» Formation of uud through extracurricular activities in the subject. Formation of cognitive skills in extracurricular activities. full attention to a classmate

Formation of uud through extracurricular activities in the subject. Formation of cognitive skills in extracurricular activities. full attention to a classmate

“The development of skills must precede the development of the mind.”

“Learn good manners first,
and then wisdom, for without the first
the latter is difficult to learn.”

The tasks of forming universal educational activities (hereinafter - UUD) are set in the concept of spiritual and moral development and education of the personality of a citizen of Russia, adopted at the end of 2009. This concept sets the main goal for the school: "The upbringing of a highly moral, responsible, creative, proactive, competent citizen of Russia." The formation of personality and its formation occurs at all age stages. For the successful development of the personality, it is important to expand its social ties in the process of growing up, identifying it with various social structures. The main role in this is assigned to the family and the school.

The program of spiritual and moral education and development of students was developed in accordance with the requirements of the Law “On Education”, the Federal State Educational Standards, on the basis of the Concept of Spiritual and Moral Development and Education of the Personality of a Russian Citizen, the National Doctrine of Education in Russian Federation until 2025.

New living conditions put forward before the education system the task of forming, first of all, people who are enterprising, independent, thinking, and, of course, knowledgeable. The education system is one of the main social institutions that plays an important role in the development of the individual; a historically established nationwide system of educational institutions and their governing bodies, acting in the interests of educating the younger generations. It is the education system that is responsible for preparing future specialists for independent life and professional activities and satisfies their individual educational needs.

Contribute to the implementation of these tasks, according to the decision of the Ministry of Education and Science, the concept of the formation of UUD.

In a broad sense, the term “universal learning activities” means the ability to learn, i.e. the ability of the subject to self-development and self-improvement through the conscious and active appropriation of new social experience. The student's ability to independently successfully assimilate new knowledge, to form skills and competencies, including the independent organization of this process, i.e. the ability to learn, is ensured by the fact that universal learning actions as generalized actions open up the possibility for students to broad orientation both in various subject areas and in structure of learning activities, including the awareness of its target orientation, value-semantic and operational characteristics.

The main functions of the UUD are:

  • ensuring the student's ability to independently carry out learning activities, set learning goals, seek and use the necessary means and ways to achieve them, control and evaluate the process and results of activities;
  • creation of conditions for the harmonious development of the personality and its self-realization on the basis of readiness for continuing education; ensuring the successful assimilation of knowledge, the formation of skills, abilities and competencies in any subject area.

As part of the main types of universal educational activities, dictated by the key goals of general education, four blocks can be distinguished:

1) personal;

2) regulatory (including also the actions of self-regulation);

3) cognitive;

4) communicative.

The most interesting for me is the indicator of personal UUD precisely because one of the main tasks of the educational process was to change the key paradigm of the school - the student from the object of the educational process becomes its active subject. Personal UUD are expressed by the formulas “I and nature”, “I and other people”, “I and society”, “I and knowledge”, “I and I”, which allows the child to perform different social roles.

Personal UUD provide a value-semantic orientation of students (the ability to correlate actions and events with accepted ethical principles, knowledge moral standards and the ability to highlight the moral aspect of behavior) and orientation in social roles and interpersonal relationships. That is, the opportunity to provide the student with such methods of activity through which he can realize himself, improve himself.

In relation to educational activities, three types of actions should be distinguished:

  • personal, professional, life self-determination;
  • the action of meaning formation, i.e., the establishment by students of a connection between the purpose of educational activity and its motive, in other words, between the result of learning and what stimulates the activity, for the sake of which it is carried out. The student must ask himself the question “what is the meaning, the meaning of the teaching for me”, and be able to find the answer to it.
  • the action of moral and ethical evaluation of the content being assimilated, based on social and personal values, providing a personal moral choice based on social and personal values.

In the process training sessions should be formed personal results like social responsibility, morality, ecological culture, patriotism, civic responsibility.

To form the above UUD, many options for educational technologies are offered, such as: participation in projects, summing up the lesson, creative tasks, visual, motor, verbal perception of music, mental reproduction of a picture, situation, video film, self-evaluation of an event, incidents, diaries of achievements.

Thus, it turns out that the goal of the development of UUD is the formation of a reasonable person who can make the right decisions in difficult situations. To achieve this result, such qualities as morality, thinking, and a system of knowledge must be equally developed in a person.

V.N. Zaitsev in his work “Practical Didactics”, this trinity is visually represented as an image of a cube in a three-dimensional coordinate system. At the same time, in the absence of one of the components, the result will not be achieved, such a person will not only be the misfortune of an individual. It turns out that the entire educational process, wherever it takes place, is a combination of three factors: moral education, development of thinking, training of the knowledge system.

The development of UUD at school is achieved through:

1. Learning activities of students and teachers in the classroom.

2. Extracurricular activities.

3. Extracurricular activities.

I want to present my vision and experience in the implementation of personal UUD through extracurricular activities.

Extracurricular activities, as well as the activities of students within the framework of the lessons, are aimed at achieving the results of mastering the basic educational program, but at the same time, it is implemented in forms other than classroom based on the requests of students, the choice of their parents (legal representatives) (until the child completes the basic general education), and also taking into account the existing personnel, material and technical and other conditions. It should be aimed at achieving the results of mastering the main educational program general education. In addition, extracurricular activities allow: to ensure a favorable adaptation of the child at school; optimize the teaching load of students; improve the conditions for the development of the child; take into account the age and individual characteristics of students (Letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated May 12, 2011 No. 03-296).

aim extracurricular activities is to ensure the achievement of the planned results of mastering the main educational program of basic general education (FGOS LLC, clause 18.2.2) or the main educational program of secondary general education (FGOS SOO, clause 18.2.2).

