» The relevance of this study lies in the fact that the study of the specifics of artificial intelligence as a literary hero has not yet been carried out. Introduction. One of the immutable rules of scientific research is to accept the object

The relevance of this study lies in the fact that the study of the specifics of artificial intelligence as a literary hero has not yet been carried out. Introduction. One of the immutable rules of scientific research is to accept the object

The form of existence and development of science is scientific research. In Art. 2 of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of August 23, 1996 "On Science and State Scientific and Technical Policy" the following definition is given: scientific (research) activity - is an activity aimed at obtaining and applying new knowledge.

In the general case, scientific research is usually understood as an activity aimed at a comprehensive study of an object, process or phenomenon, their structure and relationships, as well as obtaining and putting into practice useful results for a person. Any scientific research must have its own subject and object, which define the area of ​​research.

object scientific research is a material or ideal system, and as subject maybe the structure of this system, the patterns of interaction and development of its elements, etc.

Scientific research is goal-oriented, so each researcher must clearly formulate the goal of his research. The purpose of scientific research is the projected result of the research work. This can be a comprehensive study of a process or phenomenon, connections and relationships using the principles and methods of cognition developed in science, as well as obtaining and putting into practice useful results for a person.

Scientific research is classified on various grounds.

By funding source distinguish:

Scientific research budgetary,


And unfunded.

Budget research is financed from the budget of the Russian Federation or the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Contractual research is funded by customer organizations under economic contracts. Unfunded research can be carried out at the initiative of a scientist, an individual plan of a teacher.

In normative acts on science, scientific research is divided according to the intended purpose into:



The Federal Law of August 23, 1996 "On Science and State Scientific and Technical Policy" defines the concepts of fundamental and applied scientific research.

Basic scientific research Is it experimental or theoretical activity aimed at obtaining new knowledge about the basic laws of the structure, functioning and development of man, society, and the natural environment. For example, among the fundamental ones can be attributed research on the patterns of formation and functioning of rule of law or about global, regional and Russian economic trends.

Applied Research- these are studies aimed primarily at applying new knowledge to achieve practical goals and solve specific problems. In other words, they are aimed at solving the problems of using scientific knowledge obtained as a result of fundamental research in practical activities of people. For example, as applied, one can consider works on the methodology for evaluating investment projects, depending on their types, or work related to marketing research.

search engines called scientific research aimed at determining the prospects of working on a topic, finding ways to solve scientific problems.

Development called a study that is aimed at putting into practice the results of specific fundamental and applied research.

According to the timing of the implementation of scientific research can be divided into:


Short term

and express research.

Depending on the forms and methods of research, some authors distinguish between experimental, methodical, descriptive, experimental-analytical, historical-biographical research and research of a mixed type.

In the theory of knowledge, there are two levels of research : theoretical and empirical.

Theoretical level research is characterized by the predominance of logical methods of cognition. At this level, the facts obtained are investigated, processed with the help of logical concepts, inferences, laws and other forms of thinking.

Here, the objects under study are mentally analyzed, generalized, their essence, internal connections, laws of development are comprehended. At this level, cognition through the senses (empiric) may be present, but it is subordinate.

structural components theoretical knowledge are a problem, a hypothesis, and a theory.

Problem- this is a complex theoretical or practical problem, the methods of solving which are unknown or not fully known. Distinguish between undeveloped problems (pre-problems) and developed ones.

Undeveloped problems are characterized by the following features:

1) they arose on the basis of a certain theory, concept;

2) these are difficult, non-standard tasks;

3) their solution is aimed at eliminating the contradiction that has arisen in cognition;

4) ways to solve the problem are not known. Developed problems have more or less specific indications on how to solve them.

Hypothesis there is an assumption that requires verification and proof about the cause that causes a certain effect, about the structure of the objects under study and the nature of the internal and external connections of structural elements.

A scientific hypothesis must meet the following requirements:

1) relevance, i.e. relevance to the facts on which it relies;

2) testability empirically, comparability with observational or experimental data (with the exception of untestable hypotheses);

3) compatibility with existing scientific knowledge;

4) possessing explanatory power, i.e. a certain number of facts, consequences, confirming it, should be derived from the hypothesis.

The hypothesis from which the greatest number of facts is derived will have greater explanatory power;

5) simplicity, i.e. it should not contain any arbitrary assumptions, subjectivist accretions.

There are descriptive, explanatory and predictive hypotheses.

A descriptive hypothesis is an assumption about the essential properties of objects, the nature of the relationships between the individual elements of the object under study.

An explanatory hypothesis is an assumption about causal relationships.

A predictive hypothesis is an assumption about the trends and regularities in the development of the object of study.

