» Industrial methodical practice in dow. Practice report: Report on fact-finding practice at the Municipal Preschool Educational Institution for Children. The structure of the teacher's report on pedagogical practice

Industrial methodical practice in dow. Practice report: Report on fact-finding practice at the Municipal Preschool Educational Institution for Children. The structure of the teacher's report on pedagogical practice

Characteristics from the place of passage of specialized pedagogical practice at the MDOU "Teremok" to a 2nd year student of the KGBPOU "Minusinsk Pedagogical College. A.S. Pushkin" Stepanova Oksana Viktorovna, studying in the specialty "Preschool education".


This description is given to Stepanova Oksana Viktorovna, a 2nd year student of the KGBPOU “Minusinsk Pedagogical College. A.S. Pushkin”, specialty “Preschool education”, which from 01/17/2017 to 02/16/2017 passed a specialized pedagogical practice at Teremok MDOU on the basis of the senior group No. 5.

During the period of practice, the student demonstrated good pedagogical training and the ability to organize the pedagogical process in accordance with the requirements of the FGT OOP DO. Oksana Viktorovna skillfully introduced educational moments into the activities of children, and in the process of working with children she implemented the main educational tasks.

When conducting individual work with children, a student showed the ability to prevent negative manifestations in behavior. Conducted several individual sessions using diagnostic techniques. When planning the activities of children, she took into account the characteristics of this age group. In the classroom, she supported the interest of children, developed their cognitive and mental abilities.

Oksana Viktorovna conducted cultural and educational conversations with her parents, aimed at activating interest in partnerships. Actively participated in mass events held in kindergarten. I independently prepared and held in my group a quiz "What I know about my native land."

The student joined the team easily, did not hesitate to ask more experienced colleagues questions related to the implementation of pedagogical knowledge in practice.

According to the results of the practice, the theoretical preparation of the student and the quality of the tasks performed are rated as "excellent".

Head of MDOU "Teremok" Hvorostova I.Yu.

Practice leader

Senior teacher Kozyreva E.P.

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Julia Grobova
Diary of teaching practice for the module "Organization of events aimed at improving the health of the child"

A diary

production teaching practice

specialty 44.02.01 Preschool education

PM. 01. Organization of events, and its physical development

Place of passage practices: Kindergarten

MBDOU №6 Nerchinsk

Preschool address People: Nerchinsk, st. Mortar Regiment, 294-2

Dates practices:

Types of jobs practices and verifiable learning outcomes

professional module 01

Types of jobs

Verifiable results

(PC, OK, SW, U)

The practice of observation

Analysis of documentation in the preschool educational institution: adaptation sheet, sheet (the passport) health.PC: 1.1, 1.4, 5.4.OK: 4, 11.ON: 5, 6, 8.At: 3, 5.

Observation and analysis of the interaction of the educator with the medical staff of the educational institution on issues children's health.PC: 1.4.OK: 2, 4.ON: 5.

PC: 1.4, 5.4.OK: 3,10.ON: 4.

Analysis of the planning of regime moments, morning exercises, physical education classes, walks, tempering procedures, sports activities and holidays in accordance with age. PC: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4.OK: 7, 10,11.ON: 1, 4, 7.At: 4,10, 11.

Observation and analysis of regime moments (washing, dressing, eating, sleeping) directed health promotion according to age. PC: 1.2, 5.2, 5.4.OK: 7, 10,11.ON: 1.At: 4,10.

Diagnostics of the formation of cultural and hygienic skills in the age group. PC: 1.2, 5.1, 5.4.OK: 2, 4, 7, 11.ON: 1, 2, 8.At: 11.

Observation and analysis of morning exercises, physical education classes, walks, hardening procedures, sports activities and holidays in accordance with age. PC: 1.1, 1.3, 5.1, 5.2.OK: 2, 7, 9, 10, 11.ON: 1, 3, 6, 7, 8.At: 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 11.

Observation and analysis of diagnostics of the results of physical education and development. PC: 1.4, 5.4, 5.5.ON: 6

Production practice

Types of jobs

Verifiable results (PC, OK, SW, U)

Planning regime moments, morning exercises, classes, walks, hardening, physical education and holidays. PC: 1.2, 5.2, 5.4.OK: 7, 10,11.ON: 1.At: 4,10.

Organization and conducting routine moments (washing, dressing, eating, sleeping, directed for the education of cultural and hygienic skills and health promotion.

PC: 1.2, 1.4, 5.1, 5.2, 5.4.

OK: 2, 4.ON: 2.At: 4,11.

Organization and conducting morning exercises, physical education classes, walks, tempering procedures, sports activities and holidays in accordance with the age of children. PC: 1.1, 1.3, 5.1, 5.2, 5.4.

OK: 2, 4, 7, 9, 10, 11.

ON: 3.At: 1,2, 5. 6, 7, 8,11.

Diagnosis of the results of physical education and development of preschoolers. PC: 5.4, 5.5.ON: 6

Development of proposals for the correction of the process of physical education. PC: 5.4.ON: 8

Goal and tasks practices

Target: mastering the system of work on event organization, aimed at improving the health of the child and his physical development.

Tasks practices:

to form a system of professional skills and abilities necessary for the educator for planning, organizing and holding events, aimed at improving the health of the child and his physical development;

to form the ability to observe, analyze and conduct introspection event organization, aimed at improving the health of the child and his physical development, evaluate their effectiveness;

develop the ability to choose pedagogical techniques and technologies, adequate to the priority tasks of education at this age level;

to form the skills and abilities of diagnosing physical education and development and drawing up recommendations for their correction;

to create conditions for the development of professionally significant personality traits, to form a stable moral and humanistic view of the profession of an educator and other specialists.

During teaching practice students must master practical experience:

organizations and conducting routine moments (washing, dressing, eating, sleeping, directed for the education of cultural and hygienic skills and health promotion;

organizations and conducting morning exercises, classes, walks, hardening procedures, sports activities and holidays in accordance with the age of children;

organizations and monitoring changes in the well-being of children during their stay in an educational institution;

interaction with the medical staff of the educational institution on issues children's health;

diagnostics of the results of physical education and development;

observation and analysis activities in physical education;

development of proposals for the correction of the process of physical education;

master the skill:

determine the goals, objectives, content, methods and means of physical education and development of preschool children;

plan work on physical education and development of children in accordance with the age and mode of operation of the educational institution;

create pedagogical conditions for washing, dressing, eating, organizations sleep according to age;

work to prevent child injury: check equipment, materials, inventory, facilities for suitability for use in working with children;

use sports equipment and equipment during the educational process;

show children physical exercises, rhythmic movements to music;

determine how to control the state health, changes in the well-being of each child during the period of stay in an educational institution;

identify ways pedagogical student support;

analyze the conduct of routine moments (washing, dressing, eating, sleeping, activities motor regimen (morning exercises, classes, walks, hardening, sports activities, holidays) in an educational institution.

During the production practices each student must master professional competencies (PC) and general competencies (OK corresponding to the type of professional activity

Code Name of the result of mastering the program practices

PC1.1. To plan Events, health promotion child and his physical development.

PC1.2. Spend regime moments (washing, dressing, eating, etc.) according to age.

PC1.3. Conduct Events on physical education in the process of performing the motor regimen (morning exercises, classes, walks, hardening, sports activities, holidays, etc.).

PC1.4. Realize pedagogical condition monitoring health of every child, promptly inform the medical worker about changes in his state of health.

PC5.2. Create a subject-developing environment in the group.

PC3.5. Maintain documentation that organization of classes

OK 01 Understand the essence and social significance of your future profession, show a steady interest in it.

OK02. organize own activities, determine ways, control and evaluate the solution of professional problems.

OK 07. Set goals, motivate the activities of pupils, organize and control their work with the assumption of responsibility for the quality of the educational process.

OK10. To prevent injuries, ensure the safety of life and children's health provide first aid, organize and conduct events for the protection of children and adults in emergency situations.

OK11. Build professional activity in compliance with the legal norms governing it

Activities during the period practice on PM 01

1. Study of medical records.

2. Acquaintance with the subject environment, directed « Health» And "Physical Culture".

3. Observation and analysis of the results of observations of changes in the well-being of children during their stay in the preschool.

4. Observation and analysis of regime moments.

5. Diagnosis of the formation of cultural and hygienic skills in children.

6. Carrying out regime moments.


Head of the preschool educational institution - Astrakhantseva Larisa Borisovna

Educator-head - Merinova Elena Viktorovna

Assistant educator - Varfolomeeva Irina Nikolaevna


days practice Content of the work

Every day (May 17-26) Analysis of the subject-developing environment of the preschool educational institution, directed for the implementation of educational areas « Health» And "Physical Culture"

Every day (May 17-26) Diagnostics of the formation of cultural and hygienic skills in children

Every day (May 17-26)Analysis of medical records in preschool: adaptation sheet, sheet (the passport) health.

Help the educator in conducting regime moments.

Every day (May 17-26) Observation and analysis of the results of observations of changes in the well-being of children during their stay in an educational institution.

Every day (May 17-26) Organization and carrying out routine moments of the 1st half of the day (washing, dressing, eating, walking, sleeping, directed for the education of cultural and hygienic skills and health promotion; outdoor games

Every day (May 17-26) Organization and holding routine moments of the 2nd half of the day (washing, dressing, eating, directed for the education of cultural and hygienic skills and health promotion; organization and carrying out hardening procedures and gymnastics after sleep.

Group daily routine



08.15 – 08.30 BREAKFAST;



10.15 - 12.00 FIRST WALK;

12.10 – 13.00 LUNCH;

13.00 - 15.00 DAY SLEEP;






Task 1. The state of the physical children's health.Analysis of documentation in the preschool educational institution: adaptation sheet, sheet (the passport) health.

Target: to study the state of the physical children's health group.

1. Talk with a medical worker of the preschool educational institution, a teacher about the state of physical children's health.

