» Communicative teaching of foreign culture (E. I. Passov). Teaching foreign language speech Passov basics of communicative methods of teaching foreign language communication

Communicative teaching of foreign culture (E. I. Passov). Teaching foreign language speech Passov basics of communicative methods of teaching foreign language communication

Technology of "Communicative teaching of foreign culture

E.I. Passova»

This technology, unlike other methods of teaching foreign language speech activity, aims to prepare students for the process of foreign language communication and offers it a set of adequate means. What are the principles of building content using this technology.

1. Speech orientation, training foreign languages through communication. This means the practical orientation of the lesson. Only lessons in language are legitimate, not about language. The path "from grammar to language" is vicious. You can learn to speak only by speaking, to listen - by listening, to read - by reading. First of all, this concerns exercises: the more an exercise is similar to real communication, the more effective it is. In speech exercises, there is a smooth, dosed and at the same time rapid accumulation of a large amount of vocabulary and grammar with immediate implementation; not a single phrase is allowed that could not be used in real communication.

2. Functionality. Speech activity has three sides: lexical, grammatical, phonetic. They are inextricably linked in the process of speaking. It follows from this that words cannot be assimilated in isolation from their forms of existence (use). It is necessary to strive to master speech units in most exercises. Functionality implies that both words and grammatical forms are assimilated immediately in activity: the student performs some speech task - confirms the thought, doubts what he heard, asks about something, encourages the interlocutor to action and in the process learns the necessary words or grammatical forms.

3. Situation, role organization educational process with maximum motivation of learning situations. Of fundamental importance is the selection and organization of material based on situations and communication problems that interest students of each age.

Everyone recognizes the need to teach on the basis of situations, but understands this differently. The description of situations (“At the cash register”, “At the train station”, etc.) is not a situation, it is not able to perform the functions of motivating statements, to develop the quality of speech skills. Only real situations (a system of relationships between people as exponents of certain roles) are capable of this. To learn a language, one must not learn the language, but the world with his help. The desire to speak appears in the student only in a real or recreated situation that affects the speakers.

4. Novelty. It manifests itself in various components of the lesson. First of all, this is the novelty of speech situations (change of the subject of communication, problems of discussion, speech partner, conditions of communication, etc.). This is the novelty of the material used (its information content), and the novelty of the organization of the lesson (its types, forms), and the variety of working methods. In these cases, students do not receive direct instructions for memorization - it becomes a by-product of speech activity with the material (involuntary memorization).

5. Personal orientation of communication. Faceless speech does not happen, speech is always individual. Any person differs from another both in his natural properties (abilities), and in his ability to carry out educational and speech activities, and in his characteristics as a person: experience (each has his own), context of activity (each student has his own set of activities that he is engaged in and which are the basis of his relationships with other people), a set of certain feelings and emotions (one is proud of his city, the other is not), his interests, his status (position) in the team (class).

Communicative training involves taking into account all these personal characteristics, since only in this way can communication conditions be created: positive emotional saturation, communicative motivation are caused, purposefulness of speaking is ensured, relationships are formed, etc.

6. Collective interaction is a way of organizing the process in which students actively communicate with each other, and the condition for the success of each is the success of the others; self-realization of the individual in the group.

7. Modeling. The volume of regional and linguistic knowledge is very large and cannot be assimilated within the framework of a school course. Therefore, it is necessary to select the amount of knowledge that will be necessary to represent the culture of the country and the language system in a concentrated, model form. The content of the language should be problems, not topics.

Features of the technique

Exercises. In the learning process, almost everything depends on the exercises. In the exercise, like the sun in a drop of water, the whole concept of learning is reflected. In communicative training, all exercises should be speech in nature, i.e. communication exercises. E.I. Passov builds 2 series of exercises: conditional speech and speech.

Conditional speech exercises are specially organized for the formation of a skill. They are characterized by the same type of repetition of lexical units, continuity in time.

