» Conditions for the successful preparation of the child for schooling. How to prepare a child for school, and where can this be done? Modern preparation of children for school

Conditions for the successful preparation of the child for schooling. How to prepare a child for school, and where can this be done? Modern preparation of children for school

Child in the "kindergarten - school" system

Education system in Russian Federation is a set of successive educational programs and state educational standards, networks educational institutions, control systems.

Given the continuous nature of education, it is important to prepare the child for school, for the transition to a new “social situation of development” (L.S. Vygotsky), for the difficulties that await the child, in the form of a personality neoplasm of the “crisis of 7 years”.

The purpose of the "kindergarten - school" system is to ensure the further harmonious development of the child's personality in the status of a schoolchild.

The result of preparation is the readiness of the child for school - as an internal position aimed at mastering the achievements inherent in schoolchildren. Various specialists in theory and practice use certain terminology.

This is how psychologists use the term psychological readiness”, including here the intellectual, social, motivational, moral-volitional, personal (“internal position of the student”), as well as a sufficient level of development of hand-eye coordination.

Doctors, hygienists, neuropsychologists consider "school maturity" as the level of morphological and functional systems, the development of the eye, the hand, which is important when teaching writing. The age of six is ​​an important turning point in the morphological and functional development of the brain, characterized by a complex restructuring of brain activity, manifestations of an electrophysiological phenomenon in the brain - the so-called "waiting wave".

The data show that a sufficiently high level of "school maturity" reflects a kind of readiness of brain structures for complex activities necessary for effective learning, assimilation of new knowledge, mastery of learning skills and abilities.

Educators use the term “school readiness” to link a child’s developmental level to the preparation process. Two concepts are introduced - general and special readiness.

General readiness is understood as comprehensive: mental, physical, moral, labor, aesthetic. Special readiness includes the development of speech, preparation for literacy, the formation of the principles of mathematics, preparation for writing, the formation of ideas about the environment.

Thus, a child's readiness for schooling is a multifaceted phenomenon and is determined by a number of biological, social, psychological and pedagogical reasons.

Pedagogical conditions for preparing children for school

The humanization of the pedagogical process covers all its links, including the education of preschool children. Preschool age is characterized as a period of the formation of a child as a subject of cognition and activity (A.N. Leontiev, D.B. Elkonin, S.L. Rubinshtein, A.V. Zaporozhets, etc.). If the game is an activity within which children learn morality, motives, norms of relations between people, then educational activity contributes to the assimilation of socially developed ways of acting with objects and standards. On this basis, the intellectual and cognitive forces of the child are formed.

Developing the educational and cognitive activity of the child, the teacher must remember that the child begins to learn the world not from its theoretical consideration, but from practical actions. A.V. Zaporozhets established that orienting actions play a central role in mental development. The teacher creates conditions in the preschool educational institution that specifically “build” the indicative part of the activity.

Knowledge of the psychological foundations of the organization of educational and cognitive activity allows the teacher to professionally organize the learning process. AT preschool pedagogy the formation of orienting actions (perception) is considered in sensory education, the development of higher forms mental development- in the mental (thinking, imagination, memory, etc.). Thus, the subject of sensory education is perception, and the subject of mental education is the higher mental forms of the psyche. Sensory education is part of the mental, its basis.

In alternative programs of the new generation ("Rainbow", "Development", "Childhood", "Origins") methodological foundations cognitive development of children are based on modern psychological provisions. Thus, the program "Rainbow" emphasizes the importance of forming a child's image of the world - as a complex, holistic, not frozen system of knowledge. The image of the world includes the knowledge of the child about himself, about other people, about his activities, about the world in general. The image of the world, according to T.I. Grizik is born, developed and formed thanks to the cognitive sphere of the child.

The process of cognition by a child is determined by his cognitive interests, needs, abilities. A preschooler is interested in both the world of objects and objects, and the world of events and phenomena. A person, as a "carrier" of ideas and norms of morality, interests a child from various positions: what he does, what he says, how he relates to someone or something. In a preschool educational institution, it is important to correctly determine the pedagogical position of an adult in order not to extinguish cognitive activity, interests, develop the mental abilities of children, an active-positive, interested attitude towards the world. The main task of the teacher is to develop sustainable intellectual activity of children.

In the article by T.I. Grizik "The program "Rainbow": methodological foundations of the cognitive development of children" the cognitive sphere is considered as a complex formation, in which three components can be distinguished - mental (cognitive) processes; information; relation to information.

Pedagogical conditions that ensure the preparation of children for school are called the gradual filling of the subject-developing environment; widespread use of game exercises for the development of mental processes (such as "Find by description", "Compose by description", etc.), didactic games, excursions, stories of the educator; the use of cognitive fairy tales, realistic stories from the experience of the educator, the introduction of fairy-tale characters (gnomes, foresters, etc.), “humanized” real objects, objects, phenomena of our world, visual experimentation - all this gives cognitive activity a learning character, allows you to form various types of motivation (playing, personal, social, cognitive, etc.), to "live" for children the content of certain activities.

In general, pedagogical conditions allow children to develop a cognitive, aesthetically careful, emotional, transformative attitude to the world. In a subject-developing environment (“Library of smart books”, production of collections, materials for speech games) conditions are created for an active, interested attitude to objects of animate and inanimate nature, to the phenomena of social life. Artistic and productive work organized by the educator (making individual durable toys, crafts from paper, waste material, making postcards, invitation cards, etc.) helps to consolidate various ways of doing them, forms elements of motivation for cooperation with adults, emotional and sensory experience of perception peace.

Mental development is provided only by systematic and purposeful training, which is developing in nature. Education is the process of interaction between a teacher and children, aimed at assimilating cognitive information of various levels, forming their mental abilities, developing a positive attitude towards the winding process. Developing education focuses on the potential of the child and their implementation. The child is considered as an object of learning, having a certain level of personal (empirical) experience, desire, interest, need.

The main form of education is classes - as a regulated activity aimed at solving the problems of the mental development of children.

The main feature of the lesson is the presence of didactic principles; components of educational activity; mandatory (regulated) character; mutual learning, etc.

The tasks and content of teaching children up to seven years of age are reflected in educational programs. Teaching methods are aimed at the implementation of three areas of cognitive activity of children. The choice of methods is determined by the age of the children, the zone of their proximal mental development, the content, and the level of preparation of each child. In this regard, the task of differentiation and individualization in preschool education. Forms of organization of education (frontal, group, individual) depend on the type of association of children, the position of the teacher.

