» Interdisciplinary integration as a means of development. Interdisciplinary integration in the teaching of the humanities as a means of increasing motivation and shaping the educational process. Integration with a foreign language

Interdisciplinary integration as a means of development. Interdisciplinary integration in the teaching of the humanities as a means of increasing motivation and shaping the educational process. Integration with a foreign language

Topic: "Integration educational process in music lessons"

Speech plan

    What is integration? Integration in the educational system. Forms of integration.

    What academic disciplines can be integrated in a music lesson?

    1. Integration-contact (elements of interdisciplinary integration in a music lesson)

      Integration as a system of work (with literature and fine arts)

    Scientific rationale

    Conclusion. Conclusions.

The main task of the teacher is to help the child to know the world and to know himself in order to find his place in the world. Music is not only an academic discipline of the aesthetic cycle, not only a subject of extra-curricular, extracurricular activities and a form of aestheticization of school holidays and entertainment events, but it is also an inspiring component of all educational school activities that can be used in any school lesson. The formation of a holistic picture of this world among students is impossible without integration as a leading idea in the implementation of the content of education.
What is integration? Here is how this concept is interpreted in the logical dictionary-reference book by N. I. Kondakov: “Integration is the unification of any parts, elements as a whole.” The philosophical dictionary gives the following definition: "Integration is a side of the development process associated with the unification of previously heterogeneous parts, elements into a whole." However, in these definitions, only General characteristics concepts, we are interested in its educational aspect, so I will give one more quote: "Integration in the educational system is the subordination of the single goal of educating and teaching the same type of parts and elements of content, methods and forms at a certain level of education." In relation to music education, the concept of "integration" can have several meanings:
creation of a holistic view of the musical world in the student (here integration considered as a learning goal). The result of such integration is that the student receives the knowledge that allows him to see the connection between individual musical concepts, to present the musical world as a whole;
finding a common platform for convergence of subject knowledge (here integration - learning tool). At the junction of already existing subject knowledge, children receive more and more new ideas about the musical world, systematically supplementing and expanding them (moving in knowledge in a spiral);
development of students' musical integrative thinking (here integration is the result of learning). Learner, comparing, doing logical conclusions, thinks a given musical object in a versatile sphere of representations and musical concepts, establishing connections between various forms of mental concepts.
Integration in music lessons is carried out at several levels. Firstly, this is intra-subject integration, when the original problem is not lost from the field of view of students, the circle of knowledge related to it expands and deepens. For example, this is the integration between the development of the theory and history of music, which are united by the logic of learning the musical language in the historical context of the development of musical styles. The second level of integration is interdisciplinary integration. This is an amalgamation of several subjects around a certain core theme or main concepts.
Integrated lessons are characterized by the following forms (according to R. M. Chumicheva and L. L. Redko) of organizing the content of an integrated block: layer-like, spiral, interpenetrating, contrasting, individually differentiated (creative). I will consider some of them on the example of music lessons.
A layer-like form of organizing the content of an integrated block. The essence of this form is the layering of various activities, the content of which is permeated with one value or object of knowledge. For example, in the 5th grade, the theme of the lesson is “Kui Makhambet Utemisov “Zhumyr-Kylysh”, the image of the struggle is revealed in music through the intonations and rhythms of the kui; in literature - with the poems of Makhambet; in history - in the life path of Makhambet (the history of the uprising in the Bukey Horde in 1836. Makhambet is one of the leaders), in fine arts, the theme of struggle is revealed in the images of Kazakh batyrs. The approach to the selection of content involves the teacher's understanding of the patterns in the alternation of layers of the educational process in order to enable each student to quickly learn what is being studied.
Spiral form of organization of the content of the integrated block. The peculiarity of this form is that the content, methods of activity in which the student is included will gradually increase, quantitatively and qualitatively change. Cognition of an object with such an organization can be carried out either from the particular (detail) to the general (whole) or from the general to the particular. The spiral is the main concept studied in the lesson. For example, in the 5th grade lesson “Music of the Caucasus”, you can appreciate the beauty of Caucasian melodies based on the perception of the beauty of one piece of music and come to an understanding of the beauty of the culture of the Caucasus in works of musical, literary, and visual arts.
Interpenetrating form of organizing the content of an integrated block. The content of this form is built on the basis of one type of activity, for example, a game, into which others are organically intertwined: cognitive, listening to music, perception of painting, etc. There are such types of lessons as a performance lesson, a fairy tale lesson, an investigation lesson and etc. The penetration of one activity into another is determined by the need to expand this content or consolidate it. This form is also used for block feeding of material.
Integration in music lessons brings novelty and originality to music education. It has certain advantages for students: it forms cognitive interest, contributes to the creation of a holistic picture of the world, allows you to systematize knowledge, promotes the development of imagination, attention, memory, and thinking of students.

The basis for integration is the syncretism of human perception, the associative property of human memory and thinking. Interdisciplinary integration is appropriate for creating a holistic picture of the world in the worldview of a developing harmonious personality.

Elements of interdisciplinary integration in the music lesson. With what disciplines is it possible?

Music and physics. It would seem, what could be the connection here? In fact, it's straight! What is sound? - vibration of an elastic body. What can be such an elastic body and how to make it oscillate? We come into contact with these questions when we get acquainted with the device and the history of the development of musical instruments. The guys are looking for answers to them with interest, identifying themselves with ancient scientists, inventors. What observations made it possible to create plucked, bowed, wind, keyboard instruments?

Why do stringed instruments need a body, why don't electronic ones need it? Why does the sound get higher or lower? Why can stringed bowed instruments be played without a bow, but plucked string instruments cannot be played with a bow? Why do musical instruments and people have different voices? Why can several sounds taken at the same time "sound" or "cut the ear"? Touching on these questions, we are dealing with physics.

What is the difference between musical sound and noise sound? What is the difference between a violin that costs millions of dollars and a violin that costs several thousand tenge? Many such questions can be asked. And, most importantly, they make children wonder at seemingly familiar things. Who can be surprised by the concept of "stringed plucked musical instrument"? His ancestor was a bow with arrows, created by mankind in the Mesolithic era (7 thousand years BC). Shooting an arrow, the man noticed that the bowstring sounds, but too quietly. Thus the idea of ​​a musical instrument was born. How to make it sound louder? People knew that in a cave or an empty house, any sound becomes louder. More than a millennium passed before people guessed to combine these two knowledges: to build an “empty house” for a string - a body. The result was a musical instrument that emits only one sound. Need to figure out how to change the pitch? Thus the vulture was born.

Before getting acquainted with Bach's organ music, we study in detail the structure of the organ. How air is pumped into the pipes of the organ; how the size, shape and material of which the pipe is made affect its timbre; how the organist controls the sound of this instrument; why the organ cannot be moved to another place. Having studied the structure of this instrument, the guys are surprised to understand that the listener in the Philharmonic Hall is actually inside a musical instrument, because the building itself is a sound resonator, an “empty house” for the organ. Etc.

Music and math? But it is almost impossible to connect music with mathematics. The first who tried to do this was Pythagoras, but, admittedly, the last. His system of mathematical explanation of music does not withstand any criticism (it is imperfect, it does not explain musical phenomena). Of course, there is a kind of "mathematics" in musical theory. But it is very specific and is not related to the "pure" mathematics of the school curriculum. Modern scientists claim that mathematics and music are two poles of human activity.

Music and history intertwined very closely. It is impossible to study a piece of music in isolation from the era and culture in which it was created. It will be heard but not heard. At the music lesson, we invariably come into contact with the history of the world and the history of Kazakhstan with the thoughts and destinies of peoples of different times.

Music and geography. Swimming in the musical ocean, students get acquainted with the works of the peoples of different countries. Studying the music of the countries of the Caucasus, Central Asia etc., we find these countries on the map, think about what kind of transport and how long it takes to get there. Listening to music, we touch the worldview of other peoples, and, therefore, it is advisable to strive to understand where and in what economic and political conditions they live, etc.