Speech exercises - retelling the text in your own words, describing a picture, a series of pictures, faces, objects, commenting.

The ratio of both types of exercises is selected individually.

Mistakes. In partnerships between students and teachers, the question arises of how to correct their mistakes. It depends on the type of work.

Phonetic errors are recommended not to be corrected at the same time, but to take one sound and work it out for 1-2 weeks (do not notice other distorted sounds yet); then do this with the 2nd, 3rd sound, etc. It is necessary to draw the attention of the class to grammatical errors, but a long explanation of the rules should not distract the student from the speech task. When speaking in a situation, it is generally inappropriate to correct errors. It is enough to correct only those that hinder understanding.

Communication space. The method of "interactive intensive" requires a different, different from the traditional, organization of the learning space. The guys sit in a semicircle or randomly. In such an impromptu small living room, it is more convenient to communicate, the official atmosphere of the class, the feeling of constraint is removed, and there is an educational communication. This space must also have a sufficient temporal duration, imitate "immersion" in a given language environment.

Communication is off-topic. The main drawback of the topic is the lack of relationships between the participants in it.

the most important distinctive feature communicative technology for teaching foreign language speech activity is the organization of the process of mastering speech material. (Descriptions of the process of mastering speech material are a description of the technological chain of the educational process, which gives the teacher the opportunity to present the main milestones on the way to the intended goal.)

The main mechanism for organizing the educational process based on the communicative technology of teaching foreign language speech activity is cyclicity. A cycle is a certain number of lessons required to bring a given speech dose to the stage of speech skills. It is clear that speech skill, as the ability to control speech activity, does not suddenly appear in a person. It is possible to bring the possession of any speech material to the level of skill only if all stages of the assimilation process are observed.

The process of assimilation of speech material goes through 3 main stages:

    stage of skills formation;

    the stage of improving skills;

    stage of development of speech skills.

The planned three stages of work are not sections of the entire course of study, but stages periodically repeated throughout the course, through which a certain dose of speech material passes each time. The general ability to speak develops gradually from the ability to master individual doses of speech material.

Thus, the speech dose necessary for communication on a particular problem passes through a certain number of cycle lessons, and is brought to speech skills. In the cycle, each lesson is a link in the chain of lessons.

Such a system, consistency in the study of the material generates success even among low-performing and average-performing students. They go step by step to speech skills. The joy of learning appears, the desire to work, the process of educating self-esteem, self-realization of the individual.

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Language guessing is subjective, but special exercises can make it manageable, for example:

Read the text and underline the signs of time, place, taking this into account, guess the meaning of the underlined words;

Underline international words, determine their meaning in mother tongue and in foreign.

Work on the development of linguistic conjecture leads to the expansion of linguistic and general horizons.

In the methodology of teaching foreign languages, productive and receptive lexical skills are distinguished. For the purpose of a strong mastery of vocabulary in oral form, an active and passive lexical minimum is distinguished. The main stages of work on vocabulary in the formation of skills are:

a) the tentative-preparatory stage, that is, the stage of semantization of words and their primary use;

b) the stage of speech training and the creation of lexical speech skills in oral speech exercises (situational-stereotyping and variable-situational stages).

Passive (non-speech) receptive lexical skills, that is, the skills of recognizing lexical material in oral and written text, are formed when performing lexical exercises and when reading texts.

When teaching the lexical side of speech, both in theory and in practice, many difficulties arise:

Selection of vocabulary, taking into account the communicative orientation of training;

Rational methodological organization vocabulary, its typology, based not only on the difficulties of its assimilation, but also taking into account the presence of different communicative tasks, features of the stage of education, different ratios of types of speech activity;

Improving the methods of teaching vocabulary, greater consideration of the need-motivational plan of speech, that is, the challenge of the need for a particular word.

