» Vanga: "The balance will come when the aliens come into contact with people." Vanga about aliens wamphim and a possible collision with the earth of a celestial body When will the first contact with aliens be predicted

Vanga: "The balance will come when the aliens come into contact with people." Vanga about aliens wamphim and a possible collision with the earth of a celestial body When will the first contact with aliens be predicted

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Bulgarian Vanga is remembered by many as a great predictor of certain global world events, although people from all over the world went to her, as a rule, not to learn about the fate of the Motherland, but in order to solve their pressing problems. And Vangelina said that at that moment she saw near the people who came to her their dead relatives. It was they who helped her to solve the issues of concern to visitors. (website)

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It was the ability to communicate with the world of the dead that this blind seer became famous. She didn’t hide from anyone that she couldn’t read minds and do something supernatural, everything was shown to her or told by entities from the afterlife who came to her. Vanga explained that the dead behave almost the same as people, that is, they know how to laugh and cry, be sad and rejoice, they only know much more than we do, because, unlike those living on Earth, these subtle entities have direct contact with God (why earthlings are deprived of such contact, see the video below).

Many people spoke about Vanga's mysterious ability to communicate with the dead. For example, the writer V.M. Sidorov even recalls her interesting remark on this subject, when Vangelina complained to him that the spirits sometimes haunt her, wake her up, they say, get up, there is no time to sleep, it's time to work.

Vanga described the world of spirits in exactly the same way as they are interpreted, for example, in the well-known world teaching of Agni Yoga. The soothsayer was introduced to this doctrine by Lyudmila Zhivkova, the daughter of the then leader of Bulgaria, Todor Zhivkov. However, Vangelina said that she already knew everything about it.

Aliens are trying to help us

She also said that she constantly meets with aliens from the future and aliens. According to Vanga, representatives of other worlds have been visiting Earth for a long time, but communicate here only with rare spiritual personalities. The closest to people are aliens from the planet Vamphim, who are invisible to earthlings. They resemble tall people, only translucent, dressed in clothes that are somewhat similar to armor. They showed Vanga their world more than once, that is, as she herself said, they took her by the hand and led her to their land. Their world is very beautiful, it is even difficult to describe it in earthly words, however, in it the Bulgarian seer did not notice any buildings and houses inherent in our planet. The Bulgarian seer could not say anything more specific about the life of aliens and their plans for the Earth, she was not allowed to.

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However, she told the main thing that the representatives of the planet Vamphim are doing their best to help the earthlings. It is they who will be the first to come into contact with people, and it is then that balance will come in our world, and then general prosperity. It’s a pity that the aliens either didn’t tell Vanga about the timing of this contact, or forbade her to talk about it ...

Aliens in the Bible

By the way, there are places in the Bible that also explicitly talk about aliens and their aircraft, which we today call UFOs. For example, there is a mention in it of Ezekiel, who saw a "wheel", which took him and raised him to another "upper wheel" (Ezek 1, 16). All this resembles a picture when an alien gets into a flying saucer and goes to another one - the base one, which in this case could be an interplanetary ship.

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In the revelations of John the Theologian there is also a mention of a certain transitional state of being, after which an amazing city will appear in the sky (Rev. 21:2-27). This "city" may well be a large alien ship that the ancients have already observed and which "promised" to return at a certain time.

Aliens in our lives

In our life, the presence of UFOs in the sky, as well as within our solar system as a whole (outside of it, we simply cannot follow the aliens) is becoming something even familiar, especially for ufologists who look at pictures and videos every day, fixing aliens here and there.

For example, the famous online archaeologist Scott Waring recently discovered the shadow of an astronaut near the rover in the images of the Curiosity rover. Moreover, this shadow was reflected not in one, but in four pictures at once, which cannot be an accident or a defect in the photo. Moreover, as Waring writes in his commentary on the pictures posted on the Web, this is not the first time that an astronaut, either a manager or a repair rover, accidentally (or rather, his shadow) gets into the camera lens of the rover. This was already two years ago...

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It is possible that it was for this reason that the Curiosity rover turned out to be such a tenacious mechanism that survived all the terms allotted to it. It is simply inspected and repaired periodically. Just who does it is a mystery. It is possible that on Earth there are already secret technologies that allow you to quickly move in space, and people have been for a long time. Or maybe they are not people at all, but aliens, or even Martians themselves. In any case, two cases (or who is there?) Pierced, already speaks of some pattern and convinces us of the presence of humanoids on the Red Planet.