As a practitioner, I proceed from the fact that the priority in the learning process (the formation of UUD) is the formation of morality, education of the student. What signs of a well-bred personality are in demand by society? So: kindness, culture of communication, diligence, morality. Moreover, these qualities are brought up in a person consistently. Each of the above qualities requires a certain purposeful activity of the teacher, because there is no proven technology. educational work, and it cannot be - every child is a separate person. That is why student-centered methods of education were introduced in the 90s.

A feature of our school is a specific contingent of students - their high motivation for sports results. When communicating with children, the relationship between physical health and mental abilities is immediately visible. Strengthened physical activity contributes to the development of higher mental functions - memory, thinking, speech and perception. Our focus is volleyball, which is characterized by a wide variety of game situations, the need for a quick response to them. In addition, in the psycho-emotional field, perseverance, perseverance, the ability to work in a team, and responsibility develop.

The circle “Learning to experiment” was created on the basis of the 7th grade.

The main objectives of the circle program are to prepare students to perceive and comprehend the physical processes studied in high school, to explain to children that almost all the phenomena around us are based on physical laws and are explainable from the point of view of physics, so that students want and know how to gain knowledge, can apply in real life situations.

The formation in children of the ability for independence in decision-making, initiative, and the ability for creative thinking was one of our main goals.

Initially, when organizing a circle, a problem arose: how to interest children, how to draw their attention to classes, how to create motivation for joint work? It was decided that the visual conduct of the experiments would attract their attention: “Heard - and forgot, saw - and remembered, did - and understood.”

After watching a video clip about stalactites and stalagmites in caves, we had a discussion on how to conduct this experiment in “home” conditions, determined a plan of action and started to implement it. Thus, the work of the circle began with the setting up of an experiment on growing crystals from a saline solution. The process required accuracy and perseverance - a kilogram of salt did not want to quickly dissolve in 1.5 liters of water. The discussion of the phenomenon of solubility and diffusion made it possible for everyone to express their opinion, to ask questions not only to me, as a teacher, but also to discuss with classmates. The role of the teacher in this process has changed radically - "with children on an equal footing." More lively communication with students, not imposing on them ready-made solutions to the problem and not directing their actions, but the opportunity to look for a solution, to gain knowledge.

It is worth noting that in connection with the focus on volleyball, our children have developed an instinct for making quick decisions and getting results. The meaning of the activity is clear, but the implementation requires effort. Everyone worked in turn, and in the end, the job was done. The coveted "bead" was immersed in the solution - that's just instead of a silk thread, an ordinary one. Later, in 5 months, it will be seen what this experience will lead to and this will become a matter for discussion. But for the time being, for the whole 5 months, attention to the laboratory, where prototypes were hoisted on the cabinet, was provided. Almost every day, students took turns asking permission to see how our crystal “grows” there. The explanation from the molecular-kinetic point of view of the rate of this process, practical experience in determining the size and speed of molecules, examples of the millennial growth of stalactites and stalagmites turned out to be not as convincing as a visual realization. The pilgrimage to the laboratory did not stop. It was a whole rite: take a chair, take off your shoes, stand on a chair and look into the jar. It is only later, after almost six months, they will see what the constant shaking of the cans with the prototype will lead to. In the meantime, every week the "circle members" gather at the "round table" ("Like knights" - the girls joke) and we hold the next lesson.

Experiment - observation - discussion. I do not impose a ready-made scenario, it is impossible now, I do not manage the process, but direct their activities. Children each time come from training tired, attention is dispersed. Detente is needed - action, activity, not listening.

Watching how the experiment goes, carrying it out with their own hands, children gain the experience of independent thinking and gaining knowledge. And they will definitely remember these experiments, because they saw, did, received themselves, and the subject of “physics” itself no longer causes fear.

The most time-consuming, and in terms of effectiveness, the most significant for the development of the personality of children was the preparation and conduct of an open lesson for students in grades 5-6 within the framework of the month of natural and mathematical sciences. Holding this holiday required a long preparation, both for the teacher and for the students. The plan of the event was not simple: seven presenters, replacing each other, told and showed physical experiments, including a lot of poetry. The parents of the circle members also had to get involved in this case.

It should be noted that the boys-experimenters had many problems with the preparation for the event. Most of them began to miss rehearsals, which, in other respects, is quite understandable: the sports bias of the school, numerous training sessions and competitions. There was a problem of disruption of the event. At some point, the girls took matters into their own hands and expressed a desire to remove the boys and take over their performances. The case required a significant amount of time, this valuable resource had to be correctly calculated, distributed so that there was enough time for both sports and lessons. It cannot be emphasized how important this skill is for the development of an independent personality. The boys faced questions on personality formation: “What is the meaning of this event for me?”. And the second, probably more important for future men, is the question of self-esteem: “Can girls replace me ?!”. The fact that the “step-act” decision for the boys, which forms their personality, was taken, became clear when, opening the door to the physics room, they convincingly asked to be entrusted with the role of experimenters. More problems with their attendance at the rehearsal did not arise.

I would especially like to note that in the process of preparing for the event, other children also signed up for the circle, who became interested in taking part in the holiday. However, the roles were distributed. At the same time, one of the new girls began to actively participate in all matters, to offer her help, although this help was not always appropriate and expedient. But it is important to say that other children did not show her their attitude, did not say that she was more of a hindrance than a help. Common work, one goal rallied the children, such a human quality as support and delicacy manifested itself. As a result, the children decided that let the girl not get any words or experiments, but she will receive the role of the organizer of frontal experiments with the audience, she will take out the necessary equipment. Her help was invaluable. Thus, the child, through difficulties and a passionate desire to take part in the event, won, as he achieved his goal - to be useful, socially significant, which had a positive effect on the self-esteem of the individual.

For all the children, the preparation and holding of the holiday has become an example of how hard individual and joint work bears fruit and is brought to life. They saw and were satisfied with the result of their own work, the achievement of the planned result. In addition, this made it possible to get to know the subject of "physics" better and deeper, to find something new and unexpected in it. For a personality that is just being formed, there is nothing more valuable than the understanding that you have in your life what has become the result of your work, those efforts made to achieve what you want. But in order to achieve a result, self-discipline and the desire to bring the matter to the end are necessary. In the process of common work: independence is formed in the acquisition of new knowledge, practical skills, readiness to choose one's life path, a value attitude towards oneself and others, to the acquisition of new knowledge, an attitude towards physics as an element of human culture.

