» Pragmatic people in the modern world are examples. What. Who are pragmatists

Pragmatic people in the modern world are examples. What. Who are pragmatists

Pragmatists are people who do not recognize authorities. They doubt everything that surrounds them, but at the same time their behavior is purely rational and depends on the actions of other people. At the same time, it cannot be said that they are reflexive and act thoughtlessly. On the contrary, acting pragmatically means acting rationally, even selfishly, based on personal interests or the interests of the people around them.

What is important and what is not

Pragmatists are also those who recognize that everything in the world is bought and sold, has its price. It doesn't matter to them what beliefs or moral character at the opponent. What is important is what he offers or sells, and, consequently, what benefits can be obtained from the transaction. At the same time, it is not important whether these are economic exchange operations, obtaining financial or symbolic, moral profits. The main thing is not to lose money and not be a loser. Therefore, it is fundamentally important to obtain a concrete result from your actions. If there is no result, then the actions are regarded only as non-pragmatic.


In addition, pragmatists are people of the same project. No, they do not live in the same day. Cold calculation and lack of emotionality in solving business problems make them take care of others and, probably, to a greater extent than a sensual person and prone to rash decisions. However, they will not do anything if they do not understand why they need it. Having solved one project, they always start solving the second, third, etc. There are no moral assessments here - good, but bad. There is only an understanding of what is profitable and what is not. Therefore, it can be argued that in their personal lives behind pragmatists, as behind a stone wall, it is cozy, comfortable and safe.


It would also be correct to say that pragmatists are strong people. They don't ask unnecessary questions, they don't expect stupid answers. They act and earn authority for themselves and the people they love. They do not hide behind other people's problems, but resolve all controversial issues on their own. By what methods - this, as they say, is a completely different question. One way or another, the problem must be solved.

In any case, a pragmatist is a person who thinks rationally. They make life easier for themselves and others. And no unnecessary words and gestures. The simpler the better. They do not dream and do not fly in the clouds. They know their business and almost always achieve their goals.

These include:

Proactivity - actions are always focused on an object or goal. Fast, high quality and meaningful. So, probably, it is necessary to form a pragmatist's creed.

Demanding - first of all to yourself. Being able to count does not mean wasting money and time. Just like skimping on the acquired good. back side such a quality is luck, which is typical only for strong personalities.

Freedom - you can not achieve something if you do not feel the possibility of self-realization. Yes, a person is bound by some obligations and requirements, but they play a guiding, not a limiting role.

A very mysterious and at the same time mysterious word is pragmatism. Many people do not know its meaning and are often surprised when someone uses the word pragmatism in their vocabulary. In the view of the average person, this term is directly associated with some kind of rational, integral actions. Many centuries ago, people sought to give an explanation to every object and action, and the key goal was to pass on knowledge to the next generation. Verbatim from Greek the word "pragmatism" is translated as kind, deed, action.

The philosophy of pragmatism began to develop actively only in the early 70s of the 19th century. The founder of the philosophy of pragmatism in America was Charles Pierce, he is called the founding father of pragmatism as a method. Sanders introduced the world to the basic ideas of pragmatism, which he illustrated in several of his publications: "Reinforcing Beliefs" and "How to Make Our Ideas Clear." This philosophical direction was fixed in the United States of America, but only in the 20th century.

Pragmatism as a concept

A pragmatist is a person who has a special worldview and in his view any action and word can be explained with the help of logic.

Different dictionaries interpret it differently. this definition, pragmatism is a special ability to plan and implement all your plans, acting with concentration and purposefulness. The most important thing is not to be distracted, this is a special talent to do everything consistently and according to a plan, not many people can boast of it. A pragmatic person in the modern world is considered a strong personality who has a number of qualities:

  • the ability to manage one's life, making important decisions and not placing all hopes solely on fate;
  • achieves everything himself;
  • carries out competent planning of each of its actions;
  • the goal turns at the output into a result that has its own benefit;
  • a man of action always checks everything in practice, this is his basic principle;
  • does not recognize idealism;
  • skillfully uses his logical mindset.

Another definition characterizes the word "pragmatism" as the ability to plan and try to implement the guidelines chosen in life, while there is maximum focus on business and active movement to the goal. This property characterizes people who are used to everything and always be the first, they confidently go to the intended goal, not paying attention to obstacles.

What is this person?

