» How to relieve stress with How to relieve tightness and nervous tension? Creative activity and physical activity

How to relieve stress with How to relieve tightness and nervous tension? Creative activity and physical activity

Nervous tension often "accumulates" in the lower part of the face. When we are under a lot of stress, all the muscles contract, and especially the jaw muscles, because our emotions are reflected on the face. Massage will help you relax. Place 4 fingers of each hand on the lower jaw and make small circular motions clockwise for 2-3 minutes. Move from the center to the ears. Want to enhance the effect? Massage the temples and the area above the eyebrows.

Chew gum

Scientists have found that it perfectly calms the nerves. It turns out that during chewing, the level of cortisol, the stress hormone, decreases. Studies have shown that people who chew gum during stressful situations are more effective in coping with difficulties. And their level of anxiety is reduced by an average of 15%.

Think... bad

If you are an anxious person and tend to panic even over trifles, try to deal with excessive anxiety using the method Dale Carnegie.

Calmly analyze the situation, imagining the worst that could happen.

Mentally prepare yourself to accept this option. For example, if you are afraid of being fired from your job, imagine that this has already happened. You will understand that life does not end. Once you put up with a bad scenario, you immediately relax.

Freed from panic, calmly think about how to change the situation. When fear goes away, a huge amount of energy is released that can be channeled into a positive direction.

Change your attitude towards offenders

In Japan, there is a tradition - to throw darts at the portraits of the authorities. The authorities are not offended - it’s better to throw them at the photograph than at them. The subordinates must blow off steam! If your boss makes you nervous, you can do the same (but better not in the office - our bosses are not as tolerant as the Japanese). Or imagine the leader in the form of ... a child. You can even mentally dress him in children's clothes. Your anger will immediately disappear - how can you be offended by a child? He doesn't know what he's doing.

Program yourself for success

There are many ways to do this, and visualization is one of the most effective. Try to catch the moment between sleep and wakefulness - the state of drowsiness. Imagine yourself as a superhero who does not care about any difficulties. Imagine how you can easily bypass all obstacles and troubles. The picture should be as bright as possible. To fix the result, repeat to yourself: “I’m doing well”, “I’m safe” ... Phrases can be anything - depending on what worries you: anger, fear, self-doubt. But they must be composed in the present tense and without the “not” particle.

Treat yourself to pleasures

Make it a rule to do something nice for yourself: a glass of freshly squeezed juice in the morning, a walk in the woods, a new blouse... It will cheer you up. Pleasures should be every day and at least three.

Listen to music

Either a fun one or a good old classic. Classical music normalizes blood pressure and heart rate, restores the nervous system. It is known that music Vivaldi helps to focus Beethoven- deal with depression Mozart- activate the work of the brain. This is because the classics affect special areas of the brain that are not always “reachable” even with drugs.

Create an information vacuum

If you have the opportunity to go out of town for the weekend, this is a great option. A change of scenery will help you switch: only you and nature, without external stimuli. But if this is not possible, you can still escape from the hustle and bustle. To do this, just turn off phones, computers and TVs for weekends. Stress is fueled by information overload, so the brain needs to be in a vacuum for a while. And, even if the respite is only a day or two, you will still feel relief.

Nervous tension is one of the symptoms characteristic of every third inhabitant of our planet. What is commonly called nervous exhaustion is caused by a host of factors that affect us daily. In humans, the nervous system is characterized by high plasticity, it adapts to any stressful and non-standard situations, but its capabilities are still not limited. Any strong emotions cause a reaction in the body - stress. If emotions are positive, a person experiences happiness, if negative, neurosis and neuro-emotional stress occur. If nervous tension and symptoms are detected in a timely manner, then the treatment can be very short, and the person will quickly return to normal life, emotional balance and harmony with the whole world around.

