» Description of the socio-pedagogical situation examples. pedagogical situation. Analysis of the pedagogical situation. Examples of pedagogical situations. Rules of pedagogical communication

Description of the socio-pedagogical situation examples. pedagogical situation. Analysis of the pedagogical situation. Examples of pedagogical situations. Rules of pedagogical communication

Faculty of Foreign Languages


Student of the 4th year of the 3rd group,


"English german"

Sayunova I.O.

Place of internship:

MOU "Pedagogical Lyceum"

G. Velikiye Luki

Practice dates:

from 9.02 to 19.03.2010

Methodist from the Department of Pedagogy:

Burenina Svetlana Yurievna

Pskov, 2010

Pedagogical situations

Situation 1: End of the school day. The teacher escorts the class to the locker room, the students play and scream. To the teacher’s joking words about a possible punishment, one of the girls asks: “Will you beat me?” When asked by the teacher why she thinks so, she replies: “Punished means beaten.” The teacher is shocked, because the girl is from a prosperous family, her parents are decent people, but she does not even understand what she said, perceiving it as something ordinary.

Of course, the girl could just joke, but the fifth grade is not yet the age for such jokes. Given the characteristics of her family, there are two options - either the parents very skillfully show themselves to be kind and good people, not being such in reality, or is it the influence of one of the girlfriends or television and the Internet.

The rules laid down at this age are stored in the subconscious of a person for life, so the trend is quite alarming. In the future, the girl may contact bad company and grow up cruel and evil to the whole world.

If I were a teacher, I would take a closer look at her family, have a conversation with her parents and recommend that they better monitor her daughter's social circle and what she watches. With the girl herself, I would have a conversation on the topic of punishment and relationships to let her know that there is still a lot of good in life.

Situation 2:

The teacher calls not himself best student to the blackboard. He tries for a long time to remember what he is being asked. The students laugh, looking at him, at first he blushes, is embarrassed, and suddenly he can’t stand it and, shouting that the material is too difficult, he can’t cope with it, and in general he wants to be left alone, runs out of the classroom in tears.
A weak boy, harassed by the ridicule of his students, needs outside support and encouragement. Otherwise, he will develop an inferiority complex, he will remain a loser, a backward student and grow up to be a weak, insecure person, embittered at the whole world. The rest of the children mistakenly believe that they have the right to make fun of others, weaker ones, and do not realize that they need to help their peers. They will develop such negative character traits as selfishness and cruelty. Also, the teacher shouldn't have kept the student at the blackboard for so long. Seeing that it was impossible to get a result from him, he should have been immediately put in his place, and not prolong his embarrassment in front of his peers.

Given the hysterical reaction at the end, it can be assumed that the boy’s nerves are either shattered, or some internal state has brought him to this point (for example, shame because the object of his sympathy is in the class), in the first case there is a danger that he will become neurologically ill . In the future, such an attitude of peers and teachers can lead to embitterment of the boy himself and, as a result, multiple failures in his personal life.

To restore the harmony of relations in the classroom, the teacher needs to support a weak student, help him express himself. To do this, it is necessary to give the student a special task, for example, a creative one, acquaintance with the result of which can arouse the interest of the whole class. This will help the boy open up, show his dormant abilities and undiscovered opportunities. In addition, it is worth letting the students understand that they have no right to mock weaker people, and the teacher himself should reconsider his knowledge control methods.

Situation 3:

The daughter of one of the school teachers is studying in the class. Children consider her a "general's child" and about each of his successes they whisper about the "special attitude" towards her from the teachers. On the contrary, each of her failures is met with gloating. Of course, the girl is very worried about this, but she cannot prove anything, because they simply do not listen to her.


