» Barankin be a man of the year of publication. Valery Medvedev - Barankin, be a man (with illustrations). The fourth event (very important!) and if I'm tired of being a man

Barankin be a man of the year of publication. Valery Medvedev - Barankin, be a man (with illustrations). The fourth event (very important!) and if I'm tired of being a man

If Kostya Malinin and I had not managed to get two deuces in geometry at the very beginning of the school year, then perhaps nothing so incredible and fantastic would have happened in our life, but we got a deuce, and therefore the next day something happened to us something incredible, fantastic and even, one might say, supernatural! ..

At recess, immediately after this ill-fated event, Zinka Fokina, the head of our class, came up to us and said: “Oh, Barankin and Malinin! Oh what a shame! Shame on the entire school! Then she gathered the girls around her and began with them, apparently, to form some kind of conspiracy against Kostya and me. The meeting went on throughout recess until the bell rang for the next lesson.

During the same time, Alik Novikov, a special photojournalist of our wall newspaper, took a picture of us with Kostya and with the words: “The deuce is jumping! The deuce is rushing!”, stuck our faces to the newspaper, in the section “Humor and satire”.

After that, Era Kuzyakina, the editor-in-chief of the wall newspaper, looked at us with a devastating look and hissed: “Oh, you! Such a newspaper has been ruined!”

The newspaper, which, according to Kuzyakina, was ruined by Kostya and me, looked really beautiful. It was all painted with multi-colored paints, in the most prominent place from edge to edge the slogan was printed in bright letters: “Study only for “good” and “excellent”! »

To be honest, our gloomy physiognomies of typical Losers really somehow did not fit with her elegant and festive look. I could not even stand it and sent Kuzyakina a note with the following content:

"Kuzyakina! I propose to remove our cards so that the newspaper will be beautiful again!

I underlined the word “beautiful” with two bold lines, but Erka only shrugged her shoulders and didn’t even look in my direction…


Don't even let me remember...

As soon as the bell rang from the last lesson, all the children rushed to the door in a crowd. I was about to push the door with my shoulder, but Erka Kuzyakina somehow got in my way.

- Do not disperse! Don't disperse! There will be a general meeting! she shouted and added in a sarcastic tone:

- Dedicated to Barankin and Malinin!

“And not a meeting,” shouted Zinka Fokina, “but a conversation!” A very serious conversation!.. Sit down!..

What started here! All the guys began to be indignant, slamming their desks, scolding Kostya and me and shouting that they would never stay. Kostya and I yelled, of course, the most. What are these other orders? You didn’t have time, one might say, to get deuces, and you immediately got a general meeting, well, not a meeting, so a “serious conversation” ... It remains to be seen which is worse. This was not the case last school year. That is, Kostya and I also had deuces last year, but no one made any fire out of this. They worked, of course, but not like this, not right away ... They let me, as they say, come to my senses ... While such thoughts flashed through my head, the headman of our class, Fokina, and the editor-in-chief of the wall newspaper, Kuzyakina, managed to “crush the rebellion” and forced all the guys to sit down. When the noise gradually died down and there was relative silence in the classroom, Zinka Fokina immediately began the meeting, that is, a “serious conversation” dedicated to me and my to the best friend Kostya Malinin.

Of course, it is very unpleasant for me to remember what Zinka Fokina and the rest of our comrades said about me and Kostya at that meeting, and, despite this, I will tell everything as it really was, without distorting a single word and without adding anything. Push…


How is it in opera...

When everyone sat down and there was silence in the class, Zinka Fokina shouted:

- Oh, guys! It's just some misfortune! New academic year had not yet begun, and Barankin and Malinin had already managed to get two deuces! ..

A terrible noise immediately arose in the classroom again, but individual cries, of course, could be made out.