2. Get acquainted with the medical documentation - a sheet of adaptation of a child of a nursery group within a month with conclusions on the severity of the past adaptation, a passport (sheet) health groups with recommendations for the educator.

3. Fill in the table

Sheet (the passport) health groups is a document filled out regularly teachers working in DOO. It reflects the quality and dynamics children's health and development; his individual physical and personality traits. The use of the Passport in kindergartens makes it possible to accompany the pupil and give support a systematic (continuous, complex and individual character, focused on preventing risk factors, problems and crises, taking into account the state children's health, which allows you to optimize the development processes and health improvement of preschoolers.

I. F child age, date of birth Group health

Task 2. Acquaintance with the subject environment, directed for the implementation of educational areas "Physical development"

Pay attention to:

Sanitary and hygienic condition

Variety of sports equipment and attributes (items)

Rationality of location of physical culture equipment and attributes

Aesthetic design of the gym

The group room has

Skittles, balls, Swedish wall, rope, ring toss, gymnastic stick

The gym has sports equipment.: balls, hoops, flags, tambourine, sandbags, "track health» , gymnastic board.

Schedule of physical education classes in the age group where I go practice

Group exercise - Tuesday, Thursday

Walking exercise - Monday, Wednesday

General conclusion:

In the kindergarten, namely in the gym, there is all the necessary equipment for physical activities. On the site there is a sports ground, equipped in accordance with the requirements.

Task 3. Observation and analysis of the results of observations of changes in the well-being of children during their stay in an educational institution.

Target: observe changes in the well-being of two children according to the proposed scheme and draw conclusions

Scheme for monitoring and evaluating the emotional states of children

Kind of activity

Name child Activities during break times Organized activity Unorganized activity(free play)

He does exercises with pleasure, basically he performs all physical exercises correctly.

She knows how to wash her hands herself, to dry herself with her own towel.

Sleeps at nap time.

Carefully works in the classroom, listens to the teacher. Tries to fulfill the tasks and instructions of the educator. calmly plays "Barbershop", "Shop", in board-printed games. Gets along with other children.

Prevents the teacher from doing morning exercises or does not do it at all.

He doesn’t go to wash with the guys. Later comes one.

Doesn't sleep during sleep. Inattentive, does not listen to the teacher. Does not try, refuses to fulfill the tasks and instructions of the educator. Aggressively refers to both peers and teachers. Runs around the group, screaming. Fights with both girls and boys. Prevents other children from playing. Does not respond to the comments of the teacher. Crying and complaining about peers.

conclusions: after analyzing the children - Masha and Timofey, I made the following conclusion.

Maria is a pretty obedient, attentive, neat, disciplined girl. Timofey is the complete opposite of Masha: he does not listen to the teacher, does not respond to his remarks, does not get along with the children, a complete lack of discipline. After watching Masha and Tima on practice, we can confidently conclude that Masha feels quite comfortable surrounded by children and caregivers, and Timofey does not like to be surrounded by anyone.

Task 4. Observation and analysis of regime moments.

Target: analyze regime moments of the first and second half of the day.

Observe and analyze routine moments (reception of children, washing, morning exercises, dressing, eating, sleeping, etc.) directed for the education of cultural and hygienic skills and health promotion according to age. according to the proposed schemes.

Scheme for analyzing the conduct of regime moments in a preschool educational institution

1. How organized preparation of the premises for the regime moment. Before the arrival of the children, the teacher ventilates the room, and the nanny performs wet cleaning, arranges tables and chairs. Furniture and other equipment is fully appropriate for the age and height of children. The teacher distributes the duty of the children in advance.

2. Dayo Do children have a preliminary setting for holding a routine moment: Yes

3. Is the principle of consistency and gradualness observed when ? Yes, it is.

4. Are the responsibilities distributed correctly between the educator and the nanny when organization of regime moment? Yes, right.

5. Are the uniform requirements for children observed by the educator and the nanny? Yes, they are.

6. What skills do children have? Children possess the necessary skills and abilities of activity. The level of their formation in accordance with program requirements. Average level.

7. What methods does the educator use to develop KPs ​​and self-service skills in children? Their relevance to the age characteristics of children. The teacher uses the art word: poems, nursery rhymes. Completely age appropriate.

8. Do children show independence? Do they help each other? Yes, children show independence in labor assignments, in independent activities. Children try to help each other. And with great desire to help the teacher.

Task 5. Diagnosis of the formation of cultural and hygienic skills in children.

Target: to assess the level of formation of cultural and hygienic skills in children

Analyze the program requirements for the level of development of cultural and hygienic skills of preschoolers (washing, eating, dressing and undressing) in a specific age group.

Assess the level of formation of cultural and hygienic skills in children of a particular age group of preschool educational institutions, while doing this work, rely on the data given in the "Table of increasing volume and complication of the content of skills throughout the preschool age."

Output: I passed practice in the second junior group. I watched for two days and spent regime moments with the children. All the guys already know and know how to handle soap, water, towels; know how to dress and undress themselves, hang their things neatly. The guys behave culturally at the table: do not talk while eating, do not indulge, do not put elbows on the table, chew food with their mouths closed. They can already notice the disorder in their clothes and eliminate it, if not, then they turn to adults for help.

Thus, I believe that the teachers of the second junior group "Baby" formed in children all the KHNs that are indicated in the program.

Task 6. Carrying out regime moments

Target: Organize independently sensitive moments at 1 and 2 noon and make self-analysis of their conduct.

Summaries of regime moments should be presented in diary.

Self-analysis of regime processes in the first half of the day

Difficulties, :

There were no difficulties.


Morning gymnastics.


art word: poems, nursery rhymes. Sports Equipment: tambourine, gymnastic board, balls, hoops, musical accompaniment.

Difficulties, arising during the:

Organize all the kids.

Causes of difficulties:

The children did not obey and did not want to do exercises.

(suggestions for improvement):

Sedentary and unorganized children. Find a special approach to them.

General conclusion

Self-analysis of morning exercises

Difficulties, arising in preparation for morning exercises:

Organization of all children.

The most successful was:

Exercises for motor activity and the respiratory system.

Used methods and techniques organizationsmotor activity of children:

verbal method, visual method, practical method, game method.

Difficulties, arising during the:

Involve children in joint activities.

Causes of difficulties:

Disorganization of children.

Next time pay attention to (suggestions for improvement):

Sedentary and unorganized children. Find a special approach to them.

General conclusion:

I really enjoyed exercising with the kids. Children got a good emotional mood for the whole day.

Self-analysis of regime processes in the second half of the day

Difficulties, arising in preparation for conducting regime processes:

There were no difficulties.

The most successful was:

Washing, gymnastics after sleep.

Used methods and techniques for the formation of CGT:

art word: poems, nursery rhymes.

Difficulties, arising during the:

There were no difficulties.

General conclusion

The most successful thing I managed to do in the second half of the day is gymnastics after sleep, washing. The children all unquestioningly performed gymnastics exercises and together went to wash everything.

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1. Teaching practice program

Purpose of practice:

Formation in students of a holistic view of the features of pedagogical interaction between the educator and preschoolers and mastering the functions of the educator's activity in groups of preschool children.

Practice objectives:

1. Update the theoretical knowledge of students, promote their creative application in the pedagogical process of the preschool educational institution.

2. To form a professional pedagogical orientation; to cultivate a steady interest in the profession and love for children, to develop the need to deepen and improve skills and abilities.

3. Develop professionally significant personality traits; discipline, restraint, organization, purposefulness, goodwill and others.

4. To form professional and pedagogical skills that meet the qualification requirements for a preschool teacher.

Organization of practice: Pedagogical practice in the preschool educational institution is carried out in 7 and 8 semesters each for 3 weeks.

Part-time and part-time students implement an internship program at the place of permanent work in a preschool educational institution, in groups with children aged 3-7 years.

At the end of the practice, the student reports to the faculty leader.

Practice is given a grade.

Accounting documents:

1. Diary of pedagogical practice.

2. Summaries of direct educational activities.

Practice Evaluation Criteria

The level of formation of professional and pedagogical skills;

professional competence;

Attitude to practice, manifestations of professionally significant qualities;

The quality of the implementation of all tasks of the practice;

Quality and timeliness of delivery of reporting documentation.

date of completion

Place and time of execution

Topic 1. Building a subject-developing environment in a preschool educational institution

Task 1.1. Analyze and make a conclusion about the compliance with hygienic standards and pedagogical requirements of the subject-developing environment in the group. Task 1.2. Analyze and make a conclusion about the compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards, pedagogical requirements for the physical culture and development environment in the gym. Task 1.3. Analyze and make a conclusion about the compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards, pedagogical requirements of the environment in the music hall of the preschool educational institution.

Senior group. Sports hall. Music hall.

Topic 2. Play and development of the child's personality

2.1. Game activity analysis.

2.2. Independent organization and management of creative games.

2.3. Formulate tasks for children of your age group for the development of gaming activities.

Group. Walk.

Topic 3. Organization of physical education in a preschool educational institution

3.1. Analysis of motor mode in the group

3.2. Drawing up a plan-outline of morning exercises.

3.3. Drawing up a plan-outline of a mobile game.

Music hall. Group.

Topic 4. Artistic and aesthetic development

4.1. Observation and analysis of independent visual activity

4.2. Drawing up a plan-outline and conducting GCD on fine arts and its implementation

Topic 5. Cognitive activity. Fundamentals of environmental education of preschoolers

5.1. The system of work on environmental education (outside classes)

5.2. Independent conduct of ecological games and observations

Walk. Afternoon.

Topic 6. Summing up the results of teaching practice in a preschool educational institution

1. Registration of the final documentation

2. Participation in the conference

2. Building a subject-developing environment in a preschool educational institution

Analyze and make a conclusion about the compliance with hygiene standards and pedagogical requirements of the subject-developing environment in the middle group.

List the activity centers created in the group

In accordance with the requirements for FGT, the corners were renamed into developing activity centers that correspond to the educational areas of the directions for the development of children. Each center has a name, emblem, rules of conduct and an algorithm for working in it.