About Sharon

In 2006, 108-year-old Rabbi Itzak Kaduri, before his death, declared that he knew who the real Messiah (Savior) was, that the Messiah himself appeared to him and spoke to him. Kaduri wrote down his name in his suicide note, but ordered that this note be read only a year after his death.

When Kaduri's tape was made public, most Jews could not believe their ears: Kaduri called Jesus the Messiah. Kaduri also said that the Messiah would come shortly after Israeli Prime Minister A. Sharon dies. Sharon died the other day. What can we expect for the Second Coming of Jesus now? We know that Jesus will come 7 years after the peace treaty in Israel, after 1260 days of the global rule of the Antichrist, after the mark of the beast and the greatest persecution of the church. Then maybe the rabbi made it all up?

No. They don't lie before death. What then? It's all about what kind of Jesus the rabbi was talking to. The rabbi said that the messiah told him that he would meet many people, would learn a lot, and not necessarily that the Jews would be the first people he met. However, we know that Jesus will come with judgment, not teachings; His coming will be seen even by the blind who immediately see their sight; It will be seen by everyone in the sky, and not on TV, and not with the help of holography and smoke in the night. Someone has appeared to the Rabbi who is preparing a fanfare entry into the world stage of the Antichrist. Now we know that his arrival is planned in the near future. After all, A. Sharon ended up in the hospital a few days before Kaduri's death, and all these years he was in a coma. It cost nothing for the forces of antichrist to arrange the death of a half-dead man at any time.

About the moon.

The Bible says that the luminaries were created by the Most High not only for illumination, but also for signs. Pastor Mark Biltz once asked if the prophecies speak of a blood moon, if it is possible to find out from astronomical sources when it will be. On the NASA website, he learned that in 2014-2015. There will be 4 blood moons at once. This extremely rare phenomenon is called a tetrad. In the 15th century, it was observed once, in the 16th century the same thing happened once, and in the 17th, 18th, and 19th centuries it was not observed at all. But on the other hand, in the 20th century it appeared 2 times: once in 1949-50. - almost immediately after the formation of the State of Israel in 1948; and in 1967-68. - after Israel's conquest of East Jerusalem with its Temple Mount in 1967. He realized that the sign of the tetrads was given to Israel. When he converted the dates of the tetrads from the regular calendar to the religious calendar, he discovered that the tetrad falls on two Jewish holidays: Passover and the Feast of Tabernacles.

As you remember, according to the 900-year prophecy of the Irish saint Malachi, the current (112th from Malachi) Pope Francis is the last pope under which the last days of judgment will begin, Rome will cease to be a religious center, and shortly after that Jesus will come. Pope Francis is trying to unite atheists and believers in the name of peace throughout the planet (http://112.ua/obshchestvo/papa-rimskiy-francisk-na...mira-na-vsey-planete-5434.html). In doing so, he is acting contrary to the teachings of the apostles, according to which, being in friendship with unbelievers, believers are tempted by the sins of the world and lose their faith.

Tom Horn and Chris Putnam, authors of the acclaimed books "Petrus Romanum" and "ExoVaticana", managed to penetrate some of the mysteries that confirm that the Vatican has not only departed from the faith, but also promotes apostasy from it. This is also a sign of the end times.

Digging through the Vatican archives, Chris found documents there that indicate that the Vatican has long been studying aliens. One of the Vatican doctrines, called the "principle of diversity", states that beings from other planets were created by God. Moreover, Jesus Himself was the offspring of extraterrestrials. Mary was allegedly abducted by them, and this is how her immaculate conception happened.

In Arizona, on Mount Graham, the Vatican has its own space observatory. Horn managed to visit her. There, with the help of the most powerful telescope in the world, Izuite scientists are trying to establish contacts with aliens, whose existence is no longer in doubt. The chief astronomer of the Vatican, Guy Consolmagno, said: "Very soon, peoples will look to aliens as their saviors." It is interesting that the most powerful infrared lamp of the telescope and the Vatican project for making contacts are called "Lucifer". Vatican spokesman Corrado Balducci said that "aliens are present on earth now." The upper echelons of the Catholic Church are also aware of a pact between aliens and governments to interbreed humans with other life forms.