- In such conditions, I refuse to be the editor-in-chief of the wall newspaper! (This was said by Era Kuzyakina.) - And they also promised that they would improve! (Mishka Yakovlev.) - Unfortunate drones! Last year they were nursed, and again all over again! (Alik Novikov.) - Call the parents! (Nina Semyonova.) - Only our class is a disgrace! (Irka Pukhova.) - We decided to do everything “good” and “excellent”, and here you are! (Ella Sinitsyna.) - Shame on Barankin and Malinin!! (Ninka and Irka together.) - Yes, kick them out of our school, and that's it !!! (Erka Kuzyakina.) "Okay, Erka, I'll remember this phrase for you."

After these words, everyone yelled with one voice, so loudly that it was completely impossible for Kostya and me to make out who and what was thinking about us, although from individual words it was possible to catch that Kostya Malinin and I were blockheads, parasites, drones! Once again, fools, loafers, egoists! Etc! Etc!..

What annoyed me and Kostya most of all was that Venka Smirnov was yelling the loudest. Whose cow, as they say, would moo, but his would be silent. This Venka's performance last year was even worse than that of Kostya and me. Therefore, I could not stand it and also screamed.

“Redhead,” I shouted at Venka Smirnov, “and why are you yelling the loudest of all? If you were the first to be called to the board, you would not get a deuce, but a unit! So shut up in a rag.

“Oh, you, Barankin,” Venka Smirnov yelled at me, “I’m not against you, I’m yelling for you!” What am I trying to say, guys!.. I say: you can’t immediately call to the blackboard after the holidays. It is necessary that we first come to our senses after the holidays ...

- Smirnov! Zinka Fokina shouted at Venka.

“And in general,” Venka continued to shout at the whole class, “I suggest that during the first month no one should be asked any questions and not called to the blackboard at all! ..

“So you yell these words separately,” I shouted to Venka, “and not with everyone else together! ..

“Oh, be quiet, guys,” said Fokina, “shut up!” Let Barankin speak!

- What to say? - I said. - Kostya and I are not to blame that Mikhail Mikhalych called us to the blackboard first this academic year. I would first ask one of the excellent students, for example, Mishka Yakovlev, and it would all start with a five ...

Everyone began to make noise and laugh, and Fokina said:

- You better not joke, Barankin, but take an example from Misha Yakovlev.

- Just think, an example-minister! - I said not very loudly, but so that everyone could hear.

The guys laughed again. Zinka Fokina yelped, and Erka shook her head like a big one and said:

- Barankin! You'd better tell me when you and Malinin will correct your deuces?

- Malinin! I said to Costa. - Explain...

- What are you yelling at? Malinin said. We'll fix the two...

- Yura, when will we fix the deuces? Kostya Malinin asked me.

- And you, Malinin, do not have your head on your shoulders? Kuzyakina screamed.

“We’ll fix it in a quarter,” I said in a firm voice to bring final clarity to this issue.

- Guys! This is what happens? This means that our class must live through these unfortunate twos for the whole quarter!

- Barankin! - said Zinka Fokina. - The class decided that you correct the deuces tomorrow!

- Excuse me, please! I was outraged. - Tomorrow is Sunday!

- Nothing, take care of it! (Misha Yakovlev.) - So they need it! (Alik Novikov.) - Tie them to the desks with ropes! (Erka Kuzyakina.) - And if we don't understand the solution of the problem with Kostya? (I have already said this.) - And I will explain to you! (Misha Yakovlev.) Kostya and I looked at each other and said nothing.

  • Specify the genre of the work.

poem in five parts and 36 events

  • Note the main theme of the piece.

about friendship

  • From whose perspective is the story being told?

on behalf of Yura Barankin

  • Guess the words. Write them down.


  • What can you tell about these heroes?

Yura Barankin - main character, a tireless dreamer and dreamer. A lazy student who one day gets tired of being a man, because a man is obliged to work and study all his life. To solve all his problems, he plans to turn into a sparrow, then into a butterfly, then into an ant, expecting that their existence is aimed at the fact that the whole day you can do nothing and be lazy. Kostya Malinin is Barankin's best friend, the same inventor and dreamer. Only thanks to true friendship, which helped the guys to cope with the difficulties of "inhuman" life, they realized how great it is to be human!

