» The use of educational methodological complex in the discipline. Basic research. Some Important Editor Tools

The use of educational methodological complex in the discipline. Basic research. Some Important Editor Tools


Educational and methodological complex - a system of normative and educational and methodological documentation, training and control tools necessary and sufficient for the qualitative organization of basic and additional educational programs according to the curriculum.

WCU of an academic discipline is one of the elements of the organization educational activities on full-time, part-time and part-time forms of education. Teaching materials should be developed for students in all academic disciplines, taking into account the need to improve the quality of mastering the content educational material at the level of the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Professional Education, SPO, NPO.

The purpose of creating the teaching materials is to provide high-quality methodological equipment for the educational process.

ü Definition of topics in accordance with the requirements of the State Educational Standard of Higher Professional Education and the number of hours for certain types of classes according to the curriculum.

ü Development of the educational standard of the discipline.

ü Development of a textbook, teaching aid, course or lecture notes.

ü Development control questions and tasks for each thematic block. Formation of exam papers.

ü Development of the structure and content of practical, laboratory work and seminars (if available in the curriculum).

ü Planning independent work student and the arrangement of points for the current control of students' knowledge.

ü Development of tasks for control points.

ü Development of test tasks for the course of the discipline.

ü Preparation of documentation of the EMC.

ü Approbation and correction of the materials of the teaching materials of the discipline in educational process.

ü Coordination and approval of the TMC.

ü After the creation of the teaching materials, they are tested in the educational process, during which, by analyzing the results of the current control of students, adjustments are made. After approbation on the first stream of students, the teaching materials are corrected, supplemented and approved, if necessary, thus, they are constantly improved.

The teaching materials of the discipline and its components must:

Take into account the general ideology of federal and regional policy, promote the development of the regional system higher education;

Provide a logically consistent presentation of educational material;

Assume use modern methods and technical means of intensifying the educational process, allowing students to deeply master the educational material and gain skills in its use in practice;

Comply with modern scientific ideas in the subject area;

Provide interdisciplinary communications;

Provide ease of use for teachers and students;

  1. 1. The structure of the educational and methodological complex

WCU is developed by a teacher (a team of teachers) of the department or a methodological association of teachers of the specialty being taught, which provides teaching of the discipline in accordance with the curriculum for preparing students in specialties (directions). The department-developer of teaching materials is responsible for the quality preparation of teaching materials that meet the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standards of Higher Professional Education, SPO, NGO for the preparation of students in the specialty (direction), for educational, methodological and technical support of the relevant discipline, including for ensuring the educational process of educational and educational methodological literature.

The structure of the educational standard of the academic discipline:

title page;


introduction (performed if necessary);


designations and abbreviations (performed if necessary);

goals and objectives of the discipline;

the work program of the discipline;

discipline passport;

sheet of coordination of the work program of the discipline;

use of technical teaching aids and computer technology;

discipline software;

organization of SRS by discipline;

elements of scientific search in the study of the discipline;

applications (only mandatory ones are indicated):

methodological instructions for the laboratory workshop (performed if available in the curriculum);

guidelines for course design (performed if available in the curriculum);

options for individual calculation tasks and guidelines for their implementation (performed if available in the curriculum);

control materials for the discipline:

The discipline standard is reviewed every time after the release of new state educational standards and (or) revision (change) of the curriculum of the specialty (direction).

Every year, the standard is considered at a meeting of the leading department, which is recorded in extracts from the meetings of the departments; if necessary, changes and additions are made to it (in accordance with STP 12 310 - 2004,).

  1. 2. Requirements for development and design

The regulation on the educational and methodological complex (TMC) of the discipline is intended to introduce uniform requirements for the educational and methodological support of all disciplines included in the curricula implemented in all educational institutions in all forms of education.

The level of educational and methodological support of the academic discipline provided for by these Regulations is one of the conditions that allow achieving the required quality of training in full-time, part-time and part-time forms of education, including part-time education with elements of distance learning technologies.

This Regulation governs the process of preparing educational materials in terms of content and form in order to create conditions that allow you to effectively organize and support the student's independent work, as well as maintain continuity in the teaching of academic disciplines.

The regulation on the educational and methodological complex of the discipline was developed in accordance with GOST 7.60-90 OST 29.130-97 "Terms and definitions of educational publications" and the letter of the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science dated April 17, 2006 N 02-55-77in / ak.

The presence of developed and approved educational and methodological complexes with the widespread use of innovative methods in all disciplines of the curriculum is a prerequisite for the high quality of training and state accreditation of the main educational program (EPP) in the specialty (direction).

The requirements of the Regulations must be observed by all departments of the university or departments of the specialty.

The composition of the discipline's teaching materials is determined by the content of the approved work program for the relevant discipline. The WMC includes:

Work program of the discipline- a program for the development of educational material that meets the requirements of the State Educational Standard of Higher vocational education and taking into account the specifics of training students in the chosen direction or specialty.

The curriculum includes the following training materials:

thematic plan for all forms of education;

a plan for conducting practical classes and laboratory work for all forms of education;

This is a set of recommendations and explanations that allows the student to optimally organize the process of studying this discipline. When developing recommendations, it is necessary to proceed from the fact that part of the course is studied by the student independently. Contents of the basic abstract:

Description of the sequence of actions of the student, or "scenario of studying the discipline."

Brief theoretical information on all sections of the discipline;

Materials for preparing for the exam (test);

Explanations on working with the test system of the course, on completing assignments for independent work.

The composition of the Teaching and Methodological Materials (UMM) of the lecture course includes:

textbooks and manuals developed by teachers of the departments, abstracts (texts, diagrams, presentations) of lectures in printed form and electronic representation, a file with handouts;

questions and assignments on individual topics of lectures (sections of the academic discipline) for self-control of students;

UMM practical classes, which are part of the UMK, include:

a plan for conducting classes indicating the sequence of the topics under consideration, the amount of classroom hours allocated for the development of materials on each topic, as well as hours for independent work of students;

brief theoretical and educational materials on each topic, allowing the student to get acquainted with the essence of the tasks solved in the practical lesson (discussed at the seminar);

questions submitted for discussion and a list of references (indicating specific pages) necessary for the student's purposeful work in preparation for the seminar (the list of references is drawn up in accordance with the rules of bibliographic description);

guidelines for teachers conducting practical classes, determining the methodology for conducting classes, the procedure for solving problems offered to students.

UMM laboratory classes that are part of the UMK include:

a plan for conducting classes indicating the sequence of the topics under consideration, the volume of classroom hours allocated for the development of materials on each topic;

theoretical provisions and instructions for performing laboratory work;

methodological issues related to the preparation and conduct of laboratory classes; (for senior students, laboratory classes in a major discipline should involve a small complex task of an educational and research nature, for which the student must select the necessary literature, independently draw up a plan for solving the task assigned to him, complete the experimental part of the study and submit a comprehensive report);

methodological instructions to the teacher on conducting laboratory work with students, determining the direction and organization of work;

methods of independent work of students;

Glossary of terms (glossary). In each discipline, special terms are used, the content of which is not obvious and requires explanation.

In this dictionary, definitions of all terms encountered in the course relating specifically to this discipline should be given. Terms may be linked to topics and/or arranged alphabetically.

The block of current progress control and intermediate certification contains:

methodological instructions for the performance of examinations and assignments for examinations;

guidelines for implementation term papers;

approximate topics of abstracts, instructions for working with literature in the preparation of abstracts and requirements for their design;

training and control tests on sections (topics) of the discipline;

control questions for each topic of the curriculum and for the entire course (the list of questions is presented in the specified sequence in full accordance with the educational program).

The teacher can introduce into the educational and methodological complex other didactic materials on this discipline, developed at the department or department of the specialty: instructions for preparing for laboratory work and materials on labor protection during its implementation, guidelines for individual sections of the course, etc.

The educational and methodical complex can be supplemented if necessary:

reference publications;

periodical, industry and socially significant publications;

scientific literature;

Documentary support of teaching materials (Appendix 1. Sample)

All elements of the CCM must be completed in separate files.

The educational and methodological complex in a printing or typewritten version, stored at the department in a separate folder, must be duplicated in electronic form and presented on the educational website of the university.

Title page the standard of the discipline is drawn up in accordance with STP 12 310-04 Educational standard of the academic discipline. General requirements for the structure, content and design.

In the preface indicate: the name of the department that developed the standard; on the basis of the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Professional Education, SPO, NPO of which specialty (specialties) or areas of training the standard has been developed; if a standard is re-introduced, then it should be indicated which standard replaces the newly developed one. If necessary, additional information may be included in the preface.

The preface is placed on the back of the title page and is drawn up in accordance with STP 12 310-04 Educational standard of the academic discipline.

Introduction give, if necessary, justification of the reasons for the development (change or reissue) of the standard. The introduction should not contain requirements. The introduction is not numbered and placed on a separate page.

Name of the standard discipline has a group heading and a heading (if necessary, a subheading is allowed).

group header- disciplines common for all standards: for example, "Quality management system. Educational standard of higher professional education of AltSTU".

header contains the name of the discipline in accordance with the curriculum of the specialty (field of study) for which it is being developed, and begins with the words: "Educational standard of the academic discipline (name of the discipline)".