Center "We speak" (speech development),

Center "Funny Account" (mathematical);

Center of didactic games "Meditate";

Center "I and my body" (valeology);

Center "On the pages of books" (book);

Center "My Motherland" (patriotic);

Art activity center "We draw";

Nature Center "Green Planet";

Security Center "Pedestrian";

Research Center "I want to know everything."

The group has created a psychologically comfortable environment for children, as well as conditions for children's independence, initiative and creativity. To organize activities in the group, the subject-developing environment is being improved: the content of activity centers is correctly selected, focused on the interests of children, manuals and didactic material are made by the hands of educators, and activity centers are also designed in accordance with the age of children. Activity centers created in the group are aesthetically pleasing and meet hygienic and safety requirements. The child has the possibility of an individual choice in which activity center to engage in. The parents of the group take part in the creation of the developing space, which increases their pedagogical competence and helps to establish contact with the child. The group selected a card file of experiments and observations, finger games, visual and didactic material on REMP, literacy, environmental education. Projects were completed: “Toy Store”, “No one is forgotten, nothing is forgotten”, “Earth is our common home”, “What a charm these fairy tales are”, “It is fashionable to be healthy”, “Road rules for children are supposed to know”, “Planets solar system”, “Russia is my Motherland”. The method of organizing the pedagogical process through the project method based on the interaction of the teacher with children contributes to the development of the child's personality, develops the ecological culture of children, brings up a careful, humane attitude towards nature.

· Check the principles of building a subject-developing environment that are implemented in your group and write down those that you have to work on:

Comfort and safety of the environment, compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards;

Compliance of the developing environment with the educational program according to which the kindergarten operates;

Accounting for all areas of child development;

Variety of environments, their rational arrangement;

Ensuring a richness of sensory experiences;

Ensuring independent individual activity;

Providing opportunities for research, search activities, experimentation:

Accessible arrangement of items and aids in accordance with the age of children;

Creation of conditions for change, design of the environment.

The construction of a subject-developing environment, which is implemented in the senior group, is based on all of the above principles. I believe that the principle that needs to be worked on is the principle providing a richness of sensory experiences.

Expand one of the principles and features of its implementation in the group:

Security wealth sensory impressions. Furnishings for group rooms must be selected in such a way that they reflect the variety of colors, shapes, materials, and the harmony of the surrounding world. For this, as a rule, a lot of space is given to natural and various waste materials. Along with this, a variety of household items are often brought into groups of preschoolers, and natural things are used in the paraphernalia of role-playing games. For example, in the game "Barbershop": hair dryer (without cord), combs (flat, round). Hair clips, shampoo bottles (empty), etc. A variety of activities of children in such an environment is an effective condition for the development of sensory abilities, which, in turn, are basic in the system of intellectual abilities of a preschool child.

Analyze the subject-developing environment in the group and its compliance with the principles of construction and the program being implemented:

IN MDOU - CRR - kindergarten No. 34 in the senior group created conditions for all types of children's activities: play, communication, labor, cognitive research, productive, musical and artistic, reading, motor.

The developing environment is organized taking into account the interests of children and meets their gender and age characteristics. The group is distinguished by its individuality, a corner of experimentation, natural, the theater is made with their own hands and collectively with children. Didactic corners with sets of materials for the development of sensory and fine motor skills of hands have been created for preschool children. The content of the developing environment in the group for children aged 5-6 reflects the development of knowledge of educational areas by children.

Analyze and make a conclusion about the compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards, pedagogical requirements for the physical culture and development environment in the gym.

The selection of equipment is determined by the tasks of both physical and comprehensive education of children. The main set of equipment and manuals is located in the sports hall, as various types of physical education classes are mainly held in it.

In order to develop children's interest in different types of exercises using aids, some items and aids should be stored in the pantry, which allows you to update the material in the group.

It is advisable to store equipment for sports games in a sectional cabinet or in closed boxes.

Hoops, jump ropes, cords are best placed on the hooks of one free wall in the group.

Physical education equipment is located in the group so that children can freely approach it and use it.

The selection of equipment is determined by the program objectives of both physical and comprehensive education of children. According to the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation No. 2151 dated July 20, 2011, clause 3.2.8. “Materials and equipment for movement activities include equipment for walking, running and balance; for jumping; for rolling, throwing and catching; for crawling and climbing; for general developmental exercises. In a kindergarten, it is necessary to have a sufficient amount of physical education equipment to provide children with a favorable level of physical activity in the process of various forms of physical education for preschoolers. The variety of equipment and aids makes it possible to use it productively in various types of GCD in physical culture, while creating their variable content for the development of the arbitrariness of children's movements, their independence and creative ideas.

It is necessary that the equipment (dimensions, dimensions and weight of objects) correspond to the age characteristics of children and their anthropometric indicators. The amount of equipment is determined based on the active participation of all children in the process of various forms of physical activity. The dimensions and weight of portable equipment should be commensurate with the capabilities of children.

One of the important requirements for the selection of equipment is to ensure the safety of children when using it. Each allowance must be stable and durable. In order to provide insurance, prevent injuries in children during physical education classes, it is necessary to have good fastenings and gymnastic mats.

The materials from which the equipment is made must meet hygienic requirements, be environmentally friendly and durable.

A variety of shapes, colors of sports equipment should contribute to the development of artistic taste in children. Delicate pastel colors are most preferred for painting equipment. Most of the physical education aids are used by children in the process of performing physical exercises and outdoor games. Therefore, equipment sets should include a wide variety of items: large-sized (gymnastics with benches, stairs, booms, etc.). Portable and stationary, made of different materials (wood, rubber, plastic, etc.). Small (rubber rings, balls, balls, hoops, etc.).

The presence of a variety of equipment in the sets is due to the specifics of the construction and content of different types of physical education classes (morning exercises, corrective exercises after a daytime sleep, physical education classes, games and exercises outdoors and indoors, sports activities and holidays). For the rational organization of the motor activity of preschool children, it is important to pay attention to the placement of equipment at the place of its use (for certain conditions).

Conclude compliance with:

For the rational organization of the motor activity of preschool children, it is important to pay attention to the placement of equipment at the place of its use. Much attention is paid to the physical development of children. The hall is sufficiently equipped with equipment and sports equipment for the development of motor activity of children, both standard and non-standard. All equipment meets pedagogical and sanitary requirements. In the gym there are manuals for physical exercises, the development of basic movements, the prevention of postural disorders and flat feet, sports games and exercises. In the hall, physical education classes are held by the whole group, subgroup and individual; morning gymnastics, sports entertainment, sports activities. The hall for the convenience and coordination of physical culture and health-improving work works according to a specially approved schedule.

Analyze and make a conclusion about the compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards, pedagogical requirements of the environment in the music hall.

Formulate and write down the requirements and norms:

Federal state requirements for the conditions for the implementation of the main general educational program of preschool education (BEP DO) are a set of requirements that ensure the implementation of the BEP DO, aimed at achieving the planned results of preschool education.

The subject-developing environment in the music hall has its own characteristics associated with the specific focus of the educational field "Music".

The music hall in the kindergarten is, as a rule, the largest, brightest and best equipped room, it is the visiting card of the kindergarten. It hosts not only classes with children, but also all kinds of holidays, entertainment and other events for children, employees and parents. Therefore, here, as in any kindergarten, the requirements of SanPiNs and compliance with fire safety rules are extremely relevant.

The space of the music hall, as well as the group room, can be conditionally divided into the same three zones: working, quiet and active.

Make a conclusion about conformity.

The music hall in the kindergarten is the place where children get acquainted with the secret of music, learn to sing, and where the dreams of little stars begin. As music has an individual character, so the interior of the music hall in kindergarten is distinguished by its individuality, grace and attractiveness. A beautifully and lovingly designed room has an active effect on the child: it has a positive effect on his development, well-being, including psychological. The hall looks especially elegant on holidays! In addition to traditional music classes, morning performances and leisure activities, various intellectual educational games for older preschoolers are held in the music room using a multimedia projector. To do this, methodological materials have been developed taking into account health-saving technologies (abstracts of classes, entertainment scenarios, visual gymnastics complexes).

· Formulate tasks for the development of the subject-developing environment of the group.

The object-spatial environment in each age group of the kindergarten should have distinctive features, namely:

1. The environment in which the child develops should provide personality-oriented education and social and emotional interaction of children with adults, where the child emotionally manifests himself, expressing a consciously correct attitude to the environment, realizing himself as a person.

2. Emotions of a child, positive or negative, are born in the process of his communication with the material world.

3. Teachers and parents need to direct them to the development of such individual qualities as mutual assistance, kindness, the ability to see beauty, love for others.

4. A properly organized subject environment presupposes the unity of the material and spiritual world of the child.

5. Each object of the objective world not only contains certain information, but also encourages children to express their emotions.

6. The subject-developing environment includes the color scheme of the group, wildlife objects (houseplants, aquariums and terrariums, mini-greenhouses), the design of activity areas (game, dining room, bedroom).

3. Play and development of the child's personality

Game activity analysis.

· Observe and describe the development of the content of the role-playing game of children in your age group.

How do the players get the idea of ​​the game?

l How varied are children's play ideas?

How varied are the play tasks set by the child?

l What is the degree of independence of children in choosing a plan and setting game tasks?

Observing children in role-playing games and joint activities were carried out in the game room, on a walk, as well as during independent activities.

Role-playing games take one of the important places in children of senior preschool age. Children take on roles in kindergarten, at home, on the playground, etc. Gradually, this type of game becomes the most favorite for most children. A gender-role division of preferences can also be noted: boys are interested in technology and outdoor games, while girls prefer role-playing games “Beauty Salon”, “Barbershop”, “Mothers and Daughters”, etc.

Observations have shown that in pronounced activity in role-playing games, there is independence in organizing joint activities with other children.

