» Thirty-three heroes. Not with different parts of speech The windows were not washed and opened

Thirty-three heroes. Not with different parts of speech The windows were not washed and opened

Near the old city of Murom, among dense forests and swamps and impenetrable swamps, lived in the rich village of Karacharovo, a serviceable peasant Ivan Timofeevich with his wife Evfrosinya Yakovlevna.

In their old age, the Lord God had already sent them a son, whom they named Elijah. Ilyusha would have been taken by everyone: he was both healthy and strong, and he went out with reason - one grief: he did not control his arms or legs, he sat in bed for thirty years.

One day Ilya sits in a hut all alone; it was summer, suffering; everyone went to work in the outfield; Ilya sits, thinks about his bitter fate and hears, two kalik passers-by approach under the windows of his hut. Kaliki are knocking on the window:

Open the door for us, Ilya Muromets, let passers-by into your house to rest along the way.

Ilya answers:

I, God's people, cannot move from my place, open the gate: I have been sitting here for thirty years now; I don't have hands or feet.

But the Kaliki repeat their request for the second and third time. Ilya stirred on the stove: what a marvel! Feels like he can get up; frisky little legs hold him, he owns his hands. Ilya jumped up quickly from the stove, opens the gates to the Kaliks, leads them into the house.

Kaliki say to him:

Bring us a drink!

Good people, - Ilya answers, - because I am without arms, without legs!

Go, go, Ilya Ivanovich! Don't deceive us!

Ilya went to the cellar; he poured a cup of green wine into a bucket and a half, brings kaliks. Kaliki gave Ilya to drink that wine, they ask Ilya:

Do you feel strong in yourself?

If there was a pillar from the earth to the sky, and in the pillar there was a golden ring, - says Ilya, - I would take this ring, I would turn the whole earth over at once.

Kaliki looked at each other:

Well, Ilya, bring us another bowl of brew.

Ilya went to the cellar; he walks, grabs an oak tree on the road - he will uproot the oak tree from the ground, his legs will get stuck in the ground up to his knees. He brought mash; gave him another drink of Kaliki.

How much now, Ilya, do you feel strength in yourself?

God's people, now I have a half-silushka in me!

Enough with you and this silushka, - say the Kaliki, - you, Ilya, will be a great hero and death is not written for you in battle; you can safely go into battle with any hero, do not fight only with Svyatogor the hero - the earth itself carries him through force, do not fight with the great Samson - the angels of God guard him, do not start a fight with the family of Mikula Selyaninovich - he is loved by mother earth damp; do not touch Volga Svyatoslavich - this one, if he does not take it by force, will overcome you with cunning-wisdom.

Listen again, how to get yourself a heroic horse: go to an open field, buy the first colt you meet, put him in your stable for three months, fatten him with beloyarovaya wheat. After three months, take the horse through the garden at three in the morning, roll it out in three morning dews, bring it to a high tyn; how the high horse learns to jump on both sides - ride it wherever you want.

Then the Kaliki said goodbye to Ilya and disappeared from sight. Ilya fell asleep after their departure with a sound heroic sleep; slept no less than twelve whole days.

Ilyeva's parents and sisters came home from work, they saw that Ilya controlled his arms and legs, they were amazed, they could not believe their eyes, they were crying with joy.

Ilya asks his parents:

My dear parents, where did you work as peasant work?

We worked, Ilyusha, a meadow-sap three miles from home.

Take me to that harvest, show me my work!

Ilya began to clear the forest; he uprooted old trees, felled them, broke strong oaks, plowed a great field, blocked a fast river with roots; so much one worked in three hours, how much father, mother and workers did not do in three days.

Meanwhile, Ilya bought himself a stallion from a peasant passerby, as the Kaliki advised him, gave him an unheard-of price, five hundred rubles and a half, fed him, raised him, rolled him out in dew; the stallion became a marvelous horse, Ilya's true friend and comrade.

Ilya went to his parent to ask for blessings on the path-road, on great deeds.

It’s not thunder that rumbles, it’s not knocking that Ilya is talking to his father; not a damp oak bends to the ground, not its leaves are spread - then Ilya bows to his father to the earth, asks for blessings:

You are my dear father! Give me your blessing to go to the glorious capital city of Kiev, to bow to the miracle workers of Kyiv, to serve Vladimir the sun faithfully, to stand up for the Christian faith.

The old peasant, Ivan Timofeevich, answers:

Ride with God; for good deeds I give you my parental blessing; only for bad deeds you don’t have my blessing; do not shed Christian blood in vain, do not harm even a Tatar, intercede for the orphans, the poor.

Ilya bowed to his father and mother to the ground, went to equip himself on the road: he forged three mighty arrows from three iron strips; Ilya began to look for a sword for himself - only there was no sword for him: Ilya would take the sword by the hilt, then the hilt would remain in his hand. Then Ilya forged a damask spear for himself, saddled a good horse; he put felts on felts, sweatshirts on sweatshirts, put on top of everything a Cherkasy saddle with twelve silk girths, and the thirteenth was the strongest of all, forged from iron.

Ilya Muromets rides on a horse across an open field, then his road diverges in three directions and there is a stone in the middle. Slez Ilyusha, went up to the stone, and on the stone it was not only written, but spat and dirty.

It means that Ilya Muromets is riding in an open field, look: a crowd of peasants is coming to meet him, and one of them says:
- Ilya, let's fight with eggs!
Ilya was surprised at such a strange request, but he didn’t show it, grabbed his pood in both hands and went right and left to bludgeon. Ten minutes later, when it was all over and Ilya was about to leave, the same peasant raised his head and, barely moving his broken lips, croaked:
- Christ is risen, Ilyushenka!

Ilya Muromets and Vasilisa the Beautiful are standing talking. Well, Vasilisa says to Ilya:
- Ilyusha, you are so big, mighty, strong, but can you uproot a birch tree for me?
- Ilya, yes, it’s easy, he came up and pulled out a birch.
- Vasilisa sticks further, but that hundred-year-old oak tree in two girths is weak?
- Well, Ilya had nowhere to go, tensed up, pulled out an oak tree with a root.
- Vasilisa. What about pine?
- But if you sleep, I generally pull out half the forest.

Who are you?
- I am the Nightingale the Robber!
- Ha, and I'm the Bogatyr Razbabnik!
- Something you, Ilya Muromets, start with jokes today ... Did you watch the Comedy Club again yesterday?

Forest. Narrow road. Rides on his horse D'Artagnan. To meet him, Ilya Muromets on horseback.
- Monsieur, I am a subject of great France, you are obliged to let me through!
- Go away, fool.
- Sir, I am a great musketeer, you must make way for me.
- Go away, fool, I'm in a hurry!
- Monsieur, if you do not give way to me, I will be forced to challenge you to a duel and kill you!
They go behind the bushes. After 5 minutes, Ilya Muromets comes out from behind the bushes, wipes his sword and says:
- Hooliganism, I almost gouged out my eyes with a wire ...

