» The system of universal continuous environmental education and upbringing. On the issue of the concept of continuous environmental education. Some forms of extracurricular activities

The system of universal continuous environmental education and upbringing. On the issue of the concept of continuous environmental education. Some forms of extracurricular activities

S.A. Fomenko MOU DOD TsEVD, Strezhevoy
At each new stage of human development, there is a need to educate an environmentally literate citizen who knows general patterns development of nature and society, understanding that the history of society is continuously connected with the history of nature, able to subordinate all types of its activities to the requirements of rational environmental management.
Environmental education should become a continuous process of education, upbringing and personal development, aimed at the formation of a system of scientific and practical knowledge, skills that ensure a responsible attitude to the natural environment and health.
A special role in the implementation of continuous environmental education belongs to institutions of additional education, since they have a flexible system that quickly responds to changes in the individual and educational needs of children. Here it is possible to create conditions for the manifestation and development of individual abilities of students, when the knowledge gained at school becomes personally significant: to assist in social self-determination, in the practical preparation of students for life and professional career in conditions of social change.
The Center for Ecological Education of Children in Strezhevoy created a model of continuous ecological education for the younger generation, the implementation of which gradually forms the ecological culture of the child, which includes: - preschool environmental education for kindergarten students;
environmental education of students in grades 1-4, the so-called "School of early development";
environmental education of students in grades 5-8 - "School of choice";
environmental education of students in grades 9-11 - "Creative laboratory".
The purpose of the system of continuous environmental education and upbringing is the formation of a responsible attitude of each person to the environment and training in the skills of competent decision-making in the process of nature management.
Pedagogical tasks of environmental education:
teaching knowledge about the relationship between the nature of society and man;
formation of practical skills in solving environmental problems;
education and development of value orientation, motives, needs and habits, active protection environment;
development of the ability to analyze environmental situations and assess the state of the environment.
It is the systematic and purposeful research activity of students that expands their horizons, forms practical skills and develops creative skills, helps to better understand practical significance acquired knowledge, causes a steady interest in classes, and also significantly improves cognitive activity.
Preschool and primary school age is considered as a period of accumulation of knowledge about the
rubbing the world based on the emotional perception of nature.
For this purpose, such educational programs are being implemented as: "Nature is our home", "Nature through the eyes of the soul", "Young naturalists", "Young ecologists", "Valeology", KVD "Zyuminka".
In to school age and in primary school Excursions, games, creative tasks related to modeling, drawing, crafts, reading fairy tales, writing fairy tales and stories on an environmental theme contribute to the emotional development of children.
In the environmental education and upbringing of children of this age, the unity of study, play and work is carried out. This contributes to the development of students' skills to express their point of view, to defend it in the discussion. In the process of implementing these programs, much attention is paid to the work of students with special literature under the guidance of teachers, the development of various research methods, and the experience of speaking to an audience is gained.
There is a city ecological conference of research projects "First Steps into the World of Science" aimed at students of primary and secondary levels of the city's schools and pupils of the center. The topics of the work are very diverse: "The influence of detergents and cleaners on the cleanliness of dishes", "Peculiarities of atmospheric breathing of aquarium fish", "Birch tears", "The influence of soil composition on plant growth", "Container compositions in the interior of a school corridor", "Influence different styles of music on animals", etc.