According to another formulation, a pragmatic person is one who benefits to the maximum from the circumstances that have developed at a given life stage. Each person can learn to set a number of specific goals and find the most real ways enabling you to achieve your goals.

You can pay attention to the fact that each of these definitions for the most part repeats the previous one and we can draw a general conclusion - pragmatists are very purposeful individuals, they are entrepreneurial. Only now society is accustomed to criticizing such people and all because they are the initiators of action. People are jealous that someone was able to achieve his goal, but he is not. But in every society, pragmatists are born who manage to change the course of history.

Types of pragmatism

In the classical sense, a pragmatist is a person who is ready to step over his own ideals and confidently go ahead towards his goal. However, this interpretation is not entirely correct. This character trait may be present in the character of a person, then it is common for her to find in this benefit for herself from what relates to her environment. You can call true pragmatism a special ability to set specific tasks for yourself, try to find right ways and take further action.

In life, pragmatism helps a person to focus on the most important thing, on needs and priorities, every day is a new step towards the cherished goal. Society usually treats pragmatists negatively and unfriendly, although such persons can boast of strong willpower and the ability to navigate and find a way out in any situation.

Is it possible to develop pragmatism?

Quite often, such people are compared with analysts, and such a comparison is completely inappropriate, since these are two different terms. The pragmatist does not collect facts, let alone check them for accuracy. He seeks to test in practice a number of new, experimental ideas. In addition, pragmatists really do not like to mess with papers, he needs an instant result. Any difficult task for a pragmatist is an opportunity to prove himself and as soon as possible, such people take on any work with special diligence and they are 100% sure that they will succeed.

But after all, only the one who sits idly by and waits for someone to do everything for him does not work out, but this does not happen. By the type of their temperament, such people are choleric, they are energetic and ambitious. Ideas can be generated at any time of the day or night, and all this thanks to an incredible amount of energy. Is it good to be pragmatic? You should remember one thing, in any business the measure is important and pragmatism can turn into an excessive hypertrophied version into negative trait with a big disadvantage. For a person who is used to being successful always and in everything, it will not be difficult to achieve the cherished goal of going over their heads.

The result of his efforts may please him, but those around him will obviously not be delighted with such tactics. Many people ask a logical question, is it possible to somehow develop pragmatism? It is necessary to think about the goals, and even better, get a special notebook and fix them. Don't be afraid to make plans for weeks, months and even years ahead. Such tactics will allow you to look for ways to achieve your own goals. Forgotten desires can be turned into reality if they remain relevant to you. To do this, it’s enough just to set a goal for yourself and try to do something every new day to bring it to life.


Pragmatism- a term used in historical science with quite different meanings. The word "pragmatic" (Gr. πραγματιχός ) comes from πραγμα, which means action, action, etc. For the first time, this adjective was applied to history by Polybius, who called it pragmatic history (Greek. πραγματιχή ίστορία ) such an image of the past, which concerns state events, and the latter are considered in connection with their causes, the circumstances accompanying them and their consequences, and the image of events itself aims to teach a certain lesson. Pragmatist- follower, supporter of pragmatism as a philosophical system. On a daily basis: pragmatist- this is a person who builds his own system of actions, deeds and views on life in the aspect of obtaining practically useful results.


When people talk about pragmatic history, they usually have in mind or especially put forward one of three things: either the purely political content of history (state affairs), or the method of historical presentation (establishing a causal connection), or, finally, the purpose of historical representation (instruction). That is why the term Pragmatism suffers from some vagueness.

The central point of Pragmatism can be considered the depiction of precisely human actions in history, even if not exclusively political and not for the sake of teaching, but such that, first of all, their causes and consequences are sought, i.e., motives and goals actors. In this sense, pragmatic history differs from cultural history, which deals not with events that are made up of human deeds (res gestae), but with the states of society in material, mental, moral and social relations, and connects individual facts not as causes and effects, but as different phases in the development of one form or another. From this point of view historical facts can be divided into pragmatic (events and human actions, their components) and cultural (states of society and forms of life), and the historical connection can be either pragmatic (causal) or evolutionary.

According to this understanding, pragmatism in history should be called the study or depiction of a causal relationship that exists between the individual actions of individual historical figures or between entire events in which the actors are not only units, but also entire groups, for example, political parties, social classes, entire states, etc. Such an understanding would not contradict the definition given by Polybius and most historians who used the term pragmatism.

