» Category:Pedagogical technologies. Pedagogical technology The concept of pedagogical technology

Category:Pedagogical technologies. Pedagogical technology The concept of pedagogical technology

"Technology (from the Greek techne - art, craftsmanship, skill and logos - teaching, science) - a set of methods for processing, manufacturing, changing the state, properties, form of raw materials, material or semi-finished products carried out in the process of manufacturing products" (Soviet Encyclopedic dictionary, - M., 1994. - S. 1329). In the Dictionary of the Russian Language S.I. Ozhegov (M., 1994. - P. 692) notes: "Technology is a set of production processes in a certain industry, as well as a scientific description of production methods."

Technology is a production term. However, the spread of the achievements of scientific and technological progress in various fields of knowledge and practice, the penetration of the technological approach into the non-productive sphere of society's life are the most important global trends in social development.

The analysis of foreign and domestic scientific and pedagogical literature on the problem of technologization of the educational process and its management allows us to identify the stages of the formation of the concept pedagogical technology Keywords: pedagogical technique, audiovisual education, programmed learning, learning algorithms, scientific organization work of a teacher and a student, optimization and intensification of the educational process, didactic technology, information technology, modular education, pedagogical technology (in machineless and automated versions).

Reasons for the technologization of the educational process of the school:

    insufficient level of readiness of school graduates to live and work in a dynamically changing society. Indeed, the traditional teaching and upbringing methods aimed at acquiring ready-made ZUNs by students do not create conditions for the formation of their communicative, designing, evaluative, reflective skills, which are the essence of the so-called universal abilities or competencies of the individual. It is the intellectual, communicative, informational and other types of personality competencies that allow it to successfully resolve non-standard situations in new conditions;

    insufficiently high level of effectiveness of the educational process modern school indicates that traditional methods have exhausted themselves. Consequently, improving the quality and efficiency of the educational process of the school can only occur through the implementation of new approaches to the methods and content of education;

    the need to increase motivation and enhance the educational, cognitive, search activities of schoolchildren; replacing the ineffective verbal method of transferring knowledge (according to psychologists, a student learns no more than 36% of information “from words”);

    the possibility of expert design of the technological chain of procedures, methods, organizational forms of interaction between students and teachers, providing guaranteed learning outcomes and reducing the negative consequences of the work of a low-skilled teacher.

It should be noted that A.S. Makarenko, who boldly used the concept pedagogical technique. In the world-famous Pedagogical Poem (1933-1935), he wrote: “Our pedagogical production has never been built according to technological logic, but always according to the logic of moral preaching ... That is why we simply do not have all the important departments of production: the technological process, accounting for operations, design work, the use of constructors and fixtures, standardization, control, tolerances and rejection.

Nevertheless, the researchers attribute the mass introduction of pedagogical technologies to the beginning of the 60s and associate it with the reform of the first American, and then the European school. The most famous authors of modern pedagogical technologies abroad: J. Carroll, B. Bloom, D. Bruner, D. Hamblin, G. Geis, V. Coscarelli.

Domestic theory and practice of implementing technological approaches to learning is reflected in scientific papers P.Ya. Galperin, N.F. Talyzina, A.G. Rivina, L.N. Landa, Yu.K. Babansky, P.M. Erdnieva, I.P. Rachenko, L.Ya. Zorina, V.P. Bespalko, M.V. Klarina and others. Currently, pedagogical technologies in science are considered as one of the types of human science technologies and are based on the theories of psychodidactics, social psychology, cybernetics, management and management (Shepel V.M. Handbook of a businessman and manager. - M., 1992. - 144 p.).

In modern pedagogical theory, there is no single, generally accepted position regarding the essence of the components of the characteristics of the concept of pedagogical technology. This is due to the ongoing debate about whether pedagogy, the pedagogical activity science or art. Academician of the Russian Academy of Education V.P. Bespalko believes that “any activity can be either technology or art. Art is based on intuition, technology is based on science. Everything begins with art, ends with technology, so that everything starts all over again ”(Bespalko V.P. Components of pedagogical technology. - M., 1989. - P.5.).