For middle-level students (grades 5-8), the following programs have been developed: "Floriculture - plant growing", "Floriculture", "Landscape architecture", "Phytointerior design", "Phenologists", "Cactus growers", "Ornithologists", "Microbiologists" , "Zoologists", "Aquarists", "Help Yourself", "Wonders of Nature", "Valeology", "Entertaining Biology Hour", "Entertaining Zoology Hour", Ecological Bulletin Press Club, Fairy Flower Theater.
Students are engaged in various associations of ecological interest, deepening and expanding their knowledge in specific areas: floriculture, vegetable growing, arranging and phytodesign, microbiology, zoology, aquarism, local history, human health, etc.
The classes of the associations are held on the basis of the greenhouses of the department of plant growing, in which a collection of exotic plants is collected, on the experimental site there is an arboretum with acclimatized trees and shrubs of 39 species.
The zoological department has exhibition halls: "Aquarium fish farming" (more than 60 species of fish), "Terrarium" (34 species of animals), "Decorative poultry farming" (20 species of birds), as well as rich herbarium material and entomological collections.
The programs, as conceived by the authors, are designed not only to develop knowledge about the interaction between man and nature, but also to contribute to the development of the emotional and volitional spheres of the child. For this, tasks are used that are focused on the personality of the student and cause his empathy, admiration, anxious feelings associated with the state of the environment.
The formation of ecological culture among older schoolchildren (grades 9-11) is carried out on the basis that in the upper grades there is a generalization of environmental knowledge about the subjects of the historical, social science and natural science cycles. It is important to relate the acquired knowledge about environmental issues areas with national and global problems, to identify their common features and characteristics, to compare universal values ​​with the value orientations of students.
At the third stage of environmental education, the program "School of Ecological Knowledge" and individual consultations with members of the scientific society of students are implemented.
The main task of these programs is education environmental responsibility at students. Man's connection with nature and his influence on the world is revealed with the help of such concepts as "value of nature", "anthropogenic factor", "monitoring", "environmental problem".
Preference is given to complex ecological expeditions, raids, hikes, because one of the conditions for the implementation of continuous environmental education is the relationship between theoretical and practical work on the study of the environment.
It should be noted that at all levels of environmental education, an integral component is experimental and research work as the main means of activating cognitive activity students and the formation of ecological thinking.
Students in grades 9-11, members of the "Scientific Society of Students", more and more often when writing scientific research work turn to the social problems of their city, developing the topics: "Problems of landscaping the city of Strezhevoy", "Environment and health of the residents of Strezhevoy", "Urban environment - as a human habitat", etc.
At the same time, practical projects are drawn up for work at the training and experimental site. Thus, over the past 5 years, the project "Cultivation of virgin lilac from seeds in the conditions of the Far North" has been implemented. More than a thousand seedlings were handed over to residents of the city and organizations.
In August 2005, together with the city tourist station, we organized an outbound summer ecological camp at the mouth of the Sterlyadka River (a tributary of the Ob River, Aleksandrovsky District), and in July 2006 an outbound expedition to Goluboe Lake was organized. As a result of the expeditions, a qualitative and quantitative analysis of diseases of tree species, species composition, abundance and projective cover of herbaceous plants and lichens was carried out. Herbarium specimens of plants were collected, passports of water bodies were compiled, passportization of anthills was carried out, and the coastal territory was cleared of debris. The practical skills and knowledge gained by students in the process of preparing and conducting field ecological expeditions are the best way to meet the goals of school and additional education.
Implementation of research work in the organization educational process demanded from the teachers of the Center to revise the content educational programs and to focus on practical activities, as a result of this, from 30 to 50% of the study time is devoted to practical exercises, observations, and experimental work.