Causes of nervous tension in everyday life

Very often, not one factor, but a combination of them, leads to neuro-emotional stress. Constant fatigue during the working day against the background of a stressful situation in personal life will quickly lead to neurosis, and a violation of appetite in connection with this will also cause weakness and malaise. So, the main causes of nervous tension are:

Negative impressions and emotions that occur regularly and gradually accumulate in the subconscious (resentment, anger, pride, envy);

Fears that arise at the subconscious level - the inability to control them leads to severe anxiety;

Unfulfilled plans, dreams, desires, psychological obstacles - there is something that on a subconscious level does not allow a person to become himself ("I have no right to rest", "I have no right to be happy", "I will never succeed " etc.). Such psychological attitudes may remain from childhood, inspired by peers or parents, and may appear already in adulthood;

Failures in personal life stressful situations and constant experiences; conflicts;

Dissatisfaction with the working environment and profession, a feeling of unfulfillment of oneself;

Lack of physical activity and regular rest;

The impossibility of throwing out constantly accumulating experiences.

People of certain professions are most susceptible to the occurrence of nervous tension - those that are associated with frequent conflicts, high stress and nervous feelings and responsibility (for example, drivers, managers, doctors, teachers). The law even provides these people with additional annual leave.

Symptoms of nervous tension

The main signs of nervous tension are:

Passivity, lack of energy and interest in what is happening around;

Stiffness and feeling of awkwardness;

Violation of restful sleep, and often its absence at all;


Reluctance to interact with others.

These symptoms can be used to recognize both a stressful state and depression, etc. As a rule, nervous tension also manifests itself in muscle tone: trembling of the hands, chin, and the whole body can be observed. What to do if you have found similar symptoms in yourself and your mental and emotional state leaves much to be desired?

We correct nervous tension - treatment in simple ways

Walk on foot. Walking is very beneficial for the body and improves the functioning of all organ systems. It is better to move at a different pace, slowing down and speeding up the step, while you need to distract yourself from problems and switch your attention to good memories or just the environment, nature, people, etc. Thanks to such walks, the work of the brain is activated, blood circulation improves, and the nervous system calms down.

Release steam. To do this, break something, shout at the top of your voice, beat the pillow. Let the emotions come out of you instead of building up inside.

Relax. it good way to relax. You need to sit back, close your eyes, distract yourself from problems, imagine visually something pleasant, for example, a place where you dream of being. In this case, you need to breathe slowly, evenly.

Try a massage with aromatic oils. Let someone close give you a relaxing massage, it will relieve tension in the muscles and relax the body. You can use an essential oil with your favorite scent, turn on soothing music. Good for soothing foot massage.

Sleep and rest normally. Since nervous tension is often associated with overwork, excessive workload, the body just needs to be given a rest so that it can restore all its functions. Allow yourself to escape from the whole world on the weekend, get enough sleep, pay attention to your favorite things, sports. It helps to distract from the problems of caring for home plants, transplanting them, as well as embroidery, knitting.

Treatment of nervous tension with herbs

Some of the effective means to relieve nervous tension are mint, lemon balm, motherwort. Hawthorn normalizes blood circulation, which is necessary to calm the nervous system. Restores the function of the central nervous system and motherwort.

With the help of valerian, you can calm the nerve centers, it suppresses the activity of the nervous system. But it must be consumed within reasonable limits, otherwise unpleasant consequences are possible in the form of dizziness, disturbing dreams and pain in the stomach.

A useful decoction can be prepared from medicinal herbs according to the following recipe: boil 400 ml of water, remove from heat, add one teaspoon of valerian, catnip and skullcap. Leave to infuse for 20 minutes. Take in small sips throughout the day.

Remember, nervous tension is a dangerous condition for the body, and it cannot be ignored. This is the first step towards serious depression. Any treatment will give a weak and only temporary effect, if the main cause of nervous tension is not eliminated. Bring more positive into your life, smile and do not dwell on situations and people that are unpleasant for you. Remember, you live for yourself, not for others, and your life should be joyful.