The title of the standard should be printed in capital letters; group heading and subheading - lowercase letters with the first capital.

In the name of the discipline standard, as a rule, abbreviations, Roman numerals, mathematical signs, Greek letters are not allowed.

The name of the discipline standard is drawn up in accordance with STP 12 310-04 Educational standard of the academic discipline. General requirements for the structure, content and design. Scope of the educational standard of the academic discipline.

Structural element " Scope" (Appendix 2) is drawn up in accordance with STP 12 310-04 Educational standard of the academic discipline. General requirements for the structure, content and design.

Structural element "Normative references" contains a list of standards, which are referenced in the text of the discipline standard. The list of reference standards begins with the words: "This discipline standard uses references to the following standards."

The list includes the designation of standards and their names in ascending order of registration numbers of designations in the following sequence:

state standards;

organization standards, symbols and abbreviations (performed if necessary)

Structural element "Notation and abbreviations"(if available in the discipline standard) contains a list of designations and abbreviations used in this standard. A record of designations and abbreviations is given in the order in which they are given in the text of the discipline standard with the necessary decoding and explanations.

Structural element "Goals and objectives of the discipline" must contain:

a brief description of the subject of study;

goals and objectives of the discipline in relation to a particular specialty (group of specialties) or direction (areas);

the place of the discipline in the curriculum, the relationship with previous and subsequent disciplines, the role in the system of professional training of specialists;

requirements for knowledge, skills and abilities that students must master as a result of studying the discipline.

Work program of the discipline- an educational publication that determines the content, volume, as well as the procedure for studying and teaching any academic discipline (its section, part).

The subsection "Working program of the discipline" should consist of the following elements:

discipline passport;

educational and methodical materials on the discipline;

educational and methodical map of the discipline;

specific features of teaching the discipline (if necessary);

list of coordination of the work program of the discipline.

Structural element "Passport of discipline" draw up in accordance with STP 12 310-04 Educational standard of the academic discipline.

In subsection "Types and content of classes in the discipline":

for each lecture, practical lesson and laboratory work, the number, topic, list of issues under consideration, volume in hours and links to recommended literature are given. A less detailed presentation of the content of these types of classes is allowed if all the necessary information is contained in the educational and methodological map;

for a course project (term paper), the purpose and subject of the course design, the content and volume of the explanatory note and the graphic part, the volume (in hours) of each part of the project (work), links to recommended literature are indicated. If there are classroom classes on course design, the topics of the classes are given;

for independent work of students, numbered tasks are listed that students must complete on their own in extracurricular time, indicating the content and volume of each task (in hours), as well as references to literature.

Structural element "Forms and content of the current certification and final grade in the discipline" contains a list of checkpoints of the current certification in the discipline (quiz, test, colloquium, essay writing, etc.) and types of final assessment (test, exam) indicating the weight (in fractions of a unit) of each checkpoint.

A list of qualifying tasks and tests used to control the current, final and residual knowledge of students in the discipline is given. The content of the current attestation and the final grade for the discipline is disclosed in a set of control materials designed to verify the compliance of the level of training in the discipline with the requirements of the State Educational Standard of the Higher Professional Education, SPO, NPO.

tests of the current control of knowledge in the discipline;

tests of the final control of knowledge in the discipline;

tests of control of residual knowledge in the discipline.

Subsection of the work program "Educational materials on the discipline" contains a list of recommended literature (basic and additional), teaching materials and manuals used in the study of the discipline.

The list of references should include the latest editions of textbooks and teaching aids. The numbering of literature should be end-to-end.

Supplementary literature is separated from the main heading. For each literary source indicate the number of copies in the library and, if necessary, in the department.

The list of literature is compiled according to GOST 7.1.

The section "Educational materials on the discipline", if necessary, can be a structural element of the standard of the discipline as a whole.

Educational-methodical map of the discipline, at the discretion of the developer of the standard, are compiled in accordance with the forms given in STP 12 310-04 Educational standard of the academic discipline.

In a structural element "Specific Features of Teaching Discipline" indicate additional information specific to the teaching of a discipline in a particular specialty (direction) and form of education.

Work program approval sheet disciplines are drawn up in accordance with STP 12 310-04 Educational standard of the academic discipline.

Structural element of the discipline standard "The use of technical teaching aids and computer technology. Software discipline" contains a list of TSS, audio and video materials, programs (application packages), computer games, computer-based automated learning systems, electronic textbooks, manuals and other materials used in the process of studying the discipline (at lectures, during laboratory and practical classes, implementation of course projects and works, settlement assignments and other types of SIW).

In a structural element "Organization of independent work of students in the discipline" a list of measures to ensure that students perform all types of independent work is given:

availability of premises for course design;

provision of computer facilities, software;

the availability of handouts, sets of individual tasks, educational and methodological materials, topics of essays with a list of recommended literature, manuals for solving typical problems, sample reports on the implementation of the IWS;

providing educational and methodical and reference literature, etc.

In the structural element of the discipline standard "Elements of scientific search in the study of the discipline" indicate the methods and forms of involving students in independent creative activity (abstracting scientific and periodical literature on the most complex and relevant topics of the discipline, participation in scientific research, competitions, exhibitions, olympiads, conferences and other areas of development creativity students)

In applications place educational and methodological documents and materials that supplement the provisions contained in the main part of the discipline standard.

Applications can be mandatory and informational. Informational appendices can be of a recommended and reference nature.

Mandatory applications to the discipline standard are:

guidelines for the laboratory workshop (if available in the curriculum).

Laboratory work should be provided with methodological instructions, made on hard (paper) media and approved at a meeting of the department. When conducting classes, methodological instructions can be used both on a hard drive and in an electronic version.

Guidelines should include:

the title, which indicates the type of work (laboratory), its serial number, volume in hours and name;

purpose of the work;

equipment, technical means, tools;

order (sequence) of work performance;

safety and labor protection rules for this work (if necessary);

general rules for the design of work;

bibliography (if necessary).

Requirements for the content, performance and design of laboratory work in the academic disciplines of the specialty (direction) are regulated by STP 12 700-07 Laboratory work.

Guidelines for course design developed by departments must comply with the provisions of STP 12 400-2009 Course project (term paper). General requirements for content, organization of execution and design;

options for individual calculation tasks and guidelines for their implementation (if available in the curriculum);

control materials for the discipline, developed and executed in accordance with the requirements of STP 12 100-02 Requirements for the fund of qualification tasks and tests:

tests of the current control of knowledge in the discipline (TTKZ). TTKZ on the disciplines of the curriculum are designed to assess the progress of mastering the educational and program material by students in the intersessional period in accordance with the educational and methodological map of the discipline. The complexity of TTKZ, depending on the type of task (test, control survey, colloquium, etc.), can vary from 20 minutes to two hours. TTKZ are compiled in any form.

tests of the final control of knowledge in the discipline (TIKZ). Tests of the final control of students' knowledge in the disciplines of the curriculum of the specialty (direction) are designed to assess the compliance of students' preparation with the qualification requirements for specific disciplines of the curriculum. are used for the final assessment of students' knowledge during self-examination of a specialty (direction), as well as at tests and exams in the disciplines of the curriculum of a specialty (direction) in the form of oral, written or computer testing. TKZ should contain questions and (or) tasks for all sections of the work program of the discipline. The complexity of test tasks should be no more than two hours. When performing TKZ, it is allowed to use information and reference literature according to the list approved by the head of the department responsible for teaching the academic discipline. TIKZ are drawn up in accordance with Appendix G STP 12 100-02 Requirements for the fund of qualification tasks and tests.

tests for the control of residual knowledge in the discipline (TKKZ). TKOS for the disciplines of the curriculum are designed to assess the level of knowledge of the fundamental and problematic provisions of the academic disciplines. TKOS are used in self-examination, state attestation and accreditation of the specialty (direction); they can be used for input control of students' knowledge in disciplines based on knowledge of previous disciplines, in the form of an oral, written or computerized control survey (testing). TKOS are drawn up in accordance with STP 12 100-02 Requirements for the fund of qualification tasks and tests.

other educational and methodological materials used in teaching the discipline (for example, a list of examination (test) questions on the discipline, etc.).

Attachment 1


State educational institution of higher professional education



First Vice-Rector for SD

_________________S. Ya. Korolev

"__" ________________2007


by discipline ___________Optimization methods ___

(name of the discipline)

for the specialty _23010062 - Informatics and computer technology ________

(code and name of direction, specialty)

faculty _______ Information systems and technologies________________

(name of the faculty or structural unit where the training is provided)


The educational and methodical complex (EMC) was compiled on the basis of the State Educational Standard of the Higher Professional Education and the curriculum of the UlSTU of the specialty ____23010062 - Informatics and Computer Engineering ___________

at the department _____________________ Computer Engineering __________________________

(name of the department)

faculty ___________ Information systems and technologies ________.