Based on the numerous regulatory legal acts that make up a certain subsystem of Russian administrative legislation (according to a number of experts, it is an independent "educational" branch of Russian legislation), environmental education is understood as a continuous process of training, education and development of the individual, aimed at forming a system of scientific and practical knowledge. , value orientations, behavior and activities that ensure a responsible attitude towards the natural environment. The certainty and categoricalness required by law presupposes the gradation of this process and the classification of its individual stages and parts, linking them with environmental protection actions regulated by law.

Environmental education includes environmental education - the process of continuous, systematic and purposeful formation of a moral, humane and careful attitude to nature and moral and ethical standards of behavior in the environment. Apparently, as in many other cases, legal norms that provide proper environmental education are an element in the formation of environmental culture. They, without leaving the mainland of education legislation, become part of the super-branch of Russian law - a comprehensive environmental law that needs to be supported by requirements from other branches of law, not pulling them out of there, but using them to solve the problem of environmental protection on a global scale.

The system of universal and comprehensive environmental education includes preschool and general education; secondary vocational and higher vocational education; postgraduate professional education; professional retraining and advanced training of specialists, subjected to both multilateral and widespread educational activities corresponding detailed legal regulation. The problem is whether the set of specific environmental aspects of this activity is necessary and sufficient to create independent legal requirements, norms and normative acts containing them; for all the importance of this topic, we do not see the necessary amount of material for them.

Of no small importance is family environmental education and upbringing; it can be assumed that, if it is properly formulated and implemented, it can play a decisive role in the formation of environmental culture. Law has little place in the regulation of family environmental education; its inclusion in the general system of environmental education to a greater extent depends on the moral climate and the demographic situation in society, education and environmental education of parents, their interaction with the school, with environmental educational organizations.

The main emphasis of environmental education should be placed on the general education school - compulsory social institution, through which the entire population of Russia passes, and not only children, but also their parents, grandparents. In a number of regions, there is a legalized model of continuous environmental education from grades I to 11, in some educational institutions ecology is stated optionally or additionally. In seven constituent entities of the Russian Federation, ecology has been introduced in schools as a compulsory regional subject. Schools in Moscow study "Ecology of Moscow and sustainable development", Tatarstan - "Earth Charter".

The absence of ecology in the mandatory standard makes it possible to ensure the variability of the subject, its adaptation to local natural conditions, the inclusion of the foundations of ecological culture in biology, geography, chemistry, and the basics of life safety. Environmental education in secondary school, without its direct basic subject, has mobility and flexibility, the ability to respond to changes in the environment natural environment, is interdisciplinary and complex, includes social and economic components.

In 11 constituent entities of the Russian Federation, laws on environmental education have been adopted, and there are numerous regional laws and regulatory legal acts of state executive bodies on targeted programs for the development of environmental education. The relevant laws of the Ulyanovsk region, the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), the Republic of Bashkortostan introduce the concept of "environmental educational minimum" as a way to provide state guarantees for the quality and content of education. In the Law of the Kamchatka region dated October 15, 2002 "On environmental education in the Kamchatka region" it is defined as a mandatory minimum content of basic educational programs in ecology, established as components of state educational standards, which includes the minimum knowledge necessary for society and man about the ecosystem organization of the environment and the use of its resources, the interaction of nature, man and society, environmental problems, the timeliness and sustainable development of the human community at the regional, national and global levels, the danger of losing the quality of the environment suitable for human life, as well as on environmental legislation.

What is important in these laws is not so much the rather debatable and not always complete definitions of concepts and terms that reflect the consolidation of the results of scientific disputes in acts, but the establishment of new legal relations, including the obligations of citizens to master the ecological minimum, the functions of educational institutions, state and municipal bodies for its teaching.

Teaching the basics of environmental knowledge is carried out in accordance with Part 1 of Art. 72 Federal Law on environmental protection, in preschool educational institutions, educational institutions and educational institutions of additional education, regardless of their profile and organizational and legal forms. The universality and complexity of environmental education, permanent change the ecological situation and the means of scientific and technological progress imply the continuity of the teaching of environmental knowledge.

This legislative provision is not supported, as required by the theory of law on the mandatory division of each norm into a hypothesis, disposition and sanction, by legal negative consequences in cases of its non-fulfillment or by incentive measures with the proper implementation of legislative instructions, does not provide for an appropriate mechanism for monitoring and depriving an educational institution of accreditation, licenses in the absence of teaching the basics of environmental knowledge.

When discussing this federal bill, we proposed to strengthen this norm with more categorical prescriptions, in which no agreement was reached due to the absence of such sanctions regarding a number of similar norms in the legislation on education of the Russian Federation. In the environmental law itself, which has been developing for half a century, is "soft" by definition, by designation.

(which is its both positive and negative side), often do not combine the required parts of each rule of law.

