» Global flood. The Caspian Sea will flood the entire lower Volga region. Virus: is it worth it to be afraid

Global flood. The Caspian Sea will flood the entire lower Volga region. Virus: is it worth it to be afraid

Throughout the previous narrative, we proceeded from the assumption that the Flood was worldwide. This view was generally accepted until the 20th century. The Greatest Interpreter Holy scriptures St. John Chrysostom , for example, says that “Our Lord, having cleansed the WHOLE UNIVERSE with this flood, and, so to speak, having freed from human wickedness, the filth of extreme corruption, made her the most beautiful and again showed us her bright face, not allowing a trace of the former disgrace to remain. "The waters rose fifteen cubits above the mountains." It is not without reason that Scripture tells us about this, but so that we may know that not only people, and cattle, and quadrupeds, and reptiles, but also the birds of the air, and all the beasts and other dumb animals that only lived on the mountains were drowned ”( 9. p.251).

Like this says St. Irenaeus of Lyons : “And then death befell all the people, as well as the animals that were on the earth - only those who took refuge in the ark remained alive”(14. p. 577). St. Theophilus of Antioch directly rejects Plato's opinion that only the plains were flooded and claims that only those who were in the ark were saved (7. pp. 511-513). Also proves the global nature of the flood and blessed Augustine (15. p. 133). Examples can be multiplied, but this is enough, because "by the mouth of two or three witnesses every word was confirmed"(Matthew 18:16).

However, in our day, among many theologians, the opinion has spread that the flood did not affect the entire land. There are two points of view on the area of ​​flooding of the earth. The most radical of them belongs, of course, to Prot. Alexander Menu. In his opinion, “There is no doubt that the Sumerian-Babylonian legend served as a model for the legend of Yagwist (one of the mythical five “authors” of the Pentateuch - D.D.)” (16. p. 300). He says that the source of this legend is the gigantic flood of the Euphrates, known as the "Flood of the Woolley". “Was there a global flood?- Asks Fr. Men. — Those who look for geological facts in the Bible will be disappointed. The poetic shell of the legend obscures external details and facts. Geology does not know the global flood, but it is quite possible that the most ancient centers of civilization were affected by the disaster.(16. p. 301). Obviously, for this notorious archpriest, the flood, if there was one, did not even affect all people. There is nowhere to go further along the path of destruction of Revelation!

Turning to their arguments in defense of your point of view, you are amazed at its weakness. The only biblical evidence in favor of the all-human nature of the flood is the quite fair assertion that sometimes “the whole earth” means only “the whole world known to the Jews” ( Romans 10:18; 1 Kings 10:24; Acts 2:5; Luke 2:1), from this, for some reason, the conclusion is made that here, too, we are talking about the area known to Moses and his contemporaries. We are not told how this interpretation was obtained. But the Scripture under the expression "the whole earth" means all mankind ( Ps. 99.1), so why not understand the whole story of the flood allegorically. “After all, water is also an image in Scripture Holy Spirit(John 7:38-39). If we approach the Mosaic legend so unceremoniously, then we can decide that all mankind was embraced by the grace of the Spirit, from which only Noah and those who were with him were saved. This is an absurd interpretation, like the one used by the modernists is equally false, for it directly contradicts Canon 19 of the Council of Trullo, which forbids understanding St. Scripture differently than the Holy Fathers understood it. If you do not follow this rule, then any sacred text can be turned out as you like, up to its complete opposite of its own meaning. -It would only be enough desire and imagination! This is how all the heresies arise that claim that the Bible can be understood by itself. We have already seen the patristic opinion that the waters of the flood covered the whole land, let us consider this biblical narrative in more detail and find out which opinion explains it more naturally - patristic or modernist?