Today, the concept of "pedagogical technology" has entered pedagogical science and practice, but its place and interrelationships in thesaurus pedagogy. A number of definitions are used.

    In the Russian textbook on pedagogy, ed. P.I. Pidkasistoy (Ed. 2nd, M., 1996. - 168 p.), technology is considered as a direction in pedagogical science, as a means scientific research learning process. "Teaching technology (pedagogical technology) is a new (since the 50s) direction in pedagogical science, which is engaged in the design of optimal learning systems, the design of educational processes."

    V.P. Bespalko defines pedagogical technology as a project of a specific pedagogical system, implemented in practice. The pedagogical system is the basis for the development of technology. The main attention is focused on the preliminary development of an educational and pedagogical project. Translation is carried out in the language of didactics - "didactic task" and "teaching technology". Teaching technology determines the structure and content of educational and cognitive activity of students (Bespalko V.P. Components of pedagogical technology. - M .: Pedagogy, 1989).

    “Pedagogical technology is a project of a system of sequential deployment pedagogical activity aimed at achieving the goals of education and development of the personality of students ”(Levina M.M. Fundamentals of technology for teaching professional pedagogical activity. - Mn., 1996).

    “Pedagogical technology is a field of study of theory and practice (within the education system) that has links with all aspects of the organization of the pedagogical system to achieve specific and potentially reproducible pedagogical results” (Mitchel P. Encyclopedia of pedagogical means, communications and technologies. - London, 1978) .

    "Pedagogical technology is a systematic method of planning, applying and evaluating the entire process of learning and learning by taking into account human and technical resources and the interaction between them to achieve a more effective form of education" (UNESCO, 1986).

In each of the above definitions of technology, there are common signs technologization of the educational process.

What is educational technology?

At present, the concept of pedagogical technology. There are several definitions of this concept. B.T. Likhachev interprets pedagogical technology as "organized, purposeful, deliberate pedagogical influence and impact on the educational process". V.P. Bespalko defines it as "content implementation technique educational process» . I.P. Volkov defines: "Pedagogical technology is a description of the process of achieving the planned learning outcomes". V.M. monks believes that "Pedagogical technology is a model of joint pedagogical activity thought out in all details for designing, organizing and conducting the educational process with the unconditional provision of comfortable conditions for students and teachers". M.V. Clarin writes: "Pedagogical technology means a systemic totality and the order of functioning of all personal, instrumental and methodological means used to achieve pedagogical goals". BUT UNESCO declares: "Pedagogical technology is a systematic method of creating, applying and defining the entire process of teaching and learning, taking into account technical and human resources and their interaction, which aims to optimize the forms of education".

IN AND. Zagvyazinsky considers “Technology in a stricter sense is a fairly rigidly fixed sequence of actions and operations that guarantees a given result. The technology contains a certain algorithm for solving problems of this class. In education, in view of its complexity and the ambiguity of the operation of laws and norms, technologies are not universal in nature, therefore it is often preferable to use a more flexible variant approach - the design of a specific teaching method by the teacher.

The use of technology is based on the idea of ​​complete controllability of learning and reproducibility of standard educational cycles. Technology always presupposes the specificity of the set goals, the optimality of the procedures for achieving them, feedback, correction, diagnosability of the results. The “technological approach” to programmed learning, to modular learning, to test check learning outcomes, however, the application of such an approach to heuristic learning, to the system of free education by M. Monessori, to the system of humane-personal pedagogy by Sh.A. Amonashvili or learning based on the dialogue of cultures V.S. Bibler and S.Yu. Kurganov, although there are separate technological components in these systems".

Signs of pedagogical technology

Main characteristics any technology:

  • is a procedural category;
  • can be represented as a set of methods for changing the state of an object;
  • focuses on the design and use of efficient and cost-effective processes.

