» The role of the teacher in developing the experience of students' creative activity. Development of students' creativity in the educational process The role of the teacher in the development of students' abilities

The role of the teacher in developing the experience of students' creative activity. Development of students' creativity in the educational process The role of the teacher in the development of students' abilities


E.I. Dolyan, deputy director for water resources management, teacher primary school highest sq. categories,

MBOU "Secondary School No. 26", Abakan

Honored Teacher of the Republic of Kharkiv


The author of the article “The role of the teacher in revealing the creative potential of students” analyzed the opinions of scientists on this issue, revealed the problem of the creative development of younger students, offered specific recommendations to her colleagues, gave examples of her own pedagogical experience on the described problem using the example of teaching and research and project activities with younger students.

The problem of creativity present stage The development of human society is of exceptional relevance due to the fact that, according to many scientists, the transition from traditionalist culture to creative culture is being completed at the present time. It is impossible to solve the complex scientific, technical, ecological and spiritual problems of modern civilization without the maximum use of the creative possibilities of mankind.

Creativity educates and develops. It is no coincidence that all the outstanding thinkers of the planet consider the ability to create a core quality. Romain Rolland wrote: “Joy is the sun, illuminating everything that is, and everything that will be, the divine joy of creativity! All the joys of life in creativity ... "

The need to prepare every growing person for creativity needs no proof.

Unfortunately, most often only one side develops in children - performing abilities, and a more complex and important side - the creative abilities of a person are given to chance and for the majority remain at a deplorable level. This is our weakness and misfortune, especially now, when more and more powerful creative minds are required.

In the development of pedagogical problems related to creative development personality, primarily the personality of the child, invested a lot of work by such prominent researchers as L.S. Vygotsky, B.M. Teplov, P. Edwards. At present, G.V. Kovaleva, N.F. Vishnyakova, N.A. Terentyeva are also studying these problems. To create, according to the definition of K. Stanislavsky, means “passionately, swiftly, intensively, productively, expediently and justifiably to go to the super-task…”

What do we mean by creativity? Creation- an activity that generates something qualitatively new and is distinguished by originality, originality and socio-historical uniqueness. Creativity is specific to a person, since it always involves a creator - a subject. creative activity; in nature there is a process of development, but not creativity. The child is not an empty vessel that the teacher is called upon to fill with knowledge.

Under creative activity we understand such human activity as a result of which something new is created - be it an object of the external world or a construction of thinking that leads to new knowledge about the world, or a feeling that reflects a new attitude to reality.

If we consider the behavior of a person, his activity, then we can distinguish two main types of actions. Some human actions can be called reproducing or reproductive. This type of activity is closely related to our memory, and its essence lies in the fact that. That a person reproduces or repeats previously created and developed methods of behavior and actions.

In addition to reproductive activity, there is creative activity in human behavior, the result of which is not the reproduction of impressions or actions that were in his experience, but the creation of new images or actions. Creativity is at the core of this activity.

Thus, in its most general form, the definition creativity as follows. Creative skills - These are the individual characteristics of a person's quality, which determine the success of his creative activity of various kinds.

The concept of children's creativity means the activity of a child who creates “something new” and is not associated with age restrictions. Children's creativity is closely connected with the game, and the line between them, which is not always really distinct, is laid by the target setting - in creativity, the search for and consciousness of the new is usually meaningful as a goal, while the game does not initially imply one. In personal terms, children's creativity is not so much based on the inclinations, knowledge, skills, skills, but develops them, contributing to the formation of the personality, the creation of oneself, it is more a means of self-development than self-realization. One of the essential features of children's creativity is its syncretic nature, which L.S. Vygotsky, when “certain types of art have not yet been dissected and not specialized.” Syncretism makes creativity related to play, as evidenced by the fact that in the process of creativity, the child seeks to try out different roles. The main thing in creativity is the child's awareness of himself as a “new discovery”, as an active transforming principle, a builder of the world. As a rule, V.V. Davydov "it is impossible to reveal the true depths of a person's creative potential, remaining only within the established forms of his activity, and already accepted systems of training and education, since in other conditions of life and in other systems of training and education this potential can change significantly." Everyone is capable of creating, but often we do not see their potential, and the “artist” dies. To help “not to die” is the task of the teacher.

Each teacher is obliged to realize what contribution he can make to the personal development of the student. The work of a teacher is specific in terms of the individuality of its implementation and improvisation. Such a qualified specialist sees the internal reserves and new opportunities of the child, which he must actualize.

The task of the teacher is to create a microclimate and conditions for the natural "growing" and maturation of the unique growing personality of the child, its self-actualization. Of particular importance is the achievement of communicative congruence, harmony, coherence, correspondence of experiences and interactions.

In the process of interaction between the teacher and the student, a natural connection is traced between creative communication with indirect control in the process of co-creative activity and the creative attitude of the individual to its direction and efficiency, as well as between the educational, co-creative interaction of the creative activity of the individual and its attitude to these processes. Education based not on passive study of the material, but on active practical mastery of it, is more effective, because, according to I.G. Pestalozzi "Everyone learns only what he tries to do." Thus, the object of knowledge is actualized, that is, it approaches a person, turning, according to the terminology of A. Leontiev, social experience or an objectively existing “meaning” into “knowledge for me” or “personal meaning”. Thus, creative activity contributes to the destruction of the wall of indifference, causing positive emotions in students and stimulating the enthusiasm of the student.

It turns out that everyone should become creators? Yes! Let some to a lesser extent, others to a greater extent, but certainly all. Where to get so many talented and capable? Nature, everyone knows, is not generous with talents. They are rare like diamonds...

Every child has abilities and talents. Children are naturally curious and eager to learn. In order for them to show their talents, they need smart support from adults. The tasks of the teacher are to use a variety of teaching and upbringing methods:

Systematically and purposefully develop mobility and flexibility of thinking;

Stimulate the processes of switching search activity;

To teach children to reason, not to cram, but to think, to draw conclusions themselves;

Find new, original approaches, beautiful solutions to enjoy learning.

To see something in a new way, not like everyone else, and not like before, is a very difficult task. But this can be learned if the learning process is directed towards the development and improvement of the creative inclination and abilities of students. Tasks should form a system that allows the formation and development of all the diversity of intellectual and creative activity.

The development of creative abilities of younger students must meet the conditions.

First an important condition for the successful development of creative abilities is an early start.

Second the condition for the effective development of abilities is the environment of children with a creative atmosphere from childhood.

Third requires maximum effort.

Fourth- the child should be given greater freedom in choosing activities, in alternating tasks, in the duration of doing one thing, in choosing ways of working, etc. Here the desire of the child, his interest, emotional upsurge serve as a reliable guarantee that even great tension of the mind will benefit the baby.

Can't do behind child what he himself can do, think for him when he himself can think of it. Unfortunately, prompting is a common form of "help" for children, but it only hurts cause! .

Adviсe for the development of creative abilities and stimulation of creative activity:

    Respect for the personality and interests of the child is the basis of his development.

    Avoid disapproving evaluation of the child's creative efforts.

    Find words of support for the new creative endeavors of the child, avoid criticism - no matter how unsuccessful they are.

    Use a personal example of creativity.

    Involve children in various types of artistic and aesthetic activities, help to master the ways of implementing ideas.

    Support their initiative, self-realization of artistic ideas.

    Provide children, actively ask questions.

    Enrich the child's environment with a variety of materials in order to develop curiosity.

    Use creative assignments.

    Active parental support.

    Provide a favorable atmosphere.

Consider as a research and project work contributes to the development of students' experience of creative activity, the ability to cooperate and interact, motivates for subsequent self-education. Our desire to engage in research activities did not arise by chance - the realization that it is necessary to change the attitude of students to the subject prompted us to search for new forms and methods of teaching. Not only teachers, but also schoolchildren, squeezed into the traditional lesson, cannot realize their creative potential. This opportunity is provided by research work.