Do you remember what Jesus said about the time before His coming? He said it would be the same as it was before the Flood (Mt. 24:37). Before the Flood, the fallen angels performed genetic experiments on humans and animals, creating hybrids (of which the mythology of all countries of the world speaks). Today they are doing the same. Hybrid blood is even sprayed from airplanes -. This is also the prophecy of Daniel about the image, which is a symbol of all the reigns until the Second Coming of Jesus. The feet and toes of the image were made of iron and clay (Dan. 2:41), which, as the angel explained, means that "they will be mixed through the seed of man, but will not merge one with another" (:43). It is hybridization - mixing through the human seed - at the heart of the teachings of all secret organizations. But all their attempts will be in vain: "they will not merge"!

Prophecies are being fulfilled before our eyes. The signs in heaven will confirm them. According to calculations, the trumpets of "Revelation" will begin to sound very soon, warning of cataclysms coming to earth (see). Soon “saviors from other planets” will come to, as before the Flood, once again try to subjugate all of humanity. They will be welcomed with open arms by the Catholic and churches of other denominations and faiths, as well as atheists, new pagans, new eras, Satanists, etc. After all, “aliens” will bring new unprecedented technologies, will cure incurable diseases. Although the euphoria of well-being will be short-lived, it will be loud enough to convince the naive to abandon the old teachings of Christianity and embrace the new, sparkling with all the colors of the rainbow, smelling good, supported by all movie pop stars, bewitching with the latest achievements of science and plans to overcome old age and death system of Antichrist (http://www...

Believers who do not betray Jesus of Nazareth will become outcasts, dirt on the face of the Earth - the goddess Gaia. The chipped "new" people will squeal with delight as believers are beaten and beheaded in city squares, highways, railway stations and other places. After all, the fewer believers remain, the faster the “new” people will enter the “Galactic Commonwealth” promised to them and will be able to travel to other galaxies. As you can see, a fairy tale for the naive has already been composed. When they realize that they have been deceived by their "brothers in mind from other planets, teachers", then it will be too late. They will yet see many of those whom they kill ascend to heaven. But their repentance will not be accepted. Together with their teachers, they will be thrown into the lake of fire.

The Vanga phenomenon can be treated differently, but as soon as another cataclysm occurs in the world, people, for lack of other support and guidelines in the surrounding chaos, again and again turn to her prophecies. How she herself withstood the terrible burden of her own insights and from where she received her knowledge is completely incomprehensible. Although far from all the mysteries associated with the name of Vanga are known, not to mention the fact that it is unlikely that they will be able to solve them all. But it is still possible to shed light on some things. So, it turns out that the worldview of the world-famous clairvoyant largely coincides with the ancient teachings of Indian yogis.

In addition to the obvious parallels with agni yoga, which Vanga called the fiery Bible, from this book you can find out why it is Russia that will help the world survive in the apocalypse, walking along the very edge, and how this will all happen. As Vanga explained that fate cannot be changed. How to communicate with an alien mind. Will there be a third world war and how to maintain health (if we do not think about health, how will we survive until the end of the world?).

Well, Vanga was introduced to agni yoga by a Bulgarian follower of this teaching, Vanga's old friend Lyudmila Zhivkova (daughter of the leader of the Bulgarian Communist Party Todor Zhivkov). But Vanga assured that she already knew all this. Moreover, she also met with aliens from the future ...

Vanga became famous not only for her predictions, but also for her mysterious ability to communicate with the dead. Many thought that the Bulgarian clairvoyant instantly learns almost everything about strangers just because she can read their minds. But Vanga herself said that she couldn’t read thoughts. All information about visitors is transmitted to her, on the one hand, by a mysterious voice that sounds in her mind or words written by someone in front of her mind's eye, and on the other hand, by the deceased relatives of those who come to her. According to the blind clairvoyant, as soon as a person appears before her, the spirits of his deceased relatives and friends immediately appear next to him.

The ability of the Bulgarian clairvoyant to communicate with the dead, perhaps most of all, struck the imagination of people who came to her for advice and help.

Writer V.M. Sidorov recalled:

“Contacts with the invisible world were an unshakable reality for Vanga. She did not make a secret out of them, and how could she do this, when all her information - sometimes little known, or even completely unknown - she, by her own admission, received from there.


Sometimes I sleep only one hour a day. Spirits do not give rest. They slow down, they wake up. They say, "Get up. It's time to work."

Vanga has long been a strict vegetarian. But it happens that for days on end she does not feel the need for food at all. It is limited to one water, unboiled, icy - it does not like the other. And here's what's amazing: it does not feel the slightest fatigue. Experiencing a burst of energy. Who knows if this is not the result of communication with the invisible world, which, under certain conditions, can provide invisible energy replenishment.