For this academic year in the classroom, a lot of experiments and observations were made: inertia and optics, mechanical and air motion, deformation and force atmospheric pressure. Next year we will continue this work: through the ability of the subject to form positive personality traits or personal UUD.

Each time dictates its own rules. And what we now call a personal universal educational action was previously resolved as questions of moral and ethical education. I would like to finish with a quote from the concept of spiritual and moral development and education of a Russian citizen: “The upbringing of a person, the formation in him of the properties of a spiritually developed personality, love for his country, the need to create and improve is the most important condition for the successful development of Russia.”

Formation of UUD in extracurricular activities

The person who has felt the wind of change must

build not a shield from the wind, but a windmill.

Stephen King

Today's information society requires a learner, who is able to learn independently and relearn many times during his life, ready for independent actions and decision-making. In other words, the school should teach the child: “teach to learn”, “teach to live”, “teach to live together”, “teach to work and earn” (from the UNESCO report “To the New Millennium”).

The new standards raise many issues. What should be the main result of learning at school? How to build a learning system so that a graduate can easily adapt to the real world? The main answer to many of these questions is the application of knowledge and skills in real life. Who can apply them? Only the student who owns the universal tool - UUD.

The main condition for the successful formation of UUD is

inclusion of students in active extracurricular activities .

Based on the need and readiness of schoolchildren to master knowledge, I organize extracurricular activities (goal setting, planning, forecasting, control, correction).

How do I do it?

- I do not present new knowledge to students in finished form, but I organize

process so that they obtain this knowledge in their own educational -

cognitive activity ;

- take into account age psychological features children's development;

- create friendly atmosphere ;

- develop students' ability to analytical choice and

adequate decision-making in a situation of choice;

- create conditions for students to gain experience creative

activities .

- I teach to work with additional literature: dictionaries, encyclopedias, reference books.

One of effective methods formation of UUD, is the work in a group, which involves a high degree independence, initiative of students, forms the development of social skills of schoolchildren in the process of group interactions.

I started working in groups with the development of ground rules. My students and I came to the conclusion that should be achieved:

    full attention to a classmate;

    serious attitude to the thoughts, feelings of others;

    tolerance, friendliness

    no one has the right to laugh at the mistakes of a comrade, because everyone has the "right to make a mistake."

All students took an active part in the discussion of these rules. In the process of completing this task, students formed universal learning activities. in personal areas (basic values: patience, kindness, mastering the role of a student, the formation of interest in learning), communicative (participation in the dialogue), cognitive (answer simple questions from the teacher) regulatory (work according to the instructions that they themselves developed) areas.

- I use ICT, which makes extracurricular activities for children more exciting and interesting. Children get more opportunities to develop logical and algorithmic thinking, imagination and knowledge of the world.

Personal UUD I form by asking questions that contribute to the creation of motivation, i.e., a question aimed directly at the formation of interest, curiosity of students. For example: “What would you do…”; "What would you do…";

I try to contribute to the emergence of a personal, emotional attitude of students to the topic under study with the following questions: “How do you feel about ...”; "How do you like…".

Through the creation of a problem situation and the conduct of a problem dialogue, children formulate theme and purpose lessons.

Tasks for the formation of cognitive universal educational activities:

- "Find differences"

- "what does it look like?";

- search for superfluous;

- "mazes";

- ordering;

- "chains";

- ingenious solutions;

- drawing up schemes-supports;

- work with different types of tables;

- work with dictionaries;

Cognitive UUD form by encouraging students to

action: “Think”, “Complete those task”,

"Analyze", "Make a conclusion .."

Working on shaping regulatory UUD , I teach specific ways of action: plan, set a goal, use an algorithm for solving a problem.

Tasks for the formation of regulatory universal learning activities:

- "intentional errors";

- search for information in the proposed sources;

- mutual control;

- "find mistakes"

Tasks for the formation of communicative universal educational activities:

- make a task for a partner;

- feedback on the work of a friend;

- group work on compiling a crossword puzzle;

- "guess who we are talking about";

- dialogue listening (formulation of questions for feedback);

- "prepare a story ...", "describe orally ...", "explain ...", etc.

I work with 1st grade kids. The level of preparedness for

the moment of entering the school was different: there were children who read, knowing just letters, trying to add syllables.

Watching the first graders, I noticed that many children

it is difficult to politely communicate with each other, they do not know how to communicate correctly

seek help from children and adults. Sometimes they simply demand that they be helped, that they do the work for them, they do not know how to thank. It is difficult for the children to negotiate among themselves, to obey certain rules, even to listen to the teacher, so I pay great attention to the formation of communication skills.

Mastering universal learning activities by students takes place in the context of different subjects. It is quite obvious that there is no strict gradation for the formation of a certain type of UUD in the process of studying a particular subject, and cannot be. However, a shift in emphasis is possible. In some topics, great attention may be paid to the formation of some types of UUD, in others - to the formation of others. But in general, the lesson is the formation of all four types of universal educational activities.

From the first minute of class, students are included in organizing your learning activities (regulatory UUD) . These include:

goal-setting learning task(-How would you like to see the lesson? What qualities do you need to show in order for the lesson to turn out like this?). Next, the students, having solved the puzzles, independently formulate the topic of the lesson.

Conducting a lesson in the “Our Planet” circle on the topic “Why is it raining?” The kids are facing a problem.

Why is it raining on Earth? Each of the guys thinks differently, but experience helps us choose the right answer (experiment with commenting is being carried out).

- What am I doing? (heat water)

What in nature heats water? (sun)

- The sun is the strongest source of heat in nature.

- What do you think will happen if the steam comes into contact with a cold object?

