» Activation of cognitive activity of students. Cognitive activity of students Development of cognitive activity of students

Activation of cognitive activity of students. Cognitive activity of students Development of cognitive activity of students

Material overview

Teaching without any interest

and taken only by force of compulsion,

kills in the student the desire for

mastery of knowledge.

Encourage your child to learn

much more worthy task,

than to indulge.

K.D. Ushinsky

Questions students are among the most urgent problems of modern pedagogical science and practice. The implementation of the principle of activity in learning has great importance, because training and development are of an activity nature, and the result of training, development and education of students depends on the quality of teaching as an activity.

The key problem in solving the problem of improving the efficiency and quality of the educational process is activation cognitive activity students. Knowledge obtained in finished form, as a rule, causes difficulties for students in their application to explaining observed phenomena and solving specific problems. One of the significant shortcomings of students' knowledge remains formalism, which manifests itself in the separation of memorized theoretical knowledge from the ability to apply them in practice.

In the context of the humanization of education, the existing theory and technology of mass education should be aimed at the formation of a strong personality capable of living and working in a continuously changing world, able to boldly develop their own strategy of behavior, make a moral choice and bear responsibility for it, i.e. self-developing and self-actualizing personality.

Activation of cognitive activity of students

In modern educational process the forefront is not just the mastery of subject knowledge, skills and abilities by students, the volume of which is constantly growing, but the personality of the student as an active figure with the appropriate structure of the need-motivational sphere. It is the nature of the needs, motives, interests underlying the activity that determines the direction and content of the activity of each individual. At the same time, involvement in cognitive activity, activity, initiative in it, satisfaction with oneself and one's result provide an experience of meaningfulness, significance of what is happening, are the basis for further self-improvement and self-realization of a person.

Education is a strenuous, complex activity in which it is necessary great effort mind, will, imagination, memory. Reflecting all the essential properties of the pedagogical process (two-sidedness, focus on the comprehensive development of the personality, the unity of the content and procedural sides), training at the same time has specific qualitative differences.

cognitive activity- this is the unity of sensory perception, theoretical thinking and practical activities. It is carried out at every step of life, in all types of activities and social relationships of students (productive and socially useful work, value-oriented and artistic and aesthetic activities, communication), as well as by performing various subject-practical actions in the educational process (experimenting, designing , solving research problems, etc.). But only in the process of learning, knowledge acquires a clear form in a special, inherent only to a person, educational and cognitive activity or teaching.

The attitude of students to the learning process is usually characterized by activity.Activity(learning, mastering, content) determines the degree (intensity, strength) of the "contact" of the student with the subject of his activity.

Another important aspect of student learning motivation is directly related to activity - this is independence, which is associated with the definition of the object, means of activity, its implementation by the student himself without the help of adults and teachers. cognitive activity And independence are inseparable from each other: more active students, as a rule, and more independent; insufficient own activity of the student makes him dependent on others and deprives him of independence.

Managing student activity is traditionally referred to as activation. Revitalization can be defined as a constantly ongoing process of encouraging students to energetic, purposeful learning, overcoming passive and stereotyped activities, recession and stagnation in mental work. the main objective revitalization- the formation of students' activity, improving the quality of the educational process.

In pedagogical practice, various ways of activating cognitive activity are used, the main ones among them are a variety of forms, methods, teaching aids, the choice of such combinations of them that, in situations that arise, stimulate the activity and independence of students.

The greatest activating effect in the classroom is given by situations in which students themselves must:

Stand up for your opinion;

Take part in discussions and discussions;

Ask questions to your comrades and teachers;

Review the responses of comrades;

Evaluate the answers and written work of comrades;

Engage in the training of those who are lagging behind;

Explain incomprehensible material to weaker students;

Independently choose a feasible task;

Find several options for a possible solution to a cognitive task (problem);

Create situations of self-examination, analysis of personal cognitive and practical actions;

Solve cognitive problems through the complex application of the methods of solution known to them.

When choosing one or another teaching method, it is necessary, first of all, to strive for a productive result. At the same time, the student is required not only to understand, remember and reproduce the acquired knowledge, but also to be able to operate with it, apply it in practice, develop it, because the degree of learning productivity largely depends on the level of activity of the student's educational and cognitive activity.

It is very important that the educational and cognitive activity of students be creative, exploratory in nature and, if possible, include elements of analysis and generalization. The process of studying this or that phenomenon or problem should by all indications be of a research nature. This is another important principle revitalization educational and cognitive activity: the principle of research of the studied problems and phenomena.

All this requires the use of such forms and methods of teaching, which, if possible, would take into account the individual characteristics of each student, i.e. implement the principle of individualization of the educational process.

Equally important in the educational process is the mechanism of self-control and self-regulation, i. implementation of the principle of self-learning. This principle makes it possible to individualize the educational and cognitive activity of each student on the basis of their personal active desire to replenish and improve their own knowledge and skills, studying independently additional literature, receiving advice.

The activity of both independent and collective activity of students is possible only if there are incentives. Therefore, among the principles of activation, a special place is given to the motivation of educational and cognitive activity. The main thing at the beginning of vigorous activity should not be compulsion, but the desire of the student to solve the problem, to learn something, to prove, to challenge.

Principles revitalization educational and cognitive activity of students, as well as the choice of teaching methods, should be determined taking into account the characteristics of the educational process. In addition to the principles and methods, there are also factors that encourage students to be active, they can also be called teacher's motives or incentives to activate students' activities.

Among the main factors that encourage students to be active are:

The creative nature of educational and cognitive activity in itself is a powerful incentive to knowledge. The research nature of educational and cognitive activity makes it possible to arouse students' creative interest, and this, in turn, encourages them to an active independent and collective search for new knowledge.