Game designs are not static, but sustainable and evolving. Children jointly discuss the idea of ​​the game, take into account the point of view of the partner, reach a common solution. A long-term perspective of the game appears, which indicates a high level of development of game creativity. Before the game, children outline a general plan, and during the game they include new ideas and images in it, i.e. planning, consistency of the game is combined with improvisation.

In the game, children recreate relationships between people. Game action can be replaced by a word, because. speech plays a big role in story games.

At this age, it is typical to learn as much as possible about the game that children play, so they often turn to the teacher with clarifying questions, or for confirmation of the correctness of their actions.

· Ways for children to solve game problems. Describe the idea of ​​ways to display reality in the game, answering the following questions:

b How varied are the play activities with the toys?

b What is the degree of generalization of play actions with toys?

l Presence in the game of game actions with substitute objects and imaginary objects, the degree of independence of children in using the named methods of solving game problems?

b Does the child take on the role?

l How varied and expressive are role-playing activities?

b Presence of role-playing statements.

ü The presence of a role-playing conversation, its content.

In the plot-display game, children convey not only individual actions, but also elements of the behavior of adults in real life. In games, a "role in action" appears. The child performs the function of a mother-seller, without naming himself in accordance with this function. And to the question of an adult: “Who are you?” replies: "I am Alla (Masha, Andryusha)." In such games, actions with plot-shaped toys at first are very similar to real practical actions with objects and gradually become generalized, turning into conditional ones. Then the child begins to act with imaginary objects: bathes the doll with non-existent shampoo.

The development of game actions is due to the development of objective ones. Mastering objective actions leads to their generalization and inclusion in other situations. An adult contributes to the transition of the baby's objective actions into play ones, showing play actions or encouraging the child to perform them: “Put Mishka to sleep. Feed the doll." Later, children themselves turn objective actions into play ones.

First, the plots describe the actions of one character with certain objects in one or successively changing situations. Characters, objects and actions with them are rigidly fixed and repeat, as it were, according to one pattern. For example, a girl cooks dinner, feeds a bear. The plots then include several characters with a set of specific connections. The connection of the characters is set by means of their inclusion in the overall situation of the role through a consistent exchange of actions. There are three options here. The first involves two fixed characters, one of which is the object of the other, for example, a hairdresser and a client. The second consists of independent actions included in the general situation, for example, the driver and passengers. In the third, the characters exchange actions: the buyer chooses the goods, and the seller weighs.

Interaction of children in the game.

b Does the child interact?

To whom does the child set game tasks: an adult or a peer?

Is the child able to accept play tasks?

b What is the duration of the interaction of children in the game.

As the results showed observations of children's play activities, the game of preschool children is characterized by a low level of development, the role-playing actions of children are not always coordinated. There is a frequent intersection of role-playing and real relationships of playing children, they express their disagreement, dissatisfaction with partners, are distracted from the goal of the game and incompletely embody the plan. The game theme is the same. The role-playing behavior of the participants in the game is characterized by a lack of cohesion, initiative, and emotional coloring. In the games of preschoolers, role-playing dialogues are rare, which involve the communication of children from their role. Children mostly use the plot suggested by adults and other children; rarely offer new play options, new uses for a known object; do not always realize their plan of activity. Only some children choose their own topic; able to conjecture the proposed version of the plot; can captivate others with their ideas; quickly adapt to the game task; can offer more than one version of the plot.

The main task of the educator is to help them overcome fear, embarrassment, inactivity, and also form positive relationships with their peers.

Describe the degree of independence of children in the game.

The level of development of the independence of older preschoolers can be significantly increased through the use of complex educational influences that are organically included in the general system of educational and educational work of the kindergarten and are not aimed at the formation of initiative, independence and responsibility. The most important form of children's activity, in which such influences should be carried out, is a plot-role-playing game, which provides favorable opportunities for the formation of initiative - the central structural component of independence. Independence is formed mainly on the material of productive activity, responsibility - in the performance of labor assignments.

The effectiveness of work aimed at developing children's independence is ensured by the introduction of a number of significant motives into the activities of preschoolers: achieving success, social significance of the results of activities, etc.; enrichment of children's knowledge about the surrounding reality; arming them with certain methods of action, allowing them to achieve their goals without the help of adults.

An important role in the education of independence, the desire to bring the matter to the end is played by the creation in children of an appropriate emotional mood, the formation of an emotional anticipation of the results of their activities.

The most favorable conditions for the formation of independence of older preschoolers are provided by collective role-playing games in combination with various types of productive activities with elements of labor. Education of independence should be carried out in stages. The stages differ both in pedagogical tasks and in the methods used to ensure the development of initiative, responsibility, and independence in children.


- Home, family.


- "Kindergarten".

- "School".

- "Library".


- "Ambulance".

- "Polyclinic".

- "Hospital".

- "Veterinary hospital".

- "Pharmacy".


- "Shop".


- "Sewing Studio".

- Photo studio.

World of beauty:

- "Salon".

- "Beauty saloon".


- "Construction".

- We are building a house.

Entertainment. Public places:

- Zoo.

- "The circus".

- "In the cafe".

- Travelers.

- "Cosmonauts".

· Supervise the development of the content and compliance with the rules of the games. Write down the observation of game activity with the rules (developing, mobile) 2-3 children. To record the observation, you can use the tabular version.

Child's name

Types of games and plots that the child prefers

Game material (toys, game attributes)

Diversity, stability, Dynamism of game plots

The dependence of the use of gaming skills on gaming interests

Mila P.

Games with rules, creative, theatrical

Jump ropes, hoops, suits.

Diverse, plays regularly, the plot makes sense.

Gaming skills do not match interests

Pavel A.

Creative (director's), p / and low mobility

Small toys, robots - transformers, balls, dinosaurs.

Games are monotonous, plays rarely.

Gaming skills match interests

Maxim L.

Creative (construction, directorial), p / and small ceiling, d / and.

Building material, small toys, ring toss, balls, cars.

Regularly plays, games are monotonous, the plot is dynamic

Gaming skills match interests

Independent organization and management of creative games.

· Make a summary of the role-playing game guide and implement it in the group. (Attach the abstract to the reporting documentation).

Write down the reflection of the activity.

The game "City of Masters" was held with children, aimed at consolidating previously acquired knowledge about the work of adults.

All tasks of the lesson were completed, the children actively participated in role-playing performances.

Children could predict a possible situation. During the game, there was a real opportunity to control how the action that is part of the communication process is performed. So, while playing "Hospital", Vitya D. cries and suffers like a patient and is pleased with himself as well performing his role. The dual position of the player - performer and controller - develops the ability to correlate their behavior with the behavior of a certain model.

Tasks for children of the senior group on the development of gaming activities.

1. Encourage children to use expressive means of speech, gestures when conveying the characters of the performed character.

2. Provide conditions for children's play activities.

3. Give the child the opportunity to freely choose the game that suits his interests.

4. The teacher encourages children's initiative.

5. Can connect to the game, taking on a role that is not directly related to the plot-semantic context, can introduce a role from a different semantic context into the game (this forces children to turn the plot in a new direction).

6. The educator contributes to the development of initiative and independence in the game, activity in the implementation of game ideas in children.

7. Encourage the child's desire to make the missing items for the game with their own hands.

8. Pay attention to the formation in children of the ability to create new diverse plots of the game, coordinate ideas with partners, come up with new rules and follow them during the game.

9. Contribute to the strengthening of children's play associations, be attentive to the relationships that develop children in the game.

10. Orient children to cooperate in a joint game, regulate their behavior based on creative game ideas.

11. To develop the skills of children to independently organize a joint game, to fairly resolve conflicts that have arisen in the game. Use normative methods for this (order, different types of lots).

12. To develop in children the ability to widely use the game role to deploy a variety of plots, for inclusion in a game agreed with peers.

13. Improve children's ability to regulate behavior based on game rules.

14. The teacher gradually forms in children the ability to creatively combine a variety of events, creating a new plot for the game.

15. The teacher supports the interest of children in free improvisation based on fairy tales, literary works, offering different forms: dramatization by roles, puppet theater, participates with the children.

4. Organization of physical education in the preschool educational institution

Analysis of motor mode in the group.

Analyze the motor mode for children of the older group, compare the results with the norms and requirements of SanPIN and other standards recommended by the Methodological Recommendations "Medical and Pedagogical Control of Physical Education in Preschool Educational Institutions". Draw reasonable conclusions.

Requirements for the organization of physical education

1.1. Physical education of children should be aimed at improving health and physical development, expanding the functionality of the child's body, the formation of motor skills and motor qualities.

1 .2. Motor mode, physical exercises and hardening activities should be carried out taking into account the health, age of children and the time of year.

It is recommended to use forms of physical activity: morning exercises, indoor and outdoor physical training, physical training minutes, outdoor games, sports exercises, rhythmic gymnastics, training on simulators, swimming and others.

In the volume of physical activity of pupils aged 5-7 years, it should be provided in organized forms of health-improving and educational activities 6-8 hours a week, taking into account the psychophysiological characteristics of children, the time of year and the operating hours of preschool educational organizations.

To implement the motor activity of children, the equipment and inventory of the gym and sports grounds are used in accordance with the age and height of the child.

1.3 . Physical development classes of the main educational program for children aged 3 to 7 years are organized at least 3 times a week. The duration of physical development classes depends on the age of the children and is:

In the senior group - 25 min.,

Once a week for children 5- For 7 years, classes on the physical development of children in the open air should be organized year-round. They are carried out only if the children have no medical contraindications and the children have sportswear that matches the weather conditions.

In the warm season, under favorable meteorological conditions, it is recommended to organize directly educational activities for physical development in the open air.

1.4 . To achieve a sufficient amount of physical activity of children, it is necessary to use all organized forms of physical exercises with a wide inclusion of outdoor games and sports exercises.

Work on physical development is carried out taking into account the health of children with constant monitoring by medical workers.

In accordance with the draft federal component of the preschool education standard, the active motor activity of children in the daily routine should be 45-50% of the total volume of daily motor activity.