The development of these problems could also contribute to the improvement of practice, where teaching vocabulary causes problems associated mainly with the memorization and use of words in speech. The brighter the impression made by the word, the more entertaining the situation in which it met, the better it is remembered. Practice shows that teachers often use situations to teach oral speech. The question is about their use in the presentation of vocabulary in methodical literature has not yet been widely publicized. In practice, they are created mainly with the help of illustrative and objective visualization. Without denying this approach, many methodologists and practicing teachers state that it does not always prepare for the use of lexical units in speech. Situations at the speech level are usually aimed at organizing the conditions for the implementation of independent statements of students when they are faced with the task of expressing their own thoughts and their attitude to some moments. In this case, it is assumed that all the students' attention is directed to the idea, and not to those linguistic means by which it will be expressed. When presenting lexical units, the emphasis is on the development of these linguistic means, and situations are designed to create a communicative background, that is, that communicative orientation that will contribute to the use of words in speech. The communicative background will gradually, consistently reveal the scope of lexical units.

From psycholinguistics, it is known that the strength of the assimilation of a word depends on whether the diverse connections of a new word with those studied are established. At the same time, connections are established not only as a result of semantic actions, but also according to the laws of associations - connections formed under certain conditions between two or more mental phenomena. The actualization of the associative connection is that the appearance of one member of the association regularly leads to the appearance of another. Knowledge of associative links can help to focus on the most frequent reactions, to clearly imagine the place of a word in the semantic field, the degree of its proximity to other words and the nature of the relationship between them. In addition, the association of words contributes to a certain extent to the generation of a speech utterance and is due to the proper linguistic connections of words.

On the basis of all these provisions, it can be concluded that the new vocabulary will enter into associative relations with previously studied words, and associative processes contribute to involuntary memorization. As is known from psychology, the material that is memorized involuntarily is firmly imprinted in the long-term memory of students, has the necessary accuracy and mobility, but subject to the organization of purposeful actions with this material. Associative links can certainly be used at the stage of vocabulary presentation. At the same time, it is important to take into account two points: the organization of the lexical material itself and the organization of purposeful actions with this material.

By their nature and structure, situations that are appropriate to use at the stage of presentation of lexical material refer to micro-situations that show the typical compatibility of certain lexical units.


As a result of work on this issue and the systematization of the studied material on this topic, the following conclusions can be drawn:

The formation of monologue speech skills is a priority direction of the school in teaching a foreign language, which is carried out taking into account the age characteristics of children, with the ultimate goal of laying the foundations for the ability to coherently and logically express one's thoughts.

Theoretical basis and methodological techniques for the formation of monologue speech are sufficiently developed in the scientific and methodological literature.

To systematize the work on the formation of a monologue statement, a methodically correctly selected set of exercises, the use and combination of non-traditional and traditional forms organizations learning activities, continuity and consistency in the presentation of the material. It is important that students realize the real possibility of using language as a means of communication.

Purposeful and systematic work on the formation of monologue speech contributes to a significant increase in the ability to correctly express one's thoughts in a given language in the conditions of solving rather complex mental problems.

Therefore, given the learning conditions and the nature of the monologue, in high school it is advisable to establish three levels of mastery: medium, advanced and high, taking into account different learning conditions.

The general education school, for the most part, can provide average level, the main objective which consists in the formation of skills in reading and understanding texts and the development of oral speech based on the text in the form of description and narration.

An increased level is characterized by increased attention to oral speech, differentiation of teaching in the upper grades, depending on the interests and inclinations of students. Monologue speech develops in connection with reading and listening: students make an independent report on what they have read, listened to with a personal assessment, and the ability to speak in connection with the situation within the main areas of communication is also formed. This level can be achieved in schools and classes with in-depth study of a foreign language, as well as in humanitarian classes, where an in-depth study of a foreign language is also conducted.

A high level of language proficiency is a free or almost fluent command of the language, not only practically - all types of speech activity, which means for monologue speech performance with independent messages in which different speech forms are freely combined. Speech is characterized by persuasiveness and emotional impact, syntactic complexity.