Ilya Muromets stopped at a roadside stone at a fork in the road, and on it is written: “If you go straight, you will lose your head, if you go to the right, they will take the bride away, if you go to the left, the robbers will rob you.”
Ilya scratched his turnip and said:
- And I'll go on horseback!
This is how the first chess player appeared in Rus'.

Somehow the heroes gathered at the arrow - Alyosha Popovich and Dobrynya Nikitich. They are waiting for their friend - Ilyusha of Muromets. And if he doesn't, he's late. So they arrived on the field, where they have to fight with the Tatars, but Ilya is still not there. Already they persuade the infidels to wait. They wait an hour, two, three, but Ilya is still not there. Well, we decided to figure it out ourselves. Beaten. Everyone was removed. They rest in their own blood. Then Ilyusha Muromets appears on his heroic horse - even more so in blood, the mace is broken, the helmet is pierced. Friends ask him:
What happened, why didn't you come to the rescue?
- Damn, guys - mixed up the field.

Ilya Muromets came out to the Russian-Chinese border and shouted:
A thousand Chinese gathered, they went over the mountain ... Fifteen minutes later, Ilya comes out again and shouts:
- A thousand Chinese, let's go fight!
Again, a thousand Chinese gathered, again went over the mountain, fifteen minutes later Ilya again shouts:
- A thousand Chinese, let's go fight!
A third thousand narrow-eyed people gathered. Then an unfinished Chinese crawls out from behind the mountain and shouts:
- Do not believe! There are two of them!

For thirty years and three years, Ilya Muromets lay on the stove. And a man came to him. And he looked at Ilya and said: "Fit without restrictions."

Ilya Muromets left in a pure field. A tall oak stands in the middle of the field. The nightingale the robber sits on the oak tree and whistles with all his might. Ilya drove up to the oak and said:
- What whistled, filthy Herod?
And the Nightingale answers him in a plaintive voice:
- Get me out of here, please!

Ilya Muromets is riding along the road, a stone is at the fork: “If you go to the right, you will lose your horse. If you go to the left, you will lay down your head. Ilya was surprised how many fairy tales I drive, I have not seen this, I need to check. I went. In the clearing stands a hut on a chicken scabbard with Baba Yaga. She fed and watered Ilya Muromets, took a steam bath in a bathhouse and puts her to bed:
- With whom will you lie down, Ilyusha, with me, with your daughter, or will you lie down in the hayloft?
Ilya thought that the grandmother was two hundred years old, the daughter is a little younger, no? I'd rather lie down in the hayloft. In the morning I woke up, did exercises, sees a beauty standing near the well, just fabulous:
- Girl, who are you?
- Baba Yaga's daughter, and who are you?
- And I ... m * duck!

Option 2


1) obvious (un)luck 3) not at all (un)capable

2) a very (un) pleasant thing 4) (not) eat up during the war

2. In which example is NOT written separately with the word?

1) (in) able to work 3) extremely (not) thoughtful decision

2) (not) fall in love with a classmate 4) (not) must believe


1) (not) waiting

2) not at all (not) an interesting story

3) (not) finished playing the sonata

4) (in)exhaustible possibilities

4. In which example is NOT written separately with the word?

1) (Not) far from the playing children, their parents comfortably settled down.

2) For a long time (not) cut hair interfered, climbed into the eyes.

3) His eyes looked straight and (im)moving.

4) He had no reason to go there.

5. In which example is NOT written together with the word?

1) The motives of his act are by no means (not) noble.

2) The project is (not) approved.

3) The conscience that never (never) fell silent was his faithful companion.

4) Small, (not) perceptible dust settled on the windows.

6. In which example is NOT written together with the word?

1) He repeated the (un)heard words twice.

2) He was worried about the (un)solved issue so far.

3) The (un)passable strip of land for fire removed the steppe from the fire.

4) The tasks set before us have not been (not) solved.

11. In which answer option are all the numbers correctly indicated, in the place of which it is NOT written separately?

Non-(1) stopping rain in a non-(2) large provincial town, standing over a non-(3) deep river, did not (4) transient melancholy for the visitor, who did not (5) manage to find a worthy occupation for himself.

1) 3, 4, 4, 5 4) 5

12. In which sentence is NOT written together with the word?

1) Our janitor is (not) capable of offending a fly.

2) Without friendship, no communication (does) make sense.

3) (Not) everyone is capable of noble deeds.

4) The (un)flattering review of Lisa's abilities jarred Petrov.

13. In which sentence is NOT with a word (or with words) spelled together?

1) Behave decently: you are (not) smarter and (not) better than others!

2) The fields were (not) mowed, the grain (not) harvested; not for a minute (not) stopping rains alarmed the villagers.

3) (Not) hasty conversations with his father liked the (not) sedentary boy.

4) Is listening to your advice far (not) the best thing?

14. In which answer option are all the numbers correctly indicated, in the place of which it is NOT written separately?

Not (1) despite the (2) weather, the strawberries were born not (3) large, but sweet and not (4) usually bright, not (5) Siberian fragrant.

1) 2, 3 2) 1, 3 3) 1, 5 4) 5

15. In which answer option are all the numbers correctly indicated, in place of which NOT (NOR) is written together?

I saw in Griboedov an unusual person; not (2) an insurmountable force pulled towards him, because he neither (3) when and nor (4) in front of anyone and did not (5) think to shine; his intolerant attitude towards flatterers and saints was shown in everything.

1) 1, 2, 3, 6 2) 1, 3, 6 3) 2, 3, 6 4) 1, 2, 3, 4

16. In which sentence is NOT written together with the word?

1) (In) abilities helped him out, but great perseverance.

2) The windows were (not) washed and wide open.

3) (Not) where to help Ilya Muromets wait!

4) Stepan was (not) accustomed to listening to women's advice.

17. In which answer option are all the numbers correctly indicated, in place of which NOT (NOR) is written together?

It was not a very (1) easy task: to dig up the roses that had not yet (2) blossomed and transplant them to a new place not (3) far from home, where no (4) no matter who (5) accidentally (6) broke them.

1) 1, 3, 4, 5 2) 2, 3, 4, 5 3) 1, 2, 3, 4 4) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

18. In which answer option are all the numbers correctly indicated, in place of which it is NOT written separately?

The student confusingly cited facts that were not (1) necessary for proof, made completely incorrect (2) conclusions, did not (3) once make mistakes, naming the theories of famous scientists that never (4) existed.

1) 1, 3 2) 1, 3, 4 3) 1, 2, 3 4) 3, 4

19. In which sentence is NOT written together with the word?

1) The rider (not) willingly got off his horse and went to the fire.