Medical and pedagogical control over the physical education of preschool children.

Medical control over the physical education of children in preschool institutions includes:

1. Dynamic monitoring of the state of health and physical development of children, which is carried out during in-depth examinations by doctors of preschool institutions or clinics.

2. Medical and pedagogical observations of the organization of the motor regime, the methodology for conducting and organizing physical exercises and their impact on the child's body; control over the implementation of the hardening system.

3. Control over the sanitary and hygienic condition of the places where classes are held (room, site), sports equipment, sportswear and shoes.

4. Sanitary and educational work on the issues of physical education of preschoolers among the staff of the preschool institution and parents.

Carrying out medical and pedagogical observations at physical education classes, a doctor, nurse, teacher should familiarize themselves with the lesson plan, check whether the plan and content of the lesson meet the requirements of the "Program" for children of this age, the state of health and the level of physical fitness of children.

Summing up, we can say that the motor mode in the institution is It is a means of strengthening the health and increasing the efficiency of the child's body. Teachers create optimal conditions for the motor mode of children.

The motor mode of the senior group meets the requirements of SanPiN.

Tab. 3. Outline of morning exercises


Organizational and methodological instructions

Starting position - main stance. At times - tilt your head to the right, raise your shoulders. On two - take the starting position. On three - tilt the head to the left, lower the shoulders. Take the starting position. Start the exercise!

Breathing is free. The back is straight.

I. p. - o.s. feet shoulder width apart. On 1-2, take the right hand to the side. On 3 - 4 return to the starting position. Repeat the same only to the left. Start the exercise!

6 once

I.p. - o.s., legs together. 1 - 2 hands up, feet on toes. On 3-4 Take the starting position. Start the exercise!

Maintain balance, breathing freely through the nose

I.p., - stood up straight, legs together slightly bent at the knees, (heels together socks apart), arms straight, slightly laid back. On 1 - jumping over the ball forward. On 2 - back, three - to the left, four - to the right. Accept the starting position. Start the exercise!

Average pace 30s.

Spring bouncing. Breathing freely through the nose. Back, head straight.

I. p. - feet shoulder-width apart, arms laid back. On 1 - the tilt of the body to the right - down. On 2 - tilt the body straight - down. On 3 - the tilt of the body to the left - down. Accept the starting position. Start the exercise!

3 times

Breathing is free through the nose, movements are smooth.

Starting position - main stance, feet shoulder-width apart. On 1-2 raise the right knee, arms down. 3-4 starting position. Repeat the movement with the left leg.

8 times

Maintain balance, breathing freely through the nose.

Starting position of the main rack. Jumping. 1 foot to the side, arms to the side. 2 starting position

8 times

The movements of the arms and legs are coordinated.

Outline of the game « Take it fast " with kids senior gr.

Tasks of conducting:

1. Improve running in children;

2. To develop in children dexterity, attention, speed of reaction.



Organizational instructions and methods of conducting

Gathering children to play

Cubes, balls, sandbags, small rubber toys, cones, which should be 1-2 less than the number of children playing, are laid out on the carpet over the entire area.

Interest and name the game

Guys, today we will play a game called "Quick Take"

Explanation or reminder

There are various objects on the carpet, look at them. To the music, you will run around, between objects. As soon as the music stops, you need to take one item and raise it above your head.

Distribution to roles

And now we will choose a leader who will turn the music on and off. A leader is chosen for the counting rhyme. The counting rhyme begins: A jackdaw sat on a birch, Two crows, a sparrow, Three magpies, a nightingale.

Game control

Be careful not to push. All the rules, we remembered, took all their places at the signal one-two-three, start the game. We do not push each other, Valya B.

The results of the horse and the change of roles. Clarification of the actions of the players

Let's count how many items each of you. One two Three. The host changes and the game continues.

The overall result of the game

Now we will once again calculate how many items each of you collected and sum up the overall result of the game. Most of the items were collected by Leonid Z.

5. Artistic and aesthetic development

Observation and analysis independently oh visual activity.

Make up questions and analyze the independent visual activity of 2-3 children in your group.


1. Do you like to draw?

2. What do you usually draw?

3. Tell me what you can draw with?

4. What do you like to draw more with paints or pencils?

5. What else can you draw?

Observations and analysis

From the conversation, we found out that children love to draw. When choosing materials for creating drawings, they opted for simpler ones: pencils, felt-tip pens. The question of what other materials can be used to create an image caused the children difficulty in answering. Also, all the children answered that they are independent in creating and implementing the idea and they do not need any help. When creating drawings, children mainly pay attention to the image of objects. In accordance with this, we can conclude that children are fond of drawing, showing their imagination, but it is limited to the choice of simple materials, which limits the development of creativity.

Drawing up a plan-outline and conducting a GCD on fine arts.

· Make a plan-outline of GCD. Attach the abstract to the reporting documentation. Write down the reflection of the activity.

The lesson went according to plan. All assigned tasks have been completed. The children listened to the teacher with great enthusiasm and completed all the tasks.

6. Cognitive activity. Fundamentals of environmental education of preschoolers

developing preschool game

The system of work on environmental education (outside classes).

· Describe the system of games and observations and conversations in your age group.

Didactic games:

"Know by smell."

"Guess by touch."

"Find out the description."


"About friendship".

"Zimushka - winter".


"Draw a vegetable."


"Magic Water".

"I sow, I sow, I sow."

Game "Seasons",

"Connect the leaves to the trees."

Didactic lotto "What first, what then?".

Drawing up a summary and conducting environmental games and observations.

Conduct and write down the reflection of the activity.

Children enthusiastically participated in the implementation of all tasks. There was an atmosphere of understanding and cooperation at the lesson.

After the children began to draw conclusions about which objects sink and which do not sink, it became difficult for them to conclude why this object sank and the other did not. They simply answered shortly "Because it is heavy, or light." Children really like classes with experiments, we must try to conduct them as often as possible. In general, the lesson was successful and interesting.

Hosted on Allbest.ru


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Ludmila Menshikova
An exemplary table of a diary for practice in a preschool educational institution for students - future specialists in preschool education

Date Purpose of the day Photograph Analysis - compiled tablet


Observation and analysis of regime processes in the second half of the day in one age group: getting up, washing, feeding, playing, taking care of children, interacting with the teacher's assistant. Introduction to daily routine.


1. Lifting children, hardening activities, wake-up exercises. Gradual lifting of children: the junior teacher comes to each bed with a child, in an affectionate voice, stroking, wakes up. Children gradually get out of bed, leave the bedroom and, with the help of the teacher, go along the massage paths to the toilet, where they take their potties and sit on them.

2. Dressing children after sleep. Preparing for lunch. afternoon tea. The junior teacher gradually raises the children from the potty, the children go to the group where the teacher meets them, find their high chair with their clothes and, with the help of the teacher, begin to dress. In the process of dressing, the teacher constantly talks with the children, specifying the items of clothing, where we put on, whose thing it is. The junior teacher washes the pots and sets the tables (places plates with waffles, then meets the dressed kids, washes and sits down at the tables. The teacher washes the last dressed ones and helps to sit down at the table. A culture of behavior at the table is being inculcated . There is an acquaintance with the rules of etiquette (do not scream, do not interfere with other children, eat only from your own plate, hold the mug correctly and independently and bring it to your mouth, drink from it, do not leave the table without finishing your meal).

3. Preparation for educational activities, organization of gaming activities. The teacher organizes joint play activities individually, keeping each child in sight. Some help dress a doll, others put a bunny or a dog in the car, others look at the pictures in the book, get off the group slide.

4. Carrying out GCD - 1 (Musical) held with the whole group in the music room.

5. Organization of gaming activities. The teacher conducts the organization of joint gaming activities individually, according to the cyclogram, keeping each child in sight. With some he plays finger games, with others he does individual work on the development of movements, with others he plays games for the development of fine motor skills.

6.Preparing for dinner: children are washed by the in-line method. The teacher with each child is working on learning the skills of washing. He teaches everyone to independently put their hands under a stream of water, teaches how to rub palms on each other, then wring out hands and dry with a towel. All actions are spoken aloud by the teacher. Gradual seating of children at the table (each child carries his own high chair, finds his own table and his place behind it, and independently puts the high chair and sits on it). Help is being provided by an assistant teacher.

7. During dinner, there is an inculcation of the culture of behavior at the table. (eat carefully, do not spill or scatter food). There is an acquaintance with the rules of etiquette (do not scream, do not interfere with other children, eat only from your own plate, hold the spoon correctly and independently and bring it to your mouth with food, do not leave the table without finishing the meal). Children are being supplemented (children are small and therefore get tired of eating on their own for a long time, they cannot fully collect food on a plate).

8. Gradual exit from the table, washing the children and landing on the potty. Those kids who finished their dinner first, the teacher takes them out from the table, leads them to the washbasin, takes off their apron and begins to wash, while teaching the rules of washing: pronouncing each movement, using a nursery rhyme. Then he offers to find his towel on his own, guided by the picture on the cells, and take it off the hook, then comes the training on how to dry off. Each action is accompanied by a speech of the teacher. Then the child is invited to find and take his potty, also guided by the picture on the potty. There is a training on how to take off your own panties and sit on the potty. While the teacher is doing such learning actions with each, the assistant teacher feeds the rest of the kids and gradually brings everyone to the teacher. Rise from the pot also occurs gradually, starting from the first planted on the pot.

9. Children leaving home. Many children were taken away by their parents immediately after getting up from the potty, with the rest, the teacher carried out individual work on learning to play with fun objects. "Balloon Tray Rolling".