Considering the independence and diligence of the student, it can be concluded that the students are only jealous of her success, attributing them to her mother. The girl tries to re-establish contact with her peers, but she is unfairly rejected. Forecasting

This situation can develop in two ways. On the one hand, a girl can achieve good results to prove that she can do something, but the price of this will be too high. On the other hand, such an attitude can completely undermine her interest in any kind of success (what's the point of achieving something if no one appreciates it anyway). Solution

It is difficult to give a general solution to this situation, since its development and outcome depend on many variables. It is better for the girl's mother not to interfere in her - this can further convince the students of her opinion. Probably the best solution would be the classic one: to give the girl an assignment, the execution of which will be appreciated by the guys themselves, to allow her to open up. Perhaps after that they will understand that she is worth a lot in and of herself.

Conflict situations are an integral part of the life of any person, and kindergarten is no exception. Most people do not like conflict and try to avoid it, but when it comes to children, this is not always possible. By correctly building behavior in the event of unpleasant situations, you can maintain healthy relationships between children, pupils and teachers, educators and parents.

Types of conflict situations in the preschool educational institution

Conflict situations in preschool educational institutions can be divided into several types: conflicts between members of the pedagogical team, educators and parents, between parents, between children. Consider the main reasons for their occurrence.

When it comes to conflicts between teachers, the most common reasons are the lack of material and moral satisfaction from work.

Such reasons include the following:
The mutual influence of educators and support staff, when the results of the work of some determine the effectiveness of the work of others. For example, untimely fulfillment of the duties of an assistant educator may adversely affect the regime moments in the preschool educational institution.
Transferring problems that should be solved with management to the horizontal level of relations, for example, the lack of any equipment.
Incorrect or unclear definition of responsibilities in the team.

Often there are conflict situations between the educator and parents. For example, a child is difficult to adapt to new conditions when entering a kindergarten, is naughty, and parents demand increased attention to the baby from the teacher. In some cases, communication between caregiver and parent becomes more difficult for personal reasons.

Such conflict situations can be conditionally divided into two groups: the educator behaves incorrectly or the parents make increased demands on his work. In the first case, you should analyze the situation and try to find a common language with the teacher. It may be worth contacting family members so that they try to smooth out the conflict. You should also find out if other parents are experiencing the same problems. If a solution cannot be found, then you should contact the kindergarten management.

It happens that parents demand special treatment for their child or attention that a public kindergarten teacher simply cannot give. Do not forget that there are about 30 children in the group, and everyone needs an individual approach. In this case, you should think about how to get what you want by sending the child to private kindergartens or studios.

One of the most common causes of conflicts in a preschool educational institution is misunderstanding between parents. It can arise due to organizational issues or when children come into conflict. It is very important not to transfer your own disagreements to children, not to encourage them to quarrel with each other. You should always try to hear the other side and convey your point of view on the situation as correctly and clearly as possible.

Both sides of the conflict must understand that most likely its solution requires a compromise. If there is a conflict between children, then you should listen to them, preferably in the presence of a teacher, and sort out the problem. Not always what the child says is true. If it is not possible to achieve peace with parents, then it is worth designating a framework for communication in which children will not suffer.

A conflict situation in kindergarten between children requires a mandatory solution. Of course, we are talking about a conflict that has dragged on or is often repeated. Children quarrel and make up many times a day, forgetting about it. Therefore, the untimely intervention of adults can create a real long-term conflict.

If children constantly find themselves in the same situations, then they should be shown how to get out of the conflict. This serves as a good training in the ability to listen to the opponent, take into account the interests of others, give in and seek compromises. Conflicts and their resolution is a mandatory attribute of the socialization of children, and parents should help their child in this. It is also important to understand and support your baby, for whom the love and care of parents is very important.

How to behave as a teacher in conflict situations (examples)

Consider the most common conflict situations in kindergarten with examples, and also analyze how to get out of them correctly.

Situation 1
The child brings his toy to the kindergarten and overreacts if it is taken without permission. He can cry, get angry and even fight. So he shows his exclusive right to own the toy.
How should a teacher behave?
The teacher tells how to use other people's toys and insists that you should always ask for permission before taking something. You can not take away by force if the child does not want to share. You can offer the game "Let's agree", when the teacher tracks a predetermined amount of time.
Children need to be supported if they are experiencing rejection, encouraged to find other toys and not act up. You also need to encourage children to share or exchange toys, make sure that no one is offended. You can build a "Magic Box", come up with a fairy tale about it. In a box that stands in a conspicuous place, toys that are brought from home and no one is playing with will be stored.

