no matter how whole a person appears to us in a broad generalization, he still cannot be considered a completely monotonous phenomenon.” Speaking about mass education, A. Makarenko warned: "The general and individual personality traits in individual living phenomena form infinitely tangled knots, and therefore the design of a personality becomes extremely difficult and requires caution." He saw the main danger in the fact that "... we will always have attempts to cut everyone's hair with one number, to squeeze a person into a standard template, to educate a narrow series of human types - this seems to be an easier thing than differentiated upbringing."

Such a statement by the innovative teacher of the problem of the correlation between the collective and the individual in the educational process largely dismisses the accusations of Makarenko's pedagogy in the education of a “cog”, the formation of a conformist worldview, etc. In such a formulation of the problem, a special humanism and democratism of the pedagogical worldview of A. Makarenko is seen: in this version of education, the possibility of a child’s personal tragedy resulting from a split personality, gaining double morality, etc. is excluded. At the same time, the accusation of the "barracks" of his pedagogy is also rejected, since the pupil (and only him) alone is given the final right to decide what to do, what to choose.

His pedagogical logic is pragmatic and life-oriented: children are brought up people of tomorrow and therefore their qualities must be formed taking into account the future conditions of life and the problems that they will have to solve, therefore teachers are obliged to project the qualities of their pupils in perspective of the requirements of the society of the future.

The principle of relying on the positive in the child and his subjective experience inevitably raises the question of the need to study the child. He should be considered as a person with already existing psycho-physiological capabilities given to him by nature, with his inherent attitude; with his interests, life values ​​and aspirations, personal needs that he wants to realize. All this needs to be identified and channeled into a socially and personally significant channel of its development in order to ensure the dynamics of this process based on the child's initial data. Revealing the positive in the student and relying on it, relying on trust, the teacher, as it were, anticipates (projects) the process of raising him as a person. If a student masters new forms of behavior and activity, achieves tangible success in working on himself, experiences joy, inner satisfaction, he strengthens his self-confidence, desire for further growth and self-improvement.

The principle of pedagogical optimism, as it were, loops the system of principles of social pedagogy, since it is inextricably linked with all its other principles. Humanism and pedagogical optimism should be a holistic phenomenon - mutual, not one-sided, but equivalent (equivalent) for everyone: children cannot be happy if this is achieved by violating the human dignity of teachers (parents, adults) and vice versa. It is impossible to allow our nerves to be a pedagogical instrument, it is impossible to admit that we can raise children with the help of our heart torments, the torments of our soul. After all, we are people, ”exclaimed

A. Makarenko. If children are happy, and teachers (and adults) suffer and suffer, then this is perverted humanism.

Humanism in pedagogy (and not only in it) "does not unwind" in parts and cannot be relative or curtailed - partial or one-sided, socially privileged. Humanism has no nationality, it is international: it has no racial and "party affiliation". In a certain sense, he is apolitical, since he has a protective (immune) system, which is based on the altruistic nature of man. Humanism is not defined by any particular religious denomination, etc., since it grows out of the essence of human nature. This position is the cornerstone of innovative pedagogy, uniting its main elements, giving it integrity.