1. Lifting children, hardening activities, wake-up exercises. In the bedroom, the junior caregiver spoke affectionately to each child, giving him the opportunity to wake up, stretch, and then help him get off the bed. Walking along the massage paths was carried out in a group room at t + 21 degrees, the kids are happy to walk along the paths, held by the hand by the teacher for the use of nursery rhymes: “Top-top-top, our Dashenka will pass for no reason will not fall”, “Our top-top legs are walking along the path”. All children like to complete these tasks, some also explore the path along the way, reading nursery rhymes maintains the pace of passing. In the toilet, the teacher also controls that everyone takes their potty, each time asking the baby where your bunny is, where your pussy is, etc. The choice of forms, methods of organizing work with children is justified, since the children are still small and the adaptation process in them is still ongoing.

2. Dressing children after sleep. Preparing for lunch. afternoon tea. . The choice of methods, forms, means, ways of organizing work with children is justified - each child is in sight, individual work was carried out with each.

3. Preparation for educational activities, organization of gaming activities. The choice of methods, forms, means, ways of organizing work with children is justified, as it allows you to pay attention to each child, monitor his condition, behavior, mood and influence children, taking into account their individual and typological characteristics.

4. Carrying out GCD - 1 (Musical) held with the whole group in the music hall, as recommended by the Program.

5. Organization of gaming activities. The choice of methods, forms, means, ways of organizing work with children is justified, as it allows you to pay attention to each child, monitor his condition, behavior, mood and influence children, taking into account their individual and typological characteristics. The teacher, of course, tries, but everything works out, since one assistant teacher works for three groups of early age in the evening shift, that make the job harder: wash someone, change someone, and planting on the potty becomes more difficult.

6. Preparing for dinner (formation of self-service skills). The choice of methods, forms, means, ways of organizing work with children is justified. The distribution of responsibilities between adults is quite justified - each child is in sight, individual work was carried out with each.

7. Dinner (inculcating a culture of behavior at the table, familiarization with the rules of etiquette, feeding children). The choice of methods, forms, means, ways of organizing work with children is justified - each child is in sight, individual work was carried out with each.

8. Gradual exit from the table, washing the children and landing on the potty. The choice of methods, forms, means, ways of organizing work with children is justified - each child is in sight, individual work was carried out with each.

9. Children leaving home. The choice of methods, forms, means, ways of organizing work with children is justified - each child is in sight, individual work was carried out with each. The teacher is always with the children.


Student ___________________________________________



Direction of training 04.03.01 - "Pedagogical education"

Profile - " Preschool education"

Yekaterinburg city


Practice dates:

Target familiarization of students with the features of the professional activity of a teacher working at the stage of preschool education, with a system of professional knowledge, skills, professionally significant personal qualities of an educator; the formation of students' professional psychological and pedagogical skills necessary to monitor the activities of the educator, as well as to analyze this process. .


To form an idea of ​​kindergarten as an educational system;

To acquaint with the specifics of the activities of the educator, his functional and official duties, documentation;

To develop in students the ability to analyze and summarize the data of pedagogical observation of various fragments of the educational process;

To form the experience of direct communication with children;

To acquaint with the plans of educational activities of the kindergarten and a separate group.

1. Familiarization with the features of a preschool educational institution, with areas of work, legal documentation, the mode and schedule of classes (directly educational activities) in groups, the material and technical equipment of the educational process in a fixed group.

2. Familiarization with the specifics of the work of the educator, his functional and official duties.

3. Attending classes (directly educational activities), familiarization with the forms and methods of conducting classes.

4. Analysis of one lesson (directly educational activity) according to the plan of psychological analysis.

5. Studying the plan of educational work, holding one event with children (educational activities carried out during regime moments).

6. Organization of independent activities of children.

Explanations to the content of pedagogical practice:

clauses 1, 2, 3 are reflected only in the table "Thematic planning of work for the period of practice" - see below (copies of documents do not need to be attached);

p. 4 - psychological analysis is performed after photography (not photos of the lesson, GCD, but detailed summary , class attended). In the table "Plan of psychological analysis" the plan is given, and not the analysis itself; the analysis should be verbal, not in the form of a table;

p. 5 - attach a summary of the event with introspection (drawn up according to the model of the lesson summary);

p. 6 - present either the development of 2 plot-role-playing games (designing according to the model of the lesson summary), or a description of 3-5 outdoor games indicating the name of the game, the purpose of its implementation, and the results obtained.

The list of references does not need to be saved in a diary report (it is given for a student, but the inspector does not need it).

Place of internship


OS address Sverdlovsk region, Verkhnyaya Pyshma, Iset village

st. Sosnovaya d.5 Group younger cabinet

Full name of the head of the preschool educational institution Dorofeeva Elena Vadimovna

Full name of the methodologist of the preschool educational institution Nemkina Tatyana Vasilievna

Full name of the educator Revina Svetlana Vladimirovna

Schedule of classes at the preschool educational institution

Day of the week time subject
Monday 9.00 – 9.15
9.25 – 9.40 musical activity
Tuesday 9.00 – 9.15 visual activity
9.25 – 9.40 motor activity
Wednesday 9.00 – 9.15 cognitive research activity
9.25 – 9.40 musical activity
Thursday 9.00 – 9.15 communicative activity / perception of fiction and folklore
9.25 – 9.40 motor activity
Friday 9.00 – 9.15 visual activity / design
9.25 – 9.40 motor activity

Group list

date of Planned work Mark of completion (painting of the head of the practice)
from 01.01.2016 to 03.01.2016 new year holidays. 07.12.2015 Week 2 "My home" 08.12.2015 09.12.2015 10.12.2015 11.12.2015 Week 3 "My family" 12/14/2015 12/15/2015 16.12.2015 12/17/2015 12/18/2015 · I got acquainted with the areas of work, legal documentation, the mode and schedule of classes (directly educational activities) in groups, the material and technical equipment of the educational process in the assigned group. · Conversation with children on the topic "Furniture in our group" - to teach children to understand the purpose of objects. · The game "Echo" - teach children to follow the rules of the game, repeat different sounds after the driver. · Conversation “From what furniture can be made for the home” - tell and show that furniture can be made from natural materials: branches, stones, tree bark. · Construction game "Teremok" - to teach children to build a fairy-tale house for toys, to beat the situation. · Board-printed game "Brownie" - to teach children to classify (furniture, clothes, utensils). · The plot game "Let's arrange a room for the doll" - learn to distinguish and name pieces of furniture, talk about their purpose; cultivate a caring attitude towards the doll. · Word game "Prompt a word" - to teach children to listen carefully to the text of the poem, to select words that are appropriate in meaning. · Drawing “Let's decorate the tablecloth for the house” - bring children to the transfer of the intended image, learn to draw famous lines. · Conducted an open lesson on the topic "Family" - introduced colleagues to new forms and methods of conducting classes. · Construction game "Build a house for your family" - learn to build buildings of different sizes from cubes, select parts of the same color and size. Beat the building with small toys, cultivate love for the family, the house in which they live. · I attended an open lesson in the younger group on the topic “Wintering Birds”. · Drawing "House for our family" to develop creative thinking, the ability to hold a pencil correctly, to develop the ability to turn a square into a house. · Was at an open lesson in the middle group on the topic "Walk in the winter forest." · Construction game "I want to live in comfort" - learn to build rooms, furniture from the Lego constructor, beat buildings. · I attended an open lesson in the senior group on the topic "Amazing stones". Round dance game "Boogie Woogie" - learn to sing to the music and perform the appropriate movements together; develop an interest in playing together. · Attended an open lesson in the preparatory group on the topic "The history of clothing". Role-playing game "Family" - teach children to assign roles, take care of toys (doll).

Requirements for the design of the summary of the GCD

1. Theme of direct educational activity.

2. The purpose and objectives of the GCD.

3. Equipment.

4. GCD progress (formulated in the form of a table):

List of used literature.

Visual aids made by the student or their layout are attached to the abstract.


Purpose, tasks

Questions to study
1. Psychological analysis of the educational activities of children: Active position of children in the classroom Positive attitude of children to the teacher Prevailing well-being of children in the classroom
2. Psychological assessment of the lesson: The level of organization of the lesson (the psychological attitude to the lesson, the use of game organizational moments) The ratio of monologic and dialogic communication between children and the teacher in the classroom (the predominance of the teacher’s speech; the predominance of children’s speech; an equal ratio) The correspondence of the forms and methods of the lesson to the age-related psychophysiological characteristics of children (does the teacher take into account the individual and psychological characteristics of children during the lesson)
3. Psychological analysis of the teacher’s activity: The presence of a psychological distance between the teacher and the children (“above”, “under”, “next to”, “together”) Sociability (the ability to establish contact with the group and each child) The appearance of the teacher (posture, facial expressions, pantomime, taste and style in clothes and hairstyle)

Date of visit ___________________________________
Group ___________________________________________
Educator ______________________________________

On pedagogy and psychology

1. Vinogradova N.A. Quality management of the educational process in preschool educational institutions. Method. allowance / N.A. Vinogradova, N.V. Miklyaev. M.: Airi-Press, 2006.- 192 p.

2. Volkova V.A. Educational system of preschool educational institution / V.A. Volkova., N.B. Sokolova M.: TC Sphere, 2007.- 128 p.

3. Gavrilycheva G.F. The modern junior high school student. What is he? // Primary school. 2004. No. 3

4. Darvish O.B. Developmental psychology / O.B. Darvish.- M.: Vlados-Press, 2004.- 285 p.

5. Children's practical psychology / Ed. T.D. Martsinkovskaya.- M.: Gardariki, 2000.- 189 p. .

6. Zanina L.V. Fundamentals of pedagogical skills// Series "Textbooks, teaching aids"/ L.V. Zanina, N.P. Menshikov.- Rostov n / a, 2003.- 288 p.

7. Kolodyazhnaya T.P. Management of a modern preschool / T.P. Kolodyazhnaya. M.: New school.-2002.- 156 p.

8. Krasnoshchekova N.V. Diagnostics and development of the personal sphere of children of senior preschool age. Tests. Games. Exercises /N.V. Krasnoshchekova.- Rostov n / D .: Phoenix, 2006.- 299 p.

