» Questions for a quiz on the history of the Orenburg Cossacks. History test "Cossack uniform". M. A. Sholokhov. "Don Stories", "Quiet Don", "Virgin Soil Upturned"

Questions for a quiz on the history of the Orenburg Cossacks. History test "Cossack uniform". M. A. Sholokhov. "Don Stories", "Quiet Don", "Virgin Soil Upturned"

Insert the missing word into the following phrase spoken by the Cossacks. “Where our ... look will throw, there we will throw our heads!”

1, father
2, dad
3, chieftain
4, king

To which government body were the cases of the Don Cossacks transferred in 1716?
1, ministry
2, senate
3, order
4, collegium

In what area did the birth of the Don Cossacks officially take place?
1, Sea of ​​Azov, Don
2, Volga region
3, Ural
4, Siberia

What role was not within the competence of the military circle in the 14th-17th centuries?
1, Executive
2, Legislative
3, Trial

What power was in the hands of the chieftain?
1, all listed branches of government
2, judicial
3, legislative
4, executive

When did the uprising of I. Bolotnikov take place?
1. 1608-1609
2. 1606-1607
3. 1607-1608

What kind of people was characterized by the Byzantine author of the 10th century. Leo the Deacon: "Numerous pastoral people, omnivorous, nomadic and living mostly in wagons."
1, Cumans
2, Pechenegs
3, Khazar
4, Slavs

How often did the Circle of the entire Don Army meet in the 16th century?
1, every 3 years
2, every month
3, every 2 years
4, once every 1 year

Kazakov considered the descendants of the ancient Orthodox Khazars:
1, G.Z. Bayer
2, V.B. Golobutskiy
3, V.A. Golobutskiy
4, L.N. Gumilyov

What unwritten law was considered the core of the history of the Cossacks at an early stage?
1, “No extradition from the Don”
2, “Don will forgive everyone”
3, “Whoever comes to us with a sword will die by it”
4, “No place for strangers on the Don”

Which town in the 17th century was a major trading center on the Don?
1. Taganrog
2. Discord
3. Azov
4. Cherkassk

Which of the Russian tsars was personally involved in solving the "Cossack question"?
1. Alexander I
2. Catherine II
3. Peter I
4. Paul I

Which body in Russian Empire subordinated to the Don Army in 1721?
1. senate
2. ministry
3. colleges
4. order

What ambassador did Boris Godunov send to the Don with information about the death of the real Tsarevich Dmitry and an offer to serve the tsar?
1. P. Khrushchev
2. K. Polyakova
3. S. Denisova
4. D. Efremova

What German-speaking people were the Alans forced out in the 3rd century BC? from the right bank of the Don?
1. Sarmatians
2. Scythians
3. Goths
4. Huns

What administrative-territorial units was the land of the Don Cossacks divided into in 1802?
1, per county
2, per counties
3, in the province
4, per districts

Relations between Moscow and the Don in the 17th century were relations:
1, "master - slave"
2, two independent states
3, "suzerainty - vassalage"

The unification of the entire Don Cossacks into a single military structure since the 90s of the 16th century was called:
1, Donskoy battalion
2, Vataga
3, Polk
4, Don Army

A detachment of participants in the uprising led by K. Bulavin from among the Old Believers went to the Kuban and settled in Turkey. Led by:
1, Sergey Bespalov
2, Nikita Naked
3, Yakov Nosov
4, Ignatius Nekrasov

About the presence of which tribes on the Don in the 8th - 7th centuries. BC. testify to the bronze bits, axes, molds for casting arrowheads found during excavations?
1, Etruscans
2, Scythians
3, barbarians
4, Cimmerians

Under which Russian tsar did the Don Army lose its autonomous status?
1, Anna Ioannovna
2, Ivan IV the Terrible
3, Peter I
4, B. Godunov

The first mention of the Cossacks on the Don dates back to the period:
1, 11-15 centuries
2, 10-15 centuries
3, 15-16 centuries
4, 11-14 centuries

The campaign of the Cossacks with S. Razin to the Volga was called:
1, "behind the dresses"
2, "behind the caftans"
3, "behind the hats"
4, "for zipuns"

After what uprising the privileges of the Cossacks were significantly limited:
1, E. Pugacheva
2, S. Razina
3, I. Bolotnikova
4, K. Bulavina

After what uprising did the Don Army finally lose its political independence?
1, E. Pugacheva
2, K. Bulavina
3, S. Razina
4, I. Bolotnikova

With what states did the Cossacks fight together with the Moscow State in the 16th century?
1, Crimean Khanate
2, Kazan Khanate
3 all of the above
4, Livonian Order

His reforms in 1775 G.A. Potemkin presented:
1, Anna Ioannovna
2, Catherine the Great
3, Elizabeth Petrovna

1, Sea of ​​Azov
2, Podonia
3, Dnieper
4, All of the above

Turkish fortress, the capture of which glorified the Don Cossacks:
1, Azov
2, Cherkessk
3, Taganrog

What is a "military circle"?
1, control body
2nd place
3, assembly
4, community

What was included in the royal salary sent by the Cossacks until the 17th century?
1, bread, wine
2, all of the above
3, weapons, gunpowder
4, money

Through what government body (service) did the Moscow principality communicate with the Cossacks?
1, all of the above
2, king-ataman
3, embassy order
4, ministry

What type of troops in the troops of the Russian Empire were the Cossack detachments of the Don Army transformed into?
1, irregular
2, protective
3, regular
4, border

In what year did the hordes of Timur (Tamerlane) appear in the Don steppes?
1, 1246
2, 1475
3, 1395
4, 1380

In what year were the affairs of the Don Cossacks transferred from the jurisdiction of the Posolsky Prikaz to the disposal of the Senate?
1. 1723
2. 1721
3. 1708
4. 1716

In what year did the decisive battle between the Mongols and the combined Russian-Polovtsian army take place?
1. 1239
2. 1237
3. 1223
4. 1238

In what years did the Mongols-Tatars completely subdue the Circassians and Polovtsians?
1. 1237 - 1238
2. 1238 - 1239
3. 1240
4. 1223

In what century did mounds appear on the Don?
1, bronze
2, new stone
3, medium stone
4, copper stone

The Don Military Revolutionary Committee (VRK) proclaimed the creation of the Don Soviet Republic with its capital in Rostov in ... year:
1. February 1918
2. March 1918
3. April 1918
4. May 1918

The famous Azov "sitting" of the Cossacks ended:
1. The death of all Cossacks in Azov
2. Retreat from Azov
3. The death of all Turks near Azov
4. The capture of Azov by the Turks

July 16, 1992 was adopted:
1. Law of the Russian Federation "On the rehabilitation of repressed peoples"
2. Decree on the State Register of Cossack societies
3. Federal Law "On the Russian Cossacks"
4. Decree of the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation "On the rehabilitation of the Cossacks"

The commander of the Cossack Corps, General Timofey Shapkin, while fighting in Stalingrad, was on the side:
1. Soviet Army
2. Guarded Paulus
3.German Army
4. Surrounded the army of Paulus