Theory- this is logically organized knowledge, a conceptual system of knowledge that adequately and holistically reflects a certain area of ​​reality.

It has the following properties:

1. Theory is one of the forms of rational mental activity.

2. Theory is an integral system of reliable knowledge.

3. It not only describes the totality of facts, but also explains them, i.e. reveals the origin and development of phenomena and processes, their internal and external connections, causal and other dependencies, etc.

Theories are classified according to the subject of study. On this basis, social, mathematical, physical, chemical, psychological, economic and other theories are distinguished. There are other classifications of theories.

In the modern methodology of science, the following structural elements of the theory are distinguished:

1) initial foundations (concepts, laws, axioms, principles, etc.);

2) an idealized object, i.e. a theoretical model of some part of reality, essential properties and relationships of the studied phenomena and objects;

3) the logic of the theory - a set of certain rules and methods of proof;

4) philosophical attitudes and social values;

5) a set of laws and regulations derived as consequences from this theory.

The structure of the theory is formed by concepts, judgments, laws, scientific positions, teachings, ideas and other elements.

concept- this is a thought that reflects the essential and necessary features of a certain set of objects or phenomena.

Category- a general, fundamental concept that reflects the most essential properties and relationships of objects and phenomena. Categories are philosophical, general scientific and related to a particular branch of science. Examples of categories in legal sciences: law, offense, legal responsibility, state, political system, crime.

scientific term is a word or combination of words denoting a concept used in science.

The set of concepts (terms) that are used in a particular science forms its conceptual apparatus.

Judgment is a thought that affirms or denies something. Principle- this is the guiding idea, the basic starting point of the theory. Principles are theoretical and methodological. At the same time, one cannot ignore methodological principles dialectical materialism: to treat reality as an objective reality; to distinguish the essential features of the object under study from the secondary ones; consider objects and phenomena in continuous change, etc.

Axiom- this is a provision that is initial, unprovable and from which other provisions are derived according to established rules. For example, at the present time it is necessary to recognize as axiomatic the statements that there is no crime without an indication of it in the law, ignorance of the law does not exempt from responsibility for its violation, the accused is not obliged to prove his innocence.

Law- this is an objective, essential, internal, necessary and stable connection between phenomena, processes. Laws can be classified on various grounds. So, according to the main spheres of reality, one can single out the laws of nature, society, thinking and cognition; according to the scope of action - universal, general and private.

regularity- this is:

1) the totality of the action of many laws;

2) a system of essential, necessary general links, each of which constitutes a separate law. So, there are certain patterns of crime movement on a global scale:

1) its absolute and relative growth;

2) the lag of social control over it.

Position- a scientific statement, a formulated thought. An example of a scientific position is the statement that the rule of law consists of three elements: hypotheses, dispositions and sanctions.

Idea- this is:

1) a new intuitive explanation of an event or phenomenon;

2) the defining pivotal position in the theory.

Concept is a system of theoretical views united by a scientific idea (scientific ideas). Theoretical concepts determine the existence and content of many legal norms and institutions.

The empirical level of research is characterized by the predominance of sensory cognition (the study of the external world through the senses). At this level, forms of theoretical knowledge are present, but have a subordinate significance.

The interaction of the empirical and theoretical levels of research is that:

1) the totality of facts is practical basis theories or hypotheses;

2) facts can confirm the theory or refute it;

3) a scientific fact is always permeated with theory, since it cannot be formulated without a system of concepts, interpreted without theoretical concepts;

4) empirical research in modern science predetermined, guided by theory. The structure of the empirical level of research is made up of facts, empirical generalizations and laws (dependencies).

The concept of " fact" is used in several meanings:

1) an objective event, a result related to objective reality (fact of reality) or to the sphere of consciousness and cognition (fact of consciousness);

2) knowledge about any event, phenomenon, the reliability of which is proven (truth);

3) a sentence fixing the knowledge obtained in the course of observations and experiments.

Empirical generalization It is a system of certain scientific facts. For example, as a result of studying criminal cases of a certain category and generalizing investigative and judicial practice, it is possible to identify typical mistakes made by courts in qualifying crimes and imposing criminal penalties on the guilty.

empirical laws reflect regularity in phenomena, stability in relations between observed phenomena. These laws are not theoretical knowledge. Unlike theoretical laws, which reveal the essential connections of reality, empirical laws reflect a more superficial level of dependencies.


Topic of work and justification for choosing a topic

The research paper presented to the attention of the reader is devoted to ...
Have you ever wondered why...? I noticed ... / thought about this question when ...
I've always wondered why...
The desire to find out ... appeared in my childhood. I was interested in …
The theme of our work: "...". I chose this topic for research because…
In the future, I would like to connect my life with ... therefore, I am already interested in ... and have chosen ... as the topic of my research.
I became interested ... after one day ...
When I ... I was struck / I became interested ...