V.P. Bespalko defines the meaning of pedagogical technology:

  • moving away from impromptu and moving towards preliminary design;
  • development of the structure and content of the student's educational and cognitive activity;
  • diagnostic goal-setting and objective quality control of learning by students educational material and personal development in general;
  • implementation of the principle of the integrity of the structure and content of the components of the educational process.

Specific features inherent in pedagogical technology:

  • Diagnostic targeting.
  • Efficiency (guaranteed achievement of goals and the effectiveness of the learning process).
  • Profitability (optimization of the teacher's work, achievement of the planned learning outcomes within a certain time frame).
  • Reproducibility (algorithmability, designability, integrity, controllability).
  • Adjustability (based on constant feedback).

AT teaching practice concept pedagogical technology used on three levels:

  1. General pedagogical (general didactic) level. Pedagogical technology is considered as a pedagogical system: it includes a set of goals, content, means and methods of teaching, and even an algorithm for the activity of subjects and objects of the learning process (with the exception of themselves).
  2. Particular methodological (subject) level. Pedagogical technology is used to mean a private methodology, that is, a set of methods and means for the implementation of a certain content of education within the same subject, class (method of teaching subjects, methods of compensatory teaching, methods of work of a teacher).
  3. Element (modular) level. It examines the technology of individual parts of the educational process: the technology of the lesson, the technology of forming concepts, the technology of assimilation of new knowledge, the technology of repetition and control of the material, etc.

The structure of pedagogical technology

Scheme of the technological construction of the educational process (M. Klarin)

AT structure of pedagogical technology includes:

  • conceptual framework;
  • content (learning objectives, content of educational material);
  • description technological process(procedural part);
  • organization of the educational process;
  • the activities of the teacher in managing the process of assimilation of the material;
  • methods and forms of work of the teacher;
  • diagnostics of the educational process.

Main quality of modern pedagogical technologies:

  • Each pedagogical technology should be based on the scientific concept of learning experience, scientific substantiation of the process of achieving educational goals.
  • Pedagogical technology must have all the features of the system: the logic of the process, the interconnection of all its parts, integrity.

Classification of pedagogical technologies

Modern educational technologies include:

  • student-centered learning;
  • technology for studying inventive problems (TRIZ);
  • technology of problem learning;
  • project teaching methods;
  • collaborative learning technology (teamwork, group work);
  • health-saving technology;
  • development of critical thinking and others.

Information sources

  • Bespalko V.P. Components of pedagogical technology. M., 1989.
  • Davydov V.K. The theory of developmental learning. M., 1996.
  • Klarin M.V. Innovation in teaching: metaphor and fashion. Li: Analysis of foreign experience. Moscow: Nauka, 1997.
  • Klarin M.V. Pedagogical technology in the educational process. M., 1989.
  • Methodological and reference materials on the introduction of developing pedagogical technologies in professional education. / Under the scientific editorship of N.N. Mikhailova/. IRPO. M., 2000.
  • New pedagogical and Information Technology in the education system / Ed. E.S. Polat - M., 2000
  • Polat E.S., Moiseeva M.V., Petrov A.E. Internet in liberal education: Tutorial for students of higher educational institutions / Ed. Polat E.S. - M.: Vlados, 2001
  • Selevko G.K. Modern educational technologies. M.: National education, 1998.

The fight against negative phenomena in the life of the school requires the development of a fundamentally new pedagogical technology. The book proposes a set of means of pedagogical technology and shows the ways of their practical application in the conditions of restructuring and overcoming formalism in the scene of the activities of students and teachers.
For public education workers.

The purpose of training (education) is set diagnostically if:
a) such an accurate and definite description of the formed personal quality that it can be unmistakably differentiated from any other personality traits;
b) there is a method, a “tool” for unambiguously identifying a diagnosable quality of a personality in the process of objective control of its formation;
c) it is possible to measure the intensity of the diagnosed quality based on control data;
d) there is a quality assessment scale based on the measurement results.