  • Why did something incredible, fantastic and even, one might say, supernatural happen to the guys?

They got F's in geometry at the beginning of the school year

  • In which section of the newspaper were the photographs of Barankin and Malinin placed?

"Humor and satire"

  • List the classmates of the main characters that you remember the most and explain why.

Zinka Fokina, the head of the class, plotted against the main characters. And the famous phrase: "Barankin, be a man!" belongs to her. Alik Novikov, a special photo correspondent for the school wall newspaper, posted a photo of Barankin and Malinin in the newspaper. Era Kuzyakina, editor-in-chief of the wall newspaper, believed that "physical labor is the best rest after mental work." Mishka Yakovlev, an excellent student, was going to study with Barankin and Malinin in order to improve his academic performance. Venka Smirnov, stood up for the guys at a general meeting, but shot at Barankin and Malinin from a slingshot when they turned into sparrows and tried together with Genka Koromyslov knock the guys down with a shovel when they turned into butterflies, then destroyed the anthill when Barankin and Malinin turned into ants.

  • Color the pictures that could be illustrations for this work.

  • By what "system" did Barankin and Malinin turn into animals?

They cast a spell and had a real desire.

  • Who didn't the main characters turn into?

  • What do you think the word "countryman" means?

A person who has a common fatherland with someone.

  • Restore the sentences from the fairy tale.

And there is still a whole human life ahead and such a difficult academic year ... And tomorrow is still such a difficult Sunday! ..

One glance was enough to make sure that the life of birds and various insects was carefree and simply wonderful...

My profile was the exact opposite of an eagle's. I was snub-nosed.

So, if you really want to, then you can really achieve everything and achieve everything!

Man - that sounds proud!

  • What did the boys in the new look have to do? Set matches.
fly away from sparrow
Flee from cats
Hiding from the boy slingshot
camouflage among colors
Learn to twist nests
fight for birdhouse
fight with myrmics
Flee into the bushes bees
Fly away from the girls nets
Repair anthill
  • Guess what other works were written by Valery Vladimirovich Medvedev. You might want to read them too.


Two deuces!

If Kostya Malinin and I had not managed to get two deuces in geometry at the very beginning of the school year, then perhaps nothing so incredible and fantastic would have happened in our life, but we got a deuce, and therefore the next day something happened to us something incredible, fantastic and even, one might say, supernatural! ..

At recess, immediately after this ill-fated event, Zinka Fokina, the head of our class, came up to us and said: “Oh, Barankin and Malinin! Oh what a shame! Shame on the entire school! Then she gathered the girls around her and began with them, apparently, to form some kind of conspiracy against Kostya and me. The meeting went on throughout recess until the bell rang for the next lesson.

During the same time, Alik Novikov, a special photojournalist of our wall newspaper, took a picture of us with Kostya and with the words: “The deuce is jumping! The deuce is rushing!”, stuck our faces to the newspaper, in the section “Humor and satire”.

After that, Era Kuzyakina, the editor-in-chief of the wall newspaper, looked at us with a devastating look and hissed: “Oh, you! Such a newspaper has been ruined!”

The newspaper, which, according to Kuzyakina, was ruined by Kostya and me, looked really beautiful. It was all painted with multi-colored paints, in the most prominent place from edge to edge the slogan was printed in bright letters: “Study only for “good” and “excellent”! »

To be honest, our gloomy physiognomies of typical Losers really somehow did not fit with her elegant and festive look. I could not even stand it and sent Kuzyakina a note with the following content:

"Kuzyakina! I propose to remove our cards so that the newspaper will be beautiful again!

I underlined the word “beautiful” with two bold lines, but Erka only shrugged her shoulders and didn’t even look in my direction…

Don't even let me remember...

As soon as the bell rang from the last lesson, all the children rushed to the door in a crowd. I was about to push the door with my shoulder, but Erka Kuzyakina somehow got in my way.