Music and biology. The connection with biology arises in singing lessons. Vocalists know that in order to set up a voice, it is necessary to have a good understanding of the work of the vocal apparatus in order to take the breath correctly, keep the right posture, feel the direction of the sound, etc.

Music and computer science. The possibilities of computer science are vast. With it integration on any subject is possible. There are a lot of music training programs that open up the possibility not only for learning and practicing auditory skills, but also for creativity (creating arrangements, playing a virtual synthesizer). However, for technical reasons such teaching of music in our conditions is not yet possible.

Music and languages(Kazakh, English)

At the music lesson, students enrich their knowledge of languages ​​(Russian, Kazakh, of course, to a greater extent, although we also come into contact with English). The music program includes many Kazakh musical works. The titles of the works require translation into Russian. Learning songs in Kazakh/English is also accompanied by translation into Russian. While working on the repertoire, the lyrics in the Kazakh language, as a rule, are remembered by themselves, which enriches the vocabulary of schoolchildren.

Everything the above items are in contact with music only partially. These are only moments of the lesson, introduced depending on their expediency. The closest and most systematic relationship between my lessons can be traced with literature and fine arts. Art tends to flow into each other. Human thinking is based on associations. And human perception is syncretic: sound-color-word-gesture.

Music + Literature + Fine Arts

In planning my lessons, I rely on two axioms: “perception is syncretic” and “perception is co-creation”

Science has proven that emotional response and thought processes are inseparable.

The voice is connected with speech, and speech is the material basis of thinking.. “There is a well-known aphorism: “A good singer has good diction, a bad singer has bad diction.” This indicates a close connection between diction and correct voice formation. "(N. Malysheva) K.S. Stanislavsky often said: "A well-spoken word is already singing, and a well-sung phrase is already speech." Voice and hearing are united in joint development. Communication between hearing and voice is two-sided: not only the voice cannot be formed without the participation of hearing, but hearing also cannot develop without the participation of the vocal organs.In singing, as well as in ordinary speech, it is necessary to have an apparatus both creating and perceiving sounds. It is known that a child who completely lost his hearing in early childhood (up to a year) as a result of a disease of the hearing organs becomes not only deaf, but also dumb.
Auditory perceptions are carried out through the activity of the vocal organs, listening to speech, music or singing, we "to ourselves", and sometimes aloud, repeat them and only then perceive.

Proven link between hearing and vision biophysicist P.P. Lazorev in 1905. Musical perception is influenced by what a person perceives with his eyesight at that moment (images, lighting). Sounds seem stronger in the light. A person describes music in visual images: light, transparent, gloomy, sunny, brilliant, bright, strong, dark, dull. There are examples of "color" perception of music by great composers: N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov, A.N. Scriabin, when visual impressions give auditory impressions a pronounced emotional character: the composer writes not only what he hears, but also what he sees .
Creativity is impossible without imagination, and the basis of imagination is inner hearing and inner vision.(the ability to “within oneself”, “mentally” see what one cannot see with one’s eyes at the moment). The development of imagination, figurative and associative thinking is possible by the method of synthesis of arts, recoding the content of one type of art into another:

music painting, design

music sculpture

music movement, choreography

music theater

music, literature, poetry, etc.

I suggest that schoolchildren convey the mood of music in creative work using color, tone, composition, space, line, stroke, spot, volume, material, ornament, design, words, lines, theatrical composition, movement, etc.

Individually differentiated (creative) integration in the music lesson.

Perception is creativity. And each person is individual. One of the most important aspects of effective formation cognitive activity students is to take into account their semantics in the process of cognition. It is well known that the internal image has special capabilities for encoding/decoding information. Therefore, I strive to dominate in my lessons the individual creative attitude of the student to the world. I do not stick a stamp to a musical composition: “Guys, here the composer wanted to express this and that; or, this music should be perceived in such and such a way. I only try to tune in to the perception, and then each child will hear in music something consonant with his personality. I do not limit schoolchildren in choosing a form of creative response, the main thing is to captivate them with this work.

Based on the syncretism of perception, I strive for a synthesis of the arts in the classroom. I organize the student's activity as a unity of listening to music, performing, creating; performance of heuristic, creative tasks-responses of personal musical perception. A series of creative tasks includes: drawings, poems, compositions, dance numbers, musical crossword puzzles, abstracts, creation of semantic images and semantic-cognitive maps with their creative protection, musical improvisation and performance of musical works, creation of responses in the form of a selection of reproductions, photographs, poems, slides to listened to music (showing creative work students).

I give children the right to choose to create their own work of art. I don't demand that it be necessarily a masterpiece. Most importantly, the response should express what the student "heard." So, while listening to Beethoven's Fifth Symphony, one boy crossed out a sheet of paper with colored pencils. Showing his work, he said: "What I drew was in the soul of the composer." He could not find the words "confusion" and "tension", but his response very accurately expressed the musical image.

The birth of a creative response can be individual and collective. This brings the guys together, makes it possible to create, bringing the joy of communication and creation, aesthetic pleasure in the process of completing the task and presenting it. In order to deepen musical perception in singing, I supplement singing with movements: we sing with rhythmic accompaniment, with conducting (the guys themselves mark the metrical grid of the song during performance), we sing with expressive gestures where appropriate.

Introduction to world cultural traditions increases the adaptive capabilities of a person in unstable conditions, contributes to the success of his socialization, and allows him to be creative in solving problems. Culture acts as a "factor of creative life arrangement". The currently declared idea of ​​humanization and humanitarization of education can be realized, in my opinion, only through the deep penetration of culture and art into the content of education. This will entail a revision of the methods and means of solving educational problems, the expansion of the rights of art in schools, and the provision of a worthy place for it in the education system.

An integrative approach to the aesthetic education of schoolchildren helps to successfully solve a number of problems of education and upbringing. Develop Creative skills student, his imagination, aesthetic experiences, fantasy.

Thus, integration with other academic disciplines in the classroom forms a holistic perception of the world around the child, ensures the strength and stability of knowledge based on the expansion of associative links, develops spiritual world child, his imagination, emotional sphere, educate him the ability to listen to serious music, to perceive and understand works of art.

1. Kondakov N. I. Logical Dictionary-Reference M.: Nauka, 1975.
2. Philosophical encyclopedic dictionary. M.: Soviet Encyclopedia, 1983.
3. Sukharevskaya E. Yu. Technology of the integrated lesson Publishing House of the Teacher, 2003.
4. Chumicheva R. M. Child in the world of culture Stavropol, 1998.

    Astafiev B.V. Selected articles about musical enlightenment and education. L., 1973

    Kabalevsky D.B. Basic principles and methods of the music program for the secondary school. M., 1983

    Developmental education: history, theory, practice (Proceedings of the scientific and practical conference, October 1998) M .: Primary School, 1998.

    Teplov B.M. Psychology of musical abilities. M., 1997

    Vygotsky L.S. Psychology of art.

    Pekerskaya E.M. "Vocal primer"

    Beloborodova V.K. Methods of musical education. M., "Academy", 2002

    Dmitrieva A.G., Chernoivanenko N.M. Methods of musical education at school. M., "Academy", 1998

    Zankov L.V. Selected pedagogical works. M., 1990

    Smirnov M.S. The emotional world of music. M., “Music. ” 1990

    Yakimanskaya I.S. Student-centered learning in modern school. M., 1996

    Usov M.V. Questions of musical pedagogy. Issue 10. M., “Music”, 1991

    "Art pedagogy and art therapy in education".
    E.A. Medvedev, I.Yu. Levchenko, L.N. Komissarov, T.A. Dobrovolskaya.

    Modern technologies of music therapy.

Interdisciplinary integration as a condition for the development of the cognitive needs of students in the framework of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard.