2) This backpack is by no means (not) heavy.

3) You are my song, not yet (not) sung.

4) He (not) started the fight first.

20. In which answer option are all the numbers correctly indicated, in place of which NOT (NOR) is written together?

In not (1) ordinary, nor (2) when not (3) heard silence, not (4) bright dawn arises; pines are not (5) mobile.

1) 1, 3, 4, 5 2) 1, 3, 4, 5 3) 1, 2, 4, 5 4) 1, 2, 4

21. In which answer option are all the numbers correctly indicated, in the place of which it is NOT written separately?

Timofey was not (1) only not (2) glad for the appearance of hunters - he did not (3) slowly order that these not (4) decent people should not be allowed (5) close to the forest.

1) 1, 2, 5 2) 1, 4, 5 3) 1, 2, 3, 5 4) 2, 3, 4, 5

22. In which answer option are all the numbers correctly indicated, in place of which it is NOT written separately?

The artist went on stage and, not at all (1) smiling, somehow not (2) deftly tried to joke, but this not (3) skillful attempt caused not (4) bewilderment of the audience, who did not (5) want to listen and see this.

1) 1, 5 2) 1, 3, 5 3) 2, 3, 5 4) 2, 3, 4, 5

23. In which answer option are all the numbers correctly indicated, in place of which NOT (NOT) is written separately?

I don’t (1) feel sorry for the years wasted in vain, I don’t (2) feel sorry for the soul of a lilac blossom, a fire of red mountain ash burns in the garden, but it can warm no (3) anyone (4).

1) 1, 2, 3 2) 3, 4 3) 1, 2, 3, 4 4) 1, 2, 4

24. In which answer option are all the numbers correctly indicated, in place of which NOT (NOR) is written together?

Not (1) the intricate song of a lark, not (2) the vast azure expanse of heaven, gave rise in us to an absolutely not (3) transferable feeling of delight, not (4) described joy: not (5) wanting to hold them, we ran down with joyful cries along the slope.

1) 2, 3, 4, 5 2) 1, 3, 5 3) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 4) 1, 2, 3, 4

25. In which sentence is NOT written together with the word?

1) (Not) in vain I was in such a hurry to see you!

2) Spectators (not) though went to the exit.

3) If you are (not) sure you are right, don't be stubborn.

4) Is dinner still (not) cooked?

26. In which answer option are all the numbers correctly indicated, in place of which NOT (NOR) is written together?

Nothing (1) that (2) costs us so cheaply and is not (3) valued as dearly as politeness - the most (4) quality that is not (4) needed in communication.

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27. In which sentence is NOT (NOT) with the word written separately?

1) The sounds were heard as if from nowhere.

2) The boy was dressed (not) in a rustic way.

3) (Not) beloved is waiting for me at the window in dark evenings.

4) (Im) thoughtful decision can turn into big trouble.

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28. In which sentence is NOT written separately with the word?

1) You have (not) bad taste.

2) He was a (not) spiteful, but picky person.

3) (Not) looking at anyone, the mother got up and left the room.

4) (Un)ceasing applause touched the artist.

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29. In which sentence is NOT written together with the word?

1) The (un)plausible act of the student angered the teacher.

2) (Not) the hut is red in the corners, but red in the pies.

3) (Not) a Christmas tree planted on time began to wither, crumble.

4) The diploma is (not) written yet.

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30. In which sentence is NOT written separately with the word?

1) The letter (not) read by me was left lying on the table.

2) (Un)imaginable delight was caused by the performance of aerial gymnasts.

3) He had (not) a lot of work to do.

4) During the war, many (not) finished eating.

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31. Indicate the correct explanation for the spelling of the highlighted words.

Rembrandt's painting "Return prodigal son"I (N ..) CAN (N ..) STOP - she plunges me into an even and powerful stream of her mood.

1) I can not - a verb with a negative particle; nor stop - a verb with a particle neither, reinforcing negation.

2) I can't stop - neither - nor - a repeating union connecting verbs.

3) I can’t - a verb with an intensifying particle, don’t stop - a verb with a negative particle.

4) I can’t help but stop - the particle is not in front of both verbs included in the combination, “double negation” has the meaning of a statement.

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32. In which answer option are all the numbers correctly indicated, in place of which NOT is written?

The baron n (1) spared n (2) time, n (3) money to search for the culprit of his disgrace, and already n (4) what, except revenge, n (5) could think of.

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33. In which answer option are all the numbers correctly indicated, in place of which NI is written?

N (1) once I n (2) had to n (3) see, n (4) hear a current black grouse.

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34. In what sentence is AND (NI) written at the place of the pass?

1) A traveler does not need any special wisdom for friendly communication with local residents.

2) The prospect of waiting for several hours in the stuffy hall of the airport did not tempt us a little.

3) Our city was not at all distinguished by its architectural sights.

4) N.. spectacular appearance makes an actor an actor.

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35. In place of which digit(s) is NI written?

Whenever n (1) appears in the reading room, n (2) when it happens without visitors n (3). Write down those who n(4) will appear for the exam.

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36. In place of what (th) number (s) is written NO?

The picture made n (1) with which n (2) a comparable impression. I've been here n(3) n(4) times before.

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37. In place of which digit(s) is NI written?

I n (1) knew, n (2) who would come for me from those who arrived, n (3) that they would inform me of a new one. What only thoughts n (4) came to mind!

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38. In place of which digit(s) is NI written?

N (1) here, n (2) there n (3) one person spoke to him n (4).

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39. In place of which digit(s) is NI written?

In the forest, as n (1) in what n (2), spring life continued. H(3) one person n(4) began to ask where to look for her.

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40. In the place of which digit(s) is NI written?

No matter how hot n (1) was, no matter how frost cracked n (2), work n (3) for a minute n (4) stopped.

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41. In place of which digit(s) is NI written?

It is impossible n (1) to love the fatherland, no matter what it n (2) was. What would n (3) see now Petya, n (4) what would n (5) surprise him.

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42. In place of which digit(s) is NI written?

What n (1) ask, explain, teach, talk to her n (2) when n (3) gets bored. Wherever he n (4) turned!

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43. In place of which digit(s) is NI written?

Wherever fate n (1) throws us and happiness where b n (2) leads, we are all the same ... Whoever n (3) once n (4) has been in the lower reaches of the Lefou River, that n (5) can imagine that going on there.

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44. In place of which digit(s) is NI written?

As Aleksey n (1) tried, n (2) he could see on their faces n (3) joy, n (4) surprise.

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45. In which sentence is the letter I missing?

1) N .. just out of boredom, he confided his dreams to me.

2) We can't n.. invite him.

3) Where only n .. this general fought!

4) As the road is difficult, it is necessary to move forward.