From which sometimes we want to drop everything and run as far as possible. We have a desire to find a safe haven in which we could safely hide from all adversity and relieve nervous tension. What is the best way to deal with these negative emotions that are dangerous to our health?

1. My home is my castle

To give you an idea of ​​what we are talking about, we would like to give a simple example. Imagine that you are at work, the situation is tense, and every minute there are more and more new instructions from management, noise, conversations of colleagues, some of which you do not add up.

And if, in addition to this, you recently had to endure a quarrel with a partner or children are waiting for you at home, who need to be taken to classes. How to calm down in such a situation? How to relax and relieve nervous tension, even if it is only for how many minutes?

Imagine an empty room in your own palace of peace and tranquility, where you can hide from the outside world at any time. Noise and bustle can be heard outside the door, but you are safely hidden in your palace. Nothing can disturb your privacy. You can sit down and think about all your problems without rushing or worrying. No one is pushing you here.

2. White wall

This exercise is not difficult at all, but very effective. Each of us had to go through a situation when problems accumulated like a snowball, and we were overwhelmed with anxiety, fear and nervous tension. In this case we begin to be overwhelmed by gloomy thoughts, we feel paralyzed.

When you find yourself in a similar situation again, try to stop the flow of gloomy thoughts, protecting yourself from them with an imaginary white wall. White color will calm anxiety and bring you peace.

Try this tip! Resist these obsessive thoughts, use the image of a white wall to shield yourself from negative energy.

3. Proper breathing will help relieve nervous tension.

Stress and anxiety speed up the rhythm of our breathing., we stop breathing deeply, which causes our heart to work faster. Because of this, sooner or later, muscle tension arises, appear.

When this happens, pay attention to your breathing. Place your hand on your stomach and take a deep breath. You will notice how the abdominal muscles tighten and the chest expands.

After inhaling, hold your breath for a few seconds and begin to slowly exhale the air from the lungs. Soon you will notice that you feel better. Proper breathing helps to calm the nerves and relax.

4. Write

Another simple and effective recommendation is to always carry a small diary or a cute notebook with you. They will become your attentive listeners in difficult times. You will be able to throw out on paper all the accumulated emotions, anxiety, sadness.

Do not keep fears and anxieties in yourself, do not try to hide them deeper. Try to express these emotions in a letter. You can then tear or burn these sheets if you wish.

When we write and express the accumulated thoughts, relief soon comes. Try keeping a diary. In it you can write about what worries you, your most secret thoughts and dreams will be reflected in the diary.

Over time, the diary will become yours. best friend and become an attentive listener.

5. Some sun and walks on the grass

If you feel that you cannot cope with the influx of disturbing thoughts, you are overwhelmed with anxiety and stress, and your nerves are on edge, go for a walk to your favorite park or forest, go to the mountains…

Feel the rays of the sun caress your face, enjoy the peace and tranquility that nature is filled with. Sometimes we forget that we are her creation. Staying outside the city allows you to return to our roots and feel harmony with the outside world.

6. Find a good listener

When we manage to relieve the burden from the soul, we begin to think rationally and find a solution to our problems.

7. Take care of your personal space

Each of us has our own personal space, a world in which we can be ourselves. For this, someone needs to turn on their favorite music and close their eyes. Someone finds harmony in dance, painting, knitting.

It doesn't matter what the activity is. The main thing - to have that can soothe our anxieties, which gives you the opportunity to feel yourself and relieve nervous tension.

In conclusion, I would like to emphasize that it is very important to know which advice is best for you. What helps you relax.

Since each of us is unique and individual, each person needs a special approach. That's why we recommend trying each of these tips and you will soon see which one is best for you.

Do not forget to prioritize your life, do not get lost in the affairs and concerns of other people, forgetting about your own needs. Respect and value yourself, your inner peace and freedom. Don't forget about it!

Prolonged nervous tension and severe stress can have a significant impact on the human psyche. The consequences of psychotrauma for a long time remain in the form of anxiety-depressive, hypochondriacal or neurasthenic disorders. Manifestations can be completely different, depending on the mental background on which the stress has accumulated.