What privileges were reserved for the Cossacks at the turn of the 18th-19th centuries?
1. observance of peculiar ethnic and household traditions
2. all of the above
3. local self-government in villages
4. personal freedom
5. exemption from state taxes

What state duties did the Cossacks perform?
1. underwater
2. postal
3. fair
4. all of the above

What cities were the centers of concentration of the proletariat on the Don?
1. Novocherkassk and Taganrog
2. Rostov and Novocherkassk
3. Rostov and Taganrog
4. Rostov and Cherkassk

What social groups were represented among the Cossacks?
1. nobles
2. peasants
3. all of the above
4. serfs

What Cossack rank was added to late XIX in.?
1. order
2. sergeant major
3. podesaul
4. ensign

The concept that the ancestors of the Cossacks were roamers was defended by:
1. G.Z. Bayer
2. L.N. Tolstoy
3. V.A. Golobutskiy
4. V.B. Bronevsky

The Cossack movement turned out to be split into two groups: “registered” and “social activists” with ...
1. 1900
2. 1995
3. 1996
4. 1994

Who owns the words: "I could not endure the oppression of the people, in all of Russia the poor mob suffers great insults and ruin":
1. A. Radishchev
2. S. Razin
3. E. Pugachev
4. K. Bulavin

Which of the Don people was a titled nobleman?
1. F.P. Denisov
2. A.I. Ilovaisky
3. Yermak
4. M.I. Platov

Who owned private land?
1. officers
2. every man
3. stanitsa society
4. officials

Who could be accepted as Cossacks in the circle in the 15th-16th centuries?
1. only Russians
2. people of any nationality
3. Russians and Tatars
4. Russians, Tatars and Turks

What was the name of the policy of repressive measures taken by the Soviets against the Cossacks?
1. NEP
2. dispossession
3. collectivization
4. decossackization

What was the name of the Cossack Circle convened in May 1918?
1. "Circle of Don's Rescue"
2. "Circle of the Cossacks of the Don"
3. "Circle of the Don Army"
4. "Circle of the revival of the Don"

Which emperor appointed the heir to the throne, the Tsarevich, as the military ataman of all the Cossack troops of the Russian Empire?
1. Peter 1
2. Nicholas 1
3. Alexander 1
4. Pavel 1

What percentage of the poor was in the Cossack environment by 1917?
1. 18%
2. 31%
3. 25%
4. 15%

What percentage of wealthy Cossacks was by 1917 on the Don?
1. 30%
2. 24%
3. 35%
4. 75%

When was the general Cossack congress held in Petrograd?
1. March 30 - April 8, 1917
2. March 23 - 29, 1917
3. 1 - 10 February 1918
4. May 2 - 5, 1917

To what century is the emergence of the Cossacks officially attributed?
1. XVI century.
2. 18th century
3. XV century.
4. 17th century

What expeditions (management departments) were military office work divided into according to the decree of 1804?
1. economic and social
2. social and military
3. civil and social
4. military and economic

Were the Don Cossacks in the police service of the Tsarist government?
1. yes, if needed
2. were the best cops
3. were constantly
4. no, they categorically avoided her

What was the land of the Don Cossacks divided into in 1802?
1. to counties
2. in the province
3. to districts
4. per county

Some softening of the state policy towards the Cossacks was outlined in ... years:
1. 30 - 40s. 20th century
2. 80s - 90s 20th century
3. 40 - 50s. 20th century
4. 50 - 60s. 20th century

The main slogan of the life of the Don Cossacks was the rule ...
1. "Don will forgive everyone"
2. “There is no extradition from the Don”
3. "Don will forgive everyone"
4. “Whoever comes to us with a sword will die from him” “Whoever comes to us with a sword will die from him”

The area of ​​​​residence at the very beginning of the history of the Don Cossacks was called:
1. "Free Land"
2. "Wild Land"
3. "Wild Field"
4. "Wild Steppe"

The Cossack received hereditary nobility in the following cases:
1. awarding the order of the first degree
2. conferring the rank of colonel
3. achieve the rank of real state councilor
4. all of the above

The first chieftain of the Don Cossacks was:
1. Sarah - Azman
2. Yermak
3. Cherkashenin
4. Pavlov

The first Ataman, not elected by the Cossacks, but appointed by the king was:
1. Danilo Efremov
2. Mikhail Platov
3. Ivan Krasnoshchekov
4. Vasily Frolov

The first politician who gave instructions to abolish the word "Cossack" was:
1. Trotsky
2. Sverdlov
3. Lenin
4. Zinoviev

Under which emperor did the structural reorganization of the Cossack troops take place:
1. Alexandra 1
2. Petre 1
3. Nicholas 1
4. Pavle 1

Under which of the Russian tsars did the history of the Don Cossacks as a masterful military brotherhood end?
1. Peter I
2. Ivan IV
3. Alexei Mikhailovich
4. Fyodor Ioannovich

The policy of "decoscatization" began with:
1. decisions of the Chairman of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee Ya. Sverdlov
2. Donburo protocol
3. letters - directives of the Central Committee of the RCP (b)
4. V.I. Lenin

According to the “Regulations” of 1835, the share (put on) of the Don Cossack was ... acres of land:
1. 10 acres
2. 15 acres
3. 50 acres
4. 30 acres

The first "Yeltsin" law on the Cossacks was adopted in ...
1. 1995
2. 1991
3. 1994
4. 1993

The first Cossacks appeared on the Don in the period:
1. 11-14 centuries.
2. 11th-15th centuries
3. 10-15 centuries.
4. 15th-16th centuries

The role assigned to the resurgent Cossack movement at the end of the 20th century. advisers M.S. Gorbachev and the KGB of the USSR:
1. cultural and educational
2. protective - suppression of the opposition of the CPSU
3. trade and purchasing
4. entrepreneurial activity

The capital of the Don Army from the moment of its formation until 1571 was:
1. Cherkasy town
2. Razdorsky town
3. Monastery town
4. Azov

The Seven Years' War of 1756 - 1763, in which the Cossacks participated, was a war with:
1. Sweden
2. France
3. Prussia
4. Poland

According to the Brodnitsa theory, the Cossacks are the descendants of the peoples:
1. Dnieper
2. Sea of ​​Azov
3. Transcaucasia
4. Donya

The Council for Cossack Affairs under the President of the Russian Federation was created in ... year:
1. 1995
2. 1996
3. 1997
4. 1994

Indicate the industry most developed on the Don in the XIX - early. XX centuries:
1. coal
2. food
3. metallurgical
4. light

What did the state give the Cossacks for service in the 18th-19th centuries?
1. money
2. horse
3. land share
4. arms

Circular letter of the Organizing Bureau of the Central Committee of the RCP(b), prepared by Ya.M. Sverdlov, known as the directive on decossackization, was adopted:
1. January 1920
2. January 1917
3. January 1918
4. January 1919

On January 10 - 11, 1918, the Bolshevik-minded congress of Cossack front-line soldiers, who decided to take full power in their hands on the Don, took place in:
1. Novocherkassk
2. Kamenskaya
3. Rostov
4. Taganrog

When did a Cossack receive personal nobility?
1. all of the above
2. moving up the career ladder to grade 9
3. having received an order
4. simultaneously with the first officer rank

