» Life credo is the motto of famous people. My life and professional credo. What will it give you specifically?

Life credo is the motto of famous people. My life and professional credo. What will it give you specifically?

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. The word "credo" sounds authoritative, elegant, with a slight touch of mystery. It has become a fashionable chip and firmly entered the lexicon.

It is actively used by people of art, businessmen, politicians, teachers, journalists. It does not hurt to learn more about the creed - what it really is, before using it at every opportunity and inconvenience.

The concept of "credo": what is it and where did it come from

Credo is Latin for " I believe” and is one of the basic concepts of the Catholic Church: here it is interpreted as a Creed. Before this word came into everyday use, it was used to refer to the hymn during the Catholic Mass, which begins with the words "Credo in unum Deum" - "I believe in one God."

The Latin "credo" also sounded during the Lutheran divine service performed in German.

Having migrated to the Russian language, the concept of "credo" acquired a different meaning. In the modern interpretation, it is about the foundations of the human worldview, his basic beliefs.

Credo is an internal position of a person, his basic beliefs that determine behavior and influence the realization of oneself as a person in society.

According to the rules of the Russian language, the word "credo" is not declined, so the common expression "My inflexible creed" can be considered justified. Its meaning is clarified and supplemented synonyms(?), widely represented in the dictionary of "great and mighty":

  1. understanding of the world;
  2. belief;
  4. regulations;
  5. outlook on life;
  6. principles;
  7. worldview.

Figuratively speaking, a credo is a kind of foundation on which the "building" of life is built brick by brick.

Life credo: beautiful wording or necessity

There are laws in society that all people obey: without this, life would turn into chaos. Domestic Laws no less important: a person is guided by them, laying the "bricks" of his life in the building.

The daily routine is far from a fairy tale, almost always it is filled with monotonous chores and worries. Spinning like the famous squirrel - the inhabitant of the wheel, it is not surprising to forget about dreams, aspirations, and the values ​​that were once important may fade over time.

The stream of chaotic thoughts and actions draws you in like a whirlpool, in which you can drown, therefore beacon in the form of a life credo just needed.

  1. Having outlined his personal credo, a person will determine for himself the direction in which he will move regardless of the current situation. By doing this, he will save himself from situations associated with a long painful choice (whether it is buying a handbag or internal hesitation at the opportunity to make a career by "substituting" a colleague).
  2. Personal creed - source of life force. At the right time, it will inspire. Don't feel like going for a run in the morning? It's time to remember the previously formulated setting: a difficult duel is a fight against your own laziness. And wear sneakers!

There is an opinion that you can come up with a life credo. In fact, this basic setting is not taken from outside, but formed under the influence of various factors:

  1. Genetic, originally incorporated in a person (, reaction to stimuli, etc.).
  2. Social factors (accepted in society, prohibitions, restrictions).
  3. An environment that has a particularly strong influence on suggestible personalities.

A person forms a life credo under the influence of many factors, not always realizing this influence.

Creed as motto

Under the definition of "creed" falls the motto, briefly reflecting essence of a person's position. Laconic and expressive statements as an expression of life principles were inherited from medieval knights, who often participated in tournaments, using only mottos and not mentioning names.

Here are examples mottos of famous people reflecting their credo:

  1. “Love no one and everyone will like you. Send the whole world to hell and you will be admired” (Barbara Streisand).
  2. “Talent is what you did no matter what” (Lyudmila Gurchenko).
  3. “The most important thing is to clean up the soul: do not complain, do not blame, do not justify” (Bernard Shaw).
  4. “I walk slowly, but I never move backwards” (Abraham Lincoln).

In fact, it is not so important what will form the basis of the motto, which reflects the essence of the life credo. The main thing is that these words really become a beacon in the abyss of life, and not a beautiful sign, devoid of content.

A vivid illustration of such a “false credo” is the well-known dialogue from “12 Chairs” by Ilf and Petrov.

Creed and employment: how to please the employer

In the questionnaires to be filled out when applying for a job, applicants often see the item “Your life credo”. This position can affect the outcome of the interview, so it is important to formulate it in such a way that it will not be “excruciatingly painful” later.

