» Why smart people are poor and how they differ from the rich. Why some are rich and others are poor: scientists have figured out how people become successful

Why smart people are poor and how they differ from the rich. Why some are rich and others are poor: scientists have figured out how people become successful

Do you know why some are poor and others are rich? Why do some work hard to feed themselves, while others bathe in money? Why does money come and multiply to some, and if they come to others, then they also quickly leave? You will find answers to all these questions in this article.

1. Feeling sorry for yourself.

Poverty-minded people feel sorry for themselves and believe that being rich is not destined for them. Someone feels sorry for being born a woman (because men have more opportunities), someone feels sorry for themselves for a full figure (because slender people get better jobs), someone mourns their height, nationality, skin color , the religion of their ancestors, some people feel sorry for themselves for not getting married yet, others cry because of a ring on their ring finger or because of a divorce stamp, young people see the source of problems in inexperience, the elderly - in their age. What do you think, if a person feels sorry for himself because of some unimportant fact and focuses on it all day long, what will the people around him do? Feeling sorry for yourself is a great way to find a multi-ton anchor that will stop you on the path of personal development and ensure eternal poverty. Feeling sorry for yourself is the most best method looking for a low-paying job and finding a miserable existence.

2. Greed.

Constant search for a price tag with the inscription "Discount" and a store with a banner "Sale", unwillingness to pay for a good education your children (because no one helped you), the desire to make employees of your own company work as much as possible for as little money as possible - these are sure signs that you already have the second habit of poor people. The desire for total savings is not a sign of wisdom, but an indicator that you are experiencing an imbalance of income and expenses and are approaching its resolution from the wrong side. A person programmed for wealth is ready to pay their real value for things and generously reward the work of his assistants - and expects the same from others.

3. Doing things you hate.

Katya hates washing dishes, but no one wants to help her. Ivan hates walking the dog, but is too lazy to build an aviary for her. Sergei Petrovich is infuriated by the need to draw up a quarterly report, but none of his deputies are able to do this. Lisa despises the work of an auditor, but this is the only way she can pay for the loan she took out to buy a car last summer. All these people are ready for failure and poverty - the reason for this is the feeling that they have to do unpleasant things. The key to being saved from the poor man's third habit is to do not what is necessary, but what is most satisfying. Only in this area you will achieve excellent results!

4. Measure success with money.

The poor man is sure that only the possession of a certain amount of money can bring him joy. Only a certain amount in the bank account can give him the opportunity to feel happiness through designer clothes, a beautiful mansion, travel, independence from a husband or parents, or leaving work. But practice shows that happiness never comes. A successful person measures happiness in units that are more significant than dollars, rubles or yuan. In what exactly - everyone decides for himself.

5. Spending more money than you can afford.

Credit cards and smiling bank employees will gladly help you get into debt. After all, a person who does not want to become successful does not want to understand the difference between a useful loan taken for development own business, and a disastrous loan to buy a luxury foreign car or a huge mansion.

6. Choice of instant benefits.

The desire to get immediately and to the maximum is the eternal property of poor people. They are not able to understand that, getting a position with an average salary in a solid company, you can have much more in a few years than if you pay attention only to how much you will receive in a month. Ready for failure students say that the institute only takes away their time, which could be spent on "making profits."

7. Whine.

Is life hard? Just terrible? Discrimination, corruption, rudeness, crime are all around - you, a normal person, have no road to success? Every would-be loser will agree with all of this. The vaccine for this habit is creativity. Find unique opportunities to fight against the vices of the external environment, come out victorious from a situation that is initially unfavorable for you!

8. Comparing yourself to others.

Petya thinks that he is better than his classmates, because he was the only one who graduated from the eighth grade with excellent marks. Vasya is sure that he is worse than all his friends, because he is the only one who does not work during the summer holidays. Roma despises his brother, because he does not yet have a Lexus, which Roman bought yesterday. And Lena wants to strangle her girlfriend because she has more fans. All of these people have a well-developed eighth habit of the loser - the desire to compare themselves with others. Think about whether you need this habit or is it better not to let the outside world take control of the inside?

9. Measuring wealth with money.

The truly rich not only broke the connection between happiness and money (by getting rid of the fourth habit of the poor), but also crossed out the equal sign between the size of the account and the concept of wealth. Real wealth is the ability to attract money, create it from scratch, organize new types of business - and then you are not afraid of any tax with a gene. prosecutors, no robberies or stolen credit card numbers. For real successful person does not depend on the volume of your own bag of gold.

10. Isolate yourself from your own family.

Magnificent losers come from those who distance themselves from their own family, explaining this by the unwillingness of its members to support them in difficult times, lend money, understand, share beliefs, and the like. They don't understand that the family is a great source of inner support to turn to when there is nothing left in all other areas of life. Only the love of loved ones can help you rise from your knees when there is no hope left - and then true greatness is achieved.