Based on scientific principles and methodological developments A.I. Savenkov, the organization of educational research with younger students should be considered as a special direction, first of all, extracurricular activities. Such work is focused on deepening and consolidating the knowledge, skills and abilities that schoolchildren have, but a promising goal of educational research is the development of research, creative activity of children. This work at this stage is carried out individually - only with those children who show a pronounced interest, have developed cognitive abilities and independent skills. academic work.

At the same time, collective research work of students directly in the classroom is also possible. In particular, we purposefully train schoolchildren to use research methods in conducting integrated lessons, which can significantly increase the developmental and educational potential of the educational process. So, at one of the integrated lessons of the surrounding world and artistic work, students were asked to systematize educational information on the topic "Forest Community", using methods of working with didactic material, tasks of a problematic nature, involving the analysis of the complex composition of the forest community (trees, grasses, insects, birds and animals), complex relationships between the individual components of the forest community. With the correct conduct of the conversation by the teacher, staging problematic issues, problematic presentation of educational information (should you take home the chicks from the nest? should you break the cobweb woven by the spider to save the butterfly?), schoolchildren can successfully form ideas about the harmony and stability of natural connections in wildlife, as well as the fact that breaks these connections, mainly a person. It is he, and therefore each of them, who is responsible for what happens in the surrounding natural world; only man can both destroy and save nature. After such work in the lesson, the students more consciously evaluate the fairy tale told by the teacher about the burnt forest and purposefully get involved in the work of creating a new forest on the site of the “burnt clearing”, a new clearing “planted” with trees cut out of paper by children.

The organization of individual student research and specially designed integrated lessons, involving the collective implementation of research and project tasks by students, gave quite concrete results, namely: 1) the level of students' knowledge has increased, which is manifested in a deeper understanding of the patterns of the studied phenomena; 2) the level of formation of the mental activity of children has changed, they began to consider the educational material as independently obtained important information for them, and not as something that the teacher requires to remember; 3) use by students in the process of doing research assignments pieces of music, visual arts, fiction contributed to the emotional and moral development of younger students; 4) began to appear brighter cognitive interests children and their desire for active independent work in the classroom and outside of school hours; 5) schoolchildren began to actively participate in creative project activities, the result of which was their drawings, crafts, essays, poems, which reflected a personal attitude to certain phenomena and processes of the surrounding world.

For example, in 2011-2012 academic year students of our class presented 11 projects at the All-Russian Festival of Creative and Research Works "Portfolio", in the finals of the All-Russian Competition "I am a Researcher", the competition of research works named after. V.I. Vernadsky. The whole class took part (more than 70 works) in the All-Russian competition "Forests of Russia", 15 projects made it to the final, and two works became winners (1st and 2nd places). In the city and republican scientific-practical conferences, the guys always show good results, the number of winners and prize-winners is increasing every year.

An oral survey of students made it possible to identify their expressed positive attitude towards the organization of research work in general and towards work on creative projects based on the results of the research. Noting their interest (100%) in such an organization of education, schoolchildren, in particular, indicated that work on research “helps to study better, because it helps to understand everything” (72%), “teaches to make friends and help each other” (81, 3%), allows you to “show what you can do” (59.4%), “get others interested in what you are interested in” (53.1%), “test your strengths” (34.4%), and also “make friends with guys from other classes, cities, countries” (28.1%).

Thus, we can conclude that with the correct methodological support of this component of the educational work of schoolchildren, it is possible to contribute to their personal growth, the development of their intellectual and creative potential. We believe that the creativity of a student is the creation of an original product, work, etc., in the process of working on which the acquired knowledge, skills, abilities are independently applied, including their transfer, combining known methods of activity or creating a new one for the student approach to solving (performing) the task. “Whoever you become in this life, you will always need knowledge, memory, ingenuity, perseverance and accuracy, observation, fantasy, imagination, attentiveness, the ability to think logically, analyze, compare, generalize.”

The most important result of the implementation of creative activity is the further success of the students: the majority of schoolchildren believed in themselves, being engaged in self-education, and continued their educational, research and project activities.


1. Astakhov A.I. Creativity education. - M.: Enlightenment, 1986. - 154 p.

2. Bulatova O.S. Pedagogical artistry: Textbook for students of high. ped. textbook establishments. - M.: Publishing Center "Academy". – 240 s.

3. Volkov I.P. We teach creativity. – M.: Enlightenment, 2009.-167 p.

4. Vygotsky L.S. Imagination and creativity in childhood: Psych. essay: book. for the teacher. – M.: Enlightenment, 1991. – 93 p.

5. Zagvyazinsky V.I. Pedagogical creativity of the teacher. -M.: Pedagogy, 2004. -160 p.

6. Pedagogical search / comp. Bazhenova I.N. - M .: Pedagogy, 1989. - 560 p.

7. Psychological study of creative activity //ed. Tikhomirova A.I. – M.: Nauka, 2005. -45 p.

9. Simanovsky A.E. Development of creative thinking of children. - Yaroslavl, 1996. - 143 p.

10. Subbotina L.Yu. Developing Imagination in Children: A Popular Guide for Parents and Educators. - Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, 1996. -240 p.

11. Khutorskoy A.V. Development of giftedness of schoolchildren: A guide for the teacher. – M.: Guman. ed. center VLADOS, 2000. -320 p.

12. School of cooperation / Adamsky A.I. - M .: First of September, 2000.-272 p.

13. Akopova E.S., Ivanova E.Yu. Harmonious development of the student: Games and activities. – M.: ARKTI, 2007. – 256 p.

14. Levin V.A. Creativity education. Tomsk: "Peleng", 1993.-56 p.

15. Vokhmyanina L.A. Collection of programs for elementary secondary school, (System of D.B. Elkonin - V.V. Davydov) - M .: Vita-Press, 2001.- 263 p.

The professional readiness of a teacher to work with gifted children and the success of his interaction with them largely depends on a certain level of his creativity, the ability to actively and creatively enter the socio-pedagogical environment.

Creativity is the most important characteristic professional activity teachers. IN domestic psychology creativity is considered as "creativity", the creative capabilities of a person as a stable feature of a person, manifested in his socially significant creative activity (N.M. Gnatko). According to E. Fromm, "Creativity is the ability to be surprised and learn, the ability to find a solution in non-standard situations, the focus on discovering something new and the tendency to deeply understand one's experience."

The characteristics of teacher creativity are as follows:

  • - producing a large number of solutions in the process of interaction with gifted children (variability pedagogical activity);
  • - independence of judgments (openness in expressing one's own opinion);
  • - the development of fantasy, imagination (intellectual ease in handling ideas);
  • - the ability to abandon stereotypes in pedagogical activity, to overcome the inertia of thinking;
  • - readiness and desire for risk, testing of the new;
  • - sensitivity to problems in pedagogical activity;
  • - critical thinking, the ability to make value judgments;
  • - ability to introspection, reflection;
  • - high efficiency in creative activity;
  • - conviction in the social significance of creative activity.

The need for maximum stimulation of the creative abilities of every teacher working with gifted children is obvious. At the same time, traditional methods of teaching at school, institute ignore this task (overload with intellectual analysis, unjustified increase in theoretical courses, the growth of mathematization and algorithmization of the material, the presentation to students of not so much facts as dogmas, established opinions, theories, dissatisfaction with the thirst for youth activity) and, therefore, do not contribute to the formation of the teacher's readiness to work with gifted children.

In accordance with this, the question of the development of such characteristics in the behavior of the teacher becomes significant, thanks to which an effect would be provided in the development of creativity and giftedness of students. Recognizing the value of creative thinking, encouraging children's sensitivity to environmental stimuli, the ability to constructively inform about the creative process, instilling self-respect and self-confidence have a positive effect on the development of children's creativity.