What is the role of the military circle in the XIV-XVII centuries?
1. executive
2. judicial
3. all of the above
4. legislative

The Cossacks with Suvorov made the famous crossing of the Alps in order to:
1. save the Rimsky-Korsakov detachment
2. enter the operational space of the conquest of Italy
3. go to the rear of the French army
4. release the Austrian troops from the encirclement

On April 20, 1936, the Central Executive Committee of the USSR adopted a resolution:
1. about the destruction of the Cossacks
2. on the establishment of Soviet power on the Don
3. about the beginning of the policy of "telling"
4. on the removal of restrictions on service in the Red Army from the Cossacks

Ataman M.I. Platov glorified himself during the war with:
1. France
2. Turkey
3. Sweden
4. Germany

In what year was the "Regulations on the management of the Don Army" adopted?
1. 1905
2. 1865
3. 1749
4. 1835

In which city was the first salute given in honor of the Cossacks?
1. Novocherkassk
2. Cherkassk
3. Taganrog
4. Moscow

In the "time of troubles" the Cossacks fought with chieftains Karel and Mezhalov for:
1. Tsar Fyodor Ivanovich
2. Grigory Otrepiev
3. Boris Godunov
4. King Sigismund

To which body were the cases of the Don Cossacks transferred in 1716?
1. order
2. ministry
3. senate
4. collegium

The Vyoshensky uprising broke out:
1. March 3, 1918
2. March 12, 1919
3. February 7, 1917
4. January 15, 1919

In what year ataman P.N. Krasnov resigned as chieftain?
1. February 19, 1919
2. 01/19/1918
3. May 11, 1918
4. 01/24/1919

In what year did the Great Don Army cease to exist?
1. 1919
2. 1920
3. 1921
4. 1918

In what year did the land of the Cossacks receive the official name "Region of the Don Cossacks"?
1. 1874
2. 1864
3. 1835
4. 1870

In what year did the paid nobility appear on the Don?
1. 1797
2. 1835
3. 1796
4. 1798

In what year were the affairs of the Don Cossacks finally transferred to the jurisdiction of the military collegium?
1. 1723
2. 1721
3. 1708
4. 1716

In what year did the Don Cossacks swear allegiance to the tsar?
1. 1580
2. 1671
3. 1676
4. 1661

1. 1723
2. 1721
3. 1708
4. 1716

"Golutvennye" Cossacks are:
1. Cossacks who do not receive a salary
2. Cossacks going on raids
3. Cossacks - impoverished
4. Cossacks with their own kurens
The coat of arms of the Don Cossack Region (Don Region) was approved in ...
1. 1876
2. 1875
3. 1874
4. 1878

The German leadership created the "Main Directorate of the Cossack troops" in ... year:
1. 1945
2. 1942
3. 1940
4. 1944

Don Cossacks under the command of Suvorov in Italy fought with:
1. Italy
2. Germany
3. France
4. Austria

What was the conditional name of the path along which the Cossacks would like to develop after the revolution?
1. "third way"
2. "middle way"
3. "left path"
4. "right way"

Who was elected ataman on the Circle on June 18, 1917?
1. Voloshilov
2. Bogaevsky
3. Kaledin
4. Krasnov

Who became the first ataman and who was the last elected?
1. Pyotr Emelyanov
2. Andrey Lopatin
3. Vasily Frolov
4. Ivan Krasnoshchekov

How did the first Cossacks get married?
1. registered the marriage in the church
2. announced their marriage in a circle
3. announced the wedding to the ataman
4. got married in a church

Which state included the territory of the Don region in the 70s of the 7th century?
1, Scythian state
2, Khazar Khaganate
3, Bosporan kingdom
4, Kievan Rus

The power of whom in the Don Army to late XVII century has increased markedly?
1, Cossacks
2, all listed
3, chieftain
4, foremen

The elected head of the Cossacks was called:
1, chieftain
2, father
3, leader
4, dad

In the campaign, which city at the head of the Cossack detachments were chieftains Fyodor Pavlov, Andrei Shchadra and Lyapun Filimonov?
1. Kazan
2. Azova
3. Moscow
4. Astrakhan

In what century was the mouth of the Don captured by the Turks?
1. end of the XII century.
2. end of the 15th century
3. end of the 13th century
4. end of the XIV century.

The highest authority in the Don Cossacks?
1. Military office
2. Military circle
3. chieftain
4. Duma

In the Mesolithic era, a significant place in the occupations of people was occupied by
1. farming
2. cattle breeding
3. trade
4. hunting and gathering

To what river by the end of the 16th century were the Siberian lands annexed to Russia by new Cossack detachments?
1, Ob
2, Angara
3, Kolyma
4, Lena

To what century is the emergence of the Don Cossacks officially attributed?
1, 15 c.
2, 18th century
3, 17th century
4, 16th c.

When did S. Razin's campaign "for zipuns" take place?
1, 1667
2, 1673
3, 1670

When were the Taganrog city administration and the Rostov district attached to the Don Cossack Region?
1, 1802
2, 1811
3, 1884
4, 1887

Who became the first punished ataman?
1, Ivan Krasnoshchekov
2, Petr Emelyanov
3, Andrey Lopatin
4, Vasily Frolov

Who were called "subscribed Cossacks"?
1, former chieftains
2, old Cossacks
3, respectable Cossacks
4, wealthy Cossacks

Who was the main among the Cossacks?
1, esaul
2, chieftain
3, chief
4, prince

What were the main occupations of the Cossacks before the 18th century?
1, hunting and fishing
2, all of the above
3, participation in military campaigns
4, trade

What is the scientific concept of the origin of the Cossacks?
1, brodnitskaya
2, migratory
3, runaway
4, ancient

What chieftain did the Cossacks send to Tsarevich False Dmitry I (Grigory Otrepiev)?
1, M. Platova
2, A. Corelu
3, P. Krasnova
4, K. Polyakova

Who replaced the ataman during his absence?
1, clerk
2, wife
3, no one had that right
4, esaul

What animal is depicted on the first seal of the Cossacks?
1, horse
2, bear
3, bull
4, deer

What religion did the Cossacks consider themselves to be?
1, islam
2, orthodoxy
3 all of the above
4, Hinduism

Which institution dealt with zemstvo cases in 1775?
1, council of elders
2, ataman rule
3, military office
4, military civil government

"Cossack" translated from Tatar language means:
1, daring, brave fellow
2, cheerful person
3, man
4, military

What is a "zipun hike"?
1, Expeditions of service people to explore new lands
2, Travel abroad to buy new samples of handicraft and manufactory production
3, Cossack raids for profit

What was the "Cossack analysis" of 1612?
1, the Tsar's decree, according to which it was allowed not to return the property stolen by the Cossacks.
2, Lists of people who fixed the class belonging to the Cossacks.
3, The actions of the Cossacks, thanks to which many cities were plundered

The number of signed old men in each village:
1, 3 to 5
2, 1 to 3
3, 2 to 8
4, 5 to 10

The Bulavin uprising unfolded on the Don in:
1, 707-708
2, 1607-1608
3, 1807-1808
4, 1707-1708

In what year, at the suggestion of G.A. Potemkin proposed radical transformations in the Don Cossacks:
1, 1705
2, 1775
3, 1777
4, 1800