Modern principles of constructing classes are disclosed in the works of T.A. Kulikova, N.F. Vinogradova, R.S. Bure, S.A. Kozlova, L.M. Klarina and others. The authors name such didactic principles that have the character of mandatory, necessary requirements:

* the principle "through - oneself - understanding";

* the principle of start priority (each child has his own zone of proximal development, start from the level that children have);

* the principle of development of associative connections;

* the principle of fixing success at all stages of the lesson;

* the principle of parallelism, i.e. accompaniment.

* the principle of synthesis, intellect, affect and action;

* phasing and taking into account age characteristics;

* continuity and continuity of education in kindergarten, at home and at school.

An appropriate educational environment must be created to implement the indicated principles. Under the educational environment of L.M. Klarina understands the totality of relations between the participants in the educational process, didactic and subject-material conditions necessary for its adequate flow.

To organize such an educational process, the relationship between the subjects of the educational process should be a child-adult community, which is characterized by partnerships, where the interests, inclinations, characteristics of each, his desires, rights and obligations are taken into account.

In the works of modern researchers, a cognitive (Cognitive) model of the development of a preschooler is revealed (T.A. Kulikova, L.M. Klarina, N.Ya. Mikhailenko). The attention of teachers is directed to the creation of conditions conducive to the mastery of the means and means by children. ways of knowing and describing the surrounding reality. The basic means of cognition and description are called sensory standards, standards of various measures, moral and ethical standards, models, speech, "language of feelings". In accordance with this, the methods of cognition include - observation, examination of objects, comparison, comparison, classification and variation, syllogisms (inference), consideration and modeling.

The cognitive development of a preschool child implies the development of intellectual emotions that arise in the course of cognition and contribute to its flow (emotions of surprise, interest, joy of discovery, success, reflection, doubt, confidence, conjecture). Development of children's competence by introducing children to different areas reality should lie in the sphere of the subjective experience of the child, be interesting for the preschooler. The content of knowledge includes four areas ("Nature", "Man-made world", "Others", "I myself").

AT modern research integration is proclaimed as the main principle of organizing cognitive activity (L.M. Klarina, G.M. Kiseleva, Yu.B. Ryumina, etc.).

The essence of integration in the relationship of fundamental and applied goals of cognitive development; a combination of personal (everyday) and theoretical experience (as the appropriation of socio-cultural heritage); designing educational topics that are the core for creating a child-adult community; considering various aspects of each of the four spheres of reality (science,

Methodological approaches to the organization of cognitive-speech activity, the development of the intellect of children are closely associated with the formation of cognitive interest, motivation and the need for cognitive-intellectual activity.

The technology of organizing cognitive-speech activity is aimed at engaging cognitive-practical and emotional-value areas. The technology is based on a triad: cognition - transformation - communication. The task of teachers is to develop in the child the position of the subject of activity, activity, independence, initiative and creativity. The mechanism of personality-oriented interaction involves the centering of learning on the child, stimulating and increasing the subjectivity of the child, differentiation and individualization, flexibility and dosage of individual and group learning, organization of pedagogical support, dialogization of learning.

The author's approach to the organization of cognitive activity of children of senior preschool age is offered by N.A. Korotkov. The author opposes the "functional" approach to cognitive and intellectual activity, when through the use of partial programs in a child, the child develops individual cognitive functions (memory, attention, logical thinking). According to the researcher, the formation of a child as a subject of cognition proceeds better in partnership between an adult and children. It is advisable to conduct cognitive cycle classes once a week.

The importance of search, research activities is noted in the study by E. Evdokimova. The use of design technology as one of the forms of search activity allows, according to the author, to effectively solve the problems of development creativity. Search activity is an active behavior (development of thought, fantasy, creativity) in conditions of uncertainty. A creative project, the essence of which is the freedom of its participants in expressing their subjective opinion, in choosing both the retention of activity and the means of solving the problem. The projective activity of a preschooler develops in stages (imitative-performing - developing - creative levels) with the direct participation and support of an adult. The task of the teacher is to form the need for self-development, personal qualities that allow you to feel like a member of the community.

So, the cognitive development of a child involves the assimilation of means and methods of cognition, the involvement of all three forms of thinking of a preschooler (the essence of the self-development of a child's thinking is the mutual transition of clear and obscure knowledge of the child.

In all classes, teachers contribute to children's mastery of the prerequisites for learning activities. In the book "Teaching in Kindergarten" L.P. Usova covers in detail this activity, its structure, features. It must be remembered that educational activity is not the leading one at preschool age, it changes dynamically and meaningfully from age to age. Its purpose is to solve the problems of formation of educational and cognitive activity. However, alternative programs (“Development”, “Origins”, “Rainbow”, etc.) draw attention to the development of mental abilities as the main content of educational and cognitive activity. A.P. Usova names three components of learning activity: acceptance and understanding learning task; the ability to act in a didactically given direction; self-control and self-examination.

Pedagogical conditions for the formation of the prerequisites for educational activities at school for children will be:

The use of various types of motivation (game, practical, cognitive, educational, personal, comparative, etc.);

The use of game trainings for the development of arbitrariness of behavior, games and studies for psychomuscular training and for teaching children self-relaxation techniques;

Expansion of the types of assessment of the results of children's activities (teacher assessment, assessment for children, self-assessment, game form of assessment, mutual assessment, etc.);

The introduction of diverse teaching methods ( problematic issues, modeling, experimentation, etc.);

The use of various means of mental development and learning (organization of the active activity of the child, educational games, design, visual, theatrical activities, practical activities, training, etc., modern technical means); - the presence of a certain position of the teacher.

The position of the teacher is aimed both at stimulating the cognitive activity of children and at supporting the child's own activity.

In the works of N.N. Poddiakova. S.L. Novoselova, children's own activity is considered as a condition for the manifestation of children's experimentation.

Conditions should be created for children in which they would have the opportunity to experiment extensively with newly acquired material. It is important that the child experiment with the learning material before learning or at the very beginning of the learning process.

Thus, educational and cognitive activity has its own structure, features, is a means of education personal qualities personality (activity, independence, responsibility). Psychological and pedagogical conditions are aimed at establishing the relationship, both the mechanism for the formation of the activity itself, and the personality of the child.

harmonic pedagogical preschool school

  • surname, name and patronymic (of one's own and of one's parents), day of birth and home address;
  • names of days of the week and months; seasons, natural and weather phenomena;
  • names of animals, birds, fishes; gives examples of differences (animals walk, they have 4 legs; birds fly, they have 2 legs, 2 wings, a beak; fish swim, they have no legs and wings, they have fins); understands the difference between domestic and wild animals, wintering and migratory birds;
  • names of plants, fruits, vegetables, mushrooms, berries; gives examples of forest, garden, wild flowers;
  • the name of your locality, the capital of the country, different states;
  • the most famous professions and occupation of their parents;
  • colors and shades;
  • famous writers and poets; the names of holidays and the time when they are celebrated; several sports;
  • modes of transport (land, water, air);
  • elementary rules traffic for pedestrians and drivers.