The legal framework for teaching the basics of environmental knowledge, along with the above documents, is the Fundamentals of Legislation Russian Federation on culture (approved by the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation of 09.10.1992 No. 3612-1), the Law "On the Mass Media", the Federal Law on Sanitary and Epidemiological Welfare, Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 04.02.1994 No. 236 "On the State Strategy of the Russian Federation for Environmental Protection environment and sustainable development". The concept of the work of state nature reserves and national parks of the Russian Federation on environmental education of the population (approved by the State Committee for Ecology and Rosleskhoz in 1998), the Federal Target Program "Environmental Education and Enlightenment of the Population of Russia in 1997-2010".

The problems of modern teaching of the basics of environmental knowledge as an element of the formation of ecological culture manifest themselves in different ways in different social and age groups of people, which cannot but affect the different legal, albeit insufficient, regulation of this teaching. Identification of individual focus (target) groups of the population involves the use of various organizational, economic and legal mechanisms, due to psychophysical characteristics, living conditions, the amount of previous experience and knowledge. It is customary to see and define the specifics of teaching the basics of environmental knowledge for politicians and managers, the local population of protected areas, entrepreneurs and students, teachers and scientists.

The socio-economic contradiction between the local population and the protected areas lies in the tradition and desire of the former to live as before, in many respects archaic, and the desire of the administration, employees of the latter to limit the usual nature management and to organize ecological tourism. Here the education of patriotism and responsibility, the implementation of employment and economic development programs, the conservation of biodiversity and rare species of animals and plants, and the modernization of life are important.

Wealthy people underestimate the prospects of the environmental direction of their charity, and off-budget financing of the environment seems to be quite relevant, but not implemented. It is important here that authoritative artists, politicians, and cultural figures show their positive experience in this area and promote foreign examples of environmental altruism, purposeful environmental and artistic activity. Law can do little to help here, but it should as a regulator (the main, but not the only one - morality!) of social relations.

Youth, students have enthusiasm, determination, search for the application of their forces, and for environmental purposes this is served by voluntary student teams for nature protection, for the fight against poaching, especially in relation to Christmas trees, ecological expeditions, assistance to zoos, local history museums and botanical gardens, student and school forestries, clubs of ecological interests. Young unspoiled people, brought up by the Russian school, not subjected to legal nihilism and lawlessness by social practices, tend to trust official institutions more, and therefore strive to comply with legal requirements in these areas.

The low social activity of teachers, scientists, employees can be overcome by teaching them methods of conducting classes, supplying intelligible, talented and understandable literature, improving environmental and pedagogical qualifications with additional professional education in courses, seminars, creative workshops, mutual visits to exchange experience. Socially unprotected children, students of correlation schools, disabled people, orphans, who understand that they can "like everyone else" and even better contribute to the conservation of nature, go their own way in the formation of an ecological culture.

Environmental education is associated with national, philosophical, religious traditions, reflected in mass publications. In the Republic of Mordovia, its own textbooks on ecology have been developed; in Khanty-Mansiysk, ecological months are held annually on the basis of educational institutions, industrial enterprises, in public gardens, residential areas, and squares; at the same time, local features are taken into account, flowing into the all-Russian environmental and legal culture.

Since the beginning of the transformation of the country, filling the void in educational work class teachers can be carried out with the help of environmental education. The list of classroom and extracurricular activities can include a wide variety of environmental practical and promotional activities, for which teachers and their wards will never be ashamed. Environmentally oriented teaching of such subjects as philosophy, cultural studies, ethics, sociology, pedagogy, ethnography directly affects the outlook of the younger generation.

The problems of environmental education and teaching the basics of environmental knowledge are environmental stereotypes about endless inexhaustibility and constant self-healing natural resources("enough for our century"), indifference to the state of the natural environment and the fate of subsequent generations ("after us - even a flood"), legal nihilism ("everyone does it"), overestimation of a person's ability to influence the phenomena occurring in the environment (" man is the king of nature"), caused by a lack of understanding of the depth of one's own incompetence.