Before starting to analyze all the biblical stories about the flood (and they are not only in the book of Genesis), it must first be noted that in Revelation the expression "the whole earth" is used in its own sense ( Apoc.5,6;13,12; Isaiah 54:5; Mic.4,13; Zech. 4:14). So it is up to us to choose from among the various senses one that does not contradict the whole integrity of Revelation. If an unbiased person reads the biblical narrative, then he will naturally get the impression that the flood was planetary in nature. Our reader will come across no less than thirty testimonies of the catastrophe's global nature. He learns that God has decided to "destroy everything that exists from the face of the earth" ( Gen.7,4) The Lord said that everything under heaven, on earth, will lose its life (cf. Genesis 6:17) and so it happened ( Gen. 7:21-23) - "Only Noah remained, and what happened to him in the ark." The water was so high that it covered for 15 cubits "all the high mountains that are under the sky" ( Genesis 7:19-20), and not on the land familiar to the Jews. This catastrophe lasted a year, which never happens with small floods. Of course, our hypothetical reader, not weighed down by evolutionary tales, would come to the conclusion that we are talking about a global flood. This conviction would only be strengthened if he remembered that mankind most likely inhabited then the whole land, for people then were distinguished by longevity and fertility, and even in the beginning God commanded them to fill the whole earth ( Genesis 1:28), and in order to destroy it, therefore, a worldwide flood was also needed.

Global flood. Sketch. V. P. Vereshchagin. 1869

This conviction would develop into certainty if he looked at what was said about the flood in other biblical books. The most powerful evidence in favor of the traditional understanding of the nature of this catastrophe is the words The Lord Jesus Christ Himself: “And as it was in the days of Noah, so it will be in the days of the Son of Man: eating, drinking, marrying, giving in marriage, until the day Noah entered into the ark, and the flood came and destroyed them all ... So it will be in that day, when the Son of Man appears" (Luke 17:26-27:30). If no one could escape from the universal conflagration on the day of the end of time, then no one could be saved outside of Noah's Ark on the day of the destruction of the first world. His Master is echoed by his supreme disciple. He testifies that God "did not spare the first world, but saved the family of Noah in eight souls when he brought a flood on the world ("cosmos") of the ungodly" ( 2 Peter 2:5) These words cannot be attributed only to the Euphrates valley or to inhabited land, which cannot be called space. Obviously, this catastrophe affected not only the Earth, but also the celestial spheres. The atmosphere changed and, perhaps, it was at this time that a flood occurred on Mars. After all, according to the Scriptures, “the windows of heaven were opened” and water poured onto our planet, which is above the firmament. Even more strengthens the traditional interpretation of other words of ap. Petra: “In the beginning, by the word of God, the heavens and the earth were made up of water and water: therefore, the world of that time perished, having been drowned by water. But the present heavens and earth, which are contained by the same Word, are kept up by fire for the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men.” (2 Peter 3:5-7). So, if Revelation is to be believed, there can be no doubt that the waters of the flood covered the whole land and no one could be saved except those who were in the ark. In the same way, no one will escape the last fiery cataclysm, except for those who, through Baptism enters the new ark Ecumenical Orthodox Church and (cf. 1 Peter 3:21). It seems that it is precisely in this biblical comparison of the end of the world and the flood that one of the secret springs is hidden that forces us to reject the universality of the flood (Although, of course, the main reason for creating this hypothesis is the desire to adjust to the spirit of the times). After all, if it was possible to escape from the flood even without an ark (for example, by running away to an unflooded place), then with our information systems and technical possibilities, we have no reason to live in the Church. We already know in advance about some particular cataclysm and will be saved either under water or on a spaceship. But it won't work. — “Though they burrow into hell, and from there my hand will take them; at least they ascend to heaven, and from there I will overthrow them ... at least they hide themselves from My eyes at the bottom of the sea, and there I will command the sea serpent to sting them ”(Amos.9,2-3) — The Lord speaks.

Deluge - 1864. Aivazovsky Ivan Konstantinovich

You can also touch on a number of other reasons why the opinion of the modernists is absolutely incredible. First of all, God promised not to send flood waters on the earth again ( Genesis 9:15) and the prophet Isaiah speaks from the Face of the Lord: “This is for Me as the waters of Noah: just as I swore that leading Noah they would not come to earth again, so I swore not to be angry with you and not to reproach you” (Isaiah 54:9). -We are talking here about the New Israel, born as a result of the atoning sacrifice of the Servant Yahweh. If the waters of Noah covered only part of the land, then with each local flood God turns out to be a liar and then His attitude towards the Orthodox Church is completely unpredictable. Of course, to think of the Lord in this way is to place oneself completely outside the bounds of salvation and to renounce any relation to Revelation. Secondly, the very construction of a giant ark is absolutely meaningless. Indeed, in a hundred years, Noah and his family could migrate to any corner of our planet. And the ark itself of such dimensions is necessary only for the global, and not for the all-human flood. -Any animals and birds could, like Noah, go to any unflooded place. And if suddenly the Lord, on some whim, wanted Noah to be saved on the ship, then it was quite possible to make it ten times smaller than that described in the book of Genesis. Moreover, it was said that the ark was created in order to "to preserve the tribe for all the earth" (Gen.7,3).

