» How to write a fable about what you love. We write fables. Creative work of my students. Hedgehog traded victory for a friend

How to write a fable about what you love. We write fables. Creative work of my students. Hedgehog traded victory for a friend

    (Crow from Krylov's fable "The Crow and the Fox"). The man sat in the room, shaking with fear. What kind of insanity our schools do not come up with ...

    Russian classical poetry. Fables. A.S. Pushkin. "A sad time! "How Sparrow came up with the idea of ​​changing voices." E. Uspensky.

    Barto A. "I know what I need to think up" (poetry). Mikhalkov S. Fables. Moritz J. "Crimson Cat" (poetry). Nosov N. "Vitya Maleev at school and at home", stories.

    Why am I even in this situation? who is this BIO? look for what? what's next? and why so many people know the truth about the appearance of Re, maybe it was necessary to come up with a fable? yeah, but all of a sudden...

    that’s exactly what the problem is ... we don’t learn poetry .. at all ... this is the worst punishment that you can think of .. and learning a fable is a nightmare for children, but a paradox if you need to learn ...

    And if suddenly the school did not give out a list for extracurricular reading, mothers will find it anyway. Magic carpet. Krylov I. Fables. Kuhn N. 12 Labors of Hercules.

    Section: School. essays. I know this topic is probably off topic, but recent times worries me a lot. But they were asked several times to compose poems, fables and fairy tales.

    I ask for help - literature. you need to compose a fable with the moral "if you like to ride, love and so Krylov already wrote about this ..... but we need to come up with our own ... but I'm not La Fontaine even once ...

    Help with the fable, please! I'm just horrified, a 5th grader was asked to write a fable in literature in school theme. The assignment was for today.

    5th grade homework in literature: they tried to compose a fable on the topic "school" together, in the end I composed it. the child says that for all parents compose or plagiarize from ...

Zinovkina Anastasia
Silly Fly
A frog was sitting in the clearing,
And Mushka circled around her.
- Oh, something pricked my tongue! -
Lamented the Frog Lola, -
Look at you, dear Mushka,
I will not remain in debt, my friend.
A fly flew into Lola's mouth -
Well, she quickly ate it.

Alikin Mikhail
Not knowing the ford, do not poke your head into the water

Petya the rooster and Stepan the hare went to the squirrel's birthday party. Petya - an important one: in red patent leather boots - he walks, paces. I like myself.
Friends went to the stream. The bridge over the stream is a little off to the side, you still have to go to it. Hare went to the bridge, and the cockerel was indignant: "Here's another! I'll walk back and forth, trample my boots! I'll cross the stream here, it's shallow here"
Petya stepped into the water and fell through. His red boots were carried away by the current. And he was all wet. And Stepan said to his friend: "Not knowing the ford, do not go into the water"

Sivkov Maxim

Who sleeps in spring - cries in winter

Belchonok lived in the forest. All spring and summer he slept, jumped on the branches and had fun. The little squirrel did not look after mushrooms, berries, cones and nuts. he did not store anything for himself for the winter. And when winter came, he became hungry, but it was too late. He cried. Who sleeps in the spring - cries in the winter.

Karpenko Victoria

Mind is good but two is better

Once the Hare was solving a problem. Two days decided, but did not decide. The next day decides again. Squirrel comes up to him and says: "Hare, let me help you." "Help!" - Replies the Hare. And together they solved the problem.
So it happens: the mind is good, but two is better.

Priymachenko Valentina

Greed is the beginning of every grief

The Mouse saw a big pile of grains on the road. And let's gobble up one by one on both cheeks. Sparrow flew past, pecked at a grain and fluttered up. Then the sparrow treated himself to another grain. The mouse did not like that Sparrow was pecking at the grain. And she hastily began to gobble up the grains so that she would get more. Suddenly the Mouse stopped, fell to the ground holding his belly.
Sparrow flew up to her, and the Mouse complains: "The abdomen hurts, the throat is dry."
And Vorobyshek answers her: "Greed is the beginning of every grief."

Gushchin Artyom

Hare and Raccoon

One day Raccoon decided to find a new home for himself. I walked and walked and found nothing. He went to the Hare. He let go of Kosoy. "In close quarters, but not offended," he said.
Raccoon lay down on the stove, warmed his sides, he had never felt so good. Meanwhile, the Hare has cooked porridge and calls the guest to the table. And Raccoon attacked so lazily that he asked to bring porridge to him on the stove.
It lasted three days. The hare was industrious and did not like the lazy. He could not stand it and drove the Raccoon out saying: "You want to swallow, but you're too lazy to chew!"