(name of the faculty to which the chair-compiler belongs)

Compilers of the teaching materials

Teacher ______ _________________ ______ Ivanov V.S. ____

(position, academic title, degree) (signature) (Last name, first and last name)

TMC reviewed and approved at a meeting of the department __ Computer Engineering ___

Minutes of the meeting No. ___ dated "__" ___ 2007

Department head

"___" ________ 2007 _________________ ___Sosnin P.I. ______

(signature) (Last name, first and last name)


Dean of the Faculty _________IST _________ _______________ _Shishkin V.V._

(where training is carried out in the specialty (direction) (signature) full name

"___" __________________ 2007

Head of Department _ Computer Engineering _ _____________ _Sosnin P.I._

(graduating specialty (direction) (signature) full name

"___" __________________ 2007

Chairman of the NMC faculty ______IST _______ _____________ ______________

(where the discipline is taught) (signature) full name

"___" __________________ 2007

Appendix 2
1 area of ​​use

1.1 The discipline standard establishes general requirements for the content, structure, volume of the discipline "Fundamentals of Scientific Research" and the conditions for its implementation at AltSTU.

1.2 The standard applies to:

For students studying in the specialty 170600 "Machines and apparatus for food production";

For teachers and staff of the MAPP department.

2. Regulatory references

GOST R 1.5-2002 GSS RF. Standards. General requirements for construction, presentation, design, content and designation.

GOST 2.105-95 ESKD. General requirements for text documents.

GOST 8.417-81 GSI. Units of physical quantities.

STP 12 100-02 Educational standard of higher professional education AltSTU. Requirements for the fund of qualification buildings and tests.

STP 12 310-04 Educational standard of higher professional education AltSTU. Educational standard of the academic discipline.

STP 12 700-02 Educational standard of higher professional education AltSTU. Laboratory works.

STP 12 005-2004 Educational standard of higher professional education AltSTU. Independent work of students.

3 The purpose and objectives of the discipline

3.1 Brief description of the discipline

The discipline "Fundamentals of Scientific Research" is a general professional and is based on the materials of general engineering and special disciplines read earlier, and combines the general theoretical knowledge of students with the level of development of the industry.

3.2 Purpose of teaching discipline

The purpose of the course "Fundamentals of Scientific Research" is to give students knowledge of general principles and methodology of scientific research at the university.

The main objectives of the course are:

  1. Studying the methodology of scientific research.
  2. Teaching the setting of a physical experiment in scientific research.
  3. Acquisition of practical skills for measuring and processing scientific results.

3.3 Place of discipline in the curriculum

The study of the discipline "Fundamentals of Scientific Research" is based on the knowledge gained by students in the study of higher mathematics, physics, computer technology, hydraulics, heat engineering, electrical engineering.

3.4 Requirements for knowledge and skills

As a result of studying the discipline, students should:

Basic provisions of the theory of knowledge;

Methods empirical level research;

Methods of the theoretical level of research;

The main stages of scientific research;

Measuring instruments and their characteristics;

Basic concepts and definitions of the theory of error.

To draw up the results of information retrieval and scientific research;

Choosing the right measuring instruments for physical parameters;

Properly organize the conduct of experiments and obtain results;

Take into account the existing measurement errors;

Competently process and generalize the results of experiments.

4 The content of the discipline and the conditions for its implementation

The content of the discipline was developed in accordance with the qualification requirements of the state educational higher professional education in the direction of training a certified specialist 655800 "Food Engineering" specialty 170600 "Machines and apparatus for food production", approved by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation on March 23, 2000, registration number 184 tech / ds.

The discipline "Fundamentals of scientific research" contains basic information about the methodology of scientific research, setting up a physical experiment and processing the results.

4.1 Work program of the discipline

4.1.1 Passport of discipline

department "Machines and apparatus for food production"

Discipline GPD.R.1 "Fundamentals of scientific research"

Discipline status obligatory

Speciality 170600 "Machines and apparatus for food production"

Form of study full-time

The total volume of the discipline is 102 hours.

Distribution by semester

Semester number

Training sessions

Number of courses.


(offset, copy)

Overall volume



4.1.2 Types and content of lessons in the discipline


Topic 1. Introduction, 2 hours

course subject and content. Methodology of scientific knowledge. Basic provisions of the theory of knowledge. Methods of the empirical level of research. Methods of the theoretical level of research. The main stages of scientific research.

Topic 2. Information retrieval in scientific research, 3 hours

Discovery, invention, utility model. Registration of results of information search and scientific research.

Topic 3. Physical experiment and measurements in scientific research, 5 hours

Modeling of physical phenomena and technical devices. Measurements, measuring instruments and their characteristics.

Topic 4. Calculation of measurement error, 3 hours

Basic concepts and definitions of characteristics random variables. Elimination of gross measurement error. Determination of the systematic component of the measurement error. Determination of the random component of the measurement error. Determination of the error of indirect measurements.

Topic 5. Fundamentals of the theory of planning experiments, 4 hours

Basic concepts and definitions. Full factorial experiment. Fractional factorial experiment.

Checking the results of a physical experiment. Graphical analysis of the results of the experiment.

Laboratory works

Lab #1, 4 hours

Measurements, measuring instruments and their characteristics

Laboratory work №2, 8 hours

Processing and generalization of the results of a physical experiment

Laboratory work No. 3, 5 hours

Planning of experimental studies

Independent work of students

4.1.3 Forms and content of the final and intermediate certification in the discipline. Control Materials Forms of final certification - test.

Control materials for the discipline contain:

  • tests of the final control of knowledge in the discipline;
  • tests of the current control of knowledge in the discipline;
  • tests of control of residual knowledge in the discipline. A set of control materials is given in Appendix B of this standard.

Evaluation of the individual activity of students in the discipline consists of the following types of work:

  • defense of laboratory work - score from 0 to 50 points;

5+ 95-100 points - excellent.

5 83-94 - excellent,

5-75-82 - almost excellent,

4+ 69-74 - more than good,

4 56-68 - good.

4-50-55 - not good enough,

3+ 44-49 - more than satisfactory,

3 31-43 - satisfactory,

3-25-30 - unsatisfactory,

2+ 19-24 - more than unsatisfactory,

2 6-18 - unsatisfactory,

2-0-5 - no knowledge.

4.1.5 Educational and methodical materials on the discipline

  1. Anufriev A.F. Scientific research. M. 2004.- 1 copy.
  2. Kuznetsov I.N. Scientific research. M. 2004. - 2 copies.
  3. Shenk H. Theory of engineering experiment. M. 1970. - 2 copies.
  4. Akhnazarova S.L., Kafarov V.V. Methods of experiment optimization in chemical technology. M. 1985.- 4 copies.
  5. Burdin K.S., Veselov P.V. How to arrange a scientific work (a manual for universities). M. 1983. - 2 copies.
  6. Experience and problems of organization of R&D of students. M. 2003. - 2 copies.
  7. Scientific work. Methods of preparation and design. M. 2000. - 1 copy.


discipline GPD.R.01Fundamentals of Scientific Research

on the 6 semester

Class schedule and self-study

Type name

Semester weeks


Practical (seminar) classes





form of control

Continuation of the educational and methodical map

Auditory lessons

Independent work of students


Lecture number

lab number. works

CPC job number

Volume, hours


coordination of the work program of the discipline

with work programs of other disciplines of the specialty (direction)

The name of the disciplines, the study of which is based on this discipline

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The structure of the educational and methodological complex

The composition of the teaching materials is determined by the content of the approved work program for the relevant discipline.

The WMC includes:

1. The work program of the discipline, approved by the Faculty Council.

The work program of the discipline is a program for the development of educational material that meets the requirements State standard and taking into account the specifics of training students in the chosen direction or specialty. An example of a curriculum for the discipline is presented in Appendix 1.

2. Guidelines for the study of the discipline for students. Guidelines for the study of the discipline are a set of recommendations and explanations that allow the student to optimally organize the process of studying this discipline (see Appendix 3).

3. Teaching and methodological materials (UMM) for the following types of classes: lectures, practical classes, term papers / graduation qualification papers.

Glossary of terms (glossary). In each discipline, special terms are used, the content of which is not obvious and requires explanation. Terms may be linked to topics and/or arranged alphabetically.

Forms of current, intermediate, boundary and final control.

· approximate topics of abstracts, essays (may be included in the program of the academic discipline);

Variants of control works, tests (materials are a set of tasks that allow you to determine the development of individual topics of the curriculum);

· control questions for each topic of the curriculum and / or for the entire course (see Annex 3).

The totality of all educational and teaching materials included in the teaching materials for the relevant discipline constitutes the documentation of the teaching materials. The CMD documentation is the intellectual property of the developers of the CMC.

· Determination of the thematic plan in accordance with the requirements of the State Educational Standard of Higher Professional Education and the number of hours for certain types of classes according to the curriculum.

· Development of a textbook, manual, course or lecture notes. Development of control questions and tasks for each thematic block. Formation of exam papers.

· Development of the structure and content of practical, laboratory work and seminars (if they are included in the curriculum).

· Planning SIW and arrangement of points of current control of students' knowledge.

· Development of tasks for checkpoints.