At the current stage of development of the middle and high school neither the general (main) goal of the corresponding pedagogical systems, nor the private goals of studying individual subjects satisfy these requirements.

1.1. The essence of the pedagogical system of the school 6
1.2. The pedagogical system as a concept of education and the basis of pedagogical technology 14
1.3. Annotated history of pedagogy and school as a history of pedagogical systems and pedagogical technologies 25
2.1. Diagnostic formulation of the chains of education and upbringing, problems and methods 30
2.2. The concept of diagnostic goal setting 31
2.3. Methodology for the diagnostic description of the goal of forming the experience of students at the stage of operational goal formation 45
2.4. Feasibility of content curriculum for students 85
2.5. The origin and essence of percent mania in school life 92
3.1. Didactic process - the basis of pedagogical technology 96
3.2. Generalized structure of the software operation algorithm
3.3. Possible criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of the functioning algorithm 115
3.4. Control algorithm (AC) in the didactic process 118
3.5. Pedagogical analysis didactic systems 125
3.6. Methods of research and evaluation of the effectiveness of the didactic process 133
3.7. The law of fundamental possibilities of the didactic process 136
3.8. Planning the didactic process and evaluating the effectiveness of the lesson 142
4.1. Perspective pedagogical system secondary school 154
4.2. Pedagogical technology of the teacher-innovator (analysis of the essence) 169
4.3. Criteria for evaluation learning activities student, teacher, school

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  • Pedagogical technologies, Bulanova-Toporkova M.V., Duhavneva A.V., Kukushin V.S., Suchkov G.V., 2004
  • Recommendations for compiling a teacher training program for teaching writing an essay (exposition) for teachers of the Russian language and literature

General characteristics of pedagogical technology

Currently, the concept of pedagogical technology is often used by educators and teachers. However, there are big differences in its understanding and use. Let's look at some of definitions.

Technology- this is a set of techniques used in any business, skill, art.

Pedagogical technology- a set of psychological and pedagogical attitudes that determine a special set and layout of forms, methods, methods, teaching methods, educational means; it is organizational and methodological tools pedagogical process (B.T. Likhachev).

Pedagogical technology- is content technique implementation of the educational process (V. P. Bespalko).

Pedagogical technology- this is description the process of achieving the planned results training (I. P. Volkov).

Technology- this is art , skill, skill, a set of processing methods, state changes (V. M. Shepel).

Learning technology- is a component procedural part didactic system (M. Choshanov).

Pedagogical technology- well thought out in every detail model joint pedagogical activities on the design, organization and conduct of the educational process with the unconditional provision of comfortable conditions for students and teachers (V.M. Monakhov).

Pedagogical technology- this is system method creation, application and definition of the entire process of teaching and mastering knowledge, taking into account technical and human resources and their interaction, which sets as its task the optimization of forms of education (UNESCO).

Pedagogical technology means a system set and operating procedure all personal, instrumental and methodological means used to achieve pedagogical goals (M. V. Klarin).

In our understanding, pedagogical technology is a meaningful generalization, absorbing the meanings of all the definitions of various authors (sources).

The concept of "pedagogical technology" can be represented three aspects.

1) scientific: pedagogical technologies - a part of pedagogical science that studies and develops the goals, content and methods of teaching and designs pedagogical processes;

2) procedural-descriptive: description (algorithm) of the process, set of goals, content, methods and means to achieve the planned learning outcomes;

3) procedurally effective: implementation of the technological (pedagogical) process, the functioning of all personal, instrumental and methodological pedagogical means.

In this way, pedagogical technology functions both as a science that investigates the most rational ways of learning, and as a system of methods and principles used in teaching, and as a real learning process.

Any pedagogical technology must satisfy some basic methodological requirements (manufacturability criteria ):

    Conceptuality. Each pedagogical technology should be based on a certain scientific concept, including philosophical, psychological, didactic and social - pedagogical justification achieving educational goals.