The negative impact on the creativity of students and their giftedness is following characteristics in the behavior of the teacher: authoritarian attitudes and imperious behavior, forced conformity, rigidity of thinking, rigidity and categorical assessments, hostility and aggressiveness towards individuals with non-standard thinking and independence of judgment.

The process of formation of the teacher's creativity as an important factor in constructive interaction with gifted children consists of a number of stages and is accompanied by the mastery of innovative activity by "imitating models" of creative behavior (successive decrease in the share of the imitative component and, consequently, an increase in the share of the creative component in pedagogical activity).

In the psychological and pedagogical literature (A.K. Markova and others) there are indications of the so-called barriers to creativity:

  • - a tendency to conformism, which is expressed in the desire to be like other people, not to differ too much from them in their judgments and actions, to meet the expectations of the pedagogical community;
  • - fear of being a "black sheep" among other colleagues, not accepted and/or rejected by others, not finding support for one's creative judgments and behavior from different participants in the educational process, adaptation to the culture of the pedagogical community;
  • - fear of causing an aggressive response in a person whose behavior or activity is being criticized;
  • - personal anxiety, self-doubt, negative self-perception and low self-esteem of one's own personality;
  • - Rigidity of thinking as the difficulty to use certain knowledge in other situations in all their diversity, to perceive new ideas and change in accordance with the changing environment.

If the teacher does not find the strength to realize and get rid of these psychological barriers and complexes, then there is a gradual standardization of behavior and even the inner world of the teacher, the accumulation of an increasing number of impersonal ready-made models of pedagogical activity, a significant decrease in the level of creativity.

The creation of a creative environment in pedagogical activity and in the course of the educational process in order to develop creative cognitive and professional activity and the success of a teacher is possible subject to the following recommendations:

  • - to help eliminate internal obstacles to creative manifestations (to help gain confidence in relationships with all participants in the educational process, get rid of the fear of making a mistake, encountering criticism from others, etc.);
  • - refrain from being categorical and judging, thereby not hindering free reflection on any problem;
  • - keep the imagination alive and at the same time "discipline" it, discussing new proposals;
  • - increase the possibilities of new associations and connections in the creative process (using non-obvious comparisons and comparisons, supporting spontaneity in creating images and purposefulness in their understanding, etc.);
  • - creating conditions for a mental warm-up (joint group search for solutions, performing exercises to master a new unusual situation);
  • - to help to see the meaning, the general direction of one’s own and joint creative activity, to accept creative activity (solving creative problems) as the development of one’s own abilities, potential internal reserves (openness, receptivity, sensitivity, breadth and richness of perception of everything around, etc. .).

At the technological level, this can be achieved using:

  • - workshop tasks that would have creative value (for example, posing a problem that involves multiple solutions; the solution is unexpected, original and has no analogues; the solution involves the continuation of a concept or pedagogical approach, etc.);
  • - creating situations of cooperation at different stages of learning;
  • - involvement of teachers in research work at the experimental site and approbation of their author's program, assessment of its feasibility and effectiveness.

A special role in the development of creativity belongs to reflective-innovative technologies(V.A. Slastenin), which include: organizational and activity games, a reflective and innovative workshop, the study of author's concepts, the development of author's programs, practical work in innovative types of educational institutions, participation in various forms of professional development that are personally oriented on active learning technologies; pedagogical workshops, trainings.

Let's name the various techniques with which group classes can help increase the brightness of images of the intensity of emotional experiences, sensitivity, and overcome barriers. psychological protection, emancipation of intellectual capabilities and maintain a creative focus.

"Brain attack" as a way of producing new ideas without the pressure of criticism and self-criticism allows you to get rid of psychological protection, especially successfully when the group is heterogeneous in composition and the range of professional interests of the participants is wide. As part of the brainstorming method, one should use techniques such as a list to activate thinking. control questions(leading questions that force us to consider the problem from various angles, change the perspective of looking at the problem), dismemberment (reconstruction of the material in order to destroy old connections, discussion of the possibility of changing each component in a functioning system), presentation of the problem to a non-specialist.

Synectics method implies a disposition to improvisation, the release of the task from the context, the use of analogies, which allows you to extract information from different sources. For example, direct analogies are often sought for elements in biological systems. Subjective analogies pay special attention to motor sensations. Fantastic analogies require you to present things as you would like to see them, ignoring any laws. Analogies are a means of shifting the search process from the level of conscious thinking to the level of subconscious activity.

business games - Another fairly well-known example of the group development of creative abilities.

Taking on a role (better if unaccustomed) and the spirit of competition contribute to finding original solutions. At the same time, a different point of view on the situation is formed, a rethinking of what is happening, some emotional alienation from the only role usually assumed. An important point in business games- the possibility of performing various roles, which excludes complete identification with any of them and allows, moving away from their usual view, to look at the problem impartially.

The creation of a reflective environment, which is characterized primarily by the presence of conditions for the teacher to change his ideas about himself and rethink personal stereotypes, makes it possible to model special, unique in relation to the teacher problem situations, when his personal professional and intellectual experience is not only actualized, demanded, but also recognized as insufficient in achieving any specific pedagogical goal. The emerging contradiction between the resources of one's "I" and the uniqueness of the situation is resolved in the search for other, non-stereotypical, innovative ways of acting. The teacher's creative potential develops as the ability to create innovations in pedagogical activity, as well as a kind of ability to be creative about oneself, one's work, interaction with gifted students, and solving problem situations. With the help of reflective-innovative technologies, a sufficiently high level of teacher adaptation to rapidly changing conditions is achieved. In addition, the use of reflective and innovative technologies contributes to the creation of a creative educational environment. Main positions:

  • 1. Encouraging students to be creative in cognitive activity begins with the formation of an emotional and value attitude to the proposed content or actions.
  • 2. Building relationships of dialogue, subject-subject interaction.
  • 3. Security in educational process context of search and discovery, and not "rhetoric of statements".
  • 4. The main lines of behavior of the teacher: setting problems, creating conditions for the joint construction of knowledge, supporting students in independent actions.
  • 5. Offering students mainly such types of actions as: compare, prove, make a choice, argue, present and justify your option.
  • 6. The main forms of organizing classes: conducting research, experiments; solution of problematic tasks and situations, protection of projects.

So, for the development of the teacher's creative abilities, it is necessary to carry out a systemic formative impact through a certain set of conditions of the educational microenvironment. IN educational practice and in the professional activity of the teacher himself, it is desirable to shift the emphasis from teaching to transformative activity, to achieve the realization of the teacher's openness to the culture of dialogism, the polyphony of pedagogical activity.

Kozostriga Tatyana Mikhailovna
Position: Methodist
Educational institution: MBU "Temp"
Locality: Amursk Khabarovsk Territory
Material name: Article
Topic:"The role of the teacher in the development of creative abilities and giftedness of children"
Publication date: 09.03.2016
Chapter: additional education