Don't disperse! Don't disperse! There will be a general meeting! she shouted, and added in a sarcastic tone:

Dedicated to Barankin and Malinin!

And not a meeting, - shouted Zinka Fokina, - but a conversation! A very serious conversation!.. Sit down!..

What started here! All the guys began to be indignant, slamming their desks, scolding Kostya and me and shouting that they would never stay. Kostya and I yelled, of course, the most. What are these other orders? We didn’t have time, one might say, to get deuces, and you immediately got a general meeting, well, not a meeting, so a “serious conversation” ... It remains to be seen which is worse. This was not the case last school year. That is, Kostya and I also had deuces last year, but no one made any fire out of this. They worked, of course, but not like this, not right away ... They let me, as they say, come to my senses ... While such thoughts flashed through my head, the headman of our class, Fokina, and the editor-in-chief of the wall newspaper, Kuzyakina, managed to “crush the rebellion” and forced all the guys to sit down. When the noise gradually subsided and there was relative silence in the classroom, Zinka Fokina immediately began a meeting, that is, a “serious conversation” dedicated to me and my best friend Kostya Malinin.

Of course, it is very unpleasant for me to remember what Zinka Fokina and the rest of our comrades said about me and Kostya at that meeting, and, despite this, I will tell everything as it really was, without distorting a single word and without adding anything. Push…

How is it in opera...

When everyone sat down and there was silence in the class, Zinka Fokina shouted:

Oh guys! It's just some misfortune! The new academic year has not yet begun, and Barankin and Malinin have already managed to get two deuces! ..

A terrible noise immediately arose in the classroom again, but individual cries, of course, could be made out.

In such conditions, I refuse to be the editor-in-chief of the wall newspaper! (This was said by Era Kuzyakina.) - And they also promised that they would improve! (Mishka Yakovlev.) - Unfortunate drones! Last year they were nursed, and again all over again! (Alik Novikov.) - Call the parents! (Nina Semyonova.) - Only our class is dishonored! (Irka Pukhova.) - We decided to do everything “good” and “excellent”, and here you are! (Ella Sinitsyna.) - Shame on Barankin and Malinin!! (Ninka and Irka together.) - Yes, kick them out of our school, and that's it!!! (Erka Kuzyakina.) "Okay, Erka, I'll remember this phrase for you."

After these words, everyone shouted with one voice, so loudly that it was completely impossible for Kostya and me to make out who and what was thinking about us, although from individual words it was possible to catch that Kostya Malinin and I were blockheads, parasites, drones! Once again, fools, loafers, egoists! Etc! Etc!..

What annoyed me and Kostya most of all was that Venka Smirnov was yelling the loudest. Whose cow, as they say, would moo, but his would be silent. This Venka's performance last year was even worse than that of Kostya and me. Therefore, I could not stand it and also screamed.

Red-haired, - I shouted at Venka Smirnov, - why are you yelling the loudest of all? If you were the first to be called to the board, you would not get a deuce, but a unit! So shut up in a rag.

Oh, you, Barankin, - Venka Smirnov yelled at me, - I'm not against you, I'm yelling for you! What am I trying to say, guys!.. I say: you can’t immediately call to the blackboard after the holidays. It is necessary that we first come to our senses after the holidays ...

Smirnov! Zinka Fokina shouted at Venka.

And in general,” Venka continued to shout at the whole class, “I suggest that during the first month no one should be asked any questions and that they should not be called to the blackboard at all! ..

So you yell these words separately, - I shouted to Venka, - and not with everyone together! ..

Oh, hush, guys, - said Fokina, - shut up! Let Barankin speak!

What to say? - I said. - Kostya and I are not to blame that Mikhail Mikhalych called us to the blackboard first this academic year. I would first ask one of the excellent students, for example, Mishka Yakovlev, and it would all start with a five ...

Everyone began to make noise and laugh, and Fokina said:

You, Barankin, better not joke, but take an example from Misha Yakovlev.

Just think, an example is a minister! - I said not very loudly, but so that everyone could hear.