Competitiveness is also one of the main motivators for active student activity. However, in the learning process, this can be reduced not only to competition for the best grades, but there may be other motives. For example, no one wants to “lose his face” in front of his classmates, everyone strives to show his best side (that he is worth something), to demonstrate the depth of his knowledge and skills. Competitiveness especially manifests itself in classes conducted in the form of a game.

The playful nature of conducting classes includes both the factor of professional interest and the factor of competitiveness, but regardless of this, it is an effective motivational process of the student's mental activity. A well-organized game lesson should contain a “spring” for self-development. Any game encourages its participant to action.

Considering the above factors, the master can unmistakably intensify the activity of students, since a different approach to classes, and not a monotonous one, will first of all arouse students' interest in classes, students will be happy to go to classes, since it is not possible to predict the master.

The emotional impact of the above factors on the student is exerted by the game, and competitiveness, and the creative nature, and professional interest. Emotional impact also exists as an independent factor and is a method that awakens the desire to actively engage in the collective learning process, interest that sets in motion.

Wide use in modern life causes their active introduction into education. The use of computers in the classroom significantly increases the intensity of the educational process. The personal computer is a unique learning tool due to its functionality. The use of modern computer technology in the educational process is a necessary condition for the modernization of education.

It should be noted that the stage activation of cognitive activity of students in this case increases. This is a necessary condition for the success of learning, since without interest in replenishing the missing knowledge, without imagination and emotions, a student's creative activity is unthinkable.

Problem learning

Learning problems play an active role in learning, the essence of which is to overcome practical and theoretical obstacles in creating such situations in the process of learning activities that lead students to individual search and research activities.

Technology problem learning involves the organization, under the guidance of a master, of independent search activities of students to solve educational problems, during which students form new knowledge, skills, abilities, develop abilities, cognitive activity, curiosity, erudition, creative thinking and others personal qualities. Problem situation includes the emotional, search and volitional side. Its task is to direct the activity of students to the maximum mastery of the material being studied, to provide the motivational side of the activity, to arouse interest in it. Problematic tasks can be educational tasks, questions, practical tasks.

PProblem-based learning comes in three main forms:

1. Problem statement. The teacher poses a problem and reveals ways to solve it, demonstrates to students the course of scientific thinking, forcing them to follow the progress of thought towards the truth, makes students, as it were, an accomplice in scientific search.

2. Partial search activity. The work of students is guided by special questions that encourage independent reasoning, an active search for answers to a separate part of the problem.

3. Research activities. The student's independent search for a solution to the problem.

The essence of problem-based learning lies in the collision of students with educational and production situations and placing them in these situations in the position of "pioneers", "researchers".

In preparation for the lesson it is necessary to model different variants of individual moments of the lesson, aimed at shaping the mental activity of students. In the study and formation of thinking, the importance of standard models is especially great, using which the master can predict various situations, for example, such as a model of the quality of knowledge in their relationship with the levels and stages of mental activity. They help in planning the goals and objectives of the lesson. The master, preparing for classes, thinks about what opportunities the educational material presents for the development of students' thinking and how they can be realized in this lesson. For example, by colliding and comparing conflicting opinions, the master creates a problem situation. There is a positive motivational background, it makes students compare, prove, defend their position.

In the modern theory of problem-based learning, two types of problem situations are distinguished: psychological And pedagogical. The first concerns the activities of students, the second represents the organization of the educational process.

Methodological techniques for creating problem situations:

- bring students to the contradiction and invite them to find a way to solve it;

- express different points of view on the same issue;

- invite students to consider the phenomenon from different positions (for example, a leader, a secretary, a lawyer);

- encourage students to make comparisons, generalizations, conclusions from the situation, compare facts;

- raise specific questions (for generalization, justification, concretization, logic, reasoning);

- identify problematic theoretical and practical tasks;

- set problematic tasks (for example, with insufficient or redundant initial data, with uncertainty in the formulation of the question, with conflicting data, with obviously made mistakes, with limited solution time).

To implement a problematic technology, it is necessary:

- selection of the most relevant, essential tasks;

- determination of the features of problem-based learning in various types of educational work;

- building an optimal system of problem-based learning, creating training and teaching aids and guides;

- the skill and personal approach of the master of industrial training, capable of causing active cognitive activity of students.

Pedagogical problem situationis created with the help of activating actions, questions of the master, emphasizing the novelty, importance, beauty and other distinctive qualities of the object of knowledge. Creationpsychological problem situationpurely individual. Neither too difficult nor too easy cognitive task creates a problem situation for students.Problem situationscan be created at all stages of the learning process: during explanation, consolidation, control. Creating a problem situation, the master directs students to solve it, organizes the search for a solution. Thus, the student is placed in the position of the subject of his learning and as a result he develops new knowledge, he masters new ways of acting.

business game

The main goal of industrial training is the practical training of students in professional productive work, i.e. expedient human activity to create material values. High-quality professional training of young specialists in modern market conditions is one of the most important factors that ensure the acceleration of the country's economic development.

Having knowledge does not mean being able to use it. The gap between theory and practice arises because studying proccess mainly focused on the accumulation of information. In this regard, active teaching methods are needed that would make it possible to teach practical work even before the real situation comes, to teach such experience that cannot be expressed in words and which is acquired in the process of action, participation, decision-making, discussions.

In order to attract students to work, to interest them, it is necessary to activate the mental and cognitive activity of students. Active, non-standard forms and teaching methods. A non-standard, or innovative, lesson is an activity that has a non-traditional, flexible structure and is mainly focused on increasing students' interest in learning through a new form of organizing their educational activities.

According to the form of conducting, the following groups of non-traditional lessons can be distinguished:

- lessons based on the forms, genres and methods of work known in social practice: research, invention, interview, reporting;

- lessons reminiscent of public forms of communication: press conference, discussion, teleconference, dialogue, "live newspaper";

- fantasy lessons: fairy tale lesson, surprise lesson;

- lessons based on imitation of the activities of institutions and organizations: court, investigation, academic council.