Well, if the future first grader knows how to:

  • to distinguish yesterday-today-tomorrow, long ago-recently;
  • correctly determine the position of an object in space: right / left, top / bottom, front / back;
  • compare "more / less";
  • making a difference geometric figures;
  • determine extra item or word;
  • write in cells;
  • draw around the contour;
  • copy a picture and a simple sentence;
  • find words starting with the given letter;
  • read syllables and simple words;
  • count up to 10 in forward and reverse order, know the composition of numbers;
  • recite poems by heart;
  • invent stories and fairy tales;
  • describe a picture, make up a story based on it;
  • express what you hear;
  • anwser the questions;
  • describe objects and events from memory;
  • finish sentences;
  • know letters, distinguish them from sounds;
  • understand what sound is the first and last in the word;
  • hold the pen/pencil correctly.

How much is expected from the baby. But he is interested in playing, creating, making friends, exploring the world! If adults load a preschooler with academic preparation for school, he risks being left without a childhood! That is why the textbooks of the system do not require deep preparation for schooling. Her program will be mastered by a child of any level of readiness for school.

In any school, the kid will also need the ability to join the team, build relationships with peers and adults, and express their point of view. Working with the manual, you will discuss with the baby issues of communication and friendship with children and adults. Properly selected tasks will help the future student prepare for social adaptation in the classroom. And getting to know Styopa, the hero of the book "Psychology for Children: at Home, at School, on a Journey" will help you become interested in learning, learn how to manage your emotions and cope with difficulties painlessly.

Classes for preschoolers in preparation for school can be organized in different formats.

It could be school training courses. Their advantages: the child sees the real class with real school furniture, a real school bell rings there, which will probably sound the same until the end of the 11th grade, and it is highly likely that one of the teachers will become his class teacher.

In addition to school, the child can attend group classes in budgetary and commercial organizations of additional education. Compared to traditional schools, there is a more democratic approach to children. Usually in such institutions within the framework of educational course psychologist classes are held to develop the communicative and emotional-personal spheres or foreign languages ​​are taught.

Some parents prefer an individual approach to education and turn to the services of a preschool tutor. Individual preparation for school for preschoolers is carried out according to a program agreed with parents, and knowledge with the appropriate qualifications of the teacher will be more versatile and deep.

Preparing a preschooler for school: where to start?

A preschooler learns the world through games and fairy tales. Perform finger gymnastics with him, memorize simple verses (for example, Agnes Barto), reproduce the movements and sounds of animals. The kid will be happy to complete these tasks, amusing you with his diligence. Be sure to give him the opportunity to be creative. Yes, the drawings will be, in your opinion, sloppy: first, rough strokes, then cephalopods ... But the baby knows that this is the sun, and this is grass, and this is his beloved mother! With what sincere love he will give you his drawings! Hang them in a prominent place so that the baby knows that his “work” is appreciated. And in the development of artistic skills and fine motor skills will help workbook. The article will introduce interesting non-traditional ways of drawing and fun ideas - be sure to implement them.

For the development of motor self-control, popular hide and seek are perfect (after all, how hard it is to sit silently and not moving when they are looking for you!), the games “The sea is worried once ...”, “Silent, whispers, chants”. The essence of the latter is that, at the command of an adult, the baby must be silent for a certain time, speak in a whisper or shout. Through screams, the child splashes out emotional stress. When he is silent or speaks only in a whisper for three minutes, volitional processes develop in him.

Preparation for school for a preschooler: developmental activities at home

Homework expands and consolidates the knowledge and skills of the child. They should be systematic and interesting for the baby. Count and compare various objects with it: toys, dishes, books, pieces of furniture. Let the child learn to understand what is more / less. Play math games with him. For example, ask what number is between three and five, seven and nine. Offer to arrange the cards with numbers in ascending/descending order. Let the preschooler determine what number the numbers 3 and 2, 1 and 6, etc. can turn into. The child will be happy to solve mathematical riddles. For example, these:

We gave Lariska
Four sausages.
Three more sausages
We gave Boriska.
So how many sausages
Borya and Lariska?

The hen has three chicks.
The duck has two ducklings.
- Three plus two -
Egor asked -
Together it will be how much?

Learn letters, sounds, syllables and words with your child. An excellent help in this will be the manual "ABC for preschoolers." When performing game tasks in a notebook, the child will understand the difference between vowels and consonants, hard and soft consonant sounds of the Russian language. By working with the part, you will lay the foundation for reading and writing skills. Classes in this manual will help your baby feel and love the language.

To broaden your horizons, develop attention, logic and vocabulary, use simple games:

"Bird - fish - beast."

You take turns asking each other to name a bird, fish, or animal. Be careful not to repeat words!

"One is Many"

An adult names an object in singular, the child must name the word in the plural. For example: table - tables, chair - chairs, ball - balls, window - windows, etc. Gradually, the task becomes more complicated: you can name plants, animals, birds.

"Who lives where?"

The parent invites the child to correctly name the dwellings of various animals, birds and insects: dogs, starlings, bears, ants, foxes, bees.

"Mother and baby". You name the mother animal, and the baby must correctly name her cub. If everything is simple with a cat, a goat and a duck, then with a cow, a dog and a sheep it will not be easy right away! And if you ask what the mother of a gosling or father of a duckling is called, then for sure you will hear the most incredible options!

What difficulties may arise in preparing for school?

The biggest problem is the implementation of graphic exercises. This is due to the child's disinterest or insufficient formation of subtle movements. You can cope with such difficulties in the process of performing gaming developmental exercises: labyrinths, drawing by points and contours, hatching, drawing elements, graphic dictation.