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46. ​​In which sentence is the letter E missing?

1) N..who else could not have performed this romance so magnificently.

2) Anyway, it was, but Kirill answered my mocking remark quite seriously.

3) He is n.. alive n.. dead rushing back.

4) What n .. will present itself to a frightened imagination!

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47. In which sentence is the letter E missing?

1) In the forest, as if nothing had happened, spring life continues.

2) All these days I have never deviated from my system.

3) How n.. it was a pity for Levin to crush the grass, he drove into the meadow.

4) N.. are these amazing results?

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48. In which sentence should there be a continuous spelling NOT or NOR?

1) Lisa did not dream of acting in films (neither) when she was a schoolgirl, (nor) when she studied at a theater school.

2) For five years of service in the army, Ilya (not) rose even to the rank of corporal.

3) We noticed that the conductor's shirt was wrinkled, and the shoes were (not) cleaned.

4) The young singer had a good ear, but a (not) set voice.

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49. In which sentence is the letter E missing?

1) When I n.. go to them, they immediately call me.

2) Makar returned in the evening n .. alive n .. dead.

3) What n..speak, and the performance of the artists was wonderful.

4) Please, n .. words!

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50. In which sentence is the letter I missing?

1) Semyon came home in the evening as if nothing had happened.

2) N.. once he did not talk about the upcoming trip.

3) The son n.. could n..know about his father's illness.

4) Are you sick?

The presentation consists of two parts. Part 1 - the theoretical material necessary to complete task A 18. It is located in a logical sequence and contains an application algorithm. Part 2 training exercises in the format of USE tasks with answers that allow you to immediately track the correctness of the assignment. The material allows graduates to independently prepare for the task, and it will also help teachers to control the preparation of students on the topic "Spelling of the particles NE and NI".



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Slides captions:

Task A18 Spelling NE and NI Teacher of the highest qualification category MBOU secondary school No. 4 Ussuriysk Metlyaeva Marina Nikolaevna

I. Consolidated and separate spelling

NOR with parts of speech With negative pronouns ONE, if it doesn't interfere preposition H-r: none, in no way With the other parts of speech ALWAYS SEPARATE Nr: No matter how wandered; Not a tree around

NOT with parts of speech Is the word used without "NOT"? NO Write smoothly N-r: Ignorant, indignant, fidget YES DEFINE THE PART OF SPEECH


Note!!! There is a prefix UNDER- in the meaning of "shortage": Underfulfill the plan (perform below the required norm), overlook the child (not enough, look bad, miss something), lack sleep for a week (sleep less than normal). From verbs with the prefix NEDO - it is necessary to distinguish between verbs with the prefix DO- -, which have the negation of NOT in front of them and denote “an action that has not been completed”, for example: do not finish reading a book, do not finish drinking tea, do not watch a play. Drop NO! Derived prepositions in spite of ..., in spite of a ... Always together! Note! Do not confuse these prepositions with gerunds with the particle NOT! Without looking (not looking) at my face, he spoke terrible words - this is a gerund; despite the rain (despite the rain), we walked - this is an excuse. Regardless of the distance, he arrived immediately.

NEGATIVE AND INDEFINITE PRONOUNS CLEARLY, if the preposition Н-р does not interfere: some, nothing

Nouns, adjectives, adverbs in O-E Together, if it can be replaced by a synonym without NOT N-p: sad (= sad) Separate: If there is a contrast with @ If there are special words FAR, AT ALL, NOTHING, NOTHING, NEVER, NOT at all N- p: not an interesting story at all

FULL PARTICIPLES Separately: If there is a contrast with @ - if there are dependent words (participial turnover) N-r: a window not curtained by ANYTHING Together: SINGLE full participles N-r: unhung window

Notes!!! Separately written: -pronominal adverbs: not otherwise, not so; - amplifying adverbs, as well as prepositions and conjunctions, for example: not very, not quite, not quite, not from ..., not under ..., not that ... not that;

Note! None other than… (none other than…) n-r: It was none other than our neighbor N n nothing else (no one else…) N-r: No one else could have done this job better; Nothing else attracted him; He was not interested in anything else.

II. Spelling NOT and NOR

With negative and indefinite pronouns NOT - under stress NI - in unstressed position Н-р: No one, with no one, no one, no one, some

With the rest of the parts of speech, it is necessary to understand the meaning of the sentence: a denial in it or an affirmation Compare: No matter how the summer residents hurried to the train, they were still late. Did the summer residents hurry to the train? Yes. - statement When I did not arrive by the evening train, my parents became worried. Did I come by evening train? No. - denial

Negation Statement --1 particle - NOT N-p: was not --2 particles - NOT + NOR (NOT with a predicate, NOR with a minor member) N-p: Didn't say a word - 1 particle - NOR (most often in adnexal part of the SPP next to the union: no matter where, no matter who, no, etc.) N-r: Wherever I look, endless fields everywhere - 2 particles - NOT + NOT don't think about her.

NOTES 1. In exclamatory sentences ONLY + NOT N-p: And where has he been! 2. Always NOT in rhetorical questions. N-r: Who doesn't know Pushkin? 3. "NO", "NO" = "NOT". In sentences with “NO”, “DO NOT” the second particle is always NOR Nr: I don’t have a penny. Sometimes the word "NO" can be omitted: Eg: Not a tree around. 4. With homogeneous members, there may be a union NI-NI, or there may be a particle NOT with each homogeneous member. The union NI-NI occurs in those sentences where the predicate has a negation NOT N-R: I could neither sleep, nor eat, nor read, nor communicate. He was not young, not handsome, not famous, but he evoked sympathy from all the people with whom he spoke.

Distinguish combinations a) none (no one) - not one (many): N-p: No one (no one) came to the meeting; he visited me more than one (many) times; b) never (never) - not once (many times): N-r: I have never (never) been to Paris; he had been to Paris more than once (many times); c) not at all (= not at all) - not a little (= a lot): N-r: He was not in the least (not at all) embarrassed by the discontent of the owner. He knew a lot (a lot) of interesting things about birds.