In what year did the Cossacks swear allegiance to the Moscow Tsar?
1, 1671
2, 1661
3, 1580
4, 1676

In what year did Ivan IV send a letter of commendation to the Don?
1, 1570
2, 1549
3, 1552
4, 1592

In what year did the Cossacks participate in the Zemsky Sobor, which chose the king of the new dynasty?
1, 1613
2, 1713
3, 1617
4, 1614

In what year did the capture of Kazan take place?
1, 1552
2, 1556
3, 1590
4, 1549

In what year were the affairs of the Don Cossacks transferred to the jurisdiction of the military collegium?
1, 1721
2, 1716
3, 1708
4, 1723

In what year did the Military Circle lose the right to elect marching atamans?
1, 1709
2, 1765
3, 1732
4, 1754

In what year did the territory of the Don Cossacks become part of the Azov province?
1, 1707
2, 1671
3, 1708
4, 1700

QUIZ "About the Cossacks and Cossacks"

1. The tsar’s voivode Ivan Nagoi, with the Kama Cossacks, founded the Ufa fortification on the Belaya River, which served as the beginning of the founding of the Orenburg army. Enter the founding date.

1. In 1574. 2. In 1674. 3. 1774 4. In 1874

2. In what year was the decree on the establishment of the Orenburg Cossack army followed?

    In 1655 2. In 1755. 3. In 1855. 4. In 1955

3. This icon is the most revered among the Orenburg Cossacks

1. Icon of the Mother of God of Vladimir 2. Icon of the Mother of God of Kazan

3. Tabynskaya Icon of the Mother of God

4. A born Cossack-future warrior was given a weapon, a bridle and a whip (Gifts were kept in the family and given to him on the eve of taking the oath). Then the baby was blessed with an icon…. Specify what icon it was

1. Tabynskaya Icon of the Mother of God 2. Icon of St. George the Victorious

3. Sedmiozersk Icon of the Mother of God

5. The Orenburg Cossacks celebrated the day of their troops, the so-called Military holiday - the day of St. George the Victorious -April 23 according to the old style. Enter the current date for this holiday.

6. Cossack atamans made a great contribution to the expansion of the territory Russian state. So, Western Siberia became part of Russia thanks to the chieftain

1. Dezhnev 2. Poyarkov 3. Yermak 4. Atlasov.

7. Formally, in the Russian Empire, the ataman of all the Cossack troops of the country since 1827

1. emperor 2. heir to the throne 3. minister of war 4. ataman.

8. The villages and settlements of the Orenburg army were located on the territory of 4 modern regions

1. Sverdlovsk, Perm, Kurgan, Chelyabinsk

2. Sverdlovsk, Orenburg, Kurgan, Chelyabinsk

3. Sverdlovsk, Orenburg, Kurgan, Perm

9. Select from the list of famous chieftains of Russia

1. K. Bulavin 2. M. Platov 3. S. Razin 4. All answers are correct

10. Saved from the Cossacks is ... (eliminate an extra answer)

1. Cossack Orthodox holiday 2. The art of combat

3. Combat training system 3. Cossack spirit training system

11. Characteristics are

1. Cossacks who possessed the art of combat, survival and healing (Cossack special forces),

2. Cossacks with a strong character 3. Cossacks scouts

12. Scouts are

1. Cossack special forces 2. Cossack scouts

3. Cossacks who carried guard and intelligence services

13. Match the concept and definition. Types of rescue

1. protective 1. body preparation and health promotion

2. jubilant 2. physical training system

3. fighting 3. mastering the concept of fortitude and magic

14. How many years did it take military training young Cossack

1. 5 years 2. 7 years 3. 9 years

15. "Cossack gulls" is

1. birds living in stanitsa towns 2. Cossack ships 3. Cossack horses

16. Old Cossacks said: "When LAVA is in battle, the feather grass in front of it lay twelve arshins forward." Lava is...

1. wall-to-wall battle method

2. surprise when attacking the enemy

3. temporary retreat

17. Dzhigitovka is

1. the art of swordsmanship 2. the art of riding a horse

3. performing complex exercises while riding

18. Combatthe style of the Ukrainian Cossacks, which combines shock and wrestling throwing technique with the plasticity of dance, is

1. combathopak 2. martial art 3. sport 4. flanking

19. What unites these words "lava", "carousel", "veil", "venter" is

    Tactical techniques of the Cossacks in battle 2. Elements of the Cossack dance 3. The name of the games is the Cossacks

20. What does it meanliterally translated from the language of the Don Cossacks the concept of "Shermitia"

1. national traditional Cossack games 2. exemplary fights arranged on holidays 3. competitions of Cossacks 4. fisticuffs 5. All answers are correct

21. In addition to differences in uniform between the various Cossack troops, there were also differences in the color of uniforms, and stripes with bands of caps. Specify the colors of the Orenburg Cossacks:


Uniform, Circassian


Cap (crown)

hat top

Shoulder strap



22. EARRINGS(for men) - meant his role and place in the family. The commander, when aligning to the left and to the right, saw who should be protected in battle. Indicate how the Cossack wore earrings in cases 1 and 2.

1. mother's only son

2. the last in the family, where there are no male heirs besides him

Choose answer 1. one earring in the left ear

2. earring in the right ear

3. earrings in both ears

23. RING- Cossack men, as a rule, did not wear rings. So it's female symbolism. Match how Cossack women wore rings with signs

    silver ring on the left hand 1. the groom serves

    Golden ring on the right hand 2. widow

    Turquoise ring 3. marriageable girl

    Two gold rings on one finger of the left hand 4. married

24. Without which the Cossacks did not start and finish any business and meal - even in the field.

1. BWithout prayer 2. Without checkers 3. Without chieftain 4. Without bread

25. Fill in the missing words.

A checker is a symbol of all completeness (1)……. at the Cossack With the loss of strength, the old man changes the checker to (2)…... In the absence of (3) ………. the checker breaks in half and fits into the coffin.

Answers toquiz "About the Cossacks and Cossacks"
















3- 2







20- 4






3-1 4-2



2 staff


20. literally: "fistfight", Donsk. (Mirtov). Shermitsia are "exemplary battles arranged on holidays" by the Don Cossacks



Uniform, Circassian


Cap, hat

Band, top

Shoulder strap



dark green

light blue

dark green

light blue

light blue

Sokolovskaya Inna Vladislavovna, teacher - librarian, teacher of the Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture MBOU Tatsinskaya secondary school No. 3, teacher of the Sunday School of the Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Rostov region
Material Description: I offer you a quiz "In our hearts we will revive the former glory of the Cossacks." The material for compiling the literary quiz was historical literature, encyclopedias. The quiz can be used in history lessons, classroom hours 7 - 9 grades. The material can be used in a variety of ways.
Target: Knowledge of the origins of culture, history, spirituality, patriotism of the glorious name of the Don Cossacks.
1. Educational: to expand children's ideas about the Don Cossacks.
2. Developing: develop individual Creative skills students, figurative and logical thinking, imagination, ability to think outside the box;
3. Educational: educate interest in native culture; broaden the horizons of students.
Equipment: book exhibition

Kohl was born a Don Cossack
The soul of the Cossacks is in you.
Where you were born - there you fit in,
Do not look for another in fate.
Learn prayers, know the custom,
Learn about the culture of your ancestors.
Live like your grandfathers lived
Don't get mad at the ataman.
After all, it is not enough to be born a Cossack -
They need to be fully...