- Let's check if it's true. (showing)

Why did droplets form?

- Why is it raining?

Thus, the guys independently made a conclusion and compared it with the conclusion of scientists (reading the conclusion in a notebook). The children took an active part in the experiment. At this stage, classes developed UUD in all areas:

- personal (formation of interest)

- regulatory (using the simplest items to conduct the experiment)

- cognitive (observed and drew conclusions, worked with the text in a notebook)

- communicative (participated in the dialogue, answered questions, listened and understood the speech of others)

It is important to note such a universal educational action as reflection. Reflection by students of their actions presupposes their awareness of all components of educational activity.

- Take your drop and put it on a black cloud if you were bored in class.

- And, if you were interested in today's lesson, put your drop on a blue cloud.

"Smart Vitamins" - workbooks for extracurricular activities, which contain tasks for the development of: productivity of thinking, spatial thinking, numerical skills, system analysis, verbal flexibility, reasoning ability, verbal perception, ability to work with information presented in different ways.

To form UUD in extracurricular activities, I use the following types of work:


Each group receives a worksheet. Tasks are performed on

whatman. The results are recorded on the board.

 « Tasks for girls and boys.

On the board are options for text tasks separately for girls and boys.

Each task has a certain score. The sum of points determines who won.

 Task cards.

Each group receives task cards. for discussion and

time is given to complete the task. Then we check the work. The answers of the groups are listened to, the errors are corrected.

 Work with cards of different colors and shapes.

 Fairy tale dramatization.

 Reading competition.

Creative tasks.

Creative tasks are aimed at developing students

cognitive UUD and creative abilities.

Children enjoy doing things like:

 Come up with your own rules of conduct at school, in nature, on excursions, in the park, when communicating with strangers.

    Come up with your own signs of behavior, drawings.

 Solving crossword puzzles.

 Quizzes on the topic.

 Write a poem, fiction.

 Draw an illustration for the story.

 Game lessons.

To analyze our successes, we use the “Ladder of Achievements” with three steps.

It can be used on different stages extracurricular activities.

Step 1 - I understand everything, I can help others.

Stage 2 - I understand, but I still need to work.

Step 3 - I don't understand, I need help.

I believe that universal learning activities are

foundation for the formation of key competencies

students. The important thing is that children can feel

equal participants in the educational process. They themselves

they try to teach themselves, independently acquire knowledge, teach

others. And, at the same time, it is important for them to know that in case of difficulty

the teacher can help them, direct and x actions. The main

extracurricular activities becomes cooperation, there is

mutual understanding between all participants, increases

performance and motivation to learn.

Of course I'm a teacher primary school, I can’t say that my graduates have fully formed all the components of the educational

activities. But with such an organization of the educational process, they lay a solid foundation for its successful formation in the main school: an internal need and motivation to learn new things, the ability to learn in a team environment, and self-confidence. The child has the opportunity to realize his abilities, he learns to live in society.

At the end of my speech, I want to conclude that the formation of universal learning activities is an integral part of educational process and extracurricular activities. The main thing in the work of a teacher is to find such methods of work that will make it possible to use the potential of extracurricular activities as efficiently as possible.

Formation of universal educational activities in extracurricular activities

Done: Primary school teacher

Naprienko O.A.

year 2012

Universal educational actions are generalized actions that open up the possibility of a broad orientation of students, both in various subject areas, and in the structure of educational and extracurricular activities themselves, including students' awareness of its target orientation, value-semantic characteristics.

Universal learning activities can be grouped into four main blocks: 1) personal; 2) regulatory; 3) cognitive; 4) communicative actions.

The goals of universal learning activities:

To develop a culture of communication;

Cultivate love and respect for others;

To bring together and unite the children's team;

To develop adequate self-esteem in schoolchildren;

To teach the analysis of one's own actions and deeds;

Teach action planning

Develop students' oral language;

Develop creative abilities;

To instill interest in reading additional literature and publications

According to the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of primary general education, extracurricular activities are organized in the areas of personality development (sports and recreation, spiritual and moral, social, general intellectual, general cultural).

For the organization of extracurricular activities, forms other than training sessions can be used.

  • Studio
  • Section
  • Club
  • An association
  • Optional
  • Scientific society
  • Conference
  • Gathering
  • The game
  • Competition
  • Tournament
  • Meeting
  • Concert
  • Performance
  • Practice (field, social)
  • Excursion
  • cultural trip
  • tourist trip
  • Subbotnik
  • landing
  • other forms

Among other things, extracurricular activities may include individual lessons of a teacher with children who require psychological, pedagogical and correctional support (including individual lessons in the production of oral speech, handwriting and writing etc.), individual and group consultations for children of various categories, etc.

The directions of extracurricular activities should be considered as a meaningful guideline in the construction of appropriate educational programs. Each of the indicated areas can be implemented using any of the proposed types and forms of activity individually and in a complex way (it is possible to combine all components when developing a specific program of extracurricular activities).

Specific programs of extracurricular activities are an integral part of the main educational program educational institution. The program structure includes: goals and objectives, expected results, resource provision, content of work, action plan, terms and forms of control.

Programs of extracurricular activities independently compiled by teachers must be submitted in writing, adopted by the decision of the pedagogical council of the educational institution.

Education at school should go only through the joint activity of adults and children, children with each other, in which the only possible appropriation (and not just recognition) of values ​​by children. At the same time, education in principle cannot be localized or reduced to any one type of educational activity; it must cover and permeate all types of educational (within the boundaries of different educational disciplines) and extracurricular activities.

This is how the question is posed in the new Federal State Educational Standard of General Education, where extracurricular activities of schoolchildren are given special attention, space and time in the educational process.

The types and directions of extracurricular activities of schoolchildren are closely interconnected. For example, a number of areas coincide with the types of activities (sports and recreation, cognitive activities, artistic creativity). The military-patriotic direction and project activities can be implemented in any of the types of extracurricular activities. They represent meaningful priorities in the organization of extracurricular activities. Socially useful activity can be objectified in such types of extracurricular activities as social creativity and labor activity. Therefore, all areas of extracurricular activities must be considered as a meaningful guideline.