· Development of test tasks for the course of the discipline.

· Preparing documentation for the EMC.

· Approbation and correction of the materials of the teaching materials of the discipline in the educational process.

· Coordination and approval of the TMC.

More enlarged, the stages of development of the CCM are presented in fig. one.

After the creation of the teaching materials, they are tested in the educational process, during which, by analyzing the results of the current control of students, adjustments are made. After approbation on the first stream of students, the teaching materials are corrected, supplemented and approved, if necessary, thus, they are constantly improved.

The process of developing the teaching materials is complex and involves joint work on the documents of a group of teachers, control over the content of the teaching materials, coordination, approval of the educational and methodological complex. This process creates difficulties in version control of documents, duplication of information, dispersal of documents. It can be asserted with full confidence that the use of portal technologies allows solving these problems and significantly facilitating the development of CCM.

Rice. one

The teaching materials of the discipline and its components must:

· to take into account the general ideology of federal and regional policy, to promote the development of the regional system of higher education;

provide a logically consistent presentation of educational material;

Assume the use of modern methods and technical means of intensifying the educational process, allowing students to deeply master the educational material and gain skills in using it in practice

· comply with modern scientific ideas in the subject area;

Provide interdisciplinary connections;

provide ease of use for teachers and students;

WCU is developed by a teacher (a team of teachers) of the department, which provides teaching of the discipline in accordance with the curriculum for preparing students in specialties (directions). The department-developer of teaching materials is responsible for the quality preparation of teaching materials that meet the requirements of the State Educational Standards of Higher Professional Education for the preparation of students in the specialty (direction), for the educational and methodological and technical support of the relevant discipline, including the provision of the educational process with educational and educational literature.

The educational and methodical complex, first of all, is addressed to students. A well-developed educational and methodological complex can help the student to independently study the discipline. Also, the information contained in it can be useful to applicants, because often the name of the specialty and even the names of academic disciplines cannot give the former student comprehensive information about what exactly he will have to study in the future. Unfortunately, at present, neither students nor applicants for the most part have access to the educational and methodological complex. In this regard, they face a lot of problems.

For example, many students during the holidays would like to get acquainted with the content of the disciplines that they will study in the next semester. Indeed, even before the start of classes, students could study the course program, select the appropriate literature, and, which is very important for information specialties, acquire the appropriate software. Also, students could assess the requirements for the level of preparation for mastering the discipline and independently acquire the skills necessary to start mastering this course, familiarize themselves with the content and purpose of the course design, choose a topic for a future project or work. Before each section of the discipline, students would have the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the issues being studied, and in connection with the previous section, repeat the previously covered material.

All this could greatly facilitate the work of the teacher in the classroom and free classroom time from considering many organizational issues, listing the list of literature, familiarization with the thematic plan of the course, with the systems of current and final control.

In this regard, the development of an educational and methodological complex is only the first step towards improving the quality of education in an educational institution, it is also necessary to organize a unified system of access to the educational and methodological complex in the disciplines of the university.

The development of network information technologies provides many new opportunities for the development of learning and automation technologies educational process. Therefore, the organization of a system for the development and access to an educational and methodological complex using modern computer technologies is relevant.

Programs of educational and methodological complexes can be posted on a site specially created for working with this documentation, data access modes will have to be determined by the system developers. The system will be relevant for both teachers and students and applicants. Therefore, it would be advisable to consider the system from three points of view: teacher, student and applicant.

The teacher, who is the direct developer of the educational and methodological complex, must have the most extensive rights. His competence includes the creation, editing and review of materials. Therefore, already at the stage of development of the educational and methodological complex, for a number of reasons, the use of an automated system is relevant.

Firstly, the use of a single access to the educational and methodological complex will make it possible to bring materials on different disciplines to a single form of presentation, which will greatly facilitate the perception and readability of the educational and methodological complex. Secondly, the use of Internet technologies will allow organizing the storage of information on remote servers, which in turn will allow the teacher to develop and edit the educational and methodological complex from any computer that has access to the Internet. Thirdly, with the introduction of software tools for the automated development of educational and methodological complexes, the problem of storing materials will also be solved, since at present educational and methodological complexes by discipline are stored mainly in printed form, which makes it difficult to find the desired document and edit it.

The creation of an automated system will also solve the problem of access to information contained in educational and methodological complexes.

Students and applicants will be able to easily get acquainted with the content of the discipline they are interested in.

The implementation of such a system may well be a corporate portal, based on one of the portal solutions we considered in the first paragraph. Such software tools will make it possible to make work with the teaching materials as comfortable and productive as possible for teachers, as well as for students and applicants.

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1 DEVELOPMENT OF AUTOMATED EDUCATIONAL AND METHODOLOGICAL COMPLEX FOR THE DISCIPLINE "PROGRAMMING ON THE INTERNET" Shikhmagomedova S.M., Magomedgadzhiev Sh.M. Dagestan State University, Makhachkala, Russia (367000, Russia, Republic of Dagestan, Makhachkala, Gadzhieva st., 43-a, DEVELOPMENT OF AUTOMATED EDUCATIONAL AND METHODICAL COMPLEX ON DISCIPLINE "PROGRAMMING IN THE INTERNET Shikhmagomedova SM, MagomedgadzhievSh.M. Dagestan State University. Makhachkala ,Russia(367000, Makhachkala, Gadzhiyevst, Na present stage transition to new generation standards based on modular technologies, the issue of high-quality organization of independent work of students becomes especially relevant. The introduction of electronic educational and methodological complexes in the learning process creates fundamentally new pedagogical tools, thereby providing new opportunities. At the same time, the functions of the teacher are changing, and the sector of independent academic work students as an integral part of the educational process. Informatization of society is associated with the expansion of the scope of information and communication technologies. In this regard, the issue of the application of information and communication technologies in the education system at all its levels is relevant. Electronic educational and methodological complexes act as such technologies. ) necessary for the organization and implementation of the educational process with their help. The tasks of the electronic teaching materials, its elements (or components) are: creating the best conditions for managing the educational process by systematizing educational and methodological materials and minimizing normative and methodological, standardly implemented documents that provide training for students; optimization of preparation and conduct of classes; ensuring the unity of requirements for students. The advantage of the electronic educational and methodological complex is the presence of grouped material, which includes lecture programs, questions for

2 tests, tests, video lessons, as well as methodological recommendations for students on mastering academic disciplines, lists of recommended literature. EUMK, first of all as an educational tool, must meet the traditional didactic and methodological principles: scientific character: sufficient depth, correctness and scientific reliability of the presentation of the content of the educational material; accessibility: the correspondence of the theoretical complexity and depth of study of educational material to the age and individual characteristics of students; visibility: taking into account the sensory perception of the objects under study, their layouts or models. As a kind of software, EUMK must meet ergonomic and technical and technological requirements: harmonic colors and composition of learning elements; ease of installation / launch. The educational and methodological complex of the discipline includes without fail: an explanatory note (goals and objectives of the course, place in the educational process); work program, including a list of competencies formed as a result of mastering the discipline (module); educational and thematic plan of the course indicating lecture hours and independent work of students (topics and hours); list of recommended literature and forms of control (control questions); methodological recommendations for students on independent work (by sections, topics, control questions and tasks); educational and thematic plan of seminars indicating topics, a list of recommended literature, control questions and tasks; methodological recommendations for the implementation of laboratory work and practical exercises; a list of questions submitted for the exam or offset; methodological materials that provide the possibility of self-control and control by the teacher of the effectiveness of the study of the discipline (tests); video materials. The process of developing an electronic teaching materials can be divided into several stages. The first step is to define goals. The second stage is the creation of a pedagogical scenario. The third stage is the definition of the detailed structure of the course.

3 The fourth stage is the creation of a design. The fifth stage is the preparation of the EUMK software. The sixth stage is the approbation of the EUMC The tools for creating electronic textbooks can be divided into groups using a complex criterion that includes such indicators as the purpose and functions performed, requirements for technical support, application features. In accordance with this criterion, the following classification is possible: traditional algorithmic languages; general purpose tools; multimedia tools; hypertext and hypermedia tools. The criteria for choosing software tools and technologies for creating EUMC can be: multiplatform: the ability to use EUMC on computers with different hardware configurations, system software; ease of installation/use of EUMC: EUMC should not cause inconvenience to the user when using it; low resource intensity: EUMK should not be demanding on computer resources, unless it is absolutely necessary, the selected software tools should optimally perform the assigned functions; cost: wide range modern languages programming and copyright development tools designed specifically for the creation of EUMK, has the most diverse price range. Among the software tools there are also free ones. In accordance with these criteria, we have chosen the program "Dr.Explain" as a development tool for EUMC. This program belongs to the category of shareware programs and is a tool for creating electronic books, reference materials in CHM, HTML and RTF formats. Dr.Explain is quite easy to install and includes many different interface languages, including Russian. The interface of the program is quite simple and not overloaded. We have developed an e-book on the discipline "Programming on the Internet". To solve the problem, we used the program dr. Explain, and to create tests, the Airen program. The composition and structures of the electronic teaching materials for the discipline are considered.