Situation 2
It is also often difficult for teachers to respond quickly and correctly when an emergency occurs. conflict situation. Consider the statements of educators if there is a conflict over home toys.
"Don't bring toys if you're not looking after them." Children may lose their toy during a walk or in a group, start acting up before leaving home, from not finding it. The teacher also needs to ensure compliance with the daily routine.
"You're misbehaving - take the toys to the closet." So the teacher can change the behavior of the child.
"Give the toy back, Dima is your friend", "Don't be greedy, it's bad." The educator appeals to moral principles to prevent conflict.
In all these situations, the educator reacts sharply to the undesirable behavior of the child. However, such a reaction does not always lead to positive consequences.
How should a teacher behave?
It is necessary to focus the attention of children on the need to monitor their toys, not to lose them, to find them before leaving home. Note which of the children can do it. You should also analyze what is the reason for the child's frequent contact with the caregiver when the toy is lost.
You should ask children questions about friendship, friends, find out what they mean by these concepts.
When unwanted reactions appear, you need to understand their causes. If there is not enough professional knowledge or experience, then you can turn to another teacher, a teacher-psychologist, take advanced training courses.

Situation 3
An example of conflicts in a preschool educational institution can be situations where the loss of a toy means the loss of a small value, memento or gift. Not only children are upset, but also parents. Often they demand to find a toy, and this disrupts the daily routine, for example, when children should go for a walk.
How should a teacher behave?
To prevent such situations, it is better to discuss their possibility at the first parent meeting. You should ask your parents how they organize the treatment of a home toy on a walk. It may be worth advising parents not to give a toy to a kindergarten if it is especially valuable or expensive. It is also worth noting that the teacher cannot be responsible for the safety of the toy. It is important to maintain goodwill and correctly explain the limits of the educator's responsibility.

Situation 4
The child broke someone else's toy, and the parents are demanding compensation. Should the teacher be involved in the conversation in this situation? We recommend that if there are disputes, ask the parents to clarify it outside the kindergarten. If the teacher takes the side of one of the parents, he may be drawn into the conflict, and this is always undesirable.

Conflicts educator-parent and conflicts in the team

The conflict, as an obligatory component of social life, is also present in the relationship between the teacher and parents. It is extremely important for the educator to correctly build a strategy of behavior in a conflict situation, to find the right mechanisms for resolving conflicts in a preschool educational institution.

First of all, it is necessary to analyze the causes of conflicts. Parents are most often dissatisfied with the following:
little time is spent with the child;
the conditions are insufficient for strengthening his health;
the child is not approached;
punishments are used;
poorly monitor the appearance of the child;
the child is forced or not forced to eat;
the child does not receive complete freedom of action;
it creates problems for educators;
the child may be offended by aggressive or hyperactive children.

Educators also have claims to parents. The most common are:
disrespectful attitude towards kindergarten staff;
inaccurate payment for services;
children do not have a change of clothes, they are not prepared for kindergarten;
the regime of the day is violated when children are taken away late;
requirements are too high.

An analysis of conflict situations in preschool educational institutions shows that the general rules for classifying conflicts apply to them:
the emergence of contradictions;
awareness of the conflict by at least one side;
conflict behavior;
outcome of the conflict.

There are 5 ways to resolve conflicts in the preschool educational institution, according to the general classification of ways out of the conflict:
1. Competition - everyone focuses only on their own interests.
2. Evasion - no attention is paid to one's own interests and the interests of a partner.
3. Compromise - both sides make concessions.
4. Adaptation - taking into account the interests of another person to the detriment of their own.
5. Cooperation - allows you to take into account the interests of both parties.

The most effective ways out of the conflict are cooperation and compromise.

In a team, conflicts may arise between two people, an individual and a group or two groups. As a rule, the course and resolution of conflict situations in a preschool educational institution does not differ from the resolution of conflict situations between parents and educators.