REMEMBER: 1. composition complex alliances not that ..., not that, not only ..., but if not ..., then not that not ..., but also 2. Stable combinations, whatever, whatever, whatever, step, wherever it went, from where, OR come into anything, OR it became as if nothing had happened, that NEVER speak in any way, neither fluff nor feather, neither alive nor dead, day or night, no end, no edge Whatever it was

1. In which sentence is NOT written separately with the word? 1. The day was completely (un) ordinary. 2. The meat turned out to be (not) fried. 3. They saw each other (not) often. 4. It is difficult to live in a foreign country, (not) knowing the language 4

2. In which answer option are all the numbers correctly indicated, in the place of which NOT is written? The baron n (1) spared n (2) time, n (3) money to search for the culprit of his disgrace, and already n (4) what, except revenge, n (5) could think of. 1) 1, 4 2) 2, 3, 4 3) 1, 5 4) 4 3

3. In which sentence is NOT (NOT) with the word written separately? 1) Who (not) cursed stationmasters who (not) scolded them? 2) (Not) the truth of happiness is unlikely to get. 3) I won’t believe anyone that you love another. 4) (No one) has heard of the paths-roads to the Belovodsk kingdom. 1

4. In which answer option are all the numbers correctly indicated, in place of which NI is written? N (1) once I n (2) had to n (3) see, n (4) hear a current black grouse. 1) 1 2) 2, 3, 4 3) 3, 4 4) 1, 3, 4 4

5. In which sentence is NOT (NOR) with the word spelled together? 1) The telegram (not) received on time made us change plans. 2) In (not) some villages, all (un)clean people are still driven out of their houses. 3) The governor was (not) young and (not) old. 4) (No one) had the courage to admit their mistakes. 2

6. In place of which digit(s) is NI written? I n (1) knew, n (2) who would come for me from those who arrived, n (3) that they would inform me of a new one. What only thoughts n (4) came to mind! 1) 2, 3 2) 2, 3, 4 3) 2, 4 4) 1, 2, 3 1

7. In which sentence is NOT written separately with the word? 1) Her fiancé, a (not) affectionate and (not) kind person, was known throughout the district for his cruel temper. 2) Loud speeches are by no means (not) always a sign of intelligence. 3) The (in)literacy of the design engineer became the reason for his (not)easy conversation with the plant director. 4) Vladimir was thin and (not) good-looking. 2

8. In place of which digit(s) is NI written? Whenever n (1) appears in the reading room, n (2) when it happens without visitors n (3). Write down those who n(4) will appear for the exam. 1) 1, 2 2) 2, 3 3) 2, 4 4) 1, 2, 3 1

9. In which sentence is NOT written separately with the word? 1) (In) calmness and (in) fearfulness of V.K. Arseniev in study Far East amazed his contemporaries. 2) Arrogance - (not) durable material: cracks on the first test. 3) Sofya Pavlovna is (not) as guilty as it seems. 4) The (un)defeated and (not)subdued Leningraders became a symbol of resilience and the will to live. 3

10. In which sentence is the letter E missing? 1) When I n.. go to them, they immediately call me. 2) Makar returned in the evening n .. alive n .. dead. 3) What n..speak, and the performance of the artists was wonderful. 4) Please, n .. words! 1

11. In which sentence is NOT written separately with the word? 1) Sometimes, and honestly, yes (not) appropriate. 2) (Non-)ceasing pain clouded consciousness. 3) Who (did not) have enough mind to have children? 4) (Not) asking the ford, (do not) poke your head into the water. 4

12. In which sentence is the letter E missing? 1) In the forest, as if nothing had happened, spring life continues. 2) All these days I have never deviated from my system. 3) How n.. it was a pity for Levin to crush the grass, he drove into the meadow. 4) N.. are these amazing results? 4

13. In which sentence is NOT written together with the word? 1) A soul that has never (never) suffered, (cannot) comprehend happiness. 2) Choose a friend (not) in a hurry, even less rush to exchange him. 3) The fungus is (not) high, but strong. 4) Your gift is (not) dear to me - your love is dear. 3

14. In which sentence is the letter E missing? 1) N..who else could not have performed this romance so magnificently. 2) Anyway, it was, but Kirill answered my mocking remark quite seriously. 3) He is n.. alive n.. dead rushing back. 4) What n .. will present itself to a frightened imagination! 4

15. In which sentence is NOT with a word (or words) written separately? 1) It is (not) ashamed and (not) harmful (not) to know - it is a shame to be lazy to learn. 2) The (un)friendliness of the host confused the guests. 3) (In) ignorance is (in) lack of intelligence. 4) An (un)invited guest is worse than a Tatar. 1

16. In which sentence is the letter I missing? 1) N .. just out of boredom, he confided his dreams to me. 2) We can't n.. invite him. 3) Where only n .. this general fought! 4) As the road is difficult, it is necessary to move forward. 4

17. In which answer option are all the numbers correctly indicated, in the place of which NOT (NOR) is written together? This not (1) trustworthy person neither (2) does not (3) break his hats to anyone, nor (4) anyone (5) orders him. 1) 1, 4, 5 2) 1, 2, 4 3) 1, 4 4) 2, 3, 5 3

18. In place of which digit(s) is NI written? As Aleksey n (1) tried, n (2) he could see on their faces n (3) joy, n (4) surprise. 1) 1, 3, 4 2) 2 3) 3, 4 4) 1, 2, 3 1

19. In which answer option are all the numbers correctly indicated, in place of which NOT (NOR) is written together? Do not (1) ridicule not (2) the wealth and weaknesses of others, remember that even the one who is no longer (3) afraid of anything (4) in the world is afraid of ridicule. 1) 1, 2, 4 2) 2, 3, 4 3) 2, 3 4) 1, 3, 4 3

20. In place of which digit(s) is NI written? Wherever fate n (1) throws us and happiness where b n (2) leads, we are all the same ... Whoever n (3) once n (4) has been in the lower reaches of the Lefou River, that n (5) can imagine that going on there. 1) 1, 3 2) 1, 2, 3 3) 2, 4, 5 4) 1, 2, 3, 4 2

21. In which answer option are all the numbers correctly indicated, in the place of which it is NOT written together? A worthy person is not (1) one who does not have non (2) wealth, but one who has not (3) doubtful virtues and not (4) repeated good deeds. 1) 2, 3, 4 2) 1, 2, 3 3) 2, 3 4) 2, 3, 4 3

22. In place of which digit(s) is NI written? What n (1) ask, explain, teach, talk to her n (2) when n (3) gets bored. Wherever he n (4) turned! 1) 1, 2 2) 2, 3 3) 2, 4 4) 1, 2, 3 1

23. In which answer option are all the numbers correctly indicated, in the place of which it is NOT written separately? Non-(1) stopping rain in a non-(2) large provincial town, standing over a non-(3) deep river, did not (4) transient melancholy for the visitor, who did not (5) manage to find a worthy occupation for himself. 1) 3, 4 2) 4 3) 1, 4, 5 4) 5 4

24. In place of which digit(s) is NI written? It is impossible n (1) to love the fatherland, no matter what it n (2) was. What would n (3) see now Petya, n (4) what would n (5) surprise him. 1) 1, 3 2) 2, 3, 4 3) 2, 4 4) 1, 2, 3 2

25. In which sentence is NOT written together with the word? 1) Our janitor is (not) capable of offending a fly. 2) Without friendship, no communication (does) make sense. 3) (Not) everyone is capable of noble deeds. 4) The (un)flattering review of Lisa's abilities jarred Petrov. 4