There are universal qualities that can be safely taken as a basis when formulating a "questionnaire" credo: they welcome by most employers.

  1. energy;
  2. teamwork skills;
  3. desire for self-development;
  4. initiative.

The specifics of the work must also be taken into account. Thus, creativity as a creed of a person applying for the position of a content manager or designer will be a bonus, but it is unlikely that it will please a potential employer who is looking for an accountant or doctor on the staff.

Credo in the professional field

The concept of "creed" is often used when talking about the features professional activity in any area. This refers to "unwritten laws", ethical principles, aspirations that guide representatives of various professions in their work.

The pedagogical credo reflects the vision of oneself as a Mentor (that's right - with a capital letter), doing everything for the successful growth and development of the wards.

The doctor's credo is usually based on the Hippocratic oath and consists in the desire to rid people of diseases, returning them to a full life. As such, the motto "Do no harm" often acts.

The politician's credo is based on the idea of ​​serving one's state and its citizens, reflecting the desire to strengthen the authority of the country.

The journalistic credo was formulated in 1914 by the American Walter Williams. It is a set of rules of journalistic ethics, consisting of 8 positions, each of which begins with the words "I believe."

At its core, a business credo is a concentrated expression of the meaning of the company's activities.

Having your own creed helps a successful business. A far-sighted businessman, without hesitation, will spend a lot of time and money on his formulation for his company. Such expenses would be more correctly called investments.

The creed of a person and a company is not the same thing.

  1. In business, independent development of a creed is not accepted: as a rule, a team of professionals works on it. This takes into account the target audience, the opinion of the company's staff and many other factors.
  2. When inventing it, one should not allow worn out and stamps so that it does not repel with its beatenness (if the life motto is intended for “personal use”, this factor is not particularly relevant).
  3. With the development of the company, the direction of activity may change, so the business credo is not necessarily formed once and for all. The main thing is to avoid too radical changes in the declared principles: clients may doubt the firm's stability.

The ideal business credo is short and memorable, it inspires confidence, charges with positive and corresponds to the real state of affairs.

How else is the word "creed" used: special cases

This word is very attractive for representatives of creative circles: they use this concept as a pseudonym, they call their works with it.

Mister Credo - this is how the singer Alexander Makhonin calls himself. He borrowed a pseudonym not from Catholic priests, but from the Latvian perfumery and cosmetics factory Dzintars, which produces the Credo line of perfumes.

This outrageous singer uses a man's headscarf (keffiyeh) and dark glasses to create an image. He is often criticized, although Alexander himself claims that he advocates a healthy lifestyle, however, speaking in the form of an antihero.

In 2005, Sergei Lukyanenko's Credo was released, which takes place in a world with a proven reincarnation of souls.

In 2007, the computer game "Assassin's Creed" appeared, which gave rise to a series of games in the action-adventure genre. Their action takes place in different historical eras, the plot is based on the confrontation between the Templars and the Assassins.

Based on this series, the American science fiction action movie Assassin's Creed was filmed, which was released in 2016. Critical reviews of it were mostly negative.

The popular Latvian musical group has the same name, as well as the albums of the American singer Jennifer Rush, the Swedish Karola and the British band The Human League.

Since 2006, the publication of the Ukrainian Catholic religious-social magazine "Credo" has resumed, known for its slogan "Thinking is not painful, believing is not scary."

Brief Summary

In order for ships to better navigate in the depths of the sea, lighthouses illuminate their path. People are like ships: in order not to hang out in the maelstrom of life like a paper boat, you need an indestructible personal creed.

It is irrational to use this concept only as a spectacular slogan: it is designed to fill life with meaning, to become a symbol of faith in one's strengths and capabilities.

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Nowadays it has become fashionable to have motto in life.

And it must be said motto in life It's not just a fashion statement.

If you take the choice of a motto seriously and thoughtfully, a motto can change your life, or at least significantly affect it.

What are mottos for life?

A motto is usually a short phrase that reveals a person's beliefs, aspirations, or behavior.

Choosing motto in life, often use quotations from the works of the classics, sayings, or aphorisms great people.