… has become an integral part of our lives today. We use...without thinking...
The relevance of the topic of our work is determined by the fact that at present ...
AT modern world… It has great importance, because …
AT last years We often hear and use the word...
Many are interested / addicted / think ...
Today the problem ... is one of the most urgent, because ...
The question ... in recent years has been in the focus of research attention ...
The topic is the subject of lively debate...
This is explained by the fact that ... affects our health / mood / success
The problem ... attracts close attention of scientists and the public due to the fact that ...
AT recent times appeared ... and people began to think more and more about ...
Probably every person at least once in his life thought about...
… has always raised a lot of questions in people …
To date, there are two opposing views on this problem ...
Today there are disputes / there is no consensus on this issue ...


To date, there are works devoted to ... in general. However, we decided to study this topic using the example of our class / school, and this is the novelty of our study.


The purpose of this work is to find out why...
The main goal of the work is to answer the question ... / prove that ...


To achieve this goal, we need to solve the following tasks:
To achieve this goal, we set ourselves the following tasks:
Work tasks:
The work tasks include:
Study the literature on the topic
Find out the meaning of terms...
Find examples ... in ... / collect material ... / study the composition ... / measure the level ...
Conduct a survey / experiment / observation
Compare/contrast/analyze the results
Draw conclusions about...


First chapter (theoretical)
Basic terms and concepts, background

The key concepts for our study are….
... is called ...
On the official website of ... we found the following definition of the term ... "..."
Ivanov V.V. in the book ... defines the concept of ... as ...
Petrov V.V. understands the term...
Sidorov S.S. considers ... as ...
Andreev A.A. in the book "..." gives the following definition...
… - this is …
The site ... offers the following definition of the concept ...
Ivanov’s article “…” in the journal “…” states that…
It is generally accepted that…
It is commonly known…
Let's look at the history first...
The history of the issue is covered in detail on the pages of modern encyclopedias, for example ..., as well as on the website ... For the first time ....
From the book ... we learned that ...
As Ivanov I.I. ... in the article ... "...", ...
According to Ivanov V.V. …
Perhaps this is related...
Besides, …
It is interesting that…
It is widely believed that…
At the same time, it must be emphasized that…

The second chapter is a description of the study

In order to find out ... we decided to conduct a survey ... among the students / parents of our class. The survey was conducted through a questionnaire / survey in social networks. The survey involved … students and … parents.
Respondents were asked the following questions: ...
The research was carried out on the material…
As a material for the study, we took ....
The examples come from...
The results of the survey are presented in table 1.
In figure 2 you can see...
Figure 3 shows…
In this case, we see ... / we are dealing with ...
At the same time, it should be noted…
Noteworthy is the fact that…
The diagram shows...


Conclusions by chapter

Based on the foregoing, we can state...
All of the above allows us to draw the following conclusions: ...
Thus, we see...
Consequently …
It's obvious that …
As you can see from the above...
It follows from the above that...
Summing up the above, the following should be noted ...
In summarizing chapter 2, it is necessary to emphasize ...
Summing up the interim results, we can say that ...
As a result of our research, we found that…
In conclusion, it should be noted…
The study allowed us to draw the following conclusions...
The main conclusion that I made: ...
In the course of the study, it was revealed / established that ...
So we made sure...
All of the above proves that...
Based on the foregoing, it is logical to assume that ...
All of the above convinces us that ...
The version of ... seems to us the most plausible, because ...
The examples found and analyzed by us allow us to identify the following pattern: ...

Prospects for further research

We see the prospects for further study of the problem in a more detailed / detailed study ...
In the future it would be interesting...
In our opinion, it would be interesting to study / explore / consider ...
In addition to … discussed in this paper, in our opinion, it would be interesting to study …
The work considers only one of the aspects of the problem. Research in this direction can be continued. It could be a study not only ... but also ...

Job assignment

The study can be useful and interesting for school students who are fond of ..., as well as for everyone who is interested in ...
The results of our study could help the guys in ...
The work may be of interest to…
The results of the study can be used by teachers in preparing lessons / competitions / quizzes on the topic ....
The work can be used for further research...
With my work, I wanted to draw the attention of classmates to the problem ...
Practical significance research lies in the fact that its results formed the basis of the rules I developed ... / memo on ... for ...