26. In place of which digit(s) is NI written? No matter how hot n (1) was, no matter how frost cracked n (2), work n (3) for a minute n (4) stopped. 1) 1, 2 2) 3, 4 3) 1, 2, 4 4) 1, 2, 3 4

27. In which sentence is NOT with a word (or with words) spelled together? 1) Behave decently: you are (not) smarter and (not) better than others! 2) The fields were (not) mowed, the grain (not) harvested; not for a minute (not) stopping rains alarmed the villagers. 3) (Not) hasty conversations with his father liked the (not) sedentary boy. 4) Is listening to your advice far (not) the best thing? 3

28. In place of which digit(s) is NI written? N (1) here, n (2) there n (3) one person spoke to him n (4). 1) 1, 2 2) 1, 2, 4 3) 3 4) 1, 2, 3, 4 2

29. In which answer option are all the numbers correctly indicated, in place of which it is NOT written separately? Not (1) despite the (2) weather, the strawberries were born not (3) large, but sweet and not (4) usually bright, not (5) Siberian fragrant. 1) 2, 3 2) 1, 3 3) 1, 5 4) 5 4

30. In place of which digit(s) is NI written? In the forest, as n (1) in what n (2), spring life continued. H(3) one person n(4) began to ask where to look for her. 1) 1, 3 2) 2 3) 2, 4 4) 1, 2, 3 1

31. In which answer option are all the numbers correctly indicated, in place of which NOT (NOR) is written together? I saw in Griboedov an unusual person; not (2) an insurmountable force pulled towards him, because he neither (3) when and nor (4) in front of anyone and did not (5) think to shine; his intolerant attitude towards flatterers and saints was shown in everything. 1) 1, 2, 3, 6 2) 1, 3, 6 3) 2, 3, 6 4) 1, 2, 3, 4 1

16. In which sentence is NOT written together with the word? 1) (In) abilities helped him out, but great perseverance. 2) The windows were (not) washed and wide open. 3) (Not) where to help Ilya Muromets wait! 4) Stepan was (not) accustomed to listening to women's advice. 3

17. In which answer option are all the numbers correctly indicated, in place of which NOT (NOR) is written together? It was not a very (1) easy task: to dig up the roses that had not yet (2) blossomed and transplant them to a new place not (3) far from home, where no (4) no matter who (5) accidentally (6) broke them. 1) 1, 3, 4, 5 2) 2, 3, 4, 5 3) 1, 2, 3, 4 4) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 1

18. In which answer option are all the numbers correctly indicated, in place of which it is NOT written separately? The student confusingly cited facts that were not (1) necessary for proof, made completely incorrect (2) conclusions, did not (3) once make mistakes, naming the theories of famous scientists that never (4) existed. 1) 1, 3 2) 1, 3, 4 3) 1, 2, 3 4) 3, 4 4

19. In which sentence is NOT written together with the word? 1) The rider (not) willingly got off his horse and went to the fire. 2) This backpack is by no means (not) heavy. 3) You are my song, not yet (not) sung. 4) He (not) started the fight first. 1

20. In which answer option are all the numbers correctly indicated, in place of which NOT (NOR) is written together? In not (1) ordinary, nor (2) when not (3) heard silence, not (4) bright dawn arises; pines are not (5) mobile. 1) 1, 3, 4, 5 2) 1, 3, 4, 5 3) 1, 2, 4, 5 4) 1, 2, 4 3

21. In which answer option are all the numbers correctly indicated, in the place of which it is NOT written separately? Timofey was not (1) only not (2) glad for the appearance of hunters - he did not (3) slowly order that these not (4) decent people should not be allowed (5) close to the forest. 1) 1, 2, 5 2) 1, 4, 5 3) 1, 2, 3, 5 4) 2, 3, 4, 5 1

22. In which answer option are all the numbers correctly indicated, in place of which it is NOT written separately? The artist went on stage and, not at all (1) smiling, somehow not (2) deftly tried to joke, but this not (3) skillful attempt caused not (4) bewilderment of the audience, who did not (5) want to listen and see similar. 1) 1, 5 2) 1, 3, 5 3) 2, 3, 5 4) 2, 3, 4, 5 1

23. In which answer option are all the numbers correctly indicated, in place of which NOT (NOT) is written separately? I don’t (1) feel sorry for the years wasted in vain, I don’t (2) feel sorry for the soul of a lilac blossom, a fire of red mountain ash burns in the garden, but it can’t warm anyone (3) (4). 1) 1, 2, 3 2) 3, 4 3) 1, 2, 3, 4 4) 1, 2, 4 4

24. In which answer option are all the numbers correctly indicated, in place of which NOT (NOR) is written together? Not (1) the intricate song of a lark, not (2) the vast azure expanse of heaven, gave rise in us to an absolutely not (3) transferable feeling of delight, not (4) described joy: not (5) wanting to hold them, we ran down with joyful cries along the slope. 1) 2, 3, 4, 5 2) 1, 3, 5 3) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 4) 1, 2, 3, 4 4

25. In which sentence is NOT written together with the word? 1) (Not) in vain I was in such a hurry to see you! 2) Spectators (not) though went to the exit. 3) If you are (not) sure you are right, don't be stubborn. 4) Is dinner still (not) cooked? 2

26. In which answer option are all the numbers correctly indicated, in place of which NOT (NOR) is written together? Nothing (1) that (2) costs us so cheaply and is not (3) valued as dearly as politeness - the most (4) quality that is not (4) needed in communication. 1) 1, 4 2) 1, 2, 4 3) 2, 3, 4 4) 1, 3, 4 1

27. In which sentence is NOT (NOT) with the word written separately? 1) The sounds were heard as if from nowhere. 2) The boy was dressed (not) in a rustic way. 3) (Not) beloved is waiting for me at the window in dark evenings. 4) (Im) thoughtful decision can turn into big trouble. 2

28. In which sentence is NOT written separately with the word? 1) You have (not) bad taste. 2) He was a (not) spiteful, but picky person. 3) (Not) looking at anyone, the mother got up and left the room. 4) (Un)ceasing applause touched the artist. 3

29. In which sentence is NOT written together with the word? 1) The (un)plausible act of the student angered the teacher. 2) (Not) the hut is red in the corners, but red in the pies. 3) (Not) a Christmas tree planted on time began to wither, crumble. 4) The diploma is (not) written yet. 1

30. In which sentence is NOT written separately with the word? 1) The letter (not) read by me was left lying on the table. 2) (Un)imaginable delight was caused by the performance of aerial gymnasts. 3) He had (not) a lot of work to do. 4) During the war, many (not) finished eating. 1

34. In what sentence is AND (NI) written at the place of the pass? 1) A traveler does not need any special wisdom for friendly communication with local residents. 2) The prospect of waiting for several hours in the stuffy hall of the airport did not tempt us a little. 3) Our city was not at all distinguished by its architectural sights. 4) N.. spectacular appearance makes an actor an actor. 2

35. In place of which digit(s) is NI written? Whenever n (1) appears in the reading room, n (2) when it happens without visitors n (3). Write down those who n(4) will appear for the exam. 1) 1, 2 2) 2, 3 3) 2, 4 4) 1, 2, 3 1

Part 1

Read the text and complete tasks 1-3.