The role of the teacher in the development of creative abilities

and giftedness of children
Kozostriga Tatyana Mikhailovna, teacher additional education MBU "Temp", Amursk One of the urgent tasks of additional education, which requires a timely solution, is the development of creative abilities and giftedness of children. Students have a variety of potential abilities. The abilities of each child develop differently, depending on the base, both the acquired knowledge and natural data. A feature of additional education is to identify and develop abilities and talents in activities that are accessible and interesting to children. It is difficult to determine which of the children is gifted. It is even more difficult to say which of them can and will become an outstanding scientist, artist, public figure. Who is considered gifted? A gifted child is a child who stands out for bright, obvious, sometimes outstanding achievements (or has internal prerequisites for such achievements) in one or another type of activity. Naturally, the question arises what kind of achievements are we talking about. In the specialized literature, several categories of children are most often distinguished, which are usually called gifted: - children with high scores on special intelligence tests (intellectual giftedness); - children with a high level of creative abilities (creative talent); - children who have achieved success in any field of activity (young musicians, artists, mathematicians, chess players, etc.); this category of children is often called talented; - children who study well at school (academic giftedness). According to the definition of giftedness, individuals may differ in actual and potential opportunities in different areas of activity, one of which is creative. Creative giftedness is determined by those theoretical constructions on which the very understanding of creativity is based. The upbringing and education of a person is a complex, multifaceted, and always relevant task. Every child has a huge potential. Its realization largely depends on the adults around it. The teacher, like no one else, is able to help him become a free, creative and responsible person, capable of self-determination, self-affirmation and self-realization. One of the most important tasks of additional education is to prepare students for the realities of life and work in tomorrow's high-tech society. A sign of recent times has been an increase in attention to the problem of the integrity of influence on the development of all aspects of the child's personality. The Law of the Russian Federation "On Education" indicates the need to develop the creative abilities of gifted children, who will later become carriers of the leading ideas of social progress. Speaking about the development of children's creative gifts, it is necessary to emphasize once again the significant role of additional education. Too narrow limits of study time, a decrease in the number of hours in the subject led to the fact that many modules and blocks of educational material were excluded from existing programs. It is possible to compensate for these changes, to “acquire” the missing knowledge and skills through extracurricular activities.
activity. In addition, the participation of children in interest groups allows each child to find an occupation corresponding to his natural inclinations, to succeed in it and, on this basis, to increase self-esteem and his status in the eyes of peers, teachers, and parents. Classes in the association of additional education give the student the opportunity to express himself, to experience a situation of success. And this is important for any child, and especially for children who are insecure, suffering from certain complexes, experiencing difficulties in mastering school disciplines. Moreover, classes in creative groups of interest form in children the habit of creative activity, the desire to be included in a variety of undertakings that require search, invention, and the adoption of non-standard decisions. It should also be noted that children and adolescents develop communication skills students, and this is important for their further social adaptation in the modern world. For 20 years I have been the head of the children's creative association "Home Design", in the classroom of which students are given the opportunity to demonstrate their skills, show the uniqueness of their product and the technique of its implementation, the development of children's individual abilities is activated. It is very important for me to identify their inclinations and, taking into account the level of training, offer them a choice of product and manufacturing technology. Such a sequence of work increases the creative potential of the child, allows him to experiment, innovate, thereby achieving success. The tasks of my work: - using the potential of innovative pedagogical technologies for the development of creative abilities and giftedness of students; - using the potential of educational and cognitive activity as a means of stimulating students to perform creative tasks in the classroom; - development of the personality of students in the process of organizing the activities of each child, maintaining his individuality. There are a large number of forms of work with gifted children in order to develop their creativity, originality of thinking. When working with creatively gifted children, I primarily focus on developing the ability to learn. In the classes of the association I use creative tasks, teach children to find the necessary information on their own, form in them a desire to work independently. Learning should bring pleasure to the child, help to increase self-esteem. In my work with children, I try to pay great attention to the use of methods and teaching methods that contribute to a more successful development of creative abilities, ensure the activation of the mental and practical activities of students. For the successful development of the creative abilities of students, I work on the development of the abilities, inclinations, interests of each student, taking into account their capabilities, methods of consciously solving various creative problems, directing and activating the creative abilities of students through practical activities. The children's association "Home Design" is an association in which students learn to see originality and beauty in their everyday life, develop imagination and imaginative thinking, master visual and technical skills, a sense of compositional balance and color harmony. Decorative and applied art combines a huge variety of artistic types of work and techniques for its execution. One of the objectives of the work of the association is the development of natural inclinations and abilities of children, the formation of a high intellect of spirituality through skill. This is facilitated by a number of special tasks
on observation, comparison, conjecture, fantasizing. One of the main conditions for the success of teaching and developing the creative abilities of gifted children is an individual approach to each child. In my work, I use various techniques and methods: didactic games, games and tasks with the basics of modeling, solving entertaining problems, working in pairs, a competition, a quiz, a non-standard creative task. Individual creativity is a broad concept. It includes the child's ability to fulfill the task of the teacher in a peculiar way, in his own way, to show his imagination, imagination, speed, ability to master tools and material. Education is carried out in the same way for all children, but depending on his individuality, it is perceived differently. This approach to conducting classes in arts and crafts allows you to avoid clichés and patterns when performing tasks and contributes to the development of children's creative abilities and giftedness. One of the promising innovative methods that contribute to the development of thinking, helping the child to form confidence in their own abilities, has become the method of project activity. It provides for such a system of education, when children gain knowledge and master skills in the process of performing a system of planned practical tasks. The project method allows you to educate an independent and responsible person, develops creativity and mental abilities. Together with the children, we implemented the projects "Flowers for Mom", "Pillow - a toy", "A fairy tale in patches", "Gift for veterans". One of the stages of work with gifted and capable children is the creation of motivation and conditions for their optimal development. The success of working with them largely depends on how the work with this category of students is organized. To create motivation, I use the following methods: - rating of students; - personal exhibition of works; - conversations on self-determination; - creating a portfolio with a subsequent presentation. I consider high motivation to be an important result of my work with gifted and capable children. learning activities, increasing the degree of independence in improving skills, participation in various competitions, olympiads and competitions, exhibitions. I consider working with gifted children as an opportunity to move to a different, higher quality level of education, as a search, as a practical activity. As an experience through which the student carries out in himself the transformations necessary for self-development, self-improvement, inner growth, achievement of the truth, it helps to assess his strength in order to make the most important decision in life - who and what to be. My pedagogical credo: "Children become gifted not so much because nature gave them more than others, but because they were able to realize themselves to a greater extent." And here the teacher is provided with a huge opportunity in the development of creative abilities and giftedness - to help the child take confident steps on the steps of creativity.

Do you want your children to be able

And talented? Then help them do

The first steps on the steps of creativity,

But… do not be late and, helping… think for yourself.”

B.P. Nikitin.


Primary general education - first stage general education. Federal component state standard elementary general education is aimed at the implementation of a qualitatively new personality-oriented developmental model of mass elementary school and aims to achieve the following main objectives:

Development of the student's personality, his creative abilities, interest in learning; formation of desire and ability to learn;

- mastering the system of knowledge, skills, experience in the implementation of various activities;

Education of moral and aesthetic feelings, emotional and valuable positive attitude towards oneself and the world around;

- protection and strengthening of the physical and mental health of children;

- Preservation and support of the individuality of the child.

Thus, elementary school teachers received clearly formulated requirements and a justified social order. modern society we need educated, moral, creative people who can independently make responsible decisions. Accordingly, teachers of the middle and senior levels of the school are waiting for students who are able to independently obtain and apply new knowledge from different sources, creatively approach problem solving and are not afraid of difficulties.

For a child to become just like that, an important role first a teacher who himself must be a creative person, constantly looking for new approaches to teaching and who wants to educate in each child an independent personality, creative, sociable, able to enter into a discussion, improve himself and be able to find effective ways to solve problems.

Reflection of experience is based on the work on the EMC "HARMONY".

Chapter 1.

1.1. What is a person's creative abilities?

Thinking is a socially conditioned, inextricably linked with speech psychological process of searching for and discovering something new, a process of mediated and generalized reflection of reality in the course of its analysis and synthesis. It arises on the basis of practical activity and from sensory knowledge.

In the psychology of mental activity, its various types are distinguished - visual-effective, visual-figurative, abstract thinking.

However, the variety of forms of mental activity is not limited to these three types. Human thinking can also be creative. Creative, or creative, abilities are called a special type of intellectual abilities, manifested in the use of information given in the task in different ways and at a fast pace. This is the ability to be surprised and learn, the ability to find a solution in non-standard situations, this is a focus on discovering something new and the ability to deeply understand one's experience. Otherwise, we can say that creativity is an internal activity of a person.