However, educators should make an effort to ensure that the conflict does not reflect on their professional activity and the atmosphere in the kindergarten. To do this, you should analyze the conflict situation, perhaps involve leadership for this and find ways out of it.

Conflicts in kindergarten are inevitable, but the success of the functioning of an educational institution depends on how timely and correctly they are resolved. Educators and the leadership of the preschool educational institution should pay attention to the causes of conflicts, eliminate them, and also form the right strategy for getting out of such situations.

Angela Ivanova
Pedagogical situations and their solution

1. On the eve of September 1, Misha turned 6 years and 11 months old. He did not go to school and stayed in kindergarten. Vitya and Vasya were 7 years old, and they went to school. All boys developed in the same way. After 1 year, a re-examination of these children was carried out, it revealed that the development of Vitya and Vasya, studying at school, was significantly higher than Misha, who continued to attend kindergarten. When comparing the mental development of boys who attended school, higher rates of development were found in Vitya. What are the possible reasons for the different mental development of boys, provided that they were not sick, and their physical development was approximately the same.


Higher mental development Viti and Vasya are connected with the fact that they have risen to a new social level - they have become schoolchildren. They have new interests, concerns, relationships, the form of their main activities: she became educational. And Misha, while still in kindergarten, lingered in the period of preschool childhood. Of course, he also developed, but not in the same way as schoolchildren Vitya and Vasya.

As for Viti and Vasya, by the end school year there was a noticeable difference in their development. The more active Vitya, who read a lot, observed, solved, by the end of the year independently mastered the educational material: He was more developed.

2. The children played the game "Don't get your feet wet". It was necessary to cross the swamp using special boards, jumping from one to another. Not all guys did well. Especially it didn't work out for Vitya. He was always the last thing that upset him. The teacher said that this can be learned if you try hard. Vitya asked his dad to teach him how to jump well at home. Analyze the actions of the educator. Did he do the right thing? Why?


The teacher did not do the right thing, because he did not take into account the temperament and age characteristics of the child, limiting the boy to a frame "if you try hard". The teacher should have told the child not to be upset and try again, then later he could jump better.

3. Anton (7 years) I got an expensive remote control car for my birthday. He brought the car to the kindergarten / school, but warned that he would not let anyone play with it, as he was instructed by his mother not to give the car to anyone. Anton refused the children a toy, giving them a variety of toys. explanations: "You're a girl - you can't be a driver", “And you, Ilya (his best friend you can't manage it."

The educator/teacher offered to show how to drive the car, and then give it to Ilya. Anton did not agree with the proposal of the educator/teacher, explaining that Ilya is slow-witted and will not be able to manage.

The children did not lose hope, but Anton was inexorable. They got tired of asking, and they left Anton alone. At first, Anton calmed down, but then he began to glance towards the playing children. He took the car to the locker. Then he could not stand it and tried to make contact with children: "May I come with you?". “Netushki! Go, be greedy, we'll play without you" Ilya answered him.

Flushed Anton with tears in his eyes shouted: "I'm not greedy - I'll give you!" But Ilya began to list other children, wondering if they would get a car. Anton ran into the locker room, grabbed the car and smashed it to smithereens. Anton's mother, having learned about the incident, defined her attitude: "I knew it, spoke: don't take the car to kindergarten/school". She blamed Ilya for everything.


Analyze the nature of the relationship between mother and son, on what they are based. What psychological pedagogical Can a caregiver help this family? Imagine an individual consultation with Anton's mother.

The boy found himself in conflict feelings: on the one hand, he sought to fulfill the mother's order, and on the other hand, to remain on friendly terms with the children. The child is afraid of not fulfilling the mother's order and forbids the children to play with the machine, thereby pushing the children away from him. As a result, he fulfilled his mother's order, but his desire (Play with children) could not carry out. The boy was in psychological stress, he tried to remove it by offering a toy to his friend, but he refused and thus deprived Anton of the opportunity to relieve the tension that had arisen. And the child found a way out - he broke the car, which, most likely, will lead to a conflict with his mother. There is an authoritarian style of relationship between mother and child. The mother suppresses the boy, imposing her opinion on him and putting herself in a position "I'm right, you're wrong!". The teacher needs to talk to the mother about what happened. The mother should try to listen to the opinion of her son, allow more independence in the adoption by the child decisions, to compromise in the relationship with his son. At an individual consultation with the mother, the teacher should talk about psychological features children of preschool age, about the styles of relationships between parents and children, it is also possible to recommend literature to the mother on the problems of relationships within the family, offer memos on relationship styles for their comparison (compare authoritarian, democratic and conniving styles). The task of the educator in this situations will be to improve Anton's relationship with the children.