Restlessness is common among children. But increased activity during classes is due to various reasons:

  • Age features of the child. It is unlikely that a six-year-old will calmly and patiently complete all tasks. To maintain interest, it is important to arrange breaks, physical education sessions and include surprise moments. For example, think about how an unusual flower could “grow up” with encouraging words and phrases on the petal and leaves.
  • Indulging a child. The kid is not accustomed to bring what he started to the end, he is naughty and refuses to complete a difficult task. Compassionate adults feel sorry for the preschooler and allow him to do more interesting things, rather than study sessions. Think about it: should parents be so condescending? Motivate the child - explain that difficult tasks in the future will be easier to solve if you now pay attention to one of them. And, of course, let your child know that you are with him and are ready to support him and help him overcome learning difficulties.
  • Hyperactivity. If the baby is constantly distracted, asks a lot of questions and does not listen to the answers, grabs objects indiscriminately, cannot concentrate on the task, then it is worth consulting with a neurologist and neuropsychologist. These signs may be symptoms of hyperactivity disorder or attention deficit disorder. Careful diagnostics is required to identify the causes of such behavior and subsequent correction.
  • The unpreparedness of the child for schooling. Not all seven-year-old children are able to learn educational material and correctly perform tasks, hatch all the lessons. In such cases, a psychological and pedagogical (sometimes medical) examination is required to further build the educational route. Perhaps the specialist will recommend that you go to first grade a year later. There is nothing wrong with that. Let the kid start learning at the age of 8 and learn the school curriculum while maintaining adequate self-esteem. This is better than if he has gaps in knowledge, a high level of anxiety and self-doubt.

    Preparing for school is a long process that requires diligence and patience. In order for it to be exciting, remember the words of the domestic teacher V. Sukhomlinsky: "Children should live in a world of beauty, games, fairy tales, music, fantasy, creativity". Let this recipe help you study with your future student and keep your relationship friendly!

    Educational psychologistOlga Ivanova

    Elena Polushkina
    Features of the organization of the process of preparing for school in kindergarten

    What tasks does the process of preparing a child for school?

    Preparing for school in kindergarten is content-rich, individually oriented process, which solves the problems of becoming older preschoolers main components school readiness. The process of preparing for school consists not in maximizing the development of the child, not in speeding up the timing and pace of transferring him to "rails" school age, but above all in creating for everyone preschooler conditions for the most complete disclosure of his age-related capabilities and abilities. Preparation for school provides the necessary level of development and the prospect of further successful advancement of the child in education.

    It is unacceptable to limit preparation for school only by the intellectual side, by increasing the knowledge of children, preparation to the future academic subjects as is often still observed in practice. Knowledge is not so much an end in itself, but one of the means of the overall development of the child and the formation of his attitude to the world. If a child has a lot of knowledge, but at the same time does not know how to communicate and cooperate with peers and adults, do not able independently solve practical issues accessible to age, does not show emotional responsiveness to others, serious personal problems can await him in school.

    AT kindergarten preparation for school carried out throughout preschool childhood and ends in senior preschool age. special role in this is played by senior and especially the preparatory group, wherein school preparation process expands most fully.

    Preparation for school is part of the overall goal of educating the whole personality of the child in preschool childhood. It is aimed at stimulating cognitive activity, communication skills, the formation child independence, initiative, imagination and creativity, strengthening physical and mental health, as well as developing the desire for school

    The process of preparing for school meets general requirements organizations modern educational process in preschool, but at the same time requires special emphasis in the selection of content, pedagogical methods, means, conditions of activity in order to implement readiness for school in full.

    Educational process in groups of children before school age is focused on the prospect of future education in school. In this regard, the tasks of development in older preschoolers interest in school; enrichment of ideas about school and student life, educating children's desire for a new social role and position schoolboy.

    The necessity of setting and solving these problems is determined by the logic personal development. Psychological data show that personality organization a person is shaped like way to master the future. The mood of consciousness, feelings, imagination of the individual for the course of future actions and relationships.

    Therefore, it is necessary to form with the elders preschooler school image as an image of the desired future, thereby enriching children's ideas and remove the uncertainty and alertness present in some children about the upcoming education in school.

    Formation of a positive image of the near future in the elder preschooler must be understood by adults (teachers and parents) how the special task of preparing for school, requiring certain means and methods and solved in a complex way in the unity of the development of motivational, cognitive, emotional and behavioral aspects of the personality of the future schoolboy.

    For this in kindergarten excursions are used school meeting with the teacher and schoolchildren, songs about school, musical, literary works, games on school theme , teacher's stories about school years, joint with schoolchildren holidays, meetings with the teacher, etc. It is advisable to allocate a learning area in the group where school supplies, attributes for games in school hang up workbooks, school board, etc..

    The main thing is that in the development of children's interest in the school had no formalism, to school perspective, entering the content of the educational process, was associated primarily with the exciting activities of children, with their experience of a sense of their growing up, increasing independence, with the development of self-confidence, the desire for schooling.

    The transition to older age is associated with a change in status preschoolers in kindergarten. In the common family of pupils children's garden they become the oldest. The educator helps children to realize and emotionally feel their new position, involve children in new collective activities that are important for their personal development, and expand the scope of social behavior. Elder preschoolers participate in the design kindergarten for the holidays, become teacher assistants in the group, show concern for young children.

    The task of the educator is to provide conditions for the development of older preschoolers broad independence, interest in knowledge and creativity, humane feelings, value orientations, striving for school to a new social role of the student.

    The essence of an adequately constructed school preparation process consists in creating conditions in which the child in a variety of activities accumulates, expands, comprehends personal subjective experience, saturated with means and ways active engagement with the world. Elder preschoolers learn different waysindependent knowledge: observation and introspection, sensory examination of objects, logical operations (comparison, analysis, synthesis, classification, simple measurements, experimentation with natural and man-made objects. Future pupils in a practical way, they master the means of independent expression of an emotional-value attitude to the world and establishing contacts with people (speech, non-verbal means of expressing social emotions, moral and aesthetic norms of a culture of communication and relationships, skills of interaction and cooperation). In different activities, children learn the appropriate skills: cognitive, labor, visual, communicative, game, constructive. All this replenishes the subjective experience of children and the possibility of creative self-expression.

    specialattention is paid to the development of universal skills by children: accept the goal of the activity, plan elementarily, select the necessary materials in accordance with the goal, get the result and express your attitude to it. In various activities, conditions are created for the development of children capabilities to realize his intention, to find means for its realization and ways, then compare the result with the original idea, carry out elementary self-control. At the same time, the teacher teaches children to use visual aids, helping to move steadily towards the goal: reference diagrams, models, operational maps.

    The development of a subjective position, namely child independence, initiatives, creativity in the elders preschoolers is decided by the educator widely, in all forms of educational process. This is achieved through the integration of educational content, interconnection and complementarity different types children's activities, their common focus on the development of cognitive activity, independence, communication, social feelings and the desire for a future position schoolboy.

    At the same time, it should be emphasized that children often experience uncertainty in the implementation of their plans, they need support from adults. The child must be sure that they will understand him and help him with any outcome of his attempts to solve the problem that has arisen before him. To create a situation of success in independent activity for each child is the most important task. preparation for school.