Quiz "In our hearts we will revive the former glory of the Cossacks"

1. Name the Don atamans of the 17th - 18th centuries
- Minaev Frol Minaevich (1680 - 1700)
Bulavin Kondraty Afanasyevich (1708)
Efremov Danila Efremovich (1738 - 1753)
Ilovaisky Alexey Ivanovich (1775 - 1797)
Platov Matvei Ivanovich (1801 - 1818)
Kuteinikov Dmitry Efremovich (1827 - 1836)
Khomutov Mikhail Grigorievich (1848 - 1862)
Svyatopolk - Mirsky Nikolai Ivanovich (1881 - 1898)

2. Name the icons revered by the Cossacks
- Icon of the Don Mother of God
Icon of the Intercession of the Mother of God

3. Tell the story of the Don Icon of the Mother of God.
- The Don Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos was painted by Theophanes the Greek. On the day of the Battle of Kulikovo (September 8, 1380, on the feast of the Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos), the icon was among the Russian troops, giving them help, and after the victory was donated by the Don Cossacks to Grand Duke Dimitry Donskoy (1363-1389), who transferred it to Moscow . The icon was first in the Assumption Cathedral of the Kremlin, and then in the Annunciation Cathedral (now the icon is in the State Tretyakov Gallery). In memory of the victory on the banks of the Don, it received the name Donskoy.

4. Tell me, when does the Holy Don Starocherkassky Monastery celebrate its patronal feast?
- September 1 on the day of the Don Icon of the Mother of God.

5. The main shrine of the Holy Don Starocherkassky Monastery is the Don Icon of the Mother of God. Tell me, who gave the list, the icons, and in what year?
- In 1995, the Cossacks of the village of Gnilovskaya presented the monastery with a large Don Icon of the Mother of God. For some time she was in the Resurrection Military Cathedral, while the monastery church was being restored. Subsequently, this icon was solemnly transferred to the temple of the Don Icon of the Mother of God dedicated to it. Now she is in the vestibule of this temple. With her on the twelfth holidays, processions around the monastery are held.

6. Tell me, when was the foundation of the Cathedral in the city of Novocherkassk? Name the architects of the temple projects and how was it built?
- On May 18 (30), on the day of the Ascension of Christ, the Cathedral was laid in the city of Novocherkassk. The first project of the temple was developed by the architect A.I. Ruska. In 1846, when the builders began to erect the main dome, the cathedral suddenly collapsed due to a weak foundation, laid out of a weak stone - limestone. The second draft of the cathedral was developed by the academician of architecture I.O. Valprede, but it also failed to be implemented. In 1863, the main dome collapsed due to the hasty masonry of the supporting arches and the drum of the dome, which was carried out without sufficient drying of the lime mortar. The new project was made in the "new Byzantine style" by the architect A.A. Yashchenko. After his early death in 1893, the construction of the cathedral was supervised by the diocesan architect I.P. Zlobin, and then engineer K.Kh. Limarenko. In 1905 the cathedral was inaugurated. Its height is 74.6 meters, after St. Isaac's Cathedral in St. Petersburg, it is the largest temple in Russia. Ascension Cathedral strikes with its grandeur and harmony at the same time.

7. Tell me, a Cossack, speaking about himself, always repeated, which triad?
- “A Cossack needs to be born!
You need to become a Cossack!
You have to be a Cossack!
Then you will find the Kingdom of Heaven and Glory in your descendants!”

8. Explain how you understand the triunities of this triad?
- The first part of the trinity emphasizes the right of the Cossacks to identity, to national identity and culture. But one blood relationship with the Cossacks is not enough, because the Cossack is a state of mind. It is a way of thinking and a way of life. The second part of the trinity "You need to become a Cossack!" emphasizes that there is such a moral ideal that a Cossack should strive for. And it is he who dictates the norms of the Cossack society, according to which not only a Cossack by birth can become a Cossack, but any person with his whole worthy life, service and suffering, who puts service to Christianity and goodness above his well-being - military service can earn the right to be accepted into the Cossacks on the Circle. The third part of the trinity "You need to be a Cossack!" emphasizes that the Cossack understands his stay on earth as a constant service to the Lord, his people, Russia and all people.

9. Like me, the thieves' Don Atamanushka,
Just like I walked along the blue sea,
What is along the blue sea along Khvalynsky,
Just like I broke the beads of the ships,
Like those ships, all are not eagles.
And now, hope, Orthodox tsar,
I bring you a wild head
And with a violent head the kingdom of Siberia!
Can you tell me what this story is about?
- This ancient epic “About Yermak” tells us, tells us how Donskoy Ataman Ermak Timofeevich conquered Siberia and put the crown of the Siberian Kingdom under the feet of the Moscow Tsar Ivan IV.

10. In January 1921, in the camp of Kabakdzha (Turkey), with a circulation of 100 typewritten copies, No. 1 of the historical and literary magazine "Donskoy Mayak", published by the Don Cossack Corps, was published. In March-April 1921, No. 3 and 4 of the Donskoy Mayak, the publication of which was initiated by the lieutenant of the 3rd cavalry brigade of the 2nd division of the Don Cossack Corps, poet, Don Cossack V.I. Ilyinsky, and the executive editor - Lieutenant General A. L. Fitskhelaurov, published the "New Commandments" of the Cossack formulated in the first months of the exile. What are these commandments?
- a) Love Russia, because she is your mother and nothing in the world can replace her for you.
b) Love Don, for he is the cradle of your freedom.
c) Love the truth, for it is the only beacon in a person's life.
d) All who go against your Fatherland are enemies.
e) Only in the struggle for the happiness of the Motherland will you regain your lost right.
f) Believe firmly in the rightness of your cause, for faith is the only stone on which you will build your new Fatherland.
g) Love everything that from early childhood you absorbed into the blood and flesh in the free steppes of your Motherland.
h) Call forward all the free and strong.
j) Peace, beauty, love and truth - these are the slogans on your banner on the way to Russia.
For many decades, the majority of the Cossacks - exiles, wherever fate threw them and no matter how their lives abroad, remembered these commandments and, leaving for the "last parade", bequeathed to be guided by them to their children and grandchildren. It's sad to talk about it. But today, many years later, the content of the New Commandments is becoming more and more relevant for all Cossacks and millions of Russians.

11. Name the poets of the Cossack abroad, those who, in exile, carried and until the last days retained love and loyalty to the Don region, Russia, dreaming of returning to their homeland at least with a “good book” ...
- Alnikin Nikolay Vasilyevich, Vorobyov Nikolay Nikolaevich, Gavrilov Mikhail Ivanovich, Goncharov Yuriy Fedorovich, Evseev Nikolay Nikolaevich, Kelin Nikolay Andreevich, Kolesov Ivan Ivanovich, Kryukov Petr Fedorovich, Pavlov Alexey Grigorievich, Polyakov Pavel Sergeevich, Rodionov Vadim Nikolaevich, Turoverov Alexander Nikolaevich, Turoverov Nikolai Nikolaevich. Pain for the lost Motherland, longing, the desire to pour out their bitter feelings prompted the Cossacks - exiles to take up the pen. Acute pain and deep longing, sadness and great love for the Fatherland, which undeservedly rejected them, but remains in the hearts of the Fatherland, sound in most of the poems.