What did the work give the researcher himself

In the process of writing the work, I learned / learned / discovered / found out ...
The work helped me understand / realize / solve the problem / take a fresh look ...
In the process of working on the study, I gained experience ... I think that the knowledge I have gained will allow me to avoid mistakes / help me correctly ...
The results of the study made me think...
The biggest problem for me was...
The study has fundamentally changed my opinion / idea about ...

    school culture is a systemic phenomenon that is meaningfully an educational environment of an educational institution that ensures the personal development of school students, which manifests itself in the interaction and mutual influence of the material, social and spiritual components of the school, represented by external, internal, specific and integrative indicators;

    the process of forming the culture of the school is determined by a set of pedagogical conditions:

The presence of a leadership position of the school principal in a single educational team;

The presence of the formation of the value-oriented unity of the teaching staff, based on the existence of the value core of the organizational culture and manifested in the implementation of the pedagogical idea and pedagogical faith as the basis for the formation of an integrative indicator of the culture of the school - the spirit of the school;

The implementation of pedagogical activity as value-oriented, aimed at the formation of value orientations of pupils of the school.

The theoretical and methodological basis of the study is:

    Culturological and culture-creative approaches of philosophy liberal education(B.S. Gershunsky, A.P. Valitskaya, N.B. Krylova and others).

    A systematic approach to understanding culture as a scientific category expressing a special area of ​​reality inherent in human society and having its own laws of functioning and development (P.S. Gurevich, B.S. Erasov, M.S. Kagan, L. White, etc.) .

    A look at culture as a world of embodied values ​​and the qualitative originality of specific manifestations of human life in the process of forming a cultural environment (V.I. Kornev, N.Z. Chavchavadze, O.A. Shkileva, etc.).

    Philosophical approach in the understanding of culture by Russian thinkers (N.A. Berdyaev, I.A. Ilyin, P. Florensky and others).

    Provisions of cultural-historical pedagogy (M.V. Levit, M.M. Potashnik, E.A. Yamburg, etc.).

    Ideas of humanistic pedagogy and psychology (A. Maslow, K. Rogers); provisions on the humanistic principles of organizing life with the aim of personal development of pupils.

Research methods:


    analysis of philosophical, culturological, sociological, psychological and pedagogical literature, as well as literature on management theory within the framework of the research topic aimed at studying the phenomenon of culture in general, organizational culture and school culture;

    application of a systematic research method for modeling the idea of ​​the culture of the school as a phenomenon of pedagogical practice and the development of diagnostic tools to determine the state of the culture of the school as an educational environment educational institution;

    the use of the comparative method in order to study the historical experience of educational institutions in Russia in the 19th century.


    a stating experiment aimed at identifying pedagogical conditions and patterns of school culture formation;

    analysis of the activities of the subjects of the educational process in the formation of school culture;

    testing and questioning of managers, teachers, students and parents of schools in Vladimir and the Vladimir region;

    a retrospective analysis of the applicant's work experience in the formation of a school culture as a deputy school principal for educational work and educational psychologist.

Research Base

The research materials were: historical and pedagogical literature, archival sources reflecting the historical experience of domestic educational institutions with an established culture: the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum, the Moscow Lyceum in memory of Tsarevich Nicholas (Katkovsky Lyceum), the men's provincial gymnasium of Vladimir, the Murom real school, as well as the results of direct experience acquired in the conditions of a pedagogical experiment from 1995 to 2003 on the basis of schools in Vladimir (secondary school No. 16, No. 37, boarding school No. 1) and the Vladimir region (secondary school No. 9 in Kovrov, secondary school No. 16 in Murom).

Research stages

This study was carried out during 1995 - 2004. in several stages.

Stage I (1995 - 1997) - analysis of philosophical, cultural, sociological, psychological and pedagogical scientific literature in order to form conceptual approaches in the organization of experimental work.

At the II stage (1997 - 2002), a stating experiment was carried out, during which the collection and accumulation of materials was carried out, confirming the effectiveness of the process of forming the culture of the school through organizational, pedagogical and diagnostic and analytical activities, archival materials were studied, and the historical experience of educational institutions of the 19th century was analyzed.

Stage III (2002–2004) included a theoretical understanding of the research data, their pedagogical analysis and generalization of the results.

Scientific novelty of the research lies in the fact that from the standpoint of a systemic and environmental approach, it presents the managerial and pedagogical interpretation of the concept of "school culture" in relation to the school as an educational institution. An iconic model of school culture has been developed as a theoretical basis for analyzing the state of development of the educational environment of an educational institution. Indicators of school culture formation as a qualitative characteristic of its development have been developed.

Theoretical significance of the study lies in the fact that it expanded the theoretical understanding of the culture of the school as the educational environment of an educational institution. Pedagogical conditions that influence the process of formation of school culture in the context of the development of an educational institution are determined. The idea of ​​the possibilities of diagnosing the state of school culture has been expanded, which makes it possible to determine the level of development of school culture and the degree of its harmony.