According to Vanga's description, the perfume is transparent and colorless ("like water in a glass"). But at the same time, they glow (“like heat in an oven”). They behave like people. They are sitting. They go. They laugh. They cry. Lately they've been saying the same thing: “Don't be afraid. The world is no longer going to ruin. (V.M. Sidorov. Lyudmila and Vangelia.)

The description of perfumes by Vanga is interesting: “transparent and colorless like water in a glass”, but at the same time they have a certain luminosity. This is how the matter of the astral world is described in Agni Yoga and other esoteric teachings. It is transparent and plastic, like air or water, and on the higher planes of being it has luminosity. By the way, the name "astral" (that is, "starry", luminous) was given to this type of matter by the great physician and philosopher of the Middle Ages Paracelsus. Consequently, at the moments of his transphysical communication, Vanga sees the dead in their astral bodies.

Mediator between the worlds

Vanga said that the dead come to her in the form of transparent, light-emitting shadows. At this moment, as if on a film, the events of the past, present and future flash before her.

“The dead come, sit down, do what they want. As soon as someone comes, pictures begin to appear to me that move from right to left. I see like living pictures - places, people, events, disasters. Sometimes there are so many of them, and the images move so fast that I can't tell everything I see, but I can't stop them moving either. Therefore, I ask the visitor what exactly he is interested in - health problems, a missing thing, work, children? … I say what I see and hear. First of all, the spirits tell me the name of the visitor…”, said the clairvoyant.

Vanga argued that the dead can be just as emotional as living people. Sometimes they desperately seek to warn their loved ones left on earth of the misfortunes that threaten them. The clairvoyant, by her own admission, sometimes had a hard time contacting spirits:

“Sometimes the dead scream so loud it makes my head hurt. Especially if they scream about bad things - about illnesses, deaths, disasters. I know that you can’t talk about it, but they seem to be pushing me: say yes, say it! Then I turn away a little and quietly so that the person does not hear, I say this so that it comes out of me. Otherwise, I will die or go crazy ... ".

Vanga claimed that people from other planes have been visiting Earth for a long time, but they are invisible to earthlings ... Their planet is called Vamphim, it is the third one from Earth.

Here is what the Bulgarian sibyl told about her contacts with the Higher Mind:

“Aliens from the planet Vamphim will be the first to make contact with earthlings. She is the third in a row from Earth.

Creatures from the planet Vamphim are transparent in appearance. They are dressed in what looks like armor that glistens like fish scales. There are also women among them. Their hair is like seaweed. They are soft as fluff and surround their heads with a halo.

Sometimes one of the aliens takes me by the hand and leads me to their land. When I go there, I walk on a land strewn with stars, as if I'm trampling them. The ones that lead me there move very fast. Everything on their land is amazingly beautiful, there are no words to describe the beauty of their nature ... But I have not seen houses anywhere.

“Aliens often visit me ... They are both similar to us and different. They are stronger, like our athletes, but they are covered with feathers, like chickens - they have such clothes, and on their feet something like “flip flops”. On their heads they have hats that look like beach hats, and under their arms they have thick books, like scientists. They have wands in their hands. They say they want to help us, that they are all healers and can cure many diseases.”

“Aliens are very careful. There, on their planet, there is a clear organization and hard work. These beings claim that I am their most direct connection to the Earth. They communicate only with a few of all the inhabitants of our planet. They are constantly watching us. I am not allowed to talk about what I see and hear on their planet. They say that the time has not yet come for people to know about everything that they tell me.

Vanga predicted that the entry of earthlings into contact with aliens would lead to the establishment of balance in the world:

"The balance will come when the aliens come into contact with people."