The guys laughed again. Zinka Fokina yelped, and Erka shook her head like a big one and said:

Barankin! You'd better tell me when you and Malinin will correct your deuces?

Malinin! I said to Costa. - Explain...

Added: 01/01/2016

Tired of being human! You can't get bad grades at school, you can't skip classes, you can't fight. And what is possible? Always learn lessons, be exemplary, be hardworking ... What a bore! “Let's try to turn into some birds or insects! Let's enjoy our lives!" - School friends Yura Barankin and Kostya Malinin decided. And do you think these boys have a good life? You will find the answer in the book in front of you.


Two deuces!

If Kostya Malinin and I had not managed to get two deuces in geometry at the very beginning of the school year, then perhaps nothing so incredible and fantastic would have happened in our life, but we got a deuce, and therefore the next day something happened to us something incredible, fantastic and even, one might say, supernatural! ..

At recess, immediately after this ill-fated event, Zinka Fokina, the head of our class, came up to us and said: “Oh, Barankin and Malinin! Oh what a shame! Shame on the entire school! Then she gathered the girls around her and began with them, apparently, to form some kind of conspiracy against Kostya and me. The meeting went on throughout recess until the bell rang for the next lesson.

During the same time, Alik Novikov, a special photojournalist of our wall newspaper, took a picture of us with Kostya and with the words: “The deuce is jumping! The deuce is rushing!”, stuck our faces to the newspaper, in the section “Humor and satire”.

After that, Era Kuzyakina, the editor-in-chief of the wall newspaper, looked at us with a devastating look and hissed: “Oh, you! Such a newspaper has been ruined!”

The newspaper, which, according to Kuzyakina, was ruined by Kostya and me, looked really beautiful. It was all painted with multi-colored paints, in the most prominent place from edge to edge the slogan was printed in bright letters: “Study only for “good” and “excellent”! »

To be honest, our gloomy physiognomies of typical Losers really somehow did not fit with her elegant and festive look. I could not even stand it and sent Kuzyakina a note with the following content:

"Kuzyakina! I propose to remove our cards so that the newspaper will be beautiful again!

I underlined the word “beautiful” with two bold lines, but Erka only shrugged her shoulders and didn’t even look in my direction…

Don't even let me remember...

As soon as the bell rang from the last lesson, all the children rushed to the door in a crowd. I was about to push the door with my shoulder, but Erka Kuzyakina somehow got in my way.

- Do not disperse! Don't disperse! There will be a general meeting! she shouted and added in a sarcastic tone:

- Dedicated to Barankin and Malinin!

“And not a meeting,” shouted Zinka Fokina, “but a conversation!” A very serious conversation!.. Sit down!..

What started here! All the guys began to be indignant, slamming their desks, scolding Kostya and me and shouting that they would never stay. Kostya and I yelled, of course, the most. What are these other orders? You didn’t have time, one might say, to get deuces, and you immediately got a general meeting, well, not a meeting, so a “serious conversation” ... It remains to be seen which is worse. This was not the case last school year. That is, Kostya and I also had deuces last year, but no one made any fire out of this. They worked, of course, but not like this, not right away ... They let me, as they say, come to my senses ... While such thoughts flashed through my head, the headman of our class, Fokina, and the editor-in-chief of the wall newspaper, Kuzyakina, managed to “crush the rebellion” and forced all the guys to sit down. When the noise gradually subsided and there was relative silence in the classroom, Zinka Fokina immediately began a meeting, that is, a “serious conversation” dedicated to me and my best friend Kostya Malinin.

Of course, it is very unpleasant for me to remember what Zinka Fokina and the rest of our comrades said about me and Kostya at that meeting, and, despite this, I will tell everything as it really was, without distorting a single word and without adding anything. Push…

How is it in opera...

When everyone sat down and there was silence in the class, Zinka Fokina shouted:

- Oh, guys! It's just some misfortune! The new academic year has not yet begun, and Barankin and Malinin have already managed to get two deuces! ..