Possible reasons

Many factors can lead to a state of nervous overstrain, which can be divided into two groups:

  • acute factors. Sudden change in conditions or way of life.
  • Prolonged nervous tension. Prolonged impact of negative factors on the human psyche.

Depending on these reasons, neuropsychic overstrain and stress are formed into a kind of symptomatic picture. Also, a person may simply get excited about an upcoming important event, a quarrel with loved ones, or the loss of a good job.

Nervous tension can be caused by the death of loved ones, a sudden change of residence, financial difficulties, an unfavorable microclimate in the family, failures at work or school, and prolonged mental stress.


Neuro-emotional stress is accompanied by a number of vegetative symptoms that the body manifests regardless of the person's reaction itself. They are observed in almost everyone who experiences nervous strain or stress:

  • cardiopalmus;
  • temperature rise;
  • increased sweating;
  • headache;
  • trembling in the limbs;
  • muscle tension;
  • anxiety;
  • irritability;
  • insomnia or short sleep;
  • nightmares.

Some of these manifestations, such as fever, headache, may resemble colds, which is very important for differential diagnosis.

Psychological manifestations are quite specific for each person, although they have several common features:

  • fatigue, exhaustion;
  • irritability;
  • intrusive thoughts;
  • feeling of brokenness.

Otherwise, most people's reactions to an external stimulus are divided into two types:

  1. Depressive manifestations: lethargy, apathy, indifference, anxiety.
  2. Manic manifestations: agitation, aggressiveness, obsession, inability to concentrate, agitation.

Of course, the manifestations of these two groups of symptoms depend on the type of person's character and on his ability to react violently or to withdraw into himself, to find peace in his inner experiences.

There are a number of rather serious diseases that can develop if symptoms of stress and nervous strain are not eliminated in time. This is not just a headache or fever, but a complex lesion of one or more human organ systems.

Symptoms of acute stress or overstrain can often lead to undesirable consequences for the psyche and the human body as a whole. That is why it is so important to know how to relieve neuropsychic stress. They can be useful when you need to quickly get rid of unpleasant symptoms or calm down.

For some, a variety of breathing and physical exercises that can be done at home, listening to music will be more useful, while for others it will be more practical to take pills or other medications.

Breathing exercises

Irritability, internal restlessness and tension can be removed with the help of special exercises that will relieve pain in the temples of the head, muscle tension, and slow down a little heart palpitations.

The essence of this exercise is to hold your breath for a short time, which causes irritation of the brain stem. There, in addition to the center of respiration, there are other important structures vegetative system organism.

You can quickly deal with unpleasant thoughts and emotions with a simple breath-holding exercise. It is necessary to alternate slow breaths and exhalations lasting 3-4 seconds and hold your breath after each time for the same time. Exercise should be done for at least 10 minutes for optimal results. This method is good when you need to quickly organize your thoughts, relieve nervous tension.


A beautiful melody, the sounds of your favorite music can improve a person's well-being. It is this effect that is used as another method that will help get rid of anxiety and tension. The preference in choosing music as a way to cope with stress should be given to either classical melodies or favorite songs in a not too annoying tone.

It has been proven that music sessions contribute to the improvement of mental abilities, thoughts and plans are put in order, an adequate assessment of the events around and an analysis of one's own reactions is carried out.

To ensure the maximum effect of music, it is necessary to listen to it with complete muscle relaxation and the absence of any thoughts. At such moments, you should not think about something important, but pay a little attention to yourself and your health.

Music should be chosen either without an intrusive emotional text, or without words at all, easy to understand. Even a simple instrumental melody will help to cope with the symptoms of nervous tension.

In some cases, treatment with the help of music can take place at concerts. Listening to the classical playing of the orchestra has a positive effect on the human mind, frees him from obsessive ideas, thoughts, relieves symptomatic pain. With a combination of listening to music and taking pills, you can achieve optimal results.