CONCLUSION Our journey has come to an end and we are leaving the holy pages of Genesis. We have gone through the fire of evolutionism and the waters of modernist pseudo-theology, but we have been led by the One who was the Fourth in the furnace of Babylon. We contemplated the glory of the incorruptible world, which came out incorruptible from the hands of God, and the abyss into which the fall of the primordials cast it. We have also seen the rise of the magical civilization of the apostates, which we are witnessing the rebirth, and we have seen how the Merciful Justice cleansed the universe with the first baptism of the flood. If it pleases the All-good Redeemer, in the future we will return to the study of how to harmonize the most accurate Revelation given to Moses with the fluid achievements of pseudo-nominal scientific wisdom in order to fulfill the commandment of our Savior Jesus Christ: “Therefore, every scribe who has been instructed in the kingdom of heaven is like a master who brings out of his treasury both new and old” (Matthew 13:52). I sincerely ask all those who have read my humble work to lift up their pure prayers for the author of these lines, the sinful deacon Daniel, so that God will allow him to settle in the same heavenly cloisters to which the pious Orthodox reader directs his feet. I beg you to cover with your gracious love all the countless shortcomings of this work, which the author raised for no reason other than his own zeal in defense of our Mother Church, insulted by the new Gnostics - "Christian evolutionists". Their heresies, which reject both omnipotence, and all-goodness, and the wisdom of the Creator in the name of following the spirit of this age, will lead those whom they tempt directly to the recognition of the ancient Enemy of the human race, who invented evolutionism, and to the rejection of the entire economy of the Second Adam, who said: “We are talking about what they saw; but you do not accept Our testimony. If I told you about earthly things and you do not believe, how will you believe if I tell you about heavenly things? "( John 3:11-12) And both in the 2nd century, and in the 20th century, the Church faithfully proclaims the Tradition received from the apostles, as St. Irenaeus of Lyons, “who preaches the One Almighty God, the Creator of heaven and earth, the Creator of man, who brought the flood and called Abraham” (14. p. 223). And as then, so now She does not know other gods of evolution, helping or hindering the One, who created the world in six days and creates everything as He pleases. The Day of the Annunciation to the Blessed Virgin, on which the Creator renewed Adam's distortion. Year from the creation of the world 7507 (1999 A.D.).

Priest Daniil Sysoev

Given such a high reaction of the White House about the Situation, and well aware of the importance and mental power of the media in the world, on the eve of the new World Flood of Earth-Terra, namely, the order of the President of the United States to Prepare all of America for emergency events, see the link below -

the author considers it his direct evolutionary duty to lay out the most important Information about the upcoming Events, about the coming geological and civilizational catastrophe of Earth-Terra during our current year, 2016-2020.

Please, gentlemen of the earth!

Part One or how it will be

In Fig. 1 below, see, the author presents a picture of the flooding of the Earth's continents, which will be hit by mega-tsunami waves of the planet's oceans and the general rise in the level of the seas and oceans of the planet as a result of a 90-degree tumble/throw or "shift of the geographic poles of the planet" due to for the periodic, approximately every 3600-3650 years, magnetic impact on the Earth of a semi-extinct star of space, Nibiru, or the “red-iron dragon” of the Sumerians (see the Kolbrin bible), Zecharia Sitchin, the Anunnaki and Nephilim in the period 2017-2020 from -for melted, within 2 years after the pole shift, glaciers in the Arctic, Antarctica and Greenland.

On fig. 1 shows the coordinates of the new, North (Nord Pole) and South (South Pole), poles of the planet, as well as the planets disappearing from the globe / geoid, the lands - India, Western Australia, Panama and the Caribbean, and New Earth - the continent / island in the South Atlantic.