A terrible noise immediately arose in the classroom again, but individual cries, of course, could be made out.

- In such conditions, I refuse to be the editor-in-chief of the wall newspaper! (This was said by Era Kuzyakina.) - And they also promised that they would improve! (Mishka Yakovlev.) - Unfortunate drones! Last year they were nursed, and again all over again! (Alik Novikov.) - Call the parents! (Nina Semyonova.) - Only our class is a disgrace! (Irka Pukhova.) - We decided to do everything “good” and “excellent”, and here you are! (Ella Sinitsyna.) - Shame on Barankin and Malinin!! (Ninka and Irka together.) - Yes, kick them out of our school, and that's it !!! (Erka Kuzyakina.) "Okay, Erka, I'll remember this phrase for you."

After these words, everyone yelled with one voice, so loudly that it was completely impossible for Kostya and me to make out who and what was thinking about us, although from individual words it was possible to catch that Kostya Malinin and I were blockheads, parasites, drones! Once again, fools, loafers, egoists! Etc! Etc!..

What annoyed me and Kostya most of all was that Venka Smirnov was yelling the loudest. Whose cow, as they say, would moo, but his would be silent. This Venka's performance last year was even worse than that of Kostya and me. Therefore, I could not stand it and also screamed.

“Redhead,” I shouted at Venka Smirnov, “and why are you yelling the loudest of all? If you were the first to be called to the board, you would not get a deuce, but a unit! So shut up in a rag.

“Oh, you, Barankin,” Venka Smirnov yelled at me, “I’m not against you, I’m yelling for you!” What am I trying to say, guys!.. I say: you can’t immediately call to the blackboard after the holidays. It is necessary that we first come to our senses after the holidays ...

- Smirnov! Zinka Fokina shouted at Venka.

“And in general,” Venka continued to shout at the whole class, “I suggest that during the first month no one should be asked any questions and not called to the blackboard at all! ..

“So you yell these words separately,” I shouted to Venka, “and not with everyone else together! ..

“Oh, be quiet, guys,” said Fokina, “shut up!” Let Barankin speak!

- What to say? - I said. - Kostya and I are not to blame that Mikhail Mikhalych called us to the blackboard first this academic year. I would first ask one of the excellent students, for example, Mishka Yakovlev, and it would all start with a five ...

Everyone began to make noise and laugh, and Fokina said:

- You better not joke, Barankin, but take an example from Misha Yakovlev.

- Just think, an example-minister! - I said not very loudly, but so that everyone could hear.

The guys laughed again. Zinka Fokina yelped, and Erka shook her head like a big one and said:

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Two deuces!

If Kostya Malinin and I had not managed to get two deuces in geometry at the very beginning of the school year, then perhaps nothing so incredible and fantastic would have happened in our life, but we got a deuce, and therefore the next day something happened to us something incredible, fantastic and even, one might say, supernatural! ..

At recess, immediately after this ill-fated event, Zinka Fokina, the head of our class, came up to us and said: “Oh, Barankin and Malinin! Oh what a shame! Shame on the entire school! Then she gathered the girls around her and began with them, apparently, to form some kind of conspiracy against Kostya and me. The meeting went on throughout recess until the bell rang for the next lesson.

During the same time, Alik Novikov, a special photojournalist of our wall newspaper, took a picture of us with Kostya and with the words: “The deuce is jumping! The deuce is rushing!”, stuck our faces to the newspaper, in the section “Humor and satire”.

After that, Era Kuzyakina, the editor-in-chief of the wall newspaper, looked at us with a devastating look and hissed: “Oh, you! Such a newspaper has been ruined!”

The newspaper, which, according to Kuzyakina, was ruined by Kostya and me, looked really beautiful. It was all painted with multi-colored paints, in the most prominent place from edge to edge the slogan was printed in bright letters: “Study only for “good” and “excellent”! »

To be honest, our gloomy physiognomies of typical Losers really somehow did not fit with her elegant and festive look. I could not even stand it and sent Kuzyakina a note with the following content:

"Kuzyakina! I propose to remove our cards so that the newspaper will be beautiful again!