"Life is a combination of honey and bile."


"A good start is half done."


"Life is beautiful if you learn to live."

Pliny the Elder:

"How many things were considered impossible until they were done."

Leonardo da Vinci:
“The student who does not surpass the teacher is bad…”

Never give up on your dreams. (Paulo Coelho)

To conquer the whole world, you need to conquer yourself (F. Dostoevsky)

No desire is given to a person apart from the power that allows it to be fulfilled. (Richard Bach)

Use every chance as if it were your last. (Henry Ford)

sharp expression, folk proverb or saying, and here is the finished motto in life.

If you want to be happy - be it!

What goes around comes around.

To achieve a goal, you must first of all go towards it.

To appreciate the road, you need to pass it.

The one who does nothing makes no mistakes.

Never say never.

A serious desire for any goal is half the success in achieving it.

Fate leads the wise, but drags the stupid.

The morning is wiser than the evening.

If you want to live - know how to spin.

The best mottos in life.

The best mottos in life are phrases filled with meaning.

Be yourself. There is no other like it and never will be. And therein lies your value.

Be loyal to the one who is loyal to you.

Be attentive to your thoughts - they are the beginning of actions. (Lao Tzu)

If you live in the past, you will miss the present.

Desires give rise to opportunities, and unwillingness - reasons.

Life creates situations for you, you are looking for ways to solve them.

Beautiful mottos for life.

If you search, you can find very beautiful mottos for life.

And live well! And life is good!

Live, not exist!

Everyone gets what they deserve.

Each person decides his own destiny.

Those who want to see a rainbow must put up with the rain.

Who does not go forward, he goes back.

Nothing is impossible.

While I breathe I hope!

Who owns the information - he owns the world.

Man's motto for life.

Man's motto can tell a lot about him.

Choosing motto in life, each person tries to express their beliefs in a few words.

Often people themselves miss the opportunities that life provides them.

It is unwise to be afraid of what is inevitable.

Do to others the way you would like others to do to you.

In any case, the main thing is to be patient, those who want everything at once, usually do not get anything.

Life motto for girls.

The girls turned out to be the biggest fans of the mottos.

life motto for girls can be anything: flirtatious, frivolous, optimistic, life-affirming.

It all depends on what the girl wants to express with her motto.

Always be yourself!

Everything is easier than it seems.

My life my rules.

Smile at life and life will smile at you.

Perfection has no limit.

Solve problems as they come.

Peace, only peace!

I do not regret the past - this is a life experience gained.

Never regret anything.

Treat others the way you want them to treat you.

I'm good! Even if it's bad, it's still good.

Good ones mottos of life for girls are obtained from quotes great and famous of people.

Sophia Loren:
"Simplicity is the essence of elegance..."

Agatha Christie:
“Smart people don’t get offended, but draw conclusions…”

Charlotte Bronte:
“It is better to try everything and see that everything is vanity than to try nothing and live an empty life…”

B. Show
"A healthy body is the product of a healthy mind."

W. Scott:

“The most useful thing in life is your own experience.”

Samuel Johnson:

"You shouldn't regret what you can't fix."

R. Rollan:

"I am what will be, not what was."

Ranevskaya Faina Georgievna:
“Family replaces everything. Therefore, before you start it, you should think about what is more important to you: everything or family ... "

Eleanor Roosevelt:
“If life were predictable, it would cease to be life and would lose its taste…”

More about slogans.

Everyone decides for himself which motto of life choose.

Choose mottos for life that will lead you to the goal, set you up for work, develop confidence, build perseverance.

"Do only what you really want to do. Don't play by someone else's rules. If they want you to turn right, press all the way left."