In general, all teaching of monologue speech should be aimed at mastering the ability to logically reveal a thought, highlight the main thing, draw conclusions or a conclusion, which contributes to improving the culture of communication and contributes to humanitarian education.

The successful development of monologue speech skills is facilitated by tasks that are creative, individual in nature, requiring motivated statements from students. All types of work used in teaching monologue speech should be a single whole.

It is important to achieve the desire of students to work and make them feel their capabilities, their progress. This increases interest in learning a foreign language.

Training term paper convinced me of the great importance of further work aimed at developing the skills of monologue speech. It is in the ability to communicatively - motivated, logically consistently and coherently, quite fully and correctly in linguistic terms to express one's thoughts orally and that the meaning of mastering a foreign language lies in many respects.


1. Babinskaya P.M. Implementation communicatively oriented learning foreign language./ P.M. Babinskaya // Capital education -2010.- No. 9

2. Andreasyan I.M. Teaching in cooperation as a priority technology for teaching English to schoolchildren. / I.M. Andreasyan Yu.V. Maslov // Foreign Languages ​​of the Republic of Belarus - 2008 - No. 3

3. Maslyko E.A. Handbook of a foreign language teacher. / E.A. Maslyko P.K. Babinskaya // Minsk- 1992.

4. Passov E.I. Fundamentals of the communicative methodology of teaching foreign language communication. / E.I. Passov. //- M.- 1989.

5. Passov E.I. Foreign language lesson in secondary school / E.I. Passov.// - M. Enlightenment - 1989.

6. Rogova G.V. Methods of teaching foreign languages ​​in secondary school / G.V. Rogova, F.M. Rabinovich, T.E. Sakharova // M. Education - 1991.

7. Gin A.A. tricks pedagogical technique: Teacher's Manual / A.A. Gin // Moscow: Vita - Press, 1999

8. Schukin A.N. Methods of teaching Russian as a foreign language: / Proc. manual for universities // A.N. Schukin. - M.: Higher. school, 2003.

8. Galskova N.D., Gez N.I. Theory of teaching foreign languages. Linguodidactics and methodology: textbook. allowance for students. lingu. un-tov and fact. in. lang. higher ped. textbook institutions / N.D. Galskova, N.I. Gez. - 3rd ed., erased. - M.: Publishing center "Academy", 2006.

9. Derekleeva N.I. The development of the communicative culture of students in the classroom and during extracurricular activities./ N.I. Derekleeva // Moscow - 2005

10. Antonova E.S. Communicative-activity approach: tutorial/ E.S. Antonova.// - M. - 2007.

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Communicative teaching of foreign culture (E. I. Passov).

In the conditions of the Russian mass school, it has not yet been found effective methodology which allowed the child to master a foreign language by the end of school at a level sufficient for adaptation in a foreign-speaking society. Communication-based learning is the essence of all intensive foreign language teaching technologies.

Idea: Teaching foreign language communication using communication methods and communication techniques specific to a foreign language culture. A foreign language, unlike other school subjects, is both a goal and a means of learning. Language is a means of communication, identification, socialization and familiarization of the individual with cultural values. The main participants in the learning process are the teacher and the student. Relations between them are based on cooperation and equal speech partnership.

Process training is organized on the basis of the following principles:

  • 1. speech direction, teaching foreign languages ​​through communication. This means the practical orientation of the lesson. Only lessons in language are legitimate, not about language. The path "from grammar to language" is vicious. You can learn to speak only by speaking, to listen - by listening, to read - by reading. First of all, it concerns exercises: the more the exercise is similar to real communication, the more effective it is. In speech exercises, there is a smooth, dosed and at the same time rapid accumulation of a large amount of vocabulary and grammar with immediate implementation; not a single phrase is allowed that could not be used in real communication.
  • 2. Functionality. Speech activity has three sides: lexical, grammatical, phonetic. They are inextricably linked in the process of speaking. It is necessary to strive so that in most exercises not words, but speech units are assimilated. Functionality implies that they are assimilated immediately in activity: the student performs some kind of speech task: confirms the thought, doubts what he heard, asks about something, encourages the interlocutor to act and in the process learns the necessary words or grammatical forms.
  • 3. situationality, role-based organization of the educational process. Of fundamental importance is the selection and organization of material based on situations and communication problems that interest students of each age. To learn a language, you need to study not it, but the world around you with its help. The desire to speak appears in the student only in a real or recreated situation that affects the speakers.
  • 4. Novelty. It manifests itself in various components of the lesson. This is, first of all, the novelty of speech situations (change of the subject of communication, problems of discussion, speech partner, conditions of communication, etc.). This is the novelty of the material used (its information content), and the organization of the lesson (its types, forms), and the variety of working methods. In these cases, students do not receive direct instructions for memorization - it becomes a by-product of speech activity with the material (involuntary memorization).
  • 5. Personal orientation of communication. Faceless speech does not happen, it is always individual. Any person differs from another both in his natural properties (abilities), and in his ability to carry out educational and speech activities, and in his characteristics as a person: experience (each has his own), context of activity (each student has his own set of activities that he is engaged in and which are the basis of his relationships with other people), a set of certain feelings and emotions (one is proud of his city, the other is not), his interests, his status (position) in the team (class). Communicative training involves taking into account all these personal characteristics, because only in this way can communication conditions be created: communicative motivation is caused, purposefulness of speaking is ensured, relationships are formed, etc.
  • 6. Collective interaction- a way of organizing the process in which students actively communicate with each other, and the condition for the success of each is the success of the others.
  • 7. Modeling. The volume of regional and linguistic knowledge is very large and cannot be assimilated within the framework of a school course. Therefore, it is necessary to select the amount of knowledge that will be necessary to represent the culture of the country and the language system in a concentrated, model form. The content of the language should be problems, not topics.
  • 8. Exercises. In the learning process, almost everything depends on the exercises. They, like the sun in a drop of water, reflect the whole concept of learning. In communicative training, all exercises should be speech in nature, that is, exercises in communication. E. I. Passov builds two series of exercises: conditional speech and speech. Conditional speech exercises are specially organized for the formation of a skill. They are characterized by the same type of repetition of lexical units, continuity in time. Speech exercises are a retelling of the text in your own words, a description of a picture, a series of pictures, faces, objects, commenting. The ratio of both types of exercises is selected individually. In partnerships between students and teachers, the question arises of how to correct mistakes. It depends on the type of work.
  • 9. Communication space. The method of "intensive" requires a different, different from the traditional, organization of the learning space. The guys do not sit in the back of the head to each other, but in a semicircle or arbitrarily. In such an impromptu small living room, it is more convenient to communicate, the official atmosphere of the class, the feeling of constraint is removed, and there is an educational communication. This space must also have a sufficient temporal duration, imitate "immersion" in a given language environment.

Result: Communicative teaching of a foreign language culture is of a general didactic nature and can be applied in teaching any subject. It contributes to the development of the emotional sphere, communication skills, affiliation motivation, the ability to navigate in situations of various kinds and make decisions that correspond to the position of the individual.

"to" to to

The common thing in all author's schools is the conditions for the course of the learning process: the attitude of schoolchildren to themselves, to each other, to the teacher, the teacher to himself and to the students. In this regard, let's find out what kind of teachers themselves would like to be? What is the "ideal" teacher?

Summing up many myths, we can say that an ideally good teacher should know everything, understand everything, be better and more perfect than any ordinary normal person. As we can see, the image of a “good” teacher begins to lose its human features, becoming like an angel, because it is impossible to bring them to life.