Nervous strain will help relieve yoga. It is known that physical exercise free the brain from unnecessary thoughts and worries, help to achieve unity with oneself. Yoga can bring real muscle relaxation and spiritual peace. This is not just a form of fitness, but a whole culture that has been created over the centuries. Yoga helps to get rid of mental and physical fatigue, tones the whole body, strengthens muscles and gives real harmony between body and soul.

It is during the period of stress and nervous strain that it is so important to find peace of mind, get rid of irritability, obsessive thoughts, and apathy. Yoga for this has dozens of suitable exercises and asanas that can be done daily. Such loads are focused on the interaction of internal emotions, consciousness and body. Yoga is able to maintain this connection in harmony, provided that the exercises are systematically performed.

Many studies have shown that yoga is effective for various diseases of internal organs and systems, because often the psychological state of a person affects the state of the whole organism.

Yoga can relieve pain and even normalize body temperature. Basically, this happens in two ways. Special postures (asanas), which yoga provides, unload the spine and promote muscle relaxation, blood flow to the brain. Thus, the physical pain goes away. Yoga teaches how to let go of all tension correctly, get rid of obsessive problems and anxiety, thus pushing psychogenic pain into the background. The same effect can normalize body temperature.

Moreover, the constant performance of exercises strengthens psychological resistance to stress and prevents the formation of undesirable consequences.

Medical treatment

If the usual methods of treatment in the form of breathing exercises, music or sports do not help, it makes sense to pay attention to drugs that will remove neuropsychic overstrain. For some people, it is much easier to take a pill or use another drug at home and not engage in meditation or other exercises.

For the correct choice of tablets, an assessment of neuropsychic stress plays a huge role. Drugs can fight the symptoms that appear, but you should be very careful about taking them. Only a doctor can prescribe the right therapy in the form of tablets and advise whether they should be taken at home at all.

There are several groups of drugs that affect neuropsychic stress:

  1. Vitamins. It is known that these drugs are a useful supplement that helps the body's systems to meet the needs, improve mental abilities, find relief from nervous tension. To treat stress and similar disorders at home, vitamin complexes should be taken. The constant use of these drugs significantly reduces the risk of stress and the formation of undesirable consequences. To figure out how to relieve stress and nervous tension, you should understand the purpose of each of the vitamins:
    • Neuropsychic stress can eliminate B vitamins. They are responsible for stress resistance, the formation of a response by the nervous system. Vitamin B tablets are useful to take constantly or during increased mental stress, for example, during exams.
    • Taking vitamin C helps to improve the state of the body's immune system, increases resistance to external negative factors. Ascorbic acid tablets with prolonged use can eliminate the symptoms of fatigue.
    • Vitamin A has antioxidant abilities, prevents the development of depressive conditions. Also available as tablets for daily use.
  2. Sedative tablets should be taken only as a last resort and with a doctor's prescription. These drugs can have a complex effect on all body systems and cause a number of side effects. If, nevertheless, it is not possible to cope with nervous tension, preference should be given to sedative herbal medicines.
  3. Sleeping pills can remove obsessive thoughts that are spinning in the head and interfere with normal rest. They can also help you relax and relieve stress. The rest period for all body systems is extremely important, as it gives time to recover before the next load.
  4. symptomatic treatment. It is important to get rid of symptoms such as headache, fever, or dizziness with appropriate medications to improve overall well-being and well-being. These symptoms, although psychogenic, should not be ignored. Pain can be eliminated with an analgin tablet or drugs from the NSAID group (Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs).

The temperature rises due to a psychogenic reaction, so it can often go away on its own. Otherwise, you should use means that reduce the temperature, possibly folk remedies: applying ice packs, wiping with water. Many plants and fruits contain special antipyretic substances that are not only able to lower body temperature, but also strengthen the immune system, as they contain a number of useful vitamins. To relieve nervous tension, you can use traditional medicine in the form of herbal tea with mint and chamomile.