Practical significance of the study lies in the possibility of using its results in the system of advanced training in the training of leaders and teachers of educational institutions to master the basics of school culture as a phenomenon pedagogical theory and practices.

The value of the iconic model of school culture and diagnostic tools for heads of educational institutions lies in the possibility of increasing the efficiency of purposeful management of the process of developing school culture, which provides conditions for the personal development of pupils.

Provisions for defense:

    The culture of a school is a pedagogically expediently organized educational environment of an educational institution, based on the unity of value, traditional and symbolic components in material, social and spiritual presentations, in its totality representing a system aimed at ensuring the personal development of students, an integrative indicator of which is the spirit of the school. .

    The iconic model of school culture as a result of a systematic and environmental approach to the study of this phenomenon and the description of its state in the process of analyzing the development of the school as an educational institution includes a set of structural, functional and backbone components in interconnection and mutual influence, indicators of formation and pedagogical conditions formation and development of school culture.

    Pedagogical conditions for the formation of the culture of the school, including the presence of the specifics of the position of the headmaster, expressed in the generation and active implementation of cultural needs in the school environment; the presence of a basic system of values ​​shared by the majority of members of the teaching staff; the formation of the value-oriented unity of the teaching staff, manifested in the implementation pedagogical ideas and faith among teachers and educators; implementation of pedagogical activity from the standpoint of understanding it as value-oriented, aimed at personal development school students; understanding the role of traditions in creating the educational environment of an educational institution; the formation of the spirit of an educational institution as an indicator of the qualitative state of its culture, are the determinants of the emergence in teaching practice of this phenomenon and act as internal factors of its development.

Reliability and validity of the research results provided with initial theoretical and methodological positions; a systematic approach to the study of the stated problem; implementation of a complex of theoretical and practical methods corresponding to the goals and objectives.

Testing and implementation of research results. The course and results of the study were reported at annual scientific and practical conferences from 2000 to 2003. in Vladimir, at the All-Russian scientific and practical conference "Education as a scientific category and phenomenon of social practice" in 2001 (Vladimir), at the International Conference in memory of I.Ya. Lerner in 2002, 2004 (Vladimir), at the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Formation of the aesthetic experience of students in the educational environment of the school and university" in 2003 (Moscow).

The interim results of the study were discussed at meetings of the Academic Council of the Vladimir Regional Institute for the Improvement of Teachers, the Departments of Pedagogy and Psychology, Theory and Methods of Education, the Laboratory of Educational Systems of the Vladimir Regional Institute for the Improvement of Teachers, the Department of Social Pedagogy and Psychology of the Vladimir State Pedagogical University.

Dissertation structure. The dissertation consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion, applications illustrating and detailing the process of experimental work, a list of references.

The theoretical and practical significance of the study lies in the fact that the provisions and conclusions contained in the study make it possible to deepen scientific knowledge about the subjective positions of the state in civil law relations and can be used as source material for further study of legal problems in this area, as well as in the process improvement of the legislative base of the Russian Federation.

The dissertation materials can be used in the preparation of textbooks and in the process of teaching educational and special courses in civil law.

Approbation of the research results

The materials were also used in the author's teaching activities at the Russian State Institute for the Humanities.

Thesis structure

The structure of the dissertation is determined by the purpose and the tasks arising from it. The work consists of an introduction, two chapters, including six paragraphs, a conclusion and a list of references.

In general, state-legal regulation is a common legal mechanism (system) implemented on the basis of expressing the characteristic features of the implementation of the rights and obligations of a participant in civil law relations: the state, on the scale of territorial influence, implements the procedure for introducing legal technologies for organizing socio-economic processes using accessible methods.

Integration (from lat. integrum - whole) - in the general case means association, interpenetration.

Cm. public interest Yu.A. Tikhomirov Public Law, Textbook. - M .: BEK Publishing House, 1995, p. 55.

They are now widely known in scientific circles: the principle of social (social) construction; principles of device and organization state system; the principle of expressing the interests of citizens through their political participation in the state system; the principle of decision-making by "majority votes" of those present, etc.

In a functional sense, legal regulation is a purposeful process of the effective impact of legal norms on social relations regulated by these norms. Depending on the function of law being implemented, the process of legal regulation can be both regulatory (aimed at maintaining the established legal order and making positive changes to it), and protective (aimed at preventing, detecting, suppressing and investigating offenses; determining and implementing measures of legal responsibility in against offenders) character.// See details. Borchenko V.A. "Object of private law regulation" dissertation abstract for the degree of candidate of legal sciences, St. Petersburg, 2006.