4. Boy, 7 years old. FROM junior group Shows interest in modeling, drawing, designing. He draws well, sculpts, creates unusual designs, fantasizes. The parents refused the proposal of the educator to send the child to an art studio, deciding that the boy should go in for sports. In kindergarten, he is not friends with anyone, often conflicts with children if he is prevented from drawing or building, if one of the children wants to join his game, most often he does not let him. Very closed, slow, it is difficult to distract him from his favorite pastime.


Option 1.

A child with low self-esteem, he is not recognized by his parents. It is necessary to try to increase the child's self-esteem, offer to participate in competitions, hang out his work at exhibitions so that his success is appreciated by parents and children.

Option 2.

Conduct a sociometric method of research, identify the preferences of this child and try to bring him closer to these children, giving them common instructions, and involving them in joint activities together. Give this child a special task, and after its successful completion - a high mark in order to increase his authority in the group.

Option 3.

Work with parents. Help them see and understand the child's hobbies. Encourage them to consider the child's opinion when choosing additional education in order for the child to be passionate about the activity offered to him, he must have motivation, and not just "because mom said so". And sports can be done by the whole family on weekends.

5. When seven-year-old Serezha was brought to school, the parents proudly said that the child was ready for school. He can sing, dance, and also read poetry well. Kindergarten the boy did not attend. Parents work, often they are not at home. At this time, the child was with his grandmother. When dad taught poetry with the boy, he often said: "Let's teach, otherwise you will go to school, the teacher will scold you that you don't know anything." In the very first days, Seryozha got bored in the classroom, and then he said at all that he would not go to school, he did not like it there.

1. What caused the failure in school?


Volitional readiness implies that the child is able to set a goal, accept solution, outline a plan of action, execute it, show a certain effort, evaluate the result of your volitional effort.

6. Dima (6 years) accustomed to being praised. Draw a picture and run to the neighbors to show; treat grandma with candy and immediately concludes: "I am kind!"; after a walk, he puts his things back and walks behind mothers: "Really, I'm great?"; will make a building out of a builder and again: "I'm a true master, right?"- Well done! You are the best with us, - parents confirm. The son is often praised in his presence: and he draws well, better than others, and knows a lot of songs, and reads poetry expressively, and is taller than his peers. On occasion, they reward you with a toy, a treat for not being capricious, for behaving well with your grandmother today ... And so every day.

Is it good or bad that Dima is often praised? How does this affect the upbringing of the child? When should a child be encouraged?


Encouragement is one of the methods of raising children. Encouragement is justified if it contributes to the moral growth of the child. However, if used often and thoughtlessly, it not only loses its value, but also develops negative traits in the child. quality: exclusivity, superiority, the desire to do well for show. There is nothing more immoral "approximate" behavior, good deeds for show, for a reward.

The concept of moral conflicts.


Lecture 6. Moral conflicts and ways to resolve them.

1. The concept of moral conflicts.

2. Types of conflicts (give examples of pedagogical situations and pedagogical tasks)

3. Features of pedagogical conflicts and ways to resolve them

Conflicts between adults and children, teachers and students are the reality of pedagogical practice. Conflict- this is the opposition of people, due to the contradictions that have arisen between them and accompanied by high tension and disharmony emotional states. Due to the fact that its consequences are the stressful conditions of the teacher, children, the conflict should be considered as a violation of the moral pedagogical norms of interaction.