Thanks to creative abilities, creative achievements of the individual become possible.

The creative achievements of the child include everything that he had never done before: essays, drawings, crafts, research work and much more.

1.2. The value of creativity in the life of a child.

So, we found out that creativity is the internal activity of a person, associated with the characteristics of character, interests, abilities of the individual. The creativity of a child is the birth in his inner world of the desire to create, compose, create something new.

When a child creates something that he has never done before, new emotions are born in him. His feelings take on new shades. Children, unlike adults, are able not to be afraid of "difficulties" in creating something new. Younger students sincerely try to express themselves in creative activities: they love to compose, dramatize, perform on stage, participate in concerts, competitions, quizzes, exhibitions, competitions, and invent something. The age of younger schoolchildren is considered sensitive, that is, the most favorable for the development of creative abilities.

Creative activity contributes to the development in younger students of higher mental functions, such as memory, thinking, perception, attention, which affects the development of knowledge, skills and abilities acquired in the classroom by the system.

Finally, it is important that the child, having coped with the task of a creative nature, becomes successful. He is aware of his importance and tries every time more, deeply, to fulfill a creative task, to look for new ways of working in the process of creating something new. Based on this, it can be argued that the child also develops an emotionally valuable positive attitude towards himself and the world around him.

Curiosity, the desire to create - purposefully leads the student to the real implementation of his plan. Interest in the set creative task expands the life experience of the child, acquaints him with different types activities, activates and develops his various abilities, and this is also one of the goals of the state standard of primary education.

Creative activity also develops the aesthetic sense of the child, which, in my opinion, is important at the present time.

It is necessary to say about the desire of children to share their discoveries, because this is the development of the desire to enter into a dialogue with other people, to trust them with what is significant, what excites his soul and occupies his thoughts, this is the development of communication skills, which is a necessity in the modern world.

The rich work of the imagination, which is essential in creative activity, is often associated with the development of such an important personality trait as optimism. Of particular importance is such a form of imagination as a dream - an image of the desired future. The child dreams of what gives him joy, what satisfies his deepest desires and needs. In dreams, he builds the desired program of his actions, deeds, addictions, revealing in it the main meaning of life. The theme of dreams becomes really significant, necessary for research, for children's creativity. The dream contains an active principle for the development of the personality of the child.

Having studied the literature, having learned the nature of children's creativity, its significance for our students, we can conclude that this process must and should be developed. The most sensitive for the development of creative abilities, as we have already found out, is the period of study in primary school, and it is the primary school teacher who should become a guide for the child in the world of creative activity.

1.3. The educational process is an environment for the development of students' creativity.

The educational process is the process of the student's own activity, during which, on the basis of knowledge, exercises and acquired experience, he acquires new knowledge, skills, forms of activity and behavior, and improves previously acquired ones. IN modern school, child in educational process acts as a subject of teaching, communication, organization, collaborating with the teacher. This is student-centered learning, which, in my opinion, is the environment for the development of students' creativity. It is in the educational process that the teacher must, firstly, rely on the full formation and development of the creative abilities of students, since it is creative activity that allows the child to take the position of an active participant in the learning process, makes it possible to realize their own life plans.

From the student, this requires analysis, planning and reflection of educational activities, which also stimulates the development of his creative potential. The teacher must organize such educational and extracurricular activities, in which the teaching turns into creativity, research activity of the child. At the same time, the teacher should be attentive and sensitive to all manifestations of the creative activity of children; strive to help every child, to understand himself; in every possible way to encourage in children the desire to express and discuss their creative ideas with friends, to note and support the original thoughts and actions of the child.

1.4. Difficulties encountered on the path of creativity.

The first step in this business, as in many others, is the most difficult. There are many problems and difficulties. The reason for the difficulties may be a small life experience of the child, underdevelopment of attention and imagination. Another reason for not being able to creatively approach the solution learning task, due to the fact that not every child who comes to school is open and trusts the teacher.

In order to correct these shortcomings and activate the work of all children (even the weakest), I try, first of all, to establish trusting, friendly contact with students. Further, I try to introduce into the lessons such forms of work that would not only develop thinking and imagination, encourage creativity, but would be accessible and interesting to everyone.

It takes a lot of time to explain the first tasks, as a result, it is necessary to make sure that many students want to try their hand at creativity. To do this, it is important to be able to take into account the interests, inclinations and abilities of children.

After the first tasks completed by students, the next step is a demonstration of achievements. Here, the main thing is to approve the successes and in a tactful manner to pay attention to what did not work out, that is, to objectively evaluate the work. Excellent results are not so frequent, but rare bright moments help to overcome the routine of everyday pedagogical work.

Chapter 2

Development of creativity of younger schoolchildren in the educational process: a reflection of the pedagogical experience of work on UMC "Harmony".

At present, the teacher is given a wonderful opportunity to navigate the variety of school programs and choose exactly those textbooks, methodological kits, with the help of which, in his opinion, you can get as close as possible to the implementation of these standard requirements.

One of these UMCs is UMC "Harmony", according to which our school started working in 2002.

Such teaching methods as: problematic, partially exploratory, research, the method of cognitive games - are methods that the authors of the program recommend teachers to focus on when teaching children.

This kit is designed to meet the main objectives of the standard, and is an excellent environment for developing student creativity in the learning process.

To begin with, let's dwell on the lessons of literary reading (the author of the textbooks is O.V. Kubasova), in which the desire of the author of the program to instill interest, the need for reading passes precisely through tasks of a creative nature.

So, grade 2, the studied work of V. Avdeenko "Little Baba Yaga". The beginning of the lesson goes through forecasting, anticipation by schoolchildren of the content of the work being studied, which is generally a feature of Kubasova's textbooks. In the course of working on a fairy tale, students receive the task: “Invent or recall any fairy tale to which you can send the main character of the story for re-education.” Such a task interests children and makes them show both imagination, ingenuity and the ability to show, apply their knowledge, remember, orient themselves in previously studied works.

Here is one of the results of students' creativity: “... I would send a girl, a little Baba Yaga, to the tale of the Golden Fish (A.S. Pushkin), to her grandparents. My grandparents had no children. Grandfather worked constantly, and grandmother was at home alone, so she became angry. Grandmother, seeing her granddaughter, will be delighted and become kind. The girl Yaga will help her grandparents with the housework, and there will be no time to harm her. An equally interesting option is offered by another child: “... They called

Piggy and Karkusha to the fabulous bureau of good offices. Geese-Swans have arrived. The geese put Babu-Yaga on wings and took him to Granny Yagule…”

Another task of a creative nature, which aroused the interest of students and forced them to open encyclopedias, read other books about nature, was an assignment based on M. Prishvin's work "The Hedgehog". The protagonist of this story could not understand how he is useful to others. Children receive the task: to write a letter to the main character, and tell what benefit he brings. Here are the letters: “Hello Hedgehog! I want to tell you how useful you are. You, Hedgehog, are nocturnal animals. You eat fish, bugs, destroy harmful larvae and insects. You are the orderly of the forest ... ”or“ ... I read in a book what benefits you bring environment. You clear the forest of carrion. By destroying the locust, you save the harvest and crops. By eating other harmful insects, you save the trees from death. They don't call you "the beast - collected" for nothing. Thank you, Hedgehog!"