The Law of the Russian Federation "On Education" specifically notes that the content of education should ensure the formation of a picture of the world adequate to the modern level and the level of the educational program for schoolchildren. This means that a special role in the learning process should be given to the development of systemic thinking, the ability to replenish one's knowledge, orienting oneself in the flow of information of varying degrees of complexity, linguistic and socio-cultural orientation. The components of education that reflect the trends in the integration of scientific knowledge are of paramount importance here. It is integration that determines today the style of thinking and worldview of a person.Integration is the leading trend in the development of scientific knowledge in modern conditions (slide).

At the 1st stage of the school, the foundation is laid for the subsequent stages of education. In front of the elementary school are extremely precise educational goals- tasks: to lay the foundations for the comprehensive development of children, to ensure the formation of strong skills in fluent, conscious, expressive reading, counting, literate writing, developed speech, and a culture of behavior. These requirements emphasize the importance of developing in schoolchildren the skills of the rational organization of educational work, learning skills, which together provide a reliable basis for the subsequent educational and cognitive activity of schoolchildren. Contribute to the acquisition of deep and solid knowledge.

In improving the effectiveness of education in the primary grades, the educational significance of subjects, along with other methodological issues, the use of interdisciplinary connections is of great importance. With their systematic and purposeful implementation, the entire learning process is rebuilt, that is, they act as modern principles that lead to integration.“Interdisciplinary integration is an indispensable condition for the learning process” V.N. Maksimova (slide). Integration in learning is manifested in the fact that the total impact of educational components on students is many times more active and preferable than the influence of each of them separately, which ensures a positive learning outcome.

The idea of ​​integrating education asserts itself more and more insistently and forces teachers to look for effective ways to implement it. Today, a number of different approaches and directions have been identified in this area.

Effective ways to implement integration:

  • integration through the search for interdisciplinary connections;
  • thematic planning on the principle of simultaneous passage of similar topics in different academic disciplines;
  • development of new training courses that combine information from different subjects (slide)

All this testifies to the unusual relevance of the problem of integration itself.

The subject system of education at school focuses students on the differentiated assimilation of knowledge from different areas.

The processes of knowledge integration are continuously connected with their differentiation (slide)

The flows of information and their volumes are so great that it becomes difficult to timely and efficiently track the necessary information in any of the areas of scientific knowledge. Much of the information remains unclaimed. In this regard, it is important to show the ways of obtaining knowledge through methodology. This will allow students to independently operate the knowledge necessary in life and consolidate the content of educational material into a whole to resolve the problem situation.

The concept of "system" and "integration" are close.

A systematic approach is the basis for the integration of knowledge (slide)

The systematic approach in pedagogy provides for the consideration of school education as an open system functioning according to the laws of systems. The integration of knowledge can be one of the ways of mobility and variability of the content of education.

When organizing integrated education, it becomes possible to show the world in all its diversity with the involvement of different knowledge: literature, a foreign language, music, painting, etc., which contributes to the emotional development of the child's personality and the formation of his creative thinking.

An integrated lesson is a living creativity of a teacher and a student (slide).

The methodology of the integrated lesson ensures the activity of the teacher and the student at the level of subjective relations, as a result of which there are opportunities for joint creativity and self-development of the participants in the educational process.

The restructuring of the learning process on the basis of ongoing interdisciplinary connections affects its effectiveness:

The effectiveness of the learning process based on interdisciplinary connections:

  • knowledge acquires the qualities of consistency;
  • skills become generalized, complex;
  • the ideological orientation of cognitive interests is enhanced;
  • their conviction is effectively formed and the comprehensive development of the personality is achieved (slide)

Output : The relevance of the problem of integration is due to and causes the need for changes in the education of the younger generation, improving the quality of knowledge, practical skills, the level of education, cognitive needs (slide).


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Slides captions:

Interdisciplinary integration as a condition for the development of the cognitive needs of students in the framework of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard. Kataeva A.V., teacher primary school

Integration is the leading trend in the development of scientific knowledge in modern conditions

"Interdisciplinary integration is an indispensable condition for the learning process" V. N. Maksimova

Effective ways to implement integration: integration through the search for interdisciplinary links; thematic planning on the principle of simultaneous passage of similar topics in different academic disciplines; development of new training courses that combine information from different subjects

The processes of knowledge integration are continuously connected with their differentiation

A systematic approach is the basis for the integration of knowledge

An integrated lesson is a living creativity of a teacher and a student

The effectiveness of the learning process based on interdisciplinary connections: knowledge acquires the qualities of consistency; skills become generalized, complex; the ideological orientation of cognitive interests is enhanced; their conviction is effectively formed and the comprehensive development of the personality is achieved

Conclusion: The relevance of the problem of integration is due to and causes the need for changes in the education of the younger generation, improving the quality of knowledge, practical skills, the level of education, cognitive needs

A.V. Anisimova,
teacher of history and social studies
municipal budgetary educational institution
"Secondary School No. 24" of the city of Smolensk

« It is more useful to look at the same subject from ten angles than to teach ten different subjects from one angle."
German teacher A. Diesterweg.

The state and society set new educational tasks for the school and us teachers.

As noted in the Modernization Concept Russian education, “the school should form an integral system of knowledge, skills and abilities, as well as generalized ways learning activities, generalized ways of knowing ... ".

In connection with the new Federal State Educational Standard general education integrative learning goals dominate over the subject. The leading principle is a holistic perception of the world, according to which, the main content of education is not a set or even a system of individual student knowledge, but a generalized, holistic view of the world.

In this regard, we have to solve the problem of disunity, splitting, isolation from each other of different scientific disciplines and, consequently, educational subjects. To help solve this problem should be a meta-subject approach, which formed the basis educational standards.

Meta-subject approach provides a transition from the existing practice of splitting knowledge into objects to a holistic figurative perception of the world, to meta-activity.

Meta-objectivity as a principle of integrating the content of education, as a way of forming theoretical thinking and universal methods of activity, ensures the formation of a holistic picture of the world in the mind of a child.

And metasubjectivity is impossible without the formation of universal learning activities(UUD), because it involves not only interdisciplinary integration, but the formation of student personality traits that allow them to manage their own cognitive activity and carry out their cognitive development.

The current trend cognitive process- integration, since it is it that allows you to create conditions for the formation of meta-subject competencies of the student.

Integration in learning- the process of establishing links between the structural components of the content within a certain education system in order to form a holistic view of the world, focused on the development and self-development of the child's personality.

This is far from a new phenomenon. At the end of the 20th - beginning of the 21st centuries, various areas of integrative work began to develop intensively in domestic education.

Our school was no exception. We started working on integration issues back in the 90s. We have traveled from effective use interdisciplinary connections in the lessons before the development and implementation of integrated lessons, binary lessons. Even then, a strong cooperation on integration issues was established between teachers of history and literature.

Today and prospects for further development liberal education encourage us to continue this work.

The main ideas of integration today are:

  • personal orientation of training (Man is the main value of the educational process);
  • the formation of generalized subject structures and methods of activity (Assimilation of knowledge based on awareness of patterns);
  • the priority of meaning-forming motives in learning (motivating, internal, external and organizing);
  • consistency in teaching (awareness of connections within scientific theory);
  • problematic learning;
  • reflection of activity;
  • Dialogicity (Truth is born in the process of dialogical communication).

In other words, today we are faced with the task of moving to a new type of integration - metasubject integration, which has its own characteristics. .

Meta-subject integration implies the obligatory work with the activity of the student, the transfer to students not just of knowledge, but of activity methods of working with knowledge and, accordingly, activity units of content. It is this integration that makes it possible to create conditions for the formation of UUD. The result of such a process is the mastery of a certain ability applicable in different areas of knowledge and life.

In other words, the classic integrated lesson should turn into a methodological lesson.

Let's try to compare a meta-subject integrated lesson with an integrated lesson (in terms of goals, content, forms social organization students, methods, etc.)