    What are the conditions preparing a child for school?

    The condition for the formation of readiness for school the developing pedagogical interaction of the educator with the children.

    The unit of developing pedagogical interaction in preparation for school there is a problematic educational situation, which is resolved by the child in variable cooperation with the educator. At the same time, the position of the educator is dynamically changing from active assistance and partnership to the role of an adviser and an interested observer, which opens up scope for children's initiative and creativity.

    Event scenario of children's life before school age in kindergarten is built as a system for solving various, gradually becoming more complex, corresponding to current childish needs and interests of problematic situations and tasks that encourage seniors preschoolers to the manifestation of independence, cognitive and communicative activity, creative self-expression. The educator creates creative situations in gaming, cognitive, theatrical, artistic and visual activities, in communication with peers, in manual labor. Supports the creative initiatives of children, the atmosphere of cooperation in the collective creative activity by interest.

    Educational situations are constructed by the educator as situations of accumulation and application of practical and gaming experience, cooperation and interaction, cognition and experimentation, individual and joint creative problem solving with peers. Many educational and upbringing tasks are solved within the framework of joint children's projects that unite children by solving a common, exciting task: organization of a theater studio, edition of a children's illustrated book "Favorite Tales", holiday preparation"Our Pets" etc.

    AT the process of interaction with preschoolers the educator encourages them to independently search for answers to emerging questions, aims at experimentation, reasoning, hypotheses, asks questions, engages in collective discussion. Various forms of communication with children are used: cognitive, business, arbitrarily-contextual, out of situational-personal, while taking into account the level of communication skills and communicative culture every child.

    The upbringing of benevolent and friendly relations between children continues. Under the guidance of the educator, these relationships become more stable, selective relationships are formed based on the mutual sympathy of children and common interests. It is important that every child feels accepted children's society. This gives him the feeling of confidence and security necessary for full-fledged personal development. The educator needs to know well how the system of interpersonal relations develops in the group, and in a timely manner to provide assistance in overcoming the difficulties of communication between children and peers.

    By his behavior, the educator always shows the children an example of a kind, caring attitude towards people, towards all living things. It draws the attention of children to the external signs of the expression of emotional and physical condition people, teaching "read emotions" actively show empathy and willingness to help. The scope of children's application of the rules of the culture of behavior and communication is expanding: behavior on the street, in in public places, in transport, the rules of safe behavior, communication with strangers, etc. All this is a necessary part of the child's social readiness for school.

    AT preparation for school the educator constantly relies on the growing independence and achievements of the children. This is expressed in setting new, more complex tasks for children; in increasing requirements for organization and purposefulness of the behavior and activities of children; in the development of skills of self-control and self-assessment of results; in the gradual formation of children's will, a sense of personal responsibility for actions and deeds. In pedagogical process of children's garden, it is necessary to provide conditions for different paces of progress, taking into account the capabilities of children, thereby maintaining the natural course child development.

    Subject special attention of the educator are the protection and strengthening of the physical and mental health of future schoolchildren, development of motor activity and activity, education of a hygienic culture, familiarization with the values ​​of a healthy lifestyle.

    Between 6 and 7 years there is an active development of the musculoskeletal system, motor qualities are improved. But organism the child is sensitive to deforming influences. It is necessary to constantly monitor the posture and posture of children, the use of general developmental physical exercises that strengthen the muscular system, as well as special measures to prevent the development of flat feet and functional posture deviations.

    Game activity retains its developmental and educational value in preparing older preschoolers for school. Social skills and abilities, communication, friendships, mutual understanding continue to crystallize in various plot and creative games. Fantasy and imagination of the child especially are convexly revealed in role-playing and directorial play, which by the end preschool period is characterized by the presence of an original idea, the flexibility of deploying the storyline in accordance with the conditions and circumstances.

    In games with rules in the future schoolchildren Valuable mechanisms are formed, the rule of consistent behavior, the prerequisites for educational activity. The game organically is intertwined by the teacher in directly educational activity. Senior training preschoolers is built as a fascinating problem-cognitive activity. The child masters the universal prerequisites for learning activities: the ability to work according to the rule and according to the model, listen to an adult and follow his instructions. At the same time, the game base is preserved. Selection of various educational games - conducive to the development of memory, attention, speech, ways of thinking, communication skills - serves the formation of all types of readiness for school(intellectual, speech, social, volitional, etc.).

    Special readiness for school- the development of mathematical concepts, the native language, teaching the basics of literacy - is included in the general content of the educational process. For this purpose, game forms of learning, workbooks, logical blocks, subject and graphic models are used. Printed letters, stencils of letters cut out of sandpaper and glued on cardboard letters are also needed (for examination with fingers, cubes with syllables, pictures signed block letters, board-printed games with letters, numbers, notebooks, pens, etc. Children themselves make up their names from letters, stick them on lockers with clothes, on their drawings. AT preparatory group can be attached to interior items "labels",block letters: "table", "chair", "painting", "frame" etc. This helps in mastering reading.

    special attention is paid to the development of small muscles of the hand, which prepares child to learn writing. To this end, the teacher conducts finger gymnastics, graphic exercises: hatching and painting contour images, tracing stencils, drawing and copying patterns and ornaments, needlework, silhouette cutting with scissors, etc. These exercises are included in classes, and also become part of children's games "in school» .

    The subject-educational environment in senior groups is designed taking into account the tasks of activating various types of activities, development children's cooperation and friendly relations, creativity and search activity. In the selection of materials, the interests of both boys and girls are taken into account. In the subject environment, materials are mandatory, activating the cognitive activity of children: educational games, puzzles, crossword puzzles, technical toys and devices, constructors, models. Large selection of subjects for the development of research activity and experimentation: magnets, magnifiers, scales, beakers, filters, microscopes, flashlights, etc. Children's encyclopedias, illustrated albums, prospectuses enrich ideas about the world and broaden the general outlook necessary for the future schoolboy. A well-illustrated book becomes a source of new interest preschoolers. The educator initiates and supports the discussion of problems of interest to children, involves them in joint projects and mini-research.

    The process of forming a school readiness involves the systematic monitoring of the progress of children's development in the educational process. Pedagogical diagnostics is a necessary tool for a modern competent educator. Intermediate pedagogical diagnostics allows you to take into account problems in the development of the main components of readiness for school and implement an effective individual approach to the child.

    The condition for effective preparing children for school is the interaction kindergarten and family. Their interaction is determined by a common understanding of the essence of readiness for school, content, forms

    and methods preparation for schooling in kindergarten and family. Interaction between educators and parents, their mutual trust

    and cooperation provide coordinated support preparing a child for school taking into account its individuality and pace of development.