One of the main directions and value bases of education and socialization of students is the education of a value attitude to nature, to the environment - environmental education.Where I would like to stop.From state environment depends on the state of physical and spiritual health of a person. Ecological education and upbringing initial forms ecological culture of children begins with their understanding of elementary relationships in nature, the development of initial practical skills of humane-creative and emotional-sensory interaction with natural objects of the immediate environment. Education of ecological culture is a direct connection with the subject the world, which contributes to the formation of metasubject results.

Participation in various environmental activities contributes to the formation of universal learning activities (UCA), i.e. contributes to the self-development and self-improvement of the child through the conscious and active appropriation of new social experience.

Environmental campaigns (“Feed the Birds”; “In Defense of a Green Friend”; “Clean Coast”, etc.) contribute to the formation of:

Personal UUD, i.e. form the ability to assess life situations, correlate actions and events with accepted ethical principles; independently determine and express the simplest rules of conduct common to all people; make a choice about what action to take. For example, the attitude of a person to our green forest beauty, to complicity and all possible assistance in feeding birds, making birdhouses, preserving rare plants, etc.

Regulatory UUD (goal setting, planning, self-regulation). This is setting a learning goal, drawing up an action plan, overcoming obstacles.

Cognitive general educational UUD: search and selection of the necessary information; statement and formulation of the problem. For example, children already know that birds need winter feeding, but they do not always know what kind of food is needed for certain types of birds.

Communicative UUD: planning educational cooperation, asking questions, owning modern means communication, the ability to convey one's position to others, the ability to negotiate and respect the position of another. For example, when planning together, preparing speeches, making posters, etc.

Creative environmental competitions contribute to the formation of:

Cognitive logical UUD: analysis of objects in order to highlight features, synthesis - making the whole out of parts; converting information from one form to another. For example, in order to draw an animal or write a story, a fairy tale about it, you need to know its appearance, life features, habits, differences from others, etc.

Communicative UUD - proactive cooperation in the search and collection of information.

Ecological puppet shows contribute to the formation of:

Cognitive general educational UUD: the ability to model, semantic reading.

Logical UUD: generalization, comparison.

Communicative UUD - the ability to perform different social roles.

Here it is important to get used to the role, to convey the features of the character by voice, gestures, behavior, interaction with others, etc. Puppet shows contribute to the acquisition of basic knowledge of ecology in a simple, unobtrusive way. This provides communication between children, causes positive emotions, stimulates the activity of the child.

Research activity contributes to the familiarization of schoolchildren with the study of the nature of their native land, its cultural and historical past, a careful attitude towards objects and phenomena of the surrounding world, etc.

Project activity. Method of projects in environmental education opens up new transfer possibilities educational process into the real environment of society. Thus, in cooperation, dream and practice, an ecological culture and social activity the rising generation.

These types of activities make it possible to form personal, regulatory, cognitive, and communicative universal learning activities. They are based on a way to achieve a didactic goal through a detailed development of the problem, which should end with a very real practical result.

Respect for nature is made up of little things, of everyday communication with it, and even the smallest citizen must be aware of the responsibility for his attitude to nature.

Thus, we can say that the formation of educational universal action may also involve extracurricular activities.


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Extracurricular activities as an aspect of the formation of universal educational activities of schoolchildren

Annotation.Under extracurricular activities in the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard of primary, basic general education is understood educational activities, carried out in forms other than classroom activities, and aimed at achieving the planned results of mastering the educational program. Extracurricular activities at school realize educational goals, use the forms and methods of educational work with students, solve the problems of socialization of the individual and are a component of the educational system of the school. Extracurricular activities are organized in grades 1-4, 5-7 in accordance with the federal state educational standard for primary, basic general education.

In a broad sense, the term "universal learning activities" (ULA) means the ability to learn, that is, the ability of the subject to self-development and self-improvement through the conscious and active appropriation of new social experience. In a narrower (actually psychological meaning), this term can be defined as a set of student's ways of action (as well as skills associated with them). academic work), ensuring his ability to independently assimilate new knowledge and skills, including the organization of this process

Keywords:extracurricular activities, universal educational activities, personal universal educational activities, regulative universal educational activities, cognitive universal educational activities, communicative universal educational activities, information and communication technologies(ICT).

Personal universal educational actions are called actions that allow the individual to single out socially demanded tasks as significant.

Personal UUD is divided into 3 components of the block:

The first block is self-determination.

The formation of personal universal actions in a schoolchild occurs through the formation of a number of tasks of self-determination: "I know ..."; "I can..."; "I'm creating..."; "I aim to...".

One of the directions in self-determination of the student's personality is self-esteem, which must be formed by the time of entering the school and is diagnosed when determining individual readiness for schooling.

The next direction in the personal definition is the actions that are associated with the formation of the identity of the student's personality. The internal position of the student is one of the manifestations of identity, the adoption of a new role, a new status, a positive attitude towards school and to changes in the external environment.

The second block is meaning formation.

The meaning and motives of the teaching are of great importance. One of the most important tasks of the school is the formation and development of the student's ability to set learning goals and determine the motives for achieving them. This is facilitated by conversations about school, academic success and the widespread use of ICTs.

The third block is moral and ethical assessment.

Personal UUDcontribute to the development of the ability to compare their actions with the ethical and moral standards adopted in modern society, the development of the ability to evaluate one's behavior and actions, contribute to the understanding of moral norms: mutual assistance, truthfulness, honesty, responsibility, installation on a healthy and safe lifestyle.

Task No. 1 "Introspection Chair"

When performing tasks, attention and observation develop. The guys learn to analyze the situation, compare, prove, convince and be more tolerant towards each other. Completing this task allows each student to compare how much his classmates' idea of ​​him coincides with his own opinion about himself.