Meta-subject integrated lesson

Integrated lesson

goal: personal improvement of the student through his cognitive development.

goal: deep assimilation of knowledge through generalization, systematization of ZUNs in several subject areas (implementation of interdisciplinary connections)

the formation of meta-subject and universal educational activities, taking into account the real needs and interests in communication and cognition.

creation of a holistic picture of the perception of the problem of the lesson due to the systematization of knowledge.

A meta-subject lesson involves integration not only at the level of content, but also at the level of organization of abilities for certain types of activities aimed at obtaining knowledge in an independent way. The result of such a process is the mastery of a certain ability applicable in different areas of knowledge and life.

An integrated lesson allows you to concretize general educational knowledge, skills and abilities and apply them in practice. This is a lesson, for the achievement of the objectives of which the content based on interdisciplinary material is selected.

Application of acquired knowledge and skills in other lessons.

The student learns himself and teaches others.

Ability to extract information from various sources.

The teacher is not a source of information, but a navigator of activities.

Enrichment of life experience

development of thinking and professionalism of the teacher,

set new opportunities for working with the worldview of children, with their self-determination, with finding the meaning of life

consideration (study) of educational material from two or more subject areas

student potential development

the formation of a thinking person as a teacher and student.

At the meta-subject lesson, universal actions necessary for the process of cognition in principle should be formed.

understanding the relationship and inseparability of knowledge in various fields of science

So,a lesson with meta-subject integration is a lesson, whose purpose is:

  • teaching the transfer of theoretical knowledge in subjects to the practical life of the student;
  • active application of knowledge and skills in cognitive and subject-practical activities;
  • preparing students for real life and developing the ability to solve personally significant problems;
  • formation of key competencies: value-semantic, general cultural, educational, cognitive, informational, communicative, social and labor and personal self-improvement competencies;
  • the formation of meta-subject and universal educational activities, taking into account the real needs and interests in communication and cognition;
  • focus on the close connection of learning with immediate life needs, interests and socio-cultural experience of students;
  • students gaining knowledge that can be applied not only in the educational process, but also in real life situations;
  • the necessary knowledge is used not only for memorization, but also as knowledge for meaningful use is the creation of conditions for activating the child's thought processes and for analyzing the components of this process;
  • the formation of a holistic view of the world, the interconnections of its parts that intersect in one subject or combine in it, the comprehension of the inconsistency and diversity of the world in activity is the formation at each moment of the lesson in the student of understanding in what ways he has achieved new knowledge and in what ways he needs to master to find out what he doesn't already know.

Structural elements of such a lesson.

  • The mobilizing stage is the inclusion of students in active intellectual activity.
  • Goal-setting - the formulation by students of the objectives of the lesson according to the scheme: remember - learn - be able.
  • The moment when students realize the insufficiency of existing knowledge and skills. Communication.
  • Mutual verification and mutual control.
  • Reflection - the student's awareness and reproduction in speech of what he learned and in what way he acted.

Requirements for assignments in the lesson

  • Increased level of complexity, problematic and search nature.
  • Tasks should imply the need for a comprehensive application of knowledge and skills that the student owns, and stimulate the development of new ways of mental activity.

Requirement for a teacher

  • Do not say too much: do not repeat the task, do not voice the information that is in the textbook, do not repeat the student's answer unnecessarily!
  • Seek reasoned responses from students.
  • Do not pronounce the words “wrong”, “wrong” - let the students themselves notice the mistake, correct and evaluate the answer of a friend.
  • Clearly and precisely formulate the task.
  • The ability to improvise.
  • The main activity of the teacher is not in the lesson, but in the process of preparing for it, in the selection of material and staging the lesson.
  • The teacher is not an actor, but a director!

The transition to meta-subject integration would not have been possible without our experience of integration in teaching. Integration takes place in several directions and at different levels.

First of all, it is intra-subject and inter-subject integration.

1. Intra-subject - integration of concepts within individual academic subjects;

An example of intra-subject integration is the systematization of knowledge within a certain discipline - the transition of disparate facts to their system. It is aimed at "compressing" the material into large blocks. Cognition of the studied material can be carried out from the particular to the general (whole) or from the general to the particular. (Consideration of the same type of topics in the history of Russia and General history: revolution, development of culture, etc.). For example " bourgeois revolutions XVII - XVIII centuries in Europe", "The Great Patriotic War as a component of the Second World War".

2. Interdisciplinary - synthesis of facts, concepts, principles, etc. two or more disciplines.

Interdisciplinary integration is manifested in the use of the material of one academic discipline while studying another. The systematization of the content carried out at this level leads to such a cognitive result as the formation of a holistic picture of the object under study in the minds of students.

Various integration options are used.

Within the framework of traditional academic subjects, one of the most accessible ways to implement integration is to conduct integrated lessons.

Integrated lesson- this is a specially organized lesson, the purpose of which can be achieved only by combining knowledge from different subjects, aimed at considering and solving any boundary problem, allowing students to achieve a holistic, synthesized perception of the issue under study by students, harmoniously combining the methods of various sciences, having practical orientation.

An integrated lesson can be conducted by one teacher or two. Then we are talking about the binary lesson.

Any components of the pedagogical process can be integrated in the lesson: goals, principles, content, methods and means of teaching. When, for example, the content is taken, then any of its components can be distinguished for integration in it: concepts, laws, principles, definitions, signs, phenomena, hypotheses, events, facts, ideas, problems, etc. .

You can also integrate content components such as intellectual and practical skills and abilities. These components from different disciplines, combined in one lesson, become system-forming, they are assembled around them and carried out into a new system. educational material. The system-forming factor is the main one in the organization of the lesson, since the method and technology of its construction developed further will be determined by it. In order to integrate, i.e., correctly connect the components of the educational process to be combined, it is necessary to perform certain actions that are initially creative in nature.

Quite a few integrated lessons have already been developed and conducted by me and my colleagues. Basically, these are binary lessons. Here are some of the topics:

  1. Phoenician sailors integrated lesson of geography and history. Grade 5 Lesson type - combined. Form: lesson - journey.
  2. Labor and creativity. Grade 5 Social science and fine arts. Type of lesson: a lesson in the formation of new knowledge. The form of the lesson is a creative workshop.
  3. Personality of Peter I in history and literature. 7th grade. Integrated lesson of history and literature. Type of lesson: lesson of deepening and application of knowledge. The form of the lesson is laboratory work.
  4. North War. Poltava battle in history and literature. 7th grade. Integrated lesson of history and literature. Lesson type: combined lesson. The form of the lesson is a study lesson.
  5. myths Ancient Greece. Grade 5 History and Literature. Lesson type - a lesson in the formation of new knowledge.
  6. Ancient Greek theatre. Grade 5 History and Literature. Lesson type - a lesson in the formation of new knowledge.
  7. Roman E. Zamyatin "We" - a mirror of the totalitarian regime. Grade 10. History, social science and literature.
  8. Global problems of the present. Grade 11. Social science and geography.
  9. Great geographical discoveries. 8th grade. History and geography.
  10. Information society - the way to non-freedom? Grade 11. Social science and literature. Lesson - reasoning.
  11. Battle of Borodino. Integrated lesson of history and literature. Grade 8.
  12. The Crimean War on the pages of Leo Tolstoy's Sevastopol Tales. Integrated lesson of history and literature. 8th grade.
  13. The Patriotic War of 1812 on the pages of literary works. Integrated lesson of literature and history. 8th grade.

The types of lessons are traditional: a combined lesson, a lesson in the formation of new knowledge, a lesson in applying knowledge, etc.

But the forms of lessons are most often used non-standard:

  • Lesson Journey
  • Lesson expedition
  • Lesson study
  • Lesson dramatization
  • Study Conference
  • Lesson-excursion
  • Lesson - performance

When planning integrated lessons, consider the following:

  • knowledge blocks are combined, so it is important to correctly determine main goal lesson;
  • from the content of the objects, the information that is necessary to achieve the goal is taken;
  • a large number of links are established in the content of educational material;
  • parts of the integrated content are planned so that they become a necessary link in the lesson and receive their final completion;
  • careful choice of teaching methods and means and determination of the load of students in the lesson are required

Other integration options are also used:

  • creation of integrated courses of the General History and the History of Russia in grades 9-11;
  • creation of cycles of lessons that combine the material of one or more subjects while maintaining their independent existence;
  • the introduction of special courses that update the content within one or more subjects; (Elective integrated course of history and literature "Literary images through the prism of history" Grade 7).