(1) The most important function of phraseological units should be recognized not as a designation of a particular subject, but as an expression of attitude to what is being said. (2) Possession of figurative means of language decorates speech and enriches techniques oratory; <...>phraseological means are able to influence the mind of the interlocutor during a public speech. (3) Therefore, it is very important to know the meaning of various phraseological expressions and life situations in which they can be used.

1. Which of the following sentences correctly conveys HOME information contained in the text?

1) Phraseologisms decorate speech and enrich the techniques of oratory, because they express an attitude towards what is being said.

2) Phraseological units are able to influence the mind of the interlocutor during a public speech.

3) Phraseologisms do not denote a particular subject, but express an attitude towards what is being said, and this is their most important function.

4) To public speaking was bright and influenced the listeners, it is necessary to know the meaning of phraseological expressions and life situations in which their use is appropriate.

5) Figurative means of language, for example, phraseological units, decorate speech and express attitude to what is being said, and their appropriate use can affect the mind of the interlocutor during a public speech.

2. Which of the following words (combinations of words) should be in place of the gap in the second (2) sentence of the text? Write it out.

firstly, on the contrary, in other words, however, only

3. Read the fragment of the dictionary entry, which gives the meaning of the word FUNCTION. Determine the meaning in which this word is used in sentence 1. Write down the number corresponding to this value in the given fragment of the dictionary entry.

FUNCTION, -i, g.

1) In philosophy: a phenomenon that depends on another and changes as this other phenomenon changes.

2) In mathematics: a law, according to which each value of a variable quantity (argument) is associated with a certain definite value, as well as this value itself. Linear f. (changing in direct proportion to the change in its argument).

3) Work performed by an organ, an organism (book). F. glands.

4) Role, the meaning of something. (book). F. syntax.

5) Duty, range of activities (book). Service f. F. trade union committee.

4. In one of the words below, a mistake was made in setting the stress: the letter denoting the stressed vowel was highlighted INCORRECTLY. Write out this word.

cleaned up there

5. In one of the sentences below, the underlined word is WRONGLY used. Correct the mistake and write the word correctly.

The best way to build TRUST with your teenager is to be genuinely interested in their life.

During the excavations of the ancient settlement, archaeologists found a lot of POCKET.

The ICE battle on Lake Peipus showed the outstanding ingenuity of Russian soldiers.

"Tourist" is a modern and COMFORTABLE hotel located in an ecologically clean area of ​​the city.

Stepan Petrovich led a team that built GOOD brick houses

6. In one of the words highlighted below, a mistake was made in the formation of the form. Correct the mistake and write the word correctly.

150 rubles TWO grandmothers

sultry DESERT LIE on the sofa for BOTH girls

7. Establish a correspondence between the sentences and the grammatical ones allowed in them

errors: for each position of the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column



A) Pushkin wrote that “God forbid I go crazy.”

B) Both adults and children liked the wonderful excursion to Yasnaya Polyana.

B) Many geniuses have gone down in world history.

D) Thanks to the advice of Bezukhov, Andrei Bolkonsky began to be reborn to life.

E) After reading the text about geniuses, my thoughts turned to Pushkin

1) incorrect use of the case form of a noun with a preposition

2) violation of the connection between the subject and the predicate

3) violation in the construction of a proposal with an inconsistent application

4) an error in constructing a sentence with homogeneous members

5) incorrect construction of a sentence with a participial turnover

6) violation in the construction of a sentence with participial turnover

incorrect sentence construction with indirect speech

8. Determine the word in which the unstressed checked vowel of the root is missing. Write out this word by inserting the missing letter

zan ... mother vy .. chit zar. .sit down to ... lbasa with ... rhinestone

9. Determine the row in which the same letter is missing in both words in the prefix. Write these words out with the missing letter.

pr ... zentation, pr ... bautka in ... sit down, ra ... row

Dacha, be ... back to ... joke, oh ... shine pr ... shut up, pr ... lie down

10. Write down the word in which the letter I is written at the place of the gap.

to prolong ... to be perplexed .... to be Greek ... new picky ... new construction ... howl

11. Write down the word in which the letter I is written at the place of the gap.

entertaining…my sealed…unacceptable…my creeping…independent…my

12. Find a sentence in which NOT with the word is spelled CONTINUOUSLY. Open the brackets and write out this word.

Everyone was outraged by Kostya's (un)justified act. The windows were (not) washed and wide open. (Not) where to help Ilya Muromets wait!

A decision (not) thought out by you can turn into big trouble (Not) the hut is red with corners, but red with rapids

13. Find a sentence in which both highlighted words are spelled ONE. Open the brackets and write out these two words.

All conversations (ON) ON THE ACCOUNT of the sale of the estate had already been going on (IN) FOR a month. (NOT) LOOKING at the privileges, the father lived quite modestly, (WITHOUT) TIRED working in the garden. The gift was prepared (B) SECRETLY from others, (B) HALF-VOICE talking in the evenings.

(IN) CAPACITY you will think about the future, when nationalists (IN) OPENLY talk about hatred for foreigners.

(AT) AT THE BEGINNING of the last century (FROM) THAT house was dug an underground tunnel to the pond.

14. Indicate the numbers in the place of which N is written.

I still see arcs with patterns painted with (1) oil (2) paint, gilded (3) harnesses of horses with swans (4) necks, which race in oil (5) weeks along the village street.

15. Arrange punctuation marks. Indicate the numbers of sentences in which you need to put ONE comma?

1) Yesterday the hunter walked all day and almost all night and stopped to rest in pitch darkness.

2) Reading this letter not only aroused various feelings in me, but also severely offended me.

3) The gloomy and motionless castle menacingly and impregnably looked at the newcomers from behind the dark forest.

4) The plot of this or that story or story very often resembles various cases from life.

5) The moon rose and illuminated the path of the fields of the village house. Answer: .

16. Place punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers where commas should be in the sentence. A person (1) being kind to another (2) can be tuned in to his gratitude (3) and (4) without waiting for it (5) start getting angry.

17. Place punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers where commas should be in the sentence. Language is (1) undoubtedly (2) the most stable tool of government and the obvious bearer of social consciousness. On the whole (3) our language remains (4) still (5) "great and mighty".