    Consistency. Pedagogical technology must have all the features of the system: the logic of the process, the interconnection of all its parts, integrity.

    Controllability. Pedagogical technology implies the possibility of diagnostic goal-setting, planning, designing the learning process, step-by-step diagnostics, varying means and methods in order to correct the results.

    Efficiency. Modern pedagogical technologies exist in competitive conditions and must be effective in terms of results and optimal in terms of costs, guaranteeing the achievement of a certain standard of education.

    Reproducibility implies the possibility of applying (repetition, reproduction) of pedagogical technology in other similar educational institutions, other subjects.

The concept of "pedagogical technology" in educational practice is used on three levels:

1) General pedagogical (general didactic) level: general pedagogical (general didactic, general educational) technology characterizes a holistic educational process in this region, educational institution at a certain level of education. Here, pedagogical technology is synonymous with the pedagogical system: it includes a set of goals, content, means and methods of teaching, an algorithm for the activity of subjects and objects of the process.

2) Private methodological (subject) level: private subject pedagogical technology used in the sense of "private technique", i.e. as a set of methods and means for the implementation of a certain content of education and upbringing within the framework of one subject, class, viewer (method of teaching subjects, method of compensatory teaching, method of work of a teacher, educator).

3) Local (modular) level: local technology is the technology of separate parts the educational process, the solution of particular didactic and educational tasks (the technology of certain types of activities, the formation of concepts, the education of individual personal qualities, the technology of the lesson, the assimilation of new knowledge, the technology of repetition and control of the material, the technology of independent work, etc.).

Technology is closely related to the educational process - the activities of the teacher and student, its structure, means, methods and forms. Therefore, in structure of pedagogical technology includes:

    conceptual framework;

    learning objectives - general and specific;

    procedural part - technological process:

    organization of the educational process;

    methods and forms of educational activity of schoolchildren;

    methods and forms of work of the teacher;

    the activities of the teacher in managing the process of assimilation of the material;

    diagnostics of the educational process.

Any scientific concept, in order for it to “work” in the pedagogical process, needs a technology corresponding to it. Moreover, each of them can correspond to several technologies. It follows that there can be much more pedagogical technologies than scientific concepts. They are developed by both scientists and teachers. Therefore, in practice there are a sufficient number of them, another thing is that not all of them can be called technologies, since they do not always have the features and properties of pedagogical technologies.

Signs existence of pedagogical technology are:

    goals (in the name of what it is necessary for the teacher to apply it);

    availability of diagnostic tools;

    patterns of structuring the interaction between the teacher and students, allowing to design (program) the pedagogical process;

    a system of means and conditions that guarantee the achievement of pedagogical goals;

    means of analyzing the process and results of the teacher and students.

Description structure:

    Main conceptual position

    The main goal of learning

    Main content features

    Main features of procedural characteristics

    Availability and brief description of the software (if possible, demonstrate textbooks, didactic materials, etc.)

Consider an example

In the learning process, at least 4 sides can be distinguished:

    procedural (how to teach),

    motivational (how to activate students' activities)

    and organizational (how to structure the activities of the teacher and students)

Each of these aspects corresponds to a number of concepts.

So,meaningful side match concept

    generalization of educational material, integration of educational subjects,

    consolidation of didactic units, etc.

Procedural side -

    programming concepts,


    interactive learning, etc.

Motivational -

    concepts of motivational support of the educational process,

    formation cognitive interests etc.

Organizational -

    ideas of humanistic pedagogy,

    concepts of pedagogy of cooperation,

    immersions” in a subject (M.P. Shchetinin),

    concentrated learning, etc.

Let's take a quick look at the main points concepts and technologies of concentrated learning,

goal which consists in eliminating the multi-subject nature of the school day, the kaleidoscopic sensations and impressions in the formation of knowledge, the fragmentation of the process of cognition and the creation of such a learning process, when instead of six subjects in six lessons during the school day (and fourteen subjects during school week) is studied from one to three subjects.