The elective course integrates both literature and eliminates the gap in the study of educational disciplines, which helps to form a diversified personality, which is important not only for the school in particular, but also for the education system of the Russian Federation as a whole.

This course allows you to study in depth the two disciplines in their relationship. Grade 7 is also suitable for choosing the subject of the course. This is the parallel when students have already received a primary understanding of the subjects, but cannot yet link them together. In addition, the literature program edited by Korovina for the 7th grade is aimed at studying literature through the prism of history. Therefore, this elective course expands the knowledge of students obtained in the classroom.

Course Objectives:

  1. Integrate and expand knowledge in the 7th grade course in history and literature
  2. Stimulate interest in the study of history and literature
  3. Expand students' horizons in the subjects studied
  4. Activate cognitive activity through role-playing games and mini-projects


  1. Develop skills in working with historical documents
  2. Build group work skills
  3. Develop analysis skills literary text
  4. Develop the ability to distinguish between literary fiction and historical reality
  5. To teach to distinguish and argue different points of view on one historical figure

The presented elective course is based on the idea of ​​educating and developing a harmoniously developed personality, capable of thinking deeply and unconventionally, linking together the acquired knowledge, orienting itself in the historical process and in the history of literature.

The program is designed for 35 hours

Integration is a certain system of my work, which has a result:

  • in the emotional development of students, based on the involvement of various types of art;
  • in increasing the level of knowledge on the subject;
  • in changing the level of intellectual activity provided by the consideration of educational material from the position of the leading idea, the establishment of natural relationships between the studied problems;
  • in the growth of the cognitive thinking of schoolchildren, manifested in the desire for active and independent work in the classroom and after school hours;
  • in the inclusion of students in creative, research activities, the result of which may be their own works and projects;
  • in the upbringing of a true citizen of his Fatherland.

The results of integrated learning are manifested in the development of students' creative thinking. It contributes not only to the intensification, systematization, optimization of educational and cognitive activity, but also to the acquisition of the literacy of culture (linguistic, ethical, historical, philosophical).

The end result of the technology of the integrated lesson Knowledge acquires the qualities of consistency. Skills become generalized, contribute to the complex application of knowledge, their synthesis, the transfer of ideas and methods from one science to another, which underlies a creative approach to scientific, artistic human activity in modern conditions. The ideological orientation of the cognitive interests of students is increasing.


  1. Ignatiev V.I., Rozanov F.I. Education in the information age. // Philosophy of education. - 2008. - No. 2 (23).
  2. Livansky V.M. Resource approach to the formation of an integrated school and out-of-school educational space / / Head teacher - 2006 - No. 5. - p.118.

Criteria for interdisciplinary integration as indicators of the formation of students' professional competencies.

Lecturer Sergeeva L.Yu.

Modern society is in need of generalists who have systemic and functional knowledge about the world, the place and role of a person in it, and who have a creative, systematic style of thinking. Familiarization of students with the results of the integration of sciences has become an urgent task of the educational institution, no less important than familiarizing them with specific knowledge. Integration enhances the developmental impact on the personality of each student.

In the history of scientific natural science, for several centuries, the trend of differentiation of sciences dominated, the subjects of scientific research were delimited, which allowed each science to study them in sufficient detail. Thus, a powerful foundation was created for the further development of natural science, but at the same time it gave rise to objective prerequisites for the integration of sciences and ultimately led to the emergence of such sciences as physical chemistry, chemical physics, biochemistry, geochemistry, etc.

Such a connection is not just a combination of two sciences, but a new systematized internal fusion of them, which contributes to an in-depth knowledge of the laws of nature, the rise of scientific knowledge to a higher theoretical level of several leading branches of scientific natural science. Thus, the emergence of the so-called "bridge" or "hybrid" sciences is a pronounced version of the integrative approach to scientific knowledge.

The study of natural disciplines should contribute to the formation of scientific picture world, their intellectual development, education of morality, humanistic relations, readiness for work. In addition, it is not enough to mechanically transfer the main directions of the integration of sciences into training, it is necessary to build an effective didactic system of interdisciplinary connections. Without this, it is difficult to convince students that many processes and phenomena studied by various subjects are one in nature; to form their ideas about systems of concepts, universal laws, general theories and complex problems.

An integrative approach to learning should be understood as a special type of interaction between a teacher and a student, in which the teacher organizes and directs the student's activities to generalize knowledge gained from courses of various disciplines, while interdisciplinary connections of these courses are realized in a specific research work (theoretical, practical).

In the conditions of an integrative approach, the following principles of organization and functioning of the learning process become leading:

The principle of interdisciplinary integration, which implies the systematic and purposeful implementation of interdisciplinary connections as the main mechanism of knowledge and methods of action in learning, as well as the leading way of creating problem situations, setting and solving interdisciplinary educational problems;

The principle of unity within and interdisciplinary integration of knowledge and methods of action, reflecting the dialectical unity and interconnection of intra- and interdisciplinary connections in teaching chemistry and other natural disciplines;

The principle of horizontal and vertical dynamics and coordination of the cognitive activity of students, which determines the dynamics of the development of the student's cognitive activity during each school year(i.e. horizontally) and its continuity (coordination) in the transition from one year of study to another (i.e. vertically).

An interdisciplinary problem situation and an interdisciplinary educational problem are the basis for involving students in the process of independent problem-search activity, as well as the most important means of its directed motivation and management.

An interdisciplinary problem situation is the creation by a teacher of a state of intellectual difficulty for a student, when he discovers that he does not have enough subject knowledge and skills to solve the task assigned to him, and realizes the need for their intra- and interdisciplinary integration.

In the learning process, any interdisciplinary problem situation is realized in the form of a specific interdisciplinary educational problem.

An interdisciplinary educational problem is understood as a form of practical implementation of the problem that arises in subject education problematic situation of an interdisciplinary nature.

Thus, with an integrative approach in teaching the disciplines of the natural-ecological cycle, a prerequisite is the disclosure to students of the interdisciplinary nature of the educational problems being solved as the basis for motivating and managing their cognitive activity.

Recently, the problem of integrated courses instead of subject education, especially in the basic sciences, has been intensively discussed. Supporters of integrated courses believe that with their help we will get rid of the overload of students, and most importantly, we will create a holistic view of science in them. The most organic way is to create integrated courses based on what is already integrated in science from the standpoint of general ideas. The integrity of an integrated course is possible with the interpenetration of sciences in a subject. When creating an integrated course, such a didactic condition for its assimilation should be taken into account as the degree of novelty of information: its initial presentation or presentation on the basis of propaedeutic or systematic knowledge.

An integrated course is designed to consider one complex object from the point of view of different sciences or different objects based on a common approach.

Integrative courses:

    the course "Natural Science for the Humanities" - aims to convey the content of natural science disciplines in the volume of the program for grades 10-11.

    In general, the object is the same - the foundations of the sciences, but they are covered from the standpoint of history, philosophy, fiction, even religious beliefs.

In this discipline, an interdisciplinary synthesis is implemented (questions of physics, biology, ecology, astronomy are included in the unity), the unity of philosophical, methodological and historical-scientific knowledge (there are questions related to different methods of cognition), the unity of historical and modern knowledge (included, for example, questions physics of Aristotle and quantum mechanics, the doctrine of the noosphere by V. N. Vernadsky); the relationship of scientific and religious knowledge (it is said about the emergence of Christianity and Islam); correlation of artistic and scientific perception of the world (compared to "The Divine Comedy of Dante Alighieri and" Dialogue on the two dominant systems of the world "); correlation of philosophical and artistic comprehension of reality (in Lucretius's poem "On the Nature of Things"). The course contains tasks for highlighting different methods of cognition, comparing them, summarizing the lessons on the picture of the world in different historical periods.