18. Place punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers where commas should be in the sentence. During the southern exile, Pushkin also served in Chisinau under the command of General Inzov (1) in the hospitable house (2) of which (3) lived an eagle (4) chained to the porch with a long chain.

19. Place punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers in the place of which commas should be in the sentence. With my mother, I was strong (1) did not complain (2) and did not cry (3) but (4) when she began to leave (5) I could not stand it (6) and chased the car with a roar.

Read the text and complete tasks 20-25.

Form start

(1) Sixty-five-year-old Georgy Andreevich, a well-known nuclear physicist, winner of several international awards, was worried that his youngest son was fond of sports and read almost nothing. (2) Is it really a property of the generation, has the book ceased to be what it has already been in Russia for two centuries for educated people? (3) It cannot be that a book, the most comfortable, most convenient way to communicate with a thinker and artist, has passed away!

(4) He himself began to read to his twelve-year-old son. (5) But the son did not catch that charming winking of many meanings that a real literary text gives and in which the author involves a grateful reader. (6) Have TV and computer games really won? (7) And you can’t read aloud to him all the time. (8) Georgy Andreevich at this age could not be torn off the book! (9) Moreover, he was sure that his success in physics was in some mysterious way connected with the books he read and loved. (10) Being engaged in physics, he charged himself with the excitement of inspiration, which covered him when reading. (11) But he experienced the happiness of this state before physics. (12) The book was primary.

(15) At the dacha, father and son played badminton. (16) Due to the sarcastic mockery of his constantly winning son, the father suddenly realized that, although he was a high-class physicist, he did not enjoy any authority with his son. (17) You need to gain authority. (18) But how to do it?

(19) Sport is the only thing that fascinates the boy besides TV and computer games. (20) 0n must gain authority from his son through sports. (21) He must beat him in badminton.

(22) The next day, when the son offered to play, the father told him:

- (23) If I win you, you will read a book for two hours!

- (24) You will win against me ... - the son replied contemptuously. - (25) Dad, your roof has gone!

- (26) But do you agree to the terms?

- (27) Of course!

(28) The father, having decided to win against his son, inwardly concentrated, tensed up, although he pulled himself together and outwardly behaved indifferently.

(29) The slapping of a racket on a shuttlecock was constantly heard. (30) Although Georgy Andreevich was all focused on the game, thoughts flickered in his head that had nothing to do with the game.

(31) If Pushkin had lived for at least another ten years, probably the history of Russia could have been completely different. (32) Strike!

(33) All Russian culture is located between two phrases: Pushkin's: go away, what a peaceful poet cares about you! (34) And Tolstoy: I can’t be silent! (35)Strike!

(36) I'm suffocating! (37) 3 panting! (38) It was impossible to work almost all your life for fourteen hours! (39) Strike!

(40) The expression " Quiet Don”, It seems, was first mentioned by Pushkin in “The Prisoner of the Caucasus” ... (41) If I had not re-read it to my son, I would never have remembered ... (42) Blow!

(43) If the end of book civilization is coming, this will multiply the aggressiveness of mankind tenfold. (44) Nothing can replace natural Tolstoy and natural Shakespeare ... (45) Blow!

(46) The son, not noticing the extraordinary concentration of his father, missed a lot of blows, confident that his father had accidentally pulled ahead. (47) But with a score of ten - five in favor of his father (and they decided to play up to twenty-one points), he seemed to wake up.

(48) A flurry of strong blows rained down on his father. (49) But almost all the blows, surprised at himself, the father dodged to take and send back. (50) 0n reached out to very difficult serves and beat them back, noticing in the eyes of his son a kind of comically inhibited respect. (51) However, the son decently drove him with his serves. (52) His heart was pounding in his chest, he was all wet with sweat. (53) But the more difficult it was for him, with the greater dedication he went to victory. (54) He put all his strength into each blow, as if this blow was the last and most decisive.

(55) The game was approaching a victorious end, and the son became nervous.

- (56) This racket is slipping off my hand, - he shouted, - I'll go get a spare.

(57) And ran home. (58) It seemed to the father that this respite of two or three minutes saved him. (59) Now, when the game stopped and he realized his fatigue, he almost gave up from the stress he had experienced.

(60) 0 father caught his breath slightly. (61) The son came running with a new racket, and they continued the game. (62) And although this racket was no better than the previous one, the son began to hit the shuttlecock with such sweeping force, as if he was trying not only to win against his father, but to push him out of life.

(63) The son again drove his father, but suddenly stumbled, stepping on the lace of an untied sneaker.

(64) He took care of his shoelaces, and at that time his father tried to catch his breath, otherwise he himself could crash from overwork.

(65) A minute later, the father won, two points ahead of his son, and suddenly felt with all his being that the son was imbued with respect for him ...

(According to F. Iskander)

Fazil Abdulovich Iskander (born in 1929) is a Soviet and Russian prose writer and poet. The world in which the heroes of F. Iskander live is a miniature copy of our big world where funny and tragic side by side, wisdom and stupidity, cunning and innocence.

20. Which of the statements can serve as an illustration of the main problem of the text? Specify the answer numbers.

1) The most cowardly, incapable of resistance people become inexorable where they can show absolute parental authority. (Confucius)

2) Always, before something new can be erected, the authority of what already exists must be shaken. (S. Zweig)

4) The teacher himself must be what he wants to make the pupil. (V.Dal)

5) Only a living example brings up a child, and not words, even the best ones, but not supported by deeds. (A. Makarenko)

21. Which of the following statements are true? Specify the answer numbers.

1) Sentences 31-34 present reasoning.

2) Sentence 44 clarifies the judgment made in sentence 43.

3) Proposition 21 is a conclusion generalizing the judgments contained in Propositions 19-20.

4) Sentences 55-57 contain a description.

5) Sentences 63-65 contain reasoning.

22. From sentences 26-29 write out the phraseological unit.

23. Among sentences 45-47, find one that is related to the previous one using a personal pronoun. Write the number of this offer.

24. “It was very difficult for Georgy Andreevich at his age to maintain the pace of the game set by his son, and such a syntactic means as (A) _____ (sentences 36-37) reflects his real physical state. However, (B) ______ (sentence 54) helps to understand the dedication with which the father tried to gain authority by defeating his son. The decisive confrontation of Georgy Andreevich could not but surprise the boy, and the trope (B): _____ "comically-inhibited respect" (sentence 50) draws the beginning of the birth of this feeling. The son could not even think that his father was a little alive from fatigue: in vocabulary (G) _______ (sentence 59) accurately characterizes the well-being of Georgy Andreevich.

List of terms: 1) gradation 2) extended metaphor 3) inversion 4) exclamatory sentence 5) epithet
6) personification 7) phraseology 8) contextual antonyms 9) comparison