9. Kudrova N.A. How to educate girls and boys//we raise healthy, smart and kind//Primary school. 2005.№6

10. Kuznetsova S.V. Designing the development of OS / S.V. Kuznetsova, N.M. Gnedova, T.A. Romanova.- M.: Creative Center, 2006.- 112.

11. Kukushkin V.S.-/ General foundations of pedagogy. Textbook for students of pedagogical universities. Series "Pedagogical education". - Rostov n / D: Publishing house. Center "March", 2002

12. Makarova A.N. Pedagogical practice: Method. Recommendations for org. And the passage of ped. practices / Mosk. State. Open ped. un-t. - M., 1997. - 37p.

13. Mironov N.P. Ability and giftedness at primary school age // Primary school. 2004. №6

14. Mukhina V.S. Developmental psychology / V.S. Mukhina.- M.: Academy, 2000.- 260 p.

15. Nemov R.S. Psychology; In 2 books. M.: VLADOS, 2003. Book: Psychology of Education

16. Pedagogical practice: Educational method. Benefit for Wednesdays. Ped. textbook Institutions / Ed. G.M. Kojaspimrova, L.V. Borikova. – M.: Academy, 1998.

17. Subject-developing environment in kindergarten. Comp. N.V. Nischev. St. Petersburg: Detstvo-Press, 2006.- 128 p.

18. Rudakova I.A. Fundamentals of management of pedagogical systems / I.A. Rudakova.- Rostov n/a: Phoenix, 2005.- 280 p.

19. Sazhina S.D. Drawing up working curricula for educational institutions. Method. recommended / S.D. Sazhin. M.: Creative center, 2007.- 112 p.

20. Serikov G.N. Education and human development. - M.: Mnemosyne. - 2002. - 416 p.

21. Slastenin V.A. Introduction to Pedagogical Axiology / V.A. Slastenin, G.I. Chizhakov.- M.: Ed. Center Academy, 2003.- 192 p.

22. Slastenin V.A., Isaev I.F., Shiyanov E.N. / General Pedagogy: Proc. allowance for students of higher education. Proc. institutions / Ed. V.A. Slastenina: At 2 o'clock. – M.: Humanit. Ed. center VLADOS, 2002.- Part 1.

23. Slastenin V.A., Isaev I.F., Shiyanov E.N. / General Pedagogy: Proc. allowance for students of higher education. Proc. institutions / Ed. V.A. Slastenina: At 2 o'clock. – M.: Humanit. Ed. center VLADOS, 2002.- Part 2.

24. Dictionary - a guide to pedagogy / Ed. comp. V.A. Mizherikov; Under. total ed. P.I. Pidkasistogo.- M.: TC Sphere, 2004.- 448 p.

25. Tertel A.L. Psychology in questions and answers: Proc. allowance. M.: TK "Velby"; Publishing house Prospekt Publishing House, 2004.

26. Falyushina L.I. Preschool management - a modern aspect / Arkti. Moscow: 200Z.- 180 p.

27. Falyushina L.I. Quality management of the educational process in the preschool educational institution / L.I. Falyushin, M.: 2003.- 236 p.

On the development of speech

1. Alekseeva M. M., Yashina V. I. Methods of development of speech and teaching the native language of preschoolers. M., 1997.

2. Belobrykina O. A. Speech and communication: A popular guide for parents and teachers. Yaroslavl, 1998.

3. Belyanin V. P. Introduction to psycholinguistics. M., 1999.

4. Boguslavskaya Z. M., Smirnova E. O. Educational games for children of primary school age. M., 1991.

5. Borodich A. M. Methods of development of children's speech. M., 1981.

6. Wenger L. A. Home school of thinking. M., 1994.

7. Voroshnina L. V. Motivation as one of the ways to intensify the activity of children in teaching storytelling: Optimization of the educational process in preschool institutions. Perm, 1987.

8. Vygotsky L. S. Thinking and speech. op. In 6 t. M., 1982. T. 2.

9. Galiguzova L. N., Smirnova E. O. Communication steps: from one year to seven years. M., 1992.

10. Children's speech and ways to improve it. Yekaterinburg, 1992.

11. Zhinkin N. I. Mechanisms of speech. M., 1958.

12. Zhurova L. B. Teaching literacy in kindergarten. M., 1979.

13. Kolshansky GV Communicative function and structure of the language. M., 1984.

14. Korotkova E. P. Teaching preschool children to storytelling M., 1982.

15. Korotaeva E. V. “I want, I can, I can!”: Education immersed in communication. M., 1997.

16. Leontiev A. A. Language, speech and speech activity. M., 1969.

17. Luria A. F., Yudovich F. Ya. Speech and development of mental processes in a child. M., 1956.

18. Maksakov A. IM. Is your child speaking correctly? M., 1988.

19. Methods for examining speech in children / Ed. I. T. Vasilenko. M., 1980.

20. Fomicheva M. F. Education of correct pronunciation in children. M., 1989.

21. The development of speech of preschool children / Ed. F. A. Sokhina. M., 1984.

22. Fedorenko L. G. et al. Methodology for the development of speech in preschool children. M., 1984.

natural science

1. Anuchin V.A. Fundamentals of nature management. M., 1987.

2. Blinnikov B.A. Zoology with the basics of ecology. M., 1991.

3. Bolshakov V.N. Problems of ecology of the industrial region. Yekaterinburg, 1992.

4. Human genetics M., 1989.

5. Goryshina T.K., Plant Ecology. L., 1979.

6. Kazansky Yu.A. Introduction to ecology. M., 1992.

7. Kapustin V.G. Ecological problems of the Sverdlovsk region. Yekaterinburg, 1993.

8. Kuznetsov B.A. Zoology course. M., 1989

9. Kuprin A.M. Interesting cartography. M., 1989.

10. Larcher V. Ecology of plants. M., 1978e

11. Moiseeva L.V., Zueva L.V., Lazareva O.N. Educational and ecological trail of the South-Western Forest Park. Yekaterinburg, 1994.

12. Naumov S.P. Zoology of vertebrates. M., 1980.

13. Naumov N.P. Animal ecology. M., 1963.

14. Reimers N.F. Nature management. M., 1990.

15. Reimers N.F., Yablokov A.V. Glossary of terms and concepts related to the protection of wildlife. M., 1982.

16. Rieger R., Michaelis A. Genetic and cytogenetic dictionary. M., Kolos, 19b7.

17. Rykov N.A. Zoology with the basics of ecology. M., 1989.

18. Ryabkova K.A., Tarshis G.I. Medicinal plants of the Urals and their use in scientific and folk medicine. Yekaterinburg, 1992.

19. Ryabkova K.A., Nekrasov E.S. Educational trail "Kalinovsky cuts". Sverdlovsk, 1990.

20. Sytnik K.M., Brion A.V., Gorodetsky A.V. Biosphere. Ecology. Protection of Nature. Reference manual. Kyiv, 1987.

21. Handbook of biology. Kyiv, 1985.

22. I. M. Chernova and A. M. Bylova, Ecology. M., 1988.

23. Yablokov V.A. Levels of wildlife protection. M., 1987.

24. Yakovlev A., Chelombitko V. Botany. M., 1990

By aesthetic block

Main literature

1. Amonashvili Sh. A. Reflections on humane pedagogy. - M.: Shalva Amonashvili Publishing House, 1996. - 496 p.

2. Preschool and family - a single space for child development: Methodological guide for employees of preschool educational institutions /T.N. Doronova, E.V. Solovyova, A.E. Zhichkina, S.I. Musienko. - M.: Linka-Press, 2001. - 224 p.

3. Aesthetic practice: Study method. allowance / S.D. Davydova, O.L. Ivanova, N.G. Kuprin and others; Ed. A.F. Lobovoy, N.V. Diaghileva; Ural. state ped. un-t. - Yekaterinburg, 1999. - 88 p.

4. Burenina A.I. Rhythmic plastic for preschoolers. - St. Petersburg, 1994.

5. Basina N.E., Suslova O.A. With a brush and music in the palm of your hand. - M.: Linka-Press, 1997. - 144 p.

6. Vanechkina I.L., Trofimova I.D. Children draw music. Kazan, 2000.

7. Gorshkova E. Learning to dance. Path to creativity. M., 1993.

8. Koptseva T.A. Nature and the artist. Artistic and aesthetic program in fine arts for preschool educational institutions and educational complexes. -M.: TC "Sphere", 2001. -208 p.

9. Manakova I.P. Musical landscapes / Ural. state ped. un-t. - Yekaterinburg, 1998. - 98 p.

10. Ryzhova N.A. Developing environment of preschool institutions (From work experience). – M.: Linka-Press, 2003. – 192 p.

11. Tyutyunnikova T.E. Seeing music and dancing poetry… Creative music making, improvisation and the laws of life. M.: Editorial URSS, 2003. - 264 p.

12. Aesthetic practice: Study method. allowance / S.D. Davydova, O.L. Ivanova, N.G. Kuprin and others; Ed. A.F. Lobovoy, N.V. Diaghileva; Ural. state ped. un-t. - Yekaterinburg, 1999. - 88 p.

additional literature

1. Kuprina N.G. Sounding images of the world in the context of the problems of preschool musical pedagogy: A manual for students. ped. universities of faculties of preschool education / Ural. state ped. un-t. - Yekaterinburg, 2003. - 115 p.

2. Melik-Pashaev A., Novlyanskaya Z. Transformation of children's play into artistic creativity // Art at school. - 1994. - No. 2. - S. 9 - 15.

3. Melnikov M.N. Russian children's folklore: Proc. allowance for students ped. institutions. - M.: Enlightenment, 1987. - 240 p.

4. Baturina G.I., Kuzina T.V. Entertaining pedagogy of the peoples of Russia: Tips, games, rituals. - M.: School press, 2001. - 48 p.

5. Bekina S.I. Music and movement (Exercises, games and dances for children 6-7 years old). From the experience of music. Children's leaders gardens / Ed. comp. S.I. Bekina, T.P. Lomova, E.N. Sokolov. - M.: Enlightenment, 1983. - 288 p.