12. Throughout the centuries-old history, the entire life path of the Cossacks was determined by the Orthodox faith. It permeated the Cossack traditions and rituals, the spiritual world and morality of the Cossacks. Tell us about the rituals and traditions of the Cossacks.
- Christianity penetrated the Don and the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov earlier than in Kievan Rus. The Russian Orthodox Church sacredly preserves the tradition, preserved in the ancient Russian chronicle "The Tale of Bygone Years", compiled by the monk Nester, that the holy Apostle Andrew the First-Called preached the Gospel among the peoples of the Northern Black Sea region and the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov, and then visited the Dnieper. Since time immemorial, the Cossacks have attached particular importance to the Sacrament of Baptism, believing that a baby has no soul before it. For the Cossacks, children are evidence of "the blessing of the Lord over the family." Before carrying the child to church, they put him in a red corner and prayed: "Determine him, Lord, talent and happiness, good mind, long ages." When the baby's teeth erupted, his parents took him on horseback to church to serve a prayer service to John the Warrior so that his son would grow up to be a brave Cossack. Orthodoxy covered Cossack weddings, seeing off to the service. For the dead Cossacks, solemn requiems were served annually throughout the village. The Orthodox faith was reflected in almost all everyday life, the Cossacks did not start a single business without prayer, they often went to the priest for advice, and gave various dinners. The religious feeling among the Cossacks was very deep. For example, removing an icon from a wall and kissing it in court was considered sufficient to prove a suspect's innocence. If the culprit was not found, then they served a prayer service to John the Warrior and put a candle “upside down” so that his conscience would torment him. Almost always, the guilty Cossack confessed and repented of his misdeed.

13. Tell me, what was the center of the life of the Cossack village?
- The center of the life of the Cossack village has always been the church. The foundation of the village began with it. The church was built by the whole society and at the expense of the villagers, and the Army provided them with various assistance. The Cossacks especially honored the Resurrection Military Cathedral in Starocherkassk and the Novocherkassk Military Cathedral.

14. Powerful highly artistic Cossack songs were a huge contribution to the culture of Russia. Tell me, what does the Cossack song say?
- In their Cossack songs, love for the Motherland burns, the glory of past deeds shines; a pure, tender feeling of female love breathes in them. Especially maternal love; they also express that anxious look at life, which makes the Cossack, free from the battle, "seek his share." The whole range of vital vital interests is covered in the song, merges with it, and without it life itself becomes impossible.

15. Name the proverbs and sayings about the Cossacks.
- a) For this, the Cossack was born, so that he would come in handy in the service.
b) A Cossack without a horse is like a soldier without a gun.
c) The Don Cossack will not throw honor, even though the little head will perish.
d) The Cossack would rather die than leave his native land.
e) A Don Cossack and a Swiss, and a reaper, and a player on the pipe, and a singer in the choir, and well done in battle.
f) Cossack courage will destroy any fortress.
g) He who is afraid of bullets is not suitable for the Cossacks.
h) There are never too many Cossacks, but not enough.
j) The Cossack mounts a horse, and his bride will be born.
l) Where the enemy is, there is a Cossack.
m) Stand up for the truth with a mountain, then people will follow you

1. Top leadership among the Cossacks

a) glad

b) foreman

c) circle

d) military servants.

2. At the head of the Cossack kuren was

a) clerk

b) chieftain

c) Yesaul

d) cornet.

3. The Cossacks have a favorite tactical technique during the battle

a) attack

b) breakthrough

c) lava

d) run.

4. In the Russian Empire, the oldest Cossack army

a) Don

b) Kuban

c) Zaporozhye

d) egg.

5. In the Russian Empire, at the head of all Cossack troops was

a) emperor

b) heir to the throne

c) minister of war

d) ataman.

6. In addition to differences in uniform between the various Cossack troops, there were also differences in the color of uniforms and stripes with cap bands. The Don Cossacks had uniforms of color

a) blue

b) black

c) green

d) red.

7. In addition to differences in uniform between the various Cossack troops, there were also differences in the color of uniforms and stripes with cap bands. The Kuban Cossacks had uniforms of colors

a) blue

b) black

c) green

d) red.

8. Tactical military unit of the Cossacks

a) chicken

b) regiment

c) squadron

d) a hundred.

9. Large military-administrative unit of the Cossacks

a) region

b) edge

c) division

d) army.

10. Cossack settlement

a) station

b) farm

to the village

d) chicken.

There is no more beautiful in the world than our Motherland

Shining among the wide fields

Here it is pouring! .. Hello Don!

From your distant sons

I brought you a tribute.

Like an illustrious brother

The rivers know the quiet Don;

From Arax and Euphrates

I brought you a tribute.

v 1. This is how the famous poet greeted the Don region -

a) A. S. Pushkin;

b) M. Yu. Lermontov;

c) S. A. Yesenin;

d) S. V. Mikhalkov

v 2. Long time In the vast, endless steppe expanses of the Don, there were no permanent settlements before the Cossacks. In summer, hot winds - dry winds - walked across the steppe, in winter, evil blizzards howled and snow whirlwinds swirled. There were wild goats, hares, foxes, wild boars. These lands were called:

a) Field of Miracles;

b) Wild field;

c) Pole field;

d) Steppe and steppe all around

v 3. Large Cossack settlements were called:

a) Village;

b) Stanitsa;

c) Village;

d) Capital

v 4. Cossacks built “two-story” houses on a high foundation. During the floods of the rivers, the “first floor”, stone, was flooded with water, and the second, wooden - residential, remained dry. The Cossacks said that "one must live in a tree, and store supplies in stone." Such a Cossack house was called:

a) Terem;

b) Castle;

c) Kuren;

d) Chicken coop

v 5. The walls of the Cossack houses were painted in bright colors, which:

a) Azure;

b) Green;

c) Red;

d) Yellow

Where a Cossack, there is glory.

v 1. A Cossack is a person who:

a. Shepherds a herd of goats;

b. He loves goats very much;

c. Mowing the grass;

d. Free man;

v 2. The Cossacks implicitly obeyed their leader, who was chosen from respected and worthy stanitsa. “Where our (…..) eyes will throw, we will throw our heads there!” - said the Cossacks and went into the fire and into the water for their supreme leader. This:

a) Captain;

b) Ataman;

c) the President;

d) MP

a) Mace;

b) Praise;

c) Spear;

d) Boomerang

v 4. Don Cossacks had a seal depicting this animal struck by an arrow. The animal is a symbol of the freedom of the Don Cossacks. What animal was depicted on the seal of the Don Cossacks?