In the process of training specialists, including secretaries, the effectiveness of training is significantly increased when using business games. Games allow you to add variety, affect the development of the creative potential of the student.

There are the following types of games:

a) Organizational and activity.

They provide for collective mental activity based on the deployment of the content of education in the form of a system of problem situations and the interaction of all subjects of education in the process of their analysis. Students get acquainted with the situation, with a set of interrelated facts and phenomena that characterize a specific event that occurs before a specialist in his professional practice and requires him to make an appropriate decision, students offer their solutions in a given situation, which are collectively discussed.

b) Role playing.

They are characterized by the presence of a task or problem and the distribution of roles between the participants in its solution, i.e. it is the creation of a situation in which the participants take on a certain role.

in) business games.

They are simulations of real activities, such as professional, political, social, technical, etc.

d) Cognitive - didactic games.

They create situations that include the student in an unusual game situation, in the "living" of the situation.

So what is a game? A game- a type of activity in the conditions of situations aimed at recreating and assimilating social experience, in which self-management of behavior is formed and improved. Along with hard work and study a game- one of the main types of human activity, an amazing phenomenon of our existence.

Game activity performs the following functions:

- entertaining(the main function of the game is to entertain, give pleasure, inspire, arouse interest);

- game therapy:overcoming various difficulties arising in other types of life;

- diagnostic:identification of deviations from normative behavior, self-knowledge during the game;

- correction function:making positive changes in the structure of personal indicators.

Business games in industrial training (games of educational and industrial nature) - a method of group training of joint activities in the process of solving general and specific practical problems, as close as possible to real problem situations. Business games reproduce the actions of participants seeking to find the most optimal ways to solve production, technical, socio-economic, and managerial problems.

The business game is used to solve complex problems, assimilate new things, consolidate the material covered, develop creative abilities, and enables students to understand and study educational material from various positions.

The use of gaming forms of learning allows you to significantly revise the knowledge control procedure. Game situations develop in students the ability to critically assess another, existing production, the ability to find solutions to improve it and are an incentive to intensify students' independent work to acquire professional knowledge, skills and abilities. And in this regard, one should not forget that it is very important for the master of industrial training to help communication between students during the game.

The master of industrial training is the organizer of game situations, and here his organizational skills and the ability to be able to direct the game in the right direction, giving it excitement, interest and helping students to correctly resolve the momentary situation, should be manifested. The game pace also depends on the master. He must be able to clearly and clearly state the conditions of the game, organize a quick distribution of gaming equipment.

For me, it is most interesting to hold various competitions between students divided into teams. Working in a team, each student feels responsible for doing their job, because. when calculating points, the result of each team member is taken into account. Students try to express themselves, show their way of thinking, the ability to defend their point of view. Lessons-competitions help develop attention, memory, speech, thinking; allow you to compare, contrast, find analogies; develop creative abilities, the ability to find optimal solutions; develop motivation for learning activities. During the competition, students develop certain approaches to completing tasks; independence, the will to win is brought up; there is an upbringing of cooperation, sociability, sociability, the ability to work in a team, respect for an opponent.

It is known that any competition has elements of competitiveness, so it is necessary to be able to properly develop and maintain the spirit of the competition. This largely determines the result of the game, which should be aimed at collective, and not at individual competition.

The use of information and communication technologies to enhance the cognitive activity of students

Application of the latest toolsinformation and communication technologiesare becoming increasingly important in education. These technologies have a wide range of opportunities to stimulate cognitive interest students, and, therefore, to increase the effectiveness of the learning process.

Thus, practical experience in implementing the possibilities of information and communication technologies in the learning process is in demand And promising.

ICT is defined as "a set of methods, production processes and software and hardware integrated for the purpose of collecting, processing, storing, distributing, displaying and using information for the benefit of its users."

Modern information tools play the role of channels for transmitting thoughts, feelings, emotions of their creators to the trainees and serve as channels for the trainees to present their own judgments, to realize the products of their creative activity.

Working in a didactic information environment, the student is interested not only in the final results of the activity, but also in the activity itself. The highest form of development of cognitive interest in teaching with the use of electronic learning tools is interest in productive activities, independent creativity. Such interest is formed purposefully in the joint activities of all subjects of the educational process.

The following ICT opportunities are distinguished that contribute to the development of students' cognitive interest:

Psychophysiologically oriented learning where ICT provides multiple channels for presenting information and creates conditions conducive to its perception and memorization;

- visual representation of various kinds of processes, phenomena, events, dependencies, theoretical concepts;

Modeling with the help of ICT allows you to study an object or phenomenon in various conditions, from different points of view, influencing all the human senses and forming a colorful, three-dimensional image of the object under study, associative links that contribute to better assimilation of the material;

The ability to increase the degree of consideration of ergonomic requirements for educational materials: you can choose the size, type of font, place in the text not only pictures, but also sound fragments, video;


Student-centered learning: a student can recreate any text from the network, selecting the necessary arguments, building them into a certain evidence logic that reflects his own point of view, his way of thinking;

Orientation to the individualization of learning in the conditions of collective activity;

The optimal pace of learning, control and adjustment of the progress of assimilation by students educational material. The result of the work is visible directly in the lesson, the student gets the opportunity to implement their own methods and techniques of work;

Educational opportunities: accustom to accuracy, attention, clarity, develop the ability to plan their activities, make responsible decisions;

Orientation to the cognitive motives of the trainees (in contrast to the traditional achievement motivation);

Allows you to focus on mastering the most complex topics and concepts.

The specificity of the computer as a learning tool is associated with its characteristics such as complexity, versatility, interactivity. Using a computer, you can organize individual, pair and group forms of work in the lesson. However, it must be remembered that a computer cannot replace a teacher in a lesson. It is necessary to carefully plan the time of working with the computer and use it exactly when there is a real need for it.

Currently, multimedia technologies are widely used. The term "multimedia" means: many media. Such information media are: text, sound, video. Software products that use all these forms of information presentation are called multimedia.