A similar task, only related to the development of the ability to sympathize, empathize, be tolerant of others, was given for the work studied in the 3rd grade: B. Zakhoder "Grey Asterisk". In this task, schoolchildren got the opportunity to independently choose the hero to whom they can write a letter. In the letter, the children expressed their point of view about the actions committed by the chosen hero. Here are some letters from children: “Hello, stupid boy! Why are you so mean? Why are you hurting the frog? Frogs are not poisonous and even benefit plants - they eat flower pests. Please don't hurt the toad!" And this letter was written to the main character of the story: “Hi, Gray Star! Do not Cry. I understand that you are offended, because the boy calls you names. But, it's not about beauty, it's about your soul! Listen to your heart, it will tell you what to do ... "

For this program on literary reading, it is also characteristic that the author allows the teacher to exclude something from the proposed questions and tasks on the work being studied, to supplement and change them with something, guided by his literary taste and understanding of the methodology. The textbook is recommended to be taken as a basis for mastering educational standard reading, which is very important for the further education of younger students.

In this regard, the teacher gets the opportunity to show his initiative, his creativity in order to captivate children with this subject. For example, an integral part of the literary reading lessons in the first and second grades was solving crossword puzzles on the studied work or section. Moreover, crossword puzzles are usually instructive in nature, for example, having solved a crossword puzzle based on the work of V. Golyavkin “In the closet”, children will find out what character trait let the boy down. Fixing the section on fairy tales, and having solved the crossword puzzle, the children read the resulting word: “Well done”, which increases the child’s self-esteem and gives confidence in their own strength. And in the third and fourth grades, children themselves can come up with their own crossword puzzles if they wish.

It has become part of the practice of our lessons and the creation of books on the studied section. Having studied the section "Snow flies and sparkles ..." in the 3rd grade, the children got the opportunity to come up with poems, stories and riddles about winter, having issued this material in homemade books. Here's what happened:

"I went for a walk

And there is snow.

A snowflake fell on my hand and

And suddenly lost


"We decorated the Christmas tree

They lit the fires on her.

And together near the Christmas tree

We took a picture" and here's another option:

“... You can ride on a sled

And skate along the river

Play snowballs with friends...

All these games are only

Mother Winter! and others.

Section "Who honors parents, he never perishes." The generalizing lesson also ended with this task, and the students got the opportunity to fantasize, search, remember their favorite proverbs, poems about the family; write essays about their parents, draw pictures.

Having studied the fairy tale by G. Tsyferov “How the chicken first composed a fairy tale”, the children once again have a choice of a creative task. This consists in independently inventing a fairy tale for a chicken or an image of an illustration for a fairy tale that the Chicken himself came up with. Someone drew, there were also composed fairy tales. Here is perhaps the most fun and interesting work of the child: “The Tale of Me and the Shark. I once dived into the sea and met a shark there. She saw me, wrinkled her eyebrows and swam after me! I got scared and hid in the caral bushes. The shark swam past, and my knees trembled! I did not know that she was cunning - she turned around and swam up to me from the other side. She opened her terrible mouth, as she clicked her teeth and groaned: “Oh, oh, help!” I see she has a toothache! How to give a bad tooth - he fell out! So, the joyful shark swam home.” Another task of a creative nature can be offered to children by studying the Italian fairy tale "Gifts of the Fairy of Lake Kren". The fairy tale itself turned out to be difficult for analysis and, in general, for perception by children, and several lessons were devoted to working with it. In order to diversify the educational process, the students were given the task to portray a fairy right in the lesson and write down their wishes that they would make to the fairy when they met. Thus, at the lesson of literary reading, in addition to developing creative abilities, I learned the value orientations of my wards. Traditional illustration of read works is also a favorite element of literary reading lessons.

In addition to the tasks that are reflected in this essay, a lot of other work is offered by Kubasova's textbooks. However, all these tasks of a creative nature have long been used by primary school teachers. Such tasks include reading by roles, and staging excerpts from read works; retellings on behalf of the heroes of fairy tales, stories; inventing a continuation of the story read in the lesson; students' reasoning on the topic "how would I act, being in the place of the hero of the story"; reading the title of the work and inventing its own title; competitive reading of poems and many other tasks.

Analyzing the work on the Kubasova program. I cannot fail to note such positive results as: a conscious, deep understanding of the text read by children, the ability of children to determine the topic and the main idea not only in the lessons of literary reading, but also in other school subjects, which is not unimportant for subsequent learning . Development of imagination, creative abilities of children, interest in learning; education of moral feelings.

Textbooks, workbooks in mathematics, authored by Istomina, are also an integral part of the Harmony UMC. They provide invaluable assistance in solving the issue of developing the creativity of students.

For example, tasks of increased difficulty play a role, requiring students to be creative, to take an unconventional view of the solution. These tasks can be found in workbooks, and these tasks are differentiated.

Among the tasks of particular difficulty, but students are also interested in those that involve several solutions. This allows each student to express themselves and offer their own, different from other solutions - the answer. Consider one of the tasks in the collection "Learning to Solve Problems" for grade 3. The content of the task: “6 cans of paint, 3 kg each, were used to repair two rooms. It took 2 cans for the first room. How many kilograms of paint are left to renovate the second room?” Over time, the task can be complicated and offer not only to solve the problem in your own way, but to choose a chain of actions that leads most quickly and economically to the expected result. Perhaps some schoolchildren will solve the problem like this: 1) 3 * 6 = 18 (kg)

2) 3*2=6(kg)

3) 18-6=12(kg).

But other children argue more rationally: 1) 6-2 = 4 (b)

2) 3*4=12(kg).

The author of the program proposes to discuss both ways of solving the problem, which is what we do in the lesson, choosing the fastest way. Similar tasks can be found not only in the collection of problems, but also in workbooks in mathematics, in textbooks.

I wanted to end my study of the topic "The order of execution of actions in expressions" with an unconventional task, which consisted of this: "Imagine, children, that you - mathematical expression 5 * (9-6) + 14: 2. A journalist has come to you and wants to interview you. What can you tell him about yourself? The children got interesting and unexpected works, for example, this one: “... My name is a mathematical expression 5 * (9-6) + 14: 2.

    9 -6 =3 - to me 9 years, in 6 years I went to school, I study in 3 class.

    5 * 3 =15 I get 5 -ki, there are 3- ki, just in the second quarter I got 15 ratings.

    14 :2 = 7 I don't know the multiplication table very well. 7 but I will learn! 7 *2 =14.

    15 +7 =22 gave me for my birthday 7 book 15 already been! Now in my library 22 books. Goodbye". Another option: “My name is a mathematical expression 5*(9-6)+14:2=22. A journalist is interviewing me. I tell him that I have friends: multiplication, division, addition, subtraction. There are 4 actions in me. 1) 9-6=3, 2) 14:2=7, 3) 5*3=15 and 4) 15+7=22. They study me in 3rd grade.” At the same time, the children were able to repeat the rules about the order of performing actions in expressions in an interesting, unusual way, demonstrating their individual abilities.

Difficult to remember, but necessary in mathematics, the topic "Tabular cases of multiplication." To make it easier for students to remember the multiplication table, I give the task: “Perform a drawing with which you can remember one or another case of multiplication.” From the drawings I can judge whether the child understood the meaning of the action of multiplication, and for those who did not understand, again, individually I help to understand the topic. I finish the topic in an extracurricular lesson “Experts on the multiplication table”, for which the guys should come up with tips “How to learn the multiplication table faster and better”. Here are some options for advice: “If you want, if you learn math at 5, sit down, my friend, in a corner, take a notebook on the contrary. There is one plate there, you should know it as "a". Learn it until you dream about it!" or “We must often repeat, we must multiply a lot, constantly write. We teach the table, we teach, and perhaps we will get 5! And here is the conclusion that one student came up with: “It is a pity that these tables are not always at hand with me. Shouldn't you be carrying them around with you? Something must be done! We will give simple advice: remember them and don’t whine!”

In addition to the tasks described, taking Istomina's textbook and notebooks in your hands, you can personally see that this set develops the inquisitiveness of the mind, thinking, attention and, of course, the creative abilities of students.