Rice. 1 New geography of the planet


In the process of a planetary catastrophe, the axis of rotation will move northward along the depression of the Atlantic Ocean at a speed of 1 m/sec, and the Inertial Forces will move the waters of the Atlantic in the form of a mega-tsunami, with a height of a 100-story building, into the Arctic Ocean, Europe, Asia and to the Pacific Ocean - through the Bering Strait and the Isthmus of Panama (see Fig. 2).

Rice. 2 Mega Tsunami and Nibiru

The width of the Atlantic Ocean is about 6000 km, and the Bering Strait is 35 km, so the waters of the Atlantic will very quickly overflow the basin of the Arctic Ocean, and it will begin to overflow into the Pacific Ocean through the Bering Strait, and also flood the low-lying territories of Europe, Asia and North America with these mega-tsunamis .


Breaking into the Arctic Ocean and deviating to the east due to the rotation of the Earth, the waters of the Atlantic and the Arctic will first of all rush into the low lands of Western Siberia, into the Turgai hollow and Kazakhstan, reach the Aral Sea and overflow the Caspian Sea, which is why along the Kuma-Manych ravine the waters of the Atlantic and the Arctic will begin to overflow into the Sea of ​​Azov, and consequently into the Black Sea.

As a result of such a Great Flood, the Crimean peninsula will become an island, as well as the Donetsk Ridge in the Donbass, in eastern Ukraine.

All this has happened more than once on Earth due to Nibiru and the resulting pole shift, geological evidence of which is the inland salty sea of ​​the Caspian Sea and the almost dried-up basin of the Aral Sea.

Below in fig. 3 is the Chronicle of the last 5 floods of Terra. And the explosion of the volcano on about. Santorini in the Mediterranean 1600-1650 BC, which destroyed the Mycenaean culture Ancient Greece, chronologically coincided with the “biblical flood”, the flight /Exodus/ of the Jews from Egypt and the beginning of the decline of the Egyptian /pharaonic/ civilization of the Earth, and the simultaneous Renaissance, the start of the new Atlantean culture in Greece, the Atlantean colony in pre-Flood Europe.

Rice. 3 Chronicle of the 5 Floods of the Earth

By the way, about 10 thousand years ago, the Black Sea was a fresh inland lake, and freshwater fish lived in it.


In the very first days of the general lithospheric catastrophe, i.e. of the planet's 90 degree pole shift/reversal, very unpleasant events await Europe, as the inertial tsunami waves of the Atlantic will burst not only into Denmark, Holland, into the Baltic Sea, but also into the Mediterranean Sea, and the water level in it, within 2- x years after the Pole Shift and the melting of the glaciers of the Arctic, Antarctica and Greenland, which will be at the new equator of the planet, will also rise by 200 meters.

Not surprisingly, even for such an inland country as Hungary, the mega-tsunami of the Atlantic would prove to be a complete disaster, since more than 2/3 of Hungary would become an inland sea like the Aral Sea in Central Asia yesterday.

Also, the catastrophe of the new flood of the Earth will cause massive explosions of all active and dormant volcanoes on the planet, which is why some European countries will be literally covered with volcanic ash - Greece, the countries of the former Yugoslavia, Alaska, etc.

Rice. 4 Plate movement and volcanic threats

Mega-tsunamis in the Mediterranean, North and Baltic Seas will destroy and sink absolutely all ports and coastal cities, including non-coastal Rome among its victims, as well as all countries and territories of Northern continental Europe - from Holland, England, Denmark and the entire Baltic to mountains of the Urals, which will become an island. (See Figure 1 above).

Global flood

A sharp rise in the water level in the Northern Hemisphere due to a mega-tsunami at the time of the pole shift, as well as during the stabilization of the planet in a new position, when for Europe - the West will become the North, and the North the East and the rest of Europe, or rather, a group of its islands, will be in the new Southern Hemisphere of the Earth, and for North America the West will become the South, and the North the West, then America, unlike Europe, will only turn the West to the South, the new equator of the planet, i.e. will remain in the new Northern Hemisphere of the Earth, and its eastern high states will become a peninsula, (see Fig. 1 above), will continue until the water begins to overflow from the Atlantic:

  • to the Pacific Ocean through the Isthmus of Panama;
  • to the Mediterranean through Gibraltar and Southern France along the canal connecting the Garonne to the Mediterranean;
  • from the Mediterranean to the Red Sea through the Suez Canal;
  • through Israel - to the Gulf of Aqaba;
  • along the Turkish province of Antalya - to the Persian Gulf;
  • and through the Bosphorus and the Dardanelles - to the Black Sea.