    Generally the process of preparing for school is based on"opening perspective", which is gradually personally accepted by the child, emotionally and practically experienced by him as a feeling of growing independence and confidence in the successful solution of future tasks.

    What changes take place in the child the process of preparing for school?

    As a result preparation for school In the development of the child, the following important changes occur.

    The proportions of the body change, the limbs are elongated, the ratio of body length and head circumference approaches the parameters school age. Raising the right hand up, through the head, the child can block the left auricle with the right hand (Filipino test). Milk teeth are being replaced by permanent ones. Increased intellectual and physical child's performance. These positive changes are markers of the biological maturity of the child, necessary to start schooling.

    Talking about the physical development of the future schoolboy, it should be noted success in the development of movements. The child has formed the basic physical qualities and the need for physical activity. He independently performs age-appropriate hygienic procedures, observes the elementary rules of a healthy lifestyle. AT process various and specially selected exercises develop the hand, small muscles of the fingers, which serves as a guarantee of mastering the letter.

    The intellectual preconditions for the beginning of a systematic schooling. This is manifested in the increased possibilities of mental activity. The child is well oriented in the world around him. He quite confidently distinguishes objects of animate and inanimate nature, the objective and social world. He is aware of a number of clearly expressed connections: temporal, spatial, functional, causal.

    Over the years preschool childhood The child has acquired a number of cognitive skills. These are the skills of differentiated perception and purposeful observation, the use of sensory standards to assess the properties and qualities of objects, their grouping and classification. Older preschooler learned to compare objects, highlight the main

    and secondary signs, answer a wide variety of questions, reason, as well as independently formulate questions, use simple visual models, diagrams when solving problems.

    The child has grown cognitive activity, interest in the world, the desire to learn new things. He acquired a valuable skill - to accept from an adult or put forward a simple cognitive task on his own, use the teacher's recommendations to solve it, or solve it independently on the basis of known to him ways(comparison, analysis, measurement, etc., it is clear to express the result of knowledge in speech. The main thing is that the child has mastered the ability to purposefully carry out elementary intellectual and practical activities, accept tasks

    and, as a rule, to achieve an adequate result, he learned to follow the course of the educator's reasoning. Without these skills school learning is complicated by many difficulties and mental overload.

    The child shows interest in creativity, his imagination is developed, the desire for independence is expressed and the necessary skills and abilities are formed for this. He gained experience of successful independent activity, and this gave him self-confidence, strengthened his desire for new achievements. He able act independently (in Everyday life, in various forms children's activities). When in trouble, seek help from an adult. The child is aimed at achieving positive results in a new social role - the student.

    The prerequisites for the child's entry into a wider society have developed. He learned to communicate with adults and peers, learned the basics of a culture of behavior and communication, friendly relationships. The child uses different forms of communication. His speech skills are varied. He knows how to listen and understand the speech of the interlocutor, to express his thoughts clearly and understandably for the listener, to construct sentences correctly, to compose a coherent story. His vocabulary is diverse, speech is intelligible and expressive. This is important for school learning achievement.

    The child is happy to participate in collective activities, able accept a common goal and conditions, tries to act in concert, shows a keen interest in the overall result. Volitional manifestations are observed in his behavior and relationships.: he seeks to restrain himself, if necessary, to show patience, perseverance. These elements of arbitrariness are very valuable for the upcoming learning activities. But preschooler they are still being formed, and it is still premature to approach the child's voluntary control of his activity with high demands.

    In the behavior and attitude to the environment, the child manifests socially valuable traits. He is benevolent, expresses sympathy, responsiveness, desire to help, shows respect for elders, treats animals and plants with care. His feelings acquire a socially moral coloring, become more stable.

    The self-awareness of the child develops, his ideas about himself, a positive image is formed "I". He sincerely aspires to his immediate future. He wants to become schoolboy, get a new social status.

    All these achievements in the development of the child are on the verge of schools indicate the successful formation of readiness for the beginning schooling.

    The condition for the formation of readiness for school is the developing pedagogical interaction of the educator with the children.

    The unit of developing pedagogical interaction in preparing for school is a problematic educational situation, which is resolved by the child in variable cooperation with the teacher. At the same time, the position of the educator is dynamically changing from active assistance and partnership to the role of an adviser and an interested observer, which opens up scope for children's initiative and creativity.

    The event scenario of the life of preschool children in kindergarten is built as a system for solving various, gradually becoming more complex, problem situations and tasks that meet the actual needs and interests of children, encouraging older preschoolers to show independence, cognitive and communicative activity, creative self-expression. The educator creates creative situations in gaming, cognitive, theatrical, artistic and visual activities, in communication with peers, in manual labor. Supports children's creative initiatives, an atmosphere of cooperation in collective creative activities based on interests.

    Educational situations are constructed by the educator as situations of accumulation and application of practical and gaming experience, cooperation and interaction, cognition and experimentation, individual and joint creative problem solving with peers. Many educational and educational tasks are solved within the framework of joint children's projects that unite children by solving a common, exciting task: organizing a theater studio, publishing the book “Favorite Tales” illustrated by children, preparing the holiday “Our Pets”, etc.

    In the process of interaction with preschoolers, the teacher encourages them to independently search for answers to emerging questions, aims at experimentation, reasoning, hypotheses, asks questions, and engages in collective discussion. Different forms of communication with children are used: cognitive, business, arbitrarily-contextual, extra-situational-personal, while taking into account the level of communication skills and communication culture of each child.

    The upbringing of benevolent and friendly relations between children continues. Under the guidance of the educator, these relationships become more stable, selective relationships are formed based on the mutual sympathy of children and common interests. It is important that every child feels accepted in the children's society. This gives him the feeling of confidence and security necessary for full-fledged personal development. The educator needs to know well how the system of interpersonal relations develops in the group, and in a timely manner to provide assistance in overcoming difficulties in communicating children with peers.

    By his behavior, the educator always shows the children an example of a kind, caring attitude towards people, towards all living things. It draws the attention of children to the external signs of expressing the emotional and physical state of people, teaches them to “read emotions”, actively show sympathy and willingness to help. The scope of children's application of the rules of the culture of behavior and communication is expanding: behavior on the street, in public places, in transport, the rules of safe behavior, communication with strangers, etc. All this is a necessary part of the child's social readiness for school.