V. A. Sukhomlinsky writes about conflicts at school: “The conflict between the teacher and the child, between the teacher and parents, the teacher and the team is a big trouble for the school. Most often, conflict arises when the teacher thinks unfairly about the child. Think fair about the child - and there will be no conflicts. The ability to avoid conflict is one of the components of pedagogical wisdom, the pedagogical skill of a teacher.

In general, a new section of pedagogical science is devoted to the study of pedagogical conflicts - pedagogical conflictology, the author of which is V. I. Zhuravlev . In the work "Fundamentals of Pedagogical Conflictology" the conflict is considered both in the general scientific and in the pedagogical aspect. In pedagogical terms conflict is understood as a stress factor.

The following groups of pedagogical conflicts: didactic conflicts; conflicts of ethics; transcendental ethical conflicts (pedagogical offenses); conflicts of discipline; conflicts in teaching methods; conflicts in interaction tactics; conflicts caused by tactlessness of teachers. They should be combined into the following kinds:

1. Activity conflicts, arising from the student's performance of educational tasks, academic performance, extracurricular activities.

2. Conflicts of behavior (actions), arising from a student's violation of the rules of conduct at school, more often in the classroom, and outside of school.

3. Relationship conflicts, arising in the sphere of emotional and personal relations of students and teachers, in the sphere of their communication in the process of pedagogical activity.

In its development, the conflict goes through certain stages:

Ø the emergence of a conflict situation;

Ø strengthening of mutual emotional tension between the parties-participants;

Ø occurrence of an occasion;

Ø the onset of the conflict itself;

Ø positive or negative conflict resolution.

Let's look at each type of conflict.

Activity Conflicts:

They arise in the classroom between a teacher and a student, a teacher and a group of students, and manifest themselves in the refusal of the student to complete the learning task. This can happen for various reasons: fatigue, difficulty in assimilation educational material, failure homework, and sometimes an unsuccessful remark by the teacher instead of specific help in case of difficulties in work.

Pedagogical situation:

“There is a math lesson in the 6th grade. Two boys are called to the board, they work on individual cards. Other children complete the task under the guidance of the teacher. One of the boys (Sasha) apparently finds it difficult in some way to complete the building: he often erases what he has written, looks back at the guys; the second student completes the task confidently. The guys completed the task, commented on it. The teacher checks the performance of the tasks by the boys at the blackboard. He approaches Sasha and declares: “Well, he is always like this, this Sasha! Look, he doesn't know anything!" Sasha flared up, shouted angrily: “Well, study for yourself!” - and ran out of the classroom.

The boy explained to the class teacher that he had nothing to do at the lesson. The teacher was outraged by such a reaction of the student: earlier, according to her, he was modest, quiet and did not resent such remarks.

Similar situations in the classroom about academic work can lead to complete disobedience to the teacher, acquire the character of a conflict.

Then the conflict of activity becomes a conflict of behavior and attitude, which is much more difficult to resolve, because it can take on a group character and the teacher will be left without the support of students.

Action conflicts:

The pedagogical situation can acquire the nature of a conflict if the teacher made mistakes in the analysis of the student's act, made an unreasonable conclusion, and did not find out the motives. It should be borne in mind that the same act can be caused by completely different motives.

The teacher has to correct the behavior of students through the assessment of their actions with insufficient information about the circumstances and the real reasons. The teacher is not always a witness to a child's life, he only guesses about the motives of an act, he does not know the relationship between children well, therefore errors in assessing behavior are quite possible, and this causes quite justified indignation of students.

Pedagogical situation:

“Three years ago I went on a one-day hike with 4th grade students. I checked everything as expected, but after walking 500 m, I decided to check it again: Olya M. had a heavy backpack (she took 4 kg of potatoes), it “cut” her shoulders. After consulting, the guys decided to give the potatoes to the boy who had the lightest backpack. But this boy, Vova T., immediately and sharply refused. The guys were unanimously indignant at his refusal, then Vova ran aimlessly, two boys ran after him, but did not catch up, and he returned home. We took his backpack and moved on. We rested, had fun… In the evening, two girls came to Vova, gave him a backpack and handed him a bouquet of wildflowers.