I underlined the word “beautiful” with two bold lines, but Erka only shrugged her shoulders and didn’t even look in my direction…


Don't even let me remember...

As soon as the bell rang from the last lesson, all the children rushed to the door in a crowd. I was about to push the door with my shoulder, but Erka Kuzyakina somehow got in my way.

Don't disperse! Don't disperse! There will be a general meeting! she shouted, and added in a sarcastic tone:

Dedicated to Barankin and Malinin!

And not a meeting, - shouted Zinka Fokina, - but a conversation! A very serious conversation!.. Sit down!..

What started here! All the guys began to be indignant, slamming their desks, scolding Kostya and me and shouting that they would never stay. Kostya and I yelled, of course, the most. What are these other orders? We didn’t have time, one might say, to get deuces, and you immediately got a general meeting, well, not a meeting, so a “serious conversation” ... It remains to be seen which is worse. This was not the case last school year. That is, Kostya and I also had deuces last year, but no one made any fire out of this. They worked, of course, but not like this, not right away ... They let me, as they say, come to my senses ... While such thoughts flashed through my head, the headman of our class, Fokina, and the editor-in-chief of the wall newspaper, Kuzyakina, managed to “crush the rebellion” and forced all the guys to sit down. When the noise gradually subsided and there was relative silence in the classroom, Zinka Fokina immediately began a meeting, that is, a “serious conversation” dedicated to me and my best friend Kostya Malinin.

Of course, it is very unpleasant for me to remember what Zinka Fokina and the rest of our comrades said about me and Kostya at that meeting, and, despite this, I will tell everything as it really was, without distorting a single word and without adding anything. Push…


How is it in opera...

When everyone sat down and there was silence in the class, Zinka Fokina shouted:

Oh guys! It's just some misfortune! The new academic year has not yet begun, and Barankin and Malinin have already managed to get two deuces! ..

A terrible noise immediately arose in the classroom again, but individual cries, of course, could be made out.

In such conditions, I refuse to be the editor-in-chief of the wall newspaper! (This was said by Era Kuzyakina.) - And they also promised that they would improve! (Mishka Yakovlev.) - Unfortunate drones! Last year they were nursed, and again all over again! (Alik Novikov.) - Call the parents! (Nina Semyonova.) - Only our class is dishonored! (Irka Pukhova.) - We decided to do everything “good” and “excellent”, and here you are! (Ella Sinitsyna.) - Shame on Barankin and Malinin!! (Ninka and Irka together.) - Yes, kick them out of our school, and that's it!!! (Erka Kuzyakina.) "Okay, Erka, I'll remember this phrase for you."

After these words, everyone shouted with one voice, so loudly that it was completely impossible for Kostya and me to make out who and what was thinking about us, although from individual words it was possible to catch that Kostya Malinin and I were blockheads, parasites, drones! Once again, fools, loafers, egoists! Etc! Etc!..

What annoyed me and Kostya most of all was that Venka Smirnov was yelling the loudest. Whose cow, as they say, would moo, but his would be silent. This Venka's performance last year was even worse than that of Kostya and me. Therefore, I could not stand it and also screamed.

Red-haired, - I shouted at Venka Smirnov, - why are you yelling the loudest of all? If you were the first to be called to the board, you would not get a deuce, but a unit! So shut up in a rag.

Oh, you, Barankin, - Venka Smirnov yelled at me, - I'm not against you, I'm yelling for you! What am I trying to say, guys!.. I say: you can’t immediately call to the blackboard after the holidays. It is necessary that we first come to our senses after the holidays ...

Smirnov! Zinka Fokina shouted at Venka.

And in general,” Venka continued to shout at the whole class, “I suggest that during the first month no one should be asked any questions and that they should not be called to the blackboard at all! ..

So you yell these words separately, - I shouted to Venka, - and not with everyone together! ..

Oh, hush, guys, - said Fokina, - shut up! Let Barankin speak!