However, for the initial presentation of information, the course is difficult. It is characterized by a certain raggedness due to the violation of some necessary links between knowledge. Therefore, a holistic course did not work out. But still, this is one of the most interesting integrated courses.

Other integrated courses consider different objects, based on a single approach - synergistic. Elements of synergetics are introduced into all taught disciplines and, in addition, there is an integrated course. The purpose of the latter is to create a modern picture of the world for the student - natural science and social.

The concept of school science education states that the formation of humanistic and ecological ideas is one of the most important tasks (of a chemistry course) of a modern school. Interdisciplinary connections (of chemistry with other academic disciplines) should be built on the basis of material that reflects the attitude (of chemistry) to man, to nature.

Indeed, the education of students of humanistic norms and principles of attitude to nature is very important in the context of the progressive human impact on the environment, which has already reached such a scale that the natural mechanisms of nature are often unable to neutralize the undesirable and harmful (impact) consequences of human production activities.

Therefore, the laws and phenomena of nature studied in the lessons of chemistry, physics, biology, the main directions of scientific and technological progress, must be considered in conjunction with environmental problems.

Obviously, the role of the school in the formation of ecological consciousness is great.

The difficulty in the formation of ecological culture among students is due to the many aspects of environmental education. It is interdisciplinary in nature, so the disclosure of relevant aspects of environmental education through an integrative approach (including integrated lessons) should be a priority.

Our time is characterized by the penetration into science of the idea of ​​a universal connection of phenomena. The world, as in ancient times, is a single organic whole. Only now such an idea is based not on intuition and demonstrative conclusions, but on scientific theories. The ideas of Vernadsky, quantum mechanics, and Einstein's theory of relativity brought a sense of unity to natural science. During the approval of these ideas and theories in science, a close friend of K.E. Tsiolkovsky, the biologist A.L. Chizhevsky wrote: “Now we can say that in the sciences of nature the idea of ​​the unity and connectedness of all phenomena in the world and the sense of the world as an indivisible whole never reached the clarity and depth that they gradually achieve in our days".

Sooner or later, any teacher has a need to implement interdisciplinary connections with other disciplines, as he begins to feel that otherwise it is impossible to form a comprehensive scientific picture of the world among students.

In order to fully realize the full potential inherent in the material being studied, a system of interdisciplinary connections is needed, an integrative approach to teaching students. The most important component of an integrative approach to teaching chemistry is specially organized integrated lessons.

In contrast to lessons in which, in order to establish interdisciplinary connections, chemistry material is illustrated with information from other subjects, in integrated lessons, a designated topic or problem is considered from different points of view by means of several subjects. Such lessons are prepared and conducted jointly by teachers of natural science disciplines. The material of such lessons shows the unity of the processes taking place in the world around us, allows students to see the interdependence of various sciences.

In this direction, it is still necessary to update the theme of integrated lessons, to diversify the forms and methods of these lessons, to rely more heavily on interdisciplinary connections, the greening of natural science disciplines.

Municipal educational institution

"Yasnogorsk middle comprehensive school Kemerovo district of the Kemerovo region »




higher education teacher


honorary worker

general education

Kemerovo district

Introduction…………………………………………………. 3

Interdisciplinary integration………………….…………..5

Psychological foundations of integration…………………9

Features of the organization of the educational process

on an integrated basis……………………………..11

Analysis of integrated lessons………………..…….12

Criteria for the analysis of an integrated lesson…………14





At all times and in different countries, school education has been criticized by

community, families and teachers. This objective phenomenon shows that, in comparison with the growing demands of society for the level of education of the younger generation, the school bears elements of conservatism, does not have time to correct

pedagogical process according to the growing social needs. From this point of view, one can recognize the criticism school system fair.

If we analyze the historical path of development of the elementary school, it becomes obvious that the goals as a component of the methodological system were the least subject to changes and adjustments. They have remained practically unchanged since the time of the first folk schools, when in as a result of training, the child had to acquire the skills and abilities of reading, writing, counting, orientation in the world around him. Such a priority goal of primary education was justified, since a significant part of the population completed their education at this point.

The transition of the school to a seven-year education made an adjustment to the learning objectives, defining them as harmonious development of the student's personality. But these goals were not subject to corresponding changes in the content and teaching methods, they remained at the declarative level. The mass school continued to work in the old fashioned way, placing the main emphasis on the formation of subject knowledge-skills-skills.

It is now absolutely clear that the primary school must realize the following priority goals:

Holistic harmonious development of the personality, i.e. the development of the child as a subject of relations with people, with the world and with himself, which implies: the formation of educational independence - the desire and ability to learn in accordance with the individual capabilities and characteristics of each child.

The formation of an elementary culture of activity, mastering the main components of educational activity: the ability to accept a learning task, determine learning operations, exercise control and self-control, assessment and self-assessment.

The reprioritization of primary education goals creates the basis for the development of new subjects.

Our society is in constant development, therefore, through the education system, it puts forward and implements new requirements.

The most important requirement for the selection of the content of education is integration.

The problem of learning and practical application integration in the learning process junior schoolchildren in the general system of didactics and methodology, they imply an understanding of its functions in the light of the overall development of the child, the formation of a comprehensively developed personality,

what is relevant to present stage development of society.


In the dictionary of foreign words, the term integration (Latin - integration - restoration, replenishment or integer - whole) is translated as the union of any parts or elements into a single whole.

Integration in modern primary education is a rather “fashionable” phenomenon.

At the same time, integration is seen as the establishment of stable links between different academic subjects, while the “isolation” of each of them does not disappear.

In this case, the basis of integration is the common content of different educational areas.

The term "integration" should be understood as a tendency for the interpenetration of ideas, concepts, principles, approaches in developmental education when solving didactic problems at school.

Therefore, this problem is not new for pedagogy. The ideas of integration in learning have their origins in the writings of the great didact, who states:

"Everything that is connected with each other must be connected constantly and distributed proportionally between the mind, memory and language."

The mass Russian teacher learned about the possibility of integrating individual subject disciplines after July 1991, when the International Conference of Teachers, which took place for ten days at the Moscow State University, completed its work. The conference was attended by American and Russian teachers. Russian educators were surprised by the lack of a state standard for the content of education in the United States and the presence of 15-16 disciplines in the certificates of American school graduates (compared to 22-24 disciplines in our matriculation certificates).

Thus, a decrease in the number of disciplines in foreign schools achieved through integrated courses and subjects.

The integrated courses are based on the intensive use of interdisciplinary connections (both in terms of final goals and in terms of content, methods and methods of work).

However, in the modern school, education does not correspond to the dynamics of the development of society. Therefore, the idea arose to use an unconventional, integrated system in teaching children.

Interdisciplinary connections - not a permanent, integral system, but an important step towards integration. They can be used at the request of the teacher when studying individual topics of educational material.

Intersubject communications- are not a system, but integration- this is a system that offers unification, connection of the educational material of separate related subjects into a single whole.

Not only subject areas within educational areas, but also educational areas themselves can be connected, united. For example, literature, history,

and music. The result may be an integrated course. (see fig. 1)

https://pandia.ru/text/78/254/images/image002_145.gif" width="182" height="182">

An integrated course is created from the content of disciplines that are included in different, but close educational areas and act "on an equal footing".

For example, integrated course in elementary school "Fine arts and artistic work" author. (See Fig. 3).

An integrated course is created on the basis of disciplines from related educational areas, but one subject retains its specificity, while others act as an auxiliary basis. For example, three subjects "Literary reading", "Music", "Fine arts" of two educational areas are integrated. The core subject is literary reading, the educational material of which is intertwined with fine arts and music.

(see Fig. 4).

Integrated learning is both a goal and a means of learning.