A multimedia presentation most optimally and effectively corresponds to the triune didactic goal of the lesson:

- educational aspect: students' perception of educational material, comprehension of connections and relationships in the objects of study;

- developmental aspect: development of cognitive interest in students, the ability to generalize, analyze, compare, activate creative activity students;

- educational aspect: the upbringing of a scientific worldview, the ability to clearly organize independent and group work, the upbringing of a sense of camaraderie, mutual assistance.

Work in a computer network leads to the expansion of contacts, opportunities for the exchange of socio-cultural values, the development of imagination processes, intensive study foreign languages, overcoming the communicative deficit, exchange of situational emotional states and a number of other positive effects.

Another example of using a computer is control acquired knowledge. Computer testing in itself is unconventional, because we are all accustomed to paper tests. Compared with traditional forms Control computer testing has a number of advantages:

Fast results;

Objectivity in the assessment of knowledge;- develop a creative approach to the world,

Computers serve as a tool to save time and make work more efficient: search for information, solve more problems (and reduce homework), analyze results, take advantage of computer graphics capabilities, help develop students' interest in the subject being studied, stimulate cognitive and creative activity and independence of students, the formation of communication skills, ensuring objective control of knowledge, the quality of assimilation of the material by students, etc.

Thus, new Information Technology , applied methodically competently, increase the cognitive activity of students, which undoubtedly leads to an increase in the effectiveness of training.


On the present stage education development problemactivation of cognitive activityof students is of particular importance in connection with the high rates of development and improvement of science and technology, the need of society for educated people who are able to quickly navigate the environment, think independently and free from stereotypes.

The fulfillment of such tasks becomes possible only in conditions of active learning that stimulates the mental activity of students. Active learning , which is carried out with the help of active methods, contributes to the formation of cognitive interest in the acquisition of knowledge and learning activities.

Methods for enhancing cognitive activity: arm with knowledge, skills and abilities; contribute to the education of the worldview, moral, aesthetic qualities of students; develop their cognitive powers, personal formations (activity, independence, cognitive interest); identify and realize the potential of students; involved in research and creative activities.

Thus, it can be concluded that for successful learning it is necessary to arouse students' interest in mastering knowledge.

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Pedagogical article on the topic: "Formation cognitive activity junior schoolchildren».

The problem of the formation of cognitive activity of younger students in the learning process is one of the most important in modern pedagogical science, because. the improvement of the quality of education, the motivation of students to achieve educational and creative results largely depends on its resolution. Cognitive activity is studied by psychologists and educators from various angles, but any study is considered as part of the general problem of education and development. Today, the problem of interest is increasingly being studied in the context of a variety of student activities, which allows creative teachers and educators to successfully form and develop the interests of students, enriching the personality, and cultivating an active attitude to life. Cognitive activity is an active orientation associated with a positive emotionally colored attitude to the study of a subject with the joy of learning, overcoming difficulties, creating success, with self-expression of a developing personality (I.V. Metelsky). Cognitive activity is a selective orientation of a person, turned to the field of knowledge, to its subject side and the very process of mastering knowledge (G.I. Shchukina).
Levels of cognitive activity of students.

Zero level - the student is passive, reacts poorly to the requirements of the teacher, does not show a desire to independent work, prefers the mode of pressure from the teacher.

Low level - reproducing activity.
It is characterized by the student's desire to understand, remember and reproduce knowledge, to master the method of its application according to the model. This level is characterized by the instability of the student's volitional efforts, the students' lack of interest in deepening knowledge, and the absence of questions like: "Why?"
The middle level is interpretive activity.
It is characterized by the student's desire to identify the meaning of the content being studied, the desire to know the connections between phenomena and processes, to master the ways of applying knowledge in changed conditions.
A characteristic indicator: greater stability of volitional efforts, which is manifested in the fact that the student seeks to complete the work he has begun, does not refuse to complete the task in case of difficulty, but looks for solutions.
High level - creative.
It is characterized by interest and desire not only to penetrate deeply into the essence of phenomena and their relationships, but also to find a new way for this purpose.
At the heart of the structure of the general intellectual development younger children school age there are certain principles for the successful implementation of cognitive activity:
- the principle of subjectivity - the maximum assistance of the teacher to the development of the child's ability to realize his own "I" in relationship with other subjects of the community and the world as a whole;
- the principle of independence, due to the form of an active attitude to the material being studied. The cognitive independence of a younger student is a complex of the following qualities: interest in cognitive activity, emotional and volitional orientation, development of cognitive activity, the ability to analyze and correct work, the ability to use existing knowledge and skills in a new situation, the ability to find additional information, etc.;
- the principle of creativity, which helps not only the active perception of educational material by students in the process of its presentation by the teacher, but also its creative transformation.
- the principle of orientation towards self-realization, including the provision of psychological comfort in the classroom; creation of dialogue relations teacher-student; reliance on the personal experience of students as one of the sources of activation of cognitive activity; individualization and differentiation of education; consideration of emotions and value orientations students; constant stimulation of cognitive activity and creative independence, etc.
- principle pedagogical support- special system pedagogical activity which reveals the individual potential of each student as a process of jointly with the child determining his own interests, goals, opportunities and ways to overcome obstacles (problems) that prevent him from achieving the desired results in learning, self-education, communication, and a healthy lifestyle.
The formation and development of cognitive activity in younger students is favored by the following conditions: diversity, emotionality, brightness of educational material, its feasibility and expediency, connection with previously acquired knowledge, frequent checking and evaluation of schoolchildren's work, their involvement in the process of independent search, solving problems of a problematic nature and others
Cognitive activity is traditionally understood as all kinds of active attitude to learning as to knowledge; the presence of significance for the child of teaching as knowledge; all kinds of cognitive motives (the desire for new knowledge, the means of acquiring it, the desire for self-education); goals that realize these cognitive motives and serve their emotions.
Having studied the problem of enhancing the cognitive activity of younger students in the educational process on the basis of theoretical facts and the results of their application in practice, we were convinced that this problem is relevant in modern school. The most effective ways and means for the development of cognitive activity are entertaining exercises. Cognitive activity with the right pedagogical organization activities of students and systematic and purposeful educational activities can and should become a stable feature of the student's personality and has a strong influence on his development.
Cognitive activity is aimed not only at the process of cognition, but also at its result, and this is always associated with the desire for a goal, with its realization, overcoming difficulties, with volitional tension and effort. cognitive activity is not the enemy of volitional effort, but its faithful ally. Interest includes, therefore, volitional processes that contribute to the organization, flow and completion of activities. When the teacher takes into account the type of temperament, the student develops cognitive activity more and, as a result, more productive assimilation of the material occurs.