The boy was frightened by such an attitude, he expected another, for a long time he experienced what had happened.

On September 1, on the way to school, Vova caught up with me with a bouquet of flowers, apologized and said that he was wrong. We started talking and I found out why he refused to carry the potatoes. It turns out that when he was going on a hike, he kept thinking about how to lighten his load, he didn’t even take the necessary things - all of a sudden, potatoes! It seemed offensive to him, hence the reaction.

In front of the guys, I praised him, revealed the reason for the refusal and saw joy for a comrade in the eyes of the guys.

Based on the external perception of an act and a simplified interpretation of its motives, the teacher often evaluates not only the act, but also the personality of the student, which causes reasonable indignation and protest among the students, and sometimes the desire to behave the way the teacher likes to justify his expectations.

Teachers are often in a hurry to take action, to punish students, regardless of their position and self-assessment of the act, as a result, the situation loses its educational meaning, and sometimes turns into a conflict.

Relationship conflicts:

They often arise as a result of the teacher's inept resolution of situations and are, as a rule, of a long-term nature.

Relationship conflicts acquire personal meaning, give rise to long-term hostility or hatred of the student to the teacher, permanently destroy the interaction of the student with the teacher and create an urgent need for protection from injustice and misunderstanding of adults.

It is difficult for the teacher to judge the nature of the relationship with the students in the class: among them there are those who agree with the teacher, neutral, following the majority, and opposing, disagreeing with the teacher.

It is hard for teachers to experience a conflict of relationships when it happens not with one student, but with a group supported by students of the whole class. This happens if the teacher imposes on the children his nature of relationships, expecting love and respect from them in return.

Pedagogical situation:

“A young math teacher worked as a class teacher in the 6th grade. It seemed to her that there was complete mutual understanding with the guys, she spent a lot of time with them and some of the girls literally followed her, but there were more boys in the class. To the question: “How does she get used to the class?” - she always answered that she was all right, with the guys there was complete understanding. In December, the teacher came to school in high spirits, in the teachers' room she said that it was her birthday. In such an emotionally uplifted mood, she went to a lesson in her class, expecting that the guys would notice her mood and congratulate her. But the expectation was not justified, the guys were silent. The teacher started the lesson, but when she tried to write on the board, the chalk slipped - the board was rubbed with something. The teacher's mood suddenly changed, and she, angry, turned to the class: "Who did this?" In response, silence. “Ungrateful! I did everything for you, spared no time, but you ... ”The school administration, parents were invited to the class, and it began to find out who did it. But the guys were stubbornly silent. Then the teacher said that they would not go on a hike. The guys were stubbornly silent. After the holidays, the class became unmanageable and the teacher left the school.”

The conflict revealed the true attitude of the children towards the teacher: they understood her insincerity in relations with them and cruelly demonstrated disagreement with her.

The relationship between the teacher and students becomes diverse and meaningful, goes beyond the role, if the teacher is interested in students, their living conditions, activities outside of school. This makes it possible to realize the educational value of the situation or conflict.

Situation 1. Nadia, 7 years old. From the age of three she has been attending a choreographic circle, from the age of 5 she has been attending vocal and theater studios. Very often performs on stage, participates in various competitions. Before the next performance, during the game, he tries to lead his peers: “I know you better, I have already performed on stage many times, but you haven’t. So I will play the part of the fox." The girls try to disobey her and go to the counselor for help.

My actions: I conduct a conversation with the child, aimed at analysis negative aspects character behavior works of art(boasting, resentment of comrades, etc.), I explain that other girls, her friends, also want to play this role. I suggest playing in sequence.

Situation 2. Nikita, 7 years old. A shy boy, very reserved, slow. In the camp, he is not friends with anyone, often conflicts with children.

My actions: It turned out that the boy from early childhood showed interest in modeling, drawing, designing. He draws well, sculpts, creates unusual designs, fantasizes. To increase the self-esteem of the child, she began to offer to participate in competitions, hang out his work at exhibitions, so that his peers would appreciate his success. Gave this child a special task, and after its successful completion - a high mark, thereby increasing his authority in the group

Situation 3. Max is 8 years old. The boy was playing with toys in the camp, and then it turned out that one car was missing.