The use of Russian language lessons for the development of creativity in elementary school children is also provided by the authors of the Russian language program, in the UMC "Harmony" authors: Soloveichik, Kuzmenko. Many tasks from textbooks carry a huge emotional charge, they solve not only general educational and developmental tasks, but also bring up the qualities of a creative person: initiative, perseverance, purposefulness, the ability to find a solution in an unusual situation.

I would like to dwell in more detail on those tasks that can be an interesting find for any teacher, and for students a wonderful opportunity to show their creative abilities.

Teachers working at the primary level of the school know that vocabulary words are difficult for children to remember and therefore mistakes are often made in them. It will be easier for children to remember an unverifiable letter if they receive the task: "Perform a picture for a word to remember its spelling."

Having studied the next topic in the Russian language, for consolidation, I suggest that the children make a crossword puzzle based on the studied material. Mistakes in crossword puzzles are not uncommon, since we are just learning to perform this type of work, but the result is obvious: schoolchildren repeat what they have learned once again, consolidate knowledge and skills, and at the same time do this not by memorizing, but by consolidating the ability to work with a book, ask questions and respond to them through the development of creative abilities.

Another option to consolidate the studied material in the Russian language. Theme of the lesson: "Parts of speech". Assignment: “Imagine that you got to the country of the “Part of Speech”, what or whom did you meet there? If you wish, draw this country.” Here is an excerpt from the work that one of my students turned out: “I ended up in a country called the Parts of Speech. I saw 2 cities in this country: the city of Independent and the city of Service. There are streets in the Independent City: Noun, Adjective, Numeral, Verb, Street of Pronouns. I wanted to visit the city of Service. In this city, I met little people who have funny names: Allies, Prepositions and Particles .... "

Studying the topic of a part of a word, you can find the following task in the textbook: Think up and draw a non-existent animal, but so that there are two roots in its name, the prefix - by - and other similar options.

Tasks such as: “Write a letter to the teacher” help to develop speech skills. Children enjoy writing letters, and of course I have to find time to write answers.

These tasks are not uncommon for many elementary school teachers, but in this set, the development of student creativity is emphasized.

In the process of studying such a subject as " the world", schoolchildren acquire knowledge about the world around them from various sources, using different methods of cognition; they begin to comprehend the world around them, navigate in it, understand the role of man in the world; begin to realize that the world is beautiful, diverse, united, changeable; acquire a variety of skills and abilities: observe and compare, ask and prove, identify interdependencies, causes and effects, reflect the information received in the form of a drawing, diagram, table, conduct simple experiments, use instruments, navigate the terrain, join creative work; acquire a desire to master new types of educational activities, to know more deeply the surrounding world, to actively act in it.

Creative notebooks (this is how the students and I call workbooks on the subject) are interesting for their tasks, practical, research work for schoolchildren. I will dwell on research tasks in more detail. It is no secret to anyone that children's need for research is biologically determined. Every healthy child is born an explorer. An unquenchable thirst for new experiences, curiosity, the desire to observe and experiment, independently seek new information about the world are traditionally regarded as the most important features of children's behavior. Constantly shown research activity is a normal, natural state of the child. Knowing this, the author of the program, O.V. Poglazova, provides an opportunity for students to show their abilities in research activities, and so that children can do this, consultations are given in notebooks and textbooks, whole action plans aimed at developing research skills. The results of this type of creativity can be observed both in the classroom and at the scientific and practical conferences "Step into Science" for elementary school students, which began to be arranged for children in the district.

In the development of students' creativity, a prominent place is occupied by the subject traditionally referred to in school as labor training. The author of the textbook "Technology" in this set, N.M. Konysheva is a doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor. A feature of this course is that the system of training tasks is focused on the active work of the student as an integral person. This is achieved by tasks for the independent development of options for crafts, as well as tasks built on the basis of design art and design activities.

So, one of the main tasks of the authors of the "Harmony" set was the development of methods, techniques, forms of organizing the educational activities of younger students, providing comfortable conditions for the development of the child in the process of mastering knowledge, skills and abilities, in particular, the development of students' creativity, their independent activities.


Society's need for a new type of personality - creatively active and free-thinking - will undoubtedly increase further as it improves socio-economic and cultural conditions of life. The implementation of this direction in education requires an appeal to new pedagogical systems in which each subject will perform a developmental function. This is one of the important directions in the development of a general education school, "the modernization of which involves the orientation of education not only to the assimilation of a certain amount of knowledge by students, but also to the development of his personality, his cognitive and creative capabilities."

It is on the thesis of the activity of children, the development of their creativity, the acceptance of the student as an integral person, that the modern ideas of humanization and humanitarization of education, its differentiation and integration, continuity and continuity are based.

The development of students' creativity in the educational process is the direction in which the child remains an active, creative and free-thinking person. EMC "Harmony", like all educational and methodological kits existing today in elementary school, take into account this factor.

FROM bibliography:

    Gamezo M. V. “Age and pedagogical psychology» - Pedagogical Society of Russia, Moscow, 2010.

    Kazanskaya V.G. "The personality of the student and teacher in elementary school", Karo, St. Petersburg, 2011.

    Matveeva E.I, " Literary reading- we teach younger schoolchildren "- Eksmo, Moscow, 2010.

    Podlasy I.P. "Pedagogy - 100 questions, 100 answers", Vlados-Press, Moscow, 2006.

    Tugushev R.Kh "General psychology", Eksmo, Moscow, 2006.

    Sarapulov V.A. "Didactics: theory and practice of teaching", ZabGGPU, Chita, 2001.

    Collection of normative documents (elementary school). - Moscow: Bustard, 2010.

    Teaching and methodological kit for the four-year elementary school "Harmony" .- Smolensk: Association 21st century, 2011.

Features of the creative lesson and the role of the teacher in the development of creativity of schoolchildren. Each teacher is obliged to realize what contribution he can make to the personal development of the student.

It is necessary to approach creativity, to fill communication with it. In creative practice, the teacher is a screenwriter, director and performing actor, and not a test pilot in a problematic or destructive situation. The work of a master teacher is specific in view of the individuality of its implementation and improvisation.

Such a qualified specialist sees the internal reserves and new opportunities of the child, which he must actualize in creative practice. The task of the teacher is to create a microclimate and conditions for the natural cultivation and maturation of the unique growing personality of the child, its self-actualization. Of particular importance is the achievement of harmony, coherence, correspondence of experiences and interactions. The teacher should know that the creative process of development takes place according to the principle of a spiral, since the past and the future are located in a spiral, penetrating and causing the next round of development.

But repetition in development does not mean the identity of certain moments. At each new turn, new qualities appear, but at the same time, old ones are also reproduced. Creative development is a system of irreversible qualitative changes in personality. Creativity as a dynamically developing personality structure is characterized by originality and a holistic combination of the following personal characteristics - creative potential, creative activity, creative orientation, creative individuality, initiative, improvisation, contributing to the formation of creative maturity in the process of self-actualization. In the process of interaction between the teacher and the student, a natural connection is traced between creative communication with indirect control in the process of co-creative activity and the creative attitude of the individual to its direction and efficiency, as well as between the educational, co-creative interaction of the creative activity of the individual and its attitude to these processes.

The interconnection of all components of the creative process provides a productive and creative result of training and self-education, which contributes to the self-expression of creative potential and self-actualization of the creative individuality of the individual. 4.3 Deontology It is important for a teacher to have an understanding of deontology.

Deontology is the science of duty, morality, duty and professional ethics.

In creative acmeology, deontology can be interpreted as a set of principles of expedient congruent and constructive behavior of a specialist, namely, to be a spiritually rich person, to be a creative individual, to have professional competence, personal authority and image own the entire arsenal of traditional and innovative psychological, pedagogical and special technologies be a creative specialist, empathic and charming in communicating with a partner student be capable of deep analysis and introspection, reflection and identification in the process of self-actualization be open to new, initiative and astute to observe the ethical norms of relationships in the implementation of the confidential principle, creating an atmosphere of trust to realize the deep meaning of professional life.