Often people with almost the same abilities have only one difference: some are rich, while others are poor. Why is this happening? Why are you poor if you are so smart? Scientists have found the answer to this question. In order to become rich, talent and energy are not enough, experts have found the main ingredient of success.

Rich and poor

All the wealth in the world is distributed according to the scheme "80 to 20": that is, 80 percent of the wealth belongs to only 20 percent of the living people. It turns out that the fortune of eight people in total is equal to the income of 3,800,000,000 of the poorest inhabitants of the planet, reports Rusbase.

There is an opinion that the more talented and active a person is, the richer and more successful he is. Allegedly financial literacy and the right investments will help you become millionaires. The problem is that skills and talents are evenly distributed among all people. For example, the average IQ is 100, but no one has an IQ of 1,000 or 10,000. Some people work more than others, but no one works thousands of times more hours than others. The only difference is that with approximately equal IQ and time spent at work, some get 10 thousand rubles, while others get millions.

How do people become successful?

To answer this question, scientists have created a computer model of human talent and how people use their skills. Everything turned out to be very simple: the richest are not the most talented. They are the luckiest.

In their computer model, scientists have created thousands of people with different levels of intelligence and income. The program was supposed to demonstrate whether the smartest will become the richest in forty years. As it turned out, this did not happen with any of the most "promising" characters, even after thousands of cycles of the model.

The researchers concluded that maximum success never coincides with maximum talent, and vice versa. You are not poor because you are stupid or untalented. You're just out of luck.

Have you been wondering - Why do some people have a lot of money?» Everything they touch literally turns into hard cash. And others, they fight like a fish on ice. They work all their lives, but they remain in the same place. What's the secret? In information? So it is available to everyone, everyone reads the same books, everyone is given the same advice.

So how are the rich different from the poor?

1. The main brake in our head. Remember what they say about the rich (and about wealth) to you from early childhood. All the rich plunder the country, exploit the poor people, profit from us mere mortals. In general, being rich is bad! And how many proverbs and sayings on this topic:

  • Did not live richly, and there is nothing to start
  • So, the poor man said…..
  • The rich man eats sweetly, but sleeps badly. Without money, sleep is stronger.
  • Wealth dies, but poverty lives on.
  • Let your soul go to hell - you will be rich.
  • The rich man cannot sleep: the rich thief is afraid

That is, from the very birth you are given the installation that being rich is bad. In fact, the opposite is true. It is the rich and wealthy people who are the most educated. 95% of all donations to charity come from rich people. They create jobs, open new enterprises, develop the country's economy and, as a result, increase general level life in the country.

2. The circle of our communication.

If you want to break out of your financial position higher, start associating with more successful and wealthy people. They energize and motivate you to be better and more successful.

Do this experiment. Make a list of 10-15 people with whom you constantly communicate (relatives, friends, co-workers). Next to each name, write how much you think this person earns. Add up all the amounts received and divide by total person on the list.

With a probability of 99%, you got an amount approximately equal to your personal income.

Your social circle sets a limit for you to receive a higher income. Break it, start hanging out with more successful people, and soon you will see your income start to increase. Of course, this will not happen in a day or a month, but the first step towards wealth will be taken.

3. The poor think and dream, the rich act. Take a look around. Look at your successful friends and acquaintances. Perhaps you played football together in the yard as a child, your parents worked at the same factory. Only they are now wealthy people, and you still work and live on one salary, which is still constantly not enough. Why is that? It's just that someone acted, tried, and someone lay on the couch and dreamed of wealth!


Popular American business coach Steve Sebold, who specializes in coaching for sales professionals, has published a book on the psychological differences in the behavior of people of different income levels. More precisely, many years of experience in observing society allowed the trainer to find out how the thinking of a rich person differs from the way of thinking of an individual living "from paycheck to paycheck."

"The average person is zombified by the thesis that rich people are either lucky or dishonest characters (which is why enrichment is considered something shameful in the lower strata of the population). Wealthy people know that wealth - although it does not guarantee happiness - does life is much easier and more enjoyable," Business Insider quotes from Siebold's book, How the Rich Think.

One of the most remarkable differences in the thinking of the rich and the poor is as follows: "The poor believe that self-confidence is a disadvantage. The rich believe that it is an advantage".

"The rich are distinguished by the fact that they always strive to make themselves personally happy, do not suffer from false modesty and do not pretend that they want to save the world ... Well, really, if you do not save yourself first, how can you help others?" - comments the author of the book.

"The poor are fixated on the past. The rich think about the future". “Millionaires who built their fortune from scratch achieved success because they looked ahead and thought about how to make their dreams come true. Those who are sure that the best in life is in the past are extremely rarely able to achieve something, as they often suffer from depression," says Steve Siebold.