My actions: Previously, after talking with the boy's mother, so that she would talk with her son that it was not good to take other people's things and convinced him to return the toy.

Situation 4. Katya is 7 years old and Boris is 8 years old. Children constantly clashed about the place at the table.

My actions: She suggested that Boris, like a real gentleman, give way to a lady. Said real men always do that.

Situation 5. Oleg and Vika are 8 years old. Children played "Catch-up", during the run they constantly collide, run into each other. Vika, crying, approaches the teacher and says that Oleg hit her.

My actions: I stop the game, I calm the children. I explain that if a collision occurs, do not shift the blame on someone else. Both are to blame, because didn't look ahead. I explain the rules, discuss safety rules with the children.

Situation 6. Denis is 8 years old. The child has a very good memory, so he easily remembers information, texts, songs. When holding holidays, playing his role, he prompts the roles of other characters, which prevents other children from expressing themselves, disrupts the course of the holiday.

My actions: I give the child a special role - a prompter. “Your task is to make sure that the children do not forget their words during the performance. If the child has forgotten, only then do you prompt him, quietly, so that no one else hears.

Situation 7. After sports competitions, children from the losing team reacted sharply to the defeat and were indignant.

My actions: I explain to the children that losing is just one of the steps to victory, if you focus not on what you did wrong, but on what you had to do to win, or what allowed your opponents to win, I explain what should be done, to win.

Situation 8. Danila is 8 years old. The boy often shows demonstrative behavior, which interferes with the counselor.

My actions: In private, I tell my child how I feel when I encounter these behaviors. Then I try to find out what he wanted to achieve by such behavior. It turns out that the boy thinks that I do not pay attention to him. I suggest that next time, in such situations, just come up to me and talk about it. I also offer him the important position of assistant counselor.

Situation 9. Roma 8 years old. Refuses to wash hands before eating.

My actions: I'm having a conversation about the dangers of germs and the importance of personal hygiene. Then I suggest that the boy make sure that all children wash their hands before eating.

Situation 10. Ksyusha is 8 years old. The girl came up with a complaint that her friends Katya and Lisa did not play with her.

My actions: I ask the girls why they don't play with Ksyusha. It turns out that the girl wants to play by her own rules. I suggest that the girls first play by the rules of Katya and Lisa, and then by the rules of Ksyusha. I explain that in friendship it is important to listen to the opinions of others.


The passage of psychological and pedagogical practice is an important element educational process for specialist training.

At this time, the future teacher applies the knowledge, skills and abilities acquired in the learning process in practice.

The main tasks at this moment are:

familiarization with the specifics of the work of an educational institution;

obtaining practical work experience;

· Improving the quality of professional training.

The practice helped me learn how to independently solve a certain range of problems that arise in the course of the work of a teacher. I realized that in practice the bulk of the knowledge I received at the university would be in demand.


Teaching practice in the summer camp, of course, helped the formation of my professional competencies.

Psychological and pedagogical practice gives great satisfaction, primarily from the feeling of the real effectiveness of helping children.

The success of my work with children was positively influenced, first of all, by the ability to find simple human contact. And all that is needed for this is tact and the desire for mutual understanding.

Additional literature:

1. Teaching methodology foreign languages: Basic course of lectures: A manual for students ped. universities and teachers / E.N. Solovova. M. Education, 2002. 239 p.

2. Multimedia support of the educational process / ed. V.N. Punchik. Minsk: Krasiko-Print, 2009. 176 p.

3. Communicate with the child. How? / Gippenreiter Yu.B., M. Astrel VKT AST, 2008.

4. Theory and practice of team building. Modern technology command creation / Ed. T. D. Zinkevich-Evstigneeva. St. Petersburg: Rech, 2004. 304 p.

5. Learning at home: distance learning/ aut.-stat. V.N. Punchik, S.V. Vabishchevich, M.V. Korotkevich. Minsk: Krasiko-Print, 2010. 176 p.