    In preparing for school, the educator constantly relies on the growing independence and achievements of children. This is expressed in setting new, more complex tasks for children; in increasing the requirements for organization and purposefulness of the behavior and activities of children; in the development of skills of self-control and self-assessment of results; in the gradual formation of children's will, a sense of personal responsibility for actions and deeds. In the pedagogical process of the kindergarten, it is necessary to provide conditions for a different pace of advancement, taking into account the capabilities of children, thereby preserving the natural course of children's development.

    The subject of special attention of the educator is the protection and strengthening of the physical and mental health of future students, the development of motor activity and activity, the education of a hygienic culture, familiarization with the values ​​of a healthy lifestyle. Between 6 and 7 years there is an active development of the musculoskeletal system, motor qualities are improved. But the child's body is sensitive to deforming influences. It is necessary to constantly monitor the posture and posture of children, the use of general developmental physical exercises that strengthen the muscular system, as well as special measures to prevent the development of flat feet and functional posture deviations.

    Game activity retains its developmental and educational value in preparing older preschoolers for school. In a variety of plot and creative games, social skills and abilities, communication, friendships, and mutual understanding continue to crystallize. The child's fantasy and imagination are revealed most vividly in the role-playing and directing game, which by the end of the preschool period is characterized by the presence of an original idea, the flexibility of unfolding the storyline in accordance with the conditions and circumstances.

    In games with rules, future schoolchildren develop valuable mechanisms for rule-compliant behavior, the prerequisites for learning activities. School life is associated with the observance of various rules and norms of behavior. Regularity and accuracy are of particular importance. If a child is not accustomed to the fact that in social life it is necessary to observe certain norms and rules, it will be difficult for him to get used to school life. If there is no order at home that all family members adhere to, then the child may have problems at school.

    The game is organically woven by the teacher into directly educational activities. Teaching older preschoolers is built as an exciting problem-cognitive activity. The child masters the universal prerequisites for learning activity: the ability to work according to the rule and according to the model, to listen to an adult and follow his instructions. At the same time, the game base is preserved. The selection of a variety of educational games (promoting the development of memory, attention, speech, ways of thinking, communication skills) serves to develop all types of readiness for school (intellectual, speech, social, volitional, etc.).

    Special readiness for school - the development of mathematical concepts, the native language, teaching the basics of literacy - is included in the general content of the educational process. For this purpose, game forms of learning, workbooks, logical blocks, subject and graphic models are used. Printed letters, stencils of letters, letters cut out of sandpaper and glued onto cardboard (for examination with fingers), cubes with syllables, pictures signed in block letters, board-printed games with letters, numbers, notebooks, pens, etc. are also needed. Children themselves make up their names from letters, stick them on lockers with clothes, on their drawings. AT preparatory group you can attach “labels” written in block letters to interior items: “table”, “chair”, “picture”, “frame”, etc. This helps in mastering reading.

    Particular attention is paid to the development of small muscles of the hand, which prepares the child for the development of writing. To this end, the teacher conducts finger gymnastics, graphic exercises: hatching and painting over contour images, tracing stencils, drawing and copying patterns and ornaments, needlework, silhouette cutting with scissors, etc. These exercises are included in the classes, and also become part of the children's games "to school ".

    The subject-educational environment in the older groups is designed taking into account the tasks of activating various types of activities, developing children's cooperation and friendly relations, creativity and search activity. In the selection of materials, the interests of both boys and girls are taken into account. In the subject environment, materials that activate the cognitive activity of children are obligatory: educational games, puzzles, crossword puzzles, technical toys and devices, designers, models. A large selection of items for the development of research activity and experimentation: magnets, magnifiers, scales, beakers, filters, microscopes, electric flashlights, etc. Children's encyclopedias, illustrated albums, brochures enrich the worldview and broaden the general outlook necessary for the future student. A well-illustrated book becomes a source of new interests for preschoolers. The educator initiates and supports the discussion of problems of interest to children, involves them in joint projects and mini-research.

    The process of forming school readiness involves systematic monitoring of the progress of children's development in educational process. Pedagogical diagnostics is a necessary tool for a modern competent educator. Intermediate pedagogical diagnostics makes it possible to take into account problems in the development of the main components of school readiness in a timely manner and to implement an effective individual approach to the child.

    Condition effective training children to school is the interaction of kindergarten and family. Their interaction is determined by a common understanding of the essence of readiness for school, content, forms and methods of preparation for schooling in kindergarten and family. The interaction of educators and parents, their bilateral trust and cooperation provide coordinated support for the preparation of the child for school, taking into account his individuality and pace of development.

    In general, the process of preparing for school is built on the basis of an “opening perspective”, which is gradually accepted personally by the child, emotionally and practically experienced by him as a feeling of growing independence and confidence in the successful solution of future tasks.

    Parents of future first graders will find answers to the following questions:

    What does the concept of “child readiness for school” mean?

    What should a child know and be able to enter the school.

    How to prepare your child for school.

    Do I need to teach my child to read before starting school?

    With the help of the proposed test “Is the child ready to go to school”, parents will be able to determine the level of readiness for school of their child. The content of the questions that you answered in the negative will tell you the topics for further studies with the future student.



    How to prepare your child for school?

    Previously, a child with a certain amount of knowledge was considered ready for school. Now psychologists and educators say that knowledge is not a goal, but a means of a child's development.

    The main thing is not knowledge itself, but the ability to use it, independently obtain it, analyze it.

    That's why The most important element in preparing a child for school is the formation of the ability to learn.Teach your child to consciously subordinate his actions to a general rule (for example, read a book while sitting, keeping a distance of 25-30 cm from the eyes to the book), listen carefully to the speaker and accurately complete this task, show independence, initiative, creativity in any kind of activity.

    Expand and deepen your child's understanding of the world.If you do not dismiss the questions that arise in the child, do not fence him off from the surrounding adult life, preparation for school will go naturally and without tension.

    Develop the oral speech of the future student.Read children's literature to your child as often as possible; talk with him about the works you read; more often ask your child to retell a fairy tale he just heard or tell about what he saw interesting during a walk.

    Turn everyday requests into developmental tasks more often. For example, for a better orientation of a child in space, the following tasks are effective:

    Give me, please, a cup, which is to the right of the plate.

    Find the third book on the top shelf, counting from right to left.

    Say what is in the room behind the chest of drawers, between the chair and the sofa, behind the TV.

    Develop fine motor skillsusing modeling, drawing, shading, designing from various parts

    lei. The better the hand is developed, the easier it is for the child to learn to write, the faster his intellect develops.

    Teach the future first grader to the school regime- Go to bed early and wake up early. Instill in him the habit of observing elementary sanitary and hygienic skills: use a public toilet; wash hands before eating, etc. Teach him to dress himself, fold his things neatly, and keep order.