Age: 10-15 years old.

Material: sheets for writing, pens.

Description of the task: At the first stage of the task, the teacher recommends that students write short phrases on a piece of paper that characterize themselves. In front of the blackboard is a "study chair". Each student, in order, takes a seat in a chair. Classmates give their characteristics to the person sitting on the chair, and he, in turn, checks to what extent his opinion of himself coincides or does not coincide with the opinion of his classmates.

Lesson analysis. Students answer the questions: what did you like? What difficulties did you experience? Who is more difficult to evaluate - yourself or others? Did you learn something new about yourself (about your classmate)?

Homework. Run the drawing "My rays" at home. Draw the sun with many rays. Each sunbeam in the figure is a reflection of a certain characteristic of the student.

Task number 2 "The box of the future"

Purpose: students' awareness of their qualities and motives, the formation of personal and communicative reflection.

When performing tasks, attention and observation develop. The guys learn to analyze the situation, compare, prove, convince and be more tolerant towards each other.

Age: 10-15 years old.

The form of the assignment: a group game of students under the guidance of a teacher.

Material: envelopes, sheets for writing, pens.

Description of the task: one of the students leaves the class. The remaining classmates call positive traits the outgoing student who help him in communicating with other people, and negative qualities that prevent him from building friendships that he needs to work on in order to get rid of them. The qualities are written on the board in 2 columns. Then they invite the student who has left and introduce him to what is written on the board. The student, having analyzed the opinion of classmates, gives his assessment and answers the question: What would you like to change in yourself based on the results of work in a group? How are you going to do it? The student writes the answers to these questions on a piece of paper and places it in an envelope. Envelopes with answers are signed and sent to the "Box of the Future". After a certain period of time (from 1 to 6 months), the “Box of the Future” is unpacked and an analysis is made of the planned actions and those committed by students over a given time.

The organization of educational activities of students is provided regulatory actions. These include:

1. Goal-setting - setting a learning task based on the correlation of what is already known, learned, and what is still unknown to students.

2. Planning - drawing up a plan and sequence of actions; determining the order of intermediate goals, taking into account the final result.

3. Forecasting the result, the level of assimilation of knowledge and its temporal characteristics.

4. Control in the form of correlating the method of action and its result with a given standard in order to identify deviations and differences from the standard.

5. Correction - making the necessary changes to the plan and method of action in the event that differences from the standard, actual action and result are found.

6. Evaluation - awareness of the quality and level of assimilation of knowledge.

7. Self-regulation as the ability to mobilize forces and energy, to volitional effort and to overcome difficulties.

Task number 1 "Guess the definition."

Age: 10-15 years old.

Description of the task: students are asked to guess the word according to its description. A necessary condition is an explanation of the progress of the task.

The state of the body, everything functional systems which fully perform their functions (Health)

Human behavior aimed at strengthening immunity, preventing diseases and creating a satisfactory state of health (Healthy lifestyle).

A system of knowledge aimed at ensuring safety in the production and non-production environment, taking into account the human impact on the environment(Life safety).

Task number 2 "Define a proverb"

Purpose: enriching the vocabulary of students and the grammatical structure of speech.

Age: 10-15 years old.

The form of the assignment: frontal or individual under the guidance of a teacher.

Quest Description: What proverbs, sayings are encrypted here? Explain the meaning.

The gift is not discussed, but what is given is accepted.

(They do not look at a given horse's teeth)

In any team, not everyone can be good, there will definitely be a bad person.

(Every family has its black sheep)

You need to learn throughout your life, acquiring new knowledge, life experience and wisdom.

(Live and learn)

If a person saves where it should not be done, then later such savings will cost him much more.

(Miser pays twice)

In any case, if you want to get the desired result, you must definitely try and make efforts. (You can’t even pull a fish out of the pond without labor).

Cognitive universal learning activities include:

1. Universal general educational activities, which are divided into:

- independent selection and formulation of a cognitive goal;

- search and selection of the necessary information; application of information retrieval methods, also using ICT:

- changing an object from a sensual form into a model, highlighting the main characteristics of the object and transforming the model in order to determine the general laws that distinguish this subject area;

- the ability to structure knowledge;

- semantic reading as the concept and acceptance of the purpose of reading and the choice of the type of reading, depending on the purpose; selection of information from the listened texts of various genres; highlighting the main and secondary information; free orientation and perception of texts of different styles;

2. Universal logical actions, including:

- analysis of objects in order to highlight the main and secondary features;

- synthesis as a compilation of a whole from several parts;

- choice of grounds and criteria for comparison and classification of objects;

- summing up under concepts, deducing consequences;

- finding causal relationships,

- building a logical connection of reasoning,


- formulation of hypotheses and their justification.

3. Actions for setting and solving problems.

Task number 1 "Choosing an excursion"

Purpose: the formation of the ability to implement empirical research. Age: 11-15 years old.

Description of the task: students are invited to choose an excursion during the holidays. The problem is the choice of an interesting excursion for everyone. The preparatory stage is the organization of the collection of information, the choice of the main sources of information about various types of excursions in the city. The main stage is the collection of information about different types excursions from different positions (cost, excursion time, schedule - start time, end time, etc.). Comparison of types of excursions according to different indicators with the choice of the most suitable options. Discussion. Summarizing. Formulation of conclusions.

Task number 2 "People next to you."

Purpose: formation of the ability to carry out empirical research.

Age: 12-13 years old.

Form of assignment: work in groups of 4-5 people.

Description of the task: Students are invited to analyze the "neighboring" environment of people, using the following questions: how many children, adults, preschool and children live in their house (entrance)? school age, the number of women and men, working and non-working, pensioners and students, as well as the professions of working people. At the main stage, information is collected and analyzed according to the indicators reflected in the questions, compared with data obtained in other venues. Discussion. Summarizing. Formulation of conclusions.

Communicative universal learning activities express social competence and consideration of the position of another person, a partner in communication or activity, the ability to listen and engage in dialogue, participate in a collective discussion of problems, more successfully enter the peer environment and build constructive interaction and cooperation with peers and adults.