Sets of original sayings by famous people and from famous works, which can be used as a life credo:

Statuses - life creeds:

  • People who decide to act are usually lucky. At the same time, she rarely accompanies someone who only does what he weighs and hesitates (Herodotus).
  • Do only what you really want. Don't play by someone else's rules. If they want you to turn right, press all the way left (Johnny Depp).
  • It is better to suffer injustice than to commit it ourselves (Socrates).
  • It is better to be an object of envy than compassion (Herodotus).
  • Never take revenge on mean people. Just be happy. And they won't survive it (Yuri Nikulin)...
  • Man is reflected in his actions (Friedrich Schiller).
  • Patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet (Jean-Jacques Rousseau).
  • The voice of truth is repugnant to the ear (Lao Tzu).
  • Time does not like to be wasted (Henry Ford).
  • If you fall behind in art, you won't catch up. You just get off the circle. Not a single athlete managed to become a champion in more than a dozen years (Lyudmila Gurchenko).
  • Do not do anything shameful either in the presence of others or in secret. Your first law should be respect for yourself (Pythagoras).

Just typed these interesting thoughts. Each credo is carefully checked for personal experience. Be sure to print this information and read for 30 days 2 times a day!

So, 20 creeds for a successful life:

  1. Implement the received valuable information immediately into life, there is no point in accumulating information without the practice of implementation.
  2. Take responsibility for everything that happens to you in life. Do not try to change the world, everything that surrounds you is a reflection of your inner convictions. By changing your beliefs, you will change the world.
  3. Save time, it is the only irreplaceable resource.
  4. Protect your mind: don't watch TV, don't read negative news, don't associate with negative people.
  5. Consciously shape your environment: surround yourself with people who pull you up to your goals. Do not communicate with people who drag you down, even if you are attached to them, you have one life, do not change your life for imaginary obligations of communication and affection.
  6. Think carefully before giving the floor. Weigh all the pros and cons. Dare to say “no”. But once you've given your word, keep it no matter what.
  7. Be grateful to those who deserve gratitude. Love those who deserve love. Help those who deserve help. By doing the opposite, you lie and harm those you help. deceive them by depriving them of adequate feedback.
  8. Self-confidence develops only as a result of fulfilling the commitments made to oneself. A person who does not keep promises made to himself loses confidence. A person who is rigidly true to his word - increases self-confidence.
  9. Set ambitious goals. Embed your goals in the subconscious, only goals embedded in the subconscious become reality. Once the subconscious mind has accepted the goal, trust your intuition, let the subconscious mind do its job.
  10. Plan on paper the next day on the evening of the previous one.
  11. Make a Visualization Board, place images of your goals on it, write down the monetary income that you want to achieve in the near future. Hang the board next to your computer so you can always see it with your peripheral vision.
  12. Visualize your dreams for at least 3 minutes every day.
  13. Say affirmations, write them down on the player and listen while traveling in transport. Remember that there is a time delay between "subconscious target capture" and reality, be patient.
  14. Expect little results from little effort. Give your 110%. Only SUPER efforts create real results in life!
  15. Be honest with yourself. Self-deception and silence about problems cause the most suffering in life. Tell yourself honestly: “Yes, I have a problem …, in order to solve it, you need to get rid of the following limiting beliefs: …. and replace them with new ones: ... ". The results never lie, if you are poor, then you have negative beliefs about money, if you are sick, then there is a negative about health. By hiding the problem, you deprive yourself of the chance to develop.
  16. Work on your thinking every day. Only by changing your thinking, attitudes, beliefs you change your life.
  17. Do not judge people, they are what they are, take care of yourself. Do not teach, but silently show by example. This is the only way to change others.
  18. Do not lie, lies always come back and hurt their creator very much.
  19. Consider yourself as a part of a common organism (city, country, planet, universe). Develop and help the body, it will repay you with kindness, resources, money, success.
  20. Don't radiate the energy of "need", but radiate the energy of "gratitude". Need slows down progress, creates restrictions, deprives of freedom. Gratitude frees up resources, improves mood, makes free!

I will be very grateful to you for your comments!

Journalist Helen Russell found out what people find happiness in different countries and continents. She interviewed representatives of most nationalities and collected simple and useful "recipes". Try them for yourself to feel the joy of life every day. From the article you will learn how to feel the value of the moment, fill the day with vivid impressions and learn to accept people as they are.

1. Australian happiness

Australians have been active since childhood, sport is their favorite hobby. Even if you are just a fan of such popular sports in Australia as cricket, football, rugby or tennis, you are unlikely to know loneliness. The commonality of interests gives joy and a sense of satisfaction from life in general.