Psychologists offer another model of a good teacher. Good teacher - is a happy teacher. To do this, you need to create an appropriate relationship with students. As you know, no bad people- have a bad relationship. Every teacher understands this and strives to be subtle, kind, etc. - and "the students sit on their heads!" When he tries to maintain order, he loses contact with the children. It is very difficult to find the middle, and the teacher is forced to turn to the class either on the bright side, or on the dark side. As a result, children never know what to expect from him in the next minute, which, of course, does not contribute to a warm relationship. Psychologists say that in order to be happy, the teacher needs to try to create his own relationship with children, characterized by:

  • 1. Openness, i.e., the almost complete absence of manipulations with the clarity of the goals of the actions of both parties.
  • 2. The interdependence of each participant in the pedagogical process, in contrast to the former complete dependence of the student on the teacher.
  • 3. The right to authenticity of every member of the class, including the teacher.
  • 4. The ability to meet basic interpersonal needs in the classroom and ensure that they are met in this way.

In fact, all copyright schools use the idea of ​​cooperation. It is interpreted as the idea of ​​a joint developmental activity of adults and children, sealed by mutual understanding, penetration into spiritual world each other, joint analysis of the course and results of this activity. As a system of relations, cooperation is multifaceted; but the most important place in it is occupied by the teacher-student relationship. Traditional teaching is based on the position of the teacher as the subject and the student as the object of the pedagogical process. In the concept of cooperation, this provision is replaced by the idea of ​​the student as the subject of his educational activity.

Therefore, two subjects of the same process must act together, be partners, partners, form an alliance of the older and more experienced with the less experienced; none of them should be above the other. Cooperation in the relationship "student - student" is implemented in the general life of school groups, taking various forms (commonwealth, complicity, empathy, co-creation, co-management). Thus, the basis of teacher happiness is in cooperation with students and their colleagues.

Passov Efim Izrailevich - Professor of the Lipetsk Pedagogical Institute, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Honored Worker of Culture.

The history of teaching a foreign language goes back centuries. At the same time, the teaching methodology has changed many times, relying either on reading, or on translation, or on listening, or on a combination of these processes. The most effective, although the most primitive of methods was the "governess method", i.e. direct individual communication in the language.

In the conditions of the Russian mass school, no effective methodology has yet been found that would allow a child to master a foreign language at a level sufficient for adaptation in a foreign-speaking society by the end of school.

The technology of communicative learning - learning based on communication - allows you to achieve such results.

Communication-based learning is the essence of all intensive foreign language teaching technologies. The intensive technology was developed by the Bulgarian scientist G. Lozanov and gave rise to a number of practical options in our country.

AT high school theory and practice of communicative intensive teaching of a foreign language was developed by G.A. Kitaygorodskaya.

Classification parameters:

By application level: private subject.

On a philosophical basis: adaptable.

According to the main factor of development: sociogenic.

According to the concept of learning experience: gestalt + associative-reflex + suggestopedic.

By orientation to personal structures: informational.

By the nature of the content and structure: educational, secular, educational, humanistic.

By type of management: modern traditional education.

By organizational form: all forms.

Approach to the child: cooperation, partnership.

According to the prevailing method: dialogic + game.

In the direction of modernization: based on the activation and intensification of students' activities.

Target Orientations:

Teaching foreign language communication through communication.

The assimilation of a foreign language culture.

Conceptual provisions:

A foreign language, unlike other school subjects, is both a goal and a means of learning.

Language is a means of communication, identification, socialization and familiarization of the individual with cultural values.

Learning a foreign language is different from learning a native language:

ways of mastering;

Density of information in communication;

The inclusion of the language in the subject-communicative activity;

A set of implemented functions;

Correlation with the sensitive period speech development child.

The main participants in the learning process are the teacher and the student. Relations between them are based on cooperation and equal speech partnership.