The difficulties of environmental education as a necessary element in the formation of environmental culture and the development of ways to overcome them are beyond the scope of directly environmental law, but require further reflection in order to find legal means of influencing the activation of these processes necessary for environmental protection.

  • On the way to sustainable development of Russia. 2007. No. 38; Yablokov A. Russia: health of nature and people. M.: Yabloko, 2007.
  • Gazette of the SND and the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. 1992. No. 46. Art. 2615.
  • Sobr. acts of the President and the Government of the Russian Federation. 1994. No. 6. Art. 436.

Sections: Extracurricular work

In the world where we live and work, there is an invariable process of knowledge integration, covering all the sciences of nature and man. However, the knowledge acquired by students at school throughout all the years of study is presented in a fragmented form, not interconnected by general laws. Hence the inability of schoolchildren to combine the acquired knowledge in their minds and make sure that every moment of obtaining knowledge is simultaneously the formation of a holistic picture of ideas about nature. The issue of providing continuous environmental education for students contributes to the implementation of the ideas of an integrated approach to teaching subjects of the natural and mathematical cycle.

Issues related to the education of an environmentally literate personality can be successfully resolved not by the efforts of individual enthusiastic teachers, but only by the systematic work of the entire teaching staff on an interdisciplinary basis, organically included in all elements of the educational process at school. In this regard, since 1997, a creative group of teachers of the natural and mathematical cycle has been created at the school. The goals and objectives of the work of our creative group on the development of ecological culture among schoolchildren are based on the tasks of the school, in which the priority is the environmental and local history direction in education and training.

In the context of a rural school, the relevance of this experience is obvious. The small number of classes, the higher cohesion coefficient of the team of rural schoolchildren compared to urban ones, the great opportunities for practical field research, the convenience of conducting phenological observations create favorable conditions for organizing a targeted educational impact on the personality of the student in order to increase the level of his environmental culture.

The purpose of pedagogical activity: the formation of environmental literacy and culture of the individual, the development of a sense of responsibility among students to solve environmental problems through the unity of upbringing and educational activities.

In organizing work on the development of ecological culture, we adhere to the following definitions of this concept in the methodological literature.

Ecological culture manifests itself in a responsible attitude to nature as a general condition and prerequisite for material production, to the object and object of labor, the natural environment of human life. Different scientists (L.D. Bobyleva, A.N. Zakhlebny, A.V. Mironov, L.P. Pechko) distinguish different components of this quality.

Ecological culture according to A.N. Zakhlebny is the affirmation in the mind and activity of a person of the principles of nature management, the possession of skills and abilities to solve socio-economic problems without harming the environment and human health.

L.P. Pechko believes that ecological culture includes:

the culture of cognitive activity of students in mastering the experience of mankind in relation to nature as a source of material values, the basis of environmental conditions of life, an object of emotional, including aesthetic, experiences. The success of this activity is due to the development of moral personality traits in relation to the natural environment based on the formation of skills to make alternative decisions;

culture of work, formed in the process of labor activity. At the same time, environmental, aesthetic and social criteria are taken into account when performing specific cases in various areas of nature management; culture of spiritual communication with nature. Here it is important to develop aesthetic emotions, the ability to evaluate the aesthetic merits of both the natural and the transformed natural sphere.

Ecological culture, points out L.D. Bobylev, includes the following main components:

  • interest in nature;
  • knowledge about nature and its protection;
  • aesthetic and moral feelings for nature;
  • positive activity in nature;
  • motives that determine the actions of children in nature.

In their work, the creative team adheres to the idea that ecological culture as a quality of a person should be formed in the system continuous environmental education, the main links of which, which have a significant impact on a child at school age, are:

  • family;
  • children's preschool institutions;
  • school;
  • out-of-school educational institutions;
  • media;
  • self-education.

Main directions and types of activity.

Our children visit Kindergarten"The Sun", one of the areas of educational work - is environmental.