Researchers show a higher sensitivity of gifted children to new situations, which leads to particular difficulties.

Therefore, a teacher working with gifted children should have the following qualities. Qualities necessary for a teacher to work with gifted children. criteria of the American Astor program The teacher must 1. be friendly and sensitive 2. understand the peculiarities of the psychology of gifted children, feel their needs and interests 3. have a high level intellectual development 4. have a wide range of interests and skills 5. have some other education in addition to teaching 6. be ready to perform a variety of duties related to the education of gifted children 7. have a lively and active character 8. have a sense of humor but without a penchant for sarcasm 9. be flexible, be ready to reconsider their views and constantly improve themselves 10. have a creative, possibly unconventional personal worldview 11. be in good health and resilience 12. have special postgraduate training in working with gifted children and be ready to further acquire special knowledge .

Along with the positive principles of expedient behavior, the teacher must perfectly master not only the knowledge and skills of his profession, but also psychological knowledge and pedagogical skills.

If a teacher, thinking over a lesson, does not take himself, his feelings, thoughts, experience as material, then how can he find the line between the external - cold, indifferent, and the internal - deeply experienced, felt? Any artistic and pedagogical task, the idea of ​​a lesson should be organic for the teacher, deeply experienced by him and, most importantly, identified with his own self. This process is complicated, but only its presence turns the lesson into the real truth of art.

No wonder K. Stanislavsky, sharply separating the truth of art from falsehood, wrote There is nothing more painful than the obligation to embody someone else's, vague, outside of you at all costs. Naturally, in artistic creation only that which is prompted by the process of genuine experience is valuable, and only then can art arise.

This should be fully attributed to the pedagogical process in the classroom. True immersion in an artistic image, its comprehension is closely connected with the process of experiencing, with the ability to pass through oneself, with the feeling of the intonations of a musical work as one's own. For an art lesson, psychological, technical, intellectual, vocational training is not enough. It is necessary to prepare for the lesson also emotionally.

Especially important in the emotional side of the teacher's professional skills is the ability to find the right tone for the lesson. The term to set the tone for a conversation, performance has long been used in art. This concept is associated with the emotional center of the creative process. Finding the right tone that would be present and unique in every lesson is one of the most difficult tasks of teacher training today. The ratio of external and internal in the art of conducting a lesson can be successfully solved through the formation of acting skills in a teacher.

It is important to arouse the feeling of an idea in students, but this requires means that affect not so much the mind as the feelings. Acting skills in this respect has the richest possibilities. It is necessary to comprehend more deeply the method of K. Stanislavsky and apply it in the formation of pedagogical skills. One of the well-known techniques in theatrical pedagogy, called the method of identification, that is, the merging of one's Self with the image, thought, which must be revealed in the performed work, can be useful.

This technique presupposes not only a great deal of preliminary work, knowledge of the epoch, the history of creation, artistic and philosophical contexts, etc., but also the natural organic living of the artistic image by the teacher. Only then is true communication possible between the children and the teacher. To create, according to the definition of K. Stanislavsky, means passionately, swiftly, intensively, productively, expediently and justifiably to go to the most important task - the comprehension and disclosure of the artistic image of the work.

From a pedagogical point of view, in the preparation of a teacher, that part of the heritage of K. Stanislavsky, which is closely connected with the art of experiencing, is important. Experiences as an organic unity of the intellectual and emotional in a person. It is extremely important for a teacher to learn to consciously manage the subconscious creative activity of his psyche, since many processes in art and in the artistic development of a child are associated with the subconscious, with an intuitive, but adequate comprehension of beauty, beyond its decomposition into separate elements.

The teacher must be able to be expressive in all his manifestations, be able to find an adequate external form of expression of the feelings and emotions experienced by him. Therefore, the teacher needs to learn not to be afraid to define with words, expressive movements, facial expressions what is difficult to grasp in a work of art - its beauty, the finest lace of its images. For example, a teacher's speech should be inspirational and archivally expressive.

At the same time, one must constantly remember that it is impossible to get by with one feeling, it is necessary to intellectually and technically study the artistic material. The emotional beginning should organically combine in the mastery of the teacher with analytical abilities. For at the heart of any creative process lies passion, which, of course, does not exclude the enormous work of the mind. But is it not possible to think not coldly, but hotly? K. Stanislavsky A diverse palette of relationships appears in the lesson between the teacher and students between children in collective forms of activity.

The wisdom of creativity lies in the fact that one should not rush the feeling with thought, one should trust the unconscious area of ​​the child's soul. Gradually accumulating and comparing his impressions, ideas, he suddenly blossoms in his creative manifestations, as a flower suddenly opens. The teacher at the lesson is an intermediary, a guide for children to the world of experiences. For him, some methodological principles are important.

The first most important methodological principle is the means of emotional and rational beginnings in the work of a schoolchild in a lesson with a general increased emotional content of the lesson. The second defining principle is the plot-thematic construction of the entire system of lessons. It is the thematic principle that allows you to unite into a single whole. By the third principle, we single out the game teaching method as a factor in an interested, relaxed atmosphere in a creative lesson. The fourth principle is related to emotional dramaturgy, which creates the logical and emotional integrity of the lesson.

The lesson is built as an integral, complete work of joint teacher-student activities. Game activity is of particular importance in artistic education and upbringing, and for lessons of a creative type, the game situation becomes one of the most important methodological principles for conducting classes. So, the process of activating creativity in an art lesson depends on the teacher's attitude to creation in all types of activities.

Comprehensive mastering of art contributes both to a more complete identification of a person’s creative powers, the development of his fantasy, imagination, artistry, emotions, intellect, that is, the development of universal human abilities that are important for any field of activity, the development of creativity. 4.4 RO The child is the subject of creativity, a small artist. No one but him knows the right solution to the creative task facing him.

And the first task of the teacher is to try to ensure that the child always faces precisely the creative task of A.A. Melik Pashayev The system of developmental education of RO, which in the construction and organization of the educational process takes into account the needs and capabilities of the child and does not reject children as incapable of a particular type of activity, gives the child a chance to try his hand at the main activities of the triad of composition, performance, perception. The active participation of the child in various activities helps to identify and develop the special abilities necessary for the full perception of the activity.

Ability cannot arise outside the corresponding specific activity. It is especially important that participation in activities is within the child's strength. The basis of the content of primary education is the inclusion of students under the guidance of a teacher in the leading activities. Active perception of listening to the material at first glance should be in the first place in importance, since our task is to teach the child to listen and understand, but performing and writing activities are no less important at the first stage. At the heart of the construction of creative activities is the dialectical relationship between life and art, art and life.

We include the following as the defining principles of creative activities: Productive development of the ability to aesthetically comprehend reality and art as the ability to enter into a special form of spiritual communication with the aesthetically transformed and ethically meaningful world of human feelings, emotions of life realities.

Focus on the formation of figurative thinking as the most important factor in the artistic development of being. It is figurative thinking that optimizes the child's understanding of the aesthetic multidimensionality of the surrounding reality. Optimization of the ability of artistic synthesis as a condition for the plastic-sensual and aesthetically multifaceted development of the phenomena of activity. Development of artistic communication skills as the basis for a holistic perception of art.

Creation of moral and aesthetic situations as the most important condition for the emergence of an emotional and creative experience of reality. The development of improvisation skills as the basis for the formation of an artistic and original attitude to the world around. Improvisation is the fundamental principle of children's artistic creativity. Appeal to children's creativity as a method of education is a characteristic trend of modern art pedagogy. Improvisation allows you to develop the ability to see the whole, comprehended in the unity of the productive and reproductive aspects of thinking, makes it possible to realize the process of creativity in pedagogy.

End of work -

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Ability and giftedness. Creativity, divergent thinking

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