As a learning goal integration helps schoolchildren to perceive the world holistically, to know the beauty of the surrounding reality in all its diversity.

Integration as a learning tool contributes to the acquisition of new knowledge, ideas at the junction of traditional knowledge.

as one, complete system integration is an effective means of teaching children on the basis of more modern methods, techniques, forms and new technologies in educational process. This system includes elements of various subjects, the combination of which contributes to the birth of qualitatively new knowledge, mutually enriching the subjects, and contributes to the effective implementation of the triune didactic goal.


As the psychological foundations of the integration process can be used

psychologist's ideas about associative thinking. The essence of these ideas is

that any knowledge is an association. classifies the levels of mental activity depending on the nature of the combination of associations into systems of the corresponding level and identifies the following types of associations.

The simplest, nervous connection that forms elementary knowledge about an object or phenomenon is local associations. This connection is relatively isolated, therefore, it can provide only elementary mental activity; it is typical for primary school age.

Private system associations. This is the simplest association system. They arise in the study of a particular topic or any subject, phenomenon, accompanied by the selection of new facts, concepts, comparing them with existing ones. There is a simple generalization of knowledge. Analytic-synthetic activity arises at this level.

Intrasystem associations provide students with knowledge of integral knowledge systems. Provide causal, temporal, spatial, quantitative and other relationships.

Interdisciplinary associations are the highest level of mental activity. They combine different systems of knowledge, generalize them, make it possible to understand the phenomena or process in its diversity.

Thus, integration in primary school should be quantitative in nature “a little about everything”.

Based on the above, four levels of integration are distinguished in pedagogical science:

1- compliance with uniform requirements for the development of general educational skills and abilities.

2- combining the conceptual and informational sphere of educational subjects to fill in any facts and information, accompanying repetition, the introduction of additional material into the lesson, etc.

3- is associated with the tasks of a comparative-generalizing study of the material and is expressed

in the ability of students to compare and contrast phenomena and objects.

4- manifests itself in the activities of students, when they themselves begin to compare facts, judgments about the same phenomena, events, establish connections and patterns between them, apply jointly developed educational



Integration on an interdisciplinary basis in elementary school implies the adequacy of the actions of the teacher (teaching) and the actions of students (educational-cognitive). Both activities have a common structure: goals, motives, content, means, result, control. There are differences in the content of the activities of the teacher and students.

At the target stage teacher sets an interdisciplinary goal students under the guidance of a teacher, they must realize the interdisciplinary essence, make a selection

necessary knowledge from various subjects, to direct attention, thought not only to the assimilation of generalized knowledge, but also to the development of skills and synthesis, personality traits, abilities and interests.

At the motivational level teacher stimulates students to worldview knowledge, to the generalization of concepts from various subjects. students mobilize volitional efforts, directing them to cognitive interest in generalized knowledge.

3. At the stage of the content side of the activity teacher introduces new educational material, at the same time attracting basic knowledge from other subjects. students learn general subject concepts, problems at the level of generalized knowledge.

At the stage of selection of funds teacher defines visual aids, textbooks, tables, diagrams, questionnaires, assignments. students perform the actions of transfer, synthesis, generalization in solving integrated problems using visibility. The next stage is productive. Teacher applies pedagogical skills.

students, using the system of knowledge, the ability to generalize, apply it in practice.

6. At the control stage teacher carries out mutual assessment, mutual control of the readiness of students, evaluates the quality of assimilation. students exhibit self-assessment of knowledge and self-control.


Integrated lessons give the student a sufficiently broad and vivid idea of ​​the world in which he lives, of the interconnections of phenomena and objects, of mutual assistance, of the existence of a diverse world of material and artistic culture.

Advantage integrated lessons is that they:

Contribute to increasing the motivation of learning, the formation cognitive interest students, a holistic scientific picture of the world and consideration of phenomena from several sides;

To a greater extent than ordinary lessons, they contribute to the development of speech, the formation of students' ability to compare, generalize, draw conclusions, intensify the educational process, relieve overstrain, overload;

They not only deepen the idea of ​​the subject, broaden their horizons, but also contribute to the formation of a diversified, harmoniously and intellectually developed personality;

Integration is a source of finding new connections between facts that confirm or deepen certain conclusions, observations of students in various subjects.

The structure of integrated lessons is distinguished by clarity, compactness, conciseness, logical interdependence of educational material at each stage of the lesson, a large informative capacity of the material.

In the form of integrated lessons, it is advisable to conduct summary lessons,

on which the problems most important for two or more subjects will be disclosed.

Regularities of the integrated lesson:

The lesson is united by the main idea (the core of the lesson);

The lesson is a single whole, the stages of the lesson are fragments of the whole;

Stages and fragments of the lesson are in logical-structural dependence;

The didactic material selected for the lesson corresponds to the plan;

The chain of information is organized as "given" and "new" and reflects

structural, but also semantic connectedness;

The coherence of the structure is achieved by the sequence, but does not exclude

parallel connection (in the first case, the sequence of actions is observed,

in the second, accompanying tasks are performed that correspond to another logically constructed thought).

Compliance with these patterns allows us to consider the lesson as a scientific - business construction, in which, From a content point of view, the following are important:

Complex of knowledge and skills and free operation with them;

The ratio of studied and studied;

Combining individual offsets into one common;

Error warning.


Integration object(culture, science, nature, local history, man, technology, etc.) Direction and volume of integrated objects in which it is expressed:

in the creation of a new academic subject; in creating a cycle (block) of periodically repeated lessons; creating single integrated lessons?

4. Level (stage) of content integration in a course or lesson: organically unified, integral new structure; parallel existence in one lesson or program of various layers of material; stage of transition from a parallel connection of material to an integral new structure?

5.Topic of the integrated lesson, problem, goal. novelty level. Has the systematization of students' knowledge, the formation of a holistic view of the subject been achieved?

6. Activities of the teacher and students in preparation for the integrated lesson.

Is this lesson spontaneous, or is it the result of careful student and teacher preparation? What independent work the students had to perform before the lesson; its purpose, scope, character? Do lessons make things easier

learning or do they make their lives difficult?

Forms of conducting an integrated lesson, types of teacher activities and

students. Do they combine reasonably, do they lead to the goal?

The results of the activities of students in the integrated lesson. Has a unified (integrated) view of the problem been created; the breadth of their horizons; culture of judgments, their argumentation; the degree of confidence in the outcome of the discussion of the problem; a culture of speech ; emotional involvement in the problem.


Given the above, we can conclude that a distinctive feature of modern pedagogy is the transformation of integration into a leading pattern.

This fact is reflected in the draft "State Educational Standards", "The concept of modernization of education until 2010".

The basic curriculum provides for a new didactic concept - "educational area". An educational area is a community of several academic subjects that were previously practiced independently of each other. Thus, integration becomes one of the most important and paramount methodological directions in the process of modernization. primary education.

At present, an interesting experience has been accumulated in the implementation of the ideas of integration in the primary school.

For example, a program has been developed for a four-year elementary school under the guidance of Professor Natalya Fedorovna Vinogradova “Primary School of the 21st Century”.

In the Elementary School of the 21st Century project, integration is its essential characteristic, that is, its application is associated with the essential features of the conceptual and methodological approaches. This zone also includes connections between different educational areas studied by the child, for example, natural science and social science, history and geography, etc. This position has become the main development of the integrated course "The World Around", the integrated subject "Literacy", "Reading and writing". Integration provides the ability to establish a connection between the acquired knowledge about the world and a specific practical activities student.

Noteworthy is the integrated aesthetic course for elementary school author Ilyenko Lyudmila Petrovna. She has developed and offers a thematic planning of an aesthetic course that integrates literary reading, visual arts and music, compiled for students in grades 1-4 at the rate of 4 hours per week. The constructive, core subject in the proposed course is literary reading, the educational material of which is intertwined at each stage of the lesson with fine arts and music, enhancing the implementation of the didactic goal: educational, developing, educating.