Internal anxiety and psycho-emotional overstrain greatly worsen a person's well-being, his performance. Constant pain in the head, sometimes even an increase in body temperature, aggravates general weakness and impotence, a person feels an urgent need for vitality. In order to understand how release from nervous tension is achieved, it is necessary to understand the causes of its occurrence. If you find the root of the problem, you can easily and purposefully get rid of the symptoms.

The consequence of psycho-emotional stress during experiencing or solving problems is stress, its other name is stress. It can be mild or strong, and it is important to learn to recognize it in time in order to get rid of it faster and not bring the situation to the extreme - nervousness. But how to relieve nervous tension and build an invisible wall of calm, peace? To control your emotions, you need to know yourself well, as well as have enough strength and energy in reserve to switch in time and respond correctly to this or that irritable situation.

Symptoms of nervous tension

The primary symptom is a lack of desire for any activity. This is accompanied by loss of energy, sluggishness, irritability and poor sleep. Apathy is also inherent in this state. A person does not want to see relatives, relatives, and even more so to maintain relationships.

Interesting! There is an opinion that women are more nervous than men - this is not true. It's all about the nature of expressing feelings

A woman is more open and her irritability becomes visible to others. But men are more restrained in this regard, but the influence of negative emotions does not pass without a trace for them.

The prolongation of such symptoms is the cause of increasing nervous tension, as a result of which serious health problems will appear.

Relieve stress in one day will not work, but there are recommendations and tips that will help you quickly get rid of anxiety and apathy.

Manage time and life

How to get rid of nervous tension and not take any medication? Only by the power of thought and an orderly principle in life. It will be easier to do this at home: you can relax on the couch, drink tea with mint and lemon balm, calmly reflect on disturbing problems, or, more precisely, make sure that they do not disturb.

You need to start with a list that will indicate major troubles and minor ones. In this list it is necessary to consider each problem from a different angle. Not as a difficulty, but as a chance to change your life and start everything from scratch. It is with this attitude to try to change the situation. For example, the problem is that they lost their job, the cause of nervous tension is thoughts about the consequences of being fired, the solution is writing a resume for those companies where I would like to do what I love.

Stress is one of the causes of severe overload. Avoiding problems in such a situation is very easy, armed with a notebook and a pen. In it, note all the affairs and responsibilities that lie on your shoulders. From this list, select items that cannot be postponed in any way. The remaining list should also be carefully reviewed and highlighted in a separate column for those issues that do not require personal presence and can be shifted to other family members who have more free time.

To relieve strong tension, you should do physical exercises. In this case, yoga workouts will be suitable. This is not only body shaping and oxygen saturation of the body, but also a philosophy of life, which is characterized by thought control and proper nutrition.

No less useful will be an active walk in the fresh air, where it is necessary to alternate walking speed and step width. You can also sign up for swimming or dancing.

Important! Do not plan anything for the weekend other than rest and relaxation. Take care of yourself and your self-development. Go to the cinema, theater, spend time with family or friends. Do not forget to warn colleagues that you should not be disturbed in any case. Relaxing in your free time will help restore peace of mind and healthy sleep.

Other ways to relieve stress

If the previous methods are aimed at gradually clearing the head of bad thoughts, then there are other methods that will help you quickly relieve nervous tension:

  • Give vent to anger

The method will help to quickly relieve stress when negative feelings overwhelm. It is better to do this at home or in a place where you can retire and do whatever comes to mind. For example, breaking plates, shouting, crying, etc.

  • Let's be honest

If stress is caused by a scandal with loved ones or relatives, then why not restore good relationships through conversation? Dialogue will help to avoid further conflicts, hence the buildup of tension.

  • Yawn

No matter how strange it may sound, but our body signals a decrease in performance precisely by yawning, during which the following positive processes occur: muscle tone increases, blood flow through the vessels normalizes, metabolism accelerates and carbon dioxide is excreted. Yawning can be forced by thinking about it or by trying to yawn unnecessarily.