4 "Programming on the Internet", developed in the Dr.Explain program. When the program is launched, the initial page of the electronic teaching materials is displayed on the screen (Fig. 1). Fig.1. Program launch window On the left in Fig. 1 we see the search box. For example, if we want to find information related to "HTML", we need to enter the word "HTML" in the search bar. The search results are shown in Figure 2. 2. View of the window with the search results for the word "HTML". The button "Go to the main menu" displays the content of the EUMC (Fig. 3). It includes 4 sections: Work program of the discipline; materials that establish the content and procedure for studying the discipline; lectures; video lessons. The "Home Page" button in the upper left corner allows you to return to the EUMK home page.

5 If we go to any of the sections of the main menu, then we can see the button "Go to the main menu" in the upper left corner of the program. Rice. Fig. 3. View of the program window "Main menu" From the main menu, you can open any section of the EUMC. If we want to get acquainted with the work program of the discipline "Programming on the Internet", click on the appropriate button. This section contains the following points: the objectives of mastering the discipline; the place of the discipline in the structure of the BEP of the bachelor's degree; the student's competencies formed as a result of mastering the discipline; the structure and content of the discipline; recommendations for the use of information technologies in the educational process and their list; educational and methodological support for independent work of students ; material and technical support of the discipline. all the points of the section "Materials establishing the content and procedure for studying the discipline" are shown in Figure 4. Fig. 4. 4. Section "Materials establishing the content and procedure for studying the discipline"

6 Let's say we decide to open the item "Themes of practical and seminar classes." Click on the appropriate button. We will see the contents of this paragraph 3 of the section: Section 1. Introduction to Web-design; Section 2. JavaScript Programming; Section 3. Programming in PHP. MySQL & PHP. Let's open Section 1. All the topics that are included in this section will be displayed on the screen (Fig. 5). Rice. Fig. 5. The program window when opening the item "Section 1. Introduction to Web Design" If we click on the "Next Page" button, we can view the rest of the topics. The "Up" button allows you to go back one level up, i.e. in the item "Themes of practical and seminars". This button is provided in all other sections of the EUMK main menu. This electronic educational and methodical complex provides the following video lessons (Fig. 6): “CSS Basics”; “HTML for Beginners. Frames";"HTML and CSS"; "PHP programming"; "SQL Essential (Basic)"; "Introduction to SQL". In order for students to test their knowledge, we developed tests in the Airen program on the following topics: CSS basics; PHP basics; HTML basics. Let's open any of these tests, for example, "PHP Fundamentals". We choose the answer that we think is correct. Click on the "Reply" button. We answer in this way to all 10 questions, then click the "Finish" button. If necessary, you can correct the answer that we have chosen, but only before completing the work. Press the "Yes" button, i.e. we thus complete the test to find out the results.

7 Fig. 7. View of the window "Video lesson" PHP programming ". The following information will be displayed on the screen: Test name; Date of the test; Result in percent; Grade; The total number of questions in the test; The amount of points scored. If we want to know in which questions we made a mistake and which answers are correct, we click on the "Questions" button. Thus, the electronic teaching materials developed by us allows the student to get acquainted with lectures on the discipline "Programming on the Internet"; test your knowledge with tests; get additional, practical knowledge in the discipline by watching video tutorials in the appropriate section. This EUMC will help the teacher improve the effectiveness of student learning. List of references 1. Avetisyan D.D. TeachPro software-technological complex for creating electronic textbooks./ Avetisyan D.D. M.: 2008 2. Adamadziev K.R. Development of automated jobs for economists. / Tutorial. / Makhachkala: DSU Publishing Center, 2005.

8 3. Volegzhanina I.S. Stages of development of an electronic educational and methodical complex / Volegzhanina I.S. St. Petersburg: 2014 4. Regulations on the educational and methodological complex of the academic discipline of the curriculum of the direction (specialty) at the Dagestan State University (as amended by the regulation dated, decision of the Academic Council of the DSU, protocol 8); _met_com_account_dis.pdf. 5. Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of December 22, 2009 No. N 788 "On the approval and implementation of the federal state educational standard of higher professional education in the direction of training Teacher Education(qualification (degree) "bachelor") "(Registered in the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on February 5, 2010 N 16277); % 20 VPO% 202010% 20 Ped. and methods of implementation: textbook / Rodin VP Ulyanovsk: 2009. 7. Tatarintsev AI Electronic educational and methodological complex as a component of the information and educational environment of a pedagogical university in St. Petersburg: 2012.

“Development of an automated educational and methodological complex for the discipline “Econometrics” Author: Yuzbekov A.T. Head: Bammaeva G.A. Dagestan State University "Development of the

DEVELOPMENT OF SOFTWARE FOR ANALYSIS OF THE FINANCIAL STATE OF THE ENTERPRISE Guseinova D.I. Dagestan State University, Makhachkala, Russia (367000, Russia, Republic of Dagestan, Makhachkala, st.

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3. Professional standard "Specialist in technical control of product quality" [Electronic resource]: approved. and put into effect by the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated 03/04/2014 123n. Access mode: http://www.consultant.ru.

1 1 General provisions 1.1 Regulations on the structure and content of the educational and methodological complex of the academic discipline (professional module) were developed on the basis of: Federal Law of December 29, 2012 273-FZ

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1. Launching the System Methodological center for accreditation of specialists

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Methodological center for accreditation of specialists

Electronic teaching materials of the teacher The introduction of electronic didactic tools in the educational process has been said and written more than once. It's great when an electronic educational and methodological complex is at hand,

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1. General information about the discipline 1.1. Name of discipline: Web-technologies 1.2.1. The labor intensity of the discipline according to the curriculum of full-time education: 216 hours (6 LU) of which: lectures 18 hours. laboratory classes

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Kondyreva N. S., Budyukov A. Yu. learning activities

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Information on the procedure for using the "Internet simulators" system in preparation for accreditation testing of students of all specialties The system "Internet simulators in the field of education", representing


1. General provisions 1.1. The regulation on the educational and methodological complex of the discipline (EMCD) is intended to introduce uniform requirements for the educational and methodological support of all disciplines included in the curricula,


1. The purpose and objectives of studying the discipline The purpose of teaching the discipline is to teach students the methods of developing programs, as well as the structure of the software of modern information systems.




3.2.2. Testing for training and self-control of students of universities (college) Step 1. Logging into the system "Internet simulators in the field of education" Before starting testing in the "Training and self-control" mode for a student

1 3 step. After going to the site in the upper left corner, the section "E-learning" will appear (Figure 2). Enter it. Figure 2. Step 4. In the authentication form, enter your account details login and password

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4. Consultation 6 6 5. Final attestation 6 6 exam* Total 252 66 186 * The exam is administered by a committee of three people. 2 EXPLANATORY NOTE Curriculum "Web programming

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Sokolova M.E., Bystryukov V.Yu. Russia, Samara GOU VPO "Russian State University for the Humanities". Branch in Samara

Database Management Systems Microsoft Access 2003 Microsoft Access is a desktop relational database management system (DBMS) designed to run on a stand-alone personal computer.

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The work program is compiled in accordance with the state educational standard of higher professional education in the direction of training specialists 3001 " Information Systems and technology".

The electronic educational and methodological complex was developed by the head of the educational unit - deputy head of the UNN military training center, candidate of technical sciences, associate professor, colonel S.A. Ryabinin

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Table of contents 1. User registration.... 2 2. Interface overview.... 3 User's personal account... 3 Home page.... 4 Calendar... 4 Main user menu... 4 3. Training.. 5 1. Registration

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Internet simulators in the field of education Instruction "How to use the system" for students of educational organizations @ Research Institute for monitoring the quality of education, 2008 2014 List of abbreviations OO educational

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Altai State Technical University

The work program of the discipline (module) Fundamentals of Web-design (Name of the discipline (module) (specialist / bachelor), - "1. The objectives of mastering the discipline


Pl -02-03-05-02-2018 Version 02 page 1 of 10 CONTENTS Scope 3 1. General provisions 4 2. Basic definitions 4 3. The procedure for the formation of electronic educational resources 6 4. Requirements for electronic

Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Voronezh State Agrarian University named after the Emperor

How to start learning on a distance learning site 1. Open any browser and in the top line Address enter the site address http://cdbgk.ru The main page of the site will open as in the figure. Select a category

Internet simulators in the field of education Instruction "How to use the system" for students of educational organizations @ Research Institute for Monitoring the Quality of Education, 2008 2016 List of abbreviations LC personal account

The work program of the discipline "Development of Web Applications" was developed in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of the SPO in the specialty 09.02.06 Network and system administration, approved by order

Structural element "Passport of discipline" draw up in accordance with STP 12 310-04 Educational standard of the academic discipline.

Educational-methodical map of the discipline, at the discretion of the developer of the standard, are compiled in accordance with the forms given in STP 12 310-04 Educational standard of the academic discipline.

Educational-methodical complex of the discipline

The educational and methodological complex of the discipline (hereinafter - EMCD) is a set of educational and methodological materials on the discipline (subject, course, module), designed to ensure the organizational and content integrity of the system, methods and teaching aids for the most complete implementation of the tasks provided for by state educational standards of higher education. professional education (hereinafter referred to as GOS VPO) and federal state educational standards of higher professional education (FGOS VPO).