2. Brazilian happiness

Residents of Brazil love to reminisce, they even have a special day dedicated to this activity - January 30th. People review old photos, films, re-read letters and sms, take apart their favorite childhood toys. Try to do the same, imagine that at any moment you can lose everything you have. It helps to feel the value of every moment.

3. Danish happiness

Danes work an average of 33 hours per week, for which they receive 5 weeks of vacation per year. It does not matter where and when they did the work, the main thing is that it is done. This reduces the stress level of having to be at the workplace. If you are tired of office everyday life, try to unload at least one extra day a week and spend it with pleasure. You will see how much more positively you begin to perceive your own life.

4. Italian happiness

Italians love to drink, eat delicious food and spend time chatting. In Italian families, as a rule, grandmothers cook, and the rest of the household can afford an evening rest with a glass of wine. The inhabitants of Italy find special pleasure in spending money: here they know how to dress expensively and with gloss. Even not very wealthy Italians would rather buy a designer item than save money for the future.

5. Canadian happiness

For Canadians, happiness is a kaleidoscope of events. Local residents do not like to sit at home, they enjoy spending time with friends, they are chosen by a large company for hockey matches. One of the most favorite places to spend time is festivals in Montreal.

6. Chinese happiness

In the understanding of the Chinese, a person who has a worthy goal is already happy. It doesn’t matter if it’s difficult or easy to achieve, the main thing is the result. In ancient times highest goal The Chinese had a roof over their heads, food, family and time to think. And now it is important not to miss the meaning of life, because a person constantly wants more. Try to make every day meaningful, then life will be perceived as a holiday, and not as a routine.

7. Norwegian happiness

Most of all, the inhabitants of Norway appreciate the unhurried pace of life. Here they love nature, often get out into the mountains or on a picnic. “Slow TV” is popular among Norwegians: many hours of video of some natural phenomenon or action, for example, a 12-hour film about how a fire burns, or 170 hours of footage about reindeer migration. Try to take your mind off the action movies and watch the Discovery Channel, it's very relaxing.

8. Finnish happiness

Finns just love to relax, even in the middle of the week. In the art of relaxation, they have no equal. The house and the sauna are the most comfortable places to stay in Finland. There is such an attraction: a Finn drinks beer, the Finnish “sisu” (stubbornness, regardless of the consequences) immediately works for him, and he goes to dive into the lake or ride in the snow in his underwear. Reminds me of a kind of Russian entertainment, when after a steam room they rush into a snowdrift with a running start. Vivacity of spirit and body is provided.

9. Swedish happiness

10. Japanese happiness

The ancient Japanese art of restoring pottery (“kintsugi”) suggests that you do not mask, but emphasize the cracks in the vase with gold or silver lacquer. There is beauty in this. "Lived" things are used again, and not changed to new ones. The Japanese, like no one else, value traditions and are very calm about the aging process. This country has the lowest rate of visits to plastic surgeons. People do not complex and do not try to look 20 years younger, they live according to the principle "what is natural is beautiful."

Publisher: Gaya - May 27, 2019


It is harmony, that is, the balance of opposite and even conflicting elements that allows us to enjoy this life and get maximum satisfaction from it.

At the same time, the Universe is constantly trying to streamline our lives. For example, if we are sad, she seeks to fill our lives with positive moments, and if we need something, she sends us what we want. This is the process of restoring and maintaining balance. Moreover, this process is self-regulating, that is, the cosmos, one way or another, contributes to balancing our life. Another thing is that it takes a lot of time, and the form in which the Universe helps us does not always meet expectations.

But it is in our power to influence this process and bring harmony with the world around us. To do this, you need to master another law of the universe. It sounds like this: “Good must be returned!”. That is, a person must learn to thank the universe for the care it gives us. Starting to thank the Universe, you will stop constantly fighting for a “place under the Sun”, you will stop constantly encountering failures and heroically overcoming them, and you will enjoy life, being in peace and harmony with other people and nature.