  • Smile

It is she who is part of the positive emotions that quickly relieve the accumulated fatigue and stress. During laughter, more oxygen enters the brain, which improves the psycho-emotional state. Even an artificially induced smile will help to cope with difficult thoughts from problems and improve mood.

  • Embrace

Close bodily contact contributes to the formation of hormones of joy, which favorably affect the human nervous system and remove muscle tension.

  • Quitting unhealthy habits

Alcoholic drinks, coffee, strong black tea, spicy food cause nervous excitement. Being in this state regularly, the body is subject to the influence of stress, resulting in mental breakdowns.

Basic yoga exercises to help you calm down at home

The modern, dynamic world has created for us, along with convenience and various opportunities, a negative atmosphere. Every second person experiences anxiety, tension and stress. As already mentioned, physical exercises are good for relieving nervous tension and it is a great practice to include yoga poses. They tone the body (gentlely affect the muscle muscles and ligaments), and then bring it into balance.

Standing, straighten your back and bring your shoulder blades together. Bend the right leg at the knee and lean the foot against the inner thigh of the other leg. Connect the palms, fingers up, press to the chest. Take 3 breaths and gently raise your arms up. Stand for half a minute and release from the pose. Repeat with the left leg.

The exercise is performed on a mat. Get on your knees and spread your legs shoulder-width apart. Tilt your torso back and place your palms on your feet. Relax your neck. Breathing deeply, hold this position for 30 seconds.3. In a sitting position, straighten your legs in front of you (or bend at the knees). Spread your arms to the side at shoulder width, straightening up. In this case, the palms should look at each other, and the elbows should not be bent. While retracting the abdomen, with even breathing, straighten the legs. Coming out of the pose, you should first expand your hands.

Having done several approaches of such exercises and drinking hot green tea, which contains a natural tranquilizer, you will strengthen and maintain the normal nervous system.

Acupressure - another method against nervous tension

Acupressure is one of the most effective ways to positively influence the central and peripheral systems. After performing the following exercises, it will increase efficiency and help you feel a pleasant relaxation of the body and calm the soul:

  • Warm up your palms by rubbing them apart.
  • Tilt your head and put your face on them, giving weight to your hands. Relax for 1 minute.
  • Rub the active points on the head with the index finger for 30 seconds: in the center of the forehead, on the sides of the bridge of the nose.
  • Massage the skin of the eye sockets with a gentle patting with your fingertips around the entire perimeter.
  • Muscle spasms of the jaw will also help relieve massaging in a circular motion.
  • Connect 4 fingers of the right hand and rub the forehead with pads until warmth comes.
  • Head massage in the scalp by pressing fingers on the skin.
  • Press on the cavity located at the base of the skull for 3-4 seconds. Do 5 sets.
  • Squeeze one hand into a fist and massage under the little finger, in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe formed folds. Repeat the massage on the other hand.

Important! Stress or nervous tension will recede if 2 to 4 points are affected in one session.

Ways to eliminate nervous tension with medication

Medicines for nervous tension are also called sedatives. They quickly relieve stress, increase efficiency, but the time of taking them is limited due to the possible addiction of the body to the active ingredients of the drugs. Medications are prescribed by a doctor, especially strong prescription drugs. But there are drugs, the composition of which is based on herbs, tinctures and extracts. They can be used according to the instructions at home:

  • Peony (natural sedative and hypnotic drug).
  • Motherwort (with an overexcited state of the nervous system).
  • Peppermint (with mild neurosis).

You can also purchase homeopathic medicines such as Homeostres and Tenoten.
The question is obvious: how soon is stress or nervous tension relieved after taking herbal medicines? After the first application, 30-40 minutes after ingestion, the excited peripheral and central nervous system calms down: disturbing thoughts recede, blood circulation and working capacity improve. The advantage of such drugs is the absence of contraindications. Side effects can only be individual intolerance.