The idea of ​​concentrated learning is not new; it was first expressed by Ya.A. Comenius; later this idea was supported by many scientists (I.F. Herbart, K.D. Ushinsky, V.V. Rozanov, P.P. Blonsky); it was implemented in practice by individual teachers (G. Tobler, B.F. Raisky, M.P. Shchetinin), it was distributed in a number of countries (USA, Sweden, Germany, etc., in Russia this idea was used in higher education) .

In the 80s, they again turned to the implementation of the concept of concentrated learning and began to develop appropriate technologies based on it.

The technology of concentrated learning is such an organization of the educational process in which the attention of teachers and students is focused on the study of one or two subjects by reducing the number of simultaneously studied disciplines, concentrating the study of educational material at certain repetitive periods of time.

Depending on the unit of enlargement (a subject, school day, school week), there may be several varieties of such technologies (G. G. Ibragimov):

    There is a technology of concentrated study of one subject. The duration of immersion in a subject is determined by the peculiarities of the content and logic of its assimilation by students, the total number of hours allocated for its study. In this case, the total annual number of hours is divided approximately equally into four parts. Further, 4-6 lessons per day, only this subject is studied during the time allotted by the curriculum for the study of this part. It turns out that during school year there are four immersions in one subject.

    Another type of technology involves the enlargement of the second organizational unit - the school day. Quantity subjects does not change during the week and corresponds to the curriculum, but their study is concentrated in time: two or three subjects are studied during the school day.

    The third type involves the enlargement of the school week. The number of subjects planned for the year does not change and corresponds to curriculum, but the structure of the academic week is changing: no more than two or three disciplines are studied during the academic week.

Advantages of concentrated learning technology:

    the elimination of multi-subject and scattered schedules removes nervous tension students and teachers, has a beneficial effect on the physical condition and health of children;

    enlargement of the organizational forms of the learning process contributes to integrity (at least removes fragmentation) in the development of the motivational sphere (there is no constant change in the motives of learning), intellectual (attention is focused on a relatively complete block of educational material, methods of mental actions are successfully formed, cognitive and learning skills are fruitfully developed knowledge is acquired systematically and thoroughly) and other areas;

    concentration of training provides significant savings in training time.

The use of this technology does not require special software implementation

Components of pedagogical technology. Bespalko V.P.

M.: 1989. - 192 p.

The fight against negative phenomena in the life of the school requires the development of a fundamentally new pedagogical technology. The book proposes a set of means of pedagogical technology and shows the ways of their practical application in the conditions of restructuring and overcoming formalism in the scene of the activities of students and teachers.

For public education workers.

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1.1. The essence of the pedagogical system of the school 6
1.2. The pedagogical system as a concept of education and the basis of pedagogical technology 14
1.3. Annotated history of pedagogy and school as a history of pedagogical systems and pedagogical technologies 25
2.1. Diagnosis of the chains of education and upbringing, problems and methods 30
2.2. The concept of diagnostic goal setting 31
2.3. Methodology for the diagnostic description of the goal of forming the experience of students at the stage of operational goal formation 45
2.4. Feasibility of the content of the curriculum for students 85
2.5. Origin and essence of percent mania in school life 92
3.1. Didactic process - the basis of pedagogical technology 96
3.2. Generalized structure of the software operation algorithm
3.3. Possible criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of the functioning algorithm 115
3.4. Control algorithm (AC) in the didactic process 118
3.5. Pedagogical analysis of didactic systems 125
3.6. Methods of research and evaluation of the effectiveness of the didactic process 133
3.7. The law of fundamental possibilities of the didactic process 136
3.8. Planning the didactic process and evaluating the effectiveness of the lesson 142
4.1. Perspective pedagogical system of a comprehensive school 154
4.2. Pedagogical technology of the teacher-innovator (analysis of the essence) 169
4.3. Criteria for evaluating the educational activities of a student, teacher, school