Currently, many scientists and practitioners agree that primary school teachers should not be wary of integrated lessons, they should master, master and use in practice the methodology for conducting such lessons. Undoubtedly, such lessons have certain advantages, they develop a holistic picture of the world of younger students and contribute to the improvement of the teacher's professional skills.


Bakharev training sessions in elementary school on the basis of local lore // Elementary school. - 1991. - No. 3. Ilyenko of integrated education in primary grades // Elementary School. - 1998. - No. 9. Ilyina in elementary school // Collection of scientific and practical conference / Ed. K., 2006. Konysheva - design activity of junior schoolchildren in the system of integrated pedagogy // Primary school. -

Lacocenina of the integrated lesson // Practical guide / Ed. . - R., 2003. , Dovydov four-year primary education // Primary school. - 1993. - No. 7. On integration as a methodological phenomenon and its possibilities in primary education// Primary School. - 1999. - No. 5. Spirkin of foreign words. - M., 1987. - Ed.: 14.

9. On the way to update the primary school // Primary school. -1989. - No. 7.


1. Integrated lesson of literary reading and Russian language on the topic

"The main and secondary members of the sentence on the work of G. Skrebitsky Wounded Trees."

2. Integrated lesson of literary reading, Russian language, local history

on the topic “Our Motherland is Russia. The main and secondary members of the sentence on the work of G. Snegirev. Yenisei - the string of Siberia.

3. Integrated lesson of literary reading, history, Russian language on the topic “Our Motherland is Russia. Generalization of knowledge and preparation for dictation

on the work Moscow is the capital.

Attachment 1.

Integrated lesson of literary reading, Russian language, music on the topic “Main and secondary members of the sentence. Spring in nature. On the work of G. Skrebitsky "Wounded Trees".

TOPIC: G. Skrebitsky "Wounded Trees". The main and secondary members of the sentence.

OBJECTIVES: To develop the ability and skills of parsing a sentence by members, while determining the role of a noun, its declension and case.

Develop attention, memory, thinking, speech.

To cultivate a kind, caring attitude towards nature, the surrounding reality based on environmental factors.


1. Homework repetition.

* View illustrations of the taiga.

* Finding out students' ideas about the phrase

Taiga is never dead.

*Checking the text about the taiga from homework.

What phrases, words helped you easily understand the meaning of the text about the taiga?

Why do we know so much about the taiga?

And what natural areas do you know yet?

List the features of our climate.

What tree species are found in the taiga?

* Work with the herbarium.

Consider pine and cedar. What similar and


2. A minute of calligraphy.

* Read the text.

Siberian taiga, impenetrable.

You are close to my heart, you are dear to my heart.

Pine green stands, curls.

Her needles are all reaching for the sky.

* Determine the rhyme of the quatrain.

* What parts of speech does the poet use to convey the beauty of the Siberian taiga?

* Indicate letter combinations that are difficult to write.

* Write down the text, indicate the case of adjectives and highlight the endings.

*Spelling check. Conclusion about the ending of adjectives.

3. Letter from memory.

According to the method of visual dictations.

Cedar is considered the pearl of the Kuzbass forests. Blue Ribbon Tomy Artfully

woven into the green braids of the taiga and forests. Tom carries clean, transparent

spring waters.

And our Tom river, the river is a beauty!

Neither Kama nor Oka can compare with her.

* Tasks in progress.

In the first sentence, determine the parts of speech, parse by members

In the second sentence, find adverbs, determine the category, select


Name your own names. What do they call?

What other Siberian rivers do you know? What makes them different from other rivers?

(Severe cold stormy mighty threshold, etc.)

4. Textbook work.

G. Snegirev "Yenisei - a string of Siberia".

* Compare the two sentences Yenisei - the string of Siberia.

Tom - the blue avenue of Kuzbass.

* Work on the text.

The teacher is reading.

Re-reading and choosing a task about the significance of the Yenisei.

(Divides Siberia into Western and Eastern, a supply of electricity,

means of transporting cargo and people, connects Siberia and the Arctic)

Exchange of opinions about reading.

* Stories of students about the cities of Siberia located on the Yenisei, their

feature, distinction.

* Review of literature about Siberia, Kemerovo, taiga.

5. Development of written language.

* Letter under dictation.

On the bank of a mysterious river stood a hut of hunters. to the right of

a young cedar was green in the hut. There were fat graylings in the river.

From afar, the hunters made their way to the lodge for the night.

* Find the circumstances of the place in the text. What parts of speech are they?

* Draw a general conclusion. Compare it with the rule in the textbook.

6. Independent work.

* Exercise from the textbook on variations.

* Individual cards, tasks in the Russian language manual.

* Reading the article on reading "About Lake Baikal".

7. Lesson summary, homework.

Appendix 3

Integrated lesson of literary reading, history, Russian language

on the topic “Our Motherland is Russia. Generalization of knowledge, preparation

to the dictation "on the work" Moscow - the capital ".

TOPIC Consolidation of the studied orthograms. Our Motherland is Russia.

Moscow is the capital.

OBJECTIVES To develop and improve reading technique, memory, thinking.

Consolidation of the ability to find studied spellings in the text, check them when writing.

To instill a sense of patriotism, love for the motherland, pride in the past history of the Russian land.


1. Checking homework.

M. Isakovsky "A soldier is buried here"

* With what feeling does the poet write about the hero?

* Why did he call the hero your friend?

* What does the phrase "Bow with all your heart" mean?

* What appeal does the poet make to you?

2. Spelling minute.

* Read the proverbs, explain the meaning, its concept.

Russian neither with a sword, nor with a kalach does not joke.

The Holy Russian land is great, and the sun is everywhere.

* Analysis of elements of letters, connections.

* After recording, analysis of the composition of the word "Holy Russian"

3. Textbook work"Living Word"

* Introductory speech of the teacher.

From time immemorial, our Motherland has been called Holy Russian, Great Russian,

holy-domed, golden-domed land. This is because he sacredly loves and keeps

Russian people their homeland - Russia.

* Read. What question should be answered after working on

* Work on the article in paragraphs. Writing in a notebook and on the board

supporting words with the allocation of the root in them

1 paragraph: Russia, channel, mermaid.

2nd paragraph: Russians, Russians.

3 paragraph: Rusa, fair-haired.

4 paragraph: Russians, Russia.

* So where did the name of our state come from? What century is it from?

so called? Prove it.

4. Letter from memory.

According to the method of visual dictations.

Motherland, land of my fathers.

You are my only help and joy.

Probably there are more beautiful and sweeter lands.

Of course there is, but I don't need to go there.

* What does the word "rejoicing" mean?

* What spellings did you meet? Explain the validation rule.

* Determine the logical stress in the quatrain, rhyme, tempo,

tone, timbre of reading. Practice reading.

* Expressive reading of a passage.

5. Work on the article"Moscow is the capital".

* Reading 1 and 2 paragraphs independently.

Which of the heroes who defended our capital from the Poles, Germans,

do you know french?

* Reading 2 paragraphs aloud, in chain.

From which village did the name of our capital come from?

Which prince is considered the founder of Moscow?

What does the word "founder" mean?

Find a passage about how Moscow was built. Read out.

* Conclusion about the name of the country, people, capital.

6. Independent work.

* 1 group ( average level) performs the exercise according to the textbook

Russian language, manual, cards, etc.

* Group 2 (high level) edit the text according to the editing rules

(open brackets, insert missing spellings, correct errors,

title the text, finish 2-3 sentences)

(During) the holidays, we decided to .. go (to) (M, m,) Moscow. (On) green h..lme over Moscow -

r..koi rises the ancient Kremlin.. . (B, c) The Kremlin has a lot of monuments.

We were informed ... about a (trip) trip ... to the Palace of S.. rides. In the palaces and cathedrals now

arranged by the museum... And everyone is more interesting on Krasn ... square .. d ...…………………………….


7. The result of the lesson, evaluation of the work of students, homework.