  • Ecologization of subjects of the natural-mathematical cycle, at all levels of education
  • A significant part of the organization of continuous environmental education of students, the creative group allocates extracurricular and extracurricular work on environmental activities. The work is based on the author's program "Ecological education of students in extracurricular activities."

The main stages of the implementation of this program:

Classes in circles:

1. Connoisseurs of the native land - Gaitanova N.N.
In the classes of the association "Connoisseurs of the native land" the Geography of the Gus-Khrustalny region program is being implemented, the purpose of which is to develop students' interest in the history and geography and ecology of their region, city, village, to form their knowledge about the features of nature, economy, population, and anthropogenic impact man to nature.

2. Young ecologist - Krylova T.V.
In the classes of the association "Young Ecologist" the program "Young Ecologists of the Native Land" is implemented with the aim of educating children in the need to study and protect the nature of their land; the formation of an ecological concept of the integrity of the natural complexes of the native land, their dynamics and ways of rational use.

3. My friend, computer - Rusakova S.L.
In the classes of the association “My friend, computer”, the use of ICT is introduced in the system of continuous environmental education, which contributes to the rapid adaptation of students to work in the conditions of the modern information society.

4. BIG (biology + computer science + geography).
In the classes of the association, the knowledge of students obtained in the lessons of geography, computer science and physics is integrated.
Leaders: Gaitanova N.N., Rusakova S.L., Krylova T.V.

Some forms of extracurricular activities

1. Organization of excursions for elementary school students.

For example. Excursion to get acquainted with the nature and life of forests, meadows, river floodplains, insects, animals and birds inhabiting them; environmental protection propaganda;

First stop. The hand of friendship is nature.
Second stop. Children are watchers of nature.
Third stop. Let's protect the feathered tribe.
Fourth stop. The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree.
Fifth stop. golden meadow.

2. Organization of excursions and classes in the school room of military glory and local history corner.

3. Events are held under the general name "Open door hour in the physics and chemistry classroom." These are activities run by teachers or high school students for middle school students. Their content is made up of entertaining stories, experiments, quizzes, tricks, poems, sketches related to physics, chemistry, biology, ecology (Winter's Tale, In Defense of Nature, Journey through the seasons).

4. Traditional annual ecological marathon. This project is a comprehensive program - a cycle of creative environmentally-oriented activities of students. The project solves such problems as:

  • awakening in young people an interest in the world around them;
  • informing schoolchildren about the environmental situation in the area;
  • dissemination of ecological links;
  • uniting schoolchildren to solve environmental problems.

The final stage of the marathon is the meeting of the KOAPP. ( Attachment 1 )

5. Organization of a school ecological trail. The purpose of the creation is the organization of educational and educational work on environmental protection, the creation of conditions for the education of a competent culture of human behavior in the environment. Stops:
Grom-Platina River, a swamp, a birch grove, springs and sources of clean drinking water, a forest plantation, the Church of the Transfiguration of the Savior.

6. Work on the creation of school forestry.
Observations in nature are an important step in the development of ecological culture. In the process of observation, the child turns on all analyzers: visual - the child sees the size, color of the object under study; auditory - the child hears the sound of the wind, the splash of water in the river, the sound of raindrops, the rustle of leaves, the murmur of the stream - all this is pleasant for the child's hearing. The taste allows you to subtly distinguish between the sweet taste of honey and the salty taste of sea water, the taste of spring water and meadow strawberries. The sense of touch is the child's second eye. Feeling objects of nature, the child feels all the roughness of the bark of a tree, the smoothness of pebbles, grains of river sand and flakes of cones. And the smells! A sea of ​​scents that excites the child's imagination. The smell of poplar buds after the rain, the smell of spring, the smell of warm earth warmed by the sun. No wonder K.D. Ushinsky wrote that the child "thinks in forms, colors, sounds."
When organizing observations in nature, we use a generalized scheme for examining an object.