After the primary stabilization of the planet from the pole shift and tsunami strikes, there will be a period of secondary stabilization and the process of a slow rise in the water level on all continents, when the “rivers will flow back”, will last about 2 years, since this is approximately the time required for the planet in a new position, so that its glaciers in the Arctic, Antarctica and Greenland will melt (see Fig. 1 above).

Spain as well as Germany-Switzerland-Austria will become islands (see fig. 1 above);

Great Britain will also be left with a few high-mountainous rocky islands;

In Russia, the entire East European Plain and Western Siberia will be flooded with water up to the Ural Island.

Under the water of the new seas of the Earth will be such countries as Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Belarus, low-lying parts of Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan ...

The ancient path of the flood waters of the Atlantic Ocean from the Mediterranean Sea even to the Indian Ocean is marked on the planet by a whole chain of still existing and already dried up salt lakes of the Earth. In Israel it is the Dead Sea; in Antalya - a number of dried-up and even high-mountainous salt lakes with an extremely high concentration of salt.

On the next fig. 6 below, the author shows a projection of the new “Earth globe” and in red shows the main geological breaks in the crust of the continents in North America, Asia, Africa and South America, including in blue - lands and countries such as India disappearing in the depths of new seas-oceans, 2 /3 Australia, Panama and the Caribbean. All the islands of today's Polynesia, whose height above the level of the oceans is minimal today, will also disappear. On the other hand, a new continent-island will appear in the South Atlantic (see below the island New in Fig. 5 and Novaya Zemlya in Fig. 1 above).

Rice. 5 New Earth Globe

And finally, in fig. 6 below, the author presents a more accurate map of the flooding of Europe and Russia. Moreover, on the right, the land sunk by the mega-tsunami, 350 feet, and on the left, the land after 2 years of melting ice in Antarctica, the Arctic and Greenland, 675 feet ...

Rice. 6 Sinking of Europe

Part two or Survival Guide

And now, a few words about the approach of the Nibiru complex to the Earth and the “signs of the times” of the Apocalypse, showing the technology of separating the “grains” and “chaff” of the planet.

Rice. 7 Nibiru and its planets

"Red Dragon" or Nibiru (X) as a whole complex of cosmic bodies, WILL BE VISIBLE in the sky(without the aid of a telescope) – for more than a month and a half or 7 weeks(for 50 days!) before the Shift poles when they start:

  • 9 days of Major Hesitation,
  • 4.5 days of static Tilt Left (total 13.5 days),
  • 2.5 days of transition to 3 Days of Darkness (total 17 days),
  • 3 Days of Darkness (total 20 days - from the 17th to the 20th day),
  • 6 days of Sunrise in the West (26 days in total),
  • 18 days Gradual Deceleration of the Rotation of the Globe (44 days in total)
  • 6 (5.9) days - fullStop Rotation Earth and
  • Shift poles! (on the 50th day)…

Everyone who expects to survive in the new flood of the Earth must have temporary housing and at a distance of at least 150-300 km from the ocean and at altitudes of 200-300 m above sea level (see Fig. 1-6 above) ...

A temporary “building” must be erected behind a mountain and on a hillside that will protect it from hurricane winds Right after Shear Earth's poles (see Figure 8 below) –

…when it approaches hour of the shift, the beats of the tail of the Nibiru-X complex with its planets and the “red dust” of iron oxides will become critical, with its fall to the Earth (“the waters of the Earth will turn red like blood ...”), with the fall of huge pieces of hail and gravel. And these facts will be a sign that Shift- within a few hours. All from now on should immediately start looking for shelter for themselves and their loved ones in a trench covered with metal roofs and turf - protection from stones, hail and fire ...