Teaching materials of disciplines are the main means of solving the problem of equipping the educational process with educational, methodological, reference and other materials that improve the quality of training of specialists, as well as the task of introducing advanced teaching methods into the educational process.

The development of the components of the teaching materials should be carried out on the basis of the following didactic principles:

  • compliance with the State Educational Standards of Higher Professional Education and the Federal State Educational Standards of Higher Professional Education (or the work program for the university component);

  • clear structuring (modularity) of educational material;

  • sequence of presentation of educational material;

  • completeness and availability of information;

  • defining the competencies to be achieved by the student;

  • compliance of the volume of educational materials with the volume of hours (credit units) allotted for the study of the discipline;

  • complexity (theoretical, practical materials, intermediate and final certification);

  • mobility (modernization of CMD components every 1–1.5 years);

  • modernity and compliance with scientific achievements in the relevant field;

  • optimality (placement of didactic units on various media);

  • accessibility of the teaching materials components for students and teachers.
EMCD is part of the BEP, which determines the content and structure of the discipline, its place and importance in the system of training a specialist in each direction (specialty).

Goals and objectives of the UMCD:

  • assisting the student in independent study of theoretical material;

  • student knowledge control (self-control, current control and intermediate certification);

  • training by providing the student with the necessary developed training materials;

  • methodological support for the organization of all types of classes, practices;

  • additional information support (training and information and reference materials).

2. Regulatory documents

EMCD is compiled on the basis of:

  • instructive letter of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated May 19, 2000 No. 14-52-357 in13 “On the procedure for the formation of the main educational programs of a higher educational institution based on state educational standards”;

  • instructive letter of the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science dated April 17, 2006 No. 02-55-77 inak “On the indicator of state accreditation “Methodological work”;

  • order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of May 6, 2005 No. 137 "On the use of distance learning technologies";

  • Clause 6, Article 9 of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of July 10, 1992 No. 3266-1 “On Education”;

  • Clause 5 of Art. 5 of the Federal Law of August 22, 1996 No. 125-FZ “On Higher and Postgraduate Professional Education”;

  • with the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated 04.10.2010 N 986 "On approval of federal requirements for educational institutions in terms of the minimum equipment of the educational process and equipment of educational premises";

  • model provision on educational institution higher professional education (higher educational institution), approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 14, 2008 No. 71;

  • order of the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science dated September 30, 2005 N 1938 "On approval of performance indicators and criteria for state accreditation of higher educational institutions”, which states that the percentage of academic disciplines of educational programs provided with educational and methodological complexes should be 100 percent;

  • Federal State Educational Standards of Higher Professional Education (hereinafter - FSES VPO), clause 7.17. (7.18) “The main educational program should be provided with educational and methodological documentation and materials for all training courses, disciplines (modules) of the main educational program. The content of each of these academic disciplines (modules) must be presented on the Internet or the local network of an educational institution...”;

  • the curriculum of the direction (specialty);

  • exemplary curriculum recommended by the UMO (if any), in the relevant discipline.
3. Glossary

The following abbreviations are used in the development of EMCD.

GEF VPO- federal state educational standard of higher professional education.

TK- test.

BTZ- bank of test tasks.

DOT- distance educational technologies.

OOP- the main educational program.

PC- professional competencies.

OK- general cultural competences.

View professional activity - methods, methods, techniques, the nature of the impact on the object of professional activity in order to change it, transform it.

Module- a set of parts of an academic discipline (course) or academic disciplines (courses), which has a certain logical completeness in relation to the established goals and results of education, training.

Direction of preparation - a set of educational programs of various levels in one professional field.

Object of professional activity- systems, objects, phenomena, processes on which the impact is directed.

Area of ​​professional activity- a set of objects of professional activity in their scientific, social, economic, industrial manifestation.

Competence- an integrative characteristic of the personality of a graduate who is able to apply knowledge, skills and personal qualities in standard and changing situations of professional activity.

Learning Outcomes - acquired knowledge, skills and acquired competencies.

Training and metodology complex disciplines - a set of interrelated educational and methodological materials on various media on the academic discipline of a specific curriculum of a specialty (direction) necessary for organizing and implementing the educational process.

Textbook- an educational publication containing a systematic presentation of the academic discipline, its section, part, corresponding to the curriculum, and officially approved as this type of publication. A textbook is the main textbook for a particular discipline. It sets out a system of basic knowledge that students must master. The content of the textbook must meet the requirements of the SES VPO and fully disclose the curriculum in a particular discipline.

Tutorial- an educational publication that supplements or partially (completely) replaces a textbook officially approved as this type of publication.

Teaching aid- an educational publication containing systematized materials on the methodology of independent study of an academic discipline, topics and methods of various practical forms of knowledge consolidation (control, coursework, theses), presented in a form convenient for study and assimilation. Varieties of teaching aids can be methodological recommendations for the study of the discipline, methodological recommendations for the implementation of control, course, laboratory, diploma work, and internships.

Bank of test tasks- the total set of test tasks in the discipline, from which various test options are compiled by linking.

Test- a system of tasks of a specific form, which allows you to qualitatively and effectively measure the level of preparedness of the tested.

Test- one of the constituent elements of the structure of the didactic test, which includes a brief instruction for the subject, a test task, a standard answer.

Training module(module) - an autonomous, complete part of the discipline, which includes various types of educational materials (text, control and laboratory work, audio, video materials), after studying which knowledge control is provided.

Academic discipline codifier- a document reflecting the content of the test, allowing you to establish a connection between the methodological support on which the test was compiled, and the test itself, indicating the didactic units of knowledge tested in each specific question of the test.

Credit unit- a measure of assessing the complexity of mastering the discipline. One credit unit is equal to 36 academic hours.

Working programm disciplines - a document that defines the content, scope and procedure for studying an academic discipline, as well as the forms (types) of knowledge control in this discipline (intermediate, current, final).

Didactic unit- a logically independent part of the educational material, in its volume and structure corresponding to such content components as a concept, theory, law, phenomenon, fact, object, etc.

Lecture course- an educational publication containing the texts of lectures by one or more authors on individual topics or the course as a whole. It can also be considered as an addition to the textbook. As a rule, this edition develops the content of the textbook by

new original materials.

4. Requirements for the content and procedure for the development of educational and methodological

complex discipline

4.1 The author or the group of authors developing the teaching materials of the discipline is responsible for the quality of the content and the relevance of the materials of the complex and its full compliance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Professional Education to the mandatory minimum content of the discipline. The didactic units listed in the State Educational Standard must be contained in the teaching materials, the logic and order of their presentation can be changed. The name of the discipline must strictly correspond to the curriculum.

4.3 The components of the CMD should consist of relatively independent parts (modules). In addition to the theoretical part, each module should contain elements of self-control or practical tasks, questions. A special block of tasks and elements of knowledge control throughout the entire scope of the discipline can act as a separate module of the discipline.

4.4 The components of the developed teaching materials for the discipline undergo an external review procedure.

The review of study materials evaluates:

  • compliance of the content of the educational material with the State educational standard and the work program;

  • consistency, style and sequence of presentation of the material;

  • scientific and methodological level of the material;

  • the presence and quality of the didactic apparatus (generalizations, conclusions, control questions, tasks, etc.);

  • the quality of illustrative material (drawings, diagrams, drawings) and its relevance to the subject being studied;

  • compliance of the volume of educational material with the number of teaching hours (credit units) of the discipline.
In the review of the test materials of the intermediate certification for the discipline, it is noted:

  • correspondence of test questions to the codifier;

  • uniqueness and correctness of test questions;

  • the correctness of the answers;

  • conformity total questions about the volume of educational material;

  • the legitimacy of using different types of questions in the test;

  • the ability to complete the test for the student in the allotted time.
Each review ends with a conclusion about the possibility or impossibility of using educational materials in the educational process.

4.5 Updating the content of the TMC is carried out as necessary or in accordance with the terms of modernization established by this standard.
5. Purpose and description of components

educational-methodical complex in the discipline

5.1 Structure of EMCD

Mandatory elements of the structure of the EMCD are:

  • working curriculum of the discipline;

  • guidelines for seminars or laboratory classes (if they are provided for by the curriculum);

  • manual for the study of the complex (guidelines, breakdown into modules, point-rating system, calendar plan for studying the discipline);

  • control block (projects, cases, abstracts, essays, didactic materials for self-control, current control of knowledge and intermediate certification (collections of tasks, tests, tests for self-control, etc.).

  • educational information (textbook, study guide or course of lectures) in various forms (text, audio, video, slide presentations, multimedia inserts, etc.);

  • methodological instructions for students on the organization of the study of the discipline, as well as on the implementation of independent work, including term papers (term projects);

  • workshop (laboratory workshop) in the discipline, if such type of activity is provided for by the curriculum;

  • glossary and other elements.