The practical significance of the study is clearly reflected in the expression of the participation of the state in civil law relations as a carrier of interest. A number of researchers in their writings made a clear emphasis on the importance of the state interest both in public relations and in civil law relations in particular. See, for example, V. P. Gribanov, Interest in Civil Law // Soviet State and Law, 1967, etc. However, dividing relations in absolute terms according to the Roman tradition of civil law into public (public) and private (edu), it is worth noting that that the subjective role of the state in the general case will not change, but will only remain subject to change in accordance with the implementation of the principles of the globalization integration nature (the process of relations). In this case, the implementation of the civil law structure of society, a sovereign legal state will be determined by the development of the system of budgetary regulation of the system of civil law relations, based (system) on administrative and constitutional, and in some cases international law. The fulfillment of the obligations of the state through dominance-centralization (normative) puts the interests of the state (public) nature at risk, revealing the temptation of a foreign element to actively interfere in the internal affairs of the state and society.

See the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, Ch. 19.

"Supercorporation", which has its influence not only on the processes by representing the interests of the participants, but also exercising its powers in accordance with the "constitutional interests" of society.

See the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, part 4.

According to the principles specified in chapter 1 paragraph 3 of this work.

Such cycles are well known to system administrators or moderators of any interactive network, whose work is: based on subjective judgments, determine the category of network user information, in some cases reduce operations to automatic (algorithmic) presentation of results (data), their analysis. Industries National economy, which are a set of production cycles based on intangible benefits during operation and use, which should include recognized authors of works, researchers in the fields of scientific creation communication environments of interaction of subjects of civil law relations.

«METHODS OF CRITICAL REFLECTION OF ASOCIAL PHENOMENA IN THE MEDIA Lozhkina A.I. The novelty of the study lies in the fact that the author for the first time identifies the main methods of reflection and criticism of asocial ... "

© Modern Research social problems(electronic scientific journal),

Modern Research of Social Problems, №4(24), 2013


DOI: 10.12731/2218-7405-2013-4-22




Lozhkina A.I.

The novelty of the study lies in the fact that the author for the first time reveals

main methods of reflection and criticism of asocial phenomena in journalism.

The definition of the introduced concept "methods of critical reflection" is given.

The possibilities of their application are described. The subject of the research is the methods of representation of reality in the content of periodicals. The theoretical significance of the study lies in the expansion of ideas about the methods, nature and way of displaying the existing objective, social reality in the media. Approbation of the data was carried out on the example of the materials of the Russian socio-political and business newspaper Izvestia for three historical periods. An attempt was made to compare the proposed methods, reflecting asocial phenomena that occurred in society in different periods of the country's history. The results of this study can clarify the boundaries of asocial journalism and positions in the coverage of asocial phenomena.

Keywords: methods; critical reflection; public opinion; manipulation of consciousness; antisocial events.

© Modern Research of Social Problems (electronic scientific journal), Modern Research of Social Problems, No. 4(24), 2013 www.sisp.nkras.ru



Lozhkina A.I.

The novelty of the study is that the author first identifies the main methods of reflection and criticism of asocial phenomena in journalism. The introduced concept of “the methods of critical reflection” is identified." The features of method's application are described. The subject of study is the method of representation of reality in the content of periodicals. The theoretical value of the study is to increase understanding of the methods, the nature and method of displaying the existing objective social reality in the media. proposed methods, reflecting asocial phenomena that have occurred in society in different periods of history.

Keywords: methods; critical reflection; public opinion; manipulation of social consciousness; social phenomena.

Introduction The media play an important role in the life of society, reflecting the features of social processes, problems and phenomena occurring in it. At the same time, the press introduces assessments of the current situation into the mass consciousness, which form public opinion. In recent years, the problem of limiting certain methods in the activities of the mass media, methods that allow journalists to get too carried away by some topics to the detriment of others, has become more and more acute. In its arsenal, journalism has a variety of methods of reflecting social reality. We will consider methods of reflecting asocial phenomena in the media.

Methods of critical reflection are techniques used (consciously or unconsciously) by the authors of publications in the selection, generalization and interpretation of the facts of the described reality, depending on the goals they face. These are techniques by which the assessment of asocial phenomena is expressed in the text by means of artistic expression.

Materials and Methods Among scientists there is no unity in what methods of the empirical level should be considered methods of critical reflection of asocial phenomena, therefore they are formulated and concretized by the author of the work independently. The grounds for the formulation of some methods, their description and typology were taken from such researchers as V.P. Kokhanovsky, E.E.

Pronina, L.S. Salemgareeva, M. Grigoriev and A.A. Tertychny.

For a more detailed and visual consideration of the methods of critical reflection of asocial phenomena by the media, we analyzed the Russian newspaper Izvestia using the content analysis method. Comparing printed materials published during the three periods of the publication's existence: from January to December 1975, from January to December 1991 and 2009.