Therefore, each person must understand one simple truth - gratitude attracts good luck. When you thank others for their help, express gratitude to the universe, you give away some of the positive energy, which means you strive for harmony. If you do not thank, you can wait a very long time for positive changes in your life, or even not wait at all. In response to indifference, the Universe will respond with indifference.

Once you understand how cosmic feedback works, all you have to do is learn the essential rules of gratitude. Using them in Everyday life, you will be able to achieve the harmony that everyone dreams of and strives for.

1. Give thanks from the bottom of your heart

The first rule says: "You need to give thanks from the bottom of your heart." Think about how we say thanks to the people around us, God or the universe. Often we do not even think about what we are saying, just mechanically, out of politeness, we pronounce long-learned phrases “thank you”, “thank you”, “You are very kind”, “all the best to you”. In this case, the words of gratitude lose all meaning, which means they stop “working”. The universe does not accept such empty phrases, and therefore does not respond to them.

Therefore, if you want to say words of gratitude to a person, first of all, be aware of this. Think, at least for a few seconds, about what the person did for you, realize the scale of his help, and only then, with feeling, tell him the cherished words. At this moment, you should feel the positive flow of energy that you transfer to the person as a token of gratitude. If gratitude is sincere and comes from the heart, you will definitely feel it.

In the same way, we should thank the world, Lord, Universe, providence, or whatever you desire, for positive changes in your life. You got a good job, recovered from a serious illness, weather conditions contributed to your business or simply cheered you up. Thank whoever you need for this. The main thing is to do it with heart.

Experts advise you to start a gratitude diary in order to write down at least 10 situations and actions every day for which you would like to thank fate or a specific person. And in the evenings, you could reread the pleasant moments that happened in your life and once again thank the world around for them.

By the way, if you thank a specific person, express your feelings to him out loud, preferably looking into his eyes. If you thank the universe or nature, you can do it mentally. In any case, a positive message will reach the addressee.

2. Choose the right words of gratitude

Thank you for the right words. For example, the word "thank you" is not quite suitable for expressing gratitude, although it has firmly entered our lexicon. It is much more correct to say “thank you”, because in this case your emotional message will mean - I give a blessing, I give you a piece of my blessings. These words contain the very essence of goodness - it should not stagnate, goodness must constantly circulate, passing from one person to another.

Ideally, you should not just say “thank you”, but indicate what exactly you are expressing gratitude for. In this regard, when saying words of gratitude, it is better to say: “Thank you for your support” or “Thank you for your help.” With this approach, your message will be as accurate as possible, and the person who helped you will be even more pleasant. Obviously, the Universe will definitely respond to this signal, bringing you one step closer to harmony.

3. Use the right gestures

You will be surprised, but gratitude can be expressed not only in words. Body language helps to express gratitude better than any words. It doesn't take much to do this. First of all, say words of gratitude, standing facing the person and looking into the eyes. Hands should not be hidden. You can shake hands with your benefactor or hold his hand in yours. Alternatively, you can hug the person or support them by the elbow. If this person is not so close to you, just keep your hands in front of you, palms open. This is how you show your affection for the person.

4. Give thanks with deeds

In addition to the right words and gestures, gratitude can be expressed with real deeds. In response to supporting a person, you can perform the same selfless act towards him. Moreover, it is not at all necessary to wait for good deeds from others in order to begin to reciprocate them. Start doing good deeds in gratitude to life itself, for the fact that you breathe this air, for the fact that you get pleasant emotions, for being healthy and full of strength.

Help the people around you simply because you can help and because your soul requires it. With your help, care and attention, you start a flow of thanksgiving energy that these people will begin to pass on. At the same time, do not forget another law of the Universe: "When you do something for others, you do it for yourself." You will definitely feel this in your soul as soon as you start doing good deeds, taking care of others and the space around us.

As soon as you learn to sincerely thank the people around you or the universe itself for all the good things that happen to you, you will notice that there are more and more such positive moments. Over time, this behavior will become a recognized necessity. And how else, if in an effort to express gratitude, you will receive much more, and this will make your life better, happier and more harmonious. Don't believe? Just try! Start right now, from this moment...