  • reader ( e-library disciplines);
Additionally, the composition of the TMC may include:

  • a collection of students' works (projects, abstracts, etc.);

  • frequently asked questions and answers;
5.2 Working curriculum

Working curriculum - a normative document that determines the content, scope, and sequence of studying and teaching any academic discipline (its section, part). The main part of the program is devoted to the disclosure of the content of the discipline, taking into account the pedagogical and methodological requirements for it.

A working curriculum is developed on the basis of an exemplary (typical) curriculum (if any) or a curriculum of a specialty (direction).

The work program includes the following sections:

5.2.1. Explanatory note, which contains:

  • goals and objectives of studying the discipline;

  • the place of discipline in the educational process;

  • Competences of a bachelor's BEP graduate, formed as a result of mastering this BEP HPE.

  • requirements for the level of student preparation for mastering the discipline (indicate the list of disciplines, the development of which is necessary for the study of this discipline);
5.2.2. Labor intensity of the discipline(indicate the number of hours or the number of credits (credit units) allocated to the study of the discipline in accordance with the curriculum in the direction (specialty).

5.2.3. Thematic plan for studying the discipline

  • For each lecture, each practical session and each laboratory work, the number, topic, list of issues under consideration, length in hours and references to the recommended literature are given. Correlation of discipline modules (sections, topics) and competencies formed in them is recommended to be given in the form of a discipline competency map

  • For a course project (term paper), the purpose and subject of the course design, the content and volume of the explanatory note and the graphic part, the volume (in hours) of each part of the project (work), links to recommended literature are indicated. If there are classroom classes on course design, the topics of the classes are given;

  • For independent work of students, the topics of essays, abstracts, calculation tasks are given, other tasks are listed that students must complete on their own in extracurricular time, indicating the content and volume of each task (in hours), as well as references to literature.

Table 1. Thematic plan for studying the discipline


Semester weeks

Types of educational work and independent work

Total Hours by Topic

Total hours in interactive forms

Total points


Laboratory studies

Independent work

Table 2. Types and forms of evaluation tools during the current control period

Topic number

oral questioning

written works

Total points


seminar response

Control / laboratory work

Independent work

Problem solving

Table 3. Planning for independent work of students

5.2.4. Sections of the discipline and interdisciplinary links with the subsequent disciplines provided

Table 4. Interdisciplinary links

Name of the provided

(subsequent) disciplines

Numbers of topics of the discipline necessary for the study of the provided (subsequent) disciplines











Table 5. Competences formed as a result of mastering the discipline

The section reveals the content of the discipline on topics in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Professional Education in the direction (specialty); determines the list of didactic units, the total amount of knowledge received by the student.

5.2.6. Seminar Plans

Indicate the topics of seminars with a list of issues submitted for discussion by students.

5.2.7. Lab Topics

Indicate the topics of laboratory work, the name of the experiments, the objects of study, as well as the necessary tools for their implementation.

5.2.8. Educational and methodological support for independent work of students, assessment tools for ongoing monitoring of progress, intermediate certification based on the results of mastering the discipline (module)

1. SRS is carried out in order to form general cultural and professional competencies, understood as the ability to apply knowledge, skills and personal qualities for successful activity in a certain area, including:

  • formation of skills for the search and use of normative, legal, reference and special literature, as well as other sources of information;

  • high-quality development and systematization of the received theoretical knowledge, their deepening and expansion for application at the level of interdisciplinary connections;

  • formation of the ability to apply the acquired knowledge in practice (in professional activities) and consolidation of practical skills of students;

  • development of cognitive abilities of students, formation of independent thinking;

  • improvement of speech abilities;

  • development of students' activity, creative initiative, independence, responsibility and organization;

  • formation of abilities for self-development (self-knowledge, self-determination, self-education, self-improvement, self-realization, self-regulation);

  • development of research skills;

  • development of interpersonal skills.
2. Types of independent work:

    • performance of independent tasks at seminars, practical, laboratory classes;

    • preparation for classroom studies and the implementation of tasks of various types and levels of complexity; preparation for problematic lectures, discussion questions, colloquia, round tables, role-playing games, etc.:

    • study of individual topics (issues) of academic disciplines in accordance with the educational and thematic plans, compiling notes;

    • compilation of chronological tables, logical and block diagrams, etc.;

    • performance of individual tasks (preparation of reports, messages, abstracts, essays, presentations, bibliographic lists, summaries, glossaries, etc.);

    • problem solving; performing independent and control work, doing homework, preparing answers to questions for self-control, compiling reports for laboratory work, independent work with devices, passing terms and concepts, etc .;

    • execution of design tasks (development of projects, models, programs, layouts, etc.);

    • performing research work;

    • execution of term papers (projects);

    • individual consultations;

    • individual interviews;

    • preparation for all types of control tests, including current monitoring of academic performance (during the semester), intermediate certification (at the end of the semester), the Federal Internet exam;

    • preparation for the final state certification, including preparation for state exams, the implementation of the final qualification work (master's thesis);

    • preparation for participation in scientific and scientific-practical conferences and seminars;

    • preparation for participation in the work of electives, special seminars;

    • passing internships and fulfilling the tasks provided for by them, compiling reports on the results of internships.
3. Control block (projects, cases, abstracts, essays, didactic materials for self-control, current control of knowledge and intermediate certification (collections of tasks, tests, tests for self-control, etc.).
5.2.9. Educational technologies

The educational process uses active and interactive forms conducting classes: reports with a presentation, analysis of the presentation together with students, protection of copyright projects, solving situational problems, analysis of specific situations on topics, meetings with environmental specialists.

Computer simulation: in a computer environment, with the help of available software, one or another professional (technical, economic or other) situation, problem or task, model is modeled. On this basis, the adoption of technical or management decisions. This requires an independent search and elaboration of information on individual issues. theoretical course, teacher consultations, interaction with fellow students, creation of creative groups with the distribution of functions, etc.

Interactive video lectureswith synchronous slides (IVSS) are designed for pov improving the quality and effectiveness of education due to the high coefficient of transfer of the pedagogical impact exerted on students by the teacher.

Interactive learning is based on the direct interaction of students with their own experience and the experience of their friends, since most of the interactive exercises refer to the experience of the student himself.

Active forms of education: where students are the “subject” of learning, perform creative tasks, enter into a dialogue with the teacher. The main methods are creative tasks, questions from the student to the teacher, and from the teacher to the student.

Passive forms of learning: where students act as the "object" of learning, who must learn and reproduce the material that is transmitted to them by the teacher - the source of knowledge. The main methods are lecture, reading, survey.

5.2.10. Educational, methodological and information support of the discipline

  • Main literature

  • additional literature
If necessary, this section can be supplemented with reference publications and dictionaries, normative documents, periodical industry and socio-political journals, scientific literature; links to databases, websites, help systems and online resources.

5.2.11. Software and Internet Resources

5.2.12. Technical means and material and technical support of discipline (module)

The list of educators, supervisors, computer programs, multimedia lectures, video lectures, filmstrips, film and television films, transparencies. Recommended illustrative materials: posters, albums, tablets, layouts, samples of work. A list of technical training aids is given, specialized audiences and classes, basic mechanisms and devices, installations, stands, etc. are indicated.
6. Guidelines for seminars or laboratory classes

6.1. Methodical instructions for seminars designed to provide individual assistance to students in the study of the basic concepts, ideas, theories and provisions of the discipline, contribute to the development of their skills and professional competencies and are one of the ways to test students' knowledge.

They are contain:

  1. an explanatory note substantiating the importance and necessity of this type of educational activity, with the definition of the goal and task of shaping students' scientific worldview, as well as practical skills and abilities in the course of seminars;

  2. topics of seminars with a list of issues to be discussed and the amount of classroom hours for each topic;

  3. brief theoretical materials on each topic, allowing the student to get acquainted with the essence of the issues discussed at the seminar;

  4. a list of literature necessary for the student's work in preparation for each seminar.
6.2. Guidelines for performing laboratory work contribute to the effectiveness of independent work of students, the assimilation and consolidation of the theoretical material passed and the formation of practical skills.

Guidelines for performing laboratory work include:

  1. an explanatory note defining the purpose and objectives;

  2. topics of laboratory work in accordance with the subject and logic of the presentation of the lecture course;

  3. the sequence of the student's actions when performing each laboratory work;

  4. the procedure for issuing a report on the work done;

  5. a list of basic and additional literature indicating certain pages required for the student to study in preparation for each laboratory work.
7. Guidelines for the study of the complex (guidelines, breakdown into modules, point-rating system, calendar plan for studying the discipline).

The manual for the study of the complex includes such components as guidelines for the study of the discipline, the breakdown of educational material into modules, the score-rating layout, the calendar plan for studying the discipline.

7.1. Guidelines for the study of the discipline

The guidelines should provide recommendations on the study of sections of the discipline and the performance of control and laboratory work, on independent study of theoretical material, the implementation of a workshop, tests, assignments and tasks, abstracts and term papers, instructions on rational technology for mastering educational material at a given level, on the rational alternation and use of the entire complex of educational and methodological materials, basic and additional literature (if necessary - examples of solving and designing typical tasks, examples of common mistakes).