Development of cognitive activity of students

Improving the quality of students' knowledge is one of the urgent problems at the present stage of development pedagogical theory and practices. For students to successfully acquire knowledge, skills and abilities, it is necessary to increase the level of student activity in the learning process.

Even Ya. A. Comenius wrote: "... by all possible means it is necessary to ignite in children an ardent desire for knowledge and learning." K. D. Ushinsky warned that "teaching, devoid of any interest and taken only by force of coercion, kills in the student the desire for learning, without which he will not go far." What is meant by student activity? T.I. Shamova gives the following definition:"Cognitive activity is the quality of a person's activity, which is manifested in the student's attitude to the content and process of activity, in his desire to effectively master knowledge and methods of activity in the optimal time, in the mobilization of moral and volitional efforts to achieve educational and cognitive goals."

Distinctive features of cognitive activity are the originality of thinking, the ability to find non-standard, unlike other solutions. According to S.L. Rubinshtein, the cognitive abilities of children can develop only if knowledge is actively acquired by the student himself, and not given in finished form.

ultimate goal the development of cognitive activity of younger schoolchildren, the priority of the student's personality, is proclaimed.

The main directions of development of cognitive activity of younger students are reflected in the concepts and theories of the 60-80s of the XX century:

  1. The theory of the phased formation of mental actions by P.Ya. Galperin - N.F. Talyzina(characterizes the mental development of younger students and orients them to the invariant (invariant part) of the system, which contributes to independent analysis, solving problems by the student himself, bypassing the study of each element of the system)
  2. The concept of developing education L.V. Zankova(aimed at previously intensified general psychological development of the personality)
  3. The system of developing education by D.B. Elkonin - V.V. Davydova(aimed at the development of theoretical consciousness and thinking)
  4. Educational system of I.S. Yakimanskaya(aimed at the development of individual cognitive abilities of each child, at self-knowledge as a person)

The main characteristics of cognitive activity are:

  1. the natural desire of the student for knowledge;
  2. positive attitude towards learning;
  3. active cognitive activity aimed at understanding the subject of activity and achieving a result that is significant for the child.

Most modern psychological and pedagogical concepts consider activity as a multilevel phenomenon. The following levels of cognitive activity of students are distinguished.

  1. reproducing activity.

It is characterized by the student's desire to understand, remember and reproduce knowledge, to master the method of its application according to the model. This level is characterized by the instability of the student's volitional efforts, the students' lack of interest in deepening knowledge, the absence of questions like: "Why?"

  1. interpretive activity.

It is characterized by the student's desire to identify the meaning of the content being studied, the desire to know the connections between phenomena and processes, to master the ways of applying knowledge in changed conditions. A characteristic indicator: greater stability of volitional efforts, which is manifested in the fact that the student seeks to complete the work he has begun, does not refuse to complete the task in case of difficulty, but looks for solutions.

  1. Creative.

It is characterized by interest and desire not only to penetrate deeply into the essence of phenomena and their relationships, but also to find a new way for this purpose. A characteristic feature is the manifestation of high volitional qualities of the student, perseverance and perseverance in achieving the goal, broad and persistent cognitive interests. This level of activity is provided by excitation high degree discrepancies between what the student knew, what was already encountered in his experience and new information, a new phenomenon. Activity, as the quality of an individual's activity, is an essential condition and indicator of the implementation of any learning principle.

Manage student learningallow the following


  1. At the stage of perceptionstudied material:

a) acceptance of novelty - inclusion in the content of the educational material of interesting information, facts, historical data;

b) semantization technique- it is based on the arousal of interest due to the disclosure of the semantic meaning of words;

in) reception of dynamism- creation of an installation for the study of processes and phenomena in dynamics and development;

G) acceptance of significance- creating an attitude to the need to study the material in connection with its value

2. At the stage of assimilationthe material being studied.

but) heuristic trick- difficult questions are asked and with the help of leading questions lead to an answer.

b) research technique- students on the basis of observations, experiments, analysis of literature, solving cognitive problems should formulate a conclusion.

3. On stage playbackacquired knowledge.

Acceptance of naturalization- performance of tasks using natural objects, collections.

Methods and conditions conducive to the development of cognitive

activities of a younger student in the classroom:

Ensuring the children's internal acceptance of the goal of the upcoming work, i.e. ensuring an understanding of why it is necessary to do this, what expected result to focus on.

Exclusion of superficial assessment of the results of previous work and at the time of updating knowledge;

Combining various forms of organization of educational work, determining their place at each stage of the lesson

Discussion of the results of activities and the use of exercises and tasks invented by the children themselves;

Teaching younger students rational ways of mental work;

Emotional saturation of the lesson, the creation of a benevolent emotional background in the work of the teacher and students.

Stimulation and encouragement of the very acts of cognitive activity of students by the teacher;

At each lesson, the child should be given the opportunity to express his attitude to what is happening (development of reflection), in order to realize the significance of the achieved result of the activity;

Organization homework on the principle of independence and the possibility of using the acquired knowledge in communication with peers;

Classes should be built taking into account the individual and age characteristics of children. This will help to correctly determine the volume and content of educational material, develop adequate methods, teaching aids, outline ways for an individually differentiated approach to students of various groups in learning conditions.