In any case, pragmatism is interested in the person acting in history, her motives and intentions, her character and passions, in a word, her psychology, which should explain her actions: this is the psychological motivation of historical events. The causality that reigns in the world of phenomena manifests itself in different areas of this world in different ways, as a result of which there is a need for special studies of causality (for example, causality in criminal law). In the field of history, this question has been developed very little (see N. Kareev, "The Essence of the Historical Process and the Role of the Personality in History", St. Petersburg, 1890).

The theory of pragmatic history would have to investigate how some events are generated by others, caused by various changes in the volitional sphere of actors under the influence of the action on them of certain events that themselves, in last analysis, the essence is only any actions. Pragmatic history differs from consistent history precisely by penetrating into the inner world of people, with the goal of not only telling an event, but also presenting its direct effect on the thoughts and feelings of contemporaries, and also showing how it itself became necessary due to the existence among the people who committed it, those or other motives and intentions. Wed E. Bernheim, "Lehrbuch der historischen Methode" (1894).

Pragmatism as a philosophical trend of the twentieth century

  • Pragmatism (from the Greek prágma, genitive prágmatos - deed, action), a subjective-idealistic philosophical doctrine. P.'s founder is Charles Sanders Pierce.


As a philosophical trend, pragmatism arose in the last decades of the 19th century. The foundations of the philosophical concept of pragmatism were laid by Charles Pierce.

Pragmatism has become popular since 1906, when a follower of Peirce, William James, gave a course of public lectures that were published under this title.

The third most prominent representative of pragmatism was John Dewey, who developed his own version of pragmatism, called instrumentalism.

Provisions of pragmatism

According to pragmatism, the objectivity of truth as such is denied, and the real truth is that which gives results that are practically useful.

Main directions


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See what "Pragmatist" is in other dictionaries:

    I m. An adherent of pragmatism [pragmatism I]. II m. Representative of pragmatism [pragmatism II]. III m. One who in everything follows narrow practical interests, considerations of benefit and benefit. Explanatory Dictionary of Ephraim. T. F. Efremova. 2000... Modern dictionary Russian language Efremova

    I m. An adherent of pragmatism [pragmatism I]. II m. Representative of pragmatism [pragmatism II]. III m. One who in everything follows narrow practical interests, considerations of benefit and benefit. Explanatory Dictionary of Ephraim. T. F. Efremova. 2000... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language Efremova

    pragmatist, pragmatist, pragmatist, pragmatist, pragmatist, pragmatist, pragmatist, pragmatist, pragmatist, pragmatist, pragmatist, pragmatist (

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Pragmatism is a positive property of a person’s character, persistently pursuing only their own interests, based on personal benefit and benefit. This is the ability to build a system of actions and views on life in selfish interests to achieve one's goals.

Pragmatists are people of a clear logical character. He prefers to live according to the principle that this is useful, and this is harmful. The binary value system works or it doesn't work, it's profitable or not profitable, necessary or useless. Calmly, prudently, without any emotions and saliva, a pragmatic person can cross the line of humanity.

In terms of gender, pragmatism is more characteristic of men. A woman has a more developed cunning mind, which is characterized by dynamism, spontaneity, enthusiasm. Women do not understand the stability and stability of male logic when they are influenced by feelings, a lustful, chaotic, restless mind.

Logic, weighing the situation, analysis and prudence are the eternal companions of Pragmatism. Pragmatists, as a rule, are alien to bias, tendentiousness in judgments. There is a direct benefit from the idea - good, no benefit - bad.

The material result for Pragmatists is the measure of success. Pragmatists prefer to live in the real world, trying to find a solid platform for their views and principles.

Frankness with pragmatic people is dangerous! Show frankness or sincerity with them, you will be disappointed, spears will be put up against you, they will begin to blackmail, manipulate, speculate with your words, turning them against you.

The character of Pragmatists becomes prudent, that is, it shows the qualities of a person who is on his own mind. The pragmatist strives to make the best of what he has.

Pragmatists are businesslike and proactive. They prefer to act realistically in order to achieve a result. Demanding to oneself and others, commitment and responsibility for the assigned work are the usual components of a set of personality traits of a pragmatist.

In Pragmatism there is no pettiness, huckstering, no redneck. Pragmatism is the work of a prudent mind, aimed in all situations to achieve a practically useful result. A pragmatist is a sober calculation. Before buying something, a pragmatist will carefully examine it and study it from all sides.