a) Free reindeer;

b) wild wolf;

c) Brown bear;

d) Polar bear

v 5. The Cossacks loved, were proud of and took good care of their weapons. Weapons in the house were hung in a place of honor. The traditional Cossack weapons were:

a. Saber (checker);

b. Machine;

c. A spear;

d. Blaster

v 6. The horse played a special role in Cossack life. "A Cossack without a horse is like a soldier without a gun." The Cossacks chose strong, hardy, loyal horses for service. Horses are distinguished not only by breed, but also by color, that is, by color. What color of horses does not exist:

a. Voronaya;

b. redhead;

c. Bay;

d. Blonde

v 7. All Cossack plows were equipped with two rudders - from the bow and from the stern, so as not to waste time with a full turn. Small cannons were attached to the plows, very effective in close combat. Each Cossack plow accommodated 60-100 fighters. Strugs - what is it:

a) carts;

b) machines;

c) Boats;

d) Sleigh

Clothing of Cossacks and Cossacks

v 1. A thick cape that covered the head and shoulders of a Cossack from cold, rain and bad weather was called:

a) Hood;

b) Bashlyk;

c) Scarf;

d) Stole

v 2. A colored stripe on the trouser seam is a symbol of Cossack independence, indicating belonging to the Cossack estate. She was called:

a) Tape;

b) Lampas;

c) Pampas;

d) Compass

v 3. Traditional Cossack clothes:

a) Caftan, zipun, trousers with stripes;

b) Trousers, shirt, tie;

c) Fur coat, hat with earflaps, felt boots;

d) Jacket, jeans, sneakers

v 4. A part of women's clothing was a kubilek, which was fastened with a row of expensive silver and gilded buttons, the loops were sewn from gold and silver cord. There was another row of buttons, large in size, gold or pearls. Wealthy Cossack women wore a brocade kubilka, ordinary Cossack women wore black cloth. What is it:

a. Sundress;

b. The dress;

c. Coat;

d. Skirt

Cossack must be born

v 1. The birth of a boy was a great holiday for the whole family. Relatives and villagers congratulated their parents on the Cossack and gave gifts. What did they give the little Cossack?

a. Saber, bullet, bow;

b. Toys;

c. Sweets;

d. Clothes.

v 2. The first landing on a horse is an old Cossack custom. The father of a Cossack will put on a horse and look: he will fall down or cry - his fate is bitter, but how he grabs the mane -

a. From all the battles he will come out alive;

b. It will be beautiful;

c. It will be good to sing and dance;

d. All his wishes will come true

v 3. From early childhood, the Cossacks instilled in their children a love for horses. They taught horse riding and caring for a horse. Three-year-old children already freely rode a horse around the yard. And they galloped across the steppe -

a. five years;

b. at the age of seven;

c. in ten years;

d. at twelve

v 4. The boys of the Don Cossacks were brought up as:

a. Defenders of the native Don and Mother Russia;

b. Talented musicians and poets;

c. Athletes;

d. Cheerful stanitsa

v 5. From birth, a Cossack girl was taught to work and needlework. Girls started working from an early age. The upbringing of a Cossack girl was to raise -

a. A good, skillful hostess;

b. beautiful girl;

c. Clever - beauty;

d. Girl - laughter

v 6. “Whoever lives in joy, that grief is dumb!”. Games of the Cossacks developed ingenuity, resourcefulness, speed of reaction, taught to be dexterous and courageous. What games were Cossack:

a. "Poppy", "Tetera", "Horses";

b. "Mihasik", "Mill", "Geese are flying";

c. Timerby, Interceptors, Flappers

d. Musher and Dogs, Deer and Shepherds, Ice, Wind and Frost

Cossack amuses himself

v 1. The Cossacks were very fond of fairy tales and legends. They were told to children to teach their native language and traditions, to give ideas about good and evil. Tales of the famous Don writer Pyotr Lebedenko are based on ancient Cossack traditions and legends. They're called -

a. Tales Don - Fathers;

b. Tales of Grandmother Aksinya;

c. Tales of the Quiet Don;

d. Tales of Mother - Cossacks

v 2. Cossack songs reflect the life of the people, their history for many centuries, mention real events and people, talk about the relationship to man, nature, native land, glorify the military exploits of the Cossacks. Most often, the following artistic images are found in the songs of the Cossacks:

a. Horse, Don, steppe, native side;

b. Sea, ships, waves;

c. Deer, tundra, moss, northern lights;

d. Mountains, rocks, sheep, aul

v 3. Cossacks do not just sing songs, they "play" them. In a cheerful, playful, perky, Cossack song "Bee", which is sung by both adults and children, it is sung about a girl - a Cossack -

a. Lyubochka;

b. Katerina;

c. Aksinya;

d. Akulina

Answers to tasks

There is no more beautiful in the world than our Motherland 1a; 2b; 3b; 4c; 5a,b.

Where the Cossack is, there is glory 1d; 2b; 3a; 4a; 5a; 6d; 7c.

Clothes of Cossacks and Cossacks 1b; 2b; 3a; 4b.

Cossack need to be born 1a; 2a; 3a; 4a; 5a; 6a.

The Cossack amuses himself 1c; 2a; 3a.

Target. Mastering by children of senior preschool and junior school age norms and rules of life on the basis of familiarization with the historically established traditional culture of the Don region, through familiarization with the cultural and historical heritage of the Don Cossacks.

The regional component is part educational program formed by participants in educational relations.

The test was developed on the basis of pedagogical experience in introducing older preschoolers to the cultural and historical heritage of their native land.

The grandchildren and great-grandchildren of the legendary Don Cossacks love and respect their native land. The love of a small child - a preschooler for the Motherland begins with an attitude towards the closest people - father, mother, grandfather, grandmother, with love for his people, home, street on which he lives, kindergarten, village., City. So that children know their history, honor our holidays, know the customs and traditions of their ancestors, educational activities our kindergarten they practice playing games that were played by the former Cossacks and celebrating old Russian holidays in the Cossack spirit. There are also classes (GCD) designed to educate patriotism.

Integration of educational areas:“Cognitive development” (the formation of consciousness, the formation of primary ideas about the small homeland and Fatherland, about the socio-cultural values ​​of our people, domestic traditions), “Artistic development” (perception of music), “ Speech development"(enrichment of the active dictionary; development of coherent, grammatically correct dialogic and monologue speech; acquaintance with book culture, children's literature, listening comprehension of texts of various genres of children's literature), "Social and communicative development" (development of communication skills and interaction of the child with adults and peers, social and emotional intelligence; the formation of a respectful attitude and a sense of belonging to one's family and to the society of children and adults; the assimilation of norms and values ​​accepted in society).

Choose the correct answer from the given options.

(25 questions, 4 possible answers)

There is no more beautiful in the world than our Motherland

Shining among the wide fields

Here it is pouring! .. Hello Don!

From your distant sons

I brought you a tribute.