At present, it is advisable for schools to apply a number ofactive methodstraining, activating the activity of trainees. Among them are the following:

1. Problem-based learning (problem method)

2. game forms learning (game method)

3. Discussion (method of discussion)

  1. Problem learning- this is a type of developmental education, which combines the systematic independent search activity of students with the assimilation of ready-made conclusions of science, and the system of methods is built taking into account goal-setting and the principle of problematicity; the process of interaction between teaching and learning is focused on the formation of cognitive independence of students, the stability of learning motives and mental (including creative) abilities in the course of mastering scientific concepts and methods of activity.

The emergence of problem situations and search activities of students in the classroom is not possible in every situation. It is, as a rule, possible in such types of educational and cognitive activity of students as: solving ready-made non-standard tasks; preparation of tasks and their implementation; logical text analysis; student research; essay, etc. Therefore, the creation by the teacher of a chain of problem situations in various types of educational activities of students and the management of their mental (search) activities for the assimilation of new knowledge by independently (or collectively) solving educational problems is the essence of problem-based learning. In order to create a problematic situation, students should be given a task that requires the discovery of new knowledge and the acquisition of new skills.

1. The task must correspond to the intellectual capabilities of the student. The degree of difficulty of the problem task depends on the level of novelty of the teaching material and on the degree of its generalization.

2. The problematic task is given before the explanation of the material to be learned.

3. The same problem situation can be caused by different types of tasks.

  1. Game teaching method

The game form of classes is created by game motivation, which acts as a means of inducing, stimulating children to learning activities. The implementation of game techniques and situations in the classroom takes place in the following main areas:

  1. the didactic goal is set for students in the form of a game task;
  2. educational activity is subject to the rules of the game;
  3. educational material is used as its means;
  4. in learning activities an element of competition is introduced, which translates the didactic task into a game one;
  5. successful completion of the didactic task is associated with the game result.
  1. Discussion as a method of active learning

A discussion is a public discussion or a free verbal exchange of knowledge, judgments, ideas or opinions about any controversial issue or problem. Its essential features are the combination of complementary dialogue and discussion-dispute, the clash of different points of view and positions.

Principles of organization of the discussionare promoting the emergence of alternative opinions, ways to solve the problem, constructive criticism, ensuring the psychological security of participants.

In order for the discussion to be effective, the participants need to have certain basic knowledge. This may be knowledge transferred through instruction, or previously acquired, related to experience gained before the start of the lesson, or based on information presented during the lesson.

Discussion Benefits:

  1. discussion provides an active, deep, personal assimilation of knowledge;
  2. can have a much longer-term effect, especially when the material being discussed goes against the mindset of some group members or involves issues that are uncomfortable or controversial;
  3. active, interested, emotional discussion leads to a meaningful assimilation of new knowledge, can make the child think, change or revise his attitudes;
  4. During the discussion, active interaction of students is carried out.
  5. active participation in the discussion liberates students, develops communication skills, builds self-confidence;
  6. the discussion provides insight into how well the group understands the issues being discussed, and does not require the use of more formal evaluation methods; it also gives group members a chance to test their beliefs and attitudes by putting them to the test.

An integral part of any discussion is the procedure of questions and answers. Each type of question plays an important role in the discussion, and each has its own characteristics. A skillfully posed question allows you to get additional information, clarify the position of the speaker, direct the discussion in the right direction, and increase attention.

So, distinctive feature of the entire group of active methods, firstly, is that training is carried out in situations as close as possible to real ones, allowing the material to be learned to be introduced into the goal of the activity, and not into the means, and secondly, not only the generalization of knowledge is carried out, but and training in the skills of practical use, which in turn requires the formation of certain psychological qualities of specialists, and finally, thirdly, the formation of a new, emotional mindset for learning in the process of collective creative work is organized.


  1. The effective development of creative cognitive activity of students is ensured by their joint activities with the teacher during the educational process.
  2. Activation of the learning process involves the participation of all students in the learning process, which should be motivated and interesting enough.
  3. Active learning methods can enhance the process of understanding, assimilation and creative application of knowledge. Among them are the problematic method, the game method, the discussion method.
  4. In lessons using active methods, the student becomes an active, interested, equal participant in learning. It departs from standard thinking, a stereotype of actions, which allows developing the desire for knowledge, creating motivation for learning. Having mastered these techniques, students become more independent in solving various educational tasks, they can rationally organize their activities to assimilate new knowledge, apply this knowledge in life.


  1. Babansky Yu.K. Problem-based learning as a means of improving the effectiveness of schoolchildren's learning. - Ed. 2nd, rev. and additional - Rostov-on-Don, 2000.- 505 p.
  2. Ilyina T. A. Pedagogy: a course of lectures: tutorial for students of pedagogical int. - M .: Education, 1984
  3. Kudryavtsev T.V. Problem-based learning: origins, essence, perspectives. - M.: Knowledge, 2001. - 85 p.
  4. Levites D.G. Teaching practice: modern educational technologies. - Voronezh, 1998. - 226 p.
  5. Pedagogy. Textbook for students of pedagogical universities and pedagogical colleges / Ed. P.I. Pidkasistogo. - M.: Pedagogical Society of Russia, 1998. - 640s.
  6. Pedagogy: textbook for students ped. in-tov / Ed. Babansky Yu.K. - M.: Enlightenment, 1988.
  7. Pedagogy: Proc. allowance for students ped. in-t on spec. “Pedagogy and methodology early. classes”/S.P. Baranov, L.R. Bolotina, V.A. Slastenin and others; Ed. S.P. Baranova, V.A. Slastenina, - 2nd ed., add.-M .: Education, 1986.-336 p.
"Formation of cognitive activity of students in the classroom."