An approximate scheme for observing an animal

1) Features of the appearance of the animal as a whole and its individual parts. To highlight the distinctive and similar features of the appearance of the observed object in comparison with another animal of the same type well known to them.
2) Features in the behavior of the animal: habits, movements, voice and other vital manifestations (lifestyle and nutrition in the wild and in captivity). According to these features, compare with the already known same-type animal, distinguishing both similarities and differences.
3) Features and role of this animal in human life.
4) Interpret what is perceived in the light of existing personal experience and knowledge.

7. An important role in environmental education and upbringing of schoolchildren of any age is played by practical, research work in natural conditions. The theoretical knowledge gained by the student in the classroom should become the basis for an independent assessment of the processes and phenomena occurring in nature, for conducting their own research, observations, the ability to generalize the results of their observations, to promote environmentally competent, safe for nature and their own health behavior.

Topics of research work performed by students.

  • The study of the weather according to folk signs.
  • Flora and fauna of NP "Meshchera"
  • Presentation of the project “Red Book Birds of the Meshchera National Park”
  • The kingfisher is the bird of the year.
  • The flag, coat of arms and anthem are the pride of the Russian people.
  • Be glorified by your sons.
  • There are women in Russian villages.
  • History of the Church of the Transfiguration.
  • NP "Meshchera".
  • Study of species of medicinal plants in the vicinity of the village of Aksenovo.
  • Resistance of plants on biohumus and humistar to chemical preparations.
  • Study of anthills in the vicinity of the villages of Maslikha, Red October, Tsikul.
  • Anthropogenic influence on the number of anthills.

8. The study of flora and fauna, soils, water bodies, landscapes of the native land is combined with practical matters of planting trees and shrubs, protecting unique and rare flowers, gardening the classroom and breeding indoor plants, caring for them, cleaning the school grounds, digging lawns, sowing seeds flower and tree-shrub species, caring for plants in the school area (watering, weeding, collecting insect pests), cleaning springs, protecting anthills, feeding birds.

Participation in labor promotions:

  • Garbage is a second life.
  • Green Arrow.
  • Help the birds.
  • Let's keep our land blue and green.

Apparently, now no one doubts that among the global, vital problems facing humanity, the problems of ecology have acquired paramount importance in our days. Chemical, physical and technical pollution of nature threatens the very existence of man. Nevertheless, people can no longer abandon power plants, railways, airplanes, cars ... So the task now is to minimize harmful man-made impacts on the environment and educate society about the specific danger that threatens a person in the air, water, soil, housing. The contradictions between society and nature have now reached not only great severity, but have also moved into a qualitatively new phase: a further increase in anthropogenic pressures can undermine the natural basis of life on the planet, lead to the death of man as a biological species. Only the early formation of a correct, scientifically conscious relationship between man and nature can prevent the growth of harmful factors in the environment and help neutralize them. It is obvious that the role of the school in the formation of ecological consciousness is great, which can and should instill in children a sense of belonging to nature, a sense of its beauty, which does not allow them to treat it in a consumerist, barbaric way, to show soulless carelessness or hardness of heart.

Appendix 2 . Report on the "March of Parks-2008"

3.1. Continuing environmental education

The essence of the concept of "environmental education". In recent years, in Russia and throughout the world, education has been viewed as a fundamental category that performs the function of reproducing social intelligence - science and culture as a whole.

Education can be considered both as a process, and as a result, and as a system. It reflects the process of mastering the system of knowledge, abilities, skills, experience of practical, cognitive and creative activity, as well as the process of formation of value relations, attitudes and beliefs.

Modernization concept Russian education and the National Doctrine of Education in the Russian Federation determine the focus of education on the preservation, dissemination and development national culture, on the upbringing of a careful attitude to the historical and cultural heritage of the peoples of Russia. In addition, these documents clearly indicate the orientation of education towards the education of patriots of Russia, citizens of a legal, democratic state who respect the rights and freedoms of the individual, who have high morality and demonstrate national and religious tolerance.