In our study, we considered those asocial phenomena that were described by us earlier in the master's thesis “The public sphere of the asocial:

methods of critical reflection in the media (on the example of the newspaper Izvestia)”.

–  –  –

Aggression. The method of emotional impact on the audience through the concentration of facts of violence (shooting scenes, murders, blood, etc.), reaching informational sadism. The method is based on the principle of Freudianism, which explains the subconscious Thanatos complex (death instinct), according to which the spectacle of death can most attract the attention and interest of the audience. September 18, 2002 during the "Round table" on the topic "The specifics of Russian media coverage of crisis situations. Propaganda of violence", the participants of the discussion stated that "the Russian media have turned reality into a horror series" .

Goebbels. A method based on the repeated repetition of a lie to introduce it into the mass consciousness as an indisputable truth. The overwhelming majority of advertising campaigns of many tabloid newspapers use the same method of suggestion.

Hedonic. A method based on pleasure the highest goal life (hedonism - from the Latin "pleasure", "pleasure") and a conscious denial of responsibility, duty, prohibitions, ideals. The function of the hedonic text is pleasure, entertainment, desacralization of values ​​and mockery. The hedonistic text launches drive-thinking, which subsequently leads the spiritual sphere of the individual and society as a whole to a state of primordial chaos.

The method of enhancing expressiveness through Hyperbolic.

overt and deliberate exaggeration. The use of hyperbole is often combined with such stylistic devices, as metaphors, comparisons, etc.

Deductions. It is based on the principle of the process of cognition from the general to the individual. A characteristic feature of the deductive method of reflecting reality in a journalistic text is that the author goes from true premises not to a probabilistic, but to a true, reliable conclusion.

© Modern Research of Social Problems (electronic scientific journal), Modern Research of Social Problems, No. 4(24), 2013 www.sisp.nkras.ru, new truths can be obtained from existing knowledge using pure reasoning, without resorting to experience , intuition, common sense, etc.

Ignoring. A method based on strict control of information. The journalist ignores important or significant events and facts, he simply avoids situations that can cause a reaction from the audience.

Induction. It is based on the principle of the process of cognition from the particular (experience, facts) to the general (to generalization in conclusions). Since experience is inherently incomplete and therefore infinite, conclusions based on inference and intuition always have a probabilistic (problematic) character. Inductive generalizations are usually considered as empirical laws (experimental truths). The transfer of a particular fact into the sphere of the general. For example, talking about the murder of a student who expressed anti-fascist views, the author of the publication blames neo-Nazis (Russian fascists) for everything.

By asserting this, he thereby, voluntarily or involuntarily, testifies to the existence in the country of an organized movement called "Russian fascism."

Collage. This method is based on the application of the technique used in fine arts, in which objects and materials are glued onto the substrate that differ from the base in color and texture (collage from French Collage - gluing). By including heterogeneous materials in the publication, the author achieves the effect of surprise, as well as the emotional richness and sharpness of the work.

Critical. This method is based on the identification and condemnation of negative facts and phenomena of the life of society and is a kind of journalistic genre. The number of critical articles has increased dramatically since the beginning of democratization. Many publications, analyzing the events of the past, contain harsh, often swearing intonations.

Understatement, litotes (from other Greek - simplicity, smallness, moderation).

The method of deliberately underestimating the value, magnitude or strength of the depicted event or phenomenon. The author of the publication compares two heterogeneous phenomena on the basis of some common feature, but this feature is presented in the phenomenon-means of comparison to a much lesser extent than in the phenomenon-object of comparison.

- a benevolent and correct display of the Loyalty of ongoing events, compliance (sometimes only external, formal) with existing laws, regulations of authorities. Loyalty principles:

not to question the decisions of the country's leadership, the ruling party;

do not ridicule, do not speak derogatoryly about the policy and actions of the first persons of the country and government officials.

do not spread rumors and gossip about the government and leadership;

do not discuss in publications the internal structure of the government, their methods of work, etc.

The disguise method is used in journalistic materials in order to mislead supporters of the opposite opinion about the real intentions of the author of the publication. Disguise, despite its apparent simplicity, is important tool journalist. The fact of using this method in the text is far from always possible, because its essence is to conceal true motives.

Hoaxes. A method in which the author of the publication passes off as a real event that actually did not happen, a false event. The work of the tabloid press is built on the use of this method. For example, “evidence” of satanic orgies and cruel rituals with bloody sacrifices has long been set on edge and cause nothing but disgust or anger towards the authors of such publications.

Mythology. The method of using various kinds of speculation and rumors in publications, focusing primarily on the irrational side of the human psyche: when they are looking not for information, but for hope; not facts, but estimates; not logic, but the outcome of feelings; not justification, but a panacea for their troubles; not objectivity, but support, etc. characteristic feature mythological text is poeticization. Mythological texts of mass communication play an important role in maintaining the system of spiritual values ​​by reproducing and updating collective symbols.