According to the standards of the second generation, it is very important to develop the ability to learn in younger students, that is, to form universal learning activities. Today primary education It is called upon to solve its main task: to lay the foundation for the formation of a child's educational activity - a system of educational and cognitive motives, the ability to accept, maintain, implement educational goals, plan, control and evaluate educational activities and their results. Cognitive activity makes you look for and find solutions to problems in the reality surrounding the child, which, at first glance, seem insoluble. The cognitive activity of a person is not an invariable hereditary property of a personality, therefore, while working on its formation and development in students, I studied and analyzed the conditions that contribute to its development and activation in a younger student:

Ensuring the children's internal acceptance of the goal of the upcoming work, i.e. ensuring an understanding of why it is necessary to do this, what expected result to focus on;

Exclusion of superficial assessment of the results of previous work and at the time of updating knowledge;

Combining various forms of organizing educational work, determining their place at each stage of the lesson;

Discussion of the results of activities and the use of exercises and tasks invented by the children themselves;

Teaching younger students rational ways of mental work;

The emotional saturation of the lesson, the "excitement" of the teacher himself (creation of a benevolent and emotional background in the work of the teacher and students; positive emotions experienced by children in the learning process stimulate their cognitive activity);

Stimulation and encouragement of the very acts of cognitive activity of students by the teacher;

At each lesson, the child should be given the opportunity to express his attitude to what is happening (development of reflection) in order to realize the significance of the achieved result of the activity;

Organization of homework on the principle of independence and the possibility of using the acquired knowledge in communication with peers.

Each pedagogical technology should have an inherent reliance on a certain scientific concept. The process of cognition in younger schoolchildren is not always purposeful, mostly unstable, episodic. Therefore, it is necessary to develop cognitive interest, activity of a younger student in various activities. The need to intensify cognitive activity is dictated by the increased requirements for upbringing and education. The work on this problem prompted the search for such forms of education, methods and techniques that make it possible to increase the efficiency of the assimilation of subject knowledge, help to recognize in each student his individual characteristics and, on this basis, instill in him the desire for knowledge and creativity. I am convinced that this is possible only with a holistic approach to learning activities.

Technologies used in the work:
- technology of problem learning;
- gaming technology;
- ICT;
- health-saving technologies.
- explanatory and illustrative;
- reproductive;
- research;
- problem presentation;
- search
- project method.
Forms of work:
- general class;
- steam room;
- individual.
Means of activity:
- dictionaries and encyclopedias;
- technical and electronic means of teaching and monitoring students' knowledge;
- handout and didactic material;
- printed manuals;
- presentation ikt.

The problem of the development of cognitive activity in various aspects was considered in various works of teachers and psychologists. It was reflected in the works of B.V. Ananiev, A.L. Leontiev, L.I. Bozhovich, G.I. Shchukina, N.G. Morozova, V.A. Krutetsky.

The most complete coverage of the available approaches to the problem of the formation of cognitive activity was received in the works of G.I. Shchukina, where the problem was studied on a general didactic scale, and Shamova T.I.

In the works of scientists-teachers, the structure of the cognitive activity of the student, its functions, methods and techniques of activation, criteria and levels of cognitive activity and independence were considered.

In order to develop the cognitive activity of a younger student, funds can be used.

1. The technology of problem-based learning allows you to form the cognitive interests of students. The means of creating any problem situation in the educational process is educational problems (problem task, problem task, problematic issue). Each learning problem implies a contradiction. Problem-dialogical learning involves the use of individual, pair, frontal forms of learning

2. Gaming technology. After all, the transition from gaming to learning is very painful. It is difficult for children to concentrate their attention, they still do not have a purposeful activity for learning, and fatigue increases. In my practice I use a variety of subject didactic games: for example, “Russell animals into houses”, “Whose cubs?”, “Fisherman”, “Funny score”, “Which word is superfluous?”, “Chain of words”, “Name it in one word” ,

For the development of cognitive interest in students, you can use entertaining material: riddles, proverbs, rebuses, crossword puzzles, tasks in verse, puzzles, tasks for intelligence, logic. Children are happy to solve these creative tasks. The horizons are expanding, the speech of children is developing and enriching.

3. Modern means the formation of a stable positive motivation for teaching consider the use of information and communication technologies. Their active implementation in various lessons in primary school contributes, firstly, to the conscious assimilation of knowledge by students, and secondly, it helps to develop the meta-subject skills of students: to navigate in the information flows of the surrounding world; master practical ways of working with information; develop skills that allow the exchange of information using modern technical means. As a result, in the classroom I use different forms of using ICT: Presentations; Simulators; Physical minutes; Tests;educational games; · musical accompaniment of lessons; · use of opportunities of the Internet communities;

4. In addition to information and communication technologies, at each lesson I do not forget to use elements of health-saving technologies: this is a reduction in workload in the classroom, dosed homework, physical education, changing students' positions, dynamic pauses, conversations and KVN on valeological topics.

5. I consider collective methods of learning to be another modern and developing means of cognitive activity. CSE is such an organization of the educational process, in which learning is carried out through communication in "dynamic pairs" (with a shift composition), when everyone teaches (teach) everyone. The active interaction of students with the teacher and with each other facilitates the assimilation of the material.

The problem of the development of cognitive activity worried great educators and psychologists at various times. So, for example, Ya. A. Komensky, K. D. Ushinsky, D. Locke, Rousseau Zh-Zh defined cognitive activity as a natural desire of students for knowledge. The contribution to its study was made by: P. Ya. V. I., Telnova Zh. N., Shchukina G. I. and many others also pay great attention to the study of the features of cognitive activity and ways to activate it in younger students. The idea is to develop the cognitive activity of students in the classroom by means of developmental exercises, using game moments. Involvement in active work of all students occurs through the development of cognitive functions.Teaching methods and techniques, tools that develop cognitive interest in students with mental disabilities in the classroom and during extracurricular activities:

The principle of succession;

Work in pairs;

Use of tasks of practical content;

Problem learning

Differentiated approach;

Use of entertaining material;

Didactic games;

Use of ICT;

Effective means of activating the cognitive activity of including the child in the process of creativity in the lesson are:

Gaming activity;

Creating positive emotional situations;

Problem learning.