Like an illustrious brother

The rivers know the quiet Don;

From Arax and Euphrates

I brought you a tribute.

v 1. This is how the famous poet greeted the Don region -

a) A. S. Pushkin;

b) M. Yu. Lermontov;

c) S. A. Yesenin;

d) S. V. Mikhalkov

v 2. For a long time, there were no permanent settlements in the vast, endless steppe expanses of the Don before the Cossacks. In summer, hot winds - dry winds - walked across the steppe, in winter, evil blizzards howled and snow whirlwinds swirled. There were wild goats, hares, foxes, wild boars. These lands were called:

a) Field of Miracles;

b) Wild field;

c) Pole field;

d) Steppe and steppe all around

v 3. Large Cossack settlements were called:

a) Village;

b) Stanitsa;

c) Village;

d) Capital

v 4. Cossacks built “two-story” houses on a high foundation. During the floods of the rivers, the “first floor”, stone, was flooded with water, and the second, wooden - residential, remained dry. The Cossacks said that "one must live in a tree, and store supplies in stone." Such a Cossack house was called:

c) Kuren;

d) Chicken coop

v 5. The walls of the Cossack houses were painted in bright colors, which:

a) Azure;

b) Green;

c) Red;

Where a Cossack, there is glory.

v 1. A Cossack is a person who:

a. Shepherds a herd of goats;

b. He loves goats very much;

c. Mowing the grass;

d. Free man;

v 2. The Cossacks implicitly obeyed their leader, who was chosen from respected and worthy stanitsa. “Where our (…..) eyes will throw, we will throw our heads there!” - said the Cossacks and went into the fire and into the water for their supreme leader. This:

a) Captain;

b) Ataman;

c) the President;

d) MP

a) Mace;

b) Praise;

d) Boomerang

v 4. Don Cossacks had a seal depicting this animal struck by an arrow. The animal is a symbol of the freedom of the Don Cossacks. What animal was depicted on the seal of the Don Cossacks?

a) Free reindeer;

b) wild wolf;

c) Brown bear;

d) Polar bear

v 5. The Cossacks loved, were proud of and took good care of their weapons. Weapons in the house were hung in a place of honor. The traditional Cossack weapons were:

a. Saber (checker);

b. Machine;

d. Blaster

v 6. The horse played a special role in Cossack life. "A Cossack without a horse is like a soldier without a gun." The Cossacks chose strong, hardy, loyal horses for service. Horses are distinguished not only by breed, but also by color, that is, by color. What color of horses does not exist:

a. Voronaya;

c. Bay;

d. Blonde

v 7. All Cossack plows were equipped with two rudders - from the bow and from the stern, so as not to waste time with a full turn. Small cannons were attached to the plows, very effective in close combat. Each Cossack plow accommodated 60-100 fighters. Strugs - what is it:

a) carts;

b) machines;

Clothing of Cossacks and Cossacks

v 1. A thick cape that covered the head and shoulders of a Cossack from cold, rain and bad weather was called:

a) Hood;

b) Bashlyk;

d) Stole

v 2. A colored stripe on the trouser seam is a symbol of Cossack independence, indicating belonging to the Cossack estate. She was called:

b) Lampas;

c) Pampas;

v 3. Traditional Cossack clothes:

a) Caftan, zipun, trousers with stripes;

b) Trousers, shirt, tie;

c) Fur coat, hat with earflaps, felt boots;

d) Jacket, jeans, sneakers

v 4. Part of women's clothing was kubilek , which was fastened with a row of expensive gilded silver buttons, the loops were sewn from gold and silver cord. There was another row of buttons, large in size, gold or pearls. Wealthy Cossacks wore kubilek from brocade, simple Cossacks - from black cloth. What is it:

a. Sundress;

b. The dress;

c. Coat;

Cossack must be born

v 1. The birth of a boy was a great holiday for the whole family. Relatives and villagers congratulated their parents on the Cossack and gave gifts. What did they give the little Cossack?

a. Saber, bullet, bow;

b. Toys;

c. Sweets;

d. Clothes.

v 2. The first landing on a horse is an old Cossack custom. The father of a Cossack will put on a horse and look: he will fall down or cry - his fate is bitter, but how he grabs the mane -

a. From all the battles he will come out alive;

b. It will be beautiful;

c. It will be good to sing and dance;

d. All his wishes will come true

v 3. From early childhood, the Cossacks instilled in their children a love for horses. They taught horse riding and caring for a horse. Three-year-old children already freely rode a horse around the yard. And they galloped across the steppe -

a. five years;

b. at the age of seven;

c. in ten years;

d. at twelve

v 4. The boys of the Don Cossacks were brought up as:

a. Defenders of the native Don and Mother Russia;

b. Talented musicians and poets;

c. Athletes;

d. Cheerful stanitsa

v 5. From birth, a Cossack girl was taught to work and needlework. Girls started working from an early age. The upbringing of a Cossack girl was to raise -

a. A good, skillful hostess;

b. beautiful girl;

c. Clever - beauty;

d. Girl - laughter

v 6. “Whoever lives in joy, that grief is dumb!”. Games of the Cossacks developed ingenuity, resourcefulness, speed of reaction, taught to be dexterous and courageous. What games were Cossack:

a. "Poppy", "Tetera", "Horses";

b. "Mihasik", "Mill", "Geese are flying";

c. Timerby, Interceptors, Flappers

d. Musher and Dogs, Deer and Shepherds, Ice, Wind and Frost

Cossack amuses himself

v 1. The Cossacks were very fond of fairy tales and legends. They were told to children to teach their native language and traditions, to give ideas about good and evil. Tales of the famous Don writer Pyotr Lebedenko are based on ancient Cossack traditions and legends. They're called -

a. Tales Don - Fathers;

b. Tales of Grandmother Aksinya;

c. Tales of the Quiet Don;

d. Tales of Mother - Cossacks

v 2. Cossack songs reflect the life of the people, their history for many centuries, mention real events and people, talk about the relationship to man, nature, native land, glorify the military exploits of the Cossacks. Most often, the following artistic images are found in the songs of the Cossacks:

a. Horse, Don, steppe, native side;

b. Sea, ships, waves;

c. Deer, tundra, moss, northern lights;

d. Mountains, rocks, sheep, aul

v 3. Cossacks do not just sing songs, they "play" them. In a cheerful, playful, perky, Cossack song "Bee", which is sung by both adults and children, it is sung about a girl - a Cossack -

a. Lyubochka;

b. Katerina;

c. Aksinya;

d. Akulina

Answers to tasks

There is no more beautiful in the world than our Motherland 1a; 2b; 3b; 4c; 5a,b.

Where the Cossack is, there is glory 1d; 2b; 3a; 4a; 5a; 6d; 7c.

Clothes of Cossacks and Cossacks 1b; 2b; 3a; 4b.

Cossack need to be born 1a; 2a; 3a; 4a; 5a; 6a.

The Cossack amuses himself 1c; 2a; 3a.

Literature used in the development of the test

1. Astapenko M.P. History and traditions of the Don Cossacks - Rostov-on-Don: BARO-PRESS Publishing House, 2011;

2. Donovedenie - Rostov-on-Don: Publishing house BARO-PRESS, 2013.;

3. Introducing older preschoolers to the traditions of their native land: program, notes, classes / ed. O. Timofeeva (and others). - Volgograd: Teacher, 2015.;

4. Journey into the history and culture of the Don region. Workbook for older preschoolers, preschool teachers and parents. Chumicheva R. M., Vedmed O. L. Platokhina N. A. - Rostov-on-Don: printing house "Synthesis of Technologies", 2007.