Pragmatism will never change its serious intentions because of someone's emotions, whims, whims or banal stubbornness.

The pragmatist simply does not understand how one can act if it does not bring any material or moral dividends, does not lead to the realization of the set goals. Accustomed to living with his own mind, he loves specifics, facts proven by his life practice.

Pragmatism, in contrast to commercialism, is considered a positive quality of a person. Commercialism as a quality of a person is an inability to disinterestedness and Love and a tendency to seek profit in any situation, to show excessive petty prudence, turning into bargaining.

This word is usually called the ability of a person to concentrate only on the goal, forgetting about everything that interferes with action. This definition accurately reflects the meaning of the word. This principle of behavior contributes to a more effective implementation of the plans.

Traits of pragmatic people

Many would agree that pragmatists have the following personality traits:

  1. Cynicism. According to public opinion, the pragmatist is constantly evaluating something and thinking about how to benefit from this or that situation.
  2. Distrust. Since pragmatists try to find the most rational way to the intended goal, from the outside it may seem that they are impolite and do not respect the opinions of others. But this opinion is erroneous, since the pragmatist is only looking for the right solution, therefore he is guided only by logic and facts, and not by public opinion.
  3. Selfishness. Despite the fact that almost every person acts in his own interests, the one who openly declares this is considered an egoist. Pragmatists are not more selfish than everyone else, they just do not worry about what opinion this or that act will cause in others.

If we translate all the characteristics from a negative channel, it turns out that a pragmatic person is reasonable and purposeful.

Discipline is also worth noting, because not everyone is able to bring the matter to the end, even under favorable circumstances. From all of the above, we can conclude that pragmatism is adjacent to self-confidence, since without this personality trait, few people are able to succeed in their chosen field of activity.

Many people are not interested in the answer to the question: “What is pragmatism?” They want to know how to cultivate this quality in themselves. This is quite possible if you follow certain rules of conduct. The first thing you need to think about is whether this feature is right for you? Why become a pragmatic person? If the answer to these questions is a vague judgment of success, then you should think more.

Pragmatism is characterized by specific tasks, therefore, in order to have this ability, you must first find a goal. After that, it should be broken down into several tasks, the achievement of which seems possible. If the goal is chosen incorrectly, then it will be very easy to go astray from the intended path.

To become pragmatic, you must learn to observe the following rule: never take another action if the previous one has not yet been completed. Following such a simple principle can already greatly change a person's behavior. You should also pay attention to dreams. Those who have fantastic plans are more likely to get results than those who do not plan at all.

Planning steps

The first thing you need to put in front of you. After that, you need to write it down and specify the conditions for achieving it. To do this, you need to answer a few questions:

  • How long does it take to implement the plan.
  • Who can help.
  • How much money is required for this.
  • What obstacles will be encountered on the way to solving each problem.

You should start with those goals that cause genuine interest. Otherwise, it will be very difficult to do anything. After achieving a few goals, you can realize that many distractions have completely disappeared.

Pragmatism is characterized not only by the ability to plan, but also by the ability to eliminate all distractions. This problem often occurs in people who perform certain actions without outside supervision. At the same time, people can be distracted even when a lot depends on the result of their actions.

A pragmatic person is not distracted by anything, as he looks only at the goal. But what do you do if you can't do it this way? Several tricks can be used:

  1. Rationalization. This method is only suitable for those who can change their behavior after realizing its causes. It is necessary to understand what exactly distracts from the planned actions and when it happens. You should also be aware of the negative consequences of behavior that implies distraction to unimportant things, because pragmatism is a personality trait that completely excludes the influence of extraneous factors.
  2. Deception of consciousness. For those who are used to being guided by emotions, a method that involves a little deception of their own brain is suitable. Subconsciously, any person strives for relaxation and enjoyment. To get started, you can "commit with yourself" that you will do a small part of the work, and then you will rest again. Seeing that there is very little work, the subconscious will “allow” it to be completed without striving for any other activity.

Using the second method, you can notice that you don’t even feel like it, because you begin to understand that there is nothing complicated in it. After a while, you can feel that you don’t want to be distracted or rest at all (if the body does not require it). Starting to rest after the work done, you will feel a stronger satisfaction than from avoiding duties. At the same time, information about what actions led to such satisfaction will remain at the subconscious level.

The combination of these methods with competent planning can turn even a non-initiative person into a person who has pragmatism.