Lyamov Maxim

Wolf and Hare

On a sunny day, the Hare walked through the forest. Suddenly a wolf came out from behind the bushes. The hare wanted to run, but the Wolf stopped him and said:
- Enough, Hare, run away from me, let's be friends. Come to visit me, I'll treat you to sweet carrots and cabbage.
Hare agreed. He came to the wolf. The table is set, a lot of goodies, but no carrots and cabbage.
Wolf Hare asks:
- Where's the carrot and cabbage?
Wolf answers:
- I spun, I forgot to get it, help, Hare, climb into the underground.
The hare agreed. The Wolf closed the cellar lid and said:
- You, Hare, will be my dinner.
Stupidity is not a vice, but a misfortune.

Buchkin Dmitry

Greedy Hare

One Hare came to visit his friends for his birthday. There, in the garden, he saw a whole bed of juicy cabbage. The hosts offered him a little treat. The hare happily agreed and went to the garden. The cabbage turned out to be so tasty that the Hare closed his eyes in pleasure and did not notice that the garden bed was empty.
But the worst happened later. At first he turned all red, then turned blue, then turned green, and finally covered with large red blisters that itched and itched terribly.
He was taken to the forest hospital. Later, the doctor told Hare that due to overeating, he became allergic to cabbage, and he would no longer eat it. That's what sometimes greed leads to!

Given to a child at school. come up with a fable. 010. 010. 010:

I can only come up with a rhyme as Dunno. well, sort of. herring stick.

Searched the Internet, but found nothing. or an indecent folk Georgian fable about the Crow comes across, or Jewish anecdotes. (

It is possible to write prose, but I can’t come up with a topic in any way. I've been thinking about this for four days now.

Maybe someone at school was asked the same thing. Are there any ideas left unfulfilled?

wrote to you in a personal! may be of help.

It seems that a fable is also possible in prose. It is not planned that everyone in the class is rhyming :)
As I remember, rhyme is not the main thing in a fable, there are some other tricks.

In a fable, you need to keep the size - the rhyme is not required, somewhere it will be, somewhere not - it does not matter. (this is if the fable is in verse) But it is really possible in prose. We were also asked last season, my child was so imbued that later he wrote for himself on his own. for some reason by candlelight :))

we were also asked to compose a fable during the holidays.
to tell, after reading stories about Ilya of Muromets and others and using all those methods (repetitions, turns, comparative degrees, etc. - as if they were explaining it in the lesson), he made up a couple on the topic of difficult school life

I envy.
And mine returned from the camp a day ago, and apparently left his brains there. (

vobshchemto and rhyme there such. specific, much easier than poetry, I think. the main thing is to come up with a topic

Voot and I'm talking about also, about the topic. 001:

In a fable, you need to keep the size - the rhyme is not required, somewhere it will be, somewhere not - it does not matter. (this is if the fable is in verse) But it is really possible in prose.

Yes, I can already declare myself practically an expert on the theory of writing fables.) What I just haven’t read these days. from Vygodsky to La Fontaine. Well, and Krylov, it goes without saying as well. along and across.

We were also asked last season, my child was so imbued that later he wrote for himself on his own. for some reason by candlelight :))

And me, perhaps, the idea that this will be my work, and not my son, is slowing me down.

Well, why do I have to invent? Doesn't he have anything to say about this?

Here, because other children are quite interested. write themselves. (🙁 🙁

I made it for my brother!
The main story with a moral.
We had a story about how we baked a cake and while cursing it burned down!
And I still do not forget the conclusion -

) Do not judge strictly.
The main thing is to come up with an instructive story. Start with this. The household theme goes easily. Only without scares.

The moral of this fable is this - no need to quarrel, buddies!
Only they would come to a peaceful agreement, and the cake would be baked overnight!

) Do not judge strictly.

And in my opinion, you had a very good finale :flower:

I'm sorry to intrude. Are you in high school perhaps? Here, my sister's daughter at school also invariably asks similar tasks for her mother. No matter how I call, my sister is sitting doing her homework for her daughter. I don’t understand how, by and large, this is possible to ask a child at 11 years old. Since he himself will not be able to compose (well, the percentage of such children is high), parents have to do this in their legal free time. Ugliness.

Look here. Here are fables written by schoolchildren

Agree, there are schoolchildren who can write a fable no worse than Krylov, but, unfortunately, there are only a few of them. But despite this, teachers give the task to children to compose a fable in prose.

What is a fable? It is customary to consider a fable a kind of instructive story, at the end of which a conclusion or moralizing is given. Often the inspiration for writing a fable is a folk proverb or saying. Moreover, fables are found both in poetry and in prose.