Content building principles:

1. Speech orientation, teaching foreign languages ​​through communication. This means the practical orientation of the lesson. Only lessons in language are legitimate, not about language. The path "from grammar to language" is vicious. You can learn to speak only by speaking, to listen - by listening, to read - by reading. First of all, this concerns exercises: the more an exercise is similar to real communication, the more effective it is. In speech exercises, there is a smooth, dosed and at the same time rapid accumulation of a large amount of vocabulary and grammar with immediate implementation; not a single phrase is allowed that could not be used in real communication.

2. Functionality. Speech activity has three sides: lexical, grammatical, phonetic. They are inextricably linked in the process of speaking. It follows from this that words cannot be assimilated in isolation from their forms of existence of use). It is necessary to strive to master speech units in most exercises. Functionality implies that both words and grammatical forms are assimilated immediately in activity: the student performs some speech task - confirms the thought, doubts what he heard, asks about something, encourages the interlocutor to act and in the process learns the necessary words or grammatical forms

3. Situational, role-based organization of the educational process. Of fundamental importance is the selection and organization of material based on situations and communication problems that interest students of each age.

Everyone recognizes the need to teach on the basis of situations, but understands this differently. The description of situations is not situations, it is not able to fulfill the functions of motivating statements, to develop the quality of speech skills. Only real situations can do this. To learn a language, you need not to study the language, but the world around you with its help. The desire to speak appears in the student only in a real or recreated situation that affects the speakers.

4. Novelty. It manifests itself in various components of the lesson. First of all, this is the novelty of speech situations. This is the novelty of the material used, and the novelty of the organization of the lesson, and the variety of working methods. In these cases, students do not receive direct instructions for memorization - it becomes a by-product of speech activity with the material.

5. Personal orientation of communication. Faceless speech does not happen, speech is always individual. Any person differs from another both in his natural properties, and in his ability to carry out educational and speech activities, and in his characteristics as a person: experience, context of activity, a set of certain feelings and emotions, his interests, his status in the team. Communicative training involves taking into account all these personal characteristics, because only in this way can communication conditions be created: communicative motivation is caused, purposefulness of speaking is ensured, relationships are formed, etc.

6. Collective interaction is a way of organizing the process in which students actively communicate with each other, and the condition for the success of each is the success of the others.

7. Modeling. The volume of regional and linguistic knowledge is very large and cannot be assimilated within the framework of a school course. Therefore, it is necessary to select the amount of knowledge that will be necessary to represent the culture of the country and the language system in a concentrated, model form. The content of the language should be problems, not topics.

Features of the technique:

Exercises. In the learning process, almost everything depends on the exercises. In the exercise, like the sun in a drop of water, the whole concept of learning is reflected. In communicative training, all exercises should be speech in nature, i.e. communication exercises. E.I. Passov builds 2 series of exercises: conditional speech and speech.

Conditional speech exercises are exercises specially organized for the formation of a skill. They are characterized by the same type of repetition of lexical units, not discontinuity in time.

Speech exercises - retelling the text in your own words, describing a picture, a series of pictures, faces, objects, commenting.

The ratio of both types of exercises is selected individually.

Mistakes. In partnerships between students and teachers, the question arises of how to correct their mistakes. It depends on the type of work.

Phonetic errors are recommended not to be corrected at the same time, but to take one sound and practice it within 1-2 weeks; then do this with the 2nd, 3rd sound, etc. It is necessary to draw the attention of the class to grammatical errors, but a long explanation of the rules should not distract the student from the speech task. When speaking in a situation, it is generally inappropriate to correct errors. It is enough to correct only those that hinder understanding.

Communication space. The method of "intensive" requires a different, different from the traditional, organization of the learning space. The guys do not sit in the back of the head to each other, but in a semicircle or arbitrarily. In such an impromptu small living room, it is more convenient to communicate, the official atmosphere of the class, the feeling of constraint is removed, and there is an educational communication. This space, according to G. Lozanov, must also have a sufficient temporal duration, imitate "immersion" in a given language environment.