"Poor people earn a living working at jobs they don't like. Rich people earn a lot because they do a lot of what they love."

“It may seem to the average person that wealthy people are forced to plow around the clock in order to maintain the source of their wealth. In fact, the rich, as a rule, do what they love, having found a way to make money on it. But, for example, the middle class is looking for a job, in order to hate it later - from childhood a person is taught that work and earning money must necessarily be accompanied by great emotional and physical efforts, "the writer notes.

Another interesting difference in the way of thinking of the rich and the poor is, according to Steve Sebold, that the chronic "poor, fearing disappointment, set the bar lower for everything. What sets the potential rich man apart is that he always aims for more" .

“Psychologists often advise their clients not to have excessively high hopes and not to demand the impossible, so as not to be disappointed later. But you will never achieve something, including wealth, if you have not dreamed about it,” notes Steve Siebold.

"To get rich, you need to do something special, the poor think. The rich think differently: to get rich, you need to be someone special." “As long as the gray masses are concentrated on the same work and its momentary result, individual individuals analyze their experience and learn to benefit even from mistakes. No wonder everyone likes the story of Donald Trump so much: he lost all his millions, got into a debt hole, but got out of it even richer than before," the author of the book comments.

"The poor teach their children how to survive. The rich teach their children how to be rich". "Children from wealthy families from an early age are taught that there are two types of people - rich and poor," - says Steve Siebold. He admits that he has heard a lot of criticism on this point. For example, accusations of "elitism". But the author of the book stands his ground: “Such children learn to look at society objectively, to see it for what it is. If a child realizes early what wealth is, he is more likely to strive for it in the future.

"Poor people tend to save money. Rich people tend to earn it.". The average person, according to Steve Sebold, constantly saves money in reserve, denies himself a lot to meet the family budget, so that he never has the money or the physical ability to do anything more. But a person who is able to achieve success is distinguished by the fact that he, the author of the book believes, is always aimed at new achievements and new money.

In total, Steve Sebold identified 21 differences in the way of thinking of the rich and the poor. If the author's theses are rephrased, focusing on the specifics of the thinking of the rich, then it will turn out to be practically a "collection of tips" for those who do not lose hope of becoming rich one day. The most interesting of the above not mentioned characteristics of rich people are as follows:

"The rich do not get hung up on getting education and diplomas. They prefer to focus on obtaining the special knowledge and skills they need", and "The rich tend to spend their free time on increasing this knowledge, and not on empty entertainment", "Money does not cause rich in emotions, they are perceived as a tool to achieve a goal.

Poverty negatively affects the human psyche and its ability to plan and make the right decisions.

1. Scarcity of money, time, food, and other means causes poor people's minds to focus on a narrow range of problems, preventing a larger "look" at life's prospects.
2. Poor people get used to thinking only about the momentary and do not plan expenses, do not build their life strategy.

3. Borrowing money to buy an expensive phone or a branded bag is a sign of a poor person. A rich (or potentially rich) person only takes out a loan to grow their business or invest in education.

4. The poor are afraid to give their all to achieve their goals. They think that once you open your own business, there will be no personal time left at all.
5. Aimed at poverty, people constantly feel sorry for themselves: that they got married or did not get married, that they were born a woman because men are paid more, that they are not slim enough to work in a prestigious position, etc. They believe that if something more had been given to them from birth, then their life would have turned out differently.

6. The inability to make plans, to think about what else you can get besides money, does not contribute to enrichment. A poor person tries to get a job where they pay more, and a potentially rich person tries to get a job where they can learn something and where there are prospects for the future.
7. Greed. This tendency must be overcome first. Only at first glance it is useful for increasing wealth. In fact, total savings on trifles is not a sign of thrift, but of stupidity. Buying cheap and low-quality goods, a person loses more than he gains. No wonder they say that a miser pays twice. When hiring staff, the greedy person pays little, and as a result, all the valuable employees who can lead the company to prosperity leave.

A team of psychologists led by Anuj Shah of the University of Chicago conducted an experiment in which volunteers around the age of 25, divided into two groups - "poor" and "rich" - were asked to play three games.
They were given a certain number of attempts to correctly guess the answer, and they could also take an additional attempt if they were not enough. During the games, the “poor” spent a lot of time before each time they made their choice. They also expended more attempts on tasks, taking them on credit. The rich showed good game, they practically did not take attempts for the correct answer. The “poor” simply “driven” themselves into the position of losers when they actively “borrowed” all new attempts to guess the right answer.

According to scientists, this test showed that the lack of funds creates a tendency to borrow the necessary resource without thinking through the costs and benefits of a life strategy. In their opinion, it is this “effect” that is behind the popularity of short-term, high-interest loans among the poor.
The results of the study found that, for example, very poor people often refuse to treat their illnesses, paying more attention to the price of medical services and not thinking about their health, which, in fact, is a higher priority in life.