In Russia, as in other states, in accordance with the decision of the UN Conference on Sustainable Development (1992), the development of a strategy for the country's sustainable development began. Among the main directions of Russia's transition to sustainable development, along with the creation of its legal framework, the development of a system for stimulating economic activity and the establishment of limits on responsibility for its environmental results, the formation of an effective system for promoting the ideas of sustainable development and the creation of an appropriate system of education and training are indicated.

The Law of the Russian Federation “On Environmental Protection” (Article 73) states: “In order to improve the ecological culture of society and professional training of specialists, a system of universal, comprehensive and continuous environmental education and education is being established, covering the entire process of preschool, school education and education, professional training of specialists in secondary and higher educational institutions, improving their skills with the use of the media”.

The Decree of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources of the Russian Federation "On the environmental education of students in educational institutions of the Russian Federation" (1994) clearly identifies its priorities:

Creation of infrastructure to provide a system of continuous environmental education;

Transformation of all training courses in terms of environmentally sound sustainable development;

Filling with real content the concept of "citizen of the planet";

Appeal to environmental globally significant problems;

System creation practical activities students to improve the environment;

Coordination of school and out-of-school education systems; primary, secondary and higher vocational education, environmental education activities of non-governmental organizations;

Training and advanced training of teaching staff on issues of environmental education.

The uniqueness of environmental education lies in the fact that it sets the goals of education in a new way. The most important goal of environmental education is the formation of an ecological culture of the individual and society.

At present, ecological culture is becoming not something desirable, but a strictly obligatory requirement of life in the world community. Introduction to ecological culture is strictly necessary not only for the citizens of each country, but also for humanity as a whole. Ecological culture is the part of the culture that determines the conformity social activities requirements for the viability of the natural environment.

A developed ecological culture implies the ability to appreciate each component of nature and becomes a necessary condition for the preservation and development of modern civilization. It manifests itself as a set of ideological and moral-political attitudes, social and moral values, norms and rules that ensure the sustainable quality of the environment, environmental safety and rational use of natural resources.

In environmental education, the selection of educational content takes place in a new way, since it has the principle of "new synthesis", which has a special methodological significance (i.e., the synthesis of all human knowledge about nature, knowledge on the conservation and optimization of the environment).

Environmental education should be prognostic directed, related to caring for nature and preserving living conditions for future generations of people; it reassesses the effectiveness of educational systems. In addition to knowledge, skills and abilities, the assessment of the results of environmental education should include actions to preserve and improve the quality of the environment, as well as the value attitude of students to nature.

Environmental education as a system is a set of educational programs, state educational standards and educational institutions implementing them.

The structure of the environmental education process. Currently, in the structure of the process of environmental education, the following are conditionally singled out:

Environmental education is a purposeful process, including the formation of a system of general environmental, socio-ecological and applied knowledge, as well as the development of methods and types environmental activities and the ability to apply this knowledge in practice;

Environmental education - the formation of students' attitudes, views, beliefs and norms of behavior, characterized by an emotional and moral, careful and responsible attitude towards nature;

Environmental education is a continuous process of formation of public consciousness of an ecological type based on the activation, expansion and maintenance of interest in environmental problems in society. This is a process of dissemination of environmental knowledge and environmental information, increasing the environmental awareness of the population in matters environmental safety and environmental protection.

Continuous environmental education. It should be noted that in the modern sense, education should accompany the existence of every person throughout his life. Therefore, the concept of " continuing education”, including “continuous environmental education”, aimed at the assimilation of systemic environmental knowledge, skills and abilities of environmental activities and the formation of environmental culture.

Currently, environmental education is carried out in many educational institutions through the introduction of various forms and types of education. The activities of environmental clubs, training centers and circles in the system of additional education for schoolchildren are becoming increasingly important.

Continuous environmental education involves not only the training and education of the individual in educational institutions in the system of preschool, general, secondary and higher professional education, but also advanced training of specialists.