But as for the very distant future (in particular, the year 7000), here Vanga's predictions about the end of the world or a global catastrophe are not so optimistic. And in the Evangeline Chronograph, in connection with these, it says this:
"As a result of the collision of the Earth with a large comet (celestial body), great disasters, natural disasters, earthquakes, environmental disasters, and a sharp climate change will occur.
The following picture, which the clairvoyant Vanga saw, belongs to this period of time: “So I sometimes see such a picture: blackened and charred earth, and a handful of people similar to shadows are moving along it..” (for more details see: vol. 1, pp. 41 - 42, 51).
However, I will clarify: Vanga did not report anything about the scale of natural disasters on Earth as a result of a cosmic cataclysm at the end of the world year (7000).
And this is all about the collision of the Earth with a large celestial body in the very distant future. And here it is necessary to emphasize and place all the accents: the calculations of Kirill Butusov, an astrophysicist of the Academy of Civil Aviation from St. Petersburg, a member of the International Association of Planetary Scientists, that very soon - in 2012! - The Earth will collide with a large body ("Arguments and Facts", No. 34, August 19 - 25, 2009) - completely and completely erroneous !! Until the last dot and comma!!
And even more so, astrophysicist Kirill Butusov initially incorrectly proceeds from the premise that the Earth in 2012 will collide with a "wandering planet" that "moves away from the Sun by tens of billions of kilometers and, returning every 3600 years, finds itself between Mars and Jupiter."
And although the astrophysicist Butusov operates with seemingly objective data ("the wandering planet Nibiru", "astronomers of Ancient Babylon", "billions of kilometers", "revolution period of 3600 years", etc.) - this is not entirely true! More precisely: not at all! And from the category of children's horror stories, here is Butusov's statement: "In 2012, even if the Earth avoids a head-on collision, the attraction of a giant flying several million kilometers away may be so strong that the Earth's rim will be torn off like dandelion fluffs."
And in fact, the wandering planet is not the ancient Babylonian Nibiru at all, but the well-known clairvoyant Vanga Vamfim! And carries planet Vamphim our Earth is not at all universal destruction, but universal absolute knowledge.
Yes, the clairvoyant Vanga spoke many times about this wandering planet. And named her Vamfim. And she called it in this context: not in connection with a global catastrophe threatening the Earth, but in speeches about short but vivid meetings with aliens.
"... They say they're coming from planet Vamphim- the third from the Earth, in any case, so hear me. For what purpose they arrive - I do not know. Sometimes one of them takes me by the hand and leads me to his planet Vamfim. I follow him. I walk on the earth (but this is not the earth!), dotted with stars. As if mother-in-law.
Those who lead me move very quickly, in leaps and bounds. On their planet Vamfim everything is so beautiful, I just can't describe it. For some reason I don't see houses anywhere. These creatures are very strict. When they speak, their voices are carried like an echo ... "(Said by Vanga in 1988, vol. 2, p. 178).
So, Vanga and aliens. In order not to be repeated, I refer readers to the Great Encyclopedia of Clairvoyant Vanga, where there are almost entire volumes and sections about "aliens", "higher powers", "elders in dazzlingly brilliant clothes", "heavenly messengers", "extraterrestrial beings" and " residents of Vamfim"(See: vol. I, pp. 41, 141 - 146, vol. 2, pp. 162-184, vol. 5, pp. 9-142, etc.).
And here it is very important - both for the philosophical, and for the astronomical, and for the astrophysical understanding of universal problems, to comprehend the following intersection of coordinates: aliens and specific dates.
There is such a feature: "Vanga very sparingly and cautiously predicted events on a global scale" (vol. 5, p. 146). And even more so, when it was about meetings with extraterrestrial beings and the universal chronograph, she did not seem to name specific dates. And all the same, these dates are calculated and calculated on the basis of the calculations of Vanga's predictions and their comparison with the facts of cultural studies and astrology. Let sometimes and op-eredstvenno. Let me explain with specific examples.
Let's say, in "Evangeline's chronograph" it says: "2179. People of the Earth will establish contacts with brothers in mind from other worlds..." (vol. 1, p. 41). However, like this directly: "... in 2179 ..." - Vanga naturally did not speak. Then where did this very "year 2179" transform from?
And the logic and calculations here were as follows. Here is an entry made in May 1979 strictly from the words of the clairvoyant Vanga herself: "In 200 years, a person will establish contact with brothers in mind from other worlds ... (vol. I, p. 154). And it is from here that the desired date of the future contact of earthlings is formed with aliens Vamfim: 2179 is 1979 plus 200 years.
This example is very simple: purely arithmetic. But more often one has to resort to "star algebra": to combine arithmetic with astronomy.