    Encourage your child to have a positive attitude towards school. Try to create a "romantic environment" around school life, where there will be new friends, a wise teacher and a whole range of new experiences and emotions.

    Never bully your child with school:“Here you go to school, they will quickly bring you up!”

    To make the child feel that he is entering a new phase of life, radically change his life: rearrange the child’s room, come up with new household chores for him, etc.


    Should children be taught to read before starting school?

    NECESSARY! The earlier a child begins to read, the more he likes to do it and the better he copes with reading.

    Scientists give a number of reasons why a child should be taught to read, starting not even from preschool age, but from early childhood:

    1. Children are hyperactive, inquisitive. If a child of 3-7 years old is given the opportunity to quench his thirst for knowledge, hyperactivity will decrease, which will protect him from injury and allow him to study the world more successful.

    2. Almost all children aged “two to five” have unique abilities, including the ability to absorb knowledge. Everyone knows the ease with which young children memorize new and sometimes even incomprehensible information.

    3. Having learned to read at an early age, the child will be able to master much more information,than those of his peers who were deprived of such an opportunity. If he learned to read early, then in the 1st grade he will be able to do the material that is usually given to children aged 8-12.

    4. Children who learn to read early have a much better ability to understand.By the time they enter school, they no longer read by syllables, not understanding the meaning of what they read, but expressively, in whole words.

    5. The child who learned to read early loves to read.Many parents think that children who can already read will be bored in 1st grade. To say that the more children know, the more bored they will be, is the same as to say that children who know nothing will be interested in everything and forget about boredom. If the class is not interesting, then everyone will be bored. If it is interesting, then only those who are not able to understand anything will get bored.

    And one more curious fact: when a child is taught to read at home, success is one hundred percent, regardless of the method used.


    Test "Is the child ready to go to school?"

    School psychologists have developed special methods to determine the level of readiness of the child for school.

    Try to answer ("yes" or "no") to the questions of this test. It will help you understand if your child is ready for school.

    1. Can your child do any activity on their own that requires 25-30 minutes of concentration (like jigsaw puzzles)?

    2. Does your child say that he wants to go to school because there he will learn a lot of new and interesting things, will find new friends?

    3. Can your child independently compose a story from the picture, including at least 5 sentences?

    4. Does your child know a few poems by heart?

    5. Is it true that your child behaves at ease in the presence of strangers, is not shy?

    6. Does your child know how to change a noun by numbers (for example: frame - frames, ear - ears, man - people, child - children)!

    9. Can your child solve addition and subtraction problems within ten?

    10. Can your child solve problems for finding the sum or difference (for example: “There are 3 apples and 2 pears in a vase. How many fruits are in the vase?”; “There were 10 sweets in the vase. 3 sweets were eaten. How much is left?”)?

    11. Can your child repeat the sentence exactly (for example:"Bunny, jump on a stump!")?

    12. Does your child like to color pictures, draw, sculpt from plasticine?

    13. Does your child know how to use scissors and glue (for example, to make an application)?

    14. Can your child generalize concepts (for example, name in one word (namely: furniture) table, sofa, chair, armchair)?

    15. Can your child compare two objects, that is, name the similarities and differences between them (for example, a pen and a pencil, a tree and a bush)?

    16. Does your child know the names of the seasons, months, days of the week, their sequence?

    17. Can your child understand and follow verbal instructions accurately?

    Evaluation of the result.

    15 - 17 questions, you can assume thatyour child is quite ready for school.You did not study with him in vain, and school difficulties, if they arise, will be easily overcome.

    If you answered yes to 10 - 14 questions, so your child has learned a lot.The content of the questions to which you answered in the negative will tell you the topics for further studies.

    If you answered yes to9 (or less) questions,so you should, firstly,read special literature Secondly, try to devote more time to activities with the child, third, seek help from specialists.


    What should a child know and be able to enter school?

    We offer an approximate list of knowledge and skills of the future first grader.

    The child must know:

    Your name, patronymic, surname;

    Your age and date of birth;

    Your home address and phone number;

    The name of your city, its main attractions;

    The name of the country in which he lives;

    Surnames, names, patronymics of parents, their professions;

    Names of the seasons and months (their sequence, the main signs of each season, riddles and poems about the seasons);

    Names of domestic animals and their cubs;

    Names of some wild animals and their cubs;

    Names of wintering and migratory birds;

    Names of vegetables, fruits and berries;

    Names of means of transport: land, water, air.

    The child must be able to:

    Distinguish between clothing, shoes and hats;

    Retell Russian folk tales;

    Distinguish and correctly name planar geometric shapes: circle, square, rectangle, triangle, oval;

    Freely navigate in space and on a sheet of paper (right-left side, top-bottom, etc.);

    Completely and consistently retell the listened or read story, compose (invent) a story from the picture;

    Remember and name 6-10 objects, words;

    Distinguish between vowels and consonants;

    Divide words into syllables with the help of claps, steps, by the number of vowels;

    Determine the number and sequence of sounds in words like poppy, house, whale;

    It is good to use scissors (cut out strips, squares, circles, rectangles from paper, cut along the contour of the figure);

    Own a pencil: draw vertical and horizontal lines without a ruler; - draw geometric shapes; carefully paint over, hatch, without going beyond the contours of objects;

    listen carefully, without being distracted (30-35 minutes);

    Maintain a straight, good posture, especially when sitting.


    What does the concept of “child readiness for school” mean?

    Child psychologists identify several criteria for a child's readiness for school.

    Physical readiness.Studying at school is associated with great physical and psychological stress. Filling out a child's medical record before entering school, you can easily navigate this issue and get advice from specialist doctors. If your child has serious health problems and you are recommended special forms of education or a special school, do not neglect the advice of doctors.

    Intellectual readiness.It includes the knowledge base of the child, the presence of special skills and abilities (the ability to compare, generalize, reproduce a given sample; the development of fine motor skills; concentration of attention, etc.). Intellectual readiness is not only the ability to read and write, but also the development of speech (the ability to answer a question, ask a question, retell the text), the ability to reason and think logically.

    social readiness.This is the child's need to communicate with peers and the ability to subordinate their behavior to the laws of children's groups, as well as the ability to play the role of a student in a school situation.

    Psychological readiness.From this point of view, a child is ready for schooling, whom the school attracts not only with its external side (a wonderful satchel, beautiful student uniform), but also with the opportunity to acquire new knowledge and skills. A child ready for school wants to learn both because he wants to take a certain position in society, which opens access to the world of adults, and because he has a cognitive need that he cannot satisfy at home.