Rice. 9 Stones of Nibiru

Shift felt like a sharp horizontal movement all over the earth and movement in the sky of the stars and the Moon (at night) or the Sun or something else (by day). Immediately lie face down on the ground and hold the children's hands firmly so they can't panic and run away. You will hear the crunch of breaking trees and falling, collapsing here and there artificial structures. Almost nothing can resist the abrupt shift of the earth's crust, breaking away from the planet's core...

…After approximately the Hour of Shift time(i.e. stop and fall of the "top" of the Earth) should be completed and strong shocks and movements of the earth will stop. The sky in this case will be a test for you: if the stars (on the night side) or the Sun (on the day side) stop moving, then a shift has occurred ...

During the Transformation contactees begin to work together more and more. And they do not find each other by accident, and not because they look through the same books in a bookstore, or because they are in the same organization, but because they were introduced to each other behind the scene of earthly existence, where schedule of times and places of their meetings.

It is those in the Service-to-Others who respond to the Call of many, preparing these opportunities, which are warmly received and realized by contactees. These meetings occur both as a result of marriages, and as business agreements, and as friendships, as well as philanthropic ties, and other opportunities with an abundance of earthly contact options ...

The surviving groups settle modestly. Neighbor talks to neighbor, people unite in their own normal community, and thus learn more about each other than through any kind of organized terrestrial activity, when any request for additional accommodation is answered in writing. In fact, they all move to live in places close to each other, and are driven by this, as they often meet each other as contactees, intuitively.

On a conscious level, they are not completely ignorant of why they are doing the movement they are doing, and everything is going on at the level of the subconscious and intuition. All sorts of excuses are created, people get to know each other and move around, change their occupation, and end up in an area where people get along better with their neighbors and, with the help of their special skill, successfully create their own network of acquaintances and like-minded people. This will happen more and more as the time comes, and even later, when the survivors will migrate, following their instincts more than anything else, and more and more finding each other, the one who is needed ....

… AT deep down we all know about the coming catastrophe. Many have dreamed of huge waves washing away cities; about tornadoes and hurricanes; about close shelters, behind the walls of which death awaits a person. This information comes in three ways:

  1. A person can be a "contactee". He consciously or unconsciously receives information through "channeling" - telepathic communication with aliens.
  2. Man perceives current geological changes. For example, the emergence of such strange currents as "Enigno", the formation of ozone holes and inexplicable shifts of the south pole of the Earth. He correlates this with mammoths frozen in ice, in which bunches of green grass are found in their mouths. His subconscious processes the received information and gives the result in the form of bright dreams or so-called "memories of the past."
  3. Some people have incomprehensible skill read information waves of emerging events. According to the Zetas, the potential for changes to come will be very high. Many earthlings will feel the approach of the cataclysm and accept the challenge of fate, as its sacred mission.

This will divide society into “serving themselves” (power-hungry leaders and their slaves) and “serving others” (people freedom and knowledge). Accordingly, two paths of salvation, two worldviews and, ultimately, two religions will be offered ...

… The Element of Doubt about the Pole Shift, its date and the Scenarios of planetary catastrophe, as well as the facts of the presence on Earth and near the planet, of many aliens, was necessary and approved by the Council of Worlds of the galaxy, and above all, to protect the growing number of contactees (people of the new Earth), which he is afraid of, and even tries by all means to neutralize the establishment of the Earth.

What threat do CONTACTERS pose to earthly authorities? They are the ones who know about the Shift, about the catastrophe, about the processes of transformation of the Earth, which is why they are dangerous because they dispute the legitimacy and absolute of their power, the power of the earthly elite, creating, moreover, their own secret networks and societies, exchanging information and about alien spaceships, and about the catastrophe among other contactees, that the establishment, even taking into account their capabilities and forces, is not enough to block or stop this “underground movement” and information.

The scenario of the gradual awakening of humanity regarding both the alien presence and the upcoming pole shift of the planet ensures that contactees and people of a new formation (indigo, psychics, healers, clairvoyants, etc. with super-powers, souls) will not be torn to pieces by those scoundrels in a panic and half-beasts in human bodies, who fear for their lives instinctively and in an animal way - in fear, anger, disbelief, and even more than contactees, i.e. people of Knowledge, inhabitants of the future earthly civilization.