And again, the "Evangeline Chronograph" contains the universal-terrestrial date: "1612 BC. The next visit to the Earth by representatives of an extraterrestrial civilization from a hypothetical planet of the solar system ..." (vol. I, p. 20). And this is how this date was calculated based on the words of the clairvoyant Vanga and the analysis of the publications of the Bulgarian press.
You can't see, but there are a lot of strange aircraft in the sky right now. I see three "persons" inside each (of course, the word "person" is in quotation marks). I hear the words: " A big event is coming up!" What the the event is prepared by aliens they don’t explain to me ... "(Said by Vanga in 1988, vol. 2, p. 177).
"I have been seeing them for about a year. They are transparent. They look like a reflection of a person in the water. Their hair is soft, like duck down, and forms something like a halo around the head. Behind my back I see something like wings ... They work a lot , clearly and in an organized way, they say that for seven millennia there were few people through whom they made direct connections with the Earth ... "(Said by Vanga in 1988, vol. 2, p. 178).
"One of them said to me: "Stand up and listen, and we will tell you something about the future. Do not be afraid of anything, because there is a watchman in front of your door. That's it: the world is waiting for many changes, it will be reborn and destroyed again. The balance will come when we start talking to people!.." (Said by Vanga in 1988, vol. 2, p. 176).
All these sayings of the clairvoyant Vanga about representatives planet Vamphim were strictly documented by correspondents of the Soviet-Bulgarian magazine "Druzhba" directly in Petrich and Rupita in the same 1988.
Further, an accurate and punctual analysis of the press, calculations, calculations, comparisons - and a lot is clarified.
But in short... The Bulgarian youth newspaper "Narodna Mladez" (August 2, 1988) publishes an article about a woman from Plovdiv who has the ability to "hear her own hands" and who was visited by "extraterrestrial beings". And at the same time they hypnotized her and did something with her brain.
Almost next. The authoritative Bulgarian newspaper Rabotnichesko Delo (September 23, 1988) under the heading "Where is planet X?" publishes an article by his Moscow correspondent. You can read this publication in detail ("Vanga's Great Encyclopedia" (vol. 2, pp. 181-182). And here, for astronomical calculations, we are only interested in the fact that, according to the famous Turkmen scientist Odek Odekov: "... approximately once every 3,600 years, our Earth is favorably positioned in relation to planet X. That unknown tenth planet in the solar system, which rotates on a very elongated oblique
orbit, moving away from the Sun and the Earth for tens of billions of kilometers. And it is from this planet that "extraterrestrial beings" arrive on Earth every 3600 years.
And when we read publications from these Bulgarian newspapers to Vanga, the clairvoyant said ... In the first case: "Why be surprised? Yes, they (aliens. - A.B.) are already walking among us." And in the second: "Everything is so ... They planet Vamphim... And they took me there by the hand ... ".
And from here the desired universal-terrestrial date is transformed: the visit of the Earth by aliens - 1612 BC: this is 1988 minus 3600 years.
And there is another objective way of dating the fulfillment and implementation of Vanga's predictions. The method is no longer purely arithmetic, but rather associative. Figuratively speaking: star trigonometry.
For example, in the "Evangeline Chronograph" (vol. I, pp. 19-20) there is information that, according to Vanga, "... intelligent life is of unearthly origin and brought to Earth from outside, from space - just in
But when? And how can the concept of "great year" be brought under the framework of a specific universal and earthly time? It was clear: by "great year" Wang means "world year". However, it is not at all the "world year" that, according to the interpretation of ancient Greek, ancient and medieval astrology, is linked with the end of the world. With that universal-terrestrial period, after which, after the global flood and the global fire, all earthly events begin to repeat themselves.
The framework of the "great year" - it was very important to calculate and here's another reason. It was the date of the beginning of the current "world year" that Vanga, as it were, matched with the beginning of the current civilization, which had both periods of prosperity and periods of decline.
From ancient philosophical treatises, we naturally knew: the duration of the astrological world year: Heraclitus - 18000 years, according to Orpheus - 120000 years, Antiochus - 1753005 years, Berossus - 2160000 years, Cassander - 3600000 years, Diogenes Stoic - 6480000 years years. And we used this knowledge in a conversation with Vanga.
And after patiently listening to all our long and abstruse calculations, Vanga, as always, briefly, weightily and categorically said in Bulgarian: "... Kassandra, the truth is close ... 0 great day of the year is correct to say ...". And although everything here is clear and without translation, I will duplicate it in translation into Russian: "... Kassandra is closer to the truth ... He spoke correctly in the great world year ...".
And that's it! Keywords!! And the desired date: 3593000 BC - the beginning of the world year and the universal milestone of the unearthly origin of intelligent life on Earth. And 3593000 BC is 3600000 years of the duration of the world year according to Cassander (philosopher and king of Macedonia) minus the 7000th year, i.e. the end of the great year.