Anyone can write a fable, the main thing is to put a little effort and imagination into it. To begin with, let's choose a suitable proverb or a proverb. How to write a fable? There are several options:

  • We paint the saying in the form of a story, invent characters, that is, the heroes of our fable, and at the end we sum up the moral. The moral will be the proverb that we took as the basis, it can be retold in your own words, supplemented or left as it was.
  • First we come up with a moral, and then we come up with a fable for morality. When inventing a fable, you need to ask the question what exactly this fable is about.

Sometimes folk wisdom is called a fable, the heroes of which can be animals with certain typical human character traits.

Still fables written by children can be in the form of a poem or prose with a satirical assessment. In addition, there should be a moralizing character. Remember the fabulist Krylov, very often animals acted as heroes in his fables. Thus, it is easier to convey the meaning of the fable, because most often we associate a fox with cunning, an ant with hard work, and so on. The best option would be to use these heroes.

Let's summarize. A fable can be in verse, that is, in rhyme and in prose, like a regular text. The best characters in fables are animals. The moral and essence of the fable is best expressed as a folk saying or proverb. Thus, following all these directions, you can safely say "we compose fables ourselves." And remember, anyone can compose if you apply your imagination to it and give enough time.

We write fables. 6th grade

goose and ducklings

The sun shone brightly on a hot summer day,

And the duck took the family for a walk.

The ducklings were too lazy to follow their mother,

And they set off together to the bank of the river.

And there in the water sat a grouchy goose

And everything was wrong for him:

Why make noise? Why splash?

After all, you can just admire


He grumbled for a long time. The ducklings are bored.

Here mother duck swam up:

Well, why are you sitting?

Look at me and repeat like this.

Ducklings swam merrily along the river,

And the goose got down to business again,

He began to grumble, but he was left alone.

Elizaveta Karpenko, 6-B class

Sparrow - thief

Under the roof of house number 5

There lived a gray sparrow.

He was a terrible tomboy

Thief and liar.

He boasted to a neighbor from house number 2:

“Here I have an apartment, not like yours!

I stole a brooch from a cat last week.

And there are such crumbs! You won't find a better one!"

But the cat taught the tomboy thief a lesson,

And the poor sparrow was left without a tail.

The neighbor laughs at him:

"The thieves get it!"

And the sparrow hung his nose:

“And really, what are you going to sing here.”

Vlad Boyarkin, 6-B class

Swallow and Cuckoo

Two swallows started to build a nest.
Successfully choosing a place for him,
They carried twigs and clay without noticing anyone.
The cuckoo was watching them at that hour,
And, as it seemed to her, the advice is smart
Gave the builders to make the house comfortable
For future children.
Why are you building a nest under the roof of the house?
All the birds build nests on a tree in the forest,
And you don't need clay and straw,
I'll bring you needles with leaves now.

Not noticing those practical tips,
Swallows worked, hurry!

Cuckoos do not build nests, but only give advice,
In other people's nests podselivaya cuckoo.

Irina Zhulieva, 6-B class

hare house

In one autumn park,
Where everything is always in order
The sad bunny just sat

And bitterly, bitterly, he roared.
- Oh, how can I continue to live,
Winter is already knocking on the window
And I'm sitting without a home,
I will die from the cold.

Why are you crying in vain

Building a house is easy
Said a passing mole.
And the hare just opened his mouth and said to him:
-So help me build a house,
Simply, you say.
- Okay, so be it.
Bring an ax and a tree over there, let's cut it down.
And the hare set to work,
Only his ears were ringing:
“Not here, not there, not like that!”

A week later, the case was over,
And just in time, winter is almost here.
And the mole to the bunny says:
-Take me to live with you
After all, I prompted you and helped,
And you, only you were lazy ...
But the hare slammed the door on the mole.
Deliver us, God, from such judges.
No wonder people say:
"Grumbling you get bored,
And you will teach by example!

Yulia Naumenko, 6-B class

bull and donkey

One day the donkey says to the bull:

“What, life failed?

Today you plow and tomorrow you plow.

And I'm lying under the sun sunbathing,

And every single day I drive the bullshit.

Don't you want a heavenly life like this?"

“No, I don’t want to,” the bull quietly replies.

And he does the job strictly.

It's been a month, three...

And now winter has come.

But it is a pity that the donkey was gone.

And the bull lived quietly in the barn.

The moral of this fable is this:

Don't spare the strength

Work and don't cry!

For us, work

The best doctor!

Gachechiladze Sofia, 6-B class