6. Bernstein N.A. Physiology of movements and activity: Sat. / Ed. O.G. Gazenko. - M.: Nauka, 1990. - 494 p.

7. Burno M. Creative self-expression therapy: Acad. project. - Yekaterinburg: Business book, 1999. - 364 p.

8. Borovik T. Sounds, rhythms and words. Minsk:, 1999. - 46 p.

9. Vendrova T. Plastic intonation of music in the technique of Veronica Cohen // Art at school. - 1997. - No. 1. - S. 61 - 65.

10. Kuprina N.G. Age portrait of a modern child in musical activity: Monograph. / Ural. state ped. un-t. - Ekateriburg, 2006. - 254 p.

11. Kryazheva N.L. Development of the emotional world of children. - Yaroslavl: "Academy of Development", 1996. - 208 p.

12. Melik-Pashaev A., Novlyanskaya Z. Transformation of children's play into artistic creativity // Art at school. - 1994. - No. 2. - S. 9 - 15.

13. Minaeva V.M. The development of emotions in preschoolers. Classes. Games. - M.: ARKTI, 1999. - 48 p.

14. Petrovsky V.A., Klarina L.M. and others. Building a developing environment in a preschool educational institution // Preschool education in Russia. M .: Agency "Publishing Service", 1993. - S. 38 - 46.

15. Ryzhova N.A. Developing environment of preschool institutions (From work experience). – M.: Linka-Press, 2003. – 192 p.

16. Torshilova E.M. Naughty, or Peace to your home: Program and methodology for the aesthetic development of preschoolers. M.: IHO RAO, 1998. - 186 p.

17. Elementary musical education according to the system of Karl Orff / Ed. L.A. Barenboim. M.: Art, 1978. - 196 p.

18. Petrushin V.I. Musical psychotherapy: Theory and practice: Proc. allowance for students. higher textbook establishments. M.: Vlados, 2000. - 176 p.

Attachment 1

Thematic planning of work for the period of practice

date of Planned work Feedback on the work done mark
from 04.01.2016 to 10.01.2016 new year holidays. 01/11/2016 01/12/2016 01/13/2016 01/14/2016 01/15/2016 Conversation: "My favorite toy" - the ability to talk about your favorite toys, share your impressions with peers. · Role-playing game "Toy Store" - the distribution of roles, the selection of attributes, to cultivate respect for the profession of a salesman. Didactic game "Toy Store" - to teach children to describe an object, highlight its features, recognize it by description. · Conversation "Help the patient" - to give children the concept of providing first aid to the patient, to convey to the children about the importance of trust in the doctor. · Consider illustrations on the theme "Folk Toy" - expand the horizons of children about folk crafts. · Examining the album "Winter" - to teach children to compose short descriptive stories, develop speech, vocabulary. · Role-playing game "House of Barbie" - a friendly relationship, the ability to choose roles, learn to beat familiar situations. · Leisure "Winter fun" - to develop in children dexterity, reaction speed when performing tasks in relay races. · "Dangerous Items" conversation - discuss with the children why and in what cases some household items can be dangerous. Didactic game "Find Dangerous Objects" - help children remember objects dangerous to life and health. Completed Completed Completed Completed Completed Completed Completed Completed

Appendix 2

Thematic planning of classes for the period of practice

Abstract of the lesson of the book-best friends, held at the OU Group younger cabinet

library lesson

1. Acquaintance with the library.

2. Presentation “Presentation of the book “The most, most, most…”.

The idea of ​​presenting the library through an exhibition of books “The most, the most, the most…” is not new; many libraries arrange such an exhibition within the walls of the library. I propose to make a virtual presentation of books, in this case, more readers will get acquainted with the books, the exhibition is not limited by space, the number of books presented.

Target: show (reveal) the child's abilities in a particular area.


1. Include children in the reading circle.

2. Let the child feel like part of the team.

3. Give the child the opportunity to realize that if you don’t know something, then you will be taught this at school.

4. Familiarize yourself with the rules of the library.

5. Instill interest in books, in reading.

6. Cultivate a careful attitude to the book.


Take photographs of books;

Prepare a story about the library (briefly);

Prepare a story about books (briefly);

Lesson stage Teacher activity Children activities Methodical substantiation and introspection
Teacher: Hello children! There is a house in the world in which guides to life are collected for you. This house is big or small, but always amazing, it is called "library". My name is Samokhina Svetlana Petrovna, and I work in this amazing house as a librarian and book keeper. "Biblio" in Greek means book, and "theca" means storage. - Do you know how many years the library has existed in the world? (Listen to hypothetical answers.) - Almost 5 thousand years! That's 50 times a hundred years! Paper hadn't been invented yet, but libraries already existed. What did they keep in them? Children's answers - books Personal: - formation of a responsible attitude to learning, readiness for self-development and self-education; -formation of communicative competence in communication and cooperation with peers. Regulatory: - implementation of regulatory actions of self-observation, self-control, self-assessment in the process of communicative activity.
Teacher: So, the library is the house of the book. · There are a lot of books, magazines in the library and all this is called the book fund. · There are two departments in our library: a subscription and a reading room. Let's take a little trip to the subscription. In a library, it means a place where books are borrowed. (The teacher tells how the books are arranged, what a reader's form is, how to write a book in black letters, how to return a book.)
There is a wonderful country in the world, Its name is the Library. Adults and children come here, Because books live here. But in the country of a large library, there are special rules: You definitely need to know them, These rules, I'll tell you, are six. As you enter the country of the Library, Do not forget to say hello to everyone. And behave with dignity and calmly, Polite and quiet, my friend, be! Clearly, clearly, briefly, quickly Name the author and the book. And when you get what you need, Politely "thank you" you say. Return the received book Be sure to within the period specified in it, So that another child can read this book without a problem. If these rules, guys, You will strictly follow, Then the country Library, It will always be glad to receive you! Teacher: The library is a book city. Books live here in their shelving houses. It has its own streets (the space between the racks). These shelving houses are for elementary school students. Books live in the house - each family in their own apartment, but the apartment has not a digital, but an alphabetic sign: A, B, C ... etc. Each apartment is divided by a shelf divider, behind which are books, the names of authors who begin with this letter. So behind the letter A are books by Alexandrova, Aleksin, behind B - Barto, Baruzdin, etc. If the books were written by several authors, these are collections of stories, poems, and the author's name is not indicated on the cover, the book must be put behind the separator whose letter corresponds to the initial letter of the book's title. Collection All year round - after the separator K. Do you understand guys? Let's check how you learned the rules for choosing a book in the library. Find the letter that your name begins with. Children seek and show
Teacher: Books are like people: they are born, they live, they grow old. Like people, they can get sick. We all know that any disease is easier to prevent than to cure. And you and I need books and textbooks: what? - SAVE! Let's remember what you can't do with books: 1. You can't bend books. 2. You can not bend book pages. 3. Do not put pencils and pens in books. And what is the name of the thing that must be used when reading books? (Children's answers.) 4. You can not write and draw in books. 5. You can not read books while eating. Teacher: To become real readers, you need to know the rules for using the library. How should you behave in the library? Why? Children's answers. Communicative: - knows how to listen and hear, understands the speech of others - forms internal speech into external speech - the ability to ask questions; - adequately use speech means to solve various communicative tasks - works in pairs / groups in accordance with the norms of communication, behavior
Teacher: Our excursion to the Library is coming to an end! Now you know the rules for using the library. Today we talked a lot about how to and how not to handle books. We hope you remember all this well! We invite you and your parents to sign up for our library and hope that you will become our most important readers! Goodbye, guys! In the classroom, the children remembered the rules of behavior in the library, the rules for using books, listened to the tales of V.G. Suteev on audio media and drew pictures. At the next lesson, some guys brought "Wrong rules for using the library" and together they looked for errors, and also found the best ones in the book world. The kids really enjoyed the library. They signed up with their parents next weekend and took their first library books. Our friendship with the library has become really strong! Children say goodbye Cognitive: -find answers to questions in illustration -building logical reasoning, -search and highlight the necessary information -work according to the scheme -distinguish new knowledge from the known


During the passage of pedagogical practice in the educational institution Sverdlovsk region Verkhnyaya Pyshma village Iset st. Sosnovaya d.5 Group younger office, I mastered the work of a teacher and coped with the main goal of the practice, its tasks.

I went to practice in order to:

1) Get acquainted with the structure and content of the educational process in the preschool educational institution, with the features of the teacher's work.

2) Deepen and consolidate the theoretical knowledge gained at the university.

3) To study the experience of the teacher.

4) Acquire initial experience in conducting scientific and methodological work.

5) Learn to apply the most effective methods of teaching, educating and developing students in the specific conditions of the school and class.

6) Learn to teach independently.

In the process of teaching practice, I fully completed the program and practice plan.

During my teaching practice, I taught a lesson in the library. During my internship, I also attended the classes of other teachers.

During the lessons, I took into account and used the experience of previous practice, where I learned to find the right approach to each child, and the ability to interest children, the experience of teachers and educators.

In the process of preparing for the lesson and in extracurricular work, there were no difficulties, the material was simple.

I believe that during my teaching practice, I improved my teaching abilities, gained experience as a teacher, gained the skill of individual work with students. She also deepened and consolidated the theoretical knowledge gained at the university, learned to apply the most effective methods of teaching, educating and developing students in the specific conditions of the school and class, learned to plan and conduct various types of educational and extracurricular activities, mastered pedagogical forms of educational interaction with students.

I really liked planning and conducting lessons and extracurricular activities in this teaching practice, communicating with children, conducting various methods, games, quizzes, talking with children, studying them, and also studying the experience of other teachers. Children were always active in my lessons, listened attentively, participated with pleasure in all extracurricular activities.

Teaching practice turned out to be interesting for me and not as difficult as it seemed at first glance. The most interesting was the conduct of the lessons themselves, communication with children, studying them.