The author of the TMC develops, in accordance with the "Regulations on the use of the rating system to assess student performance", a scoring layout for the discipline as a whole and for each reporting element.

7.3. Calendar plan for studying the discipline

The calendar plan is designed to plan and organize the student's time to study the course. The plan is drawn up for one semester. For multi-semester disciplines, the plan is drawn up for each semester. The plan indicates the name of the module, the recommended duration of the study of the module (in weeks), the type of reporting on the results of the study of the module and the timing of control measures, as well as the maximum score for each control event. Each module must necessarily end with tests for self-control, the plan reflects the number of test questions. The plan is accompanied by a technological map of the discipline, in which for each module the sections necessary for its study of both this discipline and other disciplines of the student's curriculum are indicated. In addition to the plan, a schedule for the delivery of control measures is drawn up, which indicates the recommended deadlines for submitting various types of reporting on the course and the number of points for a certain type of work.
8. Control block (projects, cases, abstracts, essays, didactic materials for self-control, current control of knowledge and intermediate certification (collections of tasks, tests, tests for self-control, etc.).

Test tasks

Test tasks are educational and methodological materials for self-training, current and final control, which are designed to develop skills and abilities practical application theoretical knowledge (with examples of tasks and analysis of the most common mistakes). The implementation of test tasks varies depending on the subject area (step-by-step solutions of typical tasks and exercises can be presented with explanations and links to the relevant sections of the theoretical material of the discipline). The following are used as tests:

  • "Cases". Tasks in the form of cases require the student to independently find a solution to any real or simulated problem, problem based on the analytical interpretation of the proposed set of facts and a description of the current situation;

  • Exercises. This type of tasks requires quantitative calculations, specific tasks, etc. Can be developed on the basis of both real and hypothetical data;

  • Tests. This component of the teaching materials implements the functions of a control unit for checking the progress and results of the theoretical and practical assimilation of educational material in basic disciplines.
The control block includes tests for self-examination, as well as final and intermediate ones. The test system should be presented as a set of test questions, statements and tasks. Test questions, statements and tasks are combined into blocks on a specific section (topic) of the academic discipline. The number and quality of tests for each section (topic) should reflect the program content of the discipline and provide full and deep control over the assimilation of educational material by the student. When compiling tests, one should be guided by the amount of educational material included in the examination (test) questions. The material on which the bank of test tasks is formed should be covered in the training manual. Before you start compiling a bank of test items, you need to create a codifier. The creation of a codifier is the creation of an exam plan, therefore, a codifier is first compiled and only then test tasks are created on its basis, from which the test is assembled.

Procedure for creating a coder:

  • the content of the test is built - a list of chapters for which it is necessary to control the knowledge and skills of students;

  • for each section (chapter), a set of didactic units is compiled, the knowledge of which must be checked as a result of testing;

  • it is determined in accordance with the significance and volume of the didactic units of the chapter or section, how many questions from each topic of the test need to be selected;

  • a table is compiled with a description of the test tasks and their compliance with the textbook. A list of test tasks is formed, divided into topics, indicating how many tasks from each topic must be selected for the exam (test).
The form of the codifier is given in Appendix B.

A didactic unit (content tested by a test) refers to certain knowledge that is tested by this task. The list of test tasks should follow after the codifier table (Appendix B).

TK bank for computer exam ( control work) must contain at least 20 tasks for each section of the discipline, divided into topics, indicating how many questions from each topic should be given to the student during testing. The number of questions from each topic should be proportional to the volume of this section of the academic discipline.

It is recommended to take out 20-30 test items for the exam that do not require calculations. The number of tasks that require certain calculations to get the correct answer must be at least 6 and is calculated by the teacher, based on the fact that the time spent on solving does not exceed the time for passing the exam (2 hours).

Test tasks may contain tables, figures and formulas. The text of the question should not be too long, the whole question should fit on the screen. The wording of the question should not contain unnecessary information to answer it, including unnecessary data. The question should contain all the data necessary to calculate the correct answer (or an indication of where to get it). The test must be designed according to the rules given in Appendix D. The types of test questions are given in Appendix D.


The educational and methodological support of the seminar includes:

  • topic of the seminar;

  • abstract;

  • questions and tasks;

  • theoretical material, list of additional literature.
The author of the seminar on the discipline must determine:

  • the purpose of the seminar;

  • requirements for the student's basic knowledge in other disciplines necessary to participate in the seminar;

  • requirements for the development of theoretical material on the discipline for the effective participation of the student in the discussion;

  • practical skills of the student in the discipline necessary for effective participation in the seminar;

  • tasks effective communication"student - teacher", "student - student";

  • knowledge and skills acquired by the student as a result of mastering the topic of the seminar;

  • the possibility of in-depth study of the material by the student on the topic of the seminar in the process of discussion;

  • the ability to control the knowledge gained by the student in the process of discussions on the topic of the seminar.
Criteria for choosing the topic of the seminar:

  • relevance;

  • significance (how important the topic is for an in-depth study of the discipline);

  • priority (how much 4~ (how much more important to study this topic In comparison with others);

  • high degree of disclosure (the ability to consider issues on the topic in different directions);

  • a high degree of student interest;

  • a variety of different issues on the topic that urgently need to be addressed through discussions;

  • dynamism (how quickly it accumulates, changes, new information appears on this topic, which contributes to its discussion);

  • availability of information sources in the public domain.
The developer must prepare the theoretical material necessary for the seminar. This may be lecture material offered as a basic knowledge base on the topic of the seminar. Additional material on the topic of the seminar may also be offered, the essence of which is submitted for discussion. Students can offer their information for discussion within the topic of the seminar. Various sources of information can be used as theoretical material. Requirements for theoretical material:

  • availability;

  • authenticity;

  • visibility.
Since students must take part in at least one seminar within the course, this component is mandatory in the TMC.

Practical and laboratory tasks

Guidelines for the implementation of practical and laboratory work - this is a teaching aid, which includes a summary of the necessary theoretical provisions (possibly in the form of links to sections of theoretical material, formulas, tables, etc.).

The guidelines should include an example of a detailed solution and recommendations for solving all the typical problems offered in control and laboratory work and exams.

Decisions should contain not only a sequence of actions, but also an explanation of why such a sequence is used (not only how to decide, but also why it is so).

In the structure of the teaching aid for the implementation of practical and laboratory work, the following elements and sections should be presented.

Title page . The title page indicates the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation and the full name of the university, the name of the academic discipline, the name of laboratory or practical work, the year of publication. Also, the title page must contain the APPROVE block (certified by the head of the department) and the DEVELOPER (I) block indicating the names and initials of the authors of the manual. The back of the title page contains information about the reviewers, a bibliographic description of the manual, annotation, and a copyright sign.

annotation - under subsection 5.4.

Objective - the goals and objectives set for students in the performance of this work are indicated.

Theoretical part - the topic of laboratory or practical work is revealed, examples are given.

Work plan - step-by-step instructions needed to complete the job.

test questions - a list of questions on the topic being studied is given, the answers to which the student gives in the process of defending the work or, if provided, in the text of the report.

Bibliography - provides a list of articles, books, tutorials or electronic resources that were used in the preparation of the training manual. Registration - according to subsection. 5.4.

Applications. Applications can contain both reference information and individual options for tasks. As reference information, for example, technical data of devices, manuals for the software products used, reference tables, lists of terms and abbreviations, etc. are given.


Course project (work) - this is an independent educational and scientific work of students, carried out under the guidance of a teacher.

The purpose of the course project (work) is to develop students' skills of independent work, mastering the methods of modern scientific research, in-depth study of any issue, topic, section of the academic discipline (including the study of literature). A course project (work) is most often a complete fragment scientific work performed by a student under the guidance of a teacher. Topics for course projects (works) are usually chosen by students from a list of topics proposed by teachers and approved. In some cases, the topic can be proposed by the student himself and agreed with the supervisor and head of the profiling department.

The implementation of course projects (works) by a student most often involves the consistent development of all stages of the full cycle of research - from writing a research program to analyzing and interpreting information. At the same time, the results of the student's work are summarized throughout the entire school year over the chosen topic. As a rule, the main task of the course project (work) is formulated together with the supervisor.

Teaching aid for course design should contain the following elements and sections.

Title page . The title page indicates the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation and the full name of the university, the name of the academic discipline, the year of publication. Also, the title page must contain the APPROVE block (certified by the head of the department) and the DEVELOPER (I) block indicating the names and initials of the developers of the guidelines. The back of the title page contains information about the reviewers,

bibliographic description of the manual, annotation, copyright sign.

annotation - under subsection 5.4.

General instructions - general guidelines for the implementation of the project (work) are given.

Purpose of the project (work) - the goals and objectives set for students in the implementation of the project (work) are indicated.

Project (work) execution plan - step-by-step instructions necessary for the implementation of the project (work).

Requirements for the content of the course project (work) - it is indicated what results the student should reflect in the explanatory note to the project (work), its structure is determined.

Requirements for the preparation of an explanatory note - the format of pages, paragraphs, illustrations, etc. is determined.