The formation of communicative and interaction skills among schoolchildren leads to an increase in the quality of the educational process.

In the context of universal educational activities, communication is considered as a semantic aspect of communication and social interaction, which includes:

· the student's need to communicate with adults and peers;

· possession of verbal and non-verbal means of communication;

· positive attitude to the process of interaction;

· orientation to the interlocutor;

· the ability to listen to a communication partner.

Communicative universal learning activities are considered from several positions:

- Communication as interaction implies communication with partners in joint activities or the exchange of information, as well as the ability to act taking into account the position of another and be able to coordinate their actions.

- Communication as cooperation is the organization and planning of educational cooperation with a teacher and peers, group work (including situations of educational cooperation and project forms of work) and adherence to moral, ethical and psychological types of communication and cooperation.

- Communication as a condition of internalization points to speech actions as a means of regulating one's own activity.

Task number 1 "Building the future together."

Purpose: formation of the ability to make decisions and be responsible for them, listen to the opinions of others, analyze them, change one's point of view, if necessary.

Age: 10-15 years old.

Form of assignment: frontal under the guidance of a teacher.

Description of the task: students are invited to unite in groups of 5-6 people and create a project in which everyone can have unlimited opportunities, power and funding. The group is looking for answers to the following questions: "Improving the life of mankind", "saving the environment from the impact of civilization." A certain amount of time is given to complete the task. In the course of the lesson, you need to respect the opinion of the interlocutor. If a person uses his experience, giving some examples, it is necessary to give him the opportunity to feel that he is right, to try to look at the world through his eyes. If someone does not agree with the interlocutor, because he believes that he has a better solution to this issue, then we must try to agree, come to a consensus.

Task number 2 "Traveling around the countries."

Purpose: to develop the ability to think critically and solve problems.

Age: 10-15 years old.

Form of assignment: frontal under the guidance of a teacher.

Description of the task: the completion of this task contributes to the understanding of the spiritual values ​​and cultures of various nationalities. The children learn to influence the way of thinking of their classmates, appreciate the importance of the diversity of ideas and approaches to solving problems, and gradually master the skills of effective interaction. The class is divided into several teams, each representing a specific country of their choice. In a team, students get an excellent opportunity to express different opinions and participate in discussions. Each team tries to show the peculiarity, originality of the country and the people it represents, to reflect its uniqueness and originality. Other teams are trying to understand the reasons for precisely such living conditions and the characteristics of a given nationality. Each team performance is considered from several positions. Then the characteristics of each country are recorded in a table. Later, when the tables of each country are filled in and the answers of the representatives of the countries are listened to, the participants try to find those values ​​that are unchanged and do not depend on the country, on nationality. The next stage of the game is a discussion. Freedom of expression creates the atmosphere necessary for successful practice. As a result, the guys get to know each other and themselves better.

1. Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of October 6, 2009 No. N373 "On the approval and implementation of the federal state educational standard primary general education"

2. How to design universal learning activities in elementary school: from action to thought: a teacher's guide / [A. G. Asmolov, G. V. Burmenskaya, I. A. Volodarskaya and others]; ed. A. G. Asmolova. - M.: Education, 2008. - 151 p.

Formation personal learning activities (PLE)

in extracurricular activities

Makarova L.I.

Primary school teacher MBOU "Secondary School No. 21"

One of the priority tasks of primary education is the task of “teaching to learn”. This means that the school must teach children ways of learning activities that ensure a successful learning process. A feature of the content of modern primary education is the formation of universal educational activities (personal, communicative, cognitive, regulatory), providing the ability to organize independent learning activities. Primary education today is the foundation for the formation of educational activities of the child. Exactly the initial stage schooling should teach to correlate actions and events with accepted ethical principles, moral norms. To teach to be aware of their difficulties and strive to overcome them, to master new activities, to participate in the creative, creative process. In my speech, I would like to talk about one of the aspects of the formation of personal UUD, the essence of which lies not only in the readiness of the child to study at school, but also in the awareness of himself as a student. The child must learn to understand “what is good and what is bad”, to emotionally evaluate events. At the same time, the child learns to perform different social roles: student, classmate, pedestrian, interlocutor, citizen, and others. One of the effective methods of forming personal UUD is extracurricular activities and extracurricular activities.

At junior schoolchildren it is necessary to form personal universal learning activities, which include three main blocks:

    1 block: self-determination - the formation of the internal position of the student - the acceptance and development of a new social role of the student; the formation of the foundations of the Russian civil identity of the individual as a sense of pride in their homeland, people, history and awareness of their ethnicity; development of self-esteem and the ability to adequately assess oneself and one's achievements, to see the strengths and weaknesses of one's personality;

those. positive attitude towards learning , to cognitive activity, the desire to acquire new knowledge, skills, improve existing ones,

    2 block: meaning formation - the search for and establishment of a personal meaning (i.e., “meaning for oneself”) of a teaching based on a stable system of educational, cognitive and social motives; understanding the boundaries of “what I know” and “what I don’t know” and striving to bridge this gap;

    3 block moral and ethical assessment- the line of moral development of a competent person. Personal UUD provide the development of the ability to correlate their actions with generally accepted ethical and moral standards, the ability to evaluate their behavior and actions, understanding of moral standards: mutual assistance, truthfulness, honesty, responsibility, installation on a healthy and safe lifestyle, including in information activities.

It is necessary to learn to evaluate and explain simple situations and unambiguous actions as “good” or “bad” from the standpoint of generally accepted moral rules, from the standpoint of the importance of caring for health and nature, to separate the assessment of an act from the assessment of the person himself, pursuit of beauty willingness to maintain the state of the environment and their health.

The condition for the effective formation of personal UUD is the ability of the teacher to see in the child various aspects of his personality - not only shortcomings, but also his positive qualities.

Personal UUD provide value-semantic orientation of students and orientation in social roles and interpersonal relationships.