The development of cognitive activity of students is an important task of the teacher.

Vinnitskaya Tamara Grigorievna,

teacher primary school,

MBOU secondary school No. 5,

Noyabrsk, YNAO

The problem of cognitive activity is one of the eternal problems of pedagogy. Teachers of the past and present have tried and are trying in different ways to answer the age-old question: "How to make a child learn with willingness and desire?" Each era, due to its sociocultural characteristics, offered its own solution. In line with modern solutions to this problem, a tiered approach to learning stands out.

I consider cognitive activity as a pedagogical phenomenon as a two-way interrelated process: on the one hand, it is a form of self-organization and self-realization of the student; on the other hand, it is the result of the special efforts of the teacher in organizing the cognitive activity of the student. At the same time, the final result of the teacher's efforts is the formation and development of the student's own activity (educational, cognitive, creative, social, etc.).

It is no secret that different students are characterized by a different degree, or intensity, in active cognition. However, the teacher needs to work with the student who passively accepts knowledge, and with the one who "includes" in the learning process from time to time, depending on the learning situation, and with those for whom an active position in the learning process has become a habit.

An experienced teacher from the very first lessons in a new class can mentally divide students according to the degree of cognitive activity. But there are also objective indicators of the level of cognitive activity. These include: stability, diligence, awareness of learning, creative manifestations, behavior in non-standard learning situations, independence in solving learning problems, etc.

All this makes it possible to single out the following levels of manifestation of activity: 1) zero, 2) relatively active, 3) executive-active, 4) creative.
The degree of manifestation of the student's activity in the educational process is a dynamic, changing indicator. It is in the power of the teacher, educator and educator to help the student move from the zero level to the relatively active and then to the executive active. And in many respects it depends on the teacher whether the pupil will reach the creative level or prefer to sit out in Kamchatka.

I. The activity of a teacher in a class with a predominance of students of the zero level of cognitive activity is aimed at creating a special emotional atmosphere of the lessons, which sets up the inclusion of students in the educational process. Then a chain is born: a state of comfort, openness - lack of fear - a sense of confidence - waiting for a meeting with this teacher - waiting for the lessons that this teacher teaches. This creates the prerequisites for moving to a higher level.

II. For students with a relatively active level of cognitive activity, they are only interested in certain learning situations related to an interesting topic (content) of the lesson or unusual teaching methods. Thus, involvement in activities is associated with emotional attractiveness, but is not supported by volitional and intellectual efforts.
It should be noted that these students are often characterized by haste. Therefore, they need the ability to use the answer plan, drawings-hints (cheat sheets), tables, rely on reference signals, create algorithms for a particular educational action, etc. Moreover, students are more willing to use those schemes that they made themselves (or together with the teacher) .

III. Students with an executive-active attitude to cognitive activity, as a rule, are loved by teachers. Such students systematically do their homework and are readily included in the forms of work that the teacher offers them. They quite consciously perceive the educational task, are willingly involved in educational activities, often offer original solutions and work mostly independently. The main advantages of these students are stability and constancy.

However, these students have their own problems. They are called "crammers" for perseverance and diligence. Many people think that learning is easy for children with an active cognitive level. Also, apparent lightness is the result of the student’s earlier efforts: the ability to focus on the task, carefully study the conditions of the task, activate existing knowledge, choose the most successful option, and, if necessary, repeat this entire chain. This group also includes those who think with “insights”, insights.

These students begin to get bored in the lesson if the material being studied is simple enough, if the teacher is busy with weaker students. Gradually, they get used to limiting themselves learning task and no longer want or wean to look for non-standard solutions. That is why the problem of activating the cognitive activity of such students is quite relevant.

IV. Working with students who have a creative level of cognitive activity differs from all of the above.
It is well known that special abilities or giftedness depend on innate inclinations. The problem is not only to single out these capable students (by the way, psychologists say that a universal methodology has not been created for this case), but also to help other students discover abilities in themselves that they previously did not know about. suspected. That's why pedagogical work with these students is focused on special techniques that stimulate the creative activity of students as a whole.

Special pedagogical techniques help to create a creative atmosphere in the classroom. An important technique (and at the same time a condition) of creative activity is the creation of a sense of surprise, novelty, as well as a willingness to accept a non-standard question, a non-standard solution.
In order to interest students, I use entertaining material from the books of V. Volina “Merry Grammar”, T.Yu. Ugrovatova "Tips for every day", S.M. Bondarenko "Secrets of Spelling", from the magazines "Russian Language at School". Assignments are playful and creative. Grammar fairy tales, funny poems, riddles, puzzles help teach children to love and feel their native language.

I noticed that grammatical tales, for example, are interesting to listen to both students of the first and fourth grades. She told such fairy tales as “The verb is part of the country Speech”, “How participles appeared”, “How participles made friends with adjectives”, “On the homogeneous members of the sentence and their good neighborly relations” and many others.
After listening to these tales, the children wanted to write their own.

Students are very fond of compiling crosswords in the Russian language, and literary reading, and the world around them, they participate with pleasure in KVN, are fond of staging stories, fables, fairy tales in literary reading lessons.

All students, without exception, take part in these events, everyone has a job.

Those who have weaker knowledge learn from their comrades, and strong students, inspired by success, rummage through dictionaries with even greater pleasure, read additional literature, create presentations, actively use the Internet, replenishing their knowledge.

Teaching is hard work. And that is why learning should be interesting.

When it is interesting to study, it is easy to study, you want to study, it is joyful to study. And a happy child is easier to teach and educate, it is easier to develop his spiritual potential, to raise a creator.