Neutrality. This is a method of reflecting the conflict, which does not give any advantages to either side of the conflict. This method is followed mainly by Western journalism. According to Erik Fichtelius, one of Sweden's most famous and experienced reporters, "a journalist is not a judge empowered to decide who is right and who is wrong, and not a prophet who predicts the future for mere mortals."

Profanation. The method of deliberate distortion of facts, vulgarization of any ideas, "desecration of the sacred". It is believed that profanation is a natural process associated with the peculiarities of the human psyche.

The most striking example of profanation of the 20th century was the one proposed by V.I.

Lenin's idea of ​​creating a socialist state, which in the course of history has been repeatedly interpreted by the ruling structures, depending on political trends.

Method of truthful, objective reflection Realistic.

social reality and the personality of a person in its indissoluble unity with social relations, which has an extraordinary variety of ways to approach reality, ways of generalization, stylistic forms and techniques.

© Modern Research of Social Problems (electronic scientific journal), Modern Research of Social Problems, No. 4(24), 2013 www.sisp.nkras.ru A method of restoring the picture of the Reconstruction.

events, actions, phenomena. This method is used in the preparation of materials for both informational and analytical and publicistic genres. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that reconstruction involves rebuilding, new organization, restoration of displayed events, depending on the goals of the authors of the publication. Journalistic reconstruction can be operational, used to restore a picture of current events, and historical, used to depict and analyze events that have become facts of history.

Satirical. A method of exposing asocial phenomena through various comic means: parody, irony, sarcasm, grotesque, allegory, hyperbole, etc. In satirical publications, life phenomena that the author considers vicious are ridiculed: individual or social extravagances and abuses. Modern journalism uses such methods of accusation as invective, parody, etc. office from voluntary alienation of property". Humor is widely used in satirical publications to dilute direct criticism and make it more attractive.

Izvestinsky R. Arifjanov and S. Mostovshchikov transformed the feuilleton genre into a kind of symbiosis of journalistic investigation, reporting, satirical story and parody. However, these works do not lose their feuilleton orientation, since they do not lose the genre features of a classic feuilleton - they are based on a strict factual basis, with the author's overtones, they contain an associative theme, images, pictures, use a satirical sharpening of the topic and lyrical and humorous intonation, there are specific conclusions.

© Modern Research of Social Problems (electronic scientific journal), Modern Research of Social Problems, No. 4(24), 2013 www.sisp.nkras.ru Beliefs. The method involves the use of suggestion. The author of the publication convinces the audience of his own competence, gaining confidence in it, becoming a kind of alter ego of the audience. To this end, the reader or viewer is introduced into the so-called suggestive state (reactive behavior - the behavior of a puzzled crowd), in which the reader, listener, viewer takes on faith everything that is presented to him, without requiring proof. All religions are built on the basis of suggestion: "You don't have to think, you have to believe." In a persuasive text, warnings sound from above, like the opinion of a mentor.

Intimidation. The method of "horror stories", in which the audience is faced with a choice of the lesser of two evils. A picturesque story about the horrors of a greater evil makes one perceive the lesser almost as good. For example, the appeal of some media to the history of the Third Reich (although, of course, that story has nothing to do with the current situation in Russia and in the world).

The fragmentation method consists in dividing the flow of information into separate fragments that are not related to each other, as a result of which consumers of information become unable to form a correct and complete picture of the world, or at least highlight the main idea, focus on one thing.

Discussion of the results The presented methods are used by journalists based on their own beliefs and mood, the topic of the publication, the situation, the available facts, the chosen genre.

As a result of the study, the following conclusions can be drawn:

Firstly, through communication using specific methods of critical reflection of reality by the media, public opinion is created and public consciousness is formed, that is, mass consciousness is manipulated both inside © Modern Research of Social Problems (electronic scientific journal), Modern Research of Social Problems, No. 4(24), 2013 www.sisp.nkras.ru of the state and beyond. It all depends on who actually defines the information content.

Secondly, there are a number of specific methods of reflecting asocial phenomena through the media, the most commonly used among which are persuasion, influence, intimidation, suppression of facts, fragmentation, mystification, critical, collage method, induction and deduction. Within one publication, several methods can be used.

Thirdly, the individual has a certain space for the independent formation of his opinion regarding the reality around him - his own culture.

Conclusion In the modern mass media, the amount of anti-social materials has increased dramatically, while the methods used to cover anti-social phenomena do not contribute to their objective and adequate assessment in society. A major role in the nature and ways of displaying the existing objective reality is played by the specifics of the publication, the composition of the team of authors and its leadership.

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