This raises the question: How to form personal UUD in extracurricular activities and is it possible?

For this you need:

    Creating optimal conditions for each student.

    Giving children the right to choose.

    Instilling self-management skills (in the third grade, children are able to assemble a sports team, choose a captain, add or not add themselves to the team list)

    Ensuring the development of positive qualities of insecure children.

    Emotional stimulation of mental efforts and manifestation of creativity of students.

    Instilling the spiritual traditions of our people - respect for work, creativity and creation.

    Introducing children to culture. Our traditional carnival wires, congratulations to boys from girls, girls from boys. Participation in public life schools.

    Creation of conditions for the formation of tolerance.

And like any activity, the activity on the formation of personal UUD should bear fruit.

What is the portrait of a student with formed personal UUD.

1. The student realizes the meaning of the teaching and understands personal responsibility for the result.

2. The student is able to make a moral choice and give a moral assessment.

3. The student understands who he is in this world, his strengths and weaknesses, as well as what he wanted to do.

4. The child has developed reflection. He already understands what he can do, what else needs to be achieved and how.

5. The child has formed motivation.

6.Shaped adequate self-esteem.

One of the areas of extracurricular activities in our school is - sports and recreation. Today is one of the classes club "Health Lessons"Mukhina Irina Anatolyevna showed us.

The theme of the lesson is "I am the master of my health"

Objectives: To form ideas about a healthy lifestyle.

The lesson consisted of several stages, and at each of them Irina Anatolyevna developed personal UUD.

At the first stage Sense formation - children got the opportunity to evaluate specific actions in the proposed situations; explained why certain actions are evaluated in this way; there was a development of the motivation of activity and the personal meaning of the doctrine. They understand the feelings of others and empathize with them.

At the second stage- Self-determination, - children got the opportunity to independently determine and explain the meaning of the rules of behavior and hygiene common to all people; they adopted a healthy lifestyle and enriched their life experience.

At the third stage The children worked in groups. At this stage, Irina Anatolyevna developed cooperation with her peers and instilled the skills of self-government. The children were aware of personal responsibility for the result of their activities.

Children understand the role of a healthy lifestyle and the need for proper nutrition; at this stage, the development of reflective self-esteem, the ability to analyze one's actions and manage them; awareness of oneself as a subject, in a holistic perception of the world around, the ability to resist actions and influences that pose a threat to life and health.

One more activitygeneral intellectual direction on the course of extracurricular activities "Young clever men and clever women" we were shown by Petrova Olga Alekseevna.

The purpose of this circle is : development of cognitive abilities of students on the basis of a system of developing activities, the formation of mental operations, logical thinking, development cognitive interest.

This lesson was conducted in the form of the game “I want to know everything!” and at each stage, personal universal learning activities were set.

At the first stage-Self-determination to activity Olga Alekseevna formed a positive attitude to learning, to cognitive activity;

At the stage updating knowledge, and it was a blitz tournament, the teacher wanted the children to define the boundaries of their own knowledge and ignorance and show a desire to take part in the game.

Then they worked on the topic of the lesson in groups. At this stage, Olga Alekseevna developed cooperation with her peers and instilled the skills of self-government. The guys were aware of personal responsibility for the result of their activities and associated their successes with efforts and diligence.

At the stage of the outcome of the lesson and reflection there is a development of reflective self-esteem, the ability to analyze one's actions and manage them; Throughout the lesson, the children expressed a positive attitude towards the process of cognition: they showed attention, tolerance for each other, and a desire to learn more.

Occupation of the same direction showed Novikova Svetlana Petrovna at the course of extracurricular activities "Visual geometry"

Lesson topic: Geometric figures.

Purpose: to continue working with polygons, to consolidate knowledge about a square-subset of polygons, to develop attention, imagination, speech, the ability to work with a diagram, to cultivate accuracy and a conscientious attitude to work.

In her lesson, Svetlana Petrovna also formed personal universal learning activities at each stage.

At the first stage of the lesson, she formed the personal meaning of the teaching. Desire to acquire new knowledge and improve existing ones.

At the stage of reporting the topic of the lesson

At the second stage, she developed independence and personal responsibility when working in pairs. In the situations of communication and cooperation proposed by the teacher, based on the rules of behavior common to all, make a choice. With the support of other group members and the teacher.

At the stage of the outcome of the lesson and reflection reflective self-esteem develops.

Another area of ​​extracurricular activities in our school is - spiritual and moral. Today we watched the lesson on the course Cup "The ABC of Morality"Anna Alexandrovna Ostapchuk showed us.

The theme of the lesson is “Kindness works wonders!”


    using examples accessible to children's perception, explain what meaning people put in the concepts of "good" and "evil";

    educate children in positive character traits;

    promote team building;

    motivate children to do good deeds;

    to cultivate the ability to do good deeds for the benefit of other people;

    to teach children to navigate social roles and interpersonal relationships;

  • promote emotional, aesthetic, spiritual, moral and intellectual development.

Anna Alexandrovna in her lesson formed the following Personal Universal Learning Activities:

    orientation in the moral content and meaning of both one's own actions and the actions of other people;

    development of ethical feelings (shame, guilt, conscience) as regulators of behavior;

    knowledge of basic moral standards (fair distribution, mutual assistance, truthfulness, honesty, responsibility);

    Formation of moral self-esteem;

    manifestation in specific situations of goodwill, trust, attentiveness, mutual assistance.

There are no grades for extracurricular activities. The absence of marks reduces anxiety and unreasonable anxiety of students, the fear of erroneous answers disappears. As a result, children develop an attitude towards these activities as a means of developing their personality.

And in conclusion, I want to say that the formation of personal UUD is only a part, albeit a very important one, but part of the formation modern man. And personal UUD is part of an open system that is subject to the demands of society and the influence of time. Maybe after some time we will need to reconsider this position. But at the moment, the formation of personal universal educational activities is a necessity, a need of modern society.