The Earth Establishment, MJ12, the Committee of 300, etc., which consisted of CIA agents, military intelligence, and the very wealthy, withheld from the public all Information about their contacts with aliens. And although they all claimed that in this way they protected their population from panic for a while, such a step was selfish, because the establishment only wanted to get alien technologies and knowledge for itself, and at the same time did not want to be overthrown from the thrones, like the elite of the Earth, in the eyes of subject to them in everything, the public.

And instead of assuring the public of the peacefulness and safety of the many alien presences, and there are more than one of them on the planet, the old MJ12 elite deliberately began to sow fear in the public about aliens. Hollywood has even been commissioned and funded to make a series of films about hostile monster aliens that come to Earth to feed on humans, colonize or infect them, and consume human bodies and minds.

The old MJ12 has been harassing and harassing contactees to test and scan for futures to guide and control (brainwash) the many books and films that they enthusiastically created in Hollywood - 2012, The Day After Tomorrow, Invasion ”, “Visitors”, etc. ...

Daria. Moscow.“I have nightmares that keep recurring. Here is one of them. Early spring. I leave my house early in the morning. The sun has just appeared in the sky. I approach the bus stop, and suddenly a terrible blow from the ground knocks me off my feet. Buildings fall around me like dominoes. Then, I distinctly hear the earth deafeningly hummed - Yao, Io. The Sun - rapidly disappeared (pole shift, approx.) behind the horizon, it became dark, and the Moon appeared in the sky. Screams, groans, surviving people run around the ruins in a panic. There are fires all around.

next dream. Strong hurricane winds. The sky was covered with grey-black clouds. Ashes and black liquid mud are pouring out of them, which covered the entire surface of the earth. My girlfriend and I live in a garage, in a vegetable pit. Cold and constant feeling of hunger. We are afraid to go outside, as armed gangs of marauders and rapists rage around. Time seems to have stopped."

Yas. Moscow. Moscow region. “... I had dreams when suddenly the earth left from under my feet, and then hit my legs, something collapsed and fell, but it was nothing compared to what was understood - it happened. And that in an hour or two or three we will hear a distant rolling noise that will grow, turn into a roar, then gradually subside, but the Earth will become completely different. And it will be impossible to live on it ... ".

Boris Kulagin about tectonic cataclysm in Moscow: “Quite a long time ago, about three years ago, for the three longest hours of my life, I saw what the end of the world would be ... While I was driving a car and driving and was fully conscious, did not drink alcohol or any other stimulants ... in general , at first I thought that everything, the roof went. So, I saw how suddenly a wave about 4-5 meters high passed over the entire visible territory, only this wave was from underground - soil, there was a feeling that the earth for a second became like water, when the wave moved, its speed was colossal .

I don’t know how to measure or describe, but after the wave there was NOTHING left even remotely resembling a building or a road, I saw everything as if I were standing on a hill near the Moscow Ring Road, where the Volokolamsk highway enters Moscow, the church still stands there. I looked at Moscow, or rather at the desert that was left of it ... Everything around was burning, exploding, but there were almost no groans and screams, most died immediately.

Further, I saw how the remnants of people gathered, fought for a piece of bread, killed each other. I walked north farther and farther from the city, everything around was destroyed to the ground, then I saw fragments of the faces of people - who died, who survived, everything was so realistic that my wife and I moved to live in a remote village 400 km from Moscow 3 years ago.

Now I'm waiting. But unfortunately I don't know when that will happen. Never happened again. As the priest says in the church, “Sometimes it happens that the Lord lifts the veil of secrecy at his own discretion, but sometimes the demons play pranks and can cloud the mind.”

I was here 55.831199.37.402411 (coordinates) - I was driving in the direction of the center and saw that everything was collapsing instantly. I saw it as if out of the corner of my eye, stopped, jumped out of the car - at that moment the wave was at a distance of about 500-600 meters from me and went exactly along the horizon from the side of VDNKh. About a second later I was knocked off my feet. When I jumped up, it was all over...

Everything around was destroyed, there were no buildings left in the visibility zone as far as the eye could see. It was about 15 - 16 o'clock in the afternoon, according to the sensations of August - September. Almost everyone who was driving cars crashed and burned. The road disappeared - it feels like an asphalt ice drift has passed. There was either smoke or steam coming from everywhere. Somewhere something blazed. There is also a gas station a little further and to the left, for some reason it did not burn when I saw all this. I decided that I needed to get out of the city, I KNEW that my wife was where we live now (Yukhovo, Maksatikhinsky district of the Tver region) and I needed to get there.

Most importantly, thousands of people swam before my eyes and I saw how someone died or not, I saw how my friend’s legs were torn off and she lived for about five minutes, she was in pain, but she was strong ... I saw her eyes ... then by the way, I saw people at work for about a month is he alive or not, even as I explain something to a client, I try and suddenly I see that he was crushed under the rubble of a high-rise building and I stand, look at him and think, why am I crucifying here, because you are dead ... in general, horror!

In short, I went north home, walked for about a month, secretly, because along the way in the 50-kilometer zone of large cities I met flocks of distraught people who could really kill each other for a piece of bread found under the ruins. There are corpses all around, no food, no water, it is impossible to move by car, as the terrain has become impassable…”.

And finally, the messages of the seers.

Schemamonk John from the village of Nikolskoe: When will they take out"bald" from the Mausoleum, there will be a failure of Moscow into salty waters and little remains of Moscow. Sinners will swim around in salt water for a long time, but there will be no one to save them. They will all die. Petersburg will also be flooded.
Only those who leave the cities to live in the countryside will have a chance to survive.
It is not worth starting to build houses in the villages, there is no time left, you will not have time. It is better to buy a finished house. One day there will be a big famine. Then there will be no electricity, no water, no gas. Only those who will grow something themselves will have a chance to survive.
China will go to war against us and occupy all of Siberia to the Urals.
The Japanese will be in charge in the Far East. Russia will be torn apart.
A terrible war will begin.
And little Russia will return to the size of the times of Tsar Ivan the Terrible...

Ave Rome! Ave Terra!
Piers, Pangalactic Wars and their UFO projections on Earth
September 18, 2016

NASA experts expect the most powerful global flood in 60 years. Under the water will be London, Amsterdam, Tokyo and several metropolitan areas in America.

Scientists predict that by 2075 the melting of glaciers will cross the critical mark and the water level of the world's oceans will rise by two meters.

NASA specialists have created a program that takes into account several factors at once: long-term climate studies, the movement of the Earth and planets, data on the melting of glaciers, the water level of the World Ocean and other data.

All this was put into the supercomputer of the American space agency for calculations.

Modeling of the situation shows that part of humanity will perish, and the rest will face abrupt climate change, hunger and new diseases.

Further calculations showed that in 1000 years there will be practically no land left on Earth.

For now, let's think about insulation.

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Who today has not heard the legend of the biblical righteous Noah? Who has not heard, in a nutshell I will remind you. Saving Noah from the Flood for his righteous life, God told him to build a boat and take "each creature in pairs." By the end of the journey, Noah's Ark washed up on the mountains of Ararat.

How much, how much?

Modern America has always been famous for its extravagant projects. And now, in Kentucky, at the Museum of the Creation of the World, they have taken up the construction of a religious park, costing 120 million dollars.

For the park, they plan to build a copy of Noah's Ark, with an approximate cost of about $ 25 million. (Interestingly, how much did the righteous man himself need to build such a ship?). True, the Americans have collected so far, a little more than half of the required amount. (But when did that stop them?!).

In the ship itself, mechanical exhibits of biblical animals, which Noah managed to grab, will be “settled”. By the way, Noah himself launched a raven several times to find the long-awaited land. But the poor raven was unlucky, every time he returned with nothing. More fortunate was the dove who plucked a leaf from the Mount of Olives and carried it in its beak to the Ark.

The idea is not new

Earlier, the Japanese wanted to build arks, in the form of platforms that drifted in the Pacific Ocean. The Japanese believe in the coming next Flood and are preparing as best they can.

And the Americans, as always, well done! Toli decided to promote Christianity to the masses even deeper (although, much deeper!). Whether to promote on a biblical topic (now only the lazy do not promote it!). But I personally would be interested to visit such an Ark. Somehow. By the way, they plan to finish construction in 